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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Shokuhou Misaki

The sudden feeling of someone grabbing her shirt and dragging her backwards was enough to make the young blonde to panic a little, flailing around for a moment as she lost the ability to actually continue down the street. Instinctively, she attempted to scream, but that amounted to nothing as she was dragged backwards out of view of any possible passersby. It took a moment after that for her to immediately pull out a remote and point it at her own head and hitting a button, forcing her mentality to return to a more neutral state. That didn't change the fact that someone had kidnapped her, though—that went double for the fact that it was some creepy old man who, for some reason, reminded her of Kihara Gensei. Well, probably minus the whole 'obsession with level 6' issue, but there weren't many old bald men wandering around Academy City that weren't weird researchers, after all.

With her mind now calm enough to think rationally, Misaki turned the remote on whoever had assaulted her out of nowhere and attempted to click a button to try and force their mind into submission.

She tried again.
Nothing. No response. Mental Out wasn't getting through.

"Oh no. Ooooooh no. This is actually completely terrifying," she thought to herself, the color rapidly draining from her face as she fished in her bag for something more mundane. There had to be a can of—.

"Yes!" she cheered as she pulled out what she was looking for—a small can of pepper spray for just such an occasion. Normally, there was no need for her to worry about thugs if she knew where to stay, but sometimes, things could become unfortunately messy. Like now.

Trading in her remote for the pepper spray, Misaki quickly pointed the canister behind her head and sprayed, hoping that whatever creep had just tried to kidnap her would let her go. Otherwise, well...
Honestly, she would rather not contemplate something like that. Probably fot the best.

Leonardo Watch

"G-goddess? You can't be serious, right?" Leo asked, a nervous laugh barely escaping his lips as the childlike figure seemed to flit around like some sort of child idol. The disjoint between what power she was giving off compared to how she was acting was almost like night and day, but that wasn't any reason to freak out right now. So long as there were people around and the self-proclaimed 'goddess' didn't suddenly decide to level an entire city block on a whim, he (and everyone else here) was probably safe.

That was, of course, when the girl decided to take note of his eyes. He had realized the inherent risk in showing them, of course, but to think someone would notice them so quickly. Since he had no clear way to figure out the girl's intentions, Leo decided it was best to just be blunt about the issue. Running around it would only cause issues in the near future (though this path had its own share of issues as well). The girl's claim of being a 'goddess', however, made Leo remember the incident that got him these powers in the first place. Maybe, just maybe, she might have a clue he was looking for. Ironic, considering how he was afraid of even acting just a moment earlier.

"Er... You're not wrong. But... If you're a 'goddess', then do you know anything about these eyes? Some thing calling itself a god took away my sister's eyesight and implanted these eyes in my head. I've been searching for a way to restore her sight, but I've had no luck. Please, if you have any clue about this, tell me," he asked, his own guard softened compared to what it was a few moments ago. Of course, the chance to find out the truth outweighed the current risks, even if he was still shaking a little on the inside.

Sonic, of course, was still nonchalantly nibbling on a french fry on Leo's shoulder, apparently having a staring contest of sorts with Suwako's hat.

Hinanawi Tenshi

Tenshi silently stood by the undergrowth as she listened to the guy's very obviously shady words, glancing between both him and the girl he was attempting to tempt before letting out a sigh. That sort of issue was on an entirely different level from an 'incident', especially if it involved actually killing people, but attempting to convince people with the power of greed... As a Celestial who was supposed to have abandoned all worldly desires, this sounded like a load of hubris. Or, well, at least, that's how Iku would have put it. To Tenshi, of course, this just sounded like an incident in the making. Heck, even the whole 'collecting orbs to defeat someone' was similar to the whole occult ball mess she was just musing about!

But that was what made it even more worrisome. If she intervened now, then there was the chance that she would pass up this very crucial chance to gather information; on the other hand, if she jumped in and beat the possible culprit up before trouble began, then couldn't she be considered the heroine here? If worst came to worst and she beat up the wrong person, she could always do what the witch and the miko did and just keep hunting for the real culprit... But it seemed like this guy was the real culprit anyway, so was there really an issue?

"Oh, whatever, let's just beat this shady guy up first and ask questions later! If the first thing you do after trying to attack someone is try to threaten and bribe them, then there's NO way you can be anyone worth following!" the celestial cried out in irritation, breaking her cover and storming in front of the two.

"You! I don't know what you're planning, but as the daughter of the Hinanawi clan and celestial heir, I won't let you do... Whatever it is you're trying to do!" she haughtily declared, pointing at the armored man with the Sword of Hisou as a scarlet mist began to form within the area around the three of them. "Prepare yourself! I won't go easy on you!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Before he could have a reply from Tohka he heard a voice of someone else stepping out from the trees and bushes surrounding them.

What? There is another woman? Such a nuisance.

Alberich turned to look over his shoulder and then slowly turning the rest of his body towards the girl which had just appeared.

"Looks like you have been followed. Spied on. Those which undertake such means cannot be up to any good can they? She might come for you next or someone close to you." He called out to Tokha.

Alberich raised his crystal-like blade towards the sky. "Flaming sword!" He called out. And with that his crystalline blade caught fire. "Woman. You come pointing your sword on someone you do not know, you don't introduce yourself but eavesdrop like a spy. And what exactly am I planning to do? What are you planning to do?!"

