Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Steve Rogers sat by himself at the table, the only remaining undamaged one in the restaurant. All around him was the rubble of a massive battle, one that had engulfed most of the world. The destruction could be seen all over, a testament to the great crisis that had just finished.

But Steve didn’t dwell on it, instead taking a bite of his shawarma wrap. This small restaurant in downtown New York had the best shawarma that he had ever had. In fact this was where he first had shawarma, all those years ago after the Chitauri invasion. But back then he had the Avengers with him, the original line up. But now he was alone as this crisis was much larger, spanning the globe. That meant that the heroes of Earth had been spread thin as not just Avengers answered the call, with the Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Champions going out to save the world.

The reveal that Hydra had been in control of SHIELD since its founding had shook what Steve Rogers had held to be true. He believed that he had been doing heroics, but now everything he had done was tainted by the fact that villains had been orchestrating it. Just how pervasive Hydra was clearly evident as they had agents all over the world. This meant that the fight to defeat Hydra took place all over the world.

New York City had been one of the worst hit zones, as Hydra had a helicarrier over the city. Steve had led a team of Avengers to take the helicarrier before it could destroy the city. But in the confusion of the battle, the helicarrier had crashed smack dab in the middle of New York. The damage was massive as was the loss of life. In fact if you stood just outside the shawarma restaurant, you could see the helicarrier’s crash just down the road.

The thought of all that destruction shook Steve, as he had a hard time focusing on the delicious wrap. But before he could muse too long, the doorbell chimed as someone else entered the damaged pita shop. Steve turned to see who else would enter the restaurant amidst what was going on outside. It was a familiar man wearing big, black sunglasses.

“Captain,” said the man as he sat down across from Steve.

“Fury,” replied Steve, “Its good to see that you’re alive.”

“Just barely alive. My Quinjet was shot down over the North Atlantic.”

“How did you manage to get out of that?”

“I always have contingencies. And one of those contingencies is why I’m here.”

Steve took another bite of his wrap before asking, “And what is this contingency? I don’t see a way that SHIELD could survive this.”

“It won’t. SHIELD is dead. I’ll probably be dead as well if I don’t go to ground soon. Somehow I missed a massive conspiracy that was right under my nose. The world isn’t going to forgive me. I’ll definitely be a scapegoat, someone to blame for all this death and destruction.”

“I know this isn’t all on you. But they do need someone to blame.”

“Exactly, that’s why I’m going into hiding. I’ll be a ghost they chase while they rebuild and move past Hydra and SHIELD.”

“And what is this world without SHIELD going to be like?”

“A dangerous one. That’s why I have the contingency I mentioned. I figured that SHIELD could not last forever, so I came up with possible replacements.”

“Like who? There isn’t any other organization as massive as SHIELD.”

“Not yet there isn’t, but I know one group can become large enough. The Avengers.”

“What? We’re superheroes, not an intelligence agency.”

“But you’ve proved that you can be more. You Avengers have saved the world more times than I can count. After your take down of Hydra, you have all the public support. If you do the right actions in the following days, you could be the new SHIELD. A better SHIELD.”

“But who would manage such an organization?”

“Well that would be you, Director Rogers.”

“Look, this is a lot. I need time to think about it.”

“Of course,” replied Nick Fury as he got up from the table, “I’ll be in contact, but this will probably be the last time you see me in person.”

“Be safe Nick,” stated Steve.

The former head of SHIELD just smiled as he left the pita restaurant. Steve Rogers was left at his table, overwhelmed with ideas and emotions. While Director Rogers did sound nice, it was a lot of responsibility. But Steve knew that he did say he would take responsibility the day he became Captain America.

But the Avengers as Earth’s primary defenders was a big deal. Steve knew it wouldn’t be fair to the other Avengers if he didn’t consult them first about it. Steve thought to call Tony first, but decided to finish his shawarma first. Perhaps eating would help him sort out his thoughts.

Eight Months Later

Jim Hammond flew over the skyline of New York, flames streaking across his body. He was amazed at how much they had rebuilt in the last couple of months since the Hydra crisis. One of the first things they had done was to clear out the helicarrier wreckage. This had been aided by Iron Man and his fleet of drone worker suits. In fact most of the Avengers had helped rebuild the city.

This had all helped the popularity of the Avengers, especially domestically. While the name SHIELD was hated, the Avengers were seen as the saviors of the planet. Thus there was less push back to the Avengers expanding into a global defense agency. It seemed like Director Rogers had navigated the politics perfectly to allow the rise of the organization.

It was thanks to this expansion that Jim now found himself an Avenger. Perhaps it was due to his past with the Captain, or maybe his time with SHIELD, but Jim was one of the first picks for new membership. Jim was also surprised that he had been assigned to the New York branch of the Avengers, one of the more notable bases.

Operating out of the old Avengers Mansion, the New York branch was one of the first ones formed. The team of eclectic heroes was made up of veteran Avengers and newcomers like Jim. But Jim trusted Steve Rogers to make a team that could work together well.

As Jim passed by over the streets of New York, a few citizens pointed up at him and shouted, “Hey look! It’s the Human Torch! Let me get a picture.”

“Actually, I’m just the Torch,” Jim shouted before realizing that they couldn’t hear him, “Whatever, I just happen to be the original.”

While Jim knew that he was probably only known to hardcore world war two buffs, he still wished that he was as popular as the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four. But perhaps if he was an Avenger long enough he would gain some attention.

And speaking of the Avengers, Jim noticed that he was nearing the mansion. Figuring that his daily flight had gone on long enough, Jim decided to land in front of the mansion. As his flames extinguished, Jim was scanned by a laser, confirming his biometrics. The doors to the mansion then opened up.

Walking inside to the front lobby, Jim still found it weird that everything here was automated. He had been told that in the past that the Avengers had a butler who maintained the building. But now everything was handled by various AI systems, courtesy of Tony Stark.

Jim would talk to one of these AI systems as he entered an elevator, “Entertainment floor please.”

The elevator then descended rapidly, but there was no rumbling as it moved silently and still. In only a few seconds the door opened revealing the sub basement that served as the entertainment floor. A lot of the things on this floor were leftovers from when Tony Stark had lived in the mansion. There was various gaming rooms, filled with pool tables and arcade machines. But the room Jim was looking for was the movie theater.

Since being assigned to the Avengers Mansion, Jim had spent a lot of time in the theater. Thanks to the Stark Enterprises cloud service, he had access to almost every film ever, to which Jim was thankful. He was making his way through all the great films of the past decades he missed while in stasis. He had gotten the idea from Steve Rogers who had done the same thing when he got off ice.

The current focus of Jim’s movie habit was late seventies/early eighties science fiction. He had thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars, and even Alien even though it was more of a horror film. These films made Jim want to go to space, an action that seemed impossible back when he was created. But since then man had been to space and even other planets, meeting aliens like the Kree and Skrulls.

Jim’s musings over what to watch was cut short as something began to beep in his pocket. Pulling out his Avengers ID Card, the face of Steve Rogers appearing in the top right.

“All New York Avengers, please report to the situation room. You’ve got a mission,” stated Steve before disappearing off the card.

