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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
Avatar of Hedgehawk


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Another year was due to start at Edgebaston Academy. Tomorrow the school would be packed with parents dropping off their kids and students settling back into their dorms. Being part of the crowd was something that both Alistair and Persephone LeRue did not do. They were trailblazers at the front of every trend and fad. People did things because they said so. So of course they weren't going to arrive with the masses. The duo had in fact arrived earlier this morning with their 'help'. Daddy had been in hand to say goodbye, they were due to go back to LA later that day.

The duo themselves now had to find a way to occupy themselves. Alistair had come up with a great idea to give the duo something to do as well as show off to the rest of the student body. The pair had managed to 'acost' a set of master keys to the school so that they could access all areas. Not that any of the staff were actually going to stop them from doing what they wanted. Not unless they wanted Daddy on the phone explaining how it would be such a shame if that donation for the new arts center was to be pulled.

Their little plan was to use their instagram accounts to live stream a tour of the school. In reality it was a ploy for them to show off all the stuff they had bought. As well as joking and jesting about the other students at Edgebaston. Alistair swung the keys in his hand as he handed his twin sister a selfie stick. ”Okay. So we have the keys. Probably best to use your account. You have far more sheeple than I do”

Persephone stood before her brother, thumbs flying across her phone as he led her to the front of the LaRue building. As he stops to give her the selfie stick a smirk forms on her pink painted lips. "Gimme a sec," she says before opening the white handbag that hangs from the crook of her elbow and pulling out her compact mirror. She eyed her reflection in it, making sure all her makeup was flawless from her concealer to her pastel pink eyeshadow that complemented her pink and white outfit. Approving what she saw, the woman nodded and put the mirror away before grabbing the selfie stick with her perfectly manicured hand.

"So, where to first?" she asks, mounting her phone onto the end of the selfie stick and opening up her instagram.

Alistair laughed as he watched his twin look at her mirror. Alistair himself took a moment to make sure his belt was nice and tight. Didn’t want to embarrass himself. He quickly pulled out his own phone, checking the notifications: Nothing.

”I guess we start at the front gate, move through poor person central, and then maybe hit up the main building. I want to show off the new music room that daddy paid for though.” he said with a smirk on his face as began to take off towards the entrance.

"We have to finish in our room. The new bathroom is worth showing off," Persephone replies. As they get to the front entrance she extends the selfie stick and ensures the grand front entrance is in frame, she turns the camera to selfie mode then starts the stream.

"Good morning my little worker bees! It's your queen 'Sephone. I'm at Edgebaston Academy and my brother and I thought we'd take you all on a lil tour with us. For you who don't know Edgebaston is, like, a super prestigious school. Like, just look at this place! It's almost as nice as our estate," she claims before turning the camera to face the front entrance of the school.

"My dear brother's going to be our guide, so, take it away, Ali," she says before panning the phone camera to focus on him.

”Yes, this is it. The prestigious Edgebaston Academy. Founded in Who-Know-Who-Cares Old times, and today acts as our personal playground” Alistair opens his arms wide to show off the gates, before kicking the gate door open with some force and sliding his sunglasses down onto his face. It was sunny outside afterall. He would then lead Persephone over to their first Target: Independence House, The building's exterior was old fashioned, borderline Historic. Asides from Cavendish Hall. It was the oldest building.

”In order to give back to the community, each year we take in a certain number of students whose parents either didn’t love them, or perhaps their parents died, or more likely are drug abusers knowing the rest of this state. We house them here in Independence House. Named as such because that is what they are now. It’s an alright building I guess. If you can’t rub two nickels together.” While talking, Alistair walked into the building, beckoning Perspehone to follow him.

"In other words," Persephone says, turning the camera to face herself, "This is where they place all the povos," She then pulls a sour face before turning the camera back to the hall. She tip toes across the boundary to the hall, a whiney "Ewwwwwww," escaping her lips. She was acting as if it were some rat infested dump. In all honesty the hall wasn't all that bad, just far from her high standards.

”So as you can see there isn’t exactly alot here. A few basic little common rooms. Ohhhh look! They actually have a TV. It’s so small though. I would offer to donate my old one. But I think it would be the most expensive thing in this building. Look how tacky these sofas are though.

Persephone laughs at her brother’s joke. "I don't know how anyone can sleep in this dump. I guess it's better than Juvy," she states.

”Only Just” Alistair retorted back, waving Persephone to follow once more as they opened up one of the bedrooms. It was plain, simple, but functional, containing a single bed, a small set of drawers and a writing desk. ”I mean look at this. How can anyone live like this?” Alistair asked as he climbed up onto the bed and lay on it, shifting his back to try and be comfortable. ”Look at me, I am a poor person!” he joked as he raised his hands to cover his face pretending to cry ”God this bed is so hard and uncomfortable!”

"I don't even wanna try. Can we move on? I swear if I stay here any longer I'm gonna catch, like, malaria or something," Persephone remarks, waving Alistar to open the door back up for her. She wasn't going to dare touch that thing.

”I would be more worried about catching ‘poor’ ” Alistair remarked as he opened the door and the duo escaped the building, catching the not quite sea breeze. ”But yes peeps, that is what true poverty looks like. Thankfully we will never have to experience that. Generally speaking, these students are to be avoided.”

"I find they need to be put in their place a lot, like what makes you think you're better than me? You literally have nothing?" Persephone replies, leaving the selfie stick around the school so it could all be seen. "This place kinda looks a lot better when you can't see that place. Like, look at this, so much nicer!

Persephone turned on her heel to face the main campus building. "Next destination?"

”Normie Hall?“ He asked rhetorically before taking off towards Edgebaston Hall. ”So this is Edgebaston Hall. It's not as tacky as super-poor land. But make no mistake, these people are still poor af. They just get nicer beds because most of them are paying” Alistair would point out the architecture, given that it had both a 60’s and a 80’s vibe since it was built and then expanded on.

”We don’t want to hang around here for long though. We are going to go to the central building. And I hope the principal isn’t already walking around.” Alistar started skipping around as he led the duo down towards Cavendish Hall. There was a janitor who was peacefully sweeping up some freshly cut grass into a nice big pile to get collected later. As he walked past, Alistair kicked it, sending small blades of grass everywhere. The older man looked as if he was going to say something or complain over Alistair's somewhat hyena-ish laughter, but after receiving a small, but noticeable glare from Alistair backed down. The duo kept on moving. ”It is always nice when people know their place”

As Alistair kicked through the grass clipping Persephone walked through the now concaved pile, dragging more clippings with her pink stilettos. "As if the principal can do anything if he is, daddy essentially owns the school at this point,"

"Yeah, but you know people like to pretend they have power" As they approached Cavendish Hall, Alistair smiled "So Cavendish Hall is at the centre, and mostly houses the staff and offices, but it also has the cafeteria. But more importantly it houses my favorite room. Alistair lead the around the side of the building until they reached a side door that head the words 'Music Room' "Here it is. The best place in the school. Asides from our suite"

Persephone couldn't help but roll her eyes as her brother led her, and her beloved viewers, to the music room. "Yeah, yeah, it's fine, I guess. It's got nothing on our suite though!" she prods as her brother wanders through his favourite spot. Whilst the music room was impressive Persephone was more a fan of the concert hall, being more of a theatre and cheer girl herself.

"Workers, you'll love love love our suite. Daddy's paid for some impressive upgrades,"

"Yes, the upgrades are really nice. But not as much as I love this place" Alistair smiled as he opened the door to go inside. Alistair walked inside and showed off the room. It had been refitted to have loads of new instruments and equipment. All of it had been specifically upgraded due to Alistair being allowed into the advanced music program. "I can't wait to use it all. Just wish I didn't have to share it with the others like that upstart Fiona"

"Yes, yes, we love your little instruments. Can we move on? My fanclub are waiting for the main attraction. An exclusive, never-before-seen look into the LaRue suite!"

Alistair looked a little disheartened at his sister's response. Sometimes he felt that while they spent every waking moment together, they only really focused on her interests. With a slight shuffle, Alistair made his way back to the door and into the outside world. ”Yes, Yes. I get it. The main attraction. SInce you are so hyped do you want to lead this bit?” He asked, offering to take the stick from her.

"Absolutely!" Persephone cheers, handing her brother the stick and running a hand through her waves to make sure they were in place. She then leads her one person camera crew to the entrance of LaRue Place.

"Welcome, my little worker bees, to LaRue place. Daddy put, like, thousands of dollars into making sure this place is, like, the epitome of luxury," She then swings open the doors to the hall. A concierge woman standing at the desk looks up to greet the pair but before she can say anything Persephone tosses her bag and pink blazer at the woman. "They can go to their place in my room," she instructs before turning to the phone camera.

"Try hundreds of thousands" Alistair commented as Persephone continued her speech. "What makes out suite special is we have our own private entrance, that way we don't have to deal with the riff raff"

"Yes, very much so. So, let's check out our room!" Persephone prods before walking to the large ornate doors that lead to the LaRue suite. With a large grin she swings the doors open to reveal the main room of the twin's suite. Large ornate walls filled with expensive art, lush couches facing a very large TV and the glass doors to the balcony. "Welcome to the closest almost all of you will come to luxury like this!"

"Pretty sure most of your followers are probably stunned by the idea of wealth this grand" Alistair chimed in before walking over to the couches abs lifting the armrest to reveal hidden compartments with various buttons and cupholders. "The best part is that it's all custom made"

"Even better though! Follow me," Persephone walks to the room on the right. A big pink glittery star with her name adorned the door. She swung the door open, revealing its tall pastel pink walls. A 4 poster bed with white drapes sat at the centre of the room. A large desk with neatly sorted supplies and a modern sewing machine sat on the side of the room. On the other end stood a large set of double doors.

Persephone beelines to those doors and flings them open. Before her stood a large walk-in wardrobe. The wall to her left had individual shelves, each holding a pair of shoes that were all in pristine condition. The right wall was similar but the shelves were full of bags and accessories. In the middle of the room was a screen on a stand. "Welcome to my wardrobe! I have clothes and accessories from the best designers all over the world! And the best part!" She taps the screen a few times. This is followed by a slight humming as part of the back wall rolls forward revealing itself as a clothes rack, this particular one sporting a collection of blue jackets. "Ta-da! Daddy truly spared no expense,"

”Yep, He really didn’t but somehow most of the suites construction budget went on the wardrobe” Alistar commented. He would move the camera around so that everyone could comment on just how many clothes, shoes and accessories this place held. ”I am fairly sure this place is bigger than most poor peoples houses, and we just use it to store clothes! Well, you do.” Alistair would move the camera back up to focus on Persephone directly. ”Is there anything else in particular you want to show everyone?”

Persephone chuckled at her brother’s comment. "Nope, I think that’s it. I’ll bid you all goodbye, loves, until next time!” Persephone blows a kiss to the camera before snatching the phone from the stick to end the stream. She turns to her brother with a smile forming on her lips. "I am so ready to rule the school. Wanna go through the class lists to see who to avoid?”

”I think that is pretty obvious. We avoid everyone unless they have a LeRue suite number lower than 10” Alistair said with a small smirk on his lips. ”I want to know who is going to have the first fight of senior year, or the whole year in general. That shit is so funny when you see people flail their arms around like monkeys.” Alistair would go back to the entrance to Persephone’s bedroom door. ”Want to grab some food?”

The sun rose over the school campus, and everything was peaceful. The day before the grounds had been perfectly pruned and tended to, well, the parts that Alistair and Persephone didn’t try to sabotage for laughs. The faculty staff had arrived at 6am, getting every set up. The first day was always a hustle and bustle as people arrived and got settled into their dorms. Classes were suspended on the first day, and the only mandatory event was the assembly at 2pm. The rest of the day was filled with plenty of tours and taster sessions. Various clubs were planning to set up stalls throughout the day to try and attract new members for the school year.

Staff were at hand over at the entrance to Cavendish Hall. They were around to give out maps, tours and more importantly room allocations and keys. Alistair was at the front gate, taking the time to greet people and smile. Though in reality he was actually taking the time to mock people while being polite. His focus was primarily the new Freshmen joining, but he was an equal opportunities mocker. He would be lying if he wasn’t excited to see certain people again though. A certain person in particular, as he had to spend the summer being driven crazy being away from them.

”You are going to come to school dressed like that? Thank god we have a uniform” Alistair chimed to a badly dressed freshman.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sadie
Avatar of Sadie

Sadie Unknown

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

A collab between
Erik Matthews Marabeth Golding Sabrina Arison

First day was finally here.

A blacked out Rolls Royce pulled up to the curb, it's tinted windows reflecting the school. The back passenger window was slightly down, a young girl’s face peaking through. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. She knew her best friend was already there as per her live stream, so she was in a hurry to catch up with her. The summer had been great, but there was nothing like school at Edgebaston.

Seeing Alistair at the front gate, Sabrina let out a slow breath. The returning senior really couldn’t stand the boy, yet she put up with him for her twin’s sake. Or maybe in spite of it. In reality, she would probably ask how high if Alistair were to tell her to jump. Anything to put a good word in with Persephone and to stay on her good side.

The young brunette waited until her driver came around to her side. As he opened the door, she stuck one leg out, her heel landing on the curb. She grabbed the help’s hand and pulled herself out of the car. Looking up towards the school, the girl’s smile turned into a smirk. It was her senior year and she was ready to rule the school. With Persephone, of course. She had been apart from her best friend over the summer as she vacationed with her mother in Bali. Now, returning with a fresh tan and longer extensions, she was ready for all the school year had to bring.

Walking over to the front gate, she looked Alistair over and couldn’t help the small smirk on her face. He was no doubt giving all the freshmen a panic attack. She rolled her eyes and slipped her purse over her shoulder. Sabrina wasn’t ready to mingle with the lesser of the twins. The girl moved past the boy without a second glance, her heels tapping along the concrete as she made her way to LaRue hall.

She spotted riffraff along the way. Eyeing the redhead, she let out a scoff and rolled her eyes. The girl was too…happy, for her liking. Besides, Persephone didn’t care much for the girl, so why should she? Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she sneered her lip at the girl as she continued on her way to her dorm. Her luggage would arrive shortly thanks to the hired help.