Now what will you do woman. Will you let this one try to kill me? Heheh... I shall wear her out slowly.
He thought to himself.

"I, Delta star, Megrez Alberich shall make you regret this choice woman!"

Alberich finally prepared himself for battle, channeling his cold and intensely evil cosmo, assuming his pose with his flaming sword pointing forwards, holding unto its grip with both his hands before lunging forwards with a "Haaaah!" sound. He would swing his flaming blade horizontally, aiming for the young girls chest and to possibly cover up his next move with the fire emmiting from the flaming sword.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 22 min ago

Moriya Suwako

"Eeeeeh? Why wouldn't I be serious?" Suwako cocked her head to the side, before somehow managing to shovel the entire burger into her mouth. Naturally, this left her a bit unable to reply for a few moments as she chewed and swallowed. Exactly how she performed this feat of anatomical impossibility was to remain a mystery, as now she leaned closer, peering up at the brown-haired boy's face. So he wanted to see if she knew anything about his eyes, huh?

"Hmph, that 'god' sounds like a jerk," she commented, simply, leaning back and stretching her arms. Didn't deities like her want worshippers? The blonde-haired little goddess was reminded of the way the mishaguji behaved prior to her taming. But they were less 'truly worshipped' and more 'feared by everyone'. In her mind, genuine adoration, genuine worship, was far superior to simply being feared so much that no-one wanted to go against you in any way. But this seemed even more random and unusual then the mishaguji simply following their nature as curse gods. There was really only one way for Suwako to get a closer look at those eyes, though... and that was by suddenly grabbing the boy's arm and yanking him down to her level, before reaching up and prying open one set of eyelids to peer at what was normally hidden behind it.

"Hmmm... mmmm..." the little girl was careful to look at it from every possible angle, not wanting to miss any details. Indeed, she had to make sure she considered every possibility! Which of course meant careful observation. After a few more moments, she nodded to herself and released him. That was it!

"I have no idea!" Suwako cheerfully declared. "It doesn't look anything like anything I've ever seen! Jeez, that 'god' is a real piece of work just forcing this on some random person, isn't he?"

She let out a huff and folded her arms firmly across her chest.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Imperial Warren —

"Hood's breath!"

As his concentration wavered the exit back to Tokyo snapped shut. He stumbled back shouting more in surprise than pain at this point. The mage simultaneously opened Denul and Telas, the warrens of healing and fire. Within a heartbeat the burning in his face was fading to just a memory at the same time a miniature sun appeared between them.

"I hope that wasn't any kind of poison because if anything happens to me you're stuck here."

Quick Ben released both of the warrens and the fireball fell apart into a shower of sparks. Maybe he was lucky. Most women from his own world would have stuck a blade in him without a second though.

"Now all I wanted was to ask some questions. Like where are we... or where were we I suppose."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

New York

Cheerfully waving to random passerby's and people along the way was what appeared to be a girl in the bloom of her life. Peppy, energetic, and fashionable could be used to describe the lass dressed in crimson- looking for all the world like a scion of a well-to-do family considering the elegant dress and the golden multi-pronged tiara she had upon her head. Book clasped in hand, the image seen was further elevated to one of the well-read gentility when coupled with the intelligent light that was all but shining from her eyes.

Still, there was a sense of something off about the maiden in question. People rather skilled at reading tells would find that the actions would be more easily described as belonging to those of an actress than a real person, as though one were playing a role extremely well. It was just too perfect to be called genuine in that sense, for no girl of that age would be able to keep as calm and cheerful as the one who was all but yanked to her new surroundings.

And indeed, they would be right if they were onto that point. Lurking behind the good humor was that of a cool researcher that was gathering information while continuing the charade. A being older than many generations of clans and royalty continued their appraisal, putting new senses against old experiences and memories to correlate a logical way to react to the surroundings. For now, she was to remain innocent and charming, adopting a look that seemed as harmless as possible. Going so far as to hoodwink herself some free skewers of meat from a nearby vendor by acting all cutesy, the alchemist Cagliostro finally stopped to thoughtfully chew away at the chewy spiced skewers.

"Hmm, good fat to flesh ratio... a bit of muscle to give it the toothsome texture one needs to be able to hook customers to come for a repeat purchase. A bit overspiced to compensate for the fact that the meat is a bit on the older side but still fit for human consumption considering it was free." Muttering her appraisal, the alchemist continued to consume her free meal to convert the materials into stored energy that could be put to use for later. Though the return was minuscule, it was something that a patient alchemist would never throw away. After all, when one lived as long as she did, one tended to hoard anything that could be considered useful.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Asterios - New York

Even this early in the day, it was impossible to miss the site of nearly ten feet of horned muscle, such sites rarely being seen on the streets of New York. Unless, of course, they happened to appear in the middle of the road, looking around bewildered at his sudden change of location. Equally as lost was the motorist who suddenly found his path blocked and tried to swerve out of the way with no success. The impact, though definitely wrecking the car, failed to have much of the impact that one would expect on its target--not even a bruise as the massive figure looked around.