Jim sighed as the movie would have to wait, but excitement replaced it as he finally had a mission. Truth be told Jim was going a little stir crazy without any bad guys to fight. It was with this excitement that Jim reentered the elevator.

“Situation room,” Jim said to the AI.

The elevator moved quickly as it lowered deeper under the building. When the doors opened, Jim found himself in a large room lined with computers. In the middle of the room was a round table with some kind of holo display resting in the center of the table.

Jim saw that he was the first to arrive so he took a seat at the table. He wasn’t sure if there was supposed to be assigned seating, so he was prepared to move. With nothing else to do but wait, Jim began whistling an old radio jingle from the forties.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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NYC Streets

Peter swung from building to building, patrolling the streets for any criminals that needed an attitude adjustment. Standing on top of a corporate building, he took a moment to take in the sight of NYC. Even after all of these years of protecting the city, he was still amazed by how beautiful the city was even with such large skyscrapers. Scanning the area he noticed a bunch of suspicious men running from a bank into a black sedan. The web-slinger quickly shoots some webs on the adjourned building, swinging himself towards the moving vehicle. Swinging himself so his feet shattered the window of the passenger’s window, kicking one of the robbers in the head. “SHIT IT’S SPIDERMAN!!” One of the robbers in the passenger’s seat aimed his gun at the wall-crawler, Peter quickly grabbed the man by the hand, easily breaking his hand with a loud CRACK. Quickly looking at the driver, he shot a few webs to make his hands stuck to the wheel. “Keep your eyes on the road.” Quickly grabbing the robber he had previously kicked in the head, getting his arm wrapped around his neck. Now focus on the robber near the driver. Shooting a small ball of webs to bounce off the ceiling of the car, hitting the robber in the head Essentially knocking him out cold. Looking over at the man whose hand he just broke, glaring at him underneath his mask. “Your move creep.” Tightening his grip on the neck of the robber, who probably was suffering from a concussion. Before he could react, Peter shot a couple of webs to pin his body to the car door. Knocking out his human shield, before turning his attention towards the driver. Poking his head from between the front seats, “Mind pulling over, this is my stop.” His hand moved towards the man’s jugular. The sedan suddenly stopped with Peter getting out of the passenger’s door. Noticing the cops starting to swarm around the sedan, “Come out of the sedan with your hands up, and lay on your stomach with your hands behind your back.” One of the police officers yelled out, while the other officers finally noticed what had happened.

“Oh Spiderman, Thanks for stopping these guys.” One of the cops said while the others noted what happened to the robbers in the car. “No problem, it’s a nice break from stopping a crazy in a rhino costume. How’s George?” Peter had not seen George Stacy for a couple of months now, he had been so busy with being a superhero and trying to take care of Maybelle. He had not had time to visit him, he wondered if the old man was angry at him for not catching up with him. “He’s good, been kinda keeping to himself lately. Wonder if he’s gonna be okay.” This only confirmed to Peter that he should check up on George. God knows he’s feeling alone ever since his wife recently passed away, “Come on Pete, you gotta go see George he’s all alone. No daughter and now no wife to keep him company.” His mind was racing with what he would do next. “Well I gotta go, but I’m sure you guys can book the three stooges over here.” Peter pointed his thumb towards the sedan, hearing the groans of the criminals inside. After saying goodbye to the police officers, he swung around the corner of the street, deciding to give George Stacy a quick visit.

While he was making his way to Stacy’s house, he could hear his Avengers ID going offf. “Damn it, not now.” Swinging towards the top of a building, he checked his watch telling him to go to the Avenger’s Mansion for a mission. He could not ignore a call from the Avengers to visit a lonely old man. “Sorry George, I promise I will see you later tonight.” Stating to swing towards the mansion, using as many of the shortcuts as he knew to get there quickly.

Avenger’s Mansion, Situation Room.

Walking through the front door he knew the place in and out even with Fury changing the layout during the last few decades. The A.I. in the mansion buzzed to life, “Welcome Mr.Parker, Mr. Rogers and Mr.Fury have not arrived just yet to the mansion. Would you like to go somewhere to pass the time?” Peter smiled underneath his mask, “I’ll just be in the gym, let me know when it’s time to head to the situation room.” And with that, he took the elevator to the gym underneath the first floor. Not bothering to change, and keeping his costume on. Even with his day of fighting crime, he still felt he needed to burn some of this aggression on the punching bag. Finding it oddly soothing to punch the crap out of the sandbag for a couple of hours. “Mr.Parker, you are needed in the situation room.” And with that Peter left the gymnasium, taking the elevator to the situation room.

As he walked into the room he noticed Jim Hammond, “Hi Jim. Long time no see. How ya been?” He waved his hand towards the Human Torch. Jim like Captain America and Bucky were heroes that he looked up to as a child. Being told stories by his Uncle Ben, who had been a soldier during WW2. Taking a seat across from The Human Torch, waiting for Cap or Fury to show up and start explaining their mission. Although he was quite hesitant ever at first, since the revelation that Hydra was controlling S.H.I.E.L.D. But Cap had assured him that they would be working for the greater good, and they would be more vigilant of Hydra trying to gain control of the Avengers. A memory came into his head of when he was first starting out as a hero, sitting in the situation room with the many great heroes. Hoping to make a good impression, and have them accept him as an Avenger. By now he had earned his place as an Avenger, even though he felt he doesn’t deserve it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Gonjo Gonjo

Gonjo Gonjo

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Time Square

Gwen found herself sitting opposite to another busker, both them drumming on paint cans and metal trash can tops. She sat in torn clothing, seeming to be haphazardly sewn together pieces of fabric, with a mask on to cover her face. Her hair pulled up messy, to onlookers she would just seem like another homeless busker, an intended disguise just incase anyone knew the Gwen from this universe. She hadn't had any run ins yet, but with the people recording her shows, she felt it was better to be safer then sorry. A once small crowd had formed around them, almost piling on each other to watch the two, as they played a fast and intense rhythm back and forth to each other. Gwen had become somewhat of a local celebrity, known as the "Ghost Drummer", an elusive busker said to play a show and then suddenly vanish. She be seen all over the city, despite her ragged look, New York was captivated by her drumming. Her only real past time to relieve stress, other then fighting bad guys of course, was drumming, and not being in a band, or being on stage sort of killed her inside. So she turned to busking as both a form of income and a way to play without having to either reveal she was Gwen Stacy, or try and make up a whole new identity, the former being definitely out of the question.

As the two came to a close, the crowd cheered and began tossing money into their paint buckets. The two bowing, she saluted the crowd as they began to circle her, asking for autographs and pictures "Sorry folks, I'm only here to play music, thanks for staying to watch!" blowing kisses to the crowd and suddenly turning invisible, the crowd went wild as the Ghost Drummer preformed her signature disappearing act.

Walking away as the crowd began to take selfies of where she once stood, the voice of her closest friend spoke in her mind "Gwen...this feels like a waste of our time. Why do you waste so much time here?" Venom asked slightly annoyed the woman used their powers for something as trivial as this.

"Because this is best place to make money, which allows us to buy food, and you unfortunately make me incredibly hungry...all the time" Gwen said snarkily as she weaved in and out of the crowd still invisible.

"Fair point."

