Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
The Safe Haven

1st Act - First Class, First Battle

The first Act started in the first days of school at the Haven, students from the "High School" years battled each other being supervised by Miss Jade and Professor Jacob. Each student was assign with a pair based on their powers similarities and differences. The teachers made them face off giving the best they could with the objective of making them understand their limits and how could they improve themselves and their powers.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Safe Haven

A new day rose in the Haven, the birds in the school garden started to chirp. Movement already started in the residential area, students and teachers walk in the corridors, some of them heading to the kitchen to have their breakfast, others were in the living room watching some TV before the start of the day.

Outside some people could be seen having a walk, one of them, well known to the kids was Professor Jacob wearing green sneakers and black shorts and t-shirt having his morning run, which against what would be expected was not that fast.

In the training stadium Lady Jade was preparing everything for the first power control class of this year, every kid between 15 and 18 had this class together even if sometimes they did different training.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The bell rung, first day of school was about to start. Most of the students would have classes today with Lady Jade. The training stadium was a big building by the left side of the school. When inside one could see a big central arena, a couple of obstacle tracks by the side and a smaller arena in the other side.

When the first students start to arrive Lady Jade was already there, she was a really good looking woman, she had a strange accent, somewhat French and somewhat Russian, she welcomed everyone, the old and the new, telling them to line up by the side of the big arena, as they waited for everyone else to arrive.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 14 days ago

Lain sighed. She really hated big crowds so she honestly had no will to be here right now. It took everything she had not to wolf out of there as fast as she could. The teacher directing everyone kind of scared her too, so there was that. She tugged at her knitted hat, trying to pull it down over her face as if to disappear from this situation.

"I really don't want to be here." She mumbled to herself. Her dorm room was already set up with all of her gaming stuff, posters strewn about the walls and her line of books tucked neatly on the shelf. Just the thought of it made her want to go back to it. What the hell were they going to make them do here anyway? She hoped to God they weren't going to have everyone show off their powers for the teachers in front of all the other students. What better way to start the year than losing control over your powers and maim another student because you can't control your own damn emotions.

The arena they were in didn't lend itself to calming Lain down either. She took in a deep breath to try and calm herself down manually. This was going to be a stressful day, wasn't it?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

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@Kaesus @HylianRose

Lucky bobbed to the music blaring in her headphones as she walked along the path to the arena. The weather was pleasant, lifting her spirits as she inhaled the morning air deeply. She preferred nature and the outdoors to staying inside, and it could cure her of any foul mood. So when the entry way to the arena came into view, Lucky smiled to herself. She hated the classes involving powers, but she wouldn't be deterred from her good mood.

When the familiar face of Lady Jade came into view, Lucky gave her a double-snap and finger guns hand gesture. "Hey Lady J', how's it hangin'?" Lucky called out, not expecting a reply from the teacher in question as she walked past, already knowing what to do. She took her place next to a much shorter, rather cute girl. [[Emily...Lola? Lilly?...]] Lucky pondered, looking out of the corner of her left eye at Elaine. Out of habit rather than conscious thought, Lucky stroked her chin with a thick strand of tentacle-esque hair as she tried to figure out Elaine's actual name.

Lucky noted how uncomfortable Elaine seemed, but Lucky couldn't blame her. Everyone here had their own demons to deal with. With a shrug, she leaned against the wall casually and pulled down her headphones, the cheery music from within filling the air in a sphere of a couple of feet around Lucky. "It'll be over with before you know it." She said, aiming the comment towards Elaine. "I'm Lucky... Like, that's actually what people call me, go figure." She chuckled to herself, enjoying the joke even if nobody else got it. "Anyways, don't worry. Lady J' has this situation under control, nobody will get hurt. Probably." She added with a wink and a toothy grin. Her teeth glowed the same color as her neon green, bio-luminescent hair, giving the smile a weird effect.

She leaned back to give Elaine room, but kept her headphones hanging loosely around her neck in case the shorter girl wanted to talk at all. She hummed quietly to the music.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 14 days ago

Mentions: @Aphelion

Lain turned when another student approached her who... glowed? She blinked for a moment, unable to help staring when she remembered how much she hated people doing that to her. She turned her head back and stared at the floor, feeling suddenly very awkward. Though, she had to admit, at least the glowing girl was pretty. There wasn't anything pretty about a raging tiger... She lowered her head further, using her long hair to shield her from others.

"It'll be over with before you know it."