"Master...?" Asterios mumbled, looking around for any sign of the missing figure--and source of the missing contract. Nothing. Fortunately, without Mad Enhancement it would be a little while before he ran out of mana, but to not disappear he'd have to find someone else... and how would he do that? For all a massive city's mazelike properties, it was nothing that he had ever experienced. His chances were pretty much reliant on someone magical taking note of the out of place Servant.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only sort of person liable to take an interest, with a small crowd already gathering despite the time of day, intrigued by something too big to be realistic--including the man angrily shouting about his car. Not that Asterios was looking to say anything any time soon, despite looking down at the crowd.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Rikers Island Prison, NYC —

A rhythmic tapping echoed down the hallway of the solitary confinement wing of Rikers Prison. Eventually a drumming on the door joined it. All at once it stopped and in the deafening silence to follow there came the sound of every lock disengaging at once.

The door at the end swung open and he walked out, steel shod cowboy boots clicking on the floor. Before he got halfway the alarms started and a guard turned the far corner, baton in hand. With a simple gesture Flagg threw the man against the wall with all of the care and gentleness of being hit by a car. Bones shattered and blood splashed across the floor.

As more doors opened tentatively behind him and the alarms continued, he laughed.

And so he lead his steadily growing gang of inmates through the prison, throwing cell doors open. It wasn't long before he never had to raise a finger against the guards. The mob did that for him, their bloodlust rising ever higher as the prison erupted in a riot that no lockdown ever had a hope of containing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Nanoha Takamachi
"What the?" Nanoha stiffened immediately when she noticed the, now small, Fate lookalike destroy a huge swath of land with an ice spell. It was only when she reviewed Raising Heart's data that Nanoha noticed a tiny magic signature coming from there until the self-declared vampire destroyed it. The overflow of Mana coming from the other three beings made reading of such minimal signatures quite hard.

It wasn't until the other girl summoned a set of armor and a sword that Nanoha jumped into action, this incident was getting too dangerous to be allowed to go unrestrained. That said, Nanoha had the faintest impression of having seen that same armor somewhere before. Was she related to Belka? Anyway, Nanoha didn't have time to think about that now, she had to act.

"Hey, the three of you!" she shouted while running back to the trio of magical beings. "What do you think you are doing, using magic in the open like this? What if you hurt someone? Stop this immediately or I'll have to stop you," Nanoha said with a serious voice. A flash of characteristic cherry blossom colored light accompanied her transformation as soon as she made her demand. A moment later, the Barrier Jacket-clad magical girl was pointing Raising Heart Excelion Cannon Mode at the Knight specifically, while she kept tabs on the other two.

"I'm sure that we can talk everything out, right?"

Tohka Yatogami
"Uh? Sapphires... Hilda? What are you—" Tohka was frankly overwhelmed by the situation, this guy's weird talk didn't help it at all. when she thought about simply flying away and trying to find a way to go back home, someone else jumped from the bushes, waving a flaming sword at the Weird Armor Guy. "Another one? What's happening here, I don't get it at all. Where's the Mecha-Mecha Squad? At least it's easier to fight them than think about this," she griefed out loud while the two of them talked, or better, discussed.

"Wait, you have a flame sword now as well?" Tohka barely had the time to say it before the Weird Armor Guy lunged at the Rainbow Girl —a name taken from the rainbow-like thing she had around her waist— with clear intent to hurt her while looking every bit as villainous as that evil woman, Tobiichi Origami. Tohka didn't have to think too much to choose what she would do. In fact, she didn't have to think at all.

A blink of an eye later, Tohka swung her sword, shooting a massive guillotine-shaped blast of Spirit energy between the Weird Armor Guy and the Rainbow Girl. It kept going for a good distance, tearing a huge crevasse on the park. Tohka followed it with another swing, this time directed right at the Weird Armor Guy. She didn't mean to hurt him so this attack was slightly weaker than the first one, yet it had at least as much force behind it that it could slice a car in half with ease.

"I don't know who the two of you are," Tohka said after attacking. "But a guy that is willing to hurt a girl can't be anything but a villain! I'll not let you do your evil villainy, get ready!" she shouted quite emphatically while pointing her sword at the Weird Armor Guy.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Shokuhou Misaki

The moment that the weird old man let go of her, Misaki tumbled forward and (very ungracefully) took some distance between herself and her kidnapper. The entire incident, all things considered, was a tad too much for her tastes, especially with the possible implications of a strange man dragging a young teenage girl off the streets. That sentence alone created enough assumptions, and the Level 5 wasn't about to let her guard down quite yet.

"Pepper spray isn't poison, so I guess it's your lucky day," she said, holding the bottle at the ready before a small ball of fire put enough distance between the two. Since the possibility of 'Academy City ESPer' had already been ruled out by her kidnapper's age, the only possible word she could tie back to this was 'magic'.


"In any case, that was Tokyo you just so rudely kidnapped me from. I'd appreciate it if you returned me there. Snatching hapless young women off the streets is a very good way to get your name on a list, you know?" she quipped, the residual effects of her self-induced mind control still going strong. Maybe if it hadn't been active, she might have been a little more... Frightened. Or terrified. Frightened was more apt a description, though.

Leonardo Watch

"O-oh. So no idea, huh? Can't be helped, I guess," Leo sighed, shaking his head as he walked around Suwako before bowing. "Well, er... Sorry, but I should probably go now. Something's weird, and I need to figure out what it is as soon as possible. After all, everyone's probably worried about me not being there on time... Or at all, now that I think about it."

