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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Campus - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Dance Monkey #4.001: A Change Is Gonna Come
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Crawling

A cloud hung over the Pacific Royal campus in the day following Haven’s rescue and Lorcán’s mysterious recovery. Daedalus had still managed to escape and neither Shiv nor Torres were any closer to discovering the mad scientist’s true identity. But despite the events of the last two weeks, all things were still a go on the Senior Formal and you could tell the upperclassmen were looking forward to a reason to kick back and blow off some steam.

Thursday arrived quickly after what had felt like the longest week since Jim had taken the reins of Pacific Royal. The students assisting Calliope, Harper and Gil had all arrived ahead of time to the Augmented Reality Center, turning the training facility into a full-blown Hollywood gala. Bartenders from the speakeasy had begun bringing in kegs and liquor to set up for the event while community contributors from the Mess Hall had begun work on the food for tomorrow's dance.

Jim stood in the center of the A.R.C., nodding his approval before departing. He had a meeting with Miranda scheduled and Teresa Torres was scheduled to return today as well. In his absence, he left the dance in the capable and pliable hands of Aaron Matthews, one of his closest colleagues.

Though he had no doubt he’d pay the price for it later.

Enrollment at Pacific Royal continued to drop, especially as word got around about Haven’s kidnapping, the sunken sub-basement and Lorcán’s attack in the Northern Forest. Team Eclipse in particular had lost almost all of their students save for three.

It was unprecedented, but Jim was considering combining the remaining members of Eclipse with those in Blackjack. Between the revelation about Pallyx, Mei’s departure and the fact the team seemed to always have at least one member in the infirmary, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to bring their numbers back up.

Blackjack had always been the most receptive to lost souls.

While students were expected to attend classes both today and tomorrow, Jim had no doubt that many in the senior class would be taking their leisure time or skipping class to catch a ferry to the mainland. Blackjack in particular was bound to be a big offender given their recent struggles and lack of other opportunities.

Jim still needed to have a talk with Rory regarding the endangerment of the team and his lack of trust to involve the faculty. Unfortunately, Tyler was a product of what the faculty had come to refer to as ‘the Hyperion Generation’. Students who had bore witness to the school’s greatest tragedy and thus the inability of the faculty to stop it. It eroded the trust those students held towards the authority around them and given the tragedies that had followed Jim couldn’t blame them entirely.

He was after the first true Chancellor in the last five years and unlike his predecessor, he wasn’t a terrorist.

Still, he was elected during ‘wartime’ and as such had a lot of tough decisions to make to keep the school afloat. Discussion with the team following Haven however had illuminated some new truths and while Jim still was holding Rory accountable as the team leader, it was interesting to know that Baxter had played a huge role in Haven’s rescue. To Jim’s understanding now, Harper had led the team effectively and while she too was to be blamed for the lack of trust in the administration, Jim wanted to cultivate her leadership and thus had deputized her alongside Rory to make up for Tad still being comatose.

Perhaps with holding each other accountable, a better course of decision-making would follow in the future.

“‘Course it is Blackjack, so probably not.” Jim muttered aloud to himself before taking a seat on a nearby bench as he watched the hustle and bustle of the campus.

Sometimes it was nice to just take a moment and be part of the world.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aurora,Lorcán called, his eyes slowly opening, no longer seeing the dark forest but rather the white lights of the infirmary, I love you, Aurora.

“Whoa, buddy!” He heard Cass call, his cousin was always one to ruin a tender moment. “About time you woke up.”

Suddenly Aurora’s smiling face was over him and Lorcán smiled back, struggling to move his hand to wipe away the tears he saw forming in the corners of her eyes, tears that were no doubt for him.

“It’s a miracle.” She breathed, placing her hand near him. It was surreal, this moment, this second chance he was given, they were given. And she definitely wasn’t going to waste it.

It wasn’t a miracle,Lorcán explained, patting his hand forward until he found Aurora’s, his eyes still firmly shut. She relished in the familiar warmth of his skin.

“Amma came in here in the middle of the night,” He continued and Aurora leaned in closer. Lorcán coughed slightly before he continued speaking.

“Amma. She did something to help.

Aurora’s eyes went wide, shock etched on her features.

"I-I..." She stammered, her eyes instantly beginning to water. With a sniffle, she managed to speak coherently. "You should go get Tori and Aiden, tell them he's awake. Ripley too."

"I need a minute."

No, don’t go! I want you here! Wait!

Without another word, she teleported out of the infirmary. Lorcán was left grasping empty air before his eyes closed again before they could well up as Aurora disappeared, slumber overtaking his body.
Location: The Infirmary - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University
Dance Monkey #4.002: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
Interaction(s): None
Previously: November Rain

“You absolute moron!”

Lorcán looked up from his meal, his eyes meeting Ripley’s as she burst into the hospital room followed shortly by Cassander. Lorcán felt fairly lucky at that moment that Ripley hadn’t inherited the family's penchant for fire based on her tone of voice and the anger in her eyes.

“You called Aurora, Amma while holding her hand?” Ripley’s volume only increased as she came around the bed beside Lorcán. “This is your good arm right?”


Lorcán suddenly winced as Ripley drove her fist into his bicep before following it up with two more quick punches. Cassander on the other hand simply leaned against the door frame, smirking in response to the exchange between the two.

“A little help?” Lorcán asked only for Cass to shake his head.

“No, no, even I agree with her, Lor.” Cassander responded, “I was there, I had to witness the hurt in Aurora’s eyes, I have no idea how you’re ever going to apologize for this one. She had tears streaming down her face, she couldn’t get out of here fast enough, Lor.” He rolled his eyes before speaking again.

“Say it with me now, Au-ror-a, nothing like Am-ma,” Cass deadpanned, “But instead you wake up and go ‘Mmm’ ‘Amma!’ ‘Oh, Amma, Amma baby just like that, He mocked, “Must have been one hell of a dream you were having about Elvira.”

“Absolute moron!” Ripley chimed in, giving Lorcán one last punch before finally sitting down. “I hope they gave you lime Jell-O.”