Was... Was that the glowing girl? Lain blinked for a moment, debating looking before finally shifting her head and hair to look up at the girl. "I'm Lucky... Like, that's actually what people call me, go figure." The girl introduced herself, chuckling. "Anyways, don't worry. Lady J' has this situation under control, nobody will get hurt. Probably." She added with a wink and a weird looking smile.

Lain simply stared at her for a moment. P-Probably? Lain thought to herself, concern showing as her brows furrowed. But still, regardless of her feelings towards what could happen in the future, it would be a bit rude not to introduce herself in return. "I'm Elaine but people call me Lain..." She mumbled softly, raising a hand to rub the back of her neck.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"OH Elaine, that's it! It was driving me absolutely nuts trying to figure it out! Lucky laughed, giving her thigh a light slap. "Well, Lain, you really don't have anything to worry about with Lady J' here. She really does have everything under control. If anything..."

Lucky paused for a moment, looking Elaine over. "You may want to relax and take some deep breaths. You seem pretty nervous. Is this your first class at the Haven?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Eric hadn't been here very long, so he walked around the grounds. Getting to know the place, and enjoying the pleasant weather, walking around the grounds he took in how appreciative he was to be here, this place was a safe haven for people like him, but for him it was literally a place to get away. As he showed up at the arena he sat outside of it for sometime pacing, he knew he would have to show off his power which would be very very difficult. Working up the nerve finally he entered the arena.

Some of the others were funneling in, and beneath him on the floor of the arena was one of the teachers. He took a seat near a couple of girls. "Hello ladies, haven't seen you around before. Names Eric." He flashed them his best grin. "You ready to strut your stuff?" He said, to be honest he was nervous so instead he decided to chat them up hoping that they would help take it easy on his nerves.

As time went on Eric got more and more jittery, it almost looked like he was going to try to and bolt. With such a useless power, he probably wouldn't really fit in here. They might even kick him out, it's not like he could summon the elements, or manipulate objects with his mind. He sighed aloud and leaned back. "Teachers cute though." He laughed at his own joke, and started to fidget a little more.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Kaze looked around at the bright halls and rich decor as he moved through the facility. He had been told to go to the Arena but the place was hard for him to get around still. He kind of missed the forest and the simplicity it involved. He got the odd look from the people he passed, but that was because of the massive cloak that hid his entire body from view. It also didn't help that he literally towered over everyone he came across. Still he had places to go so he inhaled. He found the teachers scent and followed it with that odd animalistic lope.

Upon arriving he peeked into the room. Students were lined up around the Arena with Lady Jane in the middle. The room was well lit so he had no way of just sneaking in and avoiding the eyes of the other students like his instincts were telling him to. Snuffing he started into the room, each step was a dull thud thanks to his weight. But the others could hear clicks after he walked, it was the claws hidden from sight drumming lightly on the ground.

He kept away from the other students but he heard their whispers. Either about him or about Lady Jane's appearance. He ignored it though and kept his dully glowing crimson eyes on the teacher. Aside from the snuff he had made no sound, to either greet or just jabber like the others.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 14 days ago

Mentions: @Aphelion & @Enalais

"OH Elaine, that's it! It was driving me absolutely nuts trying to figure it out! Lucky laughed, giving her thigh a light slap. "Well, Lain, you really don't have anything to worry about with Lady J' here. She really does have everything under control. If anything..."

If Lain was honest, the comment did little to calm her beating heart but the idea of it was more soothing than not. Even if everything were under control, she still didn't like the idea of being around others or possible showing off her powers. It didn't sit well with her at all.

Lucky paused for a moment, looking Elaine over. "You may want to relax and take some deep breaths. You seem pretty nervous. Is this your first class at the Haven?"

Lain stood still for a moment, thinking about how she wanted to answer Lucky when another student came up to greet them. He looked oddly normal. She was still staring at Eric when she answered Lucky's question, "Y-Yes..."

However, was she really ready to 'strut her stuff' as Eric had asked? A frown formed on Lain's face as she quietly turned away and stared down at the floor again. "N-No... She mumbled quietly to herself, though she was almost certain her responses would confuse both students.

"Teachers cute though." She heard Eric laugh. The comment prompted her to look back up at the teacher before settling her gaze back down at the floor, her movements slow and cautious. The teacher still intimidated her so she couldn't look past the fear to see the appeal. "Yeah..." She replied softly, a lie but she didn't really feel like explaining herself and agreeing usually meant less talking.

