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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


When the first imp appeared, Christine was quite taken off-guard as she was still in her own mind instead of paying attention to her surroundings. It was somewhat of a bad habit of hers. Thankfully, Rurik was there to stop her steps and bring her back to reality. When she finally saw the imp, she had intended to freeze it just like the ghosts, but it seemed her boyfriend would be the one to take care of it this time as he pulled her back.

The poor imp didn't stand a chance, and neither do his friend that popped out afterwards. Or the others that followed for that matter. Christine watched with a smile as Rurik took care of all of them with ease. Christine knew he was strong so she wasn't worried at all.

When he in a panicked tone told her to raise her ice wall however, she didn't know the reason why. They had won, right? But she trusted him and immediately did as he said. The ice wall appeared as she commanded, covering up the corridor and the stairs going to the next floor. Immediately afterwards she knew the reason as hordes of imps appeared on the other side of the wall. Without said wall, they could've been overwhelmed by them.

"Ah, so that's what the wall's for," she said to Rurik. "But then, how are we going to get to the third floor? We're supposed to go up there, right?"

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

How was it that the third floor was creepier and more decrepit than the second? As Bak stomped down the hallway she hoped it wouldn't become a pattern. What if the floors higher up were too weak to support her? All it would take was one giving way and she probably wouldn't stop until she ended up in the basement.

The stairs had put her right in front of apartment 308, a room that was so obviously haunted just from the vibe that she'd only needed to switch to thermals for confirmation. After that she'd continued her search, slowly and cautiously like last time. 307 had nothing but a door barely hanging on its hinges, but she gasped slightly when she spotted blazing red-orange outline of a living form in 306. From the looks of it they were splayed out on the floor, surrounded by three cold shapes. Her pace quickened toward the door, which alerted the imps. The ceased whatever it was thy were ding and took up positions behind the body, putting it between them and whatever was coming toward their room. She saw a bright ball of red as on of them conjured a fireball as she prepared to smash in the door. Then she heard a noise.

A sort of electric sizzle, followed by two short, high pitched screams. Bak cocked her head to the side, confused, and looked back at the outlines of the imps in 306. Even through the wall she could tell they were just as confused as she was as two more balls of red flared to life. Bak took three quick steps back behind the corner as the door opened up and someone stepped into the hallway. Another followed after them, and she could hear their voices echoing in the cluttered hallways. Then another one showed up from the other side of the hall? Who were they? St. Laural's kids were still down on the first floor, she thought.

She leaned forward and too a quick peak around the corner at them. Was that...oh nooooooo.

The human body is made up of 60% water. This already made it frighteningly good at conducting electricity, but Bak had the misfortune of also being around...at least 20% metal. Which meant, to Bak, that she was at least 80% susceptible to lightning attacks. This had been proven last year by the man now lurking around the corner like a waiting doom. What were Kings boys even doing here in the first place? Today, of all days! It was like this had been planned out by some sort of spiteful god. The feeling of electricity rocketing around her body like a teenager with a new drivers licence in a country with no speed limits was the third most awful experience she had ever had. There was no way she could take that guy while he was alone, and he had two friends with him.

She thought about what she should do. Hide out until the coast was clear? No, she could not even move without her footfalls alerting them and if they even vaguely looked they would find her standing here. She pressed her gun barrel against the wall and considered going for broke with a full barrage and praying she knocked them all out. Did that have a chance of working? If it didn't Zap, Crackle, Sizzle, and that would be that. She could blow up part of the building, dump them all down to the second floor, but, oh! No, no, no. The rest of the committee was down there. What if the floor fell on someone? No, no, too risky. No way in hell. No way they could fight up here, she couldn't risk that. Besides, if she got bogged down here the St. Laura's kids would be coming up behind and she'd never re-take the lead she'd gained.

That left diplomacy, and that didn't have a history of working out well in her favor. Bak sighed. She wished Clara was here.

There came a sudden, loud knocking as Bak tapped her gun against the wall. "Hello?" she called out to them from around the corner. "Vigilantes, da? I do not know what you are doing here, but I do not want to fight. I do not think we have reason to. I am coming out now, please do not be shooting at me. Thank you." With that the armor and guns of her forearms rotated backwards to free up her hands and she stepped out from around the corner, hands raised, palms out. She waved at them a little. "You see? No silly business. Please do not Zap."

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

Member Seen 11 days ago

Brutus quickly turned around as Aram followed behind him. At first, the electric boy wondered how his companion had reached here, before remembering the display of Alchemy. However, it was the offer that relieved Brutus to no end. "Hey Brutus, if you like I can take that sword off ya. I'm pretty well versed in the applications of such weaponry." With that, Aram would find the Bing-Bong Sword practically shoved into his hands.

"Good, please take it. That thing kinda gives me the creeps..." Which was partly true. The feeling that sword gave off... Brutus shook his head. "Besides, I'm no good with swords. This also lets me handle the small fry. Seems like your powers might be a bit... destructive" Before Brutus could even make to continue searching, yet another familiar face showed up.

"Guys, guys! what are you two doing here?" As the question was asked, Brutus had to fight the look of incredulity that threatened to give away his thoughts. 'Wait... did he come here... for fun!?' Brutus asked himself. "I'm checking out the eeevils of the Lower Level -- not that impressive by the way -- All I have to do is Absorb and these invisible people go with it ... Wonder why that is? I'm not usually able to do things like that. Cool weapon by the way. Oh well, I'm heading down to the lower floors, this one's boring. Haven't explored it all but I can tell nothing exciting is going to happen. Wanna come along?"