Raising a brow at the look, Marabeth bit back a smirk and gave the girl the brightest smile she could muster. She raised a hand and wiggled her fingers in a small wave as she walked down the main walkway to the school. Her destination was the front gates to welcome any and all newcomers that would arrive. Then again, she hesitated in her steps when she noticed Alistair doing the exact same thing. She rolled her eyes and let out a slow breath. She could handle the LaRue twin for exactly two point five seconds before he got under her skin. But, she was stronger than that. Love was louder.

Mara moved over to the senior and stood next to him, a beam on her face at the arriving groups of young people. She bounced a bit on her heels and raised a hand in greeting. ”Hi there! Welcome to Edgebaston! Oh, I love your hair!” Turning to another new face, she looked the girl over and clapped her hands. ”Those shoes are to die for. You’ve got to tell me where you found those.”

The roaring of a motorcycle stole her attention away. Looking towards the lot, she waved her hand towards her fellow classmate. She leaned over and nudged Alistair with her elbow. ”Oh, look. It’s one of your favorite people.” Mara nodded in the boy’s direction as he walked up to them. ”Welcome back, Erik. Nice of you to join us.”

Walking up to the school, Erik gave a slight nod of his head to the girl before raising a brow at Alistair. He couldn’t stand the kid, yet he had to give him props in the gym. There was more to that kid than met the eye. Looking back over at Mara, he gave a lopsided grin. ”You act as if I’ve been gone this whole time. Literally been here all summer. So have you.”

Marabeth shrugged and ran a hand through her hair. It was true that she didn’t have anywhere to go like all the other students did, but she liked to act as if she had a life outside of the school. Most of the other Independence Hall kids just stayed outside of the school year since they had no home to run off to. Didn’t mean she couldn’t pretend. ”Don’t be such a spoil sport, E. It’s the first day!”

Giving the girl a small chuckle, he tucked his helmet under his right arm and held onto his backpack’s strap with the other. He slung the bag over his left shoulder and winked at her before heading towards the school. Erik was excited to see the friends of his that had been gone, but he was more thrilled to see one girl in particular. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long till her voice would be back, fresh in his head.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by kitramos
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Asuka was excited to start her school year here, it was going to be a lot of firsts for her, First year Living away from her parents, First year in a upscale school instead of the Public schools that had been the norm until now, First year as a girl she spent pretty much all her summer preparing for getting and recovering from the operation so that she’d be fully ready by the time school started, what money she had left she pretty much had to spend on new clothes and accessories and other things that other girls would have had plenty of time to build up, Still it pretty much worked out with how she was feeling she would have been in no mood to vacation somewhere else. She was glad for the Scholarship she got here she would tell people it was an Academic Scholarship and that’s partly true but the trials were only open to people who where going though the same trials she was to help them restart their lives.

Her mom and sister helped her get to school with the suitcases she has packed with her new clothes and stuff in a way it did make her feel richer that everything of hers was new for this year. She even managed to swing a new gaming laptop for her room. She did come wearing her uniform, and a lanyard she covered with various anime pins, at the base she had an enamel pin of a calico kitty, but it’s spots where pastel pink and blue, she also had one of a little flag in the same three colors. She didn’t wear tights though figuring there would be lot of walking and wasn’t sure how hot it was going to be and didn’t want to push that, so instead she wore a comfortable pair of socks and shoes they where still the required color but they certainly more of a walking shoe then a dress type shoe. Her first stop was to find her dorm and drop off all her stuff there, she’d spend time unpacking it latter, after get it all dragged in she said her good byes to her parents and had her mom help her one last time to touch up her makeup and then she made sure her wig was still on good. It was a very high quality one to cover up the rather short hair she still had this way she looked like she had long straight hair held back into a lose ponytail with a few scrunchies in the school colors to match with the uniform. After her parents left she put her purse into her new backpack and headed to the main hall to join in the new student orientations and welcoming ceremonies, she wondered just how much time she would have for clubs and hopes she can make a least a few good friends here. She gets up to the main gates and stops to take it all in before heading inside to find out where new students should
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
Avatar of WolfLover

WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Interactions: Mara and Fiona mainly via text.@Sailorsadie@HaleyTheRandom

The warm sun seemed to sparkle against the waves of the crystal blue sea.
Summer break was coming to an end, and Belle was enjoying one last swim in the Hawaiian seas that were situated near her home. The cool water rippling around her, each time she dived under the lush waves. Letting her body glide almost in tune with the waves. Soaking up as much of the waters as much as possible. Eventually, letting herself relax and float on her back. She let out a happy sigh.

As per usual, over the summer; her hair seemed to get blonder streaks from spending so much time in the sunshine and an even tan all over. The young woman always loved the summers back home back in Honolulu; even though she missed her friends back at the Academy. Fi and Mara in particular; of all her female friends; she was the closest to the duo. The trio being the Golden Trio, sort to speak. She knew that Mara had to stay back at the Academy over the summer, which sucked for her friend. But Belle time texting with both of her besties, to give them updates over the summer; which consisted of photos and videos of Hawaii as usual. Like she always said, if they couldn't be in Hawaii, she was bringing the Hawaii to them; In a matter of speaking.

Being back home was refreshing for the dance enthusiast. Mainly because she didn't have to deal with the La Rue twins, when she was at home. It was the one place where the rich snooty think they are the best in the world, pain the asses of twins couldn't control her and order her around. She sometimes wondered how she put up with working at the country club house, when she was at Edgebaston; especially since they treated staff like their own personal slaves. Always having to remind herself, that it was decent pay. Belle didn't intend to work there for the rest of her life; oh no. The girl had plans to pursue her dancing, as a full time career. Which is why she always studied hard at Edgebaston to perfect her dancing arts and other skills. And she sure as hell, wasn't going to let the twins take that away from her; no matter how hard they tried to make her life hell when she was working at the country club house.

Upon getting out of the dazzling waters; she brushed her wet hair from her face. Sitting on her towel; water dripping down her slender figure as she checked her phone. Seeing she had a few missed messages; Sebastian, her parents and few other friends from school. After replying to her heap of texts; she slid into the group thread between her and her girls.

The Golden Trio:
Can't believe the summer is almost over, excited to see you girlies in a few days :)
Need to go and finish packing.
Lots of love, Belle xx

Plopping her phone back in her bag; Isabelle wrapped the towel around her body. Her bag slung over her shoulder as she walked back towards her family home; that was a short walk away from the beach. Isabelle spotted her mother waiting for her on the porch. Before her mother could say something, Belle's soft voice chimed. "I know, I know. I need to pack."

"I just don't want us to miss our flight. God knows, it's going to be chaos at the airport with schools opening again."

"Mom, relax. You know I always pack quickly...besides, I am half packed anyways." Belle tried to assure her, as the pair headed inside the house. "I just wanted one last swim, before heading back to Edgebaston." Sure, North Caroline had places to swim and surf there too. But Belle found the seas back home a tad more beautiful. Call her picky.

Amara shook her head with a light amused laugh. "I am sure you can get plenty of swimming in, even when you're at school." But there was no use arguing with her daughter about it. She knew what Belle meant about preferring the waters here over anywhere else. She watched as Belle pretty much run upstairs to her room to finish packing. As much as she would miss having her around with her never ending bubbliness and smiles; she was proud of her daughter. Knowing she was graduating this year. God knows, her child was feeling excited and happy to be going back to her social circles at Edgebaston.

The last few days of summer, seemed to fly back. Her parents flying with her to North Carolina; as they booked 2 weeks over there for a small get-away after they'd drop her off at school. The airport as predicted had been packed; but luckily the Mormont family had arrived 7 hours prior to the flight; to make sure that they wouldn't be late getting to their flight gate, with the amount of people that were flying out.

The first day at Edgebaston had finally arrived. Belle had finally somewhat recovered from the jet-lag of the flight 2 days prior. She seemingly always seemed to bounce back quiet quickly between time differences. This time it was no different.

Looking out of the rented car's window; she watched the familiar scenery pass by as her parents were driving her to the Academy. Belle was wearing something simple and casual; white top with her favorite jeans and vans. Her hair was pulled up into a neat bun. Belle didn't bother dressing up all fancy pancy, unless there was a special event at the Academy. Fancy clothes were never really her style. She was more of a comfort dressing person, than style. As the car approached the gates of the Academy. She saw all the other cars that were driving through the gates; dropping off both new and returning students. Belle made a slight face when she spotted one of the LaRue twins watching the arrivals of many. Great just great. She thought to herself. Not exactly, the person she was expecting to be greeting people. Than again, his way of greeting was just mocking.

As her dad stopped the rental car; Belle slid out of the back. Helping grab her suitcases from the car trunk.

"Well here we are." Her dad chuckled, before he embraced Belle in a tight hug. "Have a wonderful year sweetie." It wasn't long before even her mother joined the pair for a group hug. Both not wanting to let go off her for a few moments. "Do you need help getting your suitcases to your room?"

"Love you." Belle squeezed her parents back. Giving them both a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay, I'll manage. I know how excited you both are to see the sights around. Belle would manage with her suitcases; they weren't too heavy for her. Giving her one last embrace, her parents than got back into the car. Driving off; Belle waving till she didn't see the rental car anymore. Grabbing a hold of both her suitcases; she started to wheel them towards the school. When she got closer towards the entrance; she stopped when she saw a familiar red head.

"Mara!" she smiled excitedly, pulling the female into a hug. Glad to see the sunshine that was Marabeth. "I hope it wasn't too boring around here."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

“Gibbs,” A gruff voice calls from the outside of Melicia’s cell. Melicia looks up to see the burly figure of one of the juvy’s very many stone-faced guards. “Come with me.” As the guard unlocks the cell door Melicia picks up her small box with the few belongings she decided to keep and silently follows the guard down the hallway. With it being exercise time all of the inmates were outside leaving the halls eerily quiet. She was first taken to collect the few items she had on her when she was admitted, just her clothes, wallet and her earrings and a fresh set of civilian clothes- just a basic pair of jeans, a white top and a beaten looking red jacket. It wasn’t until she was fresh out of prison garb and pulling out the broken off teeth of a plastic comb from the holes in her ears did it properly hit her that she was finally getting out of the hellhole. She gripped the sides of the small sink in the grubbly little bathroom of the processing area as emotions swirled inside of her. Mixtures of fear and excitement, joy and unease, anticipation and the feeling that a small part of her was going to miss this place. They all tugged on her heartstrings in different ways, causing the threats of tears in her eyes. The brunette took a shaky breath before putting her first of many earrings back into her left lobe piercing. Oh, that was a feeling she never thought she would miss, the weight of the cold metal on her ear. It seemed so mundane yet it had been well over a year since she’d known that feeling.

After she had gotten changed Melicia went through the final forms and was briefed over her parole expectations and support services before she was escorted out of the prison’s confines by 2 burly guards. In the parking lot stood Molly, Melicia’s case worker, leaning against her little white kia. “Six-thirty, they told me, 6:30am on the dot but here I am at 7:45, still waiting for you,” she complains as Melicia comes into earshot. Melicia just gives her a half smile in return. Unlike many of Melicia’s fellow prisoners she was lucky to just have the one case worker through her whole sentence, and Molly was a good one. Despite a rocky start the pair had built a rapport over Melicia’s time in juvie.

"Regardless, congratulations on your release. How're you feeling?" The older woman questions, pressing the button on her key causing the car to make a little chirp as it unlocks. Melicia shrugs in response as the woman opens the boot of the car and takes the box from her.

”I don’t know, honestly. I’m glad to finally be out but I don’t know. This school seems way too… proper? I reckon the freedom itself is a lil’ terrifying after bein’ locked up so long,” Melicia replies opening the back door of the car.

“You’ll be fine.” Molly responds, closing the boot and slipping into the driver’s seat. “I’ve got a suitcase for you, just state funded clothes and school supplies. I tried to pick out stuff I thought you’d wear but it’s slim pickin’s so don’t expect anythin’ too fancy. I’m still fighting to get the state to fund you a laptop. I did manage to get you this, though,” Molly passes a small touchscreen motorola phone. Melicia slowly takes it from the woman, turning it slowly in her hands. Man, she’d barely seen a phone in the last 15 months despite the light illuminating from the night guards hands and they distracted themselves with their devices. She turns it in her hands slowly. “I know it ain’t much but it’s better than nothin’,”

”No, no, it’s fine. Thanks. I ‘spose the new Melicia just rejects technology,” she half-jests before setting into her seat. As Molly starts up the car she watches as the drab grey building in the distance gets smaller and smaller. On to a new chapter.

Time: 11:16

As the little kia rolled up onto the curb Melicia couldn’t help but be taken aback by the grandeur of the place. Between her family home, oft in disrepair, and prison living in a place with such lush gardens and buildings so easy on the eye. Her hand floated to the handle to open the door until Molly spoke up.

“Melicia, before I let you go we need to go over the rules of your parole,”

”Oh, no. They went over it in processin’ so I’m-”

“I’m sure they did but procedure-wise I need to go through it again with you. Your parole officer will meet with you at 4pm on Wednesdays, Edgebaston is kindly allowing a meeting room in their office to be free for this. As time passes this will likely become less frequent. Taking into account the crimes committed it is not a requirement your peers be made aware of your criminal history but the staff have all been told. Parole is a privilege, not a right, if you're found committing even a minor offense your parole will cease and you will have to serve the rest of your sentence in juvenile detention. Do you understand?”

Melicia sighs, her eyes distracted by the grand gates. It was moments like these she was reminded her parole officer was indeed not just a family friend but someone doing her job. "Yes Ms. Molly," she sighs, unbuckling her seatbelt. Molly turns back to her with a softened gaze.

"Melicia, you'll be great, sweetie. Just take it a day at a time, okay? And if you need anythin', and I mean anythin', my number is in your phone," Melicia swore she almost saw a tear in her case worker's eye but Molly turned back to face the windscreen before she could be sure.

”Thanks, Ms Molly, for everythin'," Melicia responds, opening her door.

"The suitcase and backpack in there are both yours. Have fun, be good. I'll touch base with you in November,"

Melicia goes to the trunk and pulls out her possessions. She shoves the bots and pieces from her box into the beaten blue backpack and slings it over her right shoulder. She takes the suitcase in the other hand and looks at the large metal gates before her, seeming more inviting than the mocking steel of the prison cells. She gives a shaky breath to stabilize the butterflies in her stomach and takes the forst steps toward her new future.