In truth, Gwen found this to be her favorite place in this universes NYC, some how feeling vastly different from her own, somehow brighter and busier, if that were possible. It had also been a sure fire spot for busking when she wasn't out being a hero and she made most of her friends here, despite most of them being homeless. It also happened to be one of the only places that seemed to not change despite all that happened 8 months ago. Gwen hadn't been with the Avengers yet, but she did show up to aid in saving civilians as the Avengers handled the bigger problems. Seeing Time Square appearing as if nothing had happened felt odd, the memories of the crash site somewhat haunting her, but also very reliving. Almost like a time capsule that remained unscathed by the world around it.

Sneaking off to an alleyway, she uncloaked herself and changed into her Ghost Spider suit. Or almost did, as she put on her mask, her spider-sense twanged, making her turn around to a gun in her face "dont make any sudden moves, gimme yo-"

"You're not serious are you?" Gwen cut the mugger off. "Either you're stupid high...or stupid stupid" the man confused at Gwen's lack of fear, despite him towering over her. She pointed to the spider symbol on her chest and she could see the metaphorical cogs turning in his head. The man dropped his gun and ran, making Gwen sigh "why do they always run?" shooting a web at the mans Ankles, while using her other wrist to shoot a web to the building above her. Pulling herself up, while pulling the man with her, she landed on the edge of the roof, the man dangling below her. "Im going to let you hang out here and think about what it means if anyone finds out what I look like, I'll send the cops for you...eventually" she winked at the man, putting her mask on and jumping off the building, webbing him to the side of the building while swinging away. Snagging her backpack, she she pulled out her phone and checked the news. Her eyes reading a headline made her come crashing down on a rooftop, the reason being an article talking about the passing of George Stacy's wife.

She had thought about maybe approaching them when she first got her, but after learning of this Universe's Gwen, she felt it wouldn't go well. Still, the idea of this universe's George losing both his wife and his daughter, made her only think of what her Father must be thinking, unsure if time even passed the same here in this universe. Shaking the thoughts, she sighed and sat on the edge of the building, pulling out her Avenger's I.D, flipping it between her fingers. She wasn't really sure what to do about this whole Avengers thing, having been recommended to Cap by Fury, when she met with Captain America, she felt she didn't exactly belong. Even in her universe and prior to meeting other spider-totems, she really only worked alone. She had teamed up from time to time, but that was in a Universe where she was known. Here though, she was just a new hero on the scene. She also knew that Peter had made the team, because well...duh, but the only people who knew her situation was Fury, and Cap, both of which said they'd help keep her identity hidden until she was ready. Anything could happen however, and at some point she would have to talk to Peter.

While having a slight panic attack at the idea of seeing a Peter Parker again, the I.D would suddenly come to life, making her drop it. Webslinging it back to her hand, Steve suddenly appearing and informing her to meet at the Avengers Mansion for a mission. "Wow impeccable timing, almost like it's watching me" she joked.

"I'll never get over the fact Caps a guy in this universe" Venom spoke as Gwen leaped off the building, swinging towards Avengers Mansion.

"It is kind of a let down, isn't it?"

Avenger's Mansion

Arriving at the mansion, she had only been there a couple of times, opting to not live at the mansion like some of the others. Both to help keep her identity secret and because she felt weird living in a superhero dorm. She did come to take showers every now and then, but she had never met any of the others. Partly because she used her invisibility the times she had come, and partly because she came late enough to ensure less of a chance to interact with anyone.

"Hello Jarvis, am I the first one in?"

"Hello Ms.St-...Ghost-Spider, you happen to the third, right after Mr.Parker and Mr.Hammond. They are currently in the briefing room, would you like me to take you there?" the elevator door opened.

"Of course Peter is here, he couldn't have been the very last person to show up, or just missed the meeting entirely...thanks Jarvis, I'd appreciate it" stepping in, the elevator doors closed leaving Gwen and Venom alone as it moved down.

"So how do we play this? I was thin-"

"No...no plans from you, not after last time" Gwen shuttered at the now buried memory deep within her mental vault where other Venom Plans resided. "We're just going to act like we're new to the city and that Peter was our idol growing up. That's it, hopefully others will come in before Peter want's to ask any questions."

"Sounds horrible....I love it!"

"Yeah yeah, just try to keep quiet, I want to make this work okay?" Venom opting to not respond, both annoying Gwen and relieving her. She didn't need crazy alien goo monster talking her mind, while she attempted to pretend to be someone else. The door to the elevator opened, Gwen jumping to relax her body a bit. Stepping out she saw Jim and Peter sitting next to each other. Her spidey-sense twanged slightly, her being sure that Peter's did something similar. Deciding to speak before he could "It's nice to finally meet you two, especially you Spider-man, I hope you dont mind that I took some inspiration for the costume" she quickly sat across from the other two "I go by Ghost-Spider, I wasn't late was I?" Gwen attemping to make a joke to hopefully lighten the mood. Although she did feel weird for still having on her mask, she hoped it helped mask her voice, just in case she sounded like the Gwen Stacy of this Universe.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Wiccan and Speed

Billy couldn’t believe it. Ever since his encounter with Wanda that day, his life had changed drastically. Now he was here playing Video Games in the Avengers Mansion like it was nothing. Now he was summoned to a mission by Captain America, and he would be working with actual superheroes that he idolized ever since he was a child. He wanted to thank the Scarlet Witch for everything she had done for him, but she suddenly went MIA…

He entered the situation room excitedly. So far, only a few other heroes had arrived. Billy recognized one of them right away, and immediately ran ahead to greet them. “Oh my gosh! I’m actually face to face with Spider-Man! Wow! This is so cool. Not as cool as meeting Scarlet Witch, but this is pretty high up there. I don’t care what the Bugle says. I still think you’re awesome!” Billy smiled nervously, unsure if that was the right thing to say… Then kept going trying to make this less awkward. “Sooo… my name is Billy… I mean Wiccan. Are we supposed to use our other names here or not? What’s it like being a super hero? It must be awesome swinging through the streets of New York. You got any advice for an up and comer like me?”

Just then, a white haired boy zipped in, and took a seat next to Ghost-Spider “I can’t believe I’m the one saying this, but slow down you nerd. You’re gonna embarrass yourself and Spider-Man!” He looked at the girl who had a similar, but also drastically different costume from Spider-Man’s “Can you believe this loser kind of looks like me? What’s up with that? Anyway, who are you? Spider-Man’s sidekick or somethin’? He doesn’t seem like the type to have one. It’s so much better to work alone. Less to worry about and whatnot. Honestly, I wouldn’t be here either, but it’s better than juvie.”

Tommy started fidgeting in his seat and snapping his fingers. “Can we hurry along please?! Let’s go! What’s taking so long to get this shit started?! I’ve got things to do and places to be!”
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

Member Seen 1 yr ago

New York Community Bank

Kami found herself in an alley way just outside The New York Community Bank as it was surrounding by the N.Y.P.D. Unfortunately, thos was a stake-out hostage situation as the Police had no choice but to remain outside. Four robbers were commencing in a heist and had the whole place flooded with chemical gas, the robbers figured since they were in full hazmat suits, they woukd have the upper hand awaiting for everyone inside to fall unconscious so they could loot at their heart's content.