With a meek smile, the young man nodded his head towards Suwako before walking back onto the streets of the city. Unlike Hellsalem's Lot, this place seemed a lot more vibrant, though that may have just been the lack of fog covering the city from top to bottom working towards that. It certainly was strange, seeing a blue sky again after working for Libra for so long, but that was just the start of the mystery. He was no detective, but finding out the answer to that? Well—

The sound of a car crash promptly caused the young man to stiffen, his head quickly darting around to ascertain the location from whence it came. The fact that the origin was, indeed, a car was not the issue; rather, the hulking giant that had caused such a crash was more a cause for concern. There were a few members of Libra that he might have been able to draw parallels to, but now really wasn't the time for that.

"He stands out, but... Do I want to risk exposing my eyes any more? This feels too dangerous to use actively..." he mused to himself as Sonic casually grabbed another fry out of the bag and, without a moment's hesitation, ran up to the giant (or, rather, leaped to him from above the crowd in the blink of an eye) before offering the food to him.

"Hey, Sonic! What are you doing?" Leo called, realizing a few seconds late that the monkey had decided to go off and do its own thing once again.

Hinanawi Tenshi

"Hey, hey, that's just how things are back in Gensokyo! Fight first, tea later!" Tenshi responded back, a smirk on her face as she watched her opponent draw a weapon of his own. The name Alberich meant absolutely nothing to her, of course, but the fact that he was wielding his own sword of flame was quite troublesome. Not because he was lunging at her, of course, but because it was a fire in the middle of a forest. That was just asking for trouble.

Before Tenshi could move to try and parry the blow, the girl who she had intervened on behalf of had swung her weapon, creating a wave of energy that rivaled the attacks of some of the more powerful residents of Gensokyo. Tenshi instinctively took a step back and watched the blast fly through the park and blast a tree off into the sky.

"I think I should seal this back up later. Earthquakes would be bad. But first, the fight!" she said, immediately turning her attention back to Alberich before extending her left hand out at him. In an instant, a keystone appeared in front of it and began to spin. A ring of large needle-like projectiles rapidly began to fire out of it in turn before the keystone itself was launched. As soon as it went flying, Tenshi launched herself forward, the Sword of Hisou glowing in her hands as she swung at the man in tandem with the other girl. The mist had slowly gathered around the ground by this point, so if worst came to worst, she could twist the weather and create some chaos.

Granted, that also ran the risk of attracting the gap youkai to drag her back to Gensokyo, but that was a problem she would deal with if it ever became one.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Alberich stopped and jumped back in his tracks as the large blast of energy carved its way between him and his target. Would he had gotten further ahead he would had been in serious trouble, or had the girl aimed it directly at him it could already had been over. The power itself made a significant amount of damage on the area they were in. But Alberich had other things to think of.

The girl with the bigger sword had decided to throw yet another of those energy blasts his way. But now he was ready for it, he dashed to the side with a slight jump barely evading the blast, being able to feel the heat and power of it. This girl was not messing around or so he thought. There was not any chance of outrunning both of the women, he had to incapasitate one of them.

He gave out a slight gasp as he saw the other girl throwing some form of needle-like projectile in his direction, he knew he couldn't possibly dodge or block all of them. He however raised his arms and tried to fend a few of them away using his bracers. some of them made some cutting slices where his armor did not cover him at his biceps and thighs, a few also deflecting off his tough god robe.

"Why you-" He uttered with a disdain in his voice.

His sight was on the girl with the smaller flaming sword, he changed his stance quickly with a slight bit of blood on his arms and thighs from the needles that had hit him, spreading his feet out on the ground, with his arms outstretched in both directions. His hair would flicker and fly upwards as his energy amassed and a white glow began to manifest around him and his eyes would glow.

"Amethyst sealed!" Alberich yelled out and with that came a barrage of amethyst shards the size of pizza slices flying towards any remaining incoming needle projectiles and that keystone coming his way, hoping the shards would destroy them and then possibly put the girl that was now also charging in right where he wanted her.

In a barrage of these amethyst shards, letting them try envelop her and seal her in a larger shard. Rendering her unable to move or fight back unless she would possess any extraordinary means of escaping. Slowly but certainly draining her lifeforce away until she would be nothing more than bones in just a matter of hours. Giving Alberich the ultimate tool to use against the other girl. To force her into his service by swearing an oath of loyality to him, in exchange for freeing the other girl.

A shrewd plan. An unfair move. But one that could possibly work and suited him perfectly. Alberich knew that if this attack failed however, he would only have one option left. Using his passed down family technique.


Menomaru had moved for abit now, closing in on the northwest section where the girl had destroyed some of his demon moths using some form of ice magic. He paused his advance for one moment as he noticed through his lone demon moth spy over by the three individuals in the other park that they had begun to do combat, one of them having the ability to create some form of energy slash move.

He felt intrigued. But he had now already gotten far northwest and considered that it was likely for the best to deal with the magic using girl first before going to claim that weapon capable of doing such a powerful energy attack. Hopefully the ones she was fighting would keep her busy just long enough for him to finish with his other buisness.

Perhaps this girl's sword will be just what I need. A weapon rivaling the fang of destruction in power might be able to break the seal.