“Aw man,” Lorcán moaned, suddenly seeing the package of green, “They actually did-”

“Really the least of your concerns right now, cuz.”

“What do you expect me to do?” Lorcán asked, “I was on drugs, I wasn’t dreaming about Amma, I was trying to tell Aurora that it wasn’t a miracle, it was Amma. Amma did something to me.”

“Maybe wake up next time and say, I’ve loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you and I couldn’t die knowing I’d never get to look into your eyes again!” Ripley interjected, prompting both a look from Cass and Lorcán.

“Or, just start with getting the name right.” Cass retorted.

“I said ‘I love you, Aurora’ first.” Both cousins paused to look at Lorcán before Cass shook his head.

“As someone who was there, I can certainly assure you that you did not.”

“You responded,” Lorcán argued, “You said ‘Whoa buddy’ almost immediately,

Cass smacked a hand to his face before dragging it down his jaw in exasperation.

“You may think that’s what you said, but to the land of the living, you groaned.”

“Dude, no! Dude,” Lorcán was at a loss for words, his head spinning between Cass and Ripley, “Brah,”

“Bro,” Ripley replied, imitating Cass’ deadpan, “You fraked up.”

“Language!” Both Cass and Lorcán scolded the younger girl who rolled her eyes so hard they looked like they would vanish into the back of her head.

“You kiss our mother with that mouth, young lady?” Cass replied with a smirk before Ripley stood and slugged him in the arm.

“What’s ‘Rora’s favourite flower?” Ripley asked, turning back to Lorcán who had taken to poking the Jell-O cup with his fork.

“Uh, roses, no tulips, I think,”

“Then go and get about a hundred dozen tulips and place them all over her dorm room and maybe then she’ll think about forgiving you for calling her Amma!”

“I’m starting to think you’ve pissed Ripley off more than ‘Rora, Lor.” Cass chimed in with a small sneer before Ripley turned on him again. For a fourteen-year-old girl who was maybe ninety pounds soaking wet, she had already mastered ‘the look’.

“Of course I’m pissed off, because he hurt Aurora.” Ripley snapped, “You two need to talk, you need to apologize and you need to COM-MUN-I-CATE!” She continued, her voice growing in volume while Lorcán continued to absently poke at the cup of gelatin. Snatching the lime jell-o, Ripley hurled it at the wall as Cass tried to contain his mirth at the pint-size hurricane.

“Stop playing with your damn food and get some damn clothes on, get the hell out there and find Aurora!” Ripley yelled before spinning around and put a finger to Cass’s face, “And I dare you to reprimand me on my damn language.” Cass smirked but ultimately remained quiet before Ripley turned to leave, suddenly spinning around and lunging before backing off.

“That’s what I thought, huh, punk-ass bitch.”

Shaking his head, Cass raised a hand and flicked Ripley across the top of her ear, prompting a squeal of pain as she ducked and moved out of arm’s reach before looking again to Lorcán.

“Move your ass, Roth!”

“Then get out, I ain’t hanging eleven in front of you kooks,” Lorcán responded looking for his clothes as Ripley suddenly realized the validity of his comment.

“Okay, but if you’re not out in five minutes, I’m sending Cass back in.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Myotis Dorm → Dining Hall - Pacific Royal Campus
Dance Monkey #4.003: Somebody Else
Interaction(s): Texts sent to Harper @Qia, Haven @Skai, and Rory @webboysurf
Previously: November Rain

Aurora had teleported from the infirmary directly to her dorm room, overcome with all sorts of conflicting emotions.

Less than 24 hours ago she thought she was going to lose her best friend and somehow he had made a full recovery. It was nothing short of a miracle, and she was absolutely relieved and overjoyed that Lorcán was going to be okay. Not only that, but she had wanted to get the chance to tell him how she felt, how consumed she was by her feelings for him and how she realized that losing him would mean losing a part of herself.

But his first words when he awoke were devastating to hear. She didn’t know what she had been expecting to happen when he stirred, but it certainly wasn’t hearing him ask for Amma. Aurora wasn’t upset that it wasn’t her own name that was spoken, she could have cared less that he wasn’t asking for her specifically. Hell, he could have asked for just about anyone and she simply would have been content that he was coherent.

It was that of all the people he could have asked for, of all the names he could have said, he said hers.

The girl who he swore was no more than a friend, the girl he had explained that he was only trying to be nice to, welcoming towards. She was the first person that he thought of when he came to. The redhead for some reason thought she truly had a chance, that every fleeting glance, every moment spent together, the night in the tent and the night in his dorm were signs that she and him were destined to be more, fated to be together. Aurora had spent his hospital stay uselessly romanticizing the moments that they had, building things up in her head to be more than they truly were, only to be torn down within seconds of him opening his eyes.

Aurora felt stupid, embarrassed, ashamed that she believed Lorcán could actually love someone like her. She was a broken girl from a broken home, had nothing to offer him, and he knew it.

All she could do when she got to her dorm room, confounded with these mixed feelings, was lay down on her bed and cry; she was pretty sure she’d single handedly been keeping the tissue companies in business, after all, she'd cried more in the last 5 days than she had in her entire life.

Kelcey had come back from class to find Aurora a mess and sat there with her for as long as it had taken for the girl to calm down and the tears to stop flowing. Their other roommates returned, concerned and curious, and so the brunette suggested that she and the redhead go and get something to eat to have some space. So, they found themselves at the mess hall eating an early lunch.

As they sat at the table, Aurora picking at her plate absentmindedly, she finally got around to replying to her texts from the last few days. She’d barely touched her phone since Lorcán was admitted and seemingly all hell had broken loose in the time she’d spent disconnected. The girl shot off a few messages after getting up to speed with everything that had happened.