Kami approached and was stopped by an officer whom didn't know she was with the Avengers. "Halt citizen, this is a very dangerous hostage situation, I must ask you to stand back!" He announced, putting his hand up as a signal to stop. Kami gave him a stern look in return."I'm only gonna say this once, Get out of my way, stand there and look pretty, and let me do my damn job." With that she showed him her Avengers ID and waltzed passed the Police line up, arming her wrist darts and checking her air pack that was clipped to the back of her ultility belt.

As she entered the bank, she was greeted by two fully loaded assault rifles aimed at her, immediately she raised both her arms slightly, firing toxic paralysis darts into the knee caps of the twoen aiming at her. Immediately they fell, dropoing their qepons as a reactiing to the sudden pain then numbess that began spreading through their bodies rapidly, soon making them completely incapacited, alive but unable to move.

The other two men were not armed but came at her swinging not knowing Kami was trained for this kind of situation. She easily countered by catching the arm of one robber, slinging him into the other, busting the headgear of one's hazmat suit as they toppled down on one another. Kinthen simply tossed a sleeping gas grenade onto the ground, putting the theif with the damaged hazmat suut asleep in moments and she pinned the other down woth her foot in his chest and her katana drawn at his throat."Hey easy lady, you aren't gonna kille are ya?" He asked in a panicky manner."You will comply then yeah? Stand and turn yourself in now, before my patients grows thin." with that the robber scampered to his feet and rean directly outside to the police, Kami came out shortly after, receivung cheers from not only the N.Y.P.D but the civilians whim gathered to spectate the scene. The hostages were evacuated immediately and the Police made sure the bank was well ventillated. One of the conscious bank tellwrs made a comment."Thank you ma'am, that was a very toxic situation." Kami then smirked, picking up on the pun."Thats my name, dont wear it out now."

Avengers Mansion, A few hours later

Kami, now arriving at the mansion, give Jarvis a ient but respectful nod as she approaches him.

"Ah one of pur newest additions yes? Toxic if I'm correct" He waved a hand towards the elevator.You will find some of your fellow avengers in the briefing room, before you go, My name is Jarvis, let me give you my heartfelt welcome to the Avengers Mansion"

Kami gave a soft grunt before speaking."Thank you, it's a pleasure Jarvis." Her voice muffled a bit by her respirator gas mask, now stepping into the elevator. Upon her arrival on the briefing room, one could hear her breathing through her mask, almlst like a deep sea diver. This was her first visit to the mansion and her first time meeting any other Avengers besides her Trainer Black Widow, she noted the prescence of Gwen, Peter, and Jim as they were relaxing and conversing.

Greetings... My felllow Avengers. I'm the one known as Toxic, the new recruit recommened and trained by Black Widow. It's a pleasure to finally meet you guys.." She spoke in a low, muffled voice as she approched her new found allies, taking her seat and relaxing. With a swoosh of her mask being removed, she popped a peice of sour gummy candy in her mouth from a big bag of said candy that she had purcahsed prior to her arrival before outting the mask back on.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jove
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Rand-Kai! You have to take me with you!" Pei pleaded.
"Sorry Pei, but it's Avengers business," Danny replied from the limousine seat across from her. "Everything's top secret now. Only people who were invited can come."
"But I'm an Iron Fist!" Pei shouted lamely. Rallying, she added, "And what about my training?"
"Believe me, I would take you along if I could. We'll continue our training when I get back, okay?" The limo rounded a corner into a Harlem neighborhood. "You're going to stay with the Cages for now. You can trust them. Luke is my best friend, and his daughter Danielle is about your age. I'm sure you'll be great friends." Dan smiled appeasingly.
Pei crossed her arms and stared dismally at the floor. Just at that moment, the limo pulled in front of a solid-looking brownstone. Danny and Pei got out of the limo, and walked up the steps to the door. Danny knocked. After a brief moment, the door opened, revealing a reassuring brown face on top of a body built like the boles of oak trees, stuffed into a yellow t-shirt.
"Danny!" the man cried.
"Luke!" Danny yelled back. The two men clapped each other in a bear hug. "Thanks for doing this for me. I'm surprised they called me and not you. I guess there's always next time, eh?"
"Nah, I'm cool with it." Luke said. "My place is right here." Luke waved about with his hands, cupping up his world in his palms: His family, his house, his neighborhood.
"Look, there's a few things I need to tell you about Pei," Danny said, suddenly changing the subject. "She doesn't speak any English yet, she only speaks K'un-Lunese. If she's doing anything bad, just talk to her sternly and say my name, that should do the trick."
"Uh-huh." Luke said absentmindedly. "Anything else I should know about?" Luke's eyes searched around the street nervously. Danny's shiny limousine was drawing attention, which was against Luke's preference for keeping a low profile. He wanted to end this quick.
"No, that's it." Danny said. "Thanks again, I'll see you when I get back!" Danny climbed back into the limo and shut the door.
Inside, Danny directed the driver to take him to the Avengers mansion as quickly as possible. Once the limo was on the move, Danny began changing out of his casual clothes and into his costume.


A few minutes later, Dan entered through the biometrically sealed door to the situation room, desperately hiding his excitement. This was his first Avengers gig in a while, and Danny was always excited to have a team-up. He didn't even recognize most of the people here. It could only have been better if Luke were here with him. Danny sat down in a chair and leaned back, propping his feet up on the smooth, glossy black table, trying to look cool.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Captain Marvel

A homebound mission had kept Carol in New York for a few weeks, something that she was less than pleased to be dealing with. Family, am I right? Unfortunate when they decide to visit just when you are planning to leave the galaxy and help a few others for a next few months. Earth had plenty of others to help them with their battles, many other planets and galaxies did not... People forgot that far too often.

"How are things going back at the house?" Carol absently asked, her knee bounding slightly as she sat in the restaurant with her mother, giving a polite smile as her mind began to wander to where she should travel to next and how long it might take. Nothing was exactly close by, it wasn't like heading down to Louisiana for the weekend to take a vacation... And it wasn't like she really had to bring a lot of provisions with her anyway.

"Things are going well sweet pea, everyone misses you though." Her Mom pointed out and Carol chuckled, shaking her head as she adjusted her jacket on her shoulders.

"You know that it's not exactly easy to carve out anything relative to a vacation. I'll lose my mind if I just stay- here. Other places need me just as much as New York. Even though for some reason- everyone wants to try and take over New York." She bitterly chuckled, rolling her eyes at herself before taking a sip of her coffee. She had to admit one thing- other galaxies certainly didn't have coffee. Pointing that once more more helped Marie drop the subject. Carol knew that her mom loved her and just wanted the best, but the best meant being away from home.... A LOT. "I can try to carve out a week or so to come visit soon okay Mom?" she offered and smiled a little, then a little more at the grin it gave her mother knowing that her baby was coming home for a little bit soon. It was the least that she could offer.

But she opened her mouth again before she felt a sensation, something in her gut that was only present for a few seconds before she felt her pager on her hip go off and realized that it was Steve- Captain Rogers. Oh what the heck, she called him Steve all the time. Glancing down, she had a moment of 'how is this ancient technology still working after all this time?' and then remembered that she was an energy source herself, part of the Tesseract must have been fueling this damn thing whenever she was home. Nice to be your own battery every once in a while! But she looked at her hip, then at her mother with an apologetic look on her face.

