The year is 3025, and the ramp up to the 4th Succession War is in full swing. Great houses are getting into increasingly long border skirmishes, pirate activity is on the rise, and its a profitable time to be a mercenary.
Enter one such mercenary band. A minor company operating out of the heart of the Inner Sphere named Marley's Misfits. Made up of whatever pilots, crew and tech could be scaped together, operating whatever BattleMechs and vehicles they can get their hands on, the rising tension is being seen by their commander, one Marley Swanson, as their time to make enough cash and a name for themselves to hit the big leagues.
So yeah, there's your pitch. I'm looking for anyone and everyone interested in driving a big stompy robot, a heavy metal tank, or a fast flying aircraft as we wheel and deal with the nations of the Inner Sphere and try to make a living.