Power: Super-speed
Background: Jacob grew up in the Haven, living there his whole life growing up to be the Combat teacher. He is a happy person and nice to his student, nevertheless he is strict during his classes punishing bad behavior.

Power: Time Control
Background: Not much is known by the students about Lady Jade, only that she teaches Power Control and she always carries a sword with her

Power: Telekinesis
Background: With a doctorate in theoretical physics, Adam decided to torture himself by teaching regular physics. He teaches power control to the older students while also teaching regular, AP, and calculus based physics.
Name: Mark Thuckle
Age: 67

Mr. Thuckle has a tremendous amount of control over stone. An unassuming old man, no one actually knows that he is the reason that the Arena isn’t in shambles. He is also the second most powerful mutant in Haven, with only the Headmaster above him.
Born a long time ago, Mark grew up in the foothills of Pennsylvania. Working as a quarry man in his youth, Mark only discovered his powers after the side of the quarry fell on him and his coworkers. Manifesting itself, his power saved him, but not his friends. Feeling tremendous guilt, Mark disappeared after that. Working on his power, Mark was somehow found by Haven’s Headmaster. The man offered Mark a home, but in exchange, Mark would have to use his powers for the betterment of younger mutants. With nothing else, Mark agreed, and between the Headmaster’s connections and Mark’s ability, Haven was built.
Age: 67

Mr. Thuckle has a tremendous amount of control over stone. An unassuming old man, no one actually knows that he is the reason that the Arena isn’t in shambles. He is also the second most powerful mutant in Haven, with only the Headmaster above him.
Born a long time ago, Mark grew up in the foothills of Pennsylvania. Working as a quarry man in his youth, Mark only discovered his powers after the side of the quarry fell on him and his coworkers. Manifesting itself, his power saved him, but not his friends. Feeling tremendous guilt, Mark disappeared after that. Working on his power, Mark was somehow found by Haven’s Headmaster. The man offered Mark a home, but in exchange, Mark would have to use his powers for the betterment of younger mutants. With nothing else, Mark agreed, and between the Headmaster’s connections and Mark’s ability, Haven was built.
Name: Martha Bedleck
Age: 34

Martha Bedleck has a tremendous ability to activate the healing potential of living creatures. Able to urge wounds to heal quickly and correctly, Ms. Bedleck became famous among certain circles.
Martha was born in a tiny village in Great Britain. Growing up as a very bright child, Martha was able, by the skin of her teeth, to get accepted into a medical school. However, her power would rear its head when she first started working with living patients. 28 then, her seemingly miraculous abilities were both loved and hated. Many rival doctors tried to make her go bankrupt, and they succeeded. Her gift had been her curse, but, as fate would have it, a man appeared. With his hand outstretched, he brought her to Haven. She has been there ever since, healing and teaching the school’s students.
Age: 34

Martha Bedleck has a tremendous ability to activate the healing potential of living creatures. Able to urge wounds to heal quickly and correctly, Ms. Bedleck became famous among certain circles.
Martha was born in a tiny village in Great Britain. Growing up as a very bright child, Martha was able, by the skin of her teeth, to get accepted into a medical school. However, her power would rear its head when she first started working with living patients. 28 then, her seemingly miraculous abilities were both loved and hated. Many rival doctors tried to make her go bankrupt, and they succeeded. Her gift had been her curse, but, as fate would have it, a man appeared. With his hand outstretched, he brought her to Haven. She has been there ever since, healing and teaching the school’s students.
Name: Jack Colles
Age: 29

Mr Colles is able to speak with animals. While not an especially powerful trait, it comes in handy with his job. Don’t mess with the animals on campus, Colles WILL know.
Born in Kansas, Jack’s ability had always manifested for him. It wasn’t until he reached high school that Jack realized he could do something that others could not. Facing ridicule in his school years, Jack became a withdrawn, cynical man. Eventually, though, as fate would have it, Jack came across The Haven. It was just a random job interview, they were looking for a new stable man, but no one else had even come to the interview. What Jack would learn later was that the invitation had only been sent to him. Truly, the Haven’s ability to find and gather mutants was incredible.
Age: 29

Mr Colles is able to speak with animals. While not an especially powerful trait, it comes in handy with his job. Don’t mess with the animals on campus, Colles WILL know.
Born in Kansas, Jack’s ability had always manifested for him. It wasn’t until he reached high school that Jack realized he could do something that others could not. Facing ridicule in his school years, Jack became a withdrawn, cynical man. Eventually, though, as fate would have it, Jack came across The Haven. It was just a random job interview, they were looking for a new stable man, but no one else had even come to the interview. What Jack would learn later was that the invitation had only been sent to him. Truly, the Haven’s ability to find and gather mutants was incredible.
Name: Zoelene Sullivan
Age: 30

Power: Technopathy
Background: Zoelene had a lonely childhood, being perceived as a strange little girl when her ability started developing early in her life, causing her to claim that machines and electronic devices were 'speaking to her'. Constantly feeling misunderstood, she turned to her technology for solace, finding that machines could listen to her in way that no human could, and developed a special appreciation for them that nobody else could understand. She was taken in as a staff member by the Haven when her technology-controlling ability was discovered, and empathizes with students who had also been ostracized for their abilities. She can come across as a little eccentric, especially when she is seen caressing her creations and speaking to them as if they are pets.
Age: 30