Thank you again for being there for me the other day, don’t know what I’d do without you ♥
Just saw your messages, let's definitely do something, a girl's night would be great.
I can stop by later?
Oh my god, I heard about what happened, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that.
I know we haven’t talked since the trial, but I feel absolutely terrible that I wasn’t there for you.
Please forgive me ☹
Sorry for not replying the other day, really appreciate you checking in on me though.
Hope you’re doing alright with everything that's happened… really glad Haven is okay. I feel awful I wasn't there for the team.
Also, Lorcán’s awake and should be discharged today! You can tell everyone if they don't already know.
After sitting in silence for the majority of their meal, Kelcey addressed what she thought was the elephant in the room.

“Aurora, babes, you’ve gotta figure out what you’re doing about the dance.” She stated, and as she saw Aurora’s eyebrows immediately raise, her tone softened. “Look, I know you’ve had a really tough week, but now that Lorcán is better you should really come, and I think it’d be good for you to do something for yourself.”

The redhead was quick to shake her head.

“I don’t know, Kelce, even if I wanted to,” She paused, “Which, I don’t,” Emphasizing her wishes before continuing, “The dance is tomorrow. I don’t have a date, but more importantly I don’t have a dress. I’ve got nothing to wear.”

“I’m sure someone on campus has something you could borrow,” Kelcey insisted, looking around the dining hall with her dark brown eyes, “You know, now that I’m thinking about it, I’m pretty sure Brynn bought two dresses when we went to the mainland over the weekend, let me go and ask her,”

“Kelcey, wait,” Aurora called after her, but the brunette was already gone, booking it across the room to go and talk to one of their housemates. She sighed, pushing the food on her plate around with her fork as her roommate instigated on her behalf, a woman clearly on a mission. And when Kelcey wanted something, no one could stand in her way.

“Can I join you?” A deep voice asked, and Aurora looked up to meet the steely gaze of Chadwick Patterson who motioned to the now empty seat across from her. Surprised to see him, even more surprised he was talking to her of all people, she simply nodded. He pulled out the chair and sat down, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back casually, his large muscles taught and toned.

“Was sorry to hear about Roth, not to mention Blackjack’s had a pretty rough go recently.” Chad commented, “I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for you.”

Aurora didn’t know much about Chad other than the basics, as his reputation preceded him. He was popular, the Captain of the Water Polo team and a talented athlete. They had been in a few classes together over the years and were acquaintances at most. It certainly helped his case that he was also easy on the eyes.

“No it hasn’t,” The redhead responded, a bit taken back by his words of sympathy, “Not exactly how I pictured the beginning of my senior year.” She attempted to joke, setting down her fork and running a hand through her copper locks.

“I’m sure.” He concurred, before uncrossing his arms and leaning towards her, “Look, I know you’re probably wondering why I came over, I just couldn’t help but overhear that you don’t have a date for the dance tomorrow.”

“And as it just so happens, neither do I.”

Aurora’s brows furrowed, confusion evident on her face. How could someone like Chad not have a date to the dance? He surely had his pick, any girl would be fortunate to go with him if he had asked them.

“Would you want to go with me?”

Okay, maybe not every girl.

Her head conflicted with her heart almost instantly. Flashes of fiery orange eyes and tousled wavy sun bleached hair danced across her vision and her heart told her that if she wanted to go with someone, it’d be him. But Lorcán hadn’t asked her to the dance, had mentioned wanting to go with someone but didn’t indicate who. Especially considering that the first person he had asked for when he woke up was Amma, it was seeming more and more unlikely that he meant her, which is why her head said…

“Sure,” The redhead replied with a smile that felt a tad forced, her face growing warm with his attention pinned solely on her, “That’d be great.”

It wasn’t what she wanted, not in the slightest, but it was the logical decision. Chad had made the effort to ask her, it made sense to say yes. At least that’s what she told herself as he smirked, clearly pleased with her response to his question. He was a nice guy and seemed like he’d make a decent date, even if she wasn't in the proper headspace or mood to appreciate it.

“Rora, she said that- oh.Kelcey started to say as she returned, but upon seeing the boy sitting there, quickly abandoned the previous topic, surprise etched on her features. Hey Chad, didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“No problem, I was just leaving actually.” He stood, and it was only then Aurora realized how tall he actually was. ”I’ll pick you up at 8.” He winked at the redhead before acknowledging Kelcey with a nod and walked away. The brunette looked at him quizzically before quickly scrambling into the seat upon his departure and leaning across the table towards her friend.

“Am I hallucinating? I leave you alone for no less than 5 minutes, and this happens,” She tried to whisper but her excitement made it come out more as a rasp, motioning where he was previously sitting. “What the hell did I just miss?”

Still a bit flustered, Aurora’s eyes were fixed in the direction that he headed off to. “I, uh, I have a date to the dance.” She stated sheepishly, to which Kelcey’s face lit up even further.

Chadwick Patterson asked you to the dance, no fucking way.” The brunette turned her head to glance over at him as he rejoined his teammates on the other side of the mess hall, “Rora, he’s hot. You scored.” She looked back at her roommate, a devilish glint in her eye, “Now you really need to find a dress. Brynn doesn’t have one for you to borrow, anyone else you can think of? Maybe one of your teammates?”

The redhead paused, thinking of who she could ask this late in the game, and her conversation with Ripley from the other day quickly came to mind.

You should ask Aunt Tori, it might be some sort of 80’s fit, but what’s old is new again.

“I think I have an idea.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Infirmary - PRCU
Dance Monkey #4.004: Rare Birds

Interaction(s): Rory @Webboysurf, Amma @Rockette
Previously: I Just Wanna Save You

The night had gone by slowly for the couple as they tried their best to recover from the events of the last day. Haven remained in a state of shock for most the night as her mind grappled with the complicated emotions that kept her from sleep. She sat crisscrossed in the bed they gave her. It was hard to get comfortable in a place so similar to her nightmares. The room reminded her of the trial, and thus reminded her of the fate she’d somehow escaped. The IV placed in her arm, meant to provide hydration, only made her discomfort worse. She found herself absentmindedly scratching at the bandage they’d taped over it too many times to count. It was a wonder that she hadn’t ripped it out of her arm yet.

