Hidden 16 days ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Incorrigible Iceburn!

Infiltrator Team

Iceburn shook some mist off her pale-blue hands, exhaling. That always shook the ice from her veins. When she turned her attention to the rest of the battle, it had already wrapped up. That was the advantageous of a four-on-four surprise attack!

"Nice goin' everyone! Thanks for takin' a hit for the team, buddy." She pointed an appreciative, high energy finger at Quiver. It was good that Mirage was looking over him. Iceburn had similar first-aid training, but she didn't want to crowd the space.

"But, y'know. Don't be afraid to stay in the backlines." She narrowed her eyes and shrugged, tilting her head forward in a 'whaddya gonna do' type of way. Quiver was injured, so, him getting hit felt pretty bad. Iceburn would much prefer she take the hit instead, since she was healthy and her C-Mist could absorb some of the damage. As a non-meta archer person, Quiver getting the attention of the baddies was a sign of something going wrong with their tactics. "Cuz, y'know, you gotta sit the rest of this one out if your stitches break." She added.

Iceburn set a hand on her hips and glanced around. "Garage works for me, as much as that other, unmarked mysterious hallway calls to me. We'll see if things stay 'too easy' the further we get into the facility. We just jumped four henchmen on their smoke break, not exactly Hero of The Year material." As she spoke, she went around and sprayed mist over all of the bad guys, solidifying them in place with iceblocks. They were very durable and would melt in a couple hours. The ice was cool to the touch, but like always she turned down the temperature so it wouldn't cause any damage to their skin or bodies. The iceblocks were more half-cylinders keeping them bound to the ground, it didn't cover their head or their feet.

"I was thinking of calling this one my Chill Pill technique. Eh?" Iceburn grinned, looked around at the others for approval.
Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Zach winced as the meta’s words cut deeper than any physical attack could. As the guy patted his tophat, Zach didn’t even flinch; he was too consumed by his own thoughts, the magic that once flowed through him feeling distant and out of reach.

The swift punch that followed knocked his hat askew, and Zach stumbled back, catching it just before it hit the ground. He stood there, clutching the brim of his hat. The comment about his parents hurt the most. The idea that they might see him as a failure now, after all his training and hard work. His father, who had sparked his love for the stage, and his mother, who had tried to protect him by sealing his powers. Despite everything, he had chosen this path, not to defy them but to honor them, to prove that he could stand on his own as both a magician and a hero.

Zach watched the meta walk away, anger bubbling beneath the surface, in spite of the raging feeling of inadequacy. He desperately wanted to prove the guy wrong, to prove himself. “Hey, you can badmouth me all you want. But keep my parents out of your mouth!” He slowly stood up, still trembling from all the conflicting emotions. “They were better people than you’ll ever be. Everything I am is because of them. “And I’m not going to just sit this one out,” he declared. “You’ll see exactly what I have magic for.”

“Mih barg seniv cigam!” Ethereal vines erupted from the ground, shimmering with a faint glow as they surged forward, wrapping around the man’s legs and arms, pulling him back toward Zach. “You think you can just walk away after insulting my parents? After making me doubt myself? Not happening.”

And then, Zach did something… unexpected. He punched the guy in the face while the guy was bound, as hard as he possibly could. “How about you sit this one out! Oh, and another thing. No one touches the hat but me.”
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Hidden 16 days ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Location: Kobra Warehouse
Interactions: The Insiders

They almost reported a true SITREP… Viktor stood impressed among his companions that had infiltrated the facility. His only concern might be their pace but their advance was too smooth for him to voice it. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

“Let’s move forward then. I'll take point from here on,” Viktor stated walking forward. “And to your inquiry, Quiver…” He slightly adjusted his grip on his rifle so he could prioritize using the sonic emitter attached to the weapon.“This Kobra facility is utilizing and transporting an unknown compound. All we require is a sample. And I think we should stick to that objective. Something doesn't feel right about this place.” Viktor’s visor then turned to face Pei to at least humor the pitch for the name of her restraining technique.