Menomaru commanded his lone demon moth to continue watching the girl with the large sword. He began to move forwards again, the larger cloud of demon moths that had set out a little bit before him were now arriving on the scene. They began to fly over the park and spread their nauseating and disorienting powder over the place, as if darkening the entire area, then some would gradually lower their elevation down to one and half metre above ground. Encircling the four people located at the scene. They would amount to thousands in numbers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Grey Star
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Grey Star

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Hmmmm?" Humming as she continued to walk around in a seemingly aimless manner, the girl dressed up like a noble stopped in her tracks to regard the giant with a raised eyebrow. That was by far one of the biggest Draph that the alchemist had ever seen in her life, topping the regular seven and eight feet males by two more heads. If anything, this looked like the ultimate evolution of what that particular race would regard as macho, though judging by the overall appearance this particular one was surprisingly youthful in that he had the look of child-like innocence about him as well as the mannerisms of a child.

"Hey, mister. Come over here so that you'll get out of the way of all the vehicles. It's bad to hold everyone up." Waving a hand around airily, the diminutive girl less than half the minotaur' size tried to hail down the Berserker in order to get him away from the scene. No matter how big he was, it was still a kid and the alchemist had a soft spot for such.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

— Imperial Warren —

The mage sat on the ground and crossed his legs. He rested his chin in the palm of one hand.

"So you are from there, Tokyo. And how might my name end up on any list? Do you know it?"

He traced a line through the ashes with his finger, picking up a fragment of bone before discarding it.

"Well, I'm not. Not from there and apparently not from that world, or this one in case you were wondering. It has been dead a hundred thousand years or more."

Quick Ben added another line next to the first one and a third further away.

"We're in a Warren now, a place where magic comes from. It should be adjacent to mine but for some reason is now next to yours. I'm a little stranded right now."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 22 min ago

Moriya Suwako

Suwako blinked, and cocked her head to one side. Moments later, her hat blinked as well. He was just up and leaving? Just like that? Well, that wouldn't do. He was the first person she'd seen in the outside world who was identifiably capable of feats beyond humanity in some way, and that meant that he was her best chance of figuring out why she suddenly found herself so far from home. And so she didn't allow herself to lose him in the crowd. No, the small blonde girl was quick to follow the boy, her hat bobbing along through the crowds as she easily kept pace with him, coming to a stop only when he did as well, quietly peering around him as she did.

She was greeted with the sight of a positively massive man, adorned with an almost literal mane of white hair and a pair of enormous horns. For a few moments Suwako was silent. Not because she'd never seen anything like this, but because she was surprised to see someone like this in the outside world. Things were growing more and more unusual by the second! Normally this would have seemed quite fun to the diminutive goddess, but she was starting to grow concerned. She didn't like being too far from Sanae, either. But Sanae was a good girl and would hopefully be just fine until she got back.

Regardless, the hulking man didn't appear to be aggressive in the way. More confused, if anything. He had a strange presence to him as well, not unlike some sort of spirit or yokai. Or both, perhaps.

"... Wow, he's huge!" declared Suwako, brightly. In spite of the thoughts on the tiny blonde's mind, that didn't stop her from being somewhat in awe of his sheer size at least. He was like some of the biggest oni, except she was pretty sure he wasn't!

@PKMNB0Y@Grey Star@Raineh Daze
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Well that was unexpected. Not that it wasn't without precedent, of course; Andersen had learned a thing or two about how magecraft worked during both times he'd been summoned as a Servant, and one thing he'd remembered (despite how perverse it was) was that magical contracts could be strengthened by... Ugh... Exchange of bodily fluids, although thankfully in this case it was just a kiss. He couldn't help but snort in amusement as Mordred flailed about, so flustered she forgot to take her revenge on him for that jibe about her heritage, and making wild claims that you didn't need to have Human Observation to realize were complete falsehoods.

Of course, his amusement quickly dissipated once he realized something utterly dreadful: he was next. Now unlike Mordred, he would freely admit that he'd never been kissed before. He'd been a lifelong batchelor after all, pining for those he felt were completely out of his reach and dying alone, unmarried and celibate. Thankfully despite her unpleasantness his first Master had never... And his current Master, the girl at Chaldea, well... The point was, when Evangeline pressed her lips against him as he was frozen in horror, it was something he'd never experienced before. Instinctively, as soon as she drew away from him, he spat in disgust.

"Bleeegh! Was that really necessary, you... You..." Really, he was so shocked by even such a tiny, insignificant kiss that he found it hard to respond, and was left dumbstruck even as his new Master decided that one particular tree had offended her. Noticing her change in appearance and size after she'd cast her spell, however, Andersen straightened his bowtie and tried to regain composure. "Heh... Well now! I suppose having to support two Servants was too much for you, and you've had to reveal your true form! You're even more of a minuscule, miniature, microscopic midget than I am! In fact I'm sure even Jack has a few inches on you, and she's... Heh, and going by that glamour of yours I can just tell that you hate being stuck in a child's body even more than I do, don't you?"

Of course, such a blatant display of magecraft in the open was bound to attract attention, and soon enough someone had approached them. Specifically, a young girl, looking about the same age as he did (and going by her tone and the way she held herself, probably the actual age she looked, which was something that had grown more and more unusual to him during his time at Chaldea)... And... Oh god... A costume like that... And a magical staff too... She wasn't going to start mouthing off about love and justice and friendship like that Einzbern girl, right? He really couldn't put up with that kind of thing with how sober he was... And with that in mind, and noticing the unusually large cloud of moths heading their way, he slowly backed off until he was behind Mordred.

"I'll, uh, let you handle this one, I suppose."

