Name: Delthrael (God name), Marius Delkara (Human name)
Also known as: Lord of Change, The Usurper, Lord Alternius
Age: Unknown. Looks to be early thirties.
God Aspect: Change
Personality: Unknown
Parents: Solaria and Lunus
Sexuality: Straight.
Form on Earth: 
The most common look Delthrael assumes is that of a blonde and blueeyed man. Though he usually can change these things and generally adds inhuman appearance traits such as large batlike wings.
True Form:A glowing orb. Depicted in the hand of his human form.
Power Seize: Delthrael reaches out and grabs another god or godlike entity and steals one of their powers and replaces it with the power he currently have in stored in this 'slot'. Current power is:
Demon fantasy. It creates a peaceful and illusional scenery around him which conceals him. The scenery resembles their old home in the heavens. This power was originally used by the god of dreams, but was taken from him during a battle when the god of dreams had succumbed to evil and nightmares had taken him over. Delthrael then used said power back on him so he was lost in it, being unable to shatter the scenery he fell into his own dreams and fell into a dormant state. In order to use Power Seize, Delthrael needs to touch and hold the being involved for a certain period of time. Like a long unwilling handshake, a grapple from behind, a chokehold or otherwise pinning the target. The being in question can still avoid getting into Close Contact with him, or break free from his grasp, use their own Power to get free or otherwise just attacking him outright. (For IC matters it is up to each player behind the characters to decide if they want this to succeed or not. Despite being a god, there will be no godmodding.)
Great change: He may alter himself to give him claws, musculature, fur, tail, wings, larger limbs and so forth. Altering his physical appearance to whatever he desires, ranging from humanoid appearances to monster or animals. Delthrael may also change the earth under him. Raising or lowering the elevation of the very earth. He may also use the earth as a weapon, creating jagged peaks of earth and stone or form enourmous large hands from them to slam someone inbetween them or under them. A kind of extreme earth manipulation. And lastly he may also change the temperature in either direction to extreme degrees.
Seized power: Delthrael may use the power he has stolen to its full effect.
Demon fantasy.
Weapon: Reversal Blade. His weapon, a sword. Capable of redirecting another god's power towards the direction of his chosing. He would ofcourse need to be aware of said power and it would have to be something that wouldn't be physical.
History: Delthrael was one of the first born of the Sun and Moon. He often promoted change within the heavens and saw the earth as a good thing. He did not promote or reject the defilement some of the gods did to it. For change was inevitable, more inevitable than death for the mortals.
Though it did not mean he was completely emotionless. He knew that sorrow, happiness and all other manner of emotions that mortals and god would feel could change every now and then. Yet time did not wait for anyone and thus one had to endure and look ahead wherever that would be. It may have been due to Delthrael's desire to change, that caused Desious to banish all of them from heaven. To allow a new age to begin.
History: Delthrael initially was displeased having been removed from the heavens and being unable to use his powers to change things himself. But in time came to accept this change. He was after all the lord of change himself, he knew that the world was changing around him and he too had to change.
He knew that spending time with humans over a longer period of time would only get in his way. They lived so short lives, whereof he himself was immortal. Life was truly not fair. Not even death was fair now that he thought of it. Death had him exiled. To spend the long time of his exile he found himself listening to human stories and reading books. He did not partake in any large wars or conflicts which were reserved for humankind to fight. Though he was prone to step in and beat people up when someone truly needed aid.
Delthrael mostly sat and tried to keep himself busy with all the many books these humans had written. They could entertain him for ages. He also got a fine glimse into the human minds, and also it came to change him. He became more ambitious and began to ponder on what he would do would he ever have his powers back.
The world of the gods needed another change, and he would be the one to bring it into motion.
Motive: First off. He would thank Desious for the experience. Second. Delthrael intends to steal Desious command of the realm of the dead and then condemn him into an exile akin to how he has experienced for his crimes against his fellow gods, despite the best of intentions. Then find a way to turn all gods mortal.
To show them that nothing is truly eternal. Not himself. Not them. Not even the very universe itself. If he is destined to become the overgod so be it.
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Desious: "Desious, he whom loved the humans more than his own kind. A being of order and duty, yet at the same time knowing that change was needed. Thus he saw me exiled alongside the others. An action I've pondered on for a long time and came to understand in time. To serve the world, one must know the world. I exist to bring change, and change is coming for you Desious. I shall liberate you from your burden and claim your place. Thank you for showing me what I need to change. Everything."
Amos: "Brother Amos, who stood guarding the gates of our old home. Seeking to stop any whom sought to change the heavens, but he did not know that change will always come. He stood by the gate when the one who threw him out stood behind him. His heart is in the right place, but his mind is not."
Fiala: "The mischevious child, as I would call her. Few are those in the heavens which possessed the same sweet poisoned charm as she did. The irony that she would be thrown out of her home aswell. Such good fortune and luck indeed. The thought does amuse me."
Hiraga: "Few loved the humans more than sister Hiraga, she was the goddess of balance. But a goddess infatuated only in humans and not her fellow gods, could she truly be called a proper goddess of balance? Change may come to her."
Goehearth: "Brother Goehearth, he whom brought chaos and destruction. A thing needed for change, no matter how tragic death can be or how much one may miss or mourn the fallen. Change requires action. In that he is not lacking."
Stjerne: "The king of the stars above. A creator at heart. Yet his heart does not seem to lie in creating things for others but for himself. Like a builder of a monument who wishes to perfect it only to gaze upon it himself."
Zencrux: "The great storm. The son of Hiraga. A child with more power than he should have at his call. He however has his role to play. As do we all."
Cyl: "Is it mad to grant mortals one of the gifts of the gods? Or be it mad to exclude them from it? Who can tell. Sometimes changing the rules can make a game more enjoyable. Cyl is a chaotic element. Yet also still a Child."
Huseror: "Those whom crave the darkest of powers are doomed to forever get lost in it. The god of darkness is a tyrant, and one whose blind to his folly. Yet even so, the strongest light is the one holding back the vast darkness. So for the sake of change he is to play a role. God of darkness, things are indeed coming to change but not the way you believe it."
Vetra: "Some say fate can be cruel. But there is no such thing as fate. Only occurances lining up to specific moments. There is more than just one future. The path leading there may change many times. The future has not yet been written. She may change her view in time."
Regales: "Most gods have some form of use. This one does not. He solely seems to be."
Iratze: "The Messenger of the gods. If I ever need to send a clear message to my kind. I shall remember to let her play her part."
Golkai: "The god of war. He whom exist for conflict. A needed part for the everchanging World is war. But do you have what it takes to wage the war necessary to change things for the better for the World and yourself both?"
Galviere: "Your aid is seldom given, when it is however it has grand results. I may need your assistance with a couple of things. If you however tip the jug too much in one direction, I will have to change your mind or body."