"Mom..." she started and Marie held up a hand, shaking her head for Carol to say no more.

"Go do what you were born to do honey." She smiled gently and Carol cocked her her, the corner of her mouth turning up.

"Another coffee date soon. Love you Mom, bye." She stood up and took her coffee with her, not wanting to waste the money since it was Starbucks after all, and gave a small wave before exiting the building and taking a quick peek around on the sidewalk to make sure no one was going to be given a heart attack from her taking off before taking a big breath and letting herself rise slowly from the ground.

An short while later, Carol landed on the lawn of the Avengers Mansion, nodding at the now familiar site before finishing off her coffee and walking to the front door. She let herself in from her own key card and walked through the hallways until she found the familiar, and not always comforting room where she found Steve, Jim, and a few other familiar and even some new faces beginning to crowd around. "What is going on here?" She asked, a light and easy cadence to her voice as she tossed her empty cup in the trash and walked over to the hologram in the center of the large conference table. "Calling in all of the big guns, or just me?" She teased a little as her eyes fell on the new faces one by one, taking them in.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Torch

As Jim whistled the old radio jingle, the doors to the situation room opened and a familiar wall-crawler entered. Jim had met this particular hero before, though his current costume was different than the last time they had met up. Truth be told Jim preferred the old brighter red costume, but black was always cool, especially if Spidey was going through a mid-life crisis. Jim had read about that being a thing in men of a certain generation, and he figured that Spider-Man was in that age range.

“Peter, it’s nice to see you. It’s been a few years right?” Jim asked, “I’m doing OK. I actually moved into the mansion here.”

And speaking of spider people, a young heroine that Jim didn’t recognize entered the situation room. She introduced herself as Ghost-Spider and seemed intently focused on Peter, claiming she took inspiration from him. This didn’t seem to odd to Jim as that Johnny Storm guy had taken inspiration from him.

“No you’re not late. We’re still waiting for Captain America to appear via holo.”

Then another young hero entered, also focusing heavily on Spider-Man. Jim just smiled at the web-head’s popularity, the most well loved man in New York. I mean it did help that he had a lot of exposure, being one of the first hero in this new age of heroes. The young man with the cape then introduced himself as Billy or Wiccan.

“You use whatever name is comfortable for you, as secret identities vary from person to person. Personally everyone knows that I’m the Torch but my civilian name is Jim Hammond.”

Then another young hero that Jim didn’t know zipped into the situation room, clearly a speedster. He made a few jokes, mentioning that it was either juvie or the Avengers for him.

“Well, we should get started soon.”

But then finally another hero that Jim recognized entered. It was Iron Fist, a former Avenger. He didn’t say anything as he took a seat, putting his feet on the centre table. Jim gave him a simple nod, having only met him in passing a while back. And then another hero that Jim knew, this one a little better, entered the room. It was Captain Marvel and she was making a joke about calling in the big guns.

Before anyone could respond, the holo-generator in the middle of the table came to life. A blue light illuminated the room as the familiar face of Director Rogers appeared. Even through the transmission, it was clear that he was tired and needed a shave. But his eyes still shone as he regarded the assembled Avengers.

“This is a direct mission report from Director Rogers,” the hologram said, “Normally I’d meet with you in person, but we are swamped with work here on the Avenger-1 Helicarrier. I see that not everyone has arrived, but timing is essential for this op and they can be brought up to speed along the way. As all of you know, we’ve been busy trying to stomp out the last remnants of Hydra and we have had little success. That was until two days ago when one of our techs found a chat service hidden on the dark web. Upon further analysis it seems to be a virtual dead drop for Hydra agents.”

“This is the best lead we’ve had since the initial capture of Hydra leadership eight months ago. We’ve been able to pinpoint where several high ranking members of Hydra have been hiding. So I’m mobilizing all Avengers teams to bring them in. This include the New York branch. The target is Ophelia Sarkissian, better known as Madame Hydra.”

An image of a green haired woman popped up in the corner of the holo. While Jim didn’t recognize her immediately, he did recognize the title Madame Hydra. That moniker had been used by many evil women, going all the way back to World War II. This was clearly a dangerous person who needed to be captured.

“We now know that she is going by the alias Viper and operating as a mercenary. We also have reports that she has taken over the Serpent Society, a mercenary/terrorist group of augmented individuals. We are not sure how she managed this. But we have solid intel that the Serpent Society is operating is eastern Europe and will be entering Transia sometime today. Your mission is to head to Transia, and capture the Society members, with Viper being priority one.”

“We have a Quinjet waiting in the hangar bay, ready to take you to Transia. Wheel’s up in twenty minutes. Any questions you have need to be asked now as I also need to catch a flight.”

Jim then raised his hand, “Quick question Cap. I’m not really caught up on who these Serpent Society guys are, but I’m assuming pretty powerful if you are sending a whole Avengers team after them? Could I get a primer?”

“I don’t have a lot of time right now, but I’ll speak a little bit,” Rogers replied, “They started out as a group of test subjects of Roxxon Corporation, before going rogue. After that they became both mercenaries and terrorists, gathering more snake themed villains to their team. As for their current roster we are unsure of how much of the Society has changed since Viper took over. Any other information you might need can be found on the computer terminal aboard the Quinjet.”

“Thanks Cap,” Jim said as he stood up, “I’ll get prepping for the mission.”

Jim then entered the elevator, deciding to quickly run back to his bedroom. While he was already in his combat uniform, Jim felt he might as well pack a small bag if they were to be in Europe for a little bit. It was mostly snacks, a Stark Phone filled with music, and a well read paperback copy of the Time Machine by HG Wells.

Slinging the bag over his shoulder, Jim departed his room. He then began to wonder if Cap had wanted him to be the pilot of the Quinjet. While he had flown plenty of them during his days with SHIELD, Jim was not the most accomplished pilot on the team, that honor going to Captain Marvel. As he took the elevator to the hangar, Jim wondered if it was someone else, as the Avengers were now a massive organization with many non-superheroes. It would make sense that they could have other pilots.

As the elevator doors opened up to the hangar, Jim couldn’t help but smile. Even if he wasn’t the pilot, it would great to be up in the air again. There was something about soaring above the clouds that always enticed Jim. So it was with gusto that the Torch walked over to the pristine Quinjet.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 GABAGOOL OVA HERE!!!

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@Moonlit Ghost @Crimson Flame @Martian


Avenger’s Mansion, Situation Room.

The first thing that Peter noticed was the other spider-themed hero walking into the room. In the back of his mind, he wondered if there was someone else that had been bitten by a radioactive spider. But this seemed rather rare, so his best assumption was her being in some sort of accident involving radiation and spiders. “It’s no problem, are you new? I have not seen you before? Do you work in New York or someplace else?” His eyes scanned Ghost-Spider, trying to get a good idea of what her whole deal was. “Well, it’s nice to meet you.” Speaking in a friendly tone, wanting to make the newcomer feel welcome. There was a sinister feeling coming from her, however, something he had not felt since his attachment to the symbiote. Peter wondered if she was connected to the violent alien. Peter was going to keep a very close eye on her. His attention turned towards the other young heroes, addressing the one named Billy. “My name’s Peter, it’s nice to meet you.” He was reminded of himself when he first started. Praising the established superheroes, something he never got used to. “Well I’m not sure I’m fit to give good advice, but I guess I could tell you the advice I got from Cap. And that would be to never give in to those dark thoughts in your head and to protect the innocent and those who cannot defend themselves.