As soon as she entered the gates she was greeted by blonde boy who called out "I didn't know that North Carolina had moose season, but here we are!" Melicia looked at him and scrunched her face in disgust, it was a weak insult at best. Then says nothing but moves on into the school.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Days
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Days Watermelon Enthousiast

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mentions: Erik @sailorsadie, Sebastian @WolfLover, Persephone @SouffleGirl123 & Alistair @HedgeHawk
Location: Noah's dorm room, Edgebaston Hall

Noah stood in her room. Her door was open, and students finding their old rooms or locating their new ones kept walking by, their chatter filling the hallway. With her right hand, she carefully dabbed a daycream on her face, infused with SPF. She had arrived back to Edgebaston yesterday, after spending the last week of the summer at her parent's house. The now Junior had spent the entire summer at Edgebaston, except the last week. She had told her parents it was because she wanted to study well and focus on her training, which she could do better at school.

Which, wasn't a lie in itself. But Noah was good at her studies and didn't need the extra time. Instead, she spend a lot of time with her best friend Erik, who wasn't leaving Edgebaston either. The whole summer, they had spent time working together, hanging out together, and taking bike rides on his bike. Noah felt free, then. She ate things her father would get a heart arrest from if he knew the calories and did things like jumping off a cliff into water, which would just straight up send her parents to the grave.

She had arrived a day earlier because she had lied to her parents, saying the running team was holding a meeting. Of course, they let her go earlier, and Noah had returned to her dorm room she had spent the rest of the summer in, as well. She had closed her always-opened door though, as she got a text from another track member that Alistair and Persephone were doing some twisted live stream. Curious, Noah had opened Instagram and watched it. It was painful, to say the least. Noah couldn't believe she and Persephone shared the same ex, Seb. Noah and Persephone couldn't be further apart as people. She could barely keep her eye from twitching as she thought of the woman. Noah wanted to avoid her at all costs, surely she had a target on her back the size of Texas for having dated Seb. It became a bit more complicated now that Seb was staying to repeat his senior year, but the two had remained friends and it was nice to have a familiar person around next to Erik.

The young athlete smiled a little to herself. It was warm in her dorm, the sun shining down on her side of the building. A small hiss escaped her as she took off the sweater that was covering her sport's top, the fabric brushing against the sensitive skin around her tattoo. The line of text was on her forearm, just under the crook of her elbow. She smiled down at it. It was a bother to keep it hidden from her parents the past week, but her mother was big on sun protection and they didn't find it odd that Noah had opted to wear long-sleeved versions of her sport-tops and t-shirts. She couldn't hide it forever, of course. But she didn't regret her act of rebellion.

She had once asked Seb when they were still dating about his tattoos. Had trailed the outlines of the ones on his chest with her finger as the pair relaxed on his bed in his room, marvelling at their patterns. It had reminded her a little of his doodling. She had asked him innocently if it had hurt, and he gave her a vague tough guy answer. So Noah didn't have any fears going in with Erik to get matching tattoos together. A spur-moment decision after a beer too much. After having pinky sworn to be best friends.

But she had cried, complained and crushed Erik's hand holding hers into smithereens. He had made it seem so easy too, going first. He even laughed at her a bit, too, and she had cussed him out. Still, she had no regrets, and her finger carefully brushed over the now almost healed tattoo stating how he keeps her wild, and she keeps him safe. She couldn't wait to see him again.

She so badly needed to complain about her week at him. And, as if knowing Noah's thoughts, a notification arrived on her phone. Taking her phone from the pocket in her gymshark shorts, she opened the e-mail from her father. Her eyes scanned through it, but it was just another research on diet for runners and joggers, and her stomach grumbled for some unhealthy food in return. The whole week was basically terrible when it came to food. She needed a cheeseburger, badly. She barely had time to scroll through the e-mail before her father's face showed up as a caller. Mentally steeling herself, she picked up. "Dad?"

"Ah, Jiji. Did you see my email? Do you know you can find that brand there, I'm certain it will help with your intake and power levels, especially during bursts. I took a look at the footage I shot of you last week, your form there was not good enough, do you need to get new shoes, becau-

"Dad, I have to go, I'm about to run, staying on top of it of course!" Noah lied, she didn't want to get into this now.

"Oh right, okay, okay. Have a good first day! And remember to stretch first, or the muscles wont-"

Noah rolled her eyes. "Bye dad." Frustrated, she hung up. Sure, she was blessed with parents who cared about her. They were still together, loved each other and supported Noah with her hobbies. Or at least they did, until her dad hyper-fixated on her running and forgot that Noah had to be a teen in other ways, too. All he cared about was her studies and running, and all her mother cared about was pleasing Noah's dad. She couldn't complain, she knew she couldn't. She got a scholarship, for Christ's sake. She was good at things.

But it wasn't what she wanted.

Noah swallowed and brought her hands up to her face, trying to get her stress out. It was only the first day away from home, her Dad would become a little lighter on the communication soon, in her experience. She took her phone in hand, and her small wallet and left her room, locking the door behind her before putting the key in the small pocket of her tight shorts. Then, she walked out of Edgebaston Hall, needing food.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Unkown58
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Unkown58 A Real Mystery

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Interactions: None

Holding his breath to be as quiet as possible while keeping one eye on the now muted live-stream, Chris finally let out a sigh of relief as the ‘Twin Wonders’ finally moved their tour out and away from Independence Hall. Opening the door, he pulled the ‘Broken Doorknob’ sign pinned on it off and tossed it haphazardly onto his bed. That sign was created and put up in a rush when he saw them heading this way, and admittedly it wasn’t his finest moment, but he panicked and couldn’t think of anything else. He might not have had a full-on interaction with them just yet, but when he went down to the Country Club to fill in an application and again when he went for his final interview, he saw the way that they treated their staff out of the corner of his eye and he heard some of the horror stories passed around about them between the other employees.

Having heard that they were the owner’s kids and that they’d be going to the same school as him, Chris figured that it wouldn’t hurt to glance at their social medias to get a better idea of what he might be dealing with…and boy…this latest live stream included, he’s already dreading any interactions that he might have with them. But the pay at the Country Club is really good and he needs to start saving if he even wants to consider going to college next year, so he’ll just have to suck it up…which is something that he’s had a lot of practice with in his life. Point is that he’ll be fine! He’s good at adapting, he’s had to do it at least seventeen times in seventeen different places over the last two years and it’s almost guaranteed that he’ll have to do it at least a few times more, but he has a good feeling about this place.

So far, the past three weeks at Edgebaston Academy has been an adjustment, but actually knowing that he’ll be somewhere long enough to actually warrant unpacking his bags has really taken a load off of Chris’s mind, even if it’s just for a year. Arriving before the schoolyear officially started also had the added benefit of giving him some time to familiarize himself with the basic layout of the schoolgrounds and meeting a few of the other summer inhabitants. His roommate, Erik seems cool, he doesn’t mess with his stuff like some of the other kids from previous placements – which is a huge bonus in Chris’s books – and Erik’s friend Noah also seemed friendly enough when she stopped by and the other Independence residents seem amicable enough as well. Hopefully he’ll be able to say the same about the rest of the student body with summer vacation officially ending and school picking back up the next day…

On his first official school day at Edgebaston Academy, Chris was woken up early by the vibrations of his phone alarm underneath his pillow. Now, while he normally abhors getting up early, this was a good thing as it allowed him to get through his morning routine quickly without much hassle or having to share the bathroom. This allowed him to spend a pleasant few hours just sketching in the dorm’s common room, while mentally preparing himself for the rest of the day. The sketch in and of itself – while well done, with good attention to detail – wasn’t anything to write home about, but just a little first day tradition he developed in honour of his grandmother. Susanna would always make a big deal out of his first day back at school, something he really missed after she passed. So, whenever he had a first day for anything, he’d draw a little sketch of her wielding her trusty rolling pin- which she’d always swing about whenever she was in a tizzy about something, threatening to take on the whole world – and write her signature phrase underneath it.

‘Have a great day kiddo, if not just tell me who to hit.’

She always made him smile with that, so instead of just closing his sketchbook and having it disappear among his other art, Chris very carefully tore this picture out and – after making sure that nobody was around to see this – pinned it up next to the front door of his dorm before going outside, his backpack containing a few necessities slung over his shoulder. Most of the others in Independence Hall didn’t have a stellar homelife either, but at least this way someone will be wishing them a good first day as they come and go…

So, overall, a promising start to the day and Chris’s spirits were decently high as he weaved through the incoming throng of people, doing his best not to stick out like a sore thumb in the well-dressed masses with his slightly shabby hoodie and jeans. Maybe he should’ve worn his uniform? No, uniforms weren’t mandatory on the first day and he wants to try to keep his in good shape for as long as possible. Besides, the worst the other students can do is judge him, so no skin off his back. Anyway, he doesn’t have time to worry about that, far too concerned on trying to beat the lunch rush by getting to the cafeteria in Cavendish Hall a little early. He’s not really all that hungry, first day jitters and all, but Chris has already skipped breakfast so at the very least he should grab an apple or something to last him until dinner. Besides, this might be a good chance to step out of his shell and get to know some of the others?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Introducing Sebastian and Charlotte
Alistair@Hedgehawk, Mentioned Marabeth@Sailorsadie, Noah@Days

Sebastian felt like the summer holidays at home were hell. His parent's unstable divorce just seemed to be getting worse and worse. His sister was freaking out over their custody battle for the pair of them; scared that their father would win the battle. Charlotte didn't exactly want to live with her father. Neither did her brother for that matter.
It's not like he could leave her to deal with it all in her lonesome. He probably should have stayed at Edgebaston to try and catch up on his studies since he failed last year and had to repeat his Senior year. But he'd much rather be there for his little sister at home. Even if Charlotte had been in the comfort of their mother Amelia and grand-mother Rose. Seb knew how much Charlotte relied on him to be there in the tough times. Just because his studies were messed up, didn't mean he'd fail at being a big brother when she needed him the most. His teachers gave him extra projects and essays to complete over the summer; whilst he was at home.

Sebastian tried to get through as much of the extra school work over the summer as he could. It was at times like these that he missed having Noah around. His ex stayed behind at Edgebaston to escape from her over-bearing father and he was miles and miles away, so he couldn't pick her brain for help. Though he stayed regularly in touch with her and his buddies from the Academy; Erik and Lucas in particular. It didn't mean that he wanted to burden his friends and ex with family troubles; he resisted venting at them over the phone and text. He knew Noah had enough to deal with herself; so he didn't want to put more on her shoulders; even if she knew about his parents divorce. Besides his sister; his friends made the summer away from the Academy bearable.

Whilst Sebastian longed to be back at the Academy, his sister couldn't wait to start her first year at Edgebaston. Both siblings longed to get away from New York.

Charlotte herself was trying to keep herself distracted that summer. She was getting ready for her junior year at Edgebaston. She spent hours researching the town to see what was close by to the Academy so she could secure herself a little job over her time at the Academy. Unlike her big brother, she wasn't under the impression that 'money grew on trees'. Even if her parents gave her an allowance, Charlotte always tried to make money herself with jobs. Her brother always had a different approach to it. If you could call his zero job tolerance an approach. And a job lined up for her she had; a small bookstore close to the Academy. Charlotte had went for a set of interviews over the holidays and they were happy to have her start not long after the start of her Academic year.

Of course their father wanted to see them before they'd head of to North Carolina for the rest of the year. It'd be the last opportunity to see them, especially Charlotte as her birthday was coming up. Her family agreeing to celebrate earlier because they wouldn't be in New York on the actual date. As much she wanted to avoid her father; she knew she couldn't exactly. The man helped raise her for fucks's sake. She hoped that it wouldn't be a disaster; but she had partially been wrong. Her father had lost his cool the moment when he learned that Charlotte had been allowed to get a tattoo as one of her early birthday presents. He hated the fact that Sebastian was covered in them, and now his daughter had to get one too? Not to mention, he had to drop a bombshell on everyone; that he was getting married to the woman he had been caught cheating with. The divorce hadn't even been finalised yet; but he had the audacity to do that. Much less invite his children to the big day.

It was safe to say; it took Charlotte and Sebastian a while to recover from the news. In fact, they were still trying to recover few days before they were set to travel to North Carolina, to Edgebaston. Sebastian was still rather salty...enraged even; that their father chose his sister's early birthday celebration to drop such an insensitive bombshell on them. Not even a proper present. Oh no wait, he had given his sister 4000 dollars spending money. As if he buying her love and affection, would make things better. At least the others had given her more meaningful gifts. Aside from allowing her to get a tattoo, Amelia Ackelhurst had given Charlotte a new diary for her personal use. Granny Rose, had given her grand-daughter a silver charm bracelet; Charlotte had a variety of assorted charms over the years to use for the bracelet; including few Zelda themed ones. Whilst Sebastian himself got his little sister a leather jacket that he knew caught her eye few weeks ago, accompanied with boots to match. Of course, the shoes were picked out with the help of his mother. Seb was never the best at female fashion.

The Acklehurst siblings had been on the road to the Academy; their mother driving them to Edgebaston. They had stopped over-night, with it being a bit of a long drive. And she didn't want neither of her children to be late on their first day of the Academic year. His mother of course made her famous chocolate chip cookies for the road; they kept fresh for a few days even after first being baked. Sebastian was sitting at the back of the car; allowing himself to stretch out slightly on the back-seats. Looking out of the window; lost in thought. He could hear his sister and mother conversing about something or another over the sound of the music that was playing. Not minding much attention to the song either.

Sebastian's thoughts flicking through his mind, till they settled on thoughts about Noah. He couldn't help but remember the first day they had met at the Gym. He had been breaking a sweat working out; when he spotted her trying to do push-up's in a very poor form. It was hard to look at. He could see how easily she got tired out, just from the poor form. So of course he being himself had called her out on it; 'You're doing it all wrong beautiful. You're flaring your elbows too much; no wonder you're getting tired so easily.' His remark of course came with his signature grin and wink. What at the time he didn't expect was her blunt snappy remark. But something had him hooked from day 1. He liked her attitude. It was refreshing. But from that day, he took it upon himself to correct Noah when it came to working out at the gym. Sometimes he got the feeling, that she did it on purpose just to have him hovering above her and correcting her motions.