@Raineh Daze (Thank you for making that spiffy banner! :D )
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The vampire turned to look back at her new minions and their reaction to her... well, preferably the spell. There was no point in playing up for an audience if they weren't going to respond in any way, was there? Unfortunately, it seemed that the two had been struck dumb more by her illusion wearing off than the display of magical power. Not that she was going to get to do anything like that for a considerable amount of time... maybe it would be possible to get some wires? At least that would leave her with some visually impressive tricks to pull off in the meantime.

If Andersen would simply stop being so annoying for a five minutes. The smile turned in his direction carried every possible signal that it wasn't a smile, and it would be clearly in the author's best interests to stop pursuing the discussion; any bodily harm that came after would entirely be his own fault. "Boy, are you suggesting that there is anything other than practicality behind such an illusion?"

The sudden intervention of a magical girl--a magical girl, not that a child playing around like that was anywhere near as odd as the resurrected and inexplicably youthful author; dressing Negi up would have had the same effect--put a pause on Andersen's efforts to dig himself a new hole, though for some reason she seemed to think there was a fight. Sure, there was a distinct lack of a tree where one had previously been but... "If you want to avoid anyone getting hurt, the last thing you want to do is start a fight where there wasn't one, however..."

At this, the Evangeline pointed up, at the moths crowding the sky. Unfortunately for whoever was behind it, attempting to poison her whilst her vampire abilities were still accessible was merely mildly uncomfortable, rather than incapacitating. A curse like that had its advantages, especially when you were old enough to negate the weaknesses. "Perhaps you and Mordred would like to get rid of these?"

There, that should let the minion show her what she could do...

The massive figure turned his head slightly when a slight weight jumped onto his shoulder, wondering what it was that would so brazenly and fearlessly sit on him. The animal, whatever it was--not a normal one as far as his knowledge went--had even brought a gift. Such a minor morsel, but the grease and starch was nice--nothing like the raw meat and blood from most of his meals. But the monkey's (if that's what it was) positioning made a small girl's attempts to get his attention clearer.

Ah, a road? And he was in the way. That was a clear enough instruction, and Asterios started to move both himself and the other obstruction out of the way, the small crowd parting for the obvious reason that there was no way they were going to hold up someone that could lift a mangled car in one hand as if it was made of tissue paper. The driver, too, seemed to be getting the impression that there was nothing he was going to get out of the bull-man... well, nothing that would help with insurance payouts, and that maybe it was time to stop shouting at the person who could crush his head in one hand.

Standing at more than double Cagliostro's height, Asterios had to look straight down to get a good look at her. She looked a bit out of place... not as much as he did, but significantly enough. And she felt... different. Different from normal humans, but not in the same way as his Master had been. Maybe she could fill the same sort of role? "You are... magus?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 22 min ago


"... Eeeeh?"

So much was happening so fast. A little girl, a little girl dressed up in some kind of fancy outfit, had now approached them. After a moment, Mordred realized just what that outfit reminded her of: The Einzbern girl! The pale one, not the tanned one. Definitely not the tanned one. Illya. That outfit reminded her just of the Caster's look. Certainly it wasn't an exact copy, not by a long shot, but it left her wondering if this was another magical girl. Unlike Illya, this magical girl seemed like she could be an enemy as well. Mordred raised her sword, placing her free hand on the hilt as she did, gripping her weapon firmly in both.

"I wasn't planning on hurting anybody, but if you wanna fight I'm ready!" she declared, boasting a somewhat vicious smirk for a moment. Mordred was hardly about to complain about a fight, but a nagging voice inside her pointed out that the magical girl seemed like she'd rather talk and hadn't actually attacked yet. "... Besides, I'm arming myself 'cause I just got yanked away from lunch to get dropped off in a damn park."

There. That was talk, right? Of course, any further developments in that... conversation were immediately cut short when a massive swarm of moths descended upon them, spraying some kind of powder all over the place and encircling all four of the people present.

"... Tch."

It didn't take a genius to figure out that these were some kind of trash-tier(in Mordred's opinion, at least) familiars spewing out some kind of poison dust. In the middle of a park, huh? Without a care in the world about who it could get to, huh?

Her 'temporary Master' had the right idea. The dust wasn't too useful against a Servant, but anyone else who was around here...


Placing one foot forward, Mordred felt power surge through her limbs like fire as she triggered one of her inherent capabilities, prana in the form of red lighting surging around her body as she suddenly put on a burst of speed. Red light flared around Clarent's blade as she suddenly cut a swath into the swarm of moths in an instant, their bodies vaporized by the sudden flash of destructive magical energy. Of course, there were plenty more moths where those came from... Mordred turned on her heel and cut another blazing path into the moths with a flash of crackling red energy.

It'd take a bit, but she was confident she could destroy all of them. Or enough that the bastard behind it would come out to play.

They'd be a hell of a lot more fun to kill then these pests.

@KoL@Dezuel@Rin@Raineh Daze


... Where?

This was a park. But it wasn't the park she'd just been in. For a few, stunned moments, her braided pigtails swaying, the redheaded girl looked about frantically. But there wasn't anyone there.

"Hayate?" she asked, blue eyes wide. She'd been alongside her just a moment ago and now... now... The tiny redhead stared. Hayate was gone. So was Signum and Shamal. And this wasn't even the same park as she'd just been in.

Anger began bubbling fourth in her heart. Someone had interfered. Someone had done something to take her away. To take her somewhere else. To pull her away from those she most cared about...!

Vita, Cloud Knight of the Hammer, grasped the armed device hanging in its standby form from around her neck.