Peter turned his attention towards Jim, “I’m not doing too bad, Maybelle is starting 4th grade which I’m really excited for.” The last time he had seen Jim was the invasion of the Skrull. It was nice to see a few familiar faces. Although he was tempted to ask for Jim to live with him, that would be a conversation he would not have. Facing the hologram of Captain America, listening to the reason they were all summoned to the situation room. Discussing the Serpent Society and capturing Viper. Peter assumed that the Serpent Society had some connection to Hydra, helping them rebuild their forces. This mission sounded quite dangerous, he was worried about the newer heroes. And how they could handle such a mission that could be certain death. Peter was silent, listening to the debriefing. Taking in all the information that was being said.

Avenger’s Mansion, Hanger.

Once Captain America finished with his debriefing, Peter walked out of the situation room and towards the hanger. Standing in front of the Quinjet for a moment, remembering the last time he was in the jet. Walking inside and heading towards the computer, looking through the computer for any further information on the target.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jove
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Iron Fist

After the briefing, Iron Fist was one of the first people on the Quinjet. He didn't have much to pack that he hadn't already brought with him; a tri-sectional staff and a nunchaku (he had really strted to enjoy practicing with staff weapons), and a wallet that held his Avengers ID card and a wad of cash (though since they were going to Europe, he wasn't sure how much use this would be). He had also taken a change of street clothes and a communicator that was provided by J.A.R.V.I.S. A rigid monastic upbringing in K'un-Lun had prepared him to go without comfort or entertainment.

He also hadn't spent much time hanging around for chitchat with the newer heroes, like Spider-Man did. He always seemed like a lonely satellite in group conversations, never really knowing how to interact besides beaming a transmission into the atmosphere of conversation before spinning away out of sight.

Buckling into his seat, Danny closed his eyes and began one of his meditation techniques. Chi was an ever-flowing form of energy, and you could never meditate too much.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Wiccan and Speed

Billy was starstruck. Here he was standing in Avengers Mansion talking to Spider-Man. He learned his first name, and actually got some good advice. “Will do, Peter!” He said while giving a salute.

The Torch said something about using whatever name felt comfortable, and Billy rubbed the back of his head and grinned. “The problem is, I haven’t been Wiccan for very long.”

Soon more heroes arrived, and soon the meeting began. Captain America appeared on a holo generator. Tommy was less than impressed. He scoffed. “He can’t be bothered to show up in person to talk to us plebs?”

Billy elbowed him, and shushed the speedster, and continued listening to the meeting in starstruck awe.

After everything was over, Billy and Tommy headed to the jet. Billy was looking forward to this, Tommy less so. “Can you believe it? We’re going on a real Avengers mission! With real bad guys! And we’re actually going to fight real bad guys! Isn’t this exciting.”

“As long as I get to punch someone… Why are you telling me this?”

“Because you’re the only one here that’s my age. To all these other guys, this stuff is old hat to them. You gotta admit this is cool.”

Tommy brushed him off. “Whatever. Like I said. It’s definitely better than juvie.”

With that, the two boys went to their seats on the jet, and buckled up,

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Captain Marvel

"I guess I'll fly with all of you this time, just to fully get briefed." she sighed and nodded her head, looking around at the group in the room before her eyes set on Jim, the corner of her mouth turning up slightly. "Are you ready for this. Cap really has his hands full if it's Hydra." she shrugged and looked towards the door where everyone was beginning to make an exit towards the Quinjet.

Adjusting her familiar leather jacket, Carol walked towards the door and eventually entered the jet, taking a seat near the back and crossing her legs casually, not wanting to seem too interested in the mission at hand. But come on- Hydra? Something finally interesting happening on Earth that she was called in to help with? How could she deny the call? She overheard a conversation by two of the younger in their rag tag group of heroes and arched a brow, and amused smile displayed on her lips.

"Did I really just hear you say this was better than juvie?" she inquired, tilting her head towards them slightly. "How many missions have you actually been on?" she asked them, curious about these two kids that Cap called in to help. If he saw something in them, then that made sense why he called them in. He must've needed every hand on deck that he could manage...

Interactions: @Crimson Flame @Martian
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Wiccan and Speed

@Artemis Arts

“Yes, I was in juvie. Ya gotta problem with that?” Tommy retorted. “Yeah, I might have stole some stuff… It’s whatever… But then, when your powers go haywire one time, that’s when they really throw the book at you. It’s dumb.”

Billy’s mouth dropped at who Tommy was so casually speaking to. “Do you know who that is? That’s Captain Marvel!”

Tommy was not impressed. “What’s your point?”

Billy ignored him, and answered Carol’s question. “I’ve been on exactly zero missions ma’am. I’m new to this whole superhero business. But I have been practicing! Hey, um… do you know Scarlet Witch? I met her once. I don’t know what happened, but…” He made his fist glow blue. “Ever since that day, I discovered I had these powers. I don’t know if she did something or what. But I want to thank her. But… she disappeared…”

Tommy scoffed, and rolled his eyes. “You’re a mutant dude. You’re as much of a freak as I am.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BangoSkank
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BangoSkank Halfway Intriguing Halfling

Member Seen 21 days ago

This morning the same dusty ass battered to shit Jeep carried the same dusty ass battered to shit Canucklehead off to join up with another team. A whole new generation is coming up all around. Old rivals are teachers now. Old enemies are friends, or at least it's no longer ok to call them enemies. Bunch of strangers. Strange times. Strange lands. Almost made it easy to say no yet again. To just settle into another bar in some coastal town. Pop open another few thousand ice cold bottles. Flirt with another few thousand strangers. Get into another few thousand meaningless scraps. Maybe find another real dirtbag who needed a talking to. Old habits die hard when you're as hard headed as me. Living as long as this geezer you made connections and as long as that big wheel was spinning there was always someone looking to grease it. Said "No" to plenty of folks over the last few years. After all that happened. Wanna join? No. Think you had enough? No. Sign this autograph? No. Sir, do you have a personal relationship with- No.

Couldn't say no to Rogers. Not to another geezer like me. Steve had been in the trenches with me, literally. The man had seen me at my best and he had seen me at my worst. Still wanted me involved. Lots of people wanted me involved in one team or another. None of that meant shit all to me anymore. X-Men. Alpha Flight. X-Force. SHIELD. Fuck em all and SHIELD in particular, but Rogers, he still wanted me involved. That meant something. It meant "No" wasn't an option if I ever wanted to look myself in the mirror again.

Pulled up to the front, slung my duffel over my shoulder, made my way through the mansion. Jarvis. Yep. Still a thing.

"Mr. Logan, you are late. You have, unfortunately, missed the briefing, the others are now assembled in the hangar and all but ready to depart sir.

"Got it Jarvis. I know the way."

"I imagine you do Mr. Logan, do please try to be on time in the future won't you? Set a good example you understand, good manners and all."