Her wings had been dislocated from the sockets that sat in the center of her back, courtesy of the gurney and its impact with the concrete walls of the lab. The relaxants they’d given her to deal with the pain of repositioning the joints had also fortunately eased her terror of allowing anyone wearing a lab coat to get near the sensitive limbs, let alone touch them. She tried to think of it as a blessing that she hardly remembered the ordeal besides Rory’s concerned face as he held her hand beside her.

Yet as the relaxants wore off, Haven found herself caught between restlessness and exhaustion. She fidgeted with the strings of her jacket as she tried to stay awake. She’d refused to change out of her clothes, if only to remain in control of one thing on her body, and she’d also kept Rory from leaving to gather new ones. He’d offered the shirt he brought in his duffle bag but she also couldn’t bear to tear holes in it for her wings either. Her damp socks, of course, had been removed and swapped with a warm pair of grippies courtesy of the nurses.

When her exhaustion eventually claimed her, it was a fitful rest filled with what she had seen within the lab. Horrific images of the students whose fate had been worse than her own. Their bodies marred by Daedalus’s artful display of cruelty. She awoke nauseous only to find relief in a nearby trash bin. She didn’t return to sleep afterwards. Instead, she watched Rory nod off once more after he woke to her movements. His gentle breathing soothed her from his place on the couch he’d pulled up beside the bed.

By the time the morning crew came to check in, Haven came close to begging for a break from the white walls of the room. Their sympathy was written clearly on their face as they allowed her to take her morning in the courtyard, but only after she’d had her breakfast and a protein shake to double her nutrition intake. It hadn’t taken her long to eat. She found herself starving after going a day without food. The breakfast smelling and tasting better than it ever had before.

The morning light of the infirmary’s courtyard soon greeted Haven and Rory as they stepped out of the sliding glass doors together. The warmth warmed Haven’s skin and feathers, the color of the garden at the yard’s center providing instant relief from the white halls within the building. Haven released a breath in a relieved sigh, before she turned her head to her tall companion to watch as he picked up the IV pole that was near empty beside them. She offered him a grateful, yet tired smile before the pair made their way onto the grass.

She moved to sit in the sun, close by the tree that took up the center of the courtyard. She skipped the bench for obvious reasons, but mostly to allow her wings to soak up the rays that had just begun to fill the square space in between the buildings.

Rory carefully set up Haven’s IV drip, making sure to avoid any tangles and securing the legs to avoid it toppling. His hands still faintly shook, which caused him to clench them into fists to steady them again. When he was confident it was secure, he lowered himself down into the grass. He had changed while Haven had slept, slipping into an old t-shirt and shorts he had hurriedly packed for Haven the day before. He wished he had remembered to grab one of her shirts from the laundry. Now, though, he just sat awkwardly quiet in the grass. His nervous eyes remained fixed on Haven, as if she was going to disappear at any second. But any thoughts he had remained to himself, stirring around in his mind like a whirlwind.

Haven took to removing the infirmary’s slippers first, and then the socks. She dug her feet into the grass unashamedly. The feeling of its cool strands between her toes set her at ease, the connection to the earth providing solace. She stretched her wings out beside her, and when the pressure in the middle of her back prevented her from pushing them further, she allowed them to slump into the grass as well. Her head tilted back to catch the sun on her face as her eyes closed. The warm and cold mixture of the green below and the sun above made her feel like she was in her own personal spa.

“You should try it,” Haven murmured before she looked at Rory. Her toes wiggled in the grass. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw the look in his eyes. Among the grief she felt for the missing students there was a special place for Rory. A piece of her that yearned to settle the anxiousness that made his hands shake each time he used them. He’d always been thoughtful, and maybe a bit socially anxious, but she’d never seen him so unsettled as this. Her eyes softened as her hand reached for him. “I’m here, Rory. Be here with me.”

Rory nodded shakily, seeming to snap awake from a daydream. He scooted a little closer, removing his own waterlogged sneakers and socks before lying down in the grass next to Haven. He laid on his side, grasping her hand with one of his as he took a couple breaths. He had a million things coursing through his mind, a hundred questions he wanted to ask, and dozens of answers he needed. He knew what she was trying to do. ”I’m here… trying to be, I guess.” Failing was a more accurate word, but she didn’t need to be worrying about him. ”How are your wings? Better than last night?”

Haven pressed her lips together for a moment as she tried to simplify the state of her wings into a few words. She could let all of her emotions pour out of her, uncap the well of grief and fear and anger that lingered in her chest, and break down here in the courtyard. She chose to save that for later, when she’d sorted out the good emotions and the bad, and when she would be able to control the words that came out of her mouth. “They’re still sore… and I’m not sure how long it will be until I can fly again.” A muscle in her neck ticked as the statement seemed to crush her heart. Her eyes fell to where their fingers intertwined. “But they feel better already. I can rest them while I spend time with you.” Her eyes returned to his blues. Her heart felt lighter when she looked at him, as if none of it really mattered if she had him by her side. He held the entire sky in his gaze and she thought she could get lost in it without moving a feather.

“I’m… lucky to have you, Rory. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

The last person she had expected to see, much less the pair of them, was Haven with Rory as a literal shadow that fretted over her condition with a keen eye that only one of affectionate embellishments could maintain. They are the representative of serenity that flitted by on the dregs of pain and heartache, the completion of one, of unity, glimmering in the intimacy that surrounded them in the lamplight of what Amma could assume was one thing: love.

A curious thing, a thing of dejected blue eyes and quivering lips as she recalled, a thing of smiling praise and delicate touches; a line of insanity and hopeless wonder to the means of the heart undone that was drawn unto the earth before her. A shadow of the unknown that fell away to the beast that recognized the bonding of her spirit now conceding to her blossoming humanity of feeling something yonder the chasm of endless fury and depravity she harbors.

She doesn’t like it. It frustrates her beyond measure, it compounds the decision she has made and the freedom slowly spooling away from her grasp every day the sun rises and falls. She wishes she could take it back, she wishes she could return to a night of flame wherein she had lashed out against hopes and dreams and could-be’s, she wishes sometimes and wonders aloud the what-ifs that fell to the intricacies of fate and destiny therein that still chained her to shadow and ruin.

