Fi, Jay

((Faceclaim: Adelaide Kane // Color Code: FFFCBB))
“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.”
― Brigham Young
Fiona Jade Salvador
Age & Grade:
Senior, Age 18. Born September 29th at 9:29pm, making her a Libra.
Female // She her.
Free Spirited Music Prodigy
Fiona works in the student Library during her free time. It's not the most glorious job, but it allows her extra study time in a quiet environment.
Appearance Details
- Hair: Brown | Falls a few inches below her shoulders | Usually seen down, in a ponytail, braided, or in a messy bun, a pencil holding it all together.
- Eyes:
- Height: Five feet, four inches.
- Body Type: Thin, fit hourglass shape.
- Clothing Style: Uniform || Fiona chooses to him her skirts right above the knee. She often wears nude stockings, and black vans with her outfits. Most of the time, she chooses to wear the straight tie loosely around her neck when she can get away with it. While she doesn't want to keep her shirt tucked in, she does comply.
Casual || Crop tops, high waisted jeans, short length high waisted shorts, tank tops, crop tops, converse sneakers, chokers, lose fitting t-shirts, jean jackets, etc. - Makeup Wise:
- Scars, Tattoos and/or Piercings: Single lobe ear piercings and nipple piercings. Rose design on her right hip.
Energetic - Charming - Extroverted - Compassionate - Loyal - Free Spirited - Daring - Forgiving - Protective - Sarcastic - Blunt - Stubborn - Hot Headed - Argumentative - Impulsive
Acceptance Status:
Musical Scholarship.
Born and raised in Manhattan New York, Fiona is the first born daughter of the tight-nit Salvador-Grey family. The most well behaved child out of the bunch, Fiona is told that she never went through the terrible two's, or really gave her parents any trouble in her early years. Due to her mother being very hands on with her children, Fiona usually spent her days after school in her mothers music studio. It didn't take long for Fiona to fall in love with music, or to want to learn how to play it. She began piano lessons at age five, and violin lessons shortly there after. At age eight, she picked up guitar lessons. At age ten, she switched out piano for learning the drums. The rest of her music lessons carried on until age thirteen. She also has self taught herself on a few different occasions.
Being an older sister was nice, though the Twins From Hell could make anyone want to pull their hair out every once in a while. Fiona rarely ever got into any trouble at school, only ever landing herself in detention three times her whole academic career. Her grades never feel below a B+ average in any class. She was just about as close to an exemplary student as you could get.
Once she reached her teenage years, Fiona began to give her parents just a little more trouble than they were used to. Her free spirit and inherited stubbornness lead her to sneak out to parties a fair share of times. While Fiona's version of acting out was essentially the same thing that every other kid did on a normal day, it was unexpected from her. Flirting with attractive people became one of her favorite pastimes, but she made sure to keep up with her studies, as well as family Zumba class.
Fiona recieved her scholarship letter from Edgebaston the summer before her Junior year, and with her parents enthusiastic support - she decided to attend. Receiving a warm welcome, challenging classes, and a gorgeous scenery - Fiona has decided to return to the Academy for her Senior year as well.
Being an older sister was nice, though the Twins From Hell could make anyone want to pull their hair out every once in a while. Fiona rarely ever got into any trouble at school, only ever landing herself in detention three times her whole academic career. Her grades never feel below a B+ average in any class. She was just about as close to an exemplary student as you could get.
Once she reached her teenage years, Fiona began to give her parents just a little more trouble than they were used to. Her free spirit and inherited stubbornness lead her to sneak out to parties a fair share of times. While Fiona's version of acting out was essentially the same thing that every other kid did on a normal day, it was unexpected from her. Flirting with attractive people became one of her favorite pastimes, but she made sure to keep up with her studies, as well as family Zumba class.
Fiona recieved her scholarship letter from Edgebaston the summer before her Junior year, and with her parents enthusiastic support - she decided to attend. Receiving a warm welcome, challenging classes, and a gorgeous scenery - Fiona has decided to return to the Academy for her Senior year as well.
- Luggage:
- Extracurricular Activities:
- Is part of the school band as head violinist.
- Goes braless whenever and wherever she can.
- Plays the electric guitar, the acoustic guitar, drums, violin, chello, ukulele, harp, piano and five string banjo.
- Can usually be found surfing at the beach, or making music.
- Visited Palm Beach to see her god parents, as well as her grandparents on her fathers side of the family whenever she could. While she knows of her grandfather Trillian, the Salvador-Grey family never spent much time at his house.
- Enjoys 'classic' rock bands the most. (ACDC, Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Guns and Roses, etc.) She also loves hip-pop/pop and indie music, and can be found vibing to rap on occasion.
- Writes her own music
- Greys Anatomy is her favorite show.
- Eats so many fruits and veggies, most people think she's a vegetarian.
- Loves spicy food.
- Uses copious amounts of cherry chapstick.
- Speaks French, Italian, and Spanish.
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Erik Matthews || Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry.
Fiona has a huge crush on Erik, and isn't awfully shy about it.
↳"There was this one time like right after Erik started school where he walked into the library looking for study recommendations. I happily obliged with it being my job and all, but Erik being easy on the eyes made my job a little sweeter that day. We've crossed paths here and there, but I'm not sure if Erik's the kind of guy I could just walk up to and be like "date me." Regardless of that though, brawn and brains can get it any day."