Power: Technopathy
Background: Zoelene had a lonely childhood, being perceived as a strange little girl when her ability started developing early in her life, causing her to claim that machines and electronic devices were 'speaking to her'. Constantly feeling misunderstood, she turned to her technology for solace, finding that machines could listen to her in way that no human could, and developed a special appreciation for them that nobody else could understand. She was taken in as a staff member by the Haven when her technology-controlling ability was discovered, and empathizes with students who had also been ostracized for their abilities. She can come across as a little eccentric, especially when she is seen caressing her creations and speaking to them as if they are pets.
*Fourth Years can only be played by Kaesus or Drakey*
Name: Ivy Florens
Age: 15 (Second Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: She’s a plant. Is able to control most plants around her to a certain extent. Beyond that, she has to convince them. Being a plant, her perception of time is extremely warped, as such, she tends to move in a slow manner, regardless of how quickly her mind may think.
Background: Born in the outside world, Ivy suffered from the same treatment that most full-time mutants suffered from. She lived a relatively normal life until she turned 11. She had been in the city park, hanging out with friends after school, when she heard their voices. It had taken her weeks to find out where they were coming from and everyone thought she had been insane. However, her gift grew exponentially when she found them. The trees, the grass, flowers and bushes. All were speaking to her, welcoming her. What had started out as a green tinge on her arms soon became what she is now. With such a drastic change, it didn’t take long for the Headmaster to find her, and when he did, she was inducted into Haven almost immediately. SHe has spent the past four years there, living and growing. Ivy enjoys her form though, and sees no loss in it.
Class: The Forest
Age: 15 (Second Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: She’s a plant. Is able to control most plants around her to a certain extent. Beyond that, she has to convince them. Being a plant, her perception of time is extremely warped, as such, she tends to move in a slow manner, regardless of how quickly her mind may think.
Background: Born in the outside world, Ivy suffered from the same treatment that most full-time mutants suffered from. She lived a relatively normal life until she turned 11. She had been in the city park, hanging out with friends after school, when she heard their voices. It had taken her weeks to find out where they were coming from and everyone thought she had been insane. However, her gift grew exponentially when she found them. The trees, the grass, flowers and bushes. All were speaking to her, welcoming her. What had started out as a green tinge on her arms soon became what she is now. With such a drastic change, it didn’t take long for the Headmaster to find her, and when he did, she was inducted into Haven almost immediately. SHe has spent the past four years there, living and growing. Ivy enjoys her form though, and sees no loss in it.
Class: The Forest
Name: Xanthe Marta Silveira
Age: 18 (Second Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: Her body naturally creates a metallic compound called ‘Dark Steel.’ This compound can be willed into any shape she chooses, however, Xanthe only has so much that she can use.
Background: Xanthe was born in Italy to a metalworking father and a stay at home mother. When her powers came to fruition, her family saw no harm in them. Instead, her father brought her to his place of work and taught her all he could about metal. When Haven found her, they extended the invitation to her family. Her father, knowing that he could not teach her fully, accepted and off she went. After arriving, she had to take multiple classes on english and still cannot speak it all that well. SHe returns home on the breaks.
Class: The Forges
Age: 18 (Second Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: Her body naturally creates a metallic compound called ‘Dark Steel.’ This compound can be willed into any shape she chooses, however, Xanthe only has so much that she can use.
Background: Xanthe was born in Italy to a metalworking father and a stay at home mother. When her powers came to fruition, her family saw no harm in them. Instead, her father brought her to his place of work and taught her all he could about metal. When Haven found her, they extended the invitation to her family. Her father, knowing that he could not teach her fully, accepted and off she went. After arriving, she had to take multiple classes on english and still cannot speak it all that well. SHe returns home on the breaks.
Class: The Forges
Name: Ingibjörg Ásta
Age: 19 (Third Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: Ing’s icy blood lends itself to her fighting style. A very up close and personal fighter, her punches are imbued with ice itself.
Background: Ing was born in Norway where she grew up relatively normally. The only major differences were that she could stay outside, in the dead of winter, with nothing but a bikini on and be fine, and she was constantly getting into fights. The last fight, the one before she was accepted into Haven, had her put another boy in urgent care after punching him in the face. Her powers had awoken and his face had frozen over.
Classe: Ice Caps
Age: 19 (Third Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: Ing’s icy blood lends itself to her fighting style. A very up close and personal fighter, her punches are imbued with ice itself.
Background: Ing was born in Norway where she grew up relatively normally. The only major differences were that she could stay outside, in the dead of winter, with nothing but a bikini on and be fine, and she was constantly getting into fights. The last fight, the one before she was accepted into Haven, had her put another boy in urgent care after punching him in the face. Her powers had awoken and his face had frozen over.
Classe: Ice Caps
Name: Judie Kristal Evanson (The Orc)
Age: 21 (Fourth Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: She is an orc???? Not exactly sure...Able to hide among plants easily, Judie is known as as the green shadow. With excellent night vision, she also happens to be nocturnal.
Background: Judie was born into her condition, as a result, her parents soon separated. Her father kept her and raised her, but he died from pneumonia when she was 10. Forced to take care of herself, Judie easily did. However, Haven found her when she was 17. The police had finally caught the little thief, and Haven was notified. Immediately she was accepted. Judie has a huge crush on The Lich.
Class: The Forest
Age: 21 (Fourth Year)
Appearance (pictures accepted):

Power: She is an orc???? Not exactly sure...Able to hide among plants easily, Judie is known as as the green shadow. With excellent night vision, she also happens to be nocturnal.
Background: Judie was born into her condition, as a result, her parents soon separated. Her father kept her and raised her, but he died from pneumonia when she was 10. Forced to take care of herself, Judie easily did. However, Haven found her when she was 17. The police had finally caught the little thief, and Haven was notified. Immediately she was accepted. Judie has a huge crush on The Lich.
Class: The Forest
Name: Oda Roslindis (The Oni)
Age: 18 (Fourth Year)

