Name: (Drake) Fillian Marsh
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin
Pet: A tiny black cat named Ceril (female)

Wand: Spruce wood with a Dragon heartstring core 13" and Hard flexibility
Patronus: A giant brown bear


Parentage: Mudblood
Other: Book lover, Coffee Lover, Favorite classes are Herbology, Magical Creatures, and Potions!!!!
Though Slytherin, she isn't particularly vindictive and is quite shy. However, she gained the name Drake for her rather terrifying temper.
Also, Fillian has had the terrible luck of being witness to a murder. Didn't know the people that died or got killed, but she witnessed it nonetheless. As such, this plays into her quiet nature.
@Azure Flame Hey, I didn't realize that Fillian has the same hair and eye color as your character. If you want, I can change her appearance. Or it can be some weird rumour in the school. Either one is fine by me.