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Avery Sawyer || Little One
Fiona is a little protective over Avery because the young woman reminds Fi of her own siblings from time to time.
↳"Avery and I hit it off once she began working in the Library as well. We've had a few shared study sessions, and I've been able to help guide her through her homework from time to time, seeing as I'm a year above her. She's one of my dorm babies, so you better believe I check in on her from time to time too."
Oliver Grundy || Son
Oliver is one of the many that Fiona has adopted on campus.
↳"Oliver is a great kid, and definitely one of the better people that we have around Edgebaston. I know I probably get on his nerves from time to time, but I just want what's best for him like I do all the rest of 'em. He still owes me that rematch in Mario Kart though."
Persephone LaRue || Getaway.
Fiona and Persephone have an interesting relationship. They often avoid each other while on campus, but can be seen partying together on occasion, and have even been sent to detention together for sneaking out when they shouldn't.
↳"Persephone is an interesting case. I don't really remember how we hit it off... I think I was high and told her her hair was pretty one time? Something like that. I dunno. Anyway. She's a totally different person outside of the confines of Edgebaston, I swear. When we're laughing together at the diner, shoving our faces with fries - I could swear she's almost a normal person. I'd never tell anyone that though. Perse does have a reputation to uphold, after all. "
Isabelle Mormont || Dorm Baby
Fiona and Isabelle have a few shared common interest. With Fiona's open door policy, Belle often wanders in while Fi is playing music. They've collaborated together on a few occasions.
↳"Belle is one of the few people at Edgebaston that I can say actually inspires me. I've written a few pieces specifically for her to choreograph to. It's always a welcome and pleasant surprise when she pops in. I'm just as protective of her as I am the others, really - but I try to give her as much room to grow as I can."
Jasper Fray || Musical Ally
Jasper and Fiona have shared interests, and she likes the way his brain works.
↳"Jasper is a hard nut to crack, but once you get him talking, it's interesting to see how his mind pieces things together. He's one of the only people that I think can play the piano than me, and I've consulted him a few times when I couldn't get a piece 'quite right'. We've shared more than a few joints on quiet nights."
Marabeth Golding || Ride or Die
Fiona wound up sitting beside Mara in the back of science class one day, and they've been best friends ever since.
↳"I don't know what it was about Mara that made our first conversation so easy - but I'm glad to say that we hit it off that day. We've both got that chill girl vibe, so I don't think anyone is ever expecting us to team up on them - but we do. We're those sort of friends who's always finishing each others sentences."
Charlotte Acklehurst || Friend.
Charlotte and Fiona live on the same floor of Edgebaston Hall. While Fi isn't close with her brother, Charlotte holds a special place in the young woman's heart.
↳"Charlotte is a sweet girl - though I wished she had more of a back bone. I've been trying to teach her how to stick up for herself, but so far my lessons don't seem to be sticking."
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Elin Lewis || Welcomed Presence
Fiona doesn't know very much about Elin, but she doesn't mind the other girl hanging around.
↳ Elin is another one of the girls that help out in the library that Fiona has trained over the years. The two of them have shared small conversations from time to time, but never nothing of much depth. Fiona finds Elin to be a calming force among the hustle and bustle of Edgebaston.
Sebastian Acklehurst || Bro-Squad Extraordinaire
The brunette doesn't know much about Sebastian other than the fact that he hands out in the bro-squad.
↳ Fiona has spotted Sebastian around campus from time to time, and the few conversations that they have had have been pleasant. She doesn't think that he's particularly hard on the eyes either.
Lucas Thorpe || Jock Head.
Fiona knows that Lucas is on the baseball team, and that he's friends with Erik and Sebastian - but that's really about it.
↳ With Lucas having the reputation of being a party loving sort of guy, Fiona has bumped into him from time to time around Campus. With Lucas being one of the other dorm captains for Edgebaston Hall, they have worked together from time to time on things such as student discipline.
Ria Thorpe || Southern Grandmother
Fiona is aware that Ria is Lucas's younger sister - and that the younger girl loves to gossip.
↳ While Fiona doesn't mind the blondes presence for the most part, she does pay close attention to what she says when Ria is in ear shot. Fiona has been trusted with a miltitude of other peoples secrets, and she'd hate for them to be part of Ria's Rumor Mill.
Ryan Reid || Interesting
Highly aware of Ryan's anger issues, Fiona knows that the girl attracts trouble wherever she goes.
↳ Fiona doesn't avoid Ryan - they just don't really run in the same social circles. Fiona is aware of the other girls reputation, and does her best not to get caught up in it. That doesn't mean she hasn't bought some edibles before though.
Sabrina Arison || Carbon Copy
Fiona wouldn't be able to tell Persephone and Sabrina apart if it wasn't for the two of them looking so different from one another.
↳ While Fiona has a soft spot for Persephone, she doesn't share the same affection for Sabrina. She wishes that Sabrina could form some of her own personality, and maybe not be so far stuck up Perse's ass from time to time.
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Alistar LaRue III || Barnacle
Fiona finds Alistar to be insuferable.
↳ "Alistar likes to act like he's going to become this big personality one day, but he's not going to. His voice sounds like a dying whale, and I swear his personality is about as plain as a sheet of paper. It's a personal mission of mine to show him that talent does beat money."
wordy word words
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