Her hands won’t stop shaking now, not since she had seen him, and she can’t figure out why.

Amma watches them for only a few seconds longer, the warmth of the sun bidden to her rather subdued impression, hair braided over her shoulder donned in a blue-gray blouse, shadows marked unto the hallows of her striking stare and exhaustion wreathed through her eyes lost in a muted shade of blue. She wants to know, she has to ask. She’s afraid of the answers.


“Haven,” she mutters, approaching them both with a soft gait, intentional and with purpose, arms crossed as she studies them, lashes panned down low on her gaze that slid over Haven first, from wing to foot, and then to Rory, the last conversation they had pulled to the forefront of her mind. “Rory…” she rejoins, lips drawn down, brows lowered.

“How-” Amma finally relinquished her gaze, opting instead to glance towards the dog wood tree she had claimed of late as her area of rest and contemplation. “I would ask: how are you doing.” She confessess, shoulders drawn up tight. “But, I already know.”

Haven heard the soft steps of the woman with two names before she heard her own name uttered. The tone suggested a familiarity that Haven had not heard before. She looked between Rory’s eyes, feeling like there was more to say between them, but unable to do it in front of an audience she turned her head to greet a darker shade of blue. Eyes that seemed to look into her soul and not just at her recovering condition.

As if Amma had been in this state of mind before, but to a more horrific degree of anguish.

Amma’s words were almost lost to Haven. Her mind was occupied by another’s voice. His frightening tone, the possessive words he spoke, and his enraged expression echoed in her mind and rattled her present comfort. Her hand tightened around Rory’s as she grounded herself with his touch. Her toes curled in the grass. She blinked as she registered what had been said at present. Amma could understand her now. Maybe she could help sort out the emotions that Haven couldn’t understand. Her grip softened, swallowing against the lump that had formed in her throat, and she simply gave Amma a nod.

“It was hard to sleep last night.” She murmured, glancing Rory’s way. “Rory kept me company, thankfully.”

He gave Haven’s hand a slight squeeze at her words, shooting Amma a sharp glance. But even that softened, as he remembered what she had done the day before. He looked between the two women for a moment, before silently slipping a hand out of Haven’s grasp so he could rise to his feet. He brushed the dirt and grass off his butt, muttering, ”I’ll… be over there if you need me.” He nodded to one of the benches on the other side of the courtyard, and meandered his way over. He gave Amma a wide berth, unconsciously scratching at the faint lines on his arms.

Haven was confused at first, but soon offered a nod of understanding. Her eyes followed him as he walked away. Drawn to the way he scratched at the remains of the trial’s harm, she reminded herself of how she felt when she first saw them. How she had wondered if certain arcs of silver and scarlet had been the cause. She still didn’t know how to comprehend that her saviour had been his aggressor on the same day. Especially now that she and Amma were more alike than they had ever been before.

She turned her gaze toward the woman in question, her eyes ablaze with the embers of anger briefly before they were doused by the understanding that Amma was no creature of malice. When Amma revealed her past in the trial, Haven had imagined masked figures standing over her youthful form as they inflicted their methods upon her. Yet now… all she saw was the grin of a monster looming over her. A terrifying sight contrasting the soothing motions of his hand as it caressed her face. Haven now knew how it felt to be at the hands of someone without mercy. She felt the fear and anger settled deep within her chest and worried how easily it could consume her. A feeling she thought Amma carried with her with each step, ready to lash out at anyone who might inflict pain once more. She couldn’t imagine Rory dealing the first blow, but she wondered if the trial’s tricks had played him right into Amma’s hand at her worst moment.

“Sit with me.” Her tone was soft, devoid of any demand or force behind it. She hoped that since Amma approached there would be no cold shoulder given to her empathy again. Maybe Amma had just as many questions as Haven did, and that would be her reason to stay.

Witnessing the two of them together, in such synchronzation, in such harmony, it bade Amma’s gaze to soften, just so, a barely there shimmer of silver within a sea of writhing blue- calmed before the storm looming before her, on the words unspoken betwixt them that would bloom to the surface as soon as the inquiries were lain bare. She knew it, as did Haven, from the way her eyes of greens and browns banked deep with an inner sanctum of fury at the hopelessness of cruelty that saw her taken from the arms of the man she cared for.

Was this too a form of love that Aurora so proudly championed? Emotions fitted so carefully to their delicate touches and words, from the softness of Rory’s voice and the breadth of his glare that too yielded to her presence on mute understanding and acceptance. She held her breath all the more, refusing to break her glance, noting those faint scars and did not balk at the sudden swathe of guilt that churned through her breast.

Damn them all for this wretched heart pumping away yonder bone and blood; the void of self stricken anew with the coming dawn.

Her brow lowered, lashes too that fluttered on the coolness of her words before she deigned to sit with her, the grass cool whilst the sun ran over her pale figure, legs adorned in black stretched out before her before tucked and crossed, her weight positioned forward, hands upon the seat of her lap and clutched, the insist tremble lanced through her scarred palms that fought to conceal. A weakness she’d rather not spare, not when she was uncertain of its peculiar cause. For that, Amma is silent, head canted to one side and plait slid over her shoulder as she regarded Haven with near detachment, until she breathed in deep and finally said:

“I’m sure you have questions. Or rather, answers now to things you should’ve never known.”

Haven seemed to mirror Amma’s movements as she adjusted her legs to accommodate her new companion, crisscrossing them while her back remained straight so that she wouldn’t have to shift her sore wings behind her. A heaviness returned to her chest with Amma’s words, her shoulders slumping forwards ever so subtly. Her eyes turned to the grass before her, where her feet had made an indent in the green. The stalks were already beginning to pop back into their upright place. Soon there wouldn’t be a trace of her left there. She pulled at a strand of grass beside her. It plucked out of the ground easily, leaving her to play with it between her fingers as she mulled over her next words carefully. She didn’t dare bring anything forth that might upset them both when Amma had just sat down. She had something she needed to say before they went into the deep waters of their anguish.