"Let's go, Eisen!" cried Vita. She was going to find whoever was responsible.

"Yes sir!" responded the Armed Device.

Almost immediately, she was consumed in red light. That familiar sensation flowed through her body as she was clad in Knight's Armor, her current outfit melting away to be replaced with one made for battle. It was topped off with her treasured hat, and the moment the light faded, Vita's diminutive frame was once again clad in the dress that was her Knight's Armor. Gripped in one hand was Eisen in its activated form, a long-handled red and silver mallet gleaming in the light of the day. Without a moment's delay, the tiny Cloud Knight immediately ascended, air whipping past her as she took to the skies.

Either she would find Hayate, or she would find the one who did this and beat them into the ground until she was returned to Hayate's side. Either way, she was going to get back to Hayate.

Tearing through the skies, however, revealed to Vita something that she couldn't ignore. There was a fight. Two girls, both of whom appeared to be magi, against a man who seemed to be firing some kind of jewel shards.


She was an agent of the TSAB. A very new agent of the TSAB, but an agent regardless. And so she couldn't ignore the fight that was already well underway. Abruptly, she slowed in the air before immediately putting on another burst of speed, tearing through the air towards the fighters before coming to a halt.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she snapped, immediately. Negotiations, or really anything that involved just talking to the enemy, were hardly Vita's strongsuit. Not only was she already enraged, but she quite simply had no patience even at the best of times.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tohka Yatogami
"Wait, hmm..." As more and more events began to happen in rapid succession, Tohka got more and more confused. The only thing that she was sure of is that the Weird Armored Guy was bad. A full-scale shootout between him and the Rainbow Girl began in a matter of seconds after Tohka interfered in their fight and now he was throwing some purple crystal things on her. Right at that moment, a small girl wearing a red dress came joined them as well, yelling to be told what was happening.

"I don't know it, but that Weird Armor Guy began attacking the Rainbow Girl and now, everything is so confusing," Tohka replied to the Hammer Girl, before interposing herself in the path of the crystal fragments. "We shouldn't be fighting in a place like this," she said, raising a shield with her Spirit powers, to block the crystals, "Shidou always said that we have to think of the other people as well. If we keep this up we could hurt someone," Tohka added, throwing a serious gaze at the Weird Armor Guy.
Nanoha Takamachi
"What? If you don't want to cause trouble, why did you cast such a dangerous spell in the middle of a public park?" Nanoha asked the Fate lookalike after she was chastised for 'starting a fight when there was none'.

"Anyway, if you are willing to talk, I guess that we can settle this in a friendly way—Huh?" Just when Nanoha was about to lower Raising Heart and approach the trio, a flight of magical moths came over them, trying to spread some type of air-carried poison without care of who would be hit by it.

"Raising barrier levels," Raising Heart announced with its characteristic chime, before increasing Nanoha's passive defenses, to counter any effect this poison may have.

Judging by the other's reactions this got them by surprise as well. At least this was a point that Nanoha could agree with. These things had to be taken out, now. She jumped backward, while Mordred took care of half of the targets, clearing some distance between her and the moths before aiming Raising Heart at the air. "Before this gets even more out of control, Raising Heart, cast a force field, we need to isolate this area and make sure that no civilian gets caught in the crossfire," Nanoha said before Raising Heart cast a temporal distortion field, isolating a huge section of Tokyo from the normal space-time flow. Any nonmagical beings, and or time-space anomalies like the Lost Logia, within the field would be phased out, allowing for proper control of the situation. It wasn't a capture type field, like the Wolkenritter's Gefängnis der Magie, but it would do the job.

"Now that we are cleared to go, let's take them out in one blow, Raising Heart," Nanoha shouted before her Device replied, chiming as usual. "Ready, Axel Shooter Vanishing Shift... Shoot!" And, as she cast her most basic attack spell, a veritable swarm of two dozens of cherry blossom-colored balls of magic shot out of Raising Heart at once. They closed in and changed directions with ease, weaving around Mordred's strikes, to cover any target the knight wasn't able to take down in her first attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


He made a satisfied 'hmph' when he saw the oddly shaped boy seek cover behind the knight looking girl with the blonde hair. Just before she would slash away at his demon moths with some odd magical energy. It caught Menomaru by surprise.

A human with a demonic sword? Using such against one as great as I? I shall make her pay for her audacity first and claim that sword before making the demon submit to my rule. He reassured himself.

There was also some form of priestess using her magic aiding the knight, her kind of magic seemed to be what one could expect by powerful priestesses. Menomaru briefly shaked his head and had a serious and grim facial expression form on his face.

Humans. How persistant they are. He found them to be truly strange. It was however now time to let himself be known so he could seize the weapon of the armor clad girl and then make the inferior demon submit. The boy and the priestess would surely not be able to do anything to stop him or so he thought. Even though he was without the aid of his two servants Hari and Ruri.

As the demon moths were being wiped out in the park which now was engulfed in the barrier projected by Nanoha, not only the barrier but the area Menomaru was currently in. "A barrier?" He asked himself as if unable to believe anyone able to manifest such a large barrier. But it did not affect him or so he thought, perhaps it was a weak barrier despite it's enourmous size. No matter what, It was time to reveal himself.

A few of the remaining moths began to gather up in the middle of the air above the four in the park, creating a smaller cloud of darkness. Then a voice could be heard. Or rather a laughter from it.