Power: She is an Oni, as such, she has control over a mixture of flame and shadow. They follow her around, hiding in the folds of her clothes.
Background: Oda was born with her mutations, though her parents had been accepting of her condition, her powers were uncontrollable in her young age. As such, they had searched for a place to take care of her. It was at this time that they met Haven’s Headmaster. Immediately, the Headmaster offered to take her in. As such, Oda has grown up in Haven, but visits her actual parents in the breaks.
Age: 18 (Fourth Year)

Power: She is an Oni, as such, she has control over a mixture of flame and shadow. They follow her around, hiding in the folds of her clothes.
Background: Oda was born with her mutations, though her parents had been accepting of her condition, her powers were uncontrollable in her young age. As such, they had searched for a place to take care of her. It was at this time that they met Haven’s Headmaster. Immediately, the Headmaster offered to take her in. As such, Oda has grown up in Haven, but visits her actual parents in the breaks.
Name: Jon Reeves
Age: 18 (Third Year)

Power: Jon possesses all the abilities of a great white shark: proportional strength, agility, and reaction time, underwater breathing, sandpaper-like skin, easily regrowing his teeth, and being able to sense electromagnetic fields.
Background: Formerly a two-bit thug from New Jersey, Jon transformation happened when he was very young. Growing up he mostly worked as a mascot and, eventually, bouncer for his father's hastily renamed bar, the Shark Cage. This resulted in him becoming something of a minor local celebrity, but as time wore on he felt more and more like he was being put on display. Came to the haven to get away from the attention and hopefully make something of himself other than “the shark kid.”
Note: Does not know how to swim
Age: 18 (Third Year)

Power: Jon possesses all the abilities of a great white shark: proportional strength, agility, and reaction time, underwater breathing, sandpaper-like skin, easily regrowing his teeth, and being able to sense electromagnetic fields.
Background: Formerly a two-bit thug from New Jersey, Jon transformation happened when he was very young. Growing up he mostly worked as a mascot and, eventually, bouncer for his father's hastily renamed bar, the Shark Cage. This resulted in him becoming something of a minor local celebrity, but as time wore on he felt more and more like he was being put on display. Came to the haven to get away from the attention and hopefully make something of himself other than “the shark kid.”
Note: Does not know how to swim
Name: Albina Adriana Wojda
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Albina can materialize six phantom arms from her back. These arms possess astounding strength, durability, and reaction time far exceeding any ordinary arm. They’re also capable of discharging the energy that makes them up in white hot beams. They appear to have their own senses and when not being directly controlled act of their own accord to protect both Albina and, notably, anyone within arms reach of her.
Background: An ordinary polish girl whose power has only manifested recently in order to save her and her younger brother from an out of control tram. Met with a mixture of fear and adulation from her large family, Albina at first treated her new power as a plaything. Eventually, however, she began to feel paranoid about how the arms would act without her knowledge. She became convinced that the arms had an agenda, were trying to guide her toward some higher purpose, and began studying and interpreting every little thing that they did. She claims that she found her way to the Safe Haven because the arms guided her there.
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Albina can materialize six phantom arms from her back. These arms possess astounding strength, durability, and reaction time far exceeding any ordinary arm. They’re also capable of discharging the energy that makes them up in white hot beams. They appear to have their own senses and when not being directly controlled act of their own accord to protect both Albina and, notably, anyone within arms reach of her.
Background: An ordinary polish girl whose power has only manifested recently in order to save her and her younger brother from an out of control tram. Met with a mixture of fear and adulation from her large family, Albina at first treated her new power as a plaything. Eventually, however, she began to feel paranoid about how the arms would act without her knowledge. She became convinced that the arms had an agenda, were trying to guide her toward some higher purpose, and began studying and interpreting every little thing that they did. She claims that she found her way to the Safe Haven because the arms guided her there.
Name: Beatrix Ilike Szarvas
Age: 17 (Third Year)

Power: Not currently well understood. She appears to be in the process of transforming into something else. Her head, neck, and the upper left half of her body is composed of an unidentified gelatinous flesh like substance seemingly capable of endless regeneration, and her tentacles in particular are capable of stretching out a great length in addition to being stronger than any normal arm. Her extra eyes are all functional, though the vision they provide is reportedly blurry.
All other parts of her body have hardened into an insect like exoskeleton which, when damage, releases a putrid back ichor. If the limb is set properly, the ichor will heal the broken exoskeleton like a broken bone.
She will occasionally grow a “tomb of flesh,” from which she has to be freed immediately as per her request.
Background: Beatrix lacks very many memories of her early childhood or any moment before her screaming parents sliced her out of a cocoon she had become encased in overnight when she was twelve. In addition to her profound physical transformation this lack of familiarity became a permanent rift between her family and herself, and after another such incident occurred a year later under their vigil it was mutually decided that she should seek sanctuary at the Safe Haven. Six “tomb of flesh” incidents have occurred since then, each one ended nearly as soon as it began.
Age: 17 (Third Year)