“I… need to thank you again. You really helped the team last night.” She glanced into those deep blue eyes, somehow finding it difficult to withstand that piercing gaze. Still, she pushed through her inhibitions, and made sure each emotion that drove her next words out of her lips was clearly shown in the forest lain within her eyes. “I’m so sorry,” her voice wavered, but she recovered its strength quickly, “that no one was there to save you from him.”

If she’d been more inclined, Haven would have reached for Amma’s hand. Yet she had too many questions overwhelming her thoughts. She worried that they would all come spilling out of her at once if she crossed through that cautious space between them. She wanted to respect Amma’s past, especially when the matter concerned something so terrifying. She needed to choose her words carefully this time because it was nothing like the trial, and she certainly didn’t feel as brave as she had been before.

Amma is quiet, if only for a moment, her eyes locked onto Haven’s, refusing to budge as she simply said: “I don’t… Remember. Most of it.” She’s not even sure who he is, the name spoken to her before that she could not place and the following ache in her head that left her without the effort and want to try and decipher why.

“Maybe that’s for the best, but sometimes I-” She pauses, finally releasing her gaze and looking heavenward, where the sun bathes them both in darling rays of light. “I see and feel them. I remember the dark most of all. I remember every. Single. Injection.” Her nails spear through her palms there, clenched tight into trembling fists.

“I don’t remember how I got out. But I did. And so did you.” Amma’s eyes carefully find Rory in the distance, every gesture attuned to Haven in such a way that for the first time she feels…

“We both made promises. I told him I would make sure he was able to fulfill his. Nothing more.”

Her tanned hand clenched the grass between her knuckles once again as Amma offered more moments of heartache. The muscles in her back tensed, and she winced at the discomfort at the center. The discomfort of knowing nothing about what might have been done in that lab before her team found her. Her wings remained, so that had to be a reason to believe that he’d been interrupted before he could harm her, right?

She watched the tremors in Amma’s fist and remembered how her own had shaken that way. Both women shared the crescent moon shapes on their palms now. Haven’s would heal, thankfully, but Amma was less fortunate. She’d been fighting for control for so long now.

We got out. Haven thought as her eyes were drawn to Amma’s expression. She noticed where the haunted eyes were looking. There was no doubt Rory watched the pair with an anxious gaze. Her heart felt heavier with Amma’s words, as she realized that Rory must have mentioned his promise to Amma. It ached as she thought of how worried he must have been. How his hands hadn’t stopped shaking since he first unbuckled one of those straps. Tears began to prick at the edges of her vision, but she closed her eyes until the feeling subsided. She plucked another piece of grass from beside her and pressed it between her thumb and pointer. Her next words came unfiltered and raw.

“There was a moment that I believed Daedalus. He said that he wasn’t going to let me go. I’m scared that he’ll come back.” She couldn’t bring herself to tell Rory this, even though she knew that she should. He’d never let her out of his sight again. Her breath hitched as she felt panic creeping up her spine, but she soothed it with a small breath. Amma needed to know too-

“He was furious that they saved you from him. You’re the only one who’s ever escaped him, until now.” Her eyes were pained as she looked at Amma again, a question lingering on her tongue for a moment before it also spilled from her lips. “I want to know… Did he take anything from you?”

She tries, she really does, but Amma cannot contain the sputtering of red that descends with the utterance of that name. It begins as scarlet fragments bidden through her fists that slowly churn up her arms, every muscle strained and tensed and bunched beneath her inked skin as her gaze immediately snaps towards Haven aglow with tremors that wreck through her body.

“They took everything from me.” Feathering edges of black bloom with the harsh admission, her voice clipped and raw, dragged through hell and back as she struggles to contain herself, to maintain control despite what yearns to be unleashed.

“They’ll never let you go, even now. I dream, I see, and I feel it every single night. The only time I didn’t…” Amma pauses, contemplating the confession of her dreamless sleep, the quiet comforts given from the unexpected peace she had found in the ward. “The only thing I know is that I will get it all back. One day.”

“I have to.”

The hairs on Haven’s arms and neck stood tall with the intensity of Amma’s awakened vengeance. She didn’t feel fear, or the usual instinctive urge to defend or flee. Her jaw clenched as she tried to sort through the range of emotions that surged through her, but the soreness left by the gag had her relaxing it, her hand bitterly reaching up to rub at the joint beneath her cheekbone. She looked away from the glowing eyes as she realized that her fear of what happened to her outweighed her anger. As if she was disappointing Amma for allowing her resolve to become so thin. She felt shame for it, and that shame turned into grief, which then became a quiet fury for her lost courage. Her brows furrowed as she felt all of it at once, her mind a storm that shook the trees that stood at her core. Each moment from the day before striking her like lightning, and the many conflicting words spoken to her echoing like thunder.

Rory had watched carefully from his bench on the other side of the courtyard. He didn’t have a clue what they were saying, merely watching Haven’s fingers pluck at grass. Until the flash of red. His heart leapt in his throat as his body reacted on instinct, bolting to his feet and taking a massive bound forward, before immediately slowing himself to a softer, slower pace. His fists shook, knuckles white as he grasped for some semblance of control and understanding. His body remained tense, ready to sprint at a moment’s notice if needed.

A frustrated sigh escaped Haven, and she released the piece of grass in her other hand to bring both palms to her face. She ran them up her cheeks and temples, and pushed them up into her hair as she tried to release her stress with the soothing motion.

“I can’t get ahold of myself.” She muttered, admitting her frustrations. Her hands fell into her lap, where they wrung themselves together. The errant hairs around her face slid back into place by her cheeks. “I feel your rage, and your need for vengeance. I’ve always felt angry, ever since I was taken from my mother.”

“But now I feel so much more. I’m shaken.”

Her anger surged again as she remembered the piece of information that Daedalus had given her. She looked into Amma’s eyes, a glimmer of doubt in her expression before she spoke. “Someone told him about me. This “she” sold me out. I want to know who it was, so that I can make sure she doesn’t send any more of us his way. I won’t forget the students he had with him. I don’t want to forget their faces, and I don’t want more of us to suffer like that.”