"Seb...Seb...Seb." His sister's words snapped him out of his day-dream. "Have you even been listening to what I been saying the last few minutes?" she huffed at him, when she noticed his distracted look.

Snapping out of his day-dream; he turned his attention to the front of the car where his sister was sitting. "Yeah of course I was." He chuckled, pretending that he indeed was listening.

Of course he couldn't fool his sister. She knew better. "Than what did I just ask you?" Her eyebrow remained raised at her big brother; waiting for him to prove her wrong. When no answer came, she shook her head. Eyes rolling. "Of course you weren't paying attention, you were day-dreaming."

With a slight chuckle, he shook his head. "I wasn't day-dreaming. I was just...umm...you know." struggling to find the right words.

"Day-dreaming and drooling." Charlotte teased her brother. Who knows what he was thinking about.

Sebastian had to wipe his mouth slightly at his sister's remark. "I wasn't drooling. You were drooling...shut up." A classic Sebastian remark; when his sister caught him out like that.

Of course their mother was shaking her head. "You two kids always pick the most inconvenient of times to bicker." Focusing on the road, they were coming to familiar surroundings. At least to Sebastian they were familiar. "You two might want to look out of the window. We're almost there." Knowing that Charlotte might want to take in the views more so than Sebastian, since it was her first year here. Glancing out of the window; Charlotte couldn't help but marvel at the sights in front of her. The Academy and it's grounds looked more beautiful than how her brother described them. It was like something out of a movie. Becoming absorbed in taking in the sights, that she didn't even focus on the sheer amount of people arriving. As it probably would have made her a nervous wreck.

As the car finally stopped; the family clambered out. Sebastian flexing his muscles upon getting out of the car, before he grabbed his jacket from the car seat. Tossing it casually over his shoulder. He was wearing his favourite shirt and jeans that seemed to show off his muscles; along with his fingerless gloves. It always added to his bad boy look. Sebastian had easily packed on more muscle over the summer, from his constant vigorous work-outs between study sessions. His sister on the other hand was wearing a new tank top, with dark jeggings accompanied with the new boots and leather jacket that she had gotten from him.

Helping his mom grab his and Charlotte's bags from the trunk of the car. It wasn't long before both of their siblings had their luggage and the left over cookies in their grip. Saying goodbye to their mother. She embraced both of her children lovingly. "Right, have a wonderful year you two. And try not to get into trouble." The last was more so aimed at Sebastian than Charlotte. She was the golden child, in comparison.

Sebastian let out a slight groan. "Mom, please stop babying me." Sebastian couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly. It's not like he wanted to get into trouble last year for falling behind. "We'll both be fine. I'll look out for Charlotte, you know I always do." He promised. Kissing his mother's cheek; he said goodbye to the woman that raised him and taught him to be better than he was at times. The varying tones of their British accents despite having lived in the States for a while now; caught people's attention. With their mother climbing into the car after saying goodbye. Sebastian heard a familiar voice. One that he wasn't ready to hear so soon.

"Awwh come on, now there's two of you?!" Alistair LeRue. Everyone's worst nightmare. Turning around, Sebastian came face to face with the annoying twin, with Al trying to be up in his face. Seb rose a slight eyebrow, as he watched Alistair trying to size him up and his lame attempt to stare him down. "One more year Ackelhurst, one more year!" To most, it probably would have looked intimidating. But to Seb, nada. Especially since Sebastian was the taller out of the duo; even if by a few mere inches.

"Is that supposed to be threatening?" Seb asked; not even batting an eyelid. His voice full of amusement and mockery. "You might want to gain some more height and proper bad boy attitude, if you want to be intimidating! Out my way LeRue before you burst a wind pipe trying to embarrass yourself further." Easily pushing his way past Alistair. All the while, shielding his sister from the Twin in the process. Not wanting his sister to get tangled up in dealing with Alistair.

Charlotte couldn't help but gulp a little bit; partially at the comment coming from the somewhat cute yet arrogantly rude blonde boy. Than came the sheer vast amount of people that were arriving. Sticking close to her brother; her suitcase in her grip as she followed his lead. On the way through the gates; the duo had passed Marabeth. A friend of Sebastian's. Seb gave the red head a soft smile greeting her. He already made a mental note of later introducing Charlotte to Mara. Charlotte just gave the red head a nervous wave, with a small smile.

With Sebastian leading Charlotte to Cavendish Hall; he kept his eyes peeled out for someone in particular that he was itching to see. Students were in and out of the hall to get their dorm keys. Mainly New Students to get information from the teachers. As Sebastian got his keys to his own dorm room, he glanced down at Charlotte. "Are you going to be okay? I want to check in one someone, but if you need me; just text me. I'll find you before the Assembly." He didn't want to overburden his sister; knowing she was in good hands with the teachers. Whilst he always protected her; he was trying to let her be independent. Knowing she'd be on his ass if he babied her on her first day here.

"I'll manage." She promised her brother. She just secretly hoped she wouldn't get lost. How hard could it be not to get lost? As her brother excused himself to take his luggage to his room quickly. Charlotte was receiving the essentials from the teachers; dorm key, uniform, map ect.

In the meanwhile; Sebastian quickly dropped off his luggage at his Dorm Room over at LeRue Place. Setting the suitcase near his desk. He would unpack later. He didn't exactly want to deal with unpacking right now. Or running into Persephone if she was lingering around the area. Sebastian was still contemplating about asking the teachers if he could be moved to Edgebaston hall; if it was up to him. He would have stayed there. But his father had picked out his accommodation when he paid for most of his tuition money. Seb was well aware that it'd be a slap to his father's face if he moved elsewhere. Stepping out of his spacious dorm-room; he locked the door behind him. Before playing with the keys; tossing them playfully in his hand. In the other, he still had the box of cookies.

As he wondered around; his eyes peeled out for familiar face. Smiling to himself when he spotted her. Jogging, till he caught up with her. "Boo!" he smirked. "Missed me?" Coming face to face with Noah again; he instantly noticed the stressed look on her face. Seems like he caught her just at the right time, to try and cheer her up. Holding out the box of cookies towards her. "Here, try these. My mom baked them 2 days ago, still fresh and tasty." Not thinking anything of it, that he saved the last of the cookies for Noah. If it had been any of his other friends; he would have offered it to them too. But it seemed like she could use them more.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by RogueFox
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RogueFox Runner-up Hero

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oliver James Grundy

The First Day

A maroon 2000 Dodge Grand Caravan pulled up to the gate. Music could easily be heard from the outdated van, along with what sounded like chatter from two young girls speaking a little too loudly. The sliding door opened and within seconds, a somewhat skinny teen hopped out. Oliver was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a tri-force from The Legend of Zelda on it. He smiled as he looked at the familiar sites of the gates and grounds. He noticed the really rich kid nearby making comments, as well as a really pretty girl countering his comments with compliments.

Before Oliver even had a chance to make his way to the trunk, his two younger sisters hopped out of the car. They seemed to be around 8 years old, and were identical twins. They had bright blonde hair, one in pigtails, the other in a ponytail. They each wore a matching pink outfit with light breathable fabric. They began running around in circles, laughing, their energy high from the two or so hour ride. A short and portly woman with curly brown hair down to her shoulders stepped out of the passenger's side, as a tall man with a green baseball cap covering his blonde hair walked around the front from the driver's side. The portly woman was holding a camera, and with about as much shame as the desert has water, she snapped out. "Chloe! Rebecca! Calm down and stand next to your brother!" Oliver sighed and shook his head, knowing at least a few eyes were on him. "Mom, I thought we agreed you'd let me just do this alone this year. Do we really need pictures?" He smiled halfway through his objection as his mother snapped the picture before he was done. His mother bustled as she got everyone together for a full family picture, minus his older brother who wasn't able to get out of work. "A little to the right John, perfect!" She had the camera on a tripod and stood with her arm over one of his shoulders, while his father smiled with his arm over the opposite. "You'll thank me in five years when you have these pictures to look back on, honey." She finally said in response to his complaints. She pulled him into a tight hug. "Now you be good. And have a fun and safe year, okay? Your brother wanted to come see you off as well, but you know how his manager can be." Oliver hugged her back with a nod and a few reassuring words as she trailed off from her main point quickly, more or less interrupting herself, as she had a tendency of doing.

John, Oliver's father put a solid hand on his shoulder and grinned down at him. "We're all proud of ya champ. Have a good year, and stay in touch. You know how Ma gets when you don't check in." Oliver beamed and nodded. "Yeah, of course dad. You know me." Finally his sisters ran up and hugged him at the same time, remembering how lonely it got last year when he was at school. "Bye Oli!" Chloe said, still hugging him. "We'll miss you a lot!" Added Rebecca. Oliver smiled and tousled their hair. "I'll be back before you know it." He chuckled as he finally made his way to the trunk and began pulling out his carefully prepared backpacks, putting several on his back as he picked up his 32 inch tv he had made sure to bring along. He put the TV down for a minute and took his bike off of the bike mount on the back of the van. He carefully balanced the TV on the seat. He started toward the gate as his family waved and pulled off, being careful with balancing his set up.

As Oliver neared the gate, he accidentally locked eyes with Alistair. "I thought we banned the nerd and weeb convention this year?" Oliver shrugged and kept walking, not really wanting to upset someone who had that much money. He also noticed that Mara was there, and she seemed to have things under control. He chuckled as he pressed on to Edgebaston Hall. He parked his bike and locked it to the bike rack, then made his way to the front desk where he fumbled with his TV as he retrieved his keys, then he pressed on to his room, still the same one from the previous year, Room 202 in Edgebaston Hall. He got in with a little trouble and sat his TV on his desk before shedding his several backpacks. He let out a sigh of relief and stretched his sore arms a bit. He was definitely not in the mood for unpacking yet, and decided to go check out his favorite places. He locked his door and made his way toward the library.

Avery Jillian Sawyer

Over the Summer

Avery had opted to stay at Edgebaston over the summer. She already knew her parents wouldn't be home, and she wasn't usually invited to any of their spontaneous vacations. She spent a good bit of time studying, but as it was summer, and there wasn't too much to keep up with, she spent even more time out on the field, practicing archery. She had several trophies, many of them at school in the trophy case, but still plenty at home as well. She also practiced her acting a little. She was always criticized on being wooden, so tried to read her lines more naturally in the mirror, to mostly no results.

Socially, she had done pretty little. Her club mates at the archery club were all home for the summer, and she didn't go out anywhere else often. She did stay in touch with her best friend, Daphne, over texting. They were pretty different people, but something about their friendship just worked. Her birthday passed by on August 4th. She noticed her bank account had gotten several thousand dollars deposited in it by her parents, but not even a happy birthday text. She did get a few texts from her friends at least. She was used to that with her birthday though, but somewhere in her heart, it still stung the same.

On the day before classes, Avery was out shooting. She approached the target and excitedly took a photo of her triple bullseye. She posted it on her instagram, blissfully unaware of the livestream occurring at the same time. She didn't have many followers, seeing as she usually just posted things about her archery or when she ordered a really good meal. She had maybe two selfies across her entire instagram. She made her way back to Edgebaston Hall just in time to watch the LaRue twins walk out. She hung back a moment, being sure not to be seen, she didn't feel like having her good mood ruined. She then went to her room and sat at her desk. She was hungry, and had only come in originally to change clothes, but now she found herself not wanting to leave.

The First Day

Avery woke up fairly early. She quickly got dressed in a dark blue blouse and a black skirt that came just above her knees. She put on a pair of nice black shoes as well. She applied a little eyeliner and a hint of eyeshadow, then made her way to the cafeteria. She knew it was good to get your food early on the first day, she had 11 years of experience with boarding schools. She ate quickly, then curious to see some new faces, went to the main gate. She saw Alistair and Marabeth acting as the welcoming committee and basically spun around on her heel, ready to go anywhere else. She found herself wandering to the archery field. She geared up and grabbed her bow, ready to pass the time the same way she had for most of the summer. With any luck, she might run into some club mates or convince a newbie to join.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Oliver Grundy & Melicia Gibbs

A collab with: @RogueFox

Something Melicia wasn’t ready for was how overwhelming she’d find the whole environment. The issue was less the sheer number of people but everything else, the way everyone seemed to just want to get in your face perkily offering maps and guided tours, the delighted screeches of teenage girls being reunited with their friends and even just the size of the place. It was all a bit too much. After gingerly grabbing a map the teen beelined for Independence house and checked in. As soon as she had her key she went straight to her room, closing the door behind her and expelling a relieved sigh. The walls were far from soundproof but the chatter and the yells were more manageable. Why was everyone so damn perky?

Placing her case and bag next to her bed she opened a map some way-too-happy senior handed her. She needed somewhere quiet, a place to get a breather from the chaos. Her eyes came across the library on her map. perfect. Leaving all but her keys and map behind she leaves her room to start her search. Unfortunately for Melicia, crowds did not make map reading all that easy, not to mention all the noise. She ended up finding herself very much not at the library but in front of who-knows-what building, trying to find her placing on the three fold map in her hands.

Oliver stepped outside and took in a deep breath, taking in the familiar sights around him. There was a bit of hustle and bustle still going on, but in all of that, he noticed a girl who seemed decidedly lost. She seemed to be staring intently at her map. She was also really cute, and had a vibe to her, the way she was standing, gazing at the map. Oliver decided quickly that he should probably offer to help her. He walked up and waved, despite her not looking at him at all. ”Um, Hi!” He shifted his stance and let out an awkward breathy chuckle before continuing. ”You just seemed a bit lost, I might be able to help out. I was here last year.” He seemed pretty confident, albeit a little awkward. He was grinning, but it didn’t seem as bubbly as the others, more as if he was thinking about something funny.

Melicia was soon snapped out of her deep thinking and brought back to the school proper at the voice of the ginger haired boy. Her face scrunched slightly at his greeting. Another one she couldn’t help but think to herself. At least his words were less obviously forced optimism but rather more genuine. ”Uh, yeah,” she mutters, folding her map, it seems she wouldn’t need it for now. ”I’m just tryna find the library, these map ain’t too great for navigatin’,” She continues on in her southern drawl.