"Hahahahah hah!" A cruel and amused laughter could be heard. A shadowy humanoid shape would begin to form within the gathered moths, with glowing eyes looking down to the four located within the park. Before it appeared out of the shadows of the moths.

A man with some odd tattooes on his face, some even more odd appendages on top of his head resembling antennas, he also had elven shaped ears. His skin tone was way off to be regarded as human, and his teal colored long hair did little to aid in denying that fact. His red eyed gaze set on the four below, standing midair as if in a salute or a noble looking over his belongings.
A sword hang by his side in it's sheath. His armor looked quite ceremonial and formed to almost resemble a wasp with it's thin waistline.

"A demon are you not?" He spoke out his eyes moving over to Evangeline.

How odd. She does not emit any demonic aura. Not any I have ever dealt with before. But she is clearly not human. No matter. I shall pry that weapon from the human's hands first before dealing with her.
"My name is Menomaru. Allow my sword to be my introduction!"

He drew his sword quickly midair, twirling it around skillfully in his hand and then dashed forwards quickly whilst midair. His sights set on Mordred, swinging his sword down towards Mordred seeking to disarm her of her weapon. He wouldn't let his momentum drop and if possible he would seek to lock swords with her if her weapon would not be disarmed. Mordred's weapon, Clarent were about the same length as Inuyasha's fang of destruction. But not as wide. Menomaru was certain that he could use this weapon's destructive power to break the seal on his father's remains, or the weapon of the girl in the forest. So many possibilities. Menomaru wouldn't let such a chance slip out of his hands.

"Such a pity! Having such a sword be in the hands of a mere human. I would use it for a more noble cause. Now hand it over to me!"


Alberich heard the voice of a third person arriving on the scene. He grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes but tried to keep his focus, then all of a sudden the girl with the big sword stepped in front of the girl with the flaming sword. For a brief moment Alberich let out a low amused chuckle. "Heheh haha..." But then he saw in horror as the girl projected some form of a shield that blocked his amethyst shards from striking both her and the girl behind her.

"Tch... why you.." He ceased his attack but held his flaming crystal sword in front of himself and threw a quick glance up at the red clothed girl. "Chibi." He said after having looked her over briefly. He knew that it was hopeless trying to fight against all three of them possibly, even with his family technique it was a dangerous gamble. He had to get out of there right now. He jumped up towards a branch of a nearby tree and then from up there tried to find a place which had an area of even more trees. And sure enough in the distance there was a fitting place.

He began to move towards it, jumping from tree to tree. Knowing however that they might follow him, he needed to be fast. Perhaps he could find someone else to seal into an amethyst and then use them as a way to bargain with those three. At least two of them where the kind who would do anything to protect the innocent or so they said. Manipulating them to do his bidding would be easy once he would have someones life on the offering table. Right now however it was more important to get away from the three of them.


Having stood of the rooftop for quite some time, looking for whomever was using that teleportation power he spotted someone moving at a high speed towards a park to the eastern part of the city.

It was a person of a smaller form than himself. A child? He tilted his head to the side abit as he set his violet eyes on whomever it was. "A psychiccer? Could it be? Oh hurry on! Get away! Heh heh heh." He first pointed in the direction of the person flying, despite he or she being too far away to see it. He then grabbed his both arms around his chest and belly while he laughed, watching the smaller person travel further away from him, once he stopped he threw a glance in the direction of the place she came from before giving chase after her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 22 min ago


That was the perpetrator. The enemy. Mordred glared as he introduced himself. That kind of bastard that would just release poison anywhere where someone could get hurt by it... Oh yeah, she was going to crush him the second she got a chance. But demons? What did anyone here have to do with demons? No-one, as far as she could tell. What, was he so stupid he thought vampires were demons? What an idiot. Before she could call him as such, however, he suddenly lashed out and attacked her...!

Steel clashed on steel. Mordred grinned. It hadn't been too shocking. She'd fought plenty before. What kind of self-respecting knight would ever allow herself to be taken by surprise by an obvious enemy?! Gripping Clarent with both hands, now, the Red Knight grinned as she took a step forward, her armored foot crashing down onto the ground. Her grin grew wider, more vicious, as she pressed her might against the enemy's blade, Prana Burst driving her physical strength far higher then it appeared it should be... And with a flash of what looked like red lightning, Mordred smashed the enemy's blade aside.

"If you pick a fight with me, it's not my fault if you're crushed! Like hell I'll hand it over to you, so bastard!"

What kind of an idiot was he?

@Dezuel@Rin@Raineh Daze@KoL
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


The girl in the plate armor had managed to block his attack. She was quick. Strangely so. Were she empowered by the demonic- No wait. The blade was not emitting any demonic aura. What kind of weapon was it? He would have to find out. Menomaru was not amused however by the words that followed as she smashed his blade aside.

"Little girl. How bold of you. Let's see you try it! I shall run you through with your own sword" Menomaru gave a confident smirk.

He suddenly opened his mouth wide and a couple of demon moths came flying out towards Mordred's face, seeking to blind her with their poisonous powder as he'd twirled his sword again and took a slight leap upwards before coming down towards Mordred with a downward stabbing thrust seeking to plant it into her chest. He knew there were still the priestess or whatever she was, and the odd demon girl present. How long would it take before they would try to step in. He however did not feel worried. Why would someone of his power be?

@VitaVitaAR@KoL@Raineh Daze@Rin
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