Brutus shook his head. Would wonders cease? "I'll pass on exploring the lower floors. King sent some of us here to complete an exorcism. We're apparently broke, and need money to enter the next tournament. Seems like you can handle ghosts on your own. If that's the case, it might be best to split up. Though I should warn you that there are oth-"

Knock! Knock! Knock!

It was loud. That was Brutus' first worry. What now? Did the imps have back up? Would they be drawn to the noise? Brutus' body started crackling with electricity, more out of relfex than anything. "Hello?" Brutus groaned. Great, just great. Why did the deities hate his life? He'd hoped that the perils of the building would've held off some of the others who'd gotten here first. But no... that'd be too easy! "Vigilantes, da? I do not know what you are doing here, but I do not want to fight. I do not think we have reason to. I am coming out now, please do not be shooting at me. Thank you."

Wait... hang on a tick... Brutus was sure he'd recognized that voice. With a few steps that rattled the aged and decaying floor (and wasn't that a comforting thought?), out stepped... Well, at first glance, many might say a demon or a freak. Brutus knew better. Bak Tsarevna, of St. Lucifer's. Brutus had fought her in a tournament last year, back when he'd attended St. Laurel's like a good boy. The fight hadn't been fun. Brutus learned the metal wasn't for show, as the girl was a literal breathing weapons locker. However, he'd managed to win out in the end. "You see? No silly business. Please do not Zap."

Ah... it'd make sense that Bak'd be wary of him. To be fair, Brutus was sure that she'd not experienced a shock before that point in her life. Brutus nodded, still keeping one hand crackling with electricity. To be fair, his control had improved greatly since his younger days. However, he still found it hard to completely still his power when he was on edge, and boy was he ever. He didn't fancy taking another missile to the face, thank you very much.

"I promise not to strike first if you don't. Now, what is it you want?" The question was asked with a mix of distrust and respect. Brutus wasn't too worried about a fight, other than the damage the mechanical girl could cause. After all, he had backup this time.

@Gentlemanvaultboy @Renny @Bartimaeus
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Samoth watched as the beast was chipped down before him. A seemingly endless barrage of varying attacks seemed to melt its strength. He saw Cassius make his move, leaping into the air above their foe before launching himself from the ceiling and propelling himself into a devastating explosive attack aimed at the hell-creature.

The smoke began clearing itself from the radius of the attack, revealing a coughing, char-covered Cassius, along with the form of an ashen tiger, lying prone behind him.

"Well, shall we?" he said.

"Let's." Samoth said, walking towards the stairs. "We weren't warned about that kind of beast being in here. Someone could have got hurt if they were alone with that thing. Keep your eyes open."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


"Hold on-"

Andreim reached out his hand in a stopping motion but too late. Cyan had already poofed. Instinctively he activated his thermal sight to see if he was really gone and saw that Cyan was indeed gone.

He left. He actually left... this is making our odds worse. Damn selfish bastard.

Lowering his arm, he felt his hands tightening into fists. The others would likely blame him for Cyan's departure, was this something Cyan had planned for? To get on the good side of Lise by attaining sympathy?

You bastard... how dare you do this? Feeling slightly annoyed, not for abandoning him but for putting Lise in more danger. One less person who could take a blow for her.

"Yes, let's go upstairs, with swift caution. That tails- Cyan has bailed on us is a minor inconvenience. But let's not feel discouraged by every little thing. Cassius and Katherine, will you two take the front? The rest of us should be able to provide viable support and keep our backs from being stabbed."

Despite not having been much social during his life, his voice did not tremble the slightest speaking to a group of people. His words were calm and collected but with keen severity. He had to improve on his way with handling people, after all he would be destined to guide this world forwards.

With this immense power and my brainmatters, this task will be possible. This is but one of the first steps of my ascension to the realm of the gods. One step, but one very steady one. A firm and strong foundation to build that tower which would reach the clouds. The future need to be saved and protected. I'll be the one to do it. I will be the one to lead this world back to the right track. Go forth my followers and my queen, go forth and help me clean this world of the evil that is seeking to taint it further. Rescue our comerades in need.

He turned his head to Lise. "Let's go." He said before beginning to walk up the stairs, right behind Samoth. He had to show her his power, his unwavering resolve and potential as her other half.

Samoth... how unfortunate he arrived to the stairs before I did. He'd best not be too comfortable or he'll miss out on details. And it is in details that things that truly matter lie in wait. Destiny.
He allowed an uncommon smirk to decorate his lips as he ascended the stairs.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Best not to leave a body." Cassius mumbled to himself as a row of explosions came from his hand, incinerating the limp hell tiger. "Hey you alright Cya-"

As Cyan's visage vanished from sight, Cassius frowned. "A bit much, don't you think?" he spat out eyeing Andreim, poison unintentionally seeping into his tone. It was an unnecessary comment from Andreim, whom voiced his opinion as if he was the defacto leader. It's not like Cassius to care about this normally, but now they're one member down cause a fellow schoolmate couldn't keep their trap shut. Cassius has heard that Andreim was a bit off, seems they were right.

"Let's get this done with then." he continued, his voice calming down as he regained his composure. He walked right up the stairs right behind Andreim, and once reaching the next floor took his position as vanguard infront of the group of St. Laurel students.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Collab between Letter Bee and DisturbedBartimaeus))

Samoth would then get a phone call, saying: Alexander. What would William Ascot's brother want with him? Well, once he reserved the time to answer the call, Alexander would say, "Hello, Samoth. We need to talk; my younger brother is in immediate danger." A pause for effect. "Do you know one Vittorio Twinveil?"

Samoth stopped as his boot hit the first step of the staircase. The cellphone in his pocket began buzzing, and he grasped it with a gloved hand, answering it. The voice wasn't familiar, but nonetheless one he had heard before. "I wouldn't exactly say I 'know' him, Alexander. But yes, I am aware of his presence among the ranks of the Mephistos."