Oliver chuckled a little as she mentioned where she was going. ”Ha, really? I’m actually headed there right now. I always liked going, so I wanted to go see it again. I kinda missed it.” He took a few steps in her direction, motioning for her to follow. ”C’mon, it’s actually not too far.” He took off at a surprisingly brisk pace at first. He looked back and adjusted his pace so they could both walk comfortably. ”I’m Oliver, by the way. It’s nice to meet you. You just looked pretty lost, and I’d feel bad if I didn’t at least try to help, you know?”

At the boy's beckon to follow Melicia obliges, seeming to stay a couple of paces behind his own, she was in a little less of a rush it seemed. Eventually he slowed so they were walking side by side. ”No, no, I appreciate it. I'm Melicia," she responds, offering her hand to shake.

Oliver beamed as he shook her hand. He was visibly energetic, but if there was any doubts, that handshake would have quelled them. ”That name’s pretty badass. A lot cooler than mine.” He chuckled as he came to a stop in front of an older looking, yet well kept, building, Northfield Library. ”Here we are. Looks pretty cool compared to some of the other buildings. Sort of like it belongs in a fantasy movie or something, with a ton of secret passages and stuff.” He trotted up to the door and opened it for Melicia. As they entered, he decided to press for a little more conversation. ”So, how’d you end up here? I got a scholarship cuz I’m pretty good with computers.”

As the pair came to the step Melicia couldn’t help but be absolutely taken away by the building before them. Old? Yes. but the kind of old that reeked with pomp and grandeur. She was sure anything would be better than the little wooden cart that served as her ‘library’ over the past year but this was so much better than she ever could have expected. Even her local library growing up, not that she ever really stepped into it to find out. At his question she hesitated slightly, running through her fabricated story in her head. This was a new start, she wasn’t going to taint that with the word of her being a felon getting out. ”Academics myself, topped my class in maths ‘n’ sciences last year and got recommended to come here, I think my homeroom teacher was an alma mater or somethin’” she lies, well not a total lie. While they didn’t really grade in prison when you’re one of the few doing the work she could only assume she was right. ”But, uh, computers. Impressive. I ain’t ever been too good with those things. Did you come from far?”

He grinned and nodded. ”That’s awesome. Math kind of annoys me, but science can be cool. Hey, if you end up taking any computer classes, I could help you in exchange for you helping me with math!” He made his way a little deeper into the library and took a deep breath. The scent of books danced in the air, bringing with it several memories of days Oliver spent on the computers or reading in a nice secluded corner. He was usually pretty social, but everyone needed a little alone time, and this was the perfect place to find it. ”Not really, actually. Only live a few hours away, in Greensboro. How about you?” He smiled at her politely, genuinely interested in her and where she came from. His eyes gave away his sincerity.

As they entered the building Melicia's eyes didn't quite know where to rest. From the grand shelves stocked with books to the oddly high-tech computer lab. She really did like libraries, she had decided. ”Oh, um, Raleigh. Not near the city or nothin' so I guess not too far either," she responds, glancing at the boy next to her to get a proper look at him. ”I was just gonna get a book and read for a bit but if you want to join me…" For as much as Melicia valued her alone time and wasn't much for small talk she really did need friend and Oliver himself seemed nice enough.

“Oh, nice, you’re from NC too! You’d be surprised how many people come here from other states.” Oliver seemed to light up as she offered him to join her. ”Sure! I was actually just gonna look at the manga for a bit before the assembly. I’d totally be down for reading… next to each other? That sounds weird, I know.” He laughed a bit and shook his head. ”It can be nice to just have someone friendly nearby though. And if you feel like talking, we can do that too!” He looked around for a minute, getting his bearings in the library again. ”What kind of book were you thinking of reading? I can point out where they are, save the hassle of poking around. Though I guess poking around is kind of fun too.”

At Oliver's request for what she wanted to leave Melicia gave a shrug. ”I hadn't thought about it, honestly. I guess we can just poke around? You don't have t' join me in looking," she eyes the long shelves of books before her, she didn't even know if she'd have the time to decide. Part of her just wanted to get lost in the land of books.

Oliver shrugged, his trademark grin on his face. ”I’m down for poking around.” He stepped forward, looking at the books in front of them. They were nonfiction books, mostly biographies. He found himself following the bookshelves, unsure if Melicia was nearby. He looked up quickly, realizing he had wandered a ways away. He looked around, seeing if he could spot his new friend. His backup if he couldn’t find her was to just head to the manga, pick something, then look around for her.

Melicia got lost in the library but this time it wasn’t the bad kind of lost. It was the kind that was almost freeing after being confined to a handful of open areas that she knew every nook and cranny of this type of ‘lost’ was almost comforting. She dragged her finger across the spines of the books, the smallest of smiles played on the very edges of her oft downturned lips. Eventually she picked up a random book from some recommended section in the fiction section and, having forgotten that she wasn’t alone, took a seat at one of the library's many tables.

After not seeing her as he scanned the surrounding area, Oliver decided to press on and grab something to read. He could try finding her after that. He went to the dedicated section for manga and grabbed a volume of “Don’t Tease Me, Miss Nagatoro.” He had seen the anime adaptation, but wanted to hop on the manga to find out what happened next. After selecting his book, he walked around the sizable library. Luckily, it didn’t take him long to find Melicia, seeing as the library wasn’t currently very busy. He pulled the seat next to her out and sat down, shooting her a smile. ”Find something good?” He inquired cheerfully. He opened the manga and held it against the table so he wasn’t holding it in the air.

Melicia just pulled up her book, revealing the cover for Ender’s Game, her eyes not straying from its pages. She puts it back down so the cover is flat on the table, remaining silent for a while as she takes in the first pages. When Oliver was comfortable reading his book, and she had read up to a good breaking point a few pages in, she spoke up. ”Is everyone here always so damn perky?” she asks, her voice in a gruff hushed whisper. Her eyes remained on the book, as if she was still reading the words but really she was just avoiding Oliver’s eyes. Eye contact was never her forte.

Oliver began reading after she had shown him the cover, having figured that she was content to just read quietly. As her voice broke the silence, he looked over at her to see her still focusing on the book. ”Not really. It’s really mostly for these special occasions. I mean, there are some people who are always perky, but it’s usually not like this.” He attempted to keep his voice soft, but even then it was relatively loud for being in a library. ”There are a lot of quieter places you can go even on days like today though.” Oliver’s expression changed a bit, resembling something like concern as he seemed to have just put two and two together. ”I can give you some alone time if you need it. I understand wanting some peace.” His voice did drop to a quieter tone now. He was feeling a little guilty for following her around and not picking up on her wanting to possibly be alone sooner.

”Hmm?” Melicia looks up from her book with a shrug. She didn’t mean to make Oliver feel out of place. Sure, he was a little loud and puppy-doglike but he wasn’t really a nuisance. ”Nah, you’re cool, I guess,” she replies simply before looking back down at her book. ”You could stand to be a little quieter though, don’t want the library staff after you, do ya?”

Oliver felt a bit of relief as she answered. He chuckled and nodded as she recommended lowering his voice. He made an attempt to keep his voice lower as he responded. ”Yeah. I sometimes don’t notice how loud I am.” He looked back down at his manga, flipping the page. ”Do you mind if I call you Cia? I was thinking about your name again, and thought it might be a cool nickname.” He grinned over at her after speaking.

”Hmm?” Melicia muses once more as Oliver asks another question. Honestly she'd rather sit in silence, lost in the words of her book but she also didn't want to scare off the one genuine person she'd met today. Oliver was a good person, she had decided, and Melicia need some of those in her life. ”Yeah, sure. Call me whatever,” she says somewhat dismissively as her eyes flicker to the next page of the book. Realizing she may have been coming across as rude she lifts her head to meet the boy's gaze. ”And what do people call you?”

”Cool! I guess some of my friends call me Oli, if you like that better you can use it.” Oliver watched as her focus stayed on the book. He decided he’d let her be the next one to speak, after all she was trying to find the library and he just happened to tag along. He felt pretty comfortable next to her too, not finding her to be rude or anything. He focused on his manga, and in a short time, finished it. He sat the book down on the table and leaned back, still chuckling at some of the events in the story.

”Oli, 'aight," she echoes back before returning to her book. In that she embraces the sweet silence of the library, the scent of the pages and the feel of them between her fingers. She doesn't say another word until a bell rings over the school. She looks up into the ceiling in confusion before pulling out her dingy little phone to check the time. 1:45pm. It was then she remembered there was an assembly she was meant to be at. Really both her and her new guide should be at but in the fluster of her brain and the fear of doing anything out of line she stood up. Her chair squeaks as it's pushed across the floorboards.

”I gotta go, but it was good to meet you… Oli," she says as she closes her book, leaving it atop one of the stocking carts and backing toward the door. ”Uh… bye," she calls back before accidentally backing into a cart. She readjusts herself then turns for the door, following the crowds out.

Oliver looked at his small screened off-brand smartphone, seeing the time. “Oh right.” Before he could elaborate that he should be going too, she had already set her book down and backed toward the door. After she said bye, he held up a hand in a wave, seeming a little confused by her sudden departure when they both had to go to the assembly. ”See ya, Cia.” Oli grinned at the amusing coincidence of her name and his usual farewell matching up. He put his manga on a return cart and jogged to the doorway, where he was immediately slowed by the migrating crowd of students.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Summer in New York was always so unbearable. It wasn't that Priya hated it. It was her home, after all. She was glad to see her parents, or at least what little time she had with them. Her mother, exhausted from running as many shifts as she could, was saving up to retire early. Her father, on the other hand, was simply tired and saw driving her to Edgebaston Academy as just another chore. Their dynamic was an odd one, but the duo was so consumed by their own circles that they never questioned it. For most of the summer, Priya had spent her time volunteering at her old acting school, the one she used to attend after regular school hours during middle school.

Before she knew it, the summer had come to an end. All she really wanted was to leave the city and get back to North Carolina. She longed for the fresh air, open spaces, and the nearby sea breeze that occasionally wafted over the campus. Edgebaston Academy had become her sanctuary since her freshman year, when she had earned an acting scholarship that allowed her to attend. The campus boasted some of the best performing arts facilities she had ever seen, and Priya couldn't wait to return to the stage and showcase her talent once more.

Finally, the day arrived when Priya's father reluctantly drove her to Edgebaston Academy. His weariness showed in his eyes as he maneuvered through the bustling New York streets and out onto the interstate. Priya understood that he wasn't emotional about her leaving; it was simply the fatigue and the feeling that this was just another task on his long list of responsibilities. If anything was just an inconvenience.

As they pulled up to the imposing iron gates of the school, Priya's heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. She stepped out of the car, her gaze fixed on the grand entrance of Edgebaston Hall. The building stood tall, emanating a sense of history and tradition. It was here she was greeted by the sight of Alistair LeRue and Marabeth. She could already tell this was going to be tense.

Her father helped unload her luggage, a heavy silence hanging between them. Without a word, he nodded to her, conveying his unspoken message: "Make the most of this opportunity, Priya. Work hard, follow your dreams, and don't let anything or anyone hold you back." He meant well, even if he was self-centered. Priya nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with gratitude. She hugged her father tightly, cherishing this brief moment of connection before he retreated back to the car.

With a deep breath, Priya turned to face the entrance of Edgebaston Academy. She ducked away around Alistair, avoiding his gaze while giving Marabeth a quick wave. After successfully avoiding a free mockery from Al, she made her way over to Edgebaston Hall. Unlike most of the seniors, she couldn’t exactly afford anything on the fourth floor, and ended up spending her entire school life in the same dorm room: 111.

Entering her dorm room she took a moment to breathe in and take in the scent. It had been cleaned that was for sure, but she could still smell the slight lingering scent of some of her perfumes from last year. It was bringing back memories for the past year at the school: The countless hours she spent here practicing her lines and her parts. Closing the door she would place her bags down at the end of the bed and lay back on the bed, letting the yet to be made sheets eat her up whole. A content sigh escaped her lips. She was home.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by summerlush
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mentions: Avery @RogueFox, Ria @HaleyTheRandom, Alistair @Hedgehawk
Attire: https://justpaste.it/apfz8

With a serene smile, Daphne basked in the warm Greek sun, nestled atop of a plush lounger on the picturesque Santorini beach. She let the golden rays embrace her skin, promising a sun-kissed tan that would undoubtedly turn heads upon her return to the Edgebaston Academy. Adorned in a daringly skimpy white bikini, she relished the breathtaking view of the calm, iridescently blue waves caressing the shore. The worries of deadlines, uniforms, and the monotonous routine of academic life were temporarily replaced by the freedom and unrestrained joy that only a summer getaway could provide. She couldn’t believe that her escape to the luxurious Valmont resort in Santorini, an extension from her family's hotel empire, had already spanned a little over two weeks. Unfortunately, paradise was quickly coming to an end.

In a moment of vanity, Daphne's fingertips danced across the screen of her phone, capturing a selfie, ​​ensuring to showcase the stunning view in the background. As she reviewed the picture, she couldn't help but feel satisfied with the result. The perfect lighting and angle had indeed worked in her favor. With a swift tap, she shared the snapshot with her legion of Instagram followers. She was intent on meticulously documenting every experience Santorini had to offer—be it the vibrant bars, exhilarating boat rides, or Mediterranean dishes.

While physically apart, Daphne's connections to her inner circle remained steadfast. Avery, her confidante, received regular updates detailing the cultural nuances of Santorini, while Ria served as her trusted style consultant, exchanging daily outfit suggestions before she ventured out from the confines of her luxurious suite. And with Alistair, her partner-in-crime, their conversations teetered between scandalous accounts of their sexual exploits and reckless dares that pushed the boundaries of reason. While a few others had back-and-forths with Daphne, those three received the most intimate details of her summer.

In contrast, she was unbothered by the absence of her parents, occasionally sending the “I’m still alive'' text, to calm any ounce of parental worry, not that it mattered to them. Her parents had opted to stay behind on this trip for their own selfish reasons. Regardless, she couldn't care less about their whereabouts. She was relieved to be free of their constant fake pleasantries and unwanted opinions.