Power: Not currently well understood. She appears to be in the process of transforming into something else. Her head, neck, and the upper left half of her body is composed of an unidentified gelatinous flesh like substance seemingly capable of endless regeneration, and her tentacles in particular are capable of stretching out a great length in addition to being stronger than any normal arm. Her extra eyes are all functional, though the vision they provide is reportedly blurry.
All other parts of her body have hardened into an insect like exoskeleton which, when damage, releases a putrid back ichor. If the limb is set properly, the ichor will heal the broken exoskeleton like a broken bone.
She will occasionally grow a “tomb of flesh,” from which she has to be freed immediately as per her request.
Background: Beatrix lacks very many memories of her early childhood or any moment before her screaming parents sliced her out of a cocoon she had become encased in overnight when she was twelve. In addition to her profound physical transformation this lack of familiarity became a permanent rift between her family and herself, and after another such incident occurred a year later under their vigil it was mutually decided that she should seek sanctuary at the Safe Haven. Six “tomb of flesh” incidents have occurred since then, each one ended nearly as soon as it began.
Name: Marie Folunhad
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Whenever someone comes into contact with a model that Marie has built they shrink down to the models size and the model becomes active. When a model is active it will behave as it would at life size. For example, model cars will drive, model planes will fly, and model people in a model city will come to life and go about their business. The skill and attention of detail that went into the building of the model will be reflected in the realism of the model. A model that had sufficient care put into it will even have weather, a local history, and edible food. To leave the model and return to normal size one only has to step off the edge of the model or survive the models destruction.
Background: A carpenters daughter, Marie discovered her passion in life early on was building intricately detailed models. This hobby won her much acclaim at craft fairs but was more geared toward lurking alone in the basement for hours on end than going out and making friends. That’s why her parents were willing to overlook certain details when her classmates started coming over at all hours of the day looking to hang out. Details like how unusually quiet they all were down there, how they never seemed to come up except to leave, or how there seemed to be an uncomfortably cramped number of them heading down. It seemed strange, but she had always seemed strange and at least now she seemed strange and happy.
This all ended when a nine week missing child hunt led right to her door, right down into her basement, and right into a meticulously detailed model of 1920’s Chicago where the missing kid was found being held by the mob. The child was extracted via S.W.A.T. team and, unsure of what if anything she could be charged with, it was suggested that Marie be placed in the custody of the Safe Haven.
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Whenever someone comes into contact with a model that Marie has built they shrink down to the models size and the model becomes active. When a model is active it will behave as it would at life size. For example, model cars will drive, model planes will fly, and model people in a model city will come to life and go about their business. The skill and attention of detail that went into the building of the model will be reflected in the realism of the model. A model that had sufficient care put into it will even have weather, a local history, and edible food. To leave the model and return to normal size one only has to step off the edge of the model or survive the models destruction.
Background: A carpenters daughter, Marie discovered her passion in life early on was building intricately detailed models. This hobby won her much acclaim at craft fairs but was more geared toward lurking alone in the basement for hours on end than going out and making friends. That’s why her parents were willing to overlook certain details when her classmates started coming over at all hours of the day looking to hang out. Details like how unusually quiet they all were down there, how they never seemed to come up except to leave, or how there seemed to be an uncomfortably cramped number of them heading down. It seemed strange, but she had always seemed strange and at least now she seemed strange and happy.
This all ended when a nine week missing child hunt led right to her door, right down into her basement, and right into a meticulously detailed model of 1920’s Chicago where the missing kid was found being held by the mob. The child was extracted via S.W.A.T. team and, unsure of what if anything she could be charged with, it was suggested that Marie be placed in the custody of the Safe Haven.
Name: Dana Gray
Age: 17 (Third Year)

Power: In addition to be able to fly using her wings Dana can release a mood altering dust from them. The effect this dust has is determined by Dana’s own feelings when it is released.
Background: Dana was born into an extremely well off family, and money and affluence paved the way for her to live a relatively normal life even after her powers manifested themselves. She attended a prestigious private academy with an excellent theatre program, which she took to and excelled at. She came to national attention when video of her school's “Gojira: A Kaiju Love Story” was posted online and went viral, where the ephemeral grace and beauty with which she played the part of the female lead and the sincerity of emotion she displayed in spite of the ridiculous premise garnered legitimate critical acclaim. She requested a transfer to the Safe Haven herself, hoping to recruit other aspiring actors to put on all superpower performances, and has been de facto in charge of its floundering theatre program since she arrived.
Note: In a relationship with the guy that played Gojira in that play.
Age: 17 (Third Year)