The thud of another new coming prompted Lain to look up once again and her eyes widened at the sight. What the heck was that... thing? She blinked, staring at him for a moment before her face softened as she once again reminded herself of the looks people often gave her after she transformed back from an episode. With a shuddering sigh, she turned her head again to stare at the floor. She was starting to make out little pictures in the wood grain...
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eira scowled. First day of school and she had to go to a fucking arena. Goddamnit.

With her hood up, Imagine Dragons blaring in her earphones, her hands stuck into her hoodie's pocket, Eira made her way to the arena. SHe already knew where everything was, having taken the previous weak to walk around and get used to the layout. Her only apprehension at this point was that her teacher was Jade. Fuckin power control. Eira hated having to reign her power in. In fact, she wasn't even doing it now. Instead, she was letting it do as it wished. Which meant that pitch black flames that soaked up light and heat like fuckin blackholes circled around her, moving in time with Radioactive. Eira walked into the giant as fuck stadium mouthing some of the words.

Noticing the insanely tall student, Kaze she believed, Eira stood next to him. Her 5'6" frame making her appear as a small child next to him. This pissed her off more, and the area immediately around her got significantly colder and darker. Looking up at the lumbering oaf, her piercing eyes drilled into him. One word, icy and dark, escaped her lips.


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 1 day ago

Cole forced his eyes open at the jarring beeping in his right ear, having to feel around a little for its source before managing to shut the device up. So, that was what his phone's alarm sounded like. He would have never known if he had not come to this place. He was used to having some attendant entering his spacious room and calling for him to wake up every morning, so having that done by a piece of technology instead only served as a reminder that things were probably never going to be the same.

The events that had led up to him ending up at the Haven had seemed surreal, almost unbelievable. The staff member who had pick him up had seen everything, and despite the teenager's pleas for them not do so, had contacted his family and informed them of the situation. The Ryders, obviously concerned for their family's status, immediately requested that Cole stay at the Haven and away from home, and it hurt to hear that. Of course, he had expected such a reaction from his parents, but it still hurt.

Cole's newly-discovered ability of heightened senses of hearing and smell only made the new environment more overwhelming as he made his way through the school towards the big arena, where his first lesson was scheduled to take place at. The other students were loud and rowdy. Did they really have to shout to one another? The hallways seemed to reek of grime, sweat, and remnants of what smelt like gas released through the- well, he did not even want to think about it.

Needless to say, the entire experience had left him somewhat frustrated by the time he had reached the big arena, though he did manage a "Good morning, Ma'am," and a polite bow to the teacher present before trudging over to stand with the other students.

@Kaesus @HylianRose @Aphelion @Enalais @Kazemitsu @Drakey
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

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@HylianRose @Enalais @Kazemitsu @Drakey @Raptra

Lucky scratched her head at the confusing way Elaine replied to both herself, as well as the newcomer, Eric. She shrugged it off when she realized that Elaine was probably being overwhelmed by all of the attention.

Instead of interrogating Elaine further, Lucky gave Eric a cheeky grin when he asked if they were ready to strut their stuff. "Oh hells yes am I ready to strut it! You aren't even prepared for this beautimus performance." She fanned her hair out behind her in a striking resemblance of a peacock's tail feathers and twirled around gracefully. When she was done, she struck a sassy pose with one hand on her hip.

In response to Eric's remark about Lady Jade being cute, Lucky nodded like the comment was expected. After all, in her many years attending the school she had heard a lot of praise, as well as an equal amount of vitriol, for the teacher. "Yeah, Lady J' is something else. This should be an interesting class, to say the least..." She trailed off distractedly as she followed Elaine's line of sight to the new students, especially to Kaze.

She wasn't completely unprepared for oddities, but Kaze's existence was pretty distracting. When a girl with an attitude placed herself next to the giant, Lucky frowned, sensing a fight brewing. She hesitantly tore her attention back to Eric and Elaine. That was when she noticed Cole standing not too far away, and she gave him a smile and a wave, including him in the small gathering.

"Hopefully this doesn't get too interesting though... That girl over there seems like trouble." Lucky indicated Eira with a nod and a shrug. "Oh yeah, I'm Lucky by the way." She added as an after-thought, finally remembering to introduce herself. "Let's hope we all stay that way, too."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


Eric liked this little group that was forming, when the giant dude entered he thought it was the coolest thing ever. He was about to say something along those lines but, instead Lucky introduced herself. "Have you been here long then?" He asked, the way Lucky carried herself made him smile, she was super bubbly and he liked that, a really stark contrast to the girl next to her. But he was getting side tracked, he was going to talk to the giant.