“Do you have any idea who it could be? Torres? Another member of the Foundation?”

“I don’t know, Haven.” The words uttered are not easy, the manic tendrils of her powers wreathed through the plaited strands of her hair before looping around her throat, her own frustrations bleeding outward into silver edged coils of manifest in the realization she simply couldn’t remember.

“There are figments, memories maybe, things I see when I dream. Things I see even now.” Her trembling hands were held before her, scarred palms up, the mutilated lines of heart and fate and reason sheered through over and over, every link of scars on her fingers bidden to shake, and the scar on her chest, it burns in memorium, as if a warning for venturing so deep.

“I do not know if you would call that cruelty, or kindness. Or perhaps misplaced justice for all the things I have done.” Amma’s powers surge and boil, the world trembling at her disturbances once more, waves of crimson spilling over her quivering palms as if leagues of blood undone.

“For all that I have yet to do. This role I play.”

“What could you have possibly done to deserve the role you say you have?” Haven asked in quiet frustration. She regarded Amma carefully, as if these questions would break the dam to a tortured soul. “Is your role to avenge your stolen life? To avenge the lives that he has taken?”

“Are you ever going to be free of it?”

“No.” A fissure within splinters far and wide, a chasm of the unknown that spindles forth wisps of black that waver onto the abyss of her sudden emotions. Laden with fear and anger that gutters out the blue of her eyes into a void of nihilism.

“I killed them. But it wasn’t my fault.Her breath hitches, her lashes peel wide before manic coils of scarlet whisk themselves across the grass at their feet, blades sundered unto nothing as if they never existed, dirt and roots spun away into nothing but ashen remains.

“They made me do it - I -” Amma’s body lurches forward, arms coiled around her middle, a tremor worked through her entire body as the world at her terrible domination shudders and screams, a halo of destruction surrounding her as she struggles to breathe. “Mend, instead of sunder.” She pleads, her knees drawn up to her chest where she winds her arms tight, reigning herself to the reality under the sun above.

“You really ask too many questions.” There is laughter there, though small and forlorn, but falling from her lips none the less in dejected intontations.

Haven’s eyes widened a fraction with Amma’s sudden confession. Her instincts recognized the anguish that left a line of ashen grass stalks between them. An almost animalistic need to strike whatever may have caused such pain. Yet as Amma broke in front of her, desperate to catch her breath, Haven felt her heart constrict. Her hand lifted from her lap, reaching towards Amma to place it on her shoulder. Upon reaching the outer edges of the lines of protection she felt the arcs nip at her fingers like a warning. She drew her hand back as she understood it and empathized with it. Perhaps Amma didn't like to be touched either.

The half-hearted joke then caught Haven off guard. A repetition from the trial, and yet its delivery this time seemed to break the tension in Haven’s muscles. A moment passed, and suddenly she was laughing too. A near-hysterical, sorrowful laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. The kind that brought little tears to her eyes. Small beads of amusement and heartache.

“I really do.” She agreed as the heaviness in her chest lightened. She may not have gotten the answers she wanted, as usual, but she now knew that there was someone near her that understood the turmoil within better than she ever could.

“Sorry, Amma.”

It starts small, nothing more than a flex in her jaw, a softness to her features that edges into something delicate and perhaps saddened, but suddenly Amma smiles too. A truly lighted simper that blooms across her face at the laughter that fills the tense air betwixt them that was filled to the brim with understanding; a shared pain and fear; one edged in darkness and sorrow with touches of laden fury. Her power still warped and fizzled through her usual sphere of influence, but Amma did her best to contain those tendrils of crimson from reaching out to Haven, her wings familiar to their grace as the world quieted and stilled- for just a moment.

“Sometimes it gets easier. Most of the time it doesn’t, you won’t ever feel safe, maybe not for a while. But if we find them, I promise I’ll destroy them too.”

A small tear escaped down Haven’s cheek as her laughter subsided. The motions brought a soreness to her back and jaw, but the moment she shared was worth the pain. The tear was wiped away with the back of her hand, soon lost to the lush and decayed grass between them. A small sniffle accompanied the nod she gave as she acknowledged Amma’s words. They sunk into her chest, and eased the hopelessness that had made its nest within it.

“Thanks. I’ll have your back for that too.” A small dimple formed where one side of her lips turned upwards. A touch of amusement in her eyes as she also repeated a phrase spoken in the trial.

“As I told you then, Haven, I don’t need anyone.” But where malice might’ve reigned, a sort of sadness eclipsed her words, weighted through her sudden whispers as she contemplated the truth of their conversation and the consideration she held for returning to The Foundation. Would they try to stop her? Would Haven, or Katja? Lorcán, maybe? Would Gil? She wonders then, would they care.

And above all else, why did she?

Amma quiets for a moment, gazing off into the distance before she slowly rises up to her full height, mindful of Haven near her and the deadend grass at her feet. She regarded Rory carefully, gesturing off handedly before she offered Haven another smile, not quite as delicate, but there as a slight lift of her lips before she said:

“It helps to not be alone. He is incredibly protective of you.”

She leaves the two of them in the gardens, admiring the comfort selflessly given, the ease in which they fitted as a singular construct of both heart and home. Loneliness did not bedevil her existence, but Amma cannot help but wonder if there was actually something she was missing in her life.

And if she even deserved it, for everything she had done. For everything she had yet to do.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Collegiate & University - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Dance Monkey #4.005: Don't Let The Light Go Out
Interaction(s): None
Previously: I Write Sins, Not Tragedies

The crisp, fresh, Autumn air felt good in Lorcán’s lungs after being cooped up inside the infirmary for the last couple of days. He made his way across campus, a freshly cut bouquet of tulips firmly clasped in his hands while he surveyed the throng of students for the familiar copper hair.

The student body was bustling today, seemingly with everyone in between classes as Lorcán tried to navigate the crowd before pushing to the side and taking a slight breather. He was feeling a little dizzy from the extended exertion after spending three days bedridden and barely conscious.