Power: In addition to be able to fly using her wings Dana can release a mood altering dust from them. The effect this dust has is determined by Dana’s own feelings when it is released.
Background: Dana was born into an extremely well off family, and money and affluence paved the way for her to live a relatively normal life even after her powers manifested themselves. She attended a prestigious private academy with an excellent theatre program, which she took to and excelled at. She came to national attention when video of her school's “Gojira: A Kaiju Love Story” was posted online and went viral, where the ephemeral grace and beauty with which she played the part of the female lead and the sincerity of emotion she displayed in spite of the ridiculous premise garnered legitimate critical acclaim. She requested a transfer to the Safe Haven herself, hoping to recruit other aspiring actors to put on all superpower performances, and has been de facto in charge of its floundering theatre program since she arrived.
Note: In a relationship with the guy that played Gojira in that play.
Name: Nora Valdez
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Nora is able to fly at speeds rivaling that of a hawk.
Background: Nora was born on a US military base in Okinawa to an American mother and a Japanese father and lived in Japan for the duration of her mother's deployment, where she was distrusted and teased by the locals both as a foreigner and a bird. She would spend a lot of time alone out in the wilderness and inadvertently frightening tourists. She eventually decided that being a Yokai was more familiar to people than having superpowers and played up those aspects of her personality, causing no end of mischief wherever she could. Despite this seemingly carefree attitude when it came time for her mother to go back to the United States she was terrified of having to normalise herself to people all over again, and so they sought out the Safe Haven.
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Nora is able to fly at speeds rivaling that of a hawk.
Background: Nora was born on a US military base in Okinawa to an American mother and a Japanese father and lived in Japan for the duration of her mother's deployment, where she was distrusted and teased by the locals both as a foreigner and a bird. She would spend a lot of time alone out in the wilderness and inadvertently frightening tourists. She eventually decided that being a Yokai was more familiar to people than having superpowers and played up those aspects of her personality, causing no end of mischief wherever she could. Despite this seemingly carefree attitude when it came time for her mother to go back to the United States she was terrified of having to normalise herself to people all over again, and so they sought out the Safe Haven.
Name: Yngvildr Hildr
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Yngvildr can materialize weapons by designing a weapon in her mind's eye and meditating upon its image until it’s crystal clear. This takes many hours, and once the weapon is free from her mind it becomes impossible for her to picture it again. These “conceptual weapons” are more powerful than any normal weapon, to the point where wielding one is akin to having a superpower yourself. So far she can only create primitive weapons, as she doesn't have enough knowledge of the inner workings of firearms to create one that works.
Background: Yngvildr was born into a resurgent pagan cult led by a man with storm powers claiming to be the reincarnation of the god Thor. Once her powers were discovered she was made into the cults blacksmith and used to produce weapons in preparation for the coming of Ragnarok. Ragnarok did come, in the form of the Norwegian military storming the cults backwoods compound after one such weapon was used in a terrorist attack on the capital which killed hundreds. She was detained for a time by the government, but was secretly spirited away to the Safe Haven by Haven sympathizers. Yngvildr is still wanted for questioning internationally for her role in the attack, and her weapons are still floating around on the black market.
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Yngvildr can materialize weapons by designing a weapon in her mind's eye and meditating upon its image until it’s crystal clear. This takes many hours, and once the weapon is free from her mind it becomes impossible for her to picture it again. These “conceptual weapons” are more powerful than any normal weapon, to the point where wielding one is akin to having a superpower yourself. So far she can only create primitive weapons, as she doesn't have enough knowledge of the inner workings of firearms to create one that works.
Background: Yngvildr was born into a resurgent pagan cult led by a man with storm powers claiming to be the reincarnation of the god Thor. Once her powers were discovered she was made into the cults blacksmith and used to produce weapons in preparation for the coming of Ragnarok. Ragnarok did come, in the form of the Norwegian military storming the cults backwoods compound after one such weapon was used in a terrorist attack on the capital which killed hundreds. She was detained for a time by the government, but was secretly spirited away to the Safe Haven by Haven sympathizers. Yngvildr is still wanted for questioning internationally for her role in the attack, and her weapons are still floating around on the black market.
Name: Mabel Phillips
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Mabel possesses monstrous strength and durability, the ability to fly, and can fire a concentrated beam of heat from her mouth intense enough to melt through nearly anything.
Background: Mabel only knows her own name because there was a record of a child born with wings and a small tail like hers in a hospital in New Mexico roughly 15 years ago, and even then she can’t be too sure. Mabel was discovered in Dubai when she burned a hole through the underground human zoo she was being displayed in, the street above, and four other buildings before taking flight and leading authorities on an aerial chase around the metropolis. Having no official home she was taken to the Safe Haven after her capture. Her presumed mother, Margaret Phillips, is being sought in the hopes of comparing their DNA but has seemingly vanished.
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Mabel possesses monstrous strength and durability, the ability to fly, and can fire a concentrated beam of heat from her mouth intense enough to melt through nearly anything.
Background: Mabel only knows her own name because there was a record of a child born with wings and a small tail like hers in a hospital in New Mexico roughly 15 years ago, and even then she can’t be too sure. Mabel was discovered in Dubai when she burned a hole through the underground human zoo she was being displayed in, the street above, and four other buildings before taking flight and leading authorities on an aerial chase around the metropolis. Having no official home she was taken to the Safe Haven after her capture. Her presumed mother, Margaret Phillips, is being sought in the hopes of comparing their DNA but has seemingly vanished.
Name: Sue Casey
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Sue is able to repair her own body with any material that’s at hand, the material warping itself to imitate the part that has been lost and integrating itself into her body. She can do this just by touching the desired material to any wound. She does not have to be conscious for this to take effect. It is likely that she can not actually die in anything short of a total vacuum.
Background: Sue is the only survivor of a jumbo jet crash that killed her entire immediate family, the shock of which seemly activated her latent power. Given the choice of living with relatives or going to the Safe Haven, she decided the Haven was less painful than having to face her relatives while being 80% made of the thing that killed their loved ones. She has attempted suicide twice but her power has repaired her against her will both times and she seems disinterested in any more attempts. Her relatives continue to try and contact her.
Note: Intense survivor guilt. Friends with Edith?
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Sue is able to repair her own body with any material that’s at hand, the material warping itself to imitate the part that has been lost and integrating itself into her body. She can do this just by touching the desired material to any wound. She does not have to be conscious for this to take effect. It is likely that she can not actually die in anything short of a total vacuum.
Background: Sue is the only survivor of a jumbo jet crash that killed her entire immediate family, the shock of which seemly activated her latent power. Given the choice of living with relatives or going to the Safe Haven, she decided the Haven was less painful than having to face her relatives while being 80% made of the thing that killed their loved ones. She has attempted suicide twice but her power has repaired her against her will both times and she seems disinterested in any more attempts. Her relatives continue to try and contact her.
Note: Intense survivor guilt. Friends with Edith?
Name: Karl Becker
Age: 19 (Third Year)

Power: Karl can emit a golden energy he calls Flutter Waves. Any living thing exposed to Flutter Waves gains the ability to fly. A full body saturation of Flutter Waves will give someone the ability to fly for an hour before they have to come back to him for a recharge. Karl can fly whenever he wants.
Background: A boy discovered living free wandering the southeastern United States, letting people fly for enough petty cash to make it to the next town over. When confronted he proudly stated that he had been hoboing and refused to give any information on where he came from save that it was “America’s dead heart,” and that he’d gladly drift forever rather than head back there. Offered a home at the Safe Haven until he at least turned 18, Karl thought that the place was actually cool enough to stick around.
Age: 19 (Third Year)