He slowed his ascent up the stairs, allowing his companions to catch up to his postion, but still staying near the lead of the group. "What is it that you need to know?"

Alexander's response was, "Powers, Weaknesses, Backstory; I got some of it from Will, and what I know disturbs me. Will has gotten obsessed with 'redeeming' that kid and you know the ultimate fate of a 'redemption freak'; death. So before my younger brother martyrs himself trying to save a psycho fanatic who thinks Alto is the cause of his troubles, I want that kid's name on my book, and his physical body locked away in maximum security juvie, and immediately transferred to maximum security prison once he turns 18. I also have it on good intelligence that Alto's gone home to, well, his home. I can get him to act as bait in exchange for, well...helping out the Juvenile Crimes Investigation Office can really help once's career as an adult. Point is, though, if I wasn't a cop, I'd want that kid - oh, my gods! My little brother is muttering something about using Narrative Role of Familiarity in the Demon Dimension! He's going to try and find the killer of Vittorio's friends and family!"

This response followed, "Powers; in this department he seems to hold capability of seperating his mind/soul from his body. He appears to make a ghostly copy of himself, even if slightly altered. From what i've heard/ seen with my own eyes, this form can also summon some form of tentacles, as well as shoot some type of searing beam from them. Could pose some threat. As for weaknesses, I don't have much on that. But as a usual case, I doubt this ghastly form could stand my touch, so I could possibly help in that department. Backstory; all I know is that Alto tells us Vittorio has it in for him, and in for him bad. He apparently hates Alto's guts. Seems like he has his own little crusade against the man."

Samoth continued his way up the steps with the rest of his crew, eyeing his surroundings for any signs of more opposition, especially some other demon-beast waiting for them in the shadows.

The younger man didn't know it, but Alexander was frowning once more. "Well, from what I know, Vit hates Alto because on a visit to St. Laurel's, he saw a Demon kill his best friends, then his parents - who were gardeners in St. Laurel's - in front of him as said demon sought out Alto. Ascot asked about ressurecting said best friends and parents; the God of Stories himself said that was impossible. So now my little brother -"

Another sound, of someone stirring awake. "Alex? Is that you? Who are you talking to?"

Alexander's voice turned milder, "Hush now, little bro, just me doing law enforcement business. Nothing important."

Several more seconds followed before the investigations officer said, "Look, Ascot - William - he's someone who doesn't like tragedy and injustice. He's already talked about 'redeeming' Vittorio and getting him to drop his grudge against Alto, but the only way he can do that is to catch the Demon who killed his best friends and parents, or find a link between said Demon and Mephisto - I don't think I should elaborate on that one - or do other things that would put him in danger. And I don't want that; I want my little brother safe and happy."

"Either way, he could get hurt if he pursues this. I doubt Vittorio would kill him. But you could just arrest Vittorio. It is a known fact that he wants Alto dead. Could be taken as a threat on his life." Samoth replied.

A chuckle. "I could, yes. But I don't know where he is right now. So if you find any leads as regards that, any leads to where his astral or physical forms are, please tell me at once."

He sighed with concern and tiredness, then Alexander caught his breath, a sign of alarm. "Ascot - Will - is awake. He's apparently been listening to us for the whole time."

And with that, William's voice interrupted. "Alex, Samoth, I am really sorry, but if you really want to help, trust me when I say that my quest is not a bad thing. Mephisto, the Ancient Evil, and the Demon who killed Vittorio Twinviel's friends and family, they're all connected. So do not do anything reckless."

A pause. "Hypocrisy, little brother, hypocrisy coming from you. You probably have a plan for infilitrating the Demon Dimension that is badly thought out."

There was no attempt to contest this as Ascot said, "Then help me refine said plan. You're being a jerk when you say that someone should be arrested for having a tragic past."

"I'll be on the lookout for him" Samoth said, "Tell Ascot I say to not let his personal feelings get the best of him. Keeping your own head on straight is more important than keeping somone else's on."

"Thanks," Alexander's tone was warm. "I will. Anyway, yeah, be on the lookout; that's all I ask."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katherine was ready to strike at the beast, her hands tightened into a firm fist that was ready to smite the demonic beats with a fell swoop. But then out of nowhere, Cassius spiralled out of control in a chain of erratic movements and blasted the tiger to kingdom come with a powerful blast. There was a hugle plume of smoke erupting from the blast zone, obscuring vision. She waved the smoke away with her hand and focused to try and see the result.

Once the smoke cleared, it was clear that the Tiger didn't stand a chance. The others seemed to be genuenly impressed by Cass's move. Kath wasn't one of them. She wanted that glory kill on the tiger. Fighting imps all day was rather boring, and now her firebuddy stole the only kill that was worth her time. She lowered her hands and took up a more relaxed posture as she strolled up to the stairs. There was a lot of internal pressure mounting up in her, and she tried to remain calm by avoiding contact with the others. It wasn't that hard in her fighting form to resist making puns, but it took considerably more effort not to punch Cassius in the face.

Ultimately, her plans of quick transformation failed. She was angry and aching for a fight where she could finally punch something into minced meat. Even if she tried, she couldn't be able to calm down and transform back, she was beyond controlling her powers. The previously ambient embers lit up in a blaze of inferno inside her, and she could feel that the heat released from her body was enough to heat the air around her and make her hair and clothes move from the air flow. If things kept up like this she'll soon combust, and that was something she wanted to avoid.