Kept on walking. Robot was right. Not gonna tell a bucket of bolts that though. Old habits die hard.

Heard em before I saw them. Real young. Like Jubilee. Like Kitty. Like Piotr. Like Red.

First kid, Juvenile delinquent. Stole some stuff.
Second kid, new to the business. Discovered his powers, maybe came from Wanda. Wants to thank her.
First kid again, "You're a mutant dude. You're as much of a freak as I am."

That last one, real familiar. Heard that same sentiment so many times from so many mutants, soldiers, whatever, just stepping into the life. Finding their way. Jesus Christ I'm fucking old. Gave the kid a look when I walked in. Gotta know who I am, right? I been gone a bit but it ain't been that long.

Made my introductions.

"Torch, Peter, Fist, Captain Marvel, been a little bit."

Turned to the woman in the mask, the woman that looked like a smaller and pinker Venom, and the two I'd heard talking.

"I'm Wolverine. Best there is at what I do, but what I do it ain't very nice."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Jim was the first to step aboard the Quinjet, finding that indeed was the same model as the ones SHIELD used. As the android looked around the jet, Spider-Man came up from behind him, taking a seat at the computer terminal. Jim went over to see what he was looking up.

As Peter looked up info on Viper and the Serpent Society, several files quickly showed up. When it came to Viper not much information was available. There was no paper existence to her, not being recognized as a person in any country. What was known was that she was a master of poisons who had been part of Hydra since she was a child. As for the Serpent Society, there was considerably more information. It had been founded by Seth Voelker, a scientist at Roxxon Corporation. He had stolen some teleportation tech from the company and absconded with several test subjects. They had proceeded to become a mercenary group, gathering new snake themed supers along the way. It was unclear at this time how Viper had taken over the group.

Once Jim was finished power reading some of the files over Peter’s shoulder, he turned to see Iron Fist strapping himself in. Jim noticed that his eyes were closed and that he was breathing deeply. The android had learned that this was called meditating, something that wasn’t really a thing in the west when he had been created.

The two young heroes Wiccan and Speed entered the Quinjet, already bickering about something. As they continued to squabble, Captain Marvel took a seat and asked about their actual experience with missions. It was a thought that Jim had as well, sending the young into battle. But he knew that he would be a hypocrite if was against, as during WWII he went on missions with Toro. The young man had mutant powers and proved that he could hold his own, and it seemed like these two young men also were gifted with powers. Surely Steve knew what he was doing when he put them on an active Avengers roster.

Billy then explained that he had no actual hero experience before mentioning that he had some connection to the Scarlet Witch. While Jim had never met the former Avenger before, he did know of her. Back in his SHIELD days, Jim was well aware that Nick Fury considered her a major threat. She had a bad habit of warping reality when her emotions got the better of her. Jim made a mental note to speak to Steve about what happened to Scarlet Witch as she had seemed to have disappeared during the whole SHIELD-Hydra fiasco.

But Jim’s musings were interrupted by a familiar gruff voice. He turned to see the one and only Wolverine walking into the Quinjet and greeting him. Jim was a little surprised to see as he wasn’t sure that he would even agree to be an Avenger. While Wolverine did have a reputation of being unreliable, Jim figured that he should know better. Wolverine had proved himself a man of his word in the battles of WWII where they first met.

“Good to see you too Logan,” welcomed Jim, “I think that’s everyone now. Except, who’s the pilot?”

“That would be me,” replied a metallic voice, causing Jim to turn to the open landing pad, seeing a metallic, feminine form that he knew well.

“Jocasta, what a surprise,” Jim said with some surprise, “I wasn’t aware that you had joined the Avengers. But aren’t you a little overqualified to be a simple pilot?”

“Well technically, this is only one of ten roles I am concurrently participating in,” stated Jocasta, “I’m part of a test program, splitting my consciousness across the planet. You are speaking to a copy, while the original body built by Ultron is aboard Avenger-1.”

“That’s amazing. And you are able to be in ten places at once with perfect cognition?” asked Jim.

“Yes, and we are gradually introducing more bodies,” responded Jocasta, “The goal is to fill most support roles for the Avengers with my consciousness, as I am a master in many different skill sets.”

“Including piloting,” muttered Jim.

Jim did recall being in a Quinjet piloted by Jocasta in the past, back when they both worked for SHIELD. While she had been built as a bride for the villainous android Ultron, Jocasta had proved herself to be a stalwart friend and ally, someone to rely on. Thus Jim had no problem with her being the pilot for the Avengers New York branch.

“If introductions are over with, I’d like to begin take off procedures,” announced Jocasta.

Jim took a seat and buckled himself in as Jocasta likewise strapped herself in the pilot’s seat. Then with a level of meticulousness that only a machine could produce, Jocasta prepped the Quinjet as it rose on a platform above from the underground of the mansion. Then the roof opened, the Quinjet rising in the middle of the running track placed behind the Avengers Mansion.

“Proceeding to Transia, via England,” stated Jocasta as the Quinjet floated over the mansion.

The engines then kicked in as the Quinjet burst forward above the New York skyline. In no time at all, they were above the Atlantic, heading east toward Europe. Jim was still amazed at how fast aircraft had gotten since he was first created. But he was also iffy about stopping in England. The UK had so far been hesitant to acknowledge the new Avengers organization, as they had their own super organization in MI-13. And one of the chief MI-13 agent was Spitfire, Jim’s ex.

But what were the chances of actually running into her? Jim decided to not worry about it, instead pulling out his phone and air pods. He had been meaning to make good on a suggestion from Steve to catch up on all the good music he missed in all his years in stasis. So Jim reclined in his chair, listening to some 80s new wave songs, and watching the ocean out the window of the Quinjet.

Interactions: @Eviledd1984 @Jove @Crimson Flame @Artemis Arts @BangoSkank

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Artemis Arts
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Artemis Arts Chaotic Mess

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Captain Marvel

"No one's a mutant... And no one is a freak- Logan." she chastised a little, giving a pointed look to the familiar face as Wolverine stepped on board and crossed her arms casually, leaning back. "You can call me Carol by now, no? At least Danvers then." she offered, shaking her head with a small smile on her lips as she addressed the two young ones seated beside her.

"And you are an incredibly cynical person. It's both refreshing, and repetitive. You would be surprised at the amount of times I've encountered a being who was less than thrilled to be just a little bit special. You have a gift kid, use it." She explained and leaned forward, speaking in an even tone, doing her best to not at all sound condescending or like she was giving advice, just simply having a conversation. They were both so new to this lifestyle, and they had yet to see anything that would keep them up at night- and she felt bad inside for the day when that would happen. It would change their view on so much so fast... Tommy would probably have that 'I told you so' attitude about it all, she could just tell.

"And if you 'ma'am' me one more time, you're stuck with him for the entire mission. And no one wants that." she teased loud enough for Logan to hear her as she smirked in his direction before becoming serious for a moment. "If you find her, you should talk to her. I didn't get that chance when I got my powers but she's out there. I hear whispers ever so often but no real location so good luck on that part of your journey kid."