Power: Karl can emit a golden energy he calls Flutter Waves. Any living thing exposed to Flutter Waves gains the ability to fly. A full body saturation of Flutter Waves will give someone the ability to fly for an hour before they have to come back to him for a recharge. Karl can fly whenever he wants.
Background: A boy discovered living free wandering the southeastern United States, letting people fly for enough petty cash to make it to the next town over. When confronted he proudly stated that he had been hoboing and refused to give any information on where he came from save that it was “America’s dead heart,” and that he’d gladly drift forever rather than head back there. Offered a home at the Safe Haven until he at least turned 18, Karl thought that the place was actually cool enough to stick around.
Name: Joey Crawford
Age: 19 (Third Year)

Power: Joey’s power, which he refers to as Blue Velvet, takes the form of the vine like tattoo that covers his body. Joey can grow new vines from any tattooed part of his body and manipulate them for offence, defence, and utility.
Background: Joey hid his power from everyone but his parents as a tattoo he’d gotten over summer break while vacationing in the bahamas, and proceeded to use it to secretly harass and steal from the other students at his school. He got cocky though, and used it more wantonly as time went on until eventually it was discovered. A group of students got together and beat him to a pulp, and his parents got on their knees and begged the Haven to take him in before something worse happened. Reputation ruined, fearing for his safety, and wanting to gain more power to take revenge, Joey had no choice but to come.
Age: 19 (Third Year)

Power: Joey’s power, which he refers to as Blue Velvet, takes the form of the vine like tattoo that covers his body. Joey can grow new vines from any tattooed part of his body and manipulate them for offence, defence, and utility.
Background: Joey hid his power from everyone but his parents as a tattoo he’d gotten over summer break while vacationing in the bahamas, and proceeded to use it to secretly harass and steal from the other students at his school. He got cocky though, and used it more wantonly as time went on until eventually it was discovered. A group of students got together and beat him to a pulp, and his parents got on their knees and begged the Haven to take him in before something worse happened. Reputation ruined, fearing for his safety, and wanting to gain more power to take revenge, Joey had no choice but to come.
Name: Belinda Balentine
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Belinda possess an innate understanding of any machine. She can look at a machine once and know precisely how it’s made, what it’s made of, how to make another one, and what is wrong with it.
Background: Opened her own repair shop in the back of her parents grocery store while she was still in middle school. This repair shop eventually did so well that her parents rented a garage for her to work on bigger things. This also became very successful due to the quality and speed of her repairs, eventually completely outpacing the profits of her parents store and allowing her to purchase the garage for herself. She was eventually noticed by the Safe Haven, who correctly identified her power and extended an invitation to study and do repair work there. Has the distinction of being the only student on campus who is also on the faculty payroll.
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Belinda possess an innate understanding of any machine. She can look at a machine once and know precisely how it’s made, what it’s made of, how to make another one, and what is wrong with it.
Background: Opened her own repair shop in the back of her parents grocery store while she was still in middle school. This repair shop eventually did so well that her parents rented a garage for her to work on bigger things. This also became very successful due to the quality and speed of her repairs, eventually completely outpacing the profits of her parents store and allowing her to purchase the garage for herself. She was eventually noticed by the Safe Haven, who correctly identified her power and extended an invitation to study and do repair work there. Has the distinction of being the only student on campus who is also on the faculty payroll.
Name: Frances Cannon
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Any art Frances creates come to life. Paint, clay, 3D modeling, it doesn't matter. If Frances creates it, it comes alive and free of anything constraining it. Any object that he incorporated into the art, such as security cameras he’s painted around to look like birds heads, becomes integrated into the art when it comes to life. Frances has very little control over his art once it’s alive.
Background: A brightly colored crayon cow ramages its way down main street before crashing into a burger joint. An eight foot tall statue of George Washington breaks its way into a fundraiser for a local politician and proceed to kick every man there in the dick. An RPG maker game whose characters leaped from the confines of the screen and tried to fight you, screaming all the while that they would not suffer for your amusement any longer while flailing at you with their tiny pixelated weapons. All the result of a frustrated orphans Project Mayhem style one man war against everything he found wrong with society. It was a good thing he was found and inducted into the Safe Haven before he managed to seriously hurt anybody.
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: Any art Frances creates come to life. Paint, clay, 3D modeling, it doesn't matter. If Frances creates it, it comes alive and free of anything constraining it. Any object that he incorporated into the art, such as security cameras he’s painted around to look like birds heads, becomes integrated into the art when it comes to life. Frances has very little control over his art once it’s alive.
Background: A brightly colored crayon cow ramages its way down main street before crashing into a burger joint. An eight foot tall statue of George Washington breaks its way into a fundraiser for a local politician and proceed to kick every man there in the dick. An RPG maker game whose characters leaped from the confines of the screen and tried to fight you, screaming all the while that they would not suffer for your amusement any longer while flailing at you with their tiny pixelated weapons. All the result of a frustrated orphans Project Mayhem style one man war against everything he found wrong with society. It was a good thing he was found and inducted into the Safe Haven before he managed to seriously hurt anybody.
Name: Edith Weaver
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Edith can summon a “devil” that will grant wishes. Before the devil grants a wish he must be offered a sacrifice. Anything can be sacrifice to the devil, but the effect of the wish will match the value you place in what is being sacrificed. A valuess sacrifice will not work or see the wisher have their wish ironically turned against them, whereas the honest sacrifice of something precious will result in the devil doing its best to grant your wish even if the value of your sacrifice is not valuable enough to grant the whole wish.
Background: Edith has had her devil for as long as she can remember, and has been making deals for just about as long. A small number at first, other kids mostly, slackers looking to change their fortunes or love lorne teens looking to win the hearts of their beloved. She was courteous and informative to these people. She explained the rules every time. Some followed them but some didn’t, and they paid the price for trying to cheat the devil out of his due. Then things started to escalate as word spread. Make me famous. Make me rich. Kill this person. Save me. The wishes became more demanding, the desperation in their faces more intense, until at last she couldn't take it anymore and ran.
Even in the Haven Edith’s true power is a closely guarded secret. So far as the other students are concerned her power is that she summons a big blue devil that lets her sit in its lap, carries her things, and pats her head when she thinks no one is looking. To this day she isn’t sure whether she actually has superpowers or is for real a conduit through which Lucifer is allowed to sow chaos upon the Earth, but she doesn't really care. Even if it is the devil, it’s the only thing that’s never asked anything of her.
Note: Friends with Sue Casey?
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Edith can summon a “devil” that will grant wishes. Before the devil grants a wish he must be offered a sacrifice. Anything can be sacrifice to the devil, but the effect of the wish will match the value you place in what is being sacrificed. A valuess sacrifice will not work or see the wisher have their wish ironically turned against them, whereas the honest sacrifice of something precious will result in the devil doing its best to grant your wish even if the value of your sacrifice is not valuable enough to grant the whole wish.
Background: Edith has had her devil for as long as she can remember, and has been making deals for just about as long. A small number at first, other kids mostly, slackers looking to change their fortunes or love lorne teens looking to win the hearts of their beloved. She was courteous and informative to these people. She explained the rules every time. Some followed them but some didn’t, and they paid the price for trying to cheat the devil out of his due. Then things started to escalate as word spread. Make me famous. Make me rich. Kill this person. Save me. The wishes became more demanding, the desperation in their faces more intense, until at last she couldn't take it anymore and ran.
Even in the Haven Edith’s true power is a closely guarded secret. So far as the other students are concerned her power is that she summons a big blue devil that lets her sit in its lap, carries her things, and pats her head when she thinks no one is looking. To this day she isn’t sure whether she actually has superpowers or is for real a conduit through which Lucifer is allowed to sow chaos upon the Earth, but she doesn't really care. Even if it is the devil, it’s the only thing that’s never asked anything of her.
Note: Friends with Sue Casey?
Name: Rita Clarke
Age: 16 (First Year)