Kath walked up behind Cassius and watched with disgust as Cassius took up a protective stance in front of the group. As much as she liked her firebuddy, her mind went blank. Whether the cause was back when the tiger died, or the posture that Cassius now took up, Kath finally reached the breaking point where her powers became the controller of her body, and not her mind. And the power was aching to hurt someone.

The obvious enemy was right there in front of her. Cassius's back was facing her, giving her the perfect oppurtinity to strike. The fire erupted in her eyes, and she took confident step forwards and approached Cassius from the back. Her mind filled up with gruesome images of painful strikes as her rampant emotions began plotting the demise of her firebuddy. The she readied her arm for the strike. It was a strange feeling, knowing exactly what your body is doing, watching it as if you were in control, but it wasn't you who was moving. She let out a mental cry for help as she struggled against the force of her emotions. She wrestled control for a second and turned the punch inti something less harmful.

Kath grabbed Cassius's shoulder and forcefully pushed him sideways. "Outta the way pipsqueak." This was about as far from Kath's usual self as it could possibly be. Not only was she usually calm and collected in her fighting form, but she'd never truly insult her firebuddy. She brushed past Cass and approached the door labeled 201. She took an amused look at the doorknob before kicking the door with such force, that the hinges keeping it in palce raptured and the part of the doorframe where they were atatched was sent flying through the room, along with the door. The screams of the 3 unfortunate imps, who were standing behind the door at the moment Kath kicked it in, died out instantly when tehy hit the opposite wall and the door pinned them to the wall with gruesom lethality. A stray ghost watched in horror as the earthly remains of the imps were splattered over the wall, and it decided that messing with Kath wasn't the best idea, even if it was incorporeal. It flew up through the roof, and disappeared into the room above. "Weaklings." Kath muttered to herself as she leaned through the devastated doorframe to check the room for anything interesting.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Someone had breached one of the rooms on the floor in the vicinity to where he was. He allowed his form to slowly float around a 'corner' in the long corridor. His ectoplasmic tentacle like wings being the first to appear and then his white long jacket with it's somewhat casual look, he floated just above the floor not actually touching it. His face coming finally into view from the side, then his gaze slowly turning to the left to those in the corridor.

The entire form of the spectral looking boy began to turn along with his face now staring staight ahead towards the girl leaning into the entry of one of the rooms. He knew this girl. She also likely knew his dead friends. Charlotte, Geon, Carus and Billy. Without further warning he allowed the images of his dead friends to decorate the corridor, standing and leaning up against the walls and looking towards the people now present in the corridor. To make sure they would notice him he would begin to softly sing, which would come out as a ghostlike echo.

"It's a melody, I hear in my memory..." Vittorio's astral form began to softly float forwards in a slow manner, his form easily visible in the dark corridor. His ectoplasmic wings appearantly caressing the floor and walls around him as someone searching for something in the darkness.

"Every now and then I hear them calling out to me. They say: Won't you come here? When I'm my weakest and feel nothing can rescue me."
He reached out his right hand with the palm facing up towards the ceiling. Like someone offering another for a dance.

"Every now and then, I see the glimse of someones silhuette. One that I'll never forgive or forget." He allowed the other images to fade and conjured one of the unknown monster and him killing Charlotte.

"I'll close my eyes and waiting for the day to appear." His singing ceased and he spoke out in a echoing way, a chilling voice but with no hostility clinging to it.

"It has been a long time, Katherine. Charlotte spoke fondly of you... What are you doing in a place like this? Is... Alto with you?"

"My soul threw away the husk that holds the true me." He put his left spectral looking hand at his chest, where his heart would have been located.

"This place. Where despair and grace, they share a face, much like you and I..." Using his right hand he made a snapping motion which did no sound but caused the images of his dead parents and friends to now pop up behind him.

"You still have a family. Katherine. Why don't you join her? You are both still alive after all. Not all have that luxury." Vittorio finally decided to ask her and threw his ghostlike gaze over at the others present.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gentlemanvaultboy
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In The Hallway

The question actually kind of threw Bak. What exactly did she want out of this? Well, she wanted to not get electrocuted, but she also needed to search this whole floor. She needed that kid in 306. "I want..."she started, sucking on her bottom teeth. She couldn't really hide her intentions from them if she wanted to continue her mission. "There is a student passed out in that room." she said, jerking her head in the direction of 306. "I want to get them and continue up. Did you know nothing about the missing students?"

Several thoughts raced through Aram's head as a deformed figure revealed itself across the hallways from himself and friends. A student? Hmm...who is this student? And why are they unconscious in that room? This seems important to...it...her? Whatever they are. "Who is the student? And for what reason are they here?" He spoke across the hall. He squinted, trying to make out the details of the other person's form. They had...guns?? Growing out of them?!? Interesting power...could be dangerous, he thought.

Bak had no idea whether or not she could lie. She did not know whether stupid goodie goodie St. Laurel's kid was wearing their uniform or not. She hadn't been able to look. "St. Laurel's." she said. "The student is from St. Laurel's. I do not know why they have come here, only that St. Laurel's does not wish people to know it has happened. If you have seen any other students from there walking around, that is why. They are trying to sweep it under rug, like dust-bunny."

Nasaraph was caught in a mild shock. Never had he seen something so ... so chaotic. At her core she was some amalgamation of flesh and metal ... its accident per se. For a moment he thought about how wondrous a toy she would make then he realized that the other two were wary of her. For some reason, this walking woman-missile had inspired a sense of hesitance.

He should follow along. Nasaraph made his fist taunt and scrunched his brows the way other agitated people had done. “I’m not sure what’s happening but I’m willing to bet she’s not blowing things up for more than that kid. Pee-ess, there are other sleeping people on this floor. I thought they were boring so I left them there.”

"Are you having trouble here?" Clara said, casually sauntering in from ahead in the hallway. She strode over to Bak's side.

