To say Vernon was mad would have been a dangerous understatement. There were already a few gangbangers missing teeth and suffering from near terminal frostbite to prove this. Some of them were members of his own family mob. He wasn't being particularly discriminate in who he took his frustrations out on.
He'd already been riled up by William's injuries, but now some prick from another country had moved in to take over? No, THREE of them had. His family had soon enough been able to sniff out the other two as well. Ward, Vala, and Jasper.
It was all putting him in a perpetually foul mood. Finally, though, he'd come up with an actionable plan. Something that might make him feel better and also solve one of his problems. If all went well he'd never have to see that dimwitted girl Andras ever again. Whose bright idea had it been to grant near limitless power to her of all people?
The gods really did have a sense of humor.
He found himself in a poorer neighborhood. He knocked on one door in particular, a grin sprouting on his face as the door opened.
"Hello... Cyan." It was not a happy grin.
"Oh... uh..." Cyan swallowed hard and took a startled step back. Without being invited, Vernon stepped past the threshold into the house.
"Anyone else home?" Vernon asked, glancing about.
"Don't lie," Vernon admonished the boy. "We need to have a little... chat."
"Um... um..." POP! And just like the Cyan turned invisible.
"Oh for the love of..." Vernon groaned and then let out a quite literally chilling screech. Ice and frost soon coated the floor except for two very conspicuously foot-shaped spots. Vernon reached out and grabbed at seemingly thin air, but it certainly felt like Cyan's throat. "Cut the invisibility bullshit before I freeze your neck and snap it off your shoulders," Vernon warned him. "I'm not going to count, so before I lose my patience..."
"Wh-what... do you want?" Cyan shivered as he faded back into sight.
"Why does anyone want anything to do with you? I need to use your fancy little ability."
"It doesn't work that way! It's fifty-fifty that something bad will happen instead!" Cyan whined, feeling his ankles going numb.
"To me?"
"D-depends on the wish..."
"Then I'm not too concerned." Vernon jerked the boy forward, popping him out of the ice and dragging him to a nearby chair and shoving him into it.
"B-but what about me?" He was the far more likely victim.
"Again. Not concerned."
"I am!"
"Be more worried about what I 100% will do to you right now if you keep complaining!" Vernon snapped.
". . . what do you want me to do?" Cyan whimpered helplessly.
"Let me ask you this. If you wished for world peace, what would happen? Or... to end world hunger?"
"Well... I guess either it'd work or the world would go into a never ending war. Or... maybe I'd never stop feeling hungry. Or everyone would... or all the food would rot or something... I dunno. It's just... the bigger the wish, the worse the possible consequence. Normally the backlash would only hit me, but... something that big could affect everyone. I don't see how there could be an equal negative effect that would only hit me." Cyan shrugged weakly. "I've never tried though."
"So, say I wanted you to mess with someone else... could you?"
"I... don't see why not. As far as I know, the only limit is how much risk I'm willing to take." Cyan swallowed hard. Was he about to be forced to buy a ticket to hell?
"Good. I want to remove the random chance from someone else's power. Well, a little anyway. Ironic, isn't it?" Vernon chuckled. "Did William ever tell you about his foolish little plan?"
"To... end the feud between schools?" Cyan wished he'd just get this over with.
"Oh no. Something far more obnoxious. He wants to 'fix' Vittorio Twinveil and Galbrek Ravenovich. Most especially the former," Vernon's face clearly displayed his disgust. "He wants to resurrect their lost loved ones. Thinks if they're alive they'll calm those two down. Apparently they were murdered and that's just oh so sad-"
"I-I can't do that! If I get unlucky it'll probably just kill me!" Cyan jumped out of his chair but Vernon slammed him back into it.
"So will I if you try to run again. And relax, I already figured that much out. I'm going to try something a little less drastic. You're a valuable tool. Can't risk breaking you on a coin-flip now can I?" Vernon smirked.
"Th-then you won't kill me yourself-" He went silent and his pupils shrunk to pinpoints as Vernon held a frosted over finger a centimeter from his eye.
"Clever. But I have other things I can do to you that could be worse. Ever wonder what it would feel like to get frostbite on your eyes?"
"Well start wondering. I figure it'll motivate you to behave." Vernon chuckled. Cyan imagined it. He decided Vernon was probably right.
"Fine! What the hell am I doing then!?"
"Andras." Vernon stepped away. "She can draw these cards that let her do just about anything. However, even with William's help, she can't seem to pull the right cards to bring back the dead. It's random you see. But you can do anything too, can't you? Make her draw the right cards."
"Oh..." Cyan blinked. That... didn't sound too bad actually. The backlash would probably be annoying, but not remotely world ending. Probably. He'd have to see what the coin would accept.
"Well there you have it. Chop chop."
Cyan sighed and summoned his coin, "Ok..." He closed his eyes and thought about what he could wager. Well, if he was trying to remove chance from Andras's cards... why not do the same to his coin? "Umm... Heads Andras draws the cards she needs to undo the past... Tails my next coin-flip is an automatic tails." No, that didn't feel right. He let out a miserable groan. "N-next two coin-flips then." And so... he flipped it.
Wait, really?
Both he and Vernon stared at it in shock, contemplating the actual gravity of what they'd just done.
And then Cyan screamed and yanked his hand back as if the coin was on fire... because it was. The metal had turned bright, almost molten red. It tumbled through the air but then suddenly stopped mid-flight -- perfectly horizontal. It then SLAMMED to the floor with such force that the floorboards cracked, leaving a sizzling indentation in it.
On the bright side it was still heads.
"What... the fuck was that?" Vernon blinked.
"I-I... don't know. It's never happened before." Cyan clutched at his burnt hand. "I... I guess it's possible something tried to stop my wish?"
"Hmph. Perhaps fate refuses to be denied." Vernon smirked. How poetic. "Though... your wording leaves me somewhat concerned. I said bring back the dead, not undo the fucking past! Fuck it, close enough I suppose. Well done, Cyan. Don't leave town, OK? Knowing this idiot she'll STILL find some way to fuck this up." He rolled his eyes. He then scoffed. "Oh quit being a baby and give me that!" He grabbed Cyan's hand. Vernon's icy skin quickly soothed the circular burn on the back of Cyan's hand. "There. We're even." And then he promptly left.
"Th-that's... even?" Cyan was left sitting there in bewilderment. What the hell had just happened?