As a Greek server approached, Daphne maintained an air of nonchalance as she ordered,"One lemon-drop martini." Yet, her attention was soon captured by a magnetic couple - a striking Greek man accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend, their gazes fixated upon Daphne from across the bustling beach bar. A devilish smirk graced her lips as a mischievous thought took hold. "Actually, make that three," she requested, keen on seizing this fleeting moment, after all, her days at Santorini were almost over. And Daphne knew these two individuals would be perfect additions to her list of summer conquests.

Mentions: Alistair @Hedgehawk, Marabeth @Sailorsadie
Attire: https://jpst.it/3dWD-

Daphne carefully examined her appearance in a compact mirror — her chocolate-brown hair was styled in loose waves that delicately draped across her shoulders, complimenting her almost glowing physique. As the sleek Rolls Royce came to a graceful stop, she shifted her view from her reflection to the windshield, a sigh leaving her freshly-coated glossed lips as she watched the students walking towards Cavendish Hall. It had only been a day since her return from the enchanting shores of Greece, and already Edgebaston Academy seemed like a distant memory. And although she had been dreading her return, she couldn’t hide the hint of excitement for what the Junior year would bring.

With an air of effortless elegance, Daphne gracefully stepped out of the car, her eyes hidden behind a pair of designer shades, fixated on the grandeur of the academy before her. A fleet of cars followed in her wake, each one filled to the brim with her belongings. In Daphne's world, excess was the norm, an essential component of her glamorous lifestyle. As the chauffeurs and butlers emerged from their respective vehicles, they swiftly embarked on the task of meticulously transferring her possessions to the exclusive LeRue suite. Among them, Lydia, one of her family's countless assistants, took the lead, effortlessly coordinating the trail of helpers toward their designated destination. Daphne had learned to place her trust in her capable hands, unlike that shameless gold-digger assistant who had dared to engage in an affair with her father. From that moment on, Daphne had taken it upon herself to ensure that anyone who dared to cross her would face the consequences. She wielded her influence and connections, making it clear that those who strayed from the path of loyalty would be forever blacklisted from working in any other esteemed household in New York.

Within the sea of students at the front gates, students and staff alike turned their heads, their curious gazes fixated on Daphne’s arrival. With an all-designer black outfit and a prominent family name to match, it was difficult to miss her in the crowd. It wasn’t long before she spotted a very familiar figure — a blond boy hurling insults upon anyone within earshot. It was none other than the infamous Alistair LeRue. Despite the start of a new year, some things never change. While Daphne never actively encouraged his display of playground insults, she couldn't deny the mild amusement she felt watching him pick apart his fellow students, finding the smallest of flaws to mock. She placed her shades on the top of her head as she approached the blond.

"Seriously, Al? Preying on the weak freshmen already?" Daphne arched a perfectly sculpted eyebrow, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of her glossed lips, not giving away that she did miss his chaotic presence during the summer. "If you scare them all off, who will you have left to terrorize for the rest of the year?" she playfully taunted.

Not far from Alistair, Daphne's gaze landed on a red-haired senior… Meredith, was it? Or Marabeth? She couldn’t recall exactly. The girl seemed to radiate kindness, offering compliments to anyone who crossed her path. Daphne couldn't remember if they had ever interacted, but from this initial impression, the red-head seemed far too pleasant to have associated with someone like Daphne. After a brief side-eye, the brunette redirected her attention back to Alistair, ready to engage in their customary banter.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hedgehawk
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Featuring Alistair & Daphne

Alistair was just about to fling another insult at another newly arriving freshman when he caught the eye of someone he knew. Listening to her words, Alistair turned to face her, and that was when he got a proper view of her clothes. He arched his own eyebrow in response to what his eyes were telling him.She wasn’t exactly leaving a lot to the imagination wearing just the jacket. Still, Alistair couldn’t exactly take his eyes off her. He took a moment to bite the corner of his lip slightly while looking her up and down. He wasn’t being discreet about it. He wanted her to know he was doing it.

”What are they going to do? Leave? Nah. I have all year to do what I like to them” He commented back at her original remark. ”So you're wearing that just to get at me huh?” He asked.

Daphne's lips curled into a mischievous smirk, well aware that his eyes were tracing her curves. With her jacket barely concealing the lacy bodysuit beneath, it was a deliberate invitation for attention. Her fashion choices always hovered between barely appropriate and just enough coverage, yet she never failed to exude a sense of elegance. And while she always dressed for herself, she found it amusing whenever Alistair wondered if her daring attire was a deliberate ploy to provoke a reaction from him. In response to his remark, she retorted, "Contrary to what you may believe, not everything I do revolves around you." Her voice held a playful edge. "Although I won't deny that it is somewhat enjoyable to toy with you," she added, feignedly adjusting her top of her lingerie, but in reality, drawing more focus to her cleavage.

”Uh-huh, And those DMs we traded over summer?” Alistair came back with. It was a constant game with the two. Who would break first? Who would give in? But Alistair knew what he wanted this time. He liked the games, but he also liked other things too. ”Now, We only have another year before I depart. SO, better make this year count.” He replied with a soft smirk, his eyes taking in her clothing ‘adjustment’.

A soft laugh escaped Daphne's lips as memories of their racy messages danced in her mind. It was remarkable how a single uneventful evening had ignited a series of daring exchanges between them. From Alistair's shirtless display to her own mirror selfie, revealing the provocative lingerie she had worn that night. "Those pictures," she quipped, her tone tinged with playful revelation, "were merely to satisfy your thirst for me while I was away. Obviously."

The game of seduction they had played, the constant back-and-forth, had become an exhilarating dance between them. Each seeking to maintain an upper hand, testing the boundaries, and daring the other to succumb to their yearning. Daphne's smirk deepened as she responded to his remark about making this year count, it almost sounded like a challenge. She refused to yield. "You're right, just one more year..." she mused, her tone laced with defiance. After all, they had only surrendered to their lust only once before. Surely, she can continue her streak until his graduation day. "I'm sure there are plenty of impressionable sophomores who can fulfill your needs and make this year truly unforgettable for you," She explained with a hint of sarcasm. "In fact, with Homecoming just days away, you'll have the perfect opportunity to employ your charm on an innocent, unsuspecting newcomer," she taunted, a touch of malicious amusement in her words.

”Well, that is true. Will have to have a look closer at the time” He then placed his hand on her shoulder. To the observers around them it simply looked like they were embracing and greeting each other as friends who had missed each other over the summer. Alistair however leaned in to whisper into her ear. ”Or you know, I could keep my eyes on the target; you. I know you like to think you are winning this little contest, but deep down I know you want me. And the longer you resist, the more you will squirm. And the more I will enjoy it”

Daphne leaned in, her body subtly inching closer to his as she caught his whisper; her vanilla scent intermixing with his cologne. Alistair's insufferable arrogance was undeniable, and yet, there was a flicker of truth in his words. While she enjoyed sex - like really enjoyed it - she believed her desires were always under control, a hunger she could restrain. As he drew closer, she took the opportunity to delicately hold his belt, her fingertips slipping behind it to caress his lower abdomen, teasingly tracing invisible lines. Her voice dropped to a sultry whisper, the words laced with a mix of confidence and mischief. "Oh, Alistair. It's cute that you think you're in control," she breathed into his ear. "I'm the one thing you want, but can't have, and it kills you," she continued, her mocking words dripping with seduction. "You had a taste, and now you want more. Perhaps one day, I'll let you have your fun again, but for now..." Her voice trailed off, leaving an air of anticipation. Her gaze fell to his crotch, a devilish smirk playing on her lips. "Down boy," she concluded with a tantalizing hint of control, stepping back and retrieving her hand in the process.

There wasn’t a lot that Alistair could do or say. She was right. But at the same time he was fairly sure he was as well. They both wanted each other, both wanted to give in. Their lives would be alot more exciting if they were to give in, but both were far too stubborn to do such a thing. Alistair gave off a small smirk as she pulled away. ”Well, we will have to see won’t we hmmm? Now I do believe you better get going, your… help looks like they are nearly finished. Perhaps we can meet after assembly, maybe I can give you a bit of ‘help’ with that belt of yours. It seems to be giving you trouble”

Daphne glanced over her shoulder at the bustling helpers attending to her belongings, her blue eyes meeting Alistair's gaze once more. "Now that you mention it, this belt is quite bothersome. I might need one of the football players to lend a hand," she playfully teased. Before turning away, she gave his arm a quick, knowing squeeze. "We’ll catch up soon. I'm curious to hear about the chaos you plan to unleash this year," she said with a touch of genuine warmth, a reminder that beneath their complex dynamics, they were still close friends. With that, she followed behind the last of her helpers, lowering her shades to shield her eyes from the glare of the sun.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

A collab between @Hedgehawk & @HaleyTheRandom; Featuring Alistair LeRue & Ryan Reid.

Alistair had a rather productive morning. At least by his standards. There was nothing that boosted his ego more than putting down the confidence of others. He had also come up with some rather creative insults too. It was always nice to start the year off on a high note. Marabeth arriving however put a slight damper on his mood. It seemed that she was trying to cancel out his insults with compliments. He was going to make an insult aimed towards her, but decided against it. Marabeth wasn't exactly a threat, but he had learnt that the rest of the senior year, sometimes acted like a pack. Attack one of them and the whole herd moves against you.

Instead he focused on making his insults more vicious than her compliments. He was also doing his best to target Freshmen. They were far easier to keep compliant than older students. After a while however, Alistair was getting bored. The flow of arriving students had slowed down, and so instead he checked his phone to see if he had any messages:Nothing. It seemed Persephone was having her own plans to deal with. Alistair placed his hands on his pockets. It seemed he had time to kill. What to do? He pondered for a moment before walking back inside the iron gates and into the campus proper. He ultimately decided to go on a walk; patrol the campus. Look around and try and see if there were any good groups of people that he could barb on. His walk had taken him to the edge of Cavendish hall, more specifically to the side entrance to the multifunction hall that they were going to be using for the assembly later.

Part of the benefits of living at Edgebaston year round was being in the know. If you knew how to eavesdrop on people's conversations, you really could learn a multitude of things - and Ryan had done just that. She had heard of some of the renovations coming to the school this summer, & had even gathered some of the names of new scholarship winners. What had interested her the most, however, was the arrival assembly this evening. Ryan knew that she would have enough time to have the auditorium to herself to do what she needed, seeing as most of the equipment was set up the day before. The directing team wouldn’t be doing a sound check until closer to time - leaving her an opening to create one of her best art pieces yet.

Waking up early that morning, Ryan was sure to shove all of her supplies in her backpack and make her way to the auditorium just as the sun was rising. The stage curtain was still lowered, offering her all of the extra cover that she would ever need. Ryan knew that there were no cameras inside of the buildings on campus, but the extra coverage still eased what little bit of nerves she had. Once she had made her way inside the building, and up the stairs to the stage, Ryan began her work.

Standing back and taking it all in, she was rather pleased with the giant picture of Baphomet on the wall. On the left she had written “welcome to hell!” followed by “eat the rich today!” on the right side. Once she was happy with the finishing touches, Ryan put the spray paint back in her bag before covering her hands in rubbing alcohol and making sure that she removed all of the spray pain from her hands and arms. She changed from her sweat pants and crop top into her chosen outfit of the day before making sure everything that she needed was back in her bag before exiting the building.

Using the side exit, Ryan nearly hit a familiar blonde figure with the door on her way out.

Looking the boy up and down, she scoffed. ”Piss off, Alistair,” she greeted him warmly.

Alistair nearly jumped as the door came swinging forward. Seeing Ryan walk out made him smile slightly. It seemed he was getting lucky with the people he was meeting. The introduction was something he was used to by now, so he just let it slide. "Nice. Don't worry, I ain't going to tell that I saw you sneaking out of the assembly hall" Alistair turned his smile into a smirk. "Looking forward to the rest of the peasants coming back? I imagine that summer is a time when you make very low sales."

As Alistar spoke, Ryan repositioned her bag so that it was firmly planted on her shoulder before crossing her arms across her chest. His words had only solidified her decision in the words she had painted on the walls the moments previously.

At his mention of business, Ryan’s eyes locked on his as she pursed her lips - doing the best that she could to fight the shiver running up her spine due to recent summer memories.

”Business has been fine,” she replied simply, still putting on her tough girl facade. ”You're aren’t the only one around this town with money to spend, you know?” Taking a deep breath, she rolled her eyes. ”Do you have anything of substance to talk about, or are you just wasting my time per usual?”

It seemed as if Ryan was throwing up barriers again. All summer he had noticed that Ryan had been slightly more distant and guarded against him. With a deep sigh he leaned up against the brick wall. "Well, I need to talk about my birthday next month. We are having an official party at the country club, but that will be boring and bland. I need to know if we can do something more underground for the afterparty" Alistair arched his eyebrow, trying to suggest he was hinting at something, subtly wasn't his strong suit.

Listening to him speak, Ryans mind shifted into planning and business mode. Going over her mental inventory of hang out spots she had required around town over the last year, the dark haired girl quickly settled on two options. ”There’s the river by the railroad tracks - about a ten minute drive from the country club, and a half-mile hike - or the hike to the lake, about a mile off campus, through the woods behind Independence Hall. It depends on where you think people would actually want to go. I honestly think the one closer to campus is best. Easier for people to access and shit, ya know?”

"That checks out. We will need all the drinks and favours and the nice stuff. I am willing to pay double given the shorter notice and the fact it's my birthday. So I want it to be special." Alistair gave off a small smile, admiring Ryan's petite frame for a second. He would be lying if he wasn't always entranced to be near her. Something about her always seemed to draw him closer, even if it was going to get burnt. "It's going to be lit though. We are going to get upto so much trouble"

Ryan nodded her head, breaking eye contact as she watched Alistair look her up and down with a look she knew all too well. A look that she had seen from boys and men alike - women as well; one that screamed of hunger, thirst, and everything in between - but also a strong, deep rooted hesitation. The young woman hated how it made her skin crawl, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to use it to her advantage.

Eyebrows raising as he mentioned to pay double, her head tilted sideways ever so slightly as pondered his offer. She knew that she could help Alistair with his request on any given day - it was just a matter of did she want to help him. Then again - it wasn’t like she had much say in the matter any more, given the recent paths she had been taking in life.