He stood up and was about to yell something to him, when another student entered the room. She was cute, but boy did she look like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. And Eric did not like the way she treated giant guy, so instead of letting it slide quietly he interfered, which he would probably regret later but ice queen needed to back down. "Hey, leave him alone! There is absolutely no need to be a bitch about it." He shouted, he walked from his section of the stands over to where the other two were standing. "Why don't you come sit with me and Lucky. Ice queen over there seems to be in a mood." He laughed, and gestured over to where Lain, and Lucky were currently seated.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eira, Ice Queen though it was an inaccurate name as she didn't control ice in the first place, looked up at the boy that had shouted. Pulling an earbud out, she responded to the kid.

"Being a bitch? This ain't me being a bitch. All I did was ask him to move." Turning back to the 7 foot tall man in front of her she said, once more, "Move."

By this point, annoyed by the other kid, her flames began to jump even more. Now they reached up to her own height, jumping and lashing around her, moving in circles. They didn't seek to attack, but were merely energized. However, their energy was cold and dark. Illuminating the scowl and her cold eyes, Eira's flames continued to swing around her.

Oh god, how she hoped the lumbering giant would get out of her way soon.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kaesus


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Most of the students had already arrived. Jade knew all of them, either for having been there the last year or because she had read their files. The first one was Elain, a shy girl, with living beasts trapped inside her. After her arrived the healer of the group, Lucky, followed by Eric and Kaze. Lastly and trying to show of her strength arrived Eira, the last one to arrive was Cole.

"Now that most of you are here I'll start to introduce to the new students, and some of the old ones a few rules we have. First one: It is not allowed for a student to express destructive powers without motive, special authorization or eminent danger, so Eira, could you kindly dismiss your flames at this moment?" Jade's face was nice and happy when she started to talk, changing drastically to a emotionless expression as she turned to Eira.

"Second:" she continued "We do not encourage hiding your true self here, it is a part of you and you should not hide it from anyone, embrace it as a gift, not a curse, so Kaze, no cloaks allowed during classes".

She walked in front of the lined-up looking at one by one of the students, and she reached the last one, she turned around and went to the middle of the arena. "Last but not least, this class is made to help you all control and learn to use your powers, and for that reason today we have a special gue..." and before she could finish something entered the arena at high speed stopping by the side of Jade. "Am I late? it was professor Jacob, blonde guy, with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a black vest and a grey shirt.
" I was saying, today we have professor Jacob as a special guest to our class because we both do control and combat, if you want to work as a team some day you all should know each other strengths and weaknesses. And for that reason we both asigned you in pairs for today's class based on what we know of you and what we thinking you still have to learn. Any questions?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Kaze largely ignored the people around him, only taking in the occasional word here and there. He was also left alone, few really had the nerve to be near him or interact with him. Mostly because he towered over them and height tended to intimidate people. Although oddly someone stood near him and was giving him a glare. The air around her felt colder which was pretty interesting. Although her order made his eyes narrow. Before he could respond to her another teen seemed to have come to his defense. The boy and girl bickered a little before the girl turned her attention back to him.

Leaning down a little he reached out, his hands still hidden by his cloak, and picked her up as if she were a toy before placing her down on the other side of him. "I moved." He said, his voice quite odd. It was like numerous deep voiced beings talking at once. Once that debacle was over Jade finally spoke up and listed off a few rules, two of which applied to a couple of the students. Eira and himself. "It's mostly to stop the stares, Lady Jade." He said before slipping off the cloak. It fell in a heap at his feet before his tail scooped it up and put it aside. Meanwhile his wings stretched out, the joints creaking and crackling, before settling down.

The clicking from before made sense now that the students could actually see the flesh-ripping claws drumming occasionally on the ground. Students could understand why he wore the cloak so often, his powers never turned off unlike theirs. They could actively hide out in plain sight. Being a giant draconic being made that just a smidgen difficult.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HylianRose
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HylianRose Defender of Hyrule

Member Seen 14 days ago

Mentions: None

Lain tried to keep to herself while the others talked. She really didn't feel like dealing with others or the fight that seemed to be brewing nearby. Though it was no surprise that the others seemed to forget she existed, Lain still felt a bit hurt that her presence didn't seem to amount to much. Then again, she was practically trying to disappear on the spot.