The form of Clara Deimos Erdrigan was immediately recognizable. Infamous as she was, the other students in the building did not know their objective yet. They would suspect something for sure, but they probably wouldn't act against them without some real evidence, unless they were the type to just close their eyes and pray for the best.

Still, the presence of the Vigilantes meant they might have to tread a bit more carefully here, to keep things a secret.

Brutus considered the information. Missing students from St. Laurel's? Interesting. However, before he could respond to Nasaraph, Clara Deimos Erdrigan made her grand appearance. Instantly, Brutus' guard was up. Bak, he could take. However, he had no delusions whatsoever about whether or not he could even go toe-to-toe with Clara, let alone win. Diplomacy was the only solution here... "We are not here in regards to the missing students. We're here on other business. We have no wish to make our task any more... complicated. And dealing with whatever petty issues have arisen between you and St. Laurel's would qualify as... complicated." Rough, sure? Rude, maybe? Did it get his point across? He hoped so. Just in case, he hoped that Aram and Nasaraph were ready to jump into action, if needed.

In contrast to Brutus, Bak gave off a sense of almost palpable relief at Clara's sudden appearance. Se looked over and smiled as the other girl strode up beside her, even as she took a slight step forward. Better she was slightly in front, she could more easily put herself in front of Clara should the need arise. "It is the ghosts, da?" She asked innocently. "That is what you do? I have seen many ghosts already. Apartment is lousy with them. Brrrr." She shivered slightly at the thought. "But if such is the case, you will be going up anyway. We will not be able to avoid one another." That was a problem, if the Vigilantes wished to avoid complications. No matter what, unless they left and came back another night, they were involved already so far as she was concerned.

Suddenly, an idea struck Bak. "Wait, Tovarish." she said, beaming at Clara. "We could give them the students. Think of it; if you were to expose what St. Laurel's would rather not be they would simply blame you like they always do when things go wrong. They would say 'Oh this evil Clara, she surly kidnap all these students of ours. We are not at fault. This is all heinous plot.' But vigilantes find missing students," she said, turning her beaming gaze on them. "They are heroes! They go on news and talkshows and St. Laural's can never deny what has happened. And very rich parents of St. Laurel's kids are very very grateful to vigilantes for saving their children from hell house. We help one another and everyone win."

Nasaraph was not use to feigning fear, it came out far too forced and poorly rehearsed. He shuddered horrifically upon Clara’s arrival. “Ohhh nooo,” he groaned stiffly.

He was willing to play the fool--disregarding his natural whimsical behavior--if it meant getting what he wanted. He had considered Clara as a massive stepping stool being dropped from above. She was one of the Big Three. Between her, St. Laurel’s champion, and King, laid the opportunity to snatch the title of strongest … and boy did he want that title.

For a moment he dropped his facade. An unnatural calm in the tense situation flowed off him. “I know this is off topic. I mean yea, everyone’s like really stiff at the moment. But--really quick and feel free to tell me no--I was wondering … If I could fight, Clara. Nothing serious, just a little spar.” He danced his way through that sentence with more than enough charm before adding. “If you’re not busy or anything.”

Clara gave out an icy smile.

"I'll have to respectfully decline," She said. "Such a conflict would seem pointless unless we were actually enemies."

Due to her nature and her job, Clara was good at seeing through people, although, it wasn't too difficult in this case. Still, for someone to challenge her like that meant they were confident in something to be sure. The Vigilantes housed all kinds of people it would seem, but she wanted to refrain from showing any of the cards in her hand if possible.

Unexpectedly, she began to gently ruffle Bak's hair. To others it may look like a random action, but Clara patted Bak on the head as a reward for showing initiative. She would understand the gesture immediately. It also signaled a small change of plans, a certain amount of information had led to a hypothesis forming in her mind.

If they hypothesis was correct, there was one other objective worth pursuing in the apartment building.

"...The student is yours to do with as you please," She said to the Vigilantes before her in the hall. "We'll take our leave now."

No longer engrossed with Clara’s rejection of his brawl, Nasaraph's mind fled to his calculations; schemes if one were to be more precise. He had to find a way to ascend up the ladder. Being known simply as a Vigilante was not enough. No, not all. It wouldn't do. He wanted to turn the Big Three into the Big Four.

He strode behind Brutus and Aram, pacing back and forth a few feet away. [color=F5F58B]I should force her into a confrontation. Hmm, no, these two would help me and beating her with assistance would never place me on her level. He spared them a glance. Yea, they’d help me no matter what. This situation is no good. Best to let it die and move on.

"Hey, hey slow down. What happened to that kid? And why are there others here in his same situation? This doesn't quite fit together." He asked the second figure who had appeared suddenly. This whole St. Laurels thing wasn't his problem, but he wanted to know what was going on. Maybe the unconscious students had know what had happened to eachother, but if they for some reason didn't wake up or even had memory loss, he couldn't exactly question them.

He knew this new arrival. It was Clara Erdrigan. He didn't know much about her besides her position at the head of the Mephisto's students. Aram assumed that she wasn't there because of her looks, so his guard wasn't completely lowered.

Brutus watched as it seemed that Bak was... helping them? What? However, Brutus wasn't going to let this opportunity pass. Still, just to be on the safe side. Brutus quickly whipped out his cell phone (kept in a rubber coated pocket for obvious reasons) and quickly fired off a text message to King.

'King, something's come up. Turns out that there are both Mephisto's and St. Laurel's students at the site. Turns out there were some St. Laurel's students that came up missing. Mephisto's just surrendered one to us. Thoughts?"