”I suppose we can make that work,” Ryan responded, beginning to put her hair up into a bun as she spoke. She took just enough time tossing her hair here and there, positioning it into the right places and exposing her collarbone and neck as she did so. He was always too busy playing checkers while she was playing chess. ”’Nice’” stuff,” she questioned him, now placing her hands in the back pocket of her jeans. ”Obviously you mean expensive booze - but what else does Alistair LeRue consider ‘nice’,” she questioned him, taking extra time to make sure that his name flowed from her mouth like honey.

"Well I consider attractive girls nice… Alistair let out a small groan as he looked at her exposed neckline. " Well, I consider you the most attractive of the girls though" He knew he was about to get shot down. But he would try nevertheless. Maybe this time she would say yes and finally he would score a little win.

Swallowing the bile that quickly rose to the back of her throat, she forced a sly smile while quickly becoming interested in her converse sneakers for a moment. Looking back up at him, Ryan chuckled. ”You know,” she began, moving to close the space between them. ”You ride around on that high horse that daddy bought for you, calling the rest of us peasants, but you’re the one that seems to do the most begging.”

As Ryan closed the gap between them, His heart skipped a beat, his breath went short. She was teasing him, and he was falling right for it. "Well, I only beg for the things that I really want." He would smirk at her and lean in that ever bit closer, making the gap between them almost nonexistent. While he enjoyed his games with Daphne, Ryan was on another level. He enjoyed Daphne, he needed Ryan. "And I really want you" His voice dropped in volume, trying his best to sound seductive, but more than likely coming across as goofy.

While Alistar dared to inch closer, Ryan's smirk grew. Wrapping a finger inside of one of the belt loops on his jeans, she closed what very little distance was left between the two of them by pulling him towards her. Alistar may have been a whole foot taller than her, but with him leaning over her, she was able to whisper a few words in his ear.

”You’d just love that, wouldn’t you,” she questioned him, taking the time to make sure that each word was enunciated as her breath lingered on the side of his neck. ”Tell me Al - is that your wildest dream? Skin on skin, my body on yours, each breath becoming one?” The thought made her laugh once more as Ryan moved her hand to his chest, pushing him away from her. ”Down, boy.”

Pulling her phone from her pocket, Ryan quickly looked down at the notification before swiping it off the screen and turning her attention back to her current target.

”Message me with a list of everything you want for the party, and I’ll round it all up,” she said, her tone losing all traces of flirtation.

Alistair's heart began beating faster as he felt Ryan tug at his belt loops. As she spoke, his breath became heavy, and his hormones began to kick in. He agreed with everything she was saying. Yearning for it. It was suddenly cut short as in the flick of a switch Ryan changed her demeanour and pushed him back. Alistair coughed slightly at the back of his throat, embarrassed by what just transpired, he would try and control himself and suppress the hormones. He felt humiliated. Ryan had strung him around like a love sick puppy. But he still wanted it. "Ye… Y.. Yeah I will. I will do that. Not sure what I want yet"

Watching Alistair squirm was the most fun that Ryan had had in months. Despite that fact, she still didn’t wish to be in his presence any longer. Crossing her arms once more and raising an eyebrow in his direction, she rolled her eyes. ”You should really think about what you want before you run around propositioning people, Alistair.” Clapping her hands together in the best fake cheerful demeanor that she could muster, Ryan added ”See you on the flip side.” Turning on her heel, Ryan began to walk away from the boy.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

Fiona had spent her summer just like she had spent every other day since she was born - making music and looking after The Twins From Hell. She had squeezed in time for parties, booze, and romance where she could, but her responsibilities took up most of her time - not that she was complaining. Fiona wouldn’t have her life any other hectic, slightly messy way.

The brunette had arrived early at Edgebaston Acdemy that morning, helping set up the booths and tents for the clubs and such. The first day of school had always been her favorite, and the thought of this being her last first day almost made her frown. Thankfully, being back in her element was enough to shake any negative feelings.

Once everything seemed set up for the day, Fiona began walking around the campus yard handing out campus maps to anyone who looked lost or simply walked by. In addition to her maps, she also had fresh breakfast sandwiches that the school cafeteria had provided for her to pass out. While said sandwiches were delicious, the young woman had also taken the liberty to stop at the store on her way and grab chips and various candies for anyone who walked her way.

She had spotted a few faces here and there. Alistair was standing by the gate, bullying newcomers until he had finally decided to walk away. Fiona would have given him a piece of her mind per usual - but it was to fucking early in the morning to deal with that dipshit. He and Daphne seemed to have grown extremely close. Watching that scene nearly made her vomit as she tore her eyes away to greet a freshman with a smile. Handing the young man a map, Fiona quickly answered any questions that he had and sent him on his way to the Cafeteria Hall. More familiar figures passed by as the morning dragged on. Fiona had given waves to those who deserved them, keeping a careful eye out for the face that she wanted to see the most.

Hearing the familiar rumble of his motorcycle, Fiona turned her head just in time to spot Eric driving in. The view made her heart skip a beat, which then caused her to furrow her brow in frustration at herself. She and Eric were just friends. What was wrong with her?

As more and more students began to arrive, Fiona continued to pass out directions and snacks to the crowds.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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SouffleGirl123 Guild's Sweetheart

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A collab with: @SailorSadie

Much like Alistair, Persephone was up early in the morning. Unlike her brother Persephone was not going to get up early just to stand at the side of the school gate to prove a point. She didn’t need to, her presence would do that alone. Instead she meticulously ran through her long multi-step skin routine, thinking about the new year ahead. She felt mixed about it, for one she was excited to be truly on top of the food chain as a senior, ready to rule the school one last time, but she wasn’t really sure what to do when the year ended. She had good enough prospects, even if those prospects were daddy’s business endeavours and money, but she wasn’t really sure where she wanted to go. High school was fun. It was cushy, she knew everyone and how to show them all she was simply better but soon she’d need to find new ways to get to new people.

A sigh expelled from Persephone’s once again pink-painted lips. Sabrina should be arriving at the school any moment now. She picked up her phone from the table, opening her messages. Nothing from the girl yet. She sent her 2 simple words I’m waiting. She hoped the girl would get the hint, then again if she didn’t Persephone didn’t mind, it’d be something else to hold over Sabrina’s head.

As her heels continued their noisy assault on the tiles headed to the LeRue dorm, she glanced down as her phone pinged. Sabrina’s eyes widened a bit at the message waiting for her. With a clearing of her throat, she sped up her steps and clutched her purse against her chest. She couldn’t have Persephone waiting on her, it was supposed to be the other way around. She dreaded any kind of torture the girl would put her through if Sabrina kept her waiting any longer.

Nearing the room, she paused before making sure nothing on her body was out of place. Giving a slight nod at herself, she stepped into Persephone’s room and offered the girl a bright smile. ”I’m here. Sorry. I made it.” She looked the girl over and nodded approvingly. ”Oh, your outfit is to die for.”

”’Rina,” Persephone greets the girl simply, remaining facing the mirror. You’re late but I suppose I should have expected that, knowing you,”[/color] She turns in her swivel chair with a click of her tongue and eyes her friend up and down studying her for all her imperfections. It seemed Sabrina had gotten tanned in her time abroad and had gotten extensions. Part of Persephone liked her friend’s new look, the long hair suited her but she couldn’t let that ego inflate too much, lest Sabrina think she could do something out of line.

”Why, thank you,” she replies to her girl’s compliment, teasing her blonde waves with her fingers. ”Daddy bought it for me in Toyko, can’t be seen wearing the same outfits as last year on our first day, can we now?” She looks over her friend again more exaggeratedly, ”Well, one of us can’t be at least,”

Sabrina tried not to look too offended at the jab of her tardiness. Clearing her throat, she shifted her purse on her shoulder and shifted her feet. She didn’t even have time to stop by her own dorm to set everything down, she was too worried about not making it to Persephone on time.

Her eyes ran over Persephone’s outfit once more and she beamed, ready to speak about Tokyo when another jab hit her. The grin on her face faltered a bit before she quickly looked down at her own outfit to scrutinize it, even though she already knew it was brand new as well. She cleared her throat once more and forced a grin on her face. ”Well, I knew better than to outshine you.”

”If that's the story you're going with," Persephone replies, swiveling her chair back to her mirror. She stands up and wraps her perfectly manicured hand around the strap of her bag, throwing it over her shoulders. ”How's the riff-raff looking this year?"

Sabrina took just a moment to smooth out her outfit and allowed herself time to take a breath when Persephone’s back was turned. She ran a hand through her slick extensions and was glad when the conversation steered away from her. Rolling her eyes, she scoffed and shook her head. ”I really don’t understand how this school allows some of them in. That redhead bouncy whatever her name is was at the front gate with your brother, and I’m pretty sure I heard that Erik guy’s motorcycle. A few mice were in the halls as I made my way over to our dorm, so. It’s not looking very promising.”

Persephone listened with pursed lips, bobbing her head at her friend's works. ”Well that's no good, this place is going to be an utter wreck after I- I mean we- leave," she turns to the door of her room. ”What's fair about letting in the druggies and foster home kids in? Because they're poor, that should mean luxury is handed to them," she scoffs, nodding to the door for Sabrina to open it. ”I guess I should go see the damage for myself,"

Hurrying back over to the door, Sabrina opened it and stood to the side, knowing Persephone would want to exit first. She rolled her eyes in agreement and shook her head. ”They’re just going to continue to bring this place down. I don’t know how they expect us to all coexist together. They could literally like, kill us.”

Exactly!" Persephone agrees, walking through the door. Her pastel pink stilettos echo click click with every step as they hit the vinyl floor of the twins' recreational area. ”How was… was it Hawaii?" In all truth Persephone knew her friend was in Bali but even though they had essentially grown up together she felt she couldn't let her guard down with the woman. It was funny, it seemed in their mothers' persistence for their daughters to be friends for their own benefit they put the girls in a position they put Persephone in a position where she had to keep her almost soulless front in front of Sabrina, never truly being able to be close. Sabrina probably experienced something similar but Persephone never cared to ask what it was.

Sabrina did her best to keep up with the young woman; Persephone always walked fast and with a purpose. She admired that about her. Holding her purse strap close to her body, she kept closely behind her and tried to keep her breathing even. Wouldn’t do to pant. With a clearing of her throat, she had to force herself not to roll her eyes. She knew her mother had been in touch with Persephone’s mother all summer. Letting out a slow breath, she plastered a grin on her face, choosing to ignore the slip up. ”Bali was amazing. Sun, boys, the ocean. It was beyond perfect. How was your summer?”

”Oh, nothing too exciting, did a couple of weeks in Tokyo, a few in Europe, a week in New Zealand. Y'know, just the usual places," she says casually, walking through LaRue hall not once glancing back at the other girl to see if she could keep up. As they get to the double doors at the end of LaRue Place a concierge opens them with a nod. Without playing him any mind she walks out to the hustle and bustle of many more students. she stands in front of the doors, eying the crowds. Squeals and yells bounced around the courtyard accompanied but the sound of idle chatter. ”Yeesh, we really have some work to do this year. I heard they took on more delinquents this year. They should at least tell us who they are. Like, I'm not looking to get shanked at my school,"

”Right?” Pausing for a moment to catch her breath, Sabrina looked around the courtyard as well and scrunched her nose. ”I mean, what if one of those things came up to us- I mean, you, and thought he had a chance? Or her. Heard there’s a lot of questionable sexualities this year.” Sucking in her bottom lip with her teeth, she tilted her head in thought. ”How are we even supposed to know what class they belong to?”

At Sabrina's first statement Persephone gave a chuckle. ”Please, they can try all they want. It's only a complement… and some fun when they're told they can't have all this," she says? Readjusted her hair as she step put into the pavement of the school. ”You don't have any of those freaks on your mind do you, sabbie?"

”What?” She blinked before following her out, her question finally processing in her mind. ”No! No, of course not. They’re below us.” Though there are some fine looking ones. Sabrina shook her head and put a grin on her face. ”Only the best for us. Besides, I think I made a new friend this summer. He’s all the man I could need, trust me.”

At Sabrina bringing up the 'friend' Persephone stops in her tracks and turns to face the girl. ”Sabrina, you can't trust that someone on the other side of the world is going to wait just for you and do you really just want to be another option?"

Stopping just short of running into her, Sabrina blinked and furrowed her brows. She shifted her feet as she meekly shook her head. ”No, but it isn’t like that. He said he’s from the states. Didn’t really get into much detail, but. We’re just friends. Keeping it as friends. Besides, I’m too busy with you and school, so.”

Persephone cocked her head, ”He said? Don't tell me you've never met him? He could easily be one of the deli- you know what, nevermind. You do you, boo. We have an assembly to go to," she says turning back toward the school and continuing on the path. ”Have you seen Al this morning, I guess I should know where he's put himself this morning,"

Sabrina did her best to hurry after her, her heels clacking against the pavement. She had wanted to change clothes from her trip before the assembly, but of course Persephone didn’t even bother to consider that. With a sigh, she pushed her hair off her shoulders. ”Last I saw, he was being himself with whoever arrived at the main gates. He could possibly still be there.”

”Predictable," she replies with a shrug. Keeping her course for the assembly. She cared for her brother really but he seemed so set in his routine. As she walked past some of the junior she greeted a couple with backhanded comments, a couple of other with compliments on their clothes before turning to Sabrina and mimicking sticking a finger in her mouth. ”Man, this year must be the worst. What do you think this hellhole'll look like when we leave?"

She couldn’t help a snicker as Persephone continued to judge everyone’s clothing. It was like they never parted. With a shake of her head, she looked around at everyone, making eye contact with a few boys who were up to her liking. ”Oh, naturally it’s going to fall apart. Who’s going to be left behind to make sure it’s a prestiged establishment?”

”No one, Sabbie, that's who. Now, the back to school dance is coming up and I need someone to go with," she says, scouring the area all the same as her friend. ”The problem is is there actually any eligible men here anymore? It seems the few that seem fine can just never remember how much I add to their value alone,"

Sabrina stopped and blinked at that. She had completely forgotten about the back to school dance. Her nose scrunched as she looked at all the eligible people on the courtyard. There was one person she had in mind for herself, but they were only a secret. Couldn’t out themselves just yet. Or maybe ever. Clearing her throat, she folded her arms across her chest and shrugged. ”Too bad most of the good looking ones are poor. Maybe Sebastian? Or Lucas, you still like him, right? They’re good choices for you.”