Power: Around Rita the surroundings take on the properties of “Autumn.” A chill will be in the air and all living things around will be convinced that it is Autumn and behave accordingly, even if there is no such season as Autumn where they’re from. Rita is the only who knows the real season while within her aura.
Background: There’s an urban legend about a town in Pennsylvania where it’s always Fall. On searching out the source of this legend the Safe Haven discovered at its center a girl that was eternally frustrated that she never got to experience summer and surprised that someone had found her. Around town no one had ever noticed she had a power on account of it messing with their perceptions, and she was invited to the Safe Haven to try and find a way to control it properly.
Age: 16 (First Year)

Power: Around Rita the surroundings take on the properties of “Autumn.” A chill will be in the air and all living things around will be convinced that it is Autumn and behave accordingly, even if there is no such season as Autumn where they’re from. Rita is the only who knows the real season while within her aura.
Background: There’s an urban legend about a town in Pennsylvania where it’s always Fall. On searching out the source of this legend the Safe Haven discovered at its center a girl that was eternally frustrated that she never got to experience summer and surprised that someone had found her. Around town no one had ever noticed she had a power on account of it messing with their perceptions, and she was invited to the Safe Haven to try and find a way to control it properly.
Name: Kevin Robinson
Age: 17 (Third Year)

Power: Kevin has all the powers of a toad, including incredible leap strength, a long stick tongue, and the ability to throw up his own stomach.
Background: Despite being green, bulgy eyes, and standing at 4ft 6, Kevin insists that he’s still more attractive as a toad than he ever was as a man. At the Safe Haven he has a bad reputation among the teachers for regularly skipping his classes to focus on his “ninja training.” It is impossible for them to deny, however, that he might just be the best ninja in the entire school.
Age: 17 (Third Year)

Power: Kevin has all the powers of a toad, including incredible leap strength, a long stick tongue, and the ability to throw up his own stomach.
Background: Despite being green, bulgy eyes, and standing at 4ft 6, Kevin insists that he’s still more attractive as a toad than he ever was as a man. At the Safe Haven he has a bad reputation among the teachers for regularly skipping his classes to focus on his “ninja training.” It is impossible for them to deny, however, that he might just be the best ninja in the entire school.
Name: Genevieve Carr
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Genevieve can materialize kiwis of varying sizes and shapes.
Background: Genevieve’s power didn’t really affect her in her ordinary life, as it didn’t seem like something that could go out of control and become dangerous. She unashamedly admits that she’s at the Haven mostly to scope out hot boys, maybe one that can make apples or something. You know, somebody that gets it.
Age: 17 (Second Year)

Power: Genevieve can materialize kiwis of varying sizes and shapes.
Background: Genevieve’s power didn’t really affect her in her ordinary life, as it didn’t seem like something that could go out of control and become dangerous. She unashamedly admits that she’s at the Haven mostly to scope out hot boys, maybe one that can make apples or something. You know, somebody that gets it.
Name: Grant Parker
Age: 19 (Third Year)

Power: Grant can manifest and manipulate spectral chains.
Background: Descended from a long line of English nobility, Grant grew up idolizing the military prowess of his family. A member of the Parker family, it was said, had served with distinction in every war England had fought since the days of King Arthur, and he particularly admired his older brother who was is the SAS. He saw these people as heros, and when his power manifested he jumped at the chance to develop it further so that he could use it to sever his homeland.
Age: 19 (Third Year)