While Brutus didn't completely buy King's story, he figured that it'd be best to get their leader's input. After all, King was usually right. So, at this point, it would be a wait-and-see game.


"I said already, we do not know what brought students to hell house. They are just stupid mayb-" Bak was cut off by one of Clara's head pats, which she actually leaned into slightly as though she were a cat. In addition to letting Bak know that she'd had a good idea it had the added bonus of always managing to shut her up if necessary. "Hmmm?" she said, sort of dreamily. "We are leaving? We are going up?"

"If you'd like to, Clara said in response to Bak's inquiry. "You can stay in their company for a while, if you'd like, but I'll go on ahead."

She began to walk towards the end of the hallway, perhaps to check the other rooms. Whether Bak would follow was her decision, although Clara did seem to do things alone a lot of the time.

"Ah, this is goodbye then vigilantes." Bak said. Even if Clara was the big shot here it did not seem right to let her wander about all alone. As far as Bak knew, she was not invincible. Even if she could beat everything here she could still fall through a weak floor or slip and crack her head on the stairs or prick herself on a drug needle, and then she would be all alone having to deal with it. There's no way Bak could let that happen to Mr. Mephisto's daughter.

"Be careful, there are imps there and there." she said quickly, pointing out the room beside her and one at the end of the hall. "And spooky ghosts in 308 and on stairwell. You will see stairwell ghost, she is annoying. It was nice meeting you, goodbye for now. Tovarish, please wait for me!" With that Bak turned and stomped off after Clara.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There was nothing of interest in the room. Not unless broken and decrepit furniture was your definition of interesting. Kath turned her attention back to the hallway, just in time to see a ghost come down the hallway. This one looked somewhat different to the other ones that she had seen so far. Stronger. Finally, something to punch. She thought to herself as she readied herself to throw some punches.

But alas, it was nothing more than a ruse. As the projection of Vittorio floated towards them, it's echoes forming a sad lullaby that reverbearated down the lenght of the hallway. Kath lowered her guard, but stayed focus in case he tried to do anything. She anxiously tapped his shoes against floor until the projection arrived in front of her. It spoke up in a ghastly voice, babbling on about losing his vessel or something. She never truly understood him. But when the projection snapper it's fingers and Charlotte's image appeared behind him, Kath felt a stinging pain embroil her heart.

"You still have a family. Katherine. Why don't you join her? You are both still alive after all. Not all have that luxury."

The reply was quick, personal and expressive. As long as you consider spitting on the floor expressive. "Get out of my way Vittorio. I've no quarrels with you, but this might change." She took a painful glance at the image of Charlotte. So spittingly perfect, it aches the heart to look at the image of a dead friend. But heat inside rages on, quelling the feelings beside anger. For once, Kath was thankful that she had lost control. She shook her head and pointed her finger at the projection. "If by family you mean Christine, then I'm sure she's out somewhere with that boyfriend of hers." Kath made the word boyfriend sounds as snide as possible. She took a step closer to Vittorio's ghost, gazing straight into his eyes. "I have no time for games. Alto isn't here, and I'm not in the mood for talks. Tell me what you want and the begone." She glanced over at Charlotte's ghost before pointing her finger at Samoth. "Else, Sammy here will enjoy slicing your ghost to pieces."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


They had gotten up to the second floor finally. Samoth had taken the lead and Andreim had followed, then Katherine had gotten past Cassius. She was indeed one hotheaded young woman. Upon reaching the second floor she went straight to doing her thing. It was unusual however, even for someone that fiery like her to act in this manner.

Andreim shrugged slightly to himself. I guess all can have their bad days. Then she suddenly stopped and he also heard a voice, someone singing something. An echo throughout the dark corridor before them.

What now?

Upon seeing the ghostlike boy floating out in plain sight before the group, Andreim readied himself to fight.

This is no regular ghost. He flipped on his thermal vision but the ghost appeared to be not emitting any heat or cold. This is not a ghost at all. What kind of trickery is this? It knows of Katherine? Vittorio? Is that this boy's name?

He figured it was best to remain silent for now and gather as much as he could from this encounter before taking action.

This guy. He is trying to have Katherine turn her back on St.Laurels. Is he a servant of Clara? He seems to know of Christine. Wait.. he is deliberately also trying to waste our time.

"Get out of our way spiritual pretender, or we shall exorcise our right to enlighten you of your folly." Andreim stepped forwards behind Katherine with a small twirling vortex of water forming in his right hand.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Crowvette
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Crowvette Shock Unlocker

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Lise heard everyone agreeing to move up distantly. She was in her thoughts as she ascended the staircase. 'Should I recruit some people to train group fighting? Who would be good for that... If I tell them to join my royal guard, I'm sure they'll go for it-'

Lise was snapped out of her thoughts as she softly bumped into Andreim, who was walking ahead of her and had apparently stopped. Scanning the area, she realized that the entire party had stopped. She looked over the stances of everyone, trying to get a feel for what had happened. Lise internally berated herself for losing track of another situation. Her eyes settled on Katherine, who seemed to have stormed ahead, looking ready to fight, and in front of Kath...

Lise gripped Andreim's arm. She figured some place as shabby as this would have all sorts of strange things, but some part of her refused to accept the possibilities of ghosts. That part of her now had to deal with none other than a spectre appearing before her. Lise wasn't afraid of ghosts. She wasn't. Only children get scared at stuff like that. Children who lived seemingly alone in a giant, empty manor, waited on mainly by faceless shadows taking the form of domestic servants. Children who explored the empty halls at night, walking through the oppressive stares of countless dead family members' portraits, each one with canvas-white skin and lifeless eyes that seemed to follow you as you tiptoed down the dark hallways, trying to find your room using only the sliver of moonlight coming from a faraway window.