Interactions:@BangoSkank@Crimson Flame@Martian
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Jim found that he really enjoyed the New Wave genre. The flight over the Atlantic had given him a chance to sample Devo, Depeche Mode, New Order, and more bands. It was quite different then the orchestra music that had played on the radio back in the forties. It was just as Jim was wrapping up the Violator album that he was able to spot land. Jocasta then did the required checking in with British air control, ensuring that they had a straight path to the small Avengers facility located in Brighton, just a little south of London.

The robot lady quickly spoke to the air control, masterfully going through all the required procedures. After a minute they got the go ahead, and the Quinjet sped over British territory. Jim took the air pods out of his ears, as they neared their destination. It wasn’t long before they were passing by London. They then neared Brighton, Jocasta starting to lower the Quinjet on the outskirts of town.

Gracefully landing on a small airstrip, Jocasta turned toward the gathered Avengers, “We’ll only be here for a few minutes. If you want to get out and stretch your legs, you can. Or you could stay in the Quinjet, it’s your choice.”

Jim chose option one, unbuckling himself from the seat. Even though he was an android and one would would think that he didn’t need to do such things, the fact was that Jim was built with the idea of being identical to a human. But that meant that he had the same human weaknesses. So his legs had become stiff on the transcontinental flight.

As Jim stepped off the Quinjet, he spotted some guards positioned outside the building, wearing an MI-13 uniform. Jim had been briefed in the past by Steve on how the Avengers were functioning in the UK. The British government had been less than thrilled with the Avengers taking over the protection duties of the world. So they had MI-13, their own super agency. Basically they just tolerated the Avengers, allowing them a small presence on the British isles, but with MI-13 observers.

Jim had no intention of actually entering the building as he wasn’t even sure if he was allowed to. Instead he strolled up and down the airstrip, his body loosening up as he did so. As he made his way back to the airstrip, a man clad in black exited the building, the MI-13 guards saluting him.

“You’re the Torch right?” said the man in black, “The name is Blade. I think we might have met in World War Two? After all these years it’s hard to remember everyone.”

At the mention of the name Blade, Jim realized who this man was. The vampire who wasn’t really a vampire, the hunter of monsters. The mention of him fighting in World War Two was initially odd to Jim, as Blade appeared to be in his late twenties. But then he remembered that vampires could technically live forever.

“Possibly. The whole trauma of that war makes parts of it hazy. So are you working with MI-13 now?” Jim asked.

“I am. But I’m also an Avenger,” replied Blade, “Cap stationed me here as I’m part of both organizations. I’m basically here to make sure you guys play nice.”

“Right. I am actually not sure why we stopped here. I didn’t think that Quinjets need to refuel after only a few hours of flight?” questioned Jim.

“What, Jocasta didn’t tell you?” chuckled Blade, “You’re here to pick up a fresh recruit.”

“Really, I thought that the New York team was full?” asked Jim.

“Well he was supposed to be in New York, but he seems stuck on working out of Britain. I think Cap hopes that this mission will convince him to be a team player. Maybe ship off back to America with you guys,” explained Blade, “Actually he should be out soon. He has a big sword, you can’t miss him.”

Jim turned back toward the building waiting for the new recruit to appear. Jim wondered just how big a sword that Blade was alluding to, if it was something realistic like a zweihander, or something ridiculously big like out of a video game.

Interactions: @Eviledd1984 @Jove @Crimson Flame @Artemis Arts @BangoSkank @BenG85

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Wiccan and Speed

Captain Marvel @Artemis Arts Blade @Martian

Tommy scoffed at Captain Marvel’s suggestion that he had a gift. “Pfft, gift. More like a curse. Sure, Super Speed is cool and all, but it’s brought me nothing but trouble.

Billy was just as star struck to be talking to Captain Marvel as he was to Spider-Man earlier. “Thank you ma’am, I mean Captain, I mean… Carol!”

Wolverine also came onto the jet late, and introduced himself. It seems like the things he heard about him were true, and Billy made a note not to get on his bad side.

Once the quinjet took off, Billy whipped out his Nintendo Switch, and started playing video games. He was engrossed in his gaming session, that the hours onboard the jet just flew by between playing Pokémon, Kirby, and Legend of Zelda.

The opposite could be said about Tommy. Every minute on the jet was agonizingly slow, it was almost painful. This jet was fast, but for speedster like him, the entire world moved at a snails pace. He spent much of the trip fidgeting in his seat. Every now and then he would peek over at what Billy was playing, but he soon got bored of that. He would often loudly complain if they were there yet.

Finally, the jet landed in Brighton, and the team was given some time off to stretch their legs. Tommy was relieved. He unbuckled himself, and zipped off the jet to go for a run. He would only have a few minutes to go before he had to get back on that plane and sit through another agonizing trip. Running was just about the only time he felt normal. He wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings, and was suddenly stopped when he crashed into a man in black, and fell over. “God damn it!”

Meanwhile, Billy stepped off the jet, and used his powers to fly himself.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Jove
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Iron Fist

Danny's inner calm was compromised by the tension and passive aggressive barbs being thrown on the trip. Intra-team conflicts made him nervous. Even worse was that Carol was doing the sanctimonious "I'm an inspiring hero!" thing that she was trying on. Danny wanted to point out that it wasn't it wasn't nearly so inspiring since she had been on the wrong side of two Avengers schisms, while he had definitely been on the right side, but he had never given himself airs. He resisted the urge.

He expected that this was the moment where he was supposed to break the tension with a sly joke, but nothing came to mind. Why wasn't Spider-Man saying anything? He was great with jokes. Come on, Spider-Man, say something funny, Danny thought.

@Crimson Flame @Artemis Arts @BangoSkank @Eviledd1984
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by RickyG85
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Dane Whitman was donning his armor, taking a moment with the left gauntlet to make sure it was still in good working order. The brilliant orange glow of the light shield made for a good match with his armor, he thought, even if it was a little "trick or treat".

As he continued suiting up, he reflected on the conversation with Blade, and by extension, with Director Rogers. Dane respected Cap, Blade, as well, but he had his reservations. Sure, Castle Garret wouldn't exactly fall apart without him, but he'd come to think of the castle and England as his home, and since it was the last place he'd seen his uncle alive, he had some admittedly irrational attachment to the place.

He sheathed the sword on his left for the right-handed draw, put on the red cape and finally settled into the helm. Looking himself in the mirror, Dane hesitated at the striking resemblance to his uncle. He muttered to himself, "Well, knowing who all is on the team, here's hoping none of them try to kill me... Show time."

He marched out of the castle, where a winged horse awaited him. Mounting the animal, it quickly took off with a few flaps of it's powerful wings, carrying him into the sky and towards Brighton...


The horse neighed out loud as they came in for a landing, starting at a trot once on the ground before coming to a stop. He gave a look around at the group (those who'd stepped off the quinjet, anyway). He was unimpressed by the apparent children, but at least nobody was trying to jump him, yet. The helm hid his raised eyebrow at Blade, one of the kids at the Day-Walkers' feet. "Playing nice, my friend?"

Dane dismounted, and walked towards Torch, his armor clanking slightly as he moved- it looked heavy, but he moved as if it weighed nothing. The wind made his red cape billow, and he stopped just in front of Torch. "You would be Torch, than? Dane Whitman-" He offered his right hand, "-The new Black Knight."
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