Power: Grant can manifest and manipulate spectral chains.
Background: Descended from a long line of English nobility, Grant grew up idolizing the military prowess of his family. A member of the Parker family, it was said, had served with distinction in every war England had fought since the days of King Arthur, and he particularly admired his older brother who was is the SAS. He saw these people as heros, and when his power manifested he jumped at the chance to develop it further so that he could use it to sever his homeland.
Name: Elijah Foster
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Elijah can draw the surrounding shadows onto his body and then manipulated them into any shape he wishes while wearing them as a sort of second skin. The more shadows he constructs this second skin out of the stronger it becomes. When he releases the shadows they return to where they originated.
Background: Elijah was a quiet, non-confrontational, easily bullied sort of kid. Once his powers manifested, however, he became the Shadow Beast to get back at the people that pushed him. Stealthily prowling his town at night he would lurk around his bullies homes where he knew they could see him, scratching threatening messages into their lawns and vandalizing their property. All the while, he always made sure that he left before any authorities were called and that no one but the bullies ever saw him. This all came to an end one night when he was confronted by Nellie Jensen and the two engaged in a brawl that brought the law down on both of them. After being placed in the Haven they became inseparable sparring partners.
Note: In a relationship with Nellie Jensen
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Elijah can draw the surrounding shadows onto his body and then manipulated them into any shape he wishes while wearing them as a sort of second skin. The more shadows he constructs this second skin out of the stronger it becomes. When he releases the shadows they return to where they originated.
Background: Elijah was a quiet, non-confrontational, easily bullied sort of kid. Once his powers manifested, however, he became the Shadow Beast to get back at the people that pushed him. Stealthily prowling his town at night he would lurk around his bullies homes where he knew they could see him, scratching threatening messages into their lawns and vandalizing their property. All the while, he always made sure that he left before any authorities were called and that no one but the bullies ever saw him. This all came to an end one night when he was confronted by Nellie Jensen and the two engaged in a brawl that brought the law down on both of them. After being placed in the Haven they became inseparable sparring partners.
Note: In a relationship with Nellie Jensen
Name: Nellie Jensen
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Nellie can draw in surrounding metal via some unknown non-magnetic force and attach it to her body. The more metal that’s sticking to her the stronger she gets, and this metal can be manipulated into any configuration she wishes.
Background: Nellie had heard the rumors of the Shadow Beast stalking her town and, since her power had manifested earlier, knew that it must be another superpowered individual. Deciding that she wasn’t going to be having any of that, she secretly constructed a suit of armor from stuff she found in the junkyard and decided that what was needed here was a good old fashioned super hero beatdown. Searching every night she finally got lucky and managed to tail the Shadow Beast to his prospective victims home, where the two engaged in a knock down drag out brawl that brought the law down on both of them. After being placed in the custody of the Haven the two became inseparable sparring partners.
Note: In a relationship with Elijah Foster
Age: 16 (Second Year)

Power: Nellie can draw in surrounding metal via some unknown non-magnetic force and attach it to her body. The more metal that’s sticking to her the stronger she gets, and this metal can be manipulated into any configuration she wishes.
Background: Nellie had heard the rumors of the Shadow Beast stalking her town and, since her power had manifested earlier, knew that it must be another superpowered individual. Deciding that she wasn’t going to be having any of that, she secretly constructed a suit of armor from stuff she found in the junkyard and decided that what was needed here was a good old fashioned super hero beatdown. Searching every night she finally got lucky and managed to tail the Shadow Beast to his prospective victims home, where the two engaged in a knock down drag out brawl that brought the law down on both of them. After being placed in the custody of the Haven the two became inseparable sparring partners.
Note: In a relationship with Elijah Foster
Name: April Chambers
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: April can become partially intangible, moving through physical objects as though moving through a thick, viscous substance. Anything the April phases through this way rapidly decays.
Background: There’s are no records of this girl. She was found in a dilapidated midwestern hotel by the cast of the reality show Haunting Raiders. The name April Chambers was found on a bag found in her possession, and while that is the name of a missing person of about the same age their physical descriptions do not match even slightly. April was delirious, malnourished, and unresponsive when discovered and claims to have no memory of where she came from or her true identity, through a series of “hitchhiking ghost” reports and cases of bizarre structural failure seem to indicate that she had been wandering westward for some time. Were it not for the physical examination attesting that she is indeed among the living it would not be unthinkable for this girl to actually be a ghost.
Age: 15 (First Year)

Power: April can become partially intangible, moving through physical objects as though moving through a thick, viscous substance. Anything the April phases through this way rapidly decays.
Background: There’s are no records of this girl. She was found in a dilapidated midwestern hotel by the cast of the reality show Haunting Raiders. The name April Chambers was found on a bag found in her possession, and while that is the name of a missing person of about the same age their physical descriptions do not match even slightly. April was delirious, malnourished, and unresponsive when discovered and claims to have no memory of where she came from or her true identity, through a series of “hitchhiking ghost” reports and cases of bizarre structural failure seem to indicate that she had been wandering westward for some time. Were it not for the physical examination attesting that she is indeed among the living it would not be unthinkable for this girl to actually be a ghost.
Name: Stuart Myers
Age: 13

Power: Light manipulation - Stuart can manipulate the light around him, creating visions and and other things.
Background: Stuart was an orphan that was raised in a church. While he grew up most of his life there, they had mixed feelings about his powers. While many thought that his powers were a gift from God and that he must be an angel sent to live among them, others still thought of him as the spawn of the Devil, sent to corrupt their souls.
Age: 13

Power: Light manipulation - Stuart can manipulate the light around him, creating visions and and other things.
Background: Stuart was an orphan that was raised in a church. While he grew up most of his life there, they had mixed feelings about his powers. While many thought that his powers were a gift from God and that he must be an angel sent to live among them, others still thought of him as the spawn of the Devil, sent to corrupt their souls.