But she wasn't afraid. She summoned a shadow servant, in a totally-not-afraid manner, as she clutched Andreim's arm. The servant stood at the ready for any potential attack.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Samoth returned his phone to his cargo pocket as the group reached the top of the staircase, which actually held up to the weight of the students without falling through. As the others began to congregate at the top of the stairs, an soft, ominous tune swept throughout the hall quietly.

"It's a melody, I hear in my memory... Every now and then I hear them calling out to me. They say: Won't you come here? When I'm my weakest and feel nothing can rescue me. Every now and then, I see the glimpse of someones silhouette. One that I'll never forgive or forget. I'll close my eyes and waiting for the day to appear."

Samoth turned on heel to face the source of the sound. Vittorio. This creep, he thought That was fast.

Samoth quickly began fishing around in his pocket, this time pulling out both his phone and a wireless earpiece. Dialing Alexander's number, he return the phone back to his pocket, and put on the earpiece.

He waited until it finished ringing. "Vittorio, is it?" Samoth shouted down the hall to whom he assumed was Vittorio. "You should stay out of our way if you know what's best for you." he knew Alexander would hear the other boy's name draw conclusion that they were face-to-face.

"Katherine isn't going anywhere. Especially not with you Mephisto bunch. Speaking of.. why are you here? Are you alone? he didn't much expect him to tell the truth, but maybe by initiating conversation, he could get Vittorio to let something slip.

"And know that we can talk face-to-face, I should warm you to cease your crusade against Alto. It will get you nowhere but hurt." he called.

He lowered his voice, now speaking to the other St. Laurel's students"If things come to it, which they very well may, let me handle him. His form shouldn't stand to contact with my powers." he said reassuringly.

"Spill what you know. What happened to the lost students." Vittorio somehow had to be involved. I couldn't be a coincidence that a Mephisto student was here at the same time as them. He knew something.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alexander Ascot

After dropping a tired William back to his home, Alexander would say to their mother, Gilgamesha: "Don't let Will out of the house until I come back; bind him with the Ekindu chain if needed. This is because he'll put himself in danger if he gets free early."

A faint smile. "But the danger to him is about to go away. I will make it go away."

Gilgamesha Ascot, her light blonde pony-tail shining in the moonlight, would say to her son as she brushed off some 'library dust' from her nightgown, "Be careful that you don't cause more tragedy and injustice in your quest; you are almost about to violate the law you took an oath to enforce. And Will...he may be sixteen, but he can make his own decisions on this matter."

Alexander dared to glare at his mother, but then said, "I am not losing my brother in order to save a person neither of us know. I would rather be the antagonist of his story - and other people's stories - than risk his death. He's sixteen, precocious, intelligent and he has the potential to do a lot of good later, just not now." His phone rang; must be Samoth coming up with the information sooner than usual. Taking said phone and putting in the earpiece so that no one can overhear what he was listening to, Alex would say, "Mom, I have to go. I love you, but again, he's not dying or worse under my watch."

And with that, he turned back to his car; he had returned Michael (@Scarifar) back to his home, and Vernon (@CavnderOHeart) back to his own place or wherever he wanted to go.

Once inside his car, Alexander took a few moments to put on his magic-resistant armor while getting out his non-lethal weapons. All the while, he was listening to Samoth and Vittorio talk. Samoth was making free with threats that would cause the latter to go berserk, the juvenile investigation officer knew. Good, because as much as Alexander didn't want to admit it, even he sympathized a bit with Vittorio's circumstances. Heck, if his own family hadn't been threatened by Vittorio's vendetta, Alex would be the redemption freak. But Vittorio had gotten Ascot obsessed with redeeming the Mephisto's student, and that put Ascot in danger.

And Alexander will not allow anyone to hurt his little brother, even unknowingly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dezuel
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Dezuel Broke out of limbo

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


He had prepared himself to engage a potential threat in the corridor alongside his comerades. But his focus had been disrupted by the timely intervention of Lise. Her sudden grab of his arm caused him to drop the water to the floor, thankfully it was just a minor amount. "Ahh.. uhm..." He was collecting himself and swallowed, steadying himself and making sure he would not stutter.

"Don't worry, Lady Valois-Saint-Remy. I will take care of any hinderances ahead." Andreim gave her a determined look followed by a soft nod with his head to his side. He would have blushed if he could.

Damn.. why must she be so detestably cute. I really need to focus now. This could get bad. This guy looks like he could tear up the entire corridor and my powers won't be ideal in this tight place. None will get to her. Not as long as I draw breath I will not let anyone lay their dirty hands on this goddess.

I shall win this royal rumble in the end.


Having had his gaze on the group before him he began to answer them.

"I too. Be short on time. I will not stop you. You have been of great help to me. Katherine." His tentacle like wings in motion as he stood still a distance away from them. No more images of his friends or family accompanying him.

"A sister is still a sister. No matter force she aligns herself with. Wouldn't you do all in your power to save her from harm? I for one would have wanted to do that. But I could not. You at least have the means. My reasons for being here be my own and I am indeed alone. I have been alone for what feels like an eternity."

Vittorio raised one of his spectral looking hands and tightened it into a fist. "Hurt me? It would be nothing compared to the hurt I feel now, I doubt you could understand it. The lost students you seek. I do not know where they are. Not on this floor though. Not those students you seek in any case. Some be beyond saving, while others be not."