“Chill… pill..? Hmm… Perhaps Ashwagandha or Benzodiazepine might be better contenders.” Viktor shrugged. His reply held a neutral tone despite this being a very poor attempt at delivering sarcasm. “Anyway, let's advance. I’ll disrupt any threats inside. Just be swift in following up.”

Once the four heroes were ready, Viktor approached the door while listening for any activity on the other side of it. Nothing yet but… Even with the others taking the brunt of the attention from their enemies, Viktor found this base far too empty. He wondered if there was something else being protected deeper within the base or if this was all intended. The latter seemed unlikely due to how events had played out so far.

With a swift push, Viktor swung open the door to the large garage. It was dimly lit and filled with several vacant cargo and personnel vehicles. The area was conveniently held together by thick cement support beams and initially appeared to be empty. Unfortunately, those very beams were being used as cover for several henchmen waiting within to fire at the doorway. They were expertly hidden but a slight shift gave them away to Viktor's sharp senses.

“Take cover!” Viktor shouted as he preemptively fired his sonic emitter out toward the far side of the garage. It caused the group of henchmen to pause from firing momentarily, giving the group a short window of time to take cover.

“Quiver. Smoke?” Viktor asked as he reached into his utility belt. Whether Will had the means, Viktor would use smoke bombs to as concealment to close the distance between them and the henchmen that had ambushed them.

Hidden 15 days ago 14 hrs ago Post by Daxam
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Daxam Majin Boo

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Location: Kobra Base, Everglades, Florida
Interactions: Nymph @dreamingflowers

Vincent stood in his carbon cloud, bullets plinking harmlessly off of his armor as he thought about his next move. Alright, I earned some time to think, he thought as a bullet bounced off of his cheek. While he couldn't see them, and they were currently too far away for him to really do anything, Vincent could sense the men and their weapons outside of the cloud, able to pick out the denser concentration of carbon, as well as the steel in their weapons, amidst the background noise of the cloud. He could tell they were standing in a loose semicircle, having set up a crossfire without risking hitting each other, with the meta standing in the middle of them, their attention focused on the cloud. What to do, what to do... he thought.

Slowly, a grimace grew on his face as another bullet whizzed by his ear. "I hate this idea," he muttered, his voice drowned out by the gunfire, "but I guess it's my only option, right now..."


The men outside continued to fire on the cloud, reloading when they could. They had all seen how their bullets had no effect, so they hoped the gunfire would at least keep the young hero pinned until the cloud dispersed and the meta could finish him off. They were so focused on firing into the cloud that they didn't notice as it slowly encroached on them. Suddenly, one felt something wrap around his ankle before pulling him into the cloud, screaming as he dropped his gun. The same thing happened to the second, then the third. The fourth looked down just in time to see a jet black, disembodied hand clutch his ankle before pulling him in. The man screamed from inside the cloud before suddenly going silent.

The meta stood there, poised to counter Vincent the moment he saw him. He thought about dispersing the cloud with his power, but if was anything like smoke, he felt that it wouldn't have any effect. There was suddenly movement to his left as a humanoid figure leapt out of the cloud. Reacting quickly, he turned, focusing on the figure and hit it with as much force as he could. The figure fell to the ground...and shattered. It was only then that he realized that the figure was just a carbon doll and quickly turned.

He was too late. Vincent, clad in the carbon plates that let him close the distance so quickly, his fist encased in the steel he stole from the guns of the men he pulled into the cloud, was already in striking distance. He slammed his foot onto the ground, bracing himself as he put his whole body into the punch. He felt steel connect with the meta's face as crimson blood appeared from his broken nose, and followed through, forcing the man down to the ground with a crash. The man out cold, Vincent knelt down, pinning him with his knee as he encased the meta's hands in carbon and anchored them into the ground. Vincent spat at the ground and muttered, "Should've killed me when you had the chance. I hate going the roundabout way."

