Prompted by (Aegidius Aurelius) using Midjourney
Name: Audrey Springer
Age: 16
Gender|Sex|Identity: Female
Personality Description: Generally friendly and conversational in disposition, but her refusal to be stepped on often makes her come off as "bitchy." She's quick to remark that the same behavior in men would be considered normal. She does have to admit that she has a temper, and is easy to get in a fight with. This, along with her general vulgarity tend to get her in trouble, but she's quick to forgive her friends(not so quick to forgive an authority figure).
Physical Description: A skinny girl with nut brown skin, and shiny, wavy black hair cut in a pixie cut. Her almond eyes are rich golden brown, and her face is often without makeup, and usually tends toward the deadpan.
In Yo'Bikur, she takes on the shiny, waxy skin of certain tree frogs, in a globular pattern of blue and black. It reminds her of poison dart frogs. She also has an extra, translucent eyelid.
Most of her clothes are thrift, hand-me-down from neighbors, or church donated. They are then modified to fit her taste, with bleach, fabric dye, patches, etc. A staple of her outfits, particularly in colder months, is a light, offwhite jacket. It has faux-mystical symbols embroidered and patched on the shoulders and down the arms.
Backstory: Edward Springer served in Korea, and came home with a wife, who was a nurse he'd met after being injured.
They had five sons, all of whom also joined the armed services, as well as a daughter. The older two have already done their forty years and retired outside of New Hope. The next eldest is still in, and the second youngest only served one tour before moving to Arlington Virginia to work as a private contractor.
The youngest son, Thomas, was badly injured by an IED, and came home to New Hope, where he lives off of disability, and the support of his wife and daughter, Tamsyn and Audrey.
The youngest child, and only daughter, moved away when she married, and only moved back to New Hope somewhat recently after a messy divorce.
Aud can be a trouble maker, her father is always at home and, consequently, she tries to avoid being there. Especially when her mother is out of the house, which is most of most days.
Rumors move fast in a small town, and it's well known that Tom Springer and his daughter do not get along.
Notable Connection: Toby Springer is her cousin. She feels that they are equal victims of their family's general toxicity, but Toby's more timid nature makes Audrey feel like she needs to protect her cousin.
Respond to these prompts in character
You're in class and the Fire Alarm goes off. Everyone begins to panic.
"If the teacher can't be fucked to lead the class, I'll just walk out. I guess as I leave I'll call back like, 'Feel free to tag along,' y'know, anyone who doesn't wanna die of smoke inhalation can follow."
You've made plans to go to the festival and are running late, but may make it in time to see the fireworks with your friends. On your way, you see a stranger with a flat tire on the side of the road.
"I feel for them, but there's nothing I could do that they couldn't. Also, stopping for strangers is how girls get snatched. Sorry, but I'm sure a big man with a big truck will be by soon. There's plenty of them around."
You fall asleep in class and begin to dream; you're atop a ruined tower and a massive dragon circles overhead. You reach forโฆ
"The dragon! I bet all the bad stuff is propaganda from the king or whatever. I wanna see if they'll talk to me. And if they won'tโฆ I mean, shit, what was I supposed to do?"
The world is so boring; you wish you had a super power. What do you wish for?
"Boring? Bitch where? Here, I guess, but every day I'm hearing some shit news on the internet. If I were like Superman or something, I could zip around and do whatever I needed to, and no one could stop me. But then, isn't that what all dictators think they're doing? I dunno. Maybe if I could make people feel empathy for each other, that would solve a lot of problems, reallyโฆ"
You are suddenly reminded that tomorrow is the Midterm Exam.
"... okayโฆ?"
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