She lifted her head when the teacher started talking, but the entire situation was making her nervous. She felt hot and a little bit nauseous. Like the room was spinning slightly and she could hear a ringing in her ear. She took in slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She didn't like any of this. The idea of not hiding your powers, the fighting going on, the teachers. She did not want to be here and that was the only thought going through her mind. She could care less what the teachers wanted or what the students wanted.

Just... let me leave. Please...

Who would she get as a partner? For some reason, she was really hoping for the dragon guy because at the very least he might be able to stop her if things got out of hand. He looked like he could take on anything her uncontrollable powers could dish out at him... She glanced at Eric next to him. She really did not want to be partnered with him. He looked so normal and... she really didn't want to hurt him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Drakey
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Drakey The Best Dragon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Eira snarled as the dragon picked her up. As he set her down, her flames died down just a smidgen, and then shot back up. Turning swiftly on her feet, she glared at the giant once again.

"Don't you dare fucking pick me up again." Her voice, as it had been throughout this little encounter, was cold, icy, and dark. A slight blush surfaced on her cheeks as her shoulders twitched a little. Bad memories began to surface, but with an iron will she shoved them back down. For god's sake, the streets of New York was no place for a girl to grow up.

About to spit some other vehement comment out, Eira was cut short by the professor's words. Scowling, she turned towards the bloody teacher, of course, not wanting to go back to where she came from, Eira kept her mouth shut. Waiting, she watched as the dragon took off his cloak. Damnit, for a big scaly giant, he was rather attractive. Snarling, she responded to Professor Jade.

"Oi! If I could keep it bottled up I would. Do you have any idea what it feels like to never have a hot meal in your life?!?!" Eira's voice echoed around the arena, carrying itself down to the professor in the center of the ground. Crossing her arms, Eira leaned back against the metal railing that stood behind her. Shooting daggered glares at both the teacher and the lizard, Eira's flames coiled around the metal. Soon, the once glossy railing became foggy with a thin layer of ice.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Raptra
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Raptra Fluorescent Birb

Member Seen 1 day ago

Out of the corner of his eye, Cole could see the bright green-haired girl who had been talking give him a wave and a friendly smile. His initial impression of her was that she was loud and a tad hyperactive, but at least she was pleasant. A light smile crossed his face as he looked towards her and nodded, intending to be polite. Her attention, as well as that of another boy in the group then turned to a little situation some distance away from them. He thought it unnecessary for the boy to interfere when he was not part of it. After all, that was what teachers were for, were they not?

The female teacher who had started to address the students was soon joined by a male one, whom she had introduced as 'Professor Jacob'. She then briefed the group on the lesson that was about to take place, giving some specific instructions to a couple of students, namely the two involved in the earlier incident. The tall figure in the cloak complied without objection, and revealed himself to be a dragon-like beast. Well, that had shown Cole that he was not the only monster around. The girl, however, could only imply that she had trouble controlling her ability. She did so while maintaining her aggressive demeanor, and Cole could not help but be curious about how the teacher would respond to that.

Switching his focus back to the class, he figured that he had quite a clear idea of what was going to happen. It was a safe environment to use his ability, and all he had to do was ensure he did not stay a monster for longer than ten minutes. He would have been self-conscious about the nature of his ability, if not for the fact that he knew that he was around a group of people who were 'gifted' themselves.

"Understood, Ma'am," was all he felt the need to say in reply to the teacher.

@Drakey @HylianRose @Kazemitsu @Kaesus @Enalais @Aphelion
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago


When the teacher started to speak, everything died down and Eric let out a sigh of relief. When she mentioned the giant should take off his cloak, he turned to look at him and saw that he was actually a dragon-man hybrid thing. "Okay, cool..." He said, his voice filled with awe from looking at the dragon man. Before, he could ask what the teacher meant by working as a team, the dragon man picked up the ice queen and set her down on the other side of him. This caused Eric to laugh at loud, and then in between laughs he managed to utter. "Both of you are so hopeless." He stopped laughing, and started to go back to his seat.

It was at this point that he saw the ice queen was getting legitimately angry so he stepped between the two of them, he could see the look on her face. Eric probably shouldn't of stepped between the two of them, out of both of them his powers were probably the weakest. He could probably fight a normal human, but someone like dragon-man, and more than likely the ice queen over there could probably tear him to shreds. "I don't think you two should be fighting yet, maybe you'll get lucky and get paired up then you can beat the tar out of each other. But there are people in the crossfire here, so how bout the both of you come sit down with us." His voice was more serious this time, but his body betrayed him he was shaking like a leaf from how terrified he was. But eventually he found the courage to point towards where he was sitting earlier.
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