”Sab, ewwwww,” Persephone complains, scrunching her nose, as her friend suggests 2 of her most recent exes. ”That’d be like drinking my vomit, I’m not going back to guys who can’t understand how amazing I am,” she chastises. With another sweep of the grounds she gives another sigh. ”Let’s hope someone comes up soon. What about you? Have you got someone to go with?”

Her cheeks flushed a bit at Persephone’s comment about her exes. She knew, of course, they were her exes, but didn’t she always go back and forth with Lucas? With a sigh, she nodded slightly. ”You’re right, you’re right. Apologies. They definitely didn’t appreciate you.” Sabrina bounced lightly on her heels as a small grin spread on her face. ”I don’t know, yet. The school year has only just begun. There’s so many new prospects that could be exciting.”

”I suppose you’re right,” Persephone sighs. Thinking through the guys at school the face of one did come to mind but she shut it down instantly. There was many freaks she wouldn’t be caught dead with and he was one by far. Not that she had feelings for him, jut her stupid brain picking someone memorable- but not in that way she commanded her thoughts. ”Senior year, let’s make the absolute best of it,” Persephone muses before stomping into the multifunction hall.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
Avatar of WolfLover

WolfLover Dreamer and Writer

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Collab with @Days

As Noah walked outside, she glanced around for familiar faces but couldn’t find any. Or well, not any that she wanted to speak to, anyways. She wondered if Erik had already arrived, and Seb. Lucas? But her priority was food, right now. She was starving and had nothing in her dorm room yet. Passing by a line of people waiting for their room assignments and keys, Noah glanced towards Edgebaston’s gates. Alistair was standing there, hurling insults at whoever came in through those gates. Noah rolled her eyes and walked on towards Cavendish Hall. She was hungry, and hungry meant cranky. Her father’s call didn’t help, either. She was barely away from him for 24 hours, and he was already all up in her business. At the very least, she could ignore her phone more while at school. Pretend to be busy, or running, or literally anything but have time to call. She wanted to punch a punching bag at the gym soon, though.

She got lost in thought, walking the familiar paths towards the cafeteria, but a voice she knew all too well startled her out of her trance. He even said boo. Noah put on an annoyed face as Sebastian moved in front of her. She looked up at the man before her. Her ex. He was smirking down at her and Noah raised one side of her upper lip in a snarl, but after, a small smile played on her lips anyways. "Missed me?"

Yes, very much. ”No. Who are you, exactly?” she teased. But then, he held up a box in front of her. Her facade immediately fell and her eyes sparkled at the sight, recognising this particular container, and who’s home it came from. Did he say cookies? She’s had the pleasure of eating his mother’s cookies before. They are beyond divine and Noah didn’t think she could find cookies like these elsewhere in a store.

He raised an eyebrow at her snarl. Even cranky, she managed to look cute. “Cranky much already?” His tone slightly teasing. It was only the first day of the Academic Year and already his ex was in a foul mood if he ever saw her in one. Chuckling at her joke, he pulled a face in her direction. “Haha, very funny Noah.” His eyes rolled slightly; If he didn’t know she was joking; he would have taken offence to that comment and his right eye would have been twitching like crazy. “Let me guess, your dad put you in a bad mood with one of his phone calls?” Taking a guess.

She put her phone and wallet between her legs and took the box from Seb’s hands. ”Oh my God. You have no idea how much I needed this right now.” Not willing to wait, she opened the container and eagerly took out a cookie, taking a bite from it right then and there, and she didn’t care who saw. ”Ugh. Bless your mom.” she said as she gave a satisfied moan at the wonderful taste, and took another bite.

Sebastian watched with a slight amusement expression as Noah practically dug into the cookie box right in the open.

He cautioned lightly; “Slow down, don’t need you choking on me.” Seb was glad that the cookies hit the right spot. Knowing full well how her dad kept her on a strict running diet. Sebastian thought it was full of bull shit. Which is why he always brought her the ‘good stuff’ that she wasn’t allowed to eat. Luckily her parents haven’t met him…not really. Let’s just say it wouldn’t go down well if they had. He’s not someone that most parents would approve of. And there was the fact that Sebastian brought Noah food that her father forbade her from having. Another black mark against him.

Noah swallowed another bite before putting the half-eaten cookie back in the container and closing the lid, clearing her mouth before speaking. She took her phone and wallet from between her legs and placed them on top of the box, holding the items against her with her right hand. A soft smile tugged at her lips. ”I won’t give you the pleasure of choking and having you save me. You wouldn’t let me live it down.”

“That and Erik would probably kill me, if I let you choke on my watch.” Having been concerned about her quick eating; he didn’t fully take notice of what was different about Noah. Not until she was closing the cookie box. It was then that he noticed something glistening against her arm in the sun-light. Tilting his head slightly; his eyes widened in excitement. “Noah Park! You rebel you!” Seb chuckled as he clapped his hands together “You got a tattoo!” He was grinning like an excited small kid at their favourite candy store. Impressed that she had finally been brave enough to get one herself.

A flash of her tattoo caught her eye, and Noah still wasn’t used to the black text adorning her arm. She locked eyes with Sebastian, gazing into his differently coloured eyes. The young woman couldn’t help but smile about it. She’s not used to people being able to see it. She nodded in confirmation.

”Yeah, me and Erik got a matching one over the summer. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, but, I love it.” Gazing at her tattoo, something clicked in Noah’s mind. She raised the hand that wasn’t holding her items and slapped Seb on the chest before he could cover. Her strength wouldn’t hurt him, anyways. ”You told me it didn’t hurt! But it did, a lot!” With an exaggerated pout, Noah looked down at her arm once more.

Sebastian liked the look of a tattoo on her arm. It suited her. “It suits you. I was wondering how long it’d take you to cave in and get a tattoo yourself.” He said honestly. Knowing she had been toying with the idea partially, when they were still together. As she playfully slapped him across his chest, he just chuckled. An amused look on his face. “Oi..” Even though it didn’t hurt, he still gave her a ‘what for’ look. Shaking his head, Seb tried not to look too amused. “Correction. I said it didn’t hurt me, when I was getting mine done. Think you misunderstood.” He said teasingly. But he was sure Erik was there to help her get through it. “So…do momma and papa dearest know you got it?” Seb questioned with a raised eyebrow, wondering if she was honest with her parents about it or not.

Noah rolled her eyes playfully. She knew it was going to hurt but, she didn’t expect to cry. Luckily Erik only chuckled at her a little and held her hand. ”No, they don’t know. I kept it hidden from them over the past week. Thankfully my mom is all ‘sunlight bad, coverage good’, so I could cover up without being questioned.” Noah answered, shifting her weight to her other leg as she looked up at him. ”You had it right, though. It was my father calling before. At home was a difficult week.” She told him. Details weren’t needed, Seb knew how her father was. ”Speaking of terrible dads, how’s yours?” She asked him. Noah wasn’t one to beat around the bush. She didn’t like his father and wouldn’t hide that. She knew he wasn’t telling her the full story when they texted over the summer, too. So, she couldn’t help but find herself worrying.

“That bad huh?” He asked with a slight sigh. Sebastian could only imagine that Mr Park was constantly bothering her about ‘running’ and more diet requirements and such. Sebastian wasn’t sure if he was expecting her parents to know about the tattoo or not. His original guess would have been a no. And it seemed like he was right. “You’re lucky you got away with it.” He spoke with a warm chuckle.

As Noah mentioned his own father; he made a face. Clearly, she always knew when he kept something from her. Even now when they were broken up. “Urgh.” Huffing slightly. Guess he couldn’t keep his annoyance to himself any longer. As much as he wanted to tell Noah, he didn’t want to make her first day more stressful by telling her about his own father issues. But finally gave in, knowing she wouldn’t let him off without telling her the truth. “Just gets worse and worse. He managed to turn Charlotte’s early birthday party into a total utter disaster.” His face couldn’t hide his anger and annoyance that he felt when it came to the man that had helped raise him. Or was it lack of raising him, with how much he had been absent due to his job? His fist curling in his anger. Knuckles turning white with his tight grip.

A sigh left her as she raised her left hand, placing it on his bicep and squeezing it in a way of comfort before letting it fall to her side again. ”I’m sorry Sebbie. I can rough him up a little, if you like?” There was a mischievous grin on her face. She has offered this many, many times before. ”I’m sorry for Charlotte too. She’s transferring here, right?”

Feeling her warm touch against his arm; he managed a soft smile. Her touch was always soothing to him. His fist slowly uncurling for a few seconds. But a slight groan escaped him at the sound of an all too familiar nickname that he hated…yet loved. Not that he’d tell her that. It’d ruin his ego. Yet he somehow always let her get away with it, despite his complaining. “Do you have to keep calling me that? Makes me sound like a Golden Retriever.” Sebastian told her playfully. Hearing her offer, he knew how often she joked about doing that. “I might have to take you up on that offer, especially after the latest bombshell he sprung on us.” Just thinking about that dinner made him angry. His fist once again curled tightly.

At the mention of his sister, he nodded. “She’s in your Junior Class. Charlotte’s just grabbing her dorm key and other information from the teachers.”

Noah nodded enthusiastically when he groaned about his nickname. Yes, she would keep calling him that. She knew Sebastian didn’t like to be called Sebbie, but it was her nickname for him, so it was special. He always let her say it, anyways. And she had spied a smile tugging at his lips sometimes when she used it. Looking up at him through her lashes, she searched his face when he spoke about this father. Seeing the anger flash through his face, his jaw clenched just like it does when he was particularly angry about something, and went a little too hard at the boxing bag in the school’s gym.

Then, she hummed in acknowledgement that Charlotte would be a Junior like her. She’d be sure to check in on her, knowing Seb would worry a little. Noah didn’t exactly know what Charlotte thought of her, but she and Seb were friends, and she hoped Charlotte would be nice to her at the very least. She found herself curious as to what kind of news his father could have dropped on him, but Noah glanced around. They were in a very public place, and she didn’t know if Sebastion would want to discuss it here, if at all. She’d maybe visit in his room, later. Still, her curiosity got the best of her. ”What did he say?”

A slight chuckle left him, as he saw her enthusiastic head nod about his nickname. He swore he'd get buried with it one day. Knowing that the nickname had pretty much stuck. For Noah, he’d put up with it. Sebastian had almost forgotten that they were in the open grounds of Edgebaston. But he was too pissed off with his father, to care if anyone else overheard at the moment. He’d deal with it later. “You know the woman he got caught cheating with last year? Married…they’re getting Married! And he’s not even fully divorced yet. And he has the fucking audacity to get engaged to that other woman and drop that bombshell during my sister’s early birthday dinner. Can you believe him? How dare he get engaged…and how dare he think that'd we’d be okay with being invited?! Oh and to top it off, he didn’t even get her a present. And no, 4000 in money does not count! It’s just him trying to buy Charlotte’s affections back with the lump sum!” As he spoke, he was getting more and more worked up. His tone raising with his frustrations.

Shifting her feet, Noah looked up at Sebastian with sympathetic eyes as she told him about his father and… that woman. The situation made her agitated. What kind of a person does that? She didn’t know Charlotte, but to have that dumped on you on your birthday? Must’ve been on purpose. Her eye usually already twitched at the mention of the woman Seb’s father cheated with, but now she had to swallow back her own anger. “Okay, I don’t know how to get rid of a body… yet. I’ll take care of it.” She stated, scanning his face to see if it lowered his temper. But when it didn’t, she did the only other thing she knew to do. Taking a step forward, she put her items in one hand and wrapped her arms around his waist. He was so much taller than her, and Noah momentarily placed her cheek on his chest. ”I’m sorry Seb. It’ll be okay.” She promised.

Some people walking by caught her eye, as they glanced at the pair, and Noah cleared her throat, stepping back to her previous position, her stance a little more awkward than before. ”We can talk more later, yours or mine. You should probably get settled in, okay?”

Hearing one of Noah’s familiar threats in regards to his father, he shook his head slightly. “I don’t need you getting caught trying to commit a murder.” Though he knew Noah had a tendency to joke about such things. It didn’t stop him from worrying about her. And the more he found himself worrying, the more confused he was with his own feelings. His anger slowly seemed to melt away again, when Noah embraced him. It felt warm and familiar. Her scent surrounded him, in almost a blanket of comfort. His arms wrapped around her petite frame. Holding her small figure against his chest. His chin slightly resting against her hair. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to vent your ear off. I know it’s a bit to take in.” Instantly apologising for him dumping so much on her in the span of a few moments. Sure their embrace might have turned a few eyes in their direction. It was rare for Seb to be seen like this. Most had seen him always walking around all ‘tough’ or ‘throwing come-backs at Alistair’ not a soft puppy version of him. Besides a few select people, that knew he was a softie deep down.

Letting his own arms fall back down to his side. He nodded slightly. “Yeah, we’ll catch up more later.” He promised her. Seb knew there were plenty of things still left to do in the day. Unpacking could wait till later. He always hated packing and unpacking; so found himself procrastinating on either account. “I am sure we’ll cross paths at the Assembly anyways.” He added with a light shrug.

Noah felt the air between them become charged with something Noah both didn’t expect nor could put her finger on. There was a tug in her chest, as it heaved softly up and down. His scent around her wasn’t anything she wasn’t used to, it had always been comfortable, calming. Now it was something that made her jaw tick and her heartbeat rise.

She shook her head, stray hairs coming free from behind her ears. ”Don’t be sorry. It’s what friends are for, right?” She flashed him a short smile, her neck craning to look at him. Her stomach made a churning sound, and she folded her arm over it, her free hand wrapping around the arm at her side still holding her items. Clearing her throat, she searched his face before her head made a curt nod. ”Ok. It’s a da- deal. Text me. And, if Charlotte needs someone in her corner this year, let me know. I won’t mind.” Her smile reached her eyes, which made her slightly chubby cheeks bunch up the skin next to her eyes. With a purse of her lips, she sidestepped out of his way. ”See you later, Sebbie.”
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