Standing up, he looked back toward Daphne and saw that the glowing green orb was still in play. "Nymph, I'm coming to back you up." He took a moment to gather steel from the rest of the discarded weaponry around him, then launched himself toward the meta controlling the orb, ready to throw an armored punch.
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Hidden 13 days ago 12 days ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

These guys went down pretty easily, and Cora was feeling pretty good about her little magic show with Zach. She flowed through the purple clouds and watched him knock a dude out- a holy shit, he could throw a punch! Okay, so far so good. Cora would’ve wished this could’ve been a bit more sneaky. But then again, they were raiding this place in broad daylight. The best they could do now was take advantage of the surprise attack while it was a surprise.

Four of them were going inside… Cora had an idea. She couldn’t fight in confined spaces around others, it would’ve risked blinding someone. But she could get in her natural element.

”I’m goin’ above, so take cover,” she announced, over the channel. Stormcaller floated higher and higher above the building, high over it where she could see the whole battlefield. Her skin stung with static, but she’d manage for now. That was an awfully big compound, it had to be hot in there in a climate like this. Cora could imagine they had to have some kind of AC system in there, something she could sabotage and maybe spit out dust. Or maybe she could get inside and use that other advantage.

Looking behind her, that ominous green blob was still behind her. ”Make sure you’re looking over your shoulders, there’s a green thing being sneaky,” she announced over the channel.

If she had to guess, the big important stuff was likely to be in a central location or on a subfloor. It wouldn’t do much, but just for good measure, she floated closer and fired off some rather loud strikes of lightning at exposed fans on the roof, the kind that brought cool air into the rest of the building. It could scare someone, maybe spit out dust and choke them. Or maybe they’d get heatstroke.

Small things added up, right?

”Stormcaller comin’ in. I’m working on wrecking their AC. If you smoke ‘em out, they’ll have nowhere to go if they bunker down in the central areas. I might be able to get through the vents and ambush somebody.”
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Zoey Boey
Avatar of Zoey Boey

Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The Incorrigible Iceburn!

Infiltrator Team

Iceburn scoffed good-naturedly at Viktor's dry banter back at her. "Okay, those might be literally chill pills, but it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. And besides, the 'chill' part is also because it's cold. And it's a cylinder so it's pill shape. But it's also forcing them to- okay nevermind. It's Chill Pill. Fuckin'- fuckin' Chill Pill technique." Iceburn dusted off her shoulder even though there was no dust, to figuratively settle the matter.

She took a few breaths into her palms and then rubbed her hands together, making sure her C-Mist was topped off. Plenty of magic ice juice left in the tank, as long as she had a moment to catch her breath. Without a source of water (humid air helped) her ability to create ice drew from her stamina instead.

Iceburn moved inside, hands up and broiling over with mist, her stance low. She didn't notice the bad guys before Viktor did, but of course she would take his word for it. When Viktor fired his sonic emitter she followed his line of sight and saw some of them. They had regular guns, not the advanced stuff some of the others had. Of course guns were lethal, but they lacked the supernatural punch required to deal with her powers.

"Making cover!" She responded, using the moment of time Viktor bought to her advantage. She fired a blast down at the floor in front of her and created a wall of ice that leaned forward slightly, about seven feet tall. Bullets fired her way would crack and burrow into the ice, dealing little structural damage. A big sonic boom gun probably could have broken it in, like, one and a half shots. "I think making cover is better than taking cover. Haha." Iceburn quipped.

"Suppressing Icefire!" She shouted almost gleefully, and punched a few rolling uppercuts into the edge of her ice wall. The chunks arced towards the enemies in cover like kicked soccer balls. They would explode on contact, knocking anyone caught in the radius off balance. The ice would disable any guns on direct hit with the enemy's body, and of course knock them on their ass. The idea here was to force the baddies into hiding so they couldn't shoot her teammates. Still, one overeager gunman was flattened by a direct hit, their gun becoming useless as it was soaked in water and snow chunks. He stumbled to his feet, grabbing a sidearm and diving behind one of the pillars.

"Pow pow pow!" Iceburn shouted, making a show of it.

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