@Alisdragon911@ZanavyEmily was feeding the new baby grimer. Her other pokemon were being fed as well. They were all doing their own thing at the time. It seemed like things had calmed down for the most part.
Sarah was outside taking care of the other pokemon, the ones looking for homes. That was when she heard sounds coming from the shed where they stored supplies. She frowned and went to investigate. She unlocked the shed and gasped at what she saw inside. The window was broken. Food was gone and various objects were either knocked over or broken.
"What happened in here?!"
That was when, through the broken window, she saw some pokemon running from the ranch grounds outside the shed. The pokemon she saw were a leafeon, a Glaceon, and a noctowl. But, they looked to be heading somewhere.
The pokemon were meeting up with the rest of their friends in a hidng spot just past the fence, on the ranch, in the trees:
Cloyster, Magmar, Murkrow, Pachirisu, and Togedemaru.