Full Name: Hicerotherium valliensis (Hairy Horned Beast of the Valley)
Nicknames: "Maned Rhino", "Hairy Rhino", "Droger"
Biomes: Strictly Grassland Plains
Creature Notes: A huge horned beast, the droger is a magnificent beast that rules the prairies with its presence. They stand at roughly 2.5 meters tall at the shoulder, are over 5 meters in length, and can weigh in at 600 kg. Males are armed with a 1 meter long horn on their nose, with some being able to grow up to a meter and a half, while cows sport a significantly smaller one. Bulls are also much more muscular than the females, sporting a large mane used for intimidation and attracting mates. Droger usually stick to small family groups, being otherwise solitary in nature, however they have been commonly seen intermixing with other ungulate herds, such as the big-nosed Navik elk. They also sport a keen sense of smell and hearing that allows them to detect predators from up to half a mile away.
While usually calm and peaceful around people, a startled droger can be very dangerous due to its massive size and strength. Bulls can get even more aggressive during mating season. Still, wild droger are incredibly hard to hunt, yet the reward would be more then well-earned. They are prized for their meat and hide, as well as their milk from domesticated cows. Wild droger in particular are also highly sought after for their horns in the far east, for they claim it harbors medicinal properties and improves male vitality, despite scientists and ecological activists brutally debunking this claim.