
Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: On route to Gazebo Patio
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


And what a week it had been. After her failure at breakfast the other day, Kathryn shied away from everyone for the rest of breakfast. Attempting to hide the embarrassment and the taste of cheese. She did her best to correct her manners after The Incident, but the damage had been done. Thankfully! The week was passing at a good rate, and soon everyone had their own problems to worry about! Kathryn would work on her physical condition a fair amount through the week, carrying as much as she could and taking it as far as she could for as long as she could. With mixed results. Twice in the week she had to set down the barrels she used for weights prematurely. She kicked herself for that and would make up for the failure with pull ups using the railing to the stairs up to the second floor, and with crunches until she was flat in the dirt.

She went easier on herself when Lizbeth was with her. In part because every muscle in her body ached all the time now. As well, she didn't want to give Lizbeth the impression she was trying to show her up. "We're going to work on endurance and stamina a lot this winter. Adrenalin can carry you pretty far in a fight but the last thing you want to do is collapse due to exhaustion. And when you're fighting, you're not just pushing your own limits, but so is whoever you're fighting. If they can't beat you in a strait fight, they'll work on breaking you down until you can't fight anymore." Kathryn said trying to educate the young Lizbeth during their workouts. But Kathryn wanting to have fun with this girl who was like a sibling to her wanted to do more than pushing physical limits.

After a few days of doing discipline and physical work, Kathryn brought Lizbeth to the base of the lookout tower she had explored her first day here. "Now, we're not quite ready for proper fighting training yet. Buuuuuuuut..." Kathryn said with a less than subtle hint of excitement. "We're not far from that point either." Kathryn said giddy like a little girl! Kathryn pulled out the short sword from the back of her belt and laid it out on top of a flat stone by the two woman. Then she pulled her family great sword from her hip and laid it out by it. Still chipped in places, and scratched to hell, the old blade looked like it had seen a thousand battles. "I have a duel coming up in a few days here. And I would love for you to be my squire for this event. I don't expect it to be a particularly challenging fight, but Baronfjørd may have a few tricks up his sleeves. Normally squires help set up armor, polish and clean weapons, and hand a knight their gear and supplies as needed. Wine and water when in need of a drink, a sword when fighting, and to assist a knight in problem solving difficult situations. Granted, we're not going the full thing here. Proper squire and knight training takes a long time. For all intents and purposes, you'd be my assistant before I kick Blackberry's ass in a fight." Kathryn chuckled, rather full of herself.

Kathryn then sat down on a nearby stone, and picked up her family sword from the flat rock. "However, you should know how to maintain a weapon. And mine is in need of a lot of love at the moment." She said a bit embarrassed. "SO this is a good chance to show you how to do so." For much of the rest of the day Kathryn would show Lizbeth how to oil, clean, and sharpen a sword. Letting the small girl work on Kathryn's short sword which was already in pretty new condition. After some hours of showing Lizbeth how to maintain her gear, Kathryn then pulled out a pair of wooden swords, a little longer than a short sword, but by no definition a long sword. And a pair of very simple made shields. "These wont serve you in a proper fight. But it'll probably be safer to train with than blunted swords. When I kept insisting to my parents I wanted to learn to fight, my uncle agreed to teach me. That day he had the blacksmith make two long swords and told him to not sharpen the blades." She chuckled at the nostalgia for a moment. "I got to dance at the spring harvest ball with my hand wrapped up to let it heal. And it was the funnest winter I have ever had." She said with a giddy expression. Much of the rest of the week was spent on much the same. Pushing physical limits, polishing armor, and by the tail end of the week, Kathryn was showing Lizbeth the basics of stances to use with a sword. Even showing her how to counter and block attacks. As a whole, a productive week.

The rest of the week was pretty simple for Kat. Working out, long walks and jogs, finding new places to get a good view, the works. Though at one point Master Urmdrus had surprised her cutting her off with a rope and a stool in hand. Kathryn froze in shock as the smith began to measure her. But not before letting out a surprised "Eeep!" In a pitch way higher than someone her size would normally make. But after a brief recommendation to pee more and a quick measurement, the moment had passed without further incident. But this wasn't her only interaction with the dwarf this week. Earlier, she had approached his shop to work on the training weapons that she and Lizbeth would be using together while Lizbeth learned to handle a blade. She had asked the man a few questions here and there, but she wasn't really sure the best routes to go about them.

While working in the shop setting up the practice weapons that her and Lizbeth would use later in the week, Kathryn turned up to listen to the smith talk about the bug armor he was crafting. "So like... totally acid proof? I suppose if we come across more of those things we'll be in a much better spot. The way they hit us before was pretty brutal. But their acid attacks were the real killer in that fight. Plus, the idea of not being melted like a lit candle on a hot day sounds rather nice." Kathryn joked unable to help herself to the small jest. Realizing the joke may not be as funny to him as to herself. Changing the topic Kathryn moved onto other matters. "So, I haven't seen a lot of dwarves in my lifetime. But you seem... different." Kathryn wasn't sure the best way to ask the question, but curiosity was winning out in this case. She had a solid admiration for the dwarf. He was a skilled trade worker, an experienced warrior, and despite all of that, he was still willing to teach young Lizbeth how to fend for herself. She had seen many people fit that bill, who would never do such a thing as to show a young woman how to fight. Either due to cultural social norms, or due to the fear that they may experience what they had when it was their turn for war. To see Master Urmdrus help Lizbeth was a huge win in her book.

The rest of Kathryn's week wasn't as exciting. The rest was spent working out by herself, drinking, and reading. Lots, and lots of reading. A question she still hasn't been able to find an answer for. A question that has only gotten more complicated the more she thought on it. The goblins. The question had many parts to solve though. Why were they there? They clearly weren't some random bandits. They were also too well equipped, how did they get said gear? What the hell were they doing with old runic magic? Old runic magic which its origins can be traced back to across the world? With little to no sightings from there to here? It's not something that can just find itself somewhere random. A private library of a former traveler or merchant? Maybe. But a pack of well equipped goblins? Something was up. She already had some suspicions on the goblins to begin with due to the nature of their quest. But now? What were the chances that magic that that was considered outdated and rare in her homeland, where it's roots began, found its way out here? From her homeland. The place she was trying to avoid. She spent hours every night, dedicating herself to learning more about this situation. She needed answers.

Kathryn was finally allowed a moment of respite. Something relaxing to calm her nerves as the week drew to an end. A duel until one yielded. With arguably the only person in the party who could go toe to toe with her in melee. Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah. Walking up in full gear with Lizbeth in tow, who got the privilege to hold her sword in it's sheath, and the hammer attached to it's same belt. She briefly saw Kosara and Victoria as she walked her way to the Gazebo patio. Kathryn's powerful stride broke to a stop when she overheard what Kosara was explaining. "I uh... Yeah that sounds pretty weird huh. But sounds fun to explore. First, Blackberry has brought a fate onto himself that only he will understand the true cost." Kathryn said confidently. "You're both welcome to watch Blackberry and I beat the shite out of each other down by the Gazebos. Lizbeth will be my acting squire for the event. And, I am expecting a rather fun time." Kathryn said proudly with a grand old smile on her face.