[ T H E O V E R V I E W ]
It is November 23rd, 1994—one day before Thanksgiving, and forty-seven days since the Great Fog.
For the denizens of Hvass, a meager rural farming town in Central Illinois, the last few weeks have been a nightmare. Whilst most of the residents had generally been safe from the initial fog, it came with an evil curse that changed the very course of the town's history. Places that had been frequented by the sleepy townsfolk—bars, diners, and other business establishments—were hit the hardest by the "curse", becoming feeding grounds and nests for demonic monsters that bared a striking resemblance to some of their neighbors, like Old Hank, Miss Angelica, or even Timmy the Paper Boy.
The people of Hvass found themselves terrorized by these creatures, hiding in their homes for days afraid of the vicious monsters in the very streets they once had called home. Had it not been for the actions of Lawrence McCoy, one of the local rednecks, perhaps it might've stayed that way.
Armed with his Remington SP-10, Lawrence had decided he had enough of being stuck inside and went to take matters into his own hands. Foolhardy as he or his plan was, the sound of his 10-gauge blasting away in the streets had an rallying effect on the populace. One by one, group by group, the town rose up with whatever they had on hand, eager to take back their hometown no matter the cost.
Little did they know that the cost for freedom would be considerable.
By the end of the battle, much of the population had been slaughtered by the beasts, leaving mostly the young and old behind to make something of their sacrifice. But with winter drawing near and no word from the government or other towns, the few survivors of Hvass are alone in their plight. If those who remain are unable to work together like their neighbors had done, it'll certainly be one cold, long merciless winter.
[ T H E L O C A L E S ]

The town of Hvass dates back to the nineteenth century, wherein groups of Scandinavians immigrated to the United States following upheaval and strife in their home countries. Though the group that settled Hvass included Swedes and Norwegians, much of the actual town owes its success to the Danish that preferred to settle in and build up urban societies, in turn giving the town a strong Danish influence that persists even today.
Over the years, Hvass would see great success, booming in both population and wealth. It, like many other towns and cities in the area, heavily partook in agriculture and coal mining, as well some factory work. Local historians consider this the golden era of Hvass, with the town's population rising to around ten thousand at its peak. By the end of the World Wars, and eventually following the Illinois exodus that had begun in the 1970s, however, much of this prosperity has disappeared and decayed, leaving empty, worn buildings behind as the locals left for greener pastures.
Below, you can find a list of some important and notable locations within Hvass. Not everything in Hvass is listed here, but it should nonetheless give you an idea of the town itself:
• The Walls
• Grace Lutheran Church
• Sarahbeth's Boutique
• Main Street Diner
• Hansen Furniture
• Hvass Town Hall
• Town Streets
• Hvass Primary School (K-6th)
• Hvass High School (7th-12th)
• Ol' Country Gas Station
• The Hvass Courier
• Bager Auto Body
• Settler Park
[ T H E M O N S T E R S ]

Those trapped outside in the initial fog on October 7th, 1994 did not truly disappear within the fog.
The victims of that night were warped into something else by the fog's "magic", their bodies twisting into albino creatures. Some still possessed an uncanny resemblance to their former selves, but with superior physical abilities. What humanity they previously had was replaced with an almost feral bloodlust, hungry for flesh and blood to consume.
And consume they did, as the beasts slaughtered their way across towns and cities. Together, they would form large, nest-like colonies in buildings or other hideouts, with most congregating in these places until night time when they would spill out in great hordes seeking food and overrunning anything in their path.
After all, how do you stop the unstoppable? Their bodies could take the brunt of gunfire, being practically tickled by smaller, weak calibers. Compared to humanity, these creatures seemed to have no prominent weaknesses until people began to realize they had quite the fear of fire. Much like anything else animalistic, fire acted like a ward, spooking the monsters potentially long enough for others to do some considerable damage or even go in for the killing blow.
That is, if you were foolish to risk your life doing so.
[ T H E R U L E S ]
- When making a character, characters must be in town, indoors at the time of the Fog.
- Despite being a fictional town, much of Hvass is based on your run of the mill Midwestern towns and cities—something to keep in mind when making your character.
- If you come into this RP with a sword-swinging samurai, a gravy seal wannabe soldier, or anything of that nature, your RP career is automatically forfeit. Same goes for those who want to game the system by RPing a cop or active military. You're normal as normal goes.
- Quality over content. Generally, you should be capable of posting a few quality paragraphs once or twice a week. That said, the GM team isn't much of a stickler with these things. Everyone has lives outside of RPG. If you're planning to ghost after joining, though, steer far and clear from this RP.
- Face claims are to be picked from real actors. No anime, art, etc.