He allowed a soft but foreboding smile to form on his spectral looking face. "Watch your steps, students of St.Laurel." Vittorio offered a courteus bow with one arm behind his back as his tentacles grabbed hold of the floor, walls and ceiling and then pushing him up towards the ceiling in high speed. But before he reach it he would go incorporeal to try pass through it to appear on the floor above. But where? He did not yet know. Who knows what lurked up here. But at least he knew he was not alone up here. Clara and Bak had already made their way up.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by 6slyboy6
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6slyboy6 The More Awesomest Potato

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Katherine observed Vittorio's projection silently as the group gathered up behind her. Thought she had hoped samoth would speak up, he went far out of his way to threaten the ghost. And thought it infuriated her that Samoth talked in such a fashion with Vittorio, what bothered her most was the fact that her schoolmates thought that she could be so easely convinced to join sides with Mephisto. She stood silently as Vittorio finished his speech, observing silently as his form fled through the ceiling.

"Tsk." Kath angrily turned his head away from the spot where Vittori was a moment ago. She looked back at the group and gave them a furius glance before trodding down the hallway, her heavy steps echoing loudly on the aging wood. This time she knew what to expect in the room. Only miserable imps and ghosts. In all honesty, she didn't want to fight or even bother with any of them. The fact that Vittorio left without disclosing any useful information only made her more angry than before. The only thing that kept her from gonig absolutely mental was the small voice in her head that warned her about the consequences. Namely, that if she ramped up the heat all the way, she'd burn her clothes. And according to the layout, there are several more floors to explore.

Still, Kath wasn't in her right mind. Similarly to Rooom 201, she kicked in the door and sent it flying across the room. The sound of the impact echoed through the hallway, this time without the accompanying voices of dying Imps. Whether they were in other parts of the room or they weren't inside at all didn't bother Kath. She just wanted to kick something right now. But the lack of imp cries and the prospect of real opponents left her unstatisifed. She turned her head back to the group, signallingwith her hand to check out the room. "I'll go on ahead. Don't wait for me." With that she began pacing to towards the end of the hallway, leaving behind a creaking echo on the wooden floor. In a matter fo seconds she was only a few steps away from the corner where unknown to her, Christine and Rurik were blocked by an ice wall.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by RoflsMazoy
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RoflsMazoy Enjoyer of cute animals~<3

Member Seen 1 mo ago


"Well now, that sounds interesting." King said, with a cat tucked under his arm. He quickly typed out a reply.

I'm in the area, I'll be coming over.

The cat wriggled free from his arm. It wouldn't matter too much, he could always find it again. He knew there was one missing cat in the apartment complex. He'd planned on finding it last, but there would be plenty of time for the others.

A little bit later...

"Well, isn't this a bit of pickle!" King called out, coming from inside the room the student was in. It looked like he'd flown up to the third floor from outside, even though Brutus hadn't told him where the room was. He had the student draped over his shoulder, still unconscious.

"I can take 'em down to the ground since it looks like you've got your hands full." He said to Brutus. "I'll also stick around, anything else you think I need to know?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Rurik Alexeev

Rurik sighed, staring at the ice-wall. He was glad Christine had pulled it off in time, but... now what? Sure, he could easily get past the wall, but why would he want to? There was a hoard of imps over there. No, they'd have to find another way up.

"Welp... let's get going. They'll get through eventually, and I don't wanna be here when they do," he told Christine. They didn't have to go far. Rurik stopped at the doors of the elevator. He pressed the button out of curiosity, but it accomplished nothing. "You know, I think most elevator shafts have ladders. Just gotta get the doors open. Shouldn't be hard." He cracked his knuckles and wormed his fingers into the seam between the doors. HNNNNNGGKGK! It barely budged. GRRRRRR! Still nothing.

". . ." he stepped away, looking annoyed, but glanced at Christine who'd just witnessed his failure. Thankfully, his face was red from the effort of prying... thus hiding his embarrassed blush. He may have felt slightly emasculated. "So I'mma just blow it up, then, K?" He placed his palms against the door, but then began hearing voices echo down the hallway. "Wait... dammit, they're here, aren't they?" Rurik looked back the way they'd come from. The St. Laurel's students, and not the ones they were looking for, had caught up it seemed.

Oh. Oh no...

He recognized one of the voices.

Fucking Katherine.

Back to blowing up the doors then. Quickly. Before the footsteps he heard approaching rounded the corner and-

"Ah, shit..." Rurik hissed under his breath before he gave up and turned to look down the hall. Too late. "Hello, Katherine, so... lovely to see you again." The derision in his voice betrayed the forced smile on his face. He was really, really bad at dealing with Katherine, especially in front of Christine. There was no love lost between him and the literally hotheaded girl, but he tried to fake it at least a little in front of his girlfriend.

It had all come to a peak when he'd had to fight her in a tournament. Before long, he'd realized fighting her was difficult and painful and had just given up. It had ended with a punch to his jaw that had come dangerously close to shattering it. So, yeah, he didn't want to do that again. Win or lose, polite or rude, there was no nice way for him to deal with that girl.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Christine followed Rurik to the elevator. She just watched with a curious expression on her face as he tried to open the door. She realized that she could probably open it by manifesting an ice pillar in the middle of the locked elevator doors, but she thought she would let her boyfriend try opening it first. She couldn't help but smile at him failing at doing so. As usual, he was just so cute.

Rurik then gave up, intending to just blow it up with his power. But before he could do so, footsteps approached their location. Christine turned to see just who could be coming to visit them.

"Oh, hello Katherine," Christine said with a wave of her hand and a smile, once she saw her sister, who just appeared from down the hall. "We're just about to open this elevator door. The normal way is blocked by my ice, you see. I blocked it because there's just so many imps there."

As usual, the ice girl greeted her sister casually, even though they were enemies. No reason to not be polite to your opponents, Christine always believed. It was unfortunate that they had to pick a different, opposing school, but that's the cards fate had dealt them with. She would just have to go along with it.


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