“Looking for Aurora?” A female voice asked as Lorcán turned to see Leah standing beside him, her eyes darting from the bouquet back to him.

“Uh yeah, brah,” Lorcán replied, “Where did you come from?”

“I’ve been studying ninjutsu online,” The small blonde woman said, before shaking her head vigorously, “But that doesn't matter right now, Aurora was having lunch with Kelcey in the Mess Hall. What’d you do wrong?”

“Dudette, what makes you think I did something wrong?” Lorcán asked innocuously, fully knowing the answer was quite obvious as he looked down at the bouquet, but still, any insight he could garner was going to be useful. Everything had happened so fast over the last hour, he hadn’t even reached out to his other teammates, and he doubted Cass would have unless explicitly told to.

Which meant he was essentially a ghost walking around campus.

His mind started to race as he realized that something must have happened in the three days he had been unconscious. Did Gil think he was mad at him? He hadn’t visited when he should have been. Did Rory burn down their dorm trying to microwave soup for himself? What about Harper? She was no doubt still blaming herself for the Trial. He should probably thank Amma as well, was she still in the infirmary?

“You’re holding flowers and Aurora looked like she had been crying.” Leah’s astute observation brought Lorcán out of his thoughts before he replied to her.

Brah, are you also taking private investigator lessons online?” It was snippier than he meant it to be, but the girl seemed not to notice as her face lit up in a smile and she nodded enthusiastically.

“Actually yes, but again that doesn't matter. You should probably hurry. Aurora never takes long to eat.”

She was right of course, Aurora was a grazer. Lorcán had witnessed many times how Aurora would prefer to snack over sitting down to a full-course meal. He had often wondered if it was due in part to her abilities giving her a higher metabolism.

Resuming his pace across campus, Lorcán closed in on the Mess Hall, spotting one of Aurora’s roommates still at a table underneath the exterior awning. Noticing a pair of trays at the table, Lorcán felt his heart flutter before racing to the table and approaching the auburn still seated there.

“Hey Kelce, brah, I’m looking for ‘Rora, is she around?”

“Depends on who’s asking,” Kelcey responded coldly, “Is this the boy next door who’s madly in love with my girl, or the dick who keeps her on a string and breaks her heart with the first pair of legs to walk into his life and bat their dark eyelashes at him?” She asked with an icy glare, “Don’t you think you’ve already done enough damage, Roth?”

Lorcán was taken aback by her words. Is that really what Aurora thought? Kelcey was one of her closest friends, she was definitely someone that Aurora would be honest with. Lorcán wasn’t trying to lead Aurora on, but he never thought she liked him in that way. If she had, why didn’t she say so? All the time they spent together and sometimes Lorcán was still caught by surprise.

Letting the glare of Kelcey’s dark eyes roll over him, Lorcán locked eyes with the shorter woman before replying as he ignored her barbs.

“Brah, is she here or not?”

“No,” The woman replied, “She left to find a dress for the dance.” Lorcán nodded, it was a purposefully vague response. But it was unlikely she went to the mainland this time of day, which meant she was still on the island. The real question was, would Aurora try and borrow from someone, or try her luck in the Alumni village? His thoughts were interrupted as Kelcey suddenly spoke again.

“Oh, and Roth,” Kelcey said before Lorcán turned to leave, “She already found a date, so if that’s what you were going to ask her, don’t.”

Lorcán had never felt his heart sink quite as much as it did in the seconds following Kelcey’s statement. Swallowing hard, all he could do was nod before leaving the Mess Hall behind and continuing his wild goose chase. Even if Aurora was planning to go to the dance with someone else, he still needed to try and set things straight. He had to explain that he didn’t say Amma in the way she heard it but rather was trying to tell her about his recovery. She had to believe him.

But would she?

Aurora had been hurt by the forest incident, no doubt this reopened those wounds and cut them deeper. But Lorcán wasn’t trying to hurt her, he loved her, he knew that. Yet Kelcey was right, maybe he did just keep leading her on. Every time they got closer, one always pulled away. His mind raced through tender moments the pair had shared and how every time their lips were about to meet, they always seemed to stay apart.

His thoughts went back to the night before the Trial. It was only days ago now, but it felt like it had been months ago. His powers intertwined with Aurora’s, they had briefly become one. He had felt her, all of her coursing through his body, his hands on her skin, her breath against the hairs on the back of his neck. Hands drifting to her hips.

And suddenly, the only thing Lorcán was kissing was the ground. Tripping over his flip-flops, he tumbled hard onto the grass beside the walkway. Pain coursed through his wounds as he landed with a dull thud before a hand was thrust towards him.

“I always thought Rora exaggerated how clumsy you were,” Maddy giggled as Lorcán looked up at Aurora’s curly-haired roommate.

“I wish it was an exaggeration, brah,” He replied, accepting her hand as she helped him to her feet. “I spend more time chin dragging than a sponger,” Lorcán lamented while brushing himself off, “Jawin’ ‘bout the Lady Dude, don’t suppose you’ve peeped ‘Rora lately eh?”

“She was having lunch with Kelce,” Maddy offered before noticing the look that Lorcán shot her. “But based on your expression that went about as well as I should have known it would,”

“I think the group chat said she got asked to the dance, so I imagine she’s scrambling to find a dress. She might have been heading to the Alumni village, said something about an idea your cousin gave her.”


“Thanks, Mads, that’s very helpful, brah.”

“Anytime, but uh Lorcán,” Maddy offered a small smirk, her nose wrinkling with the playful grin, “Try to stay on your feet heading over there.”

Lorcán waved a shaka at Maddy, smiling in return before patting his pockets for his phone. The last time he had seen it was before he had been attacked and in his hurry to get ready, he hadn’t checked to ensure it was among his clothes.

Thankfully, someone had ensured it made its way back into the pocket he always kept it in. His hand wrapped around the device before a pulse against the back of his palm reminded him of Jonas’ ‘birthday gift’. Releasing the phone, Lorcán gave the object a squeeze as its warmth pulsed through his body, his pain lessening for a second before he took hold of his phone again. Digging it out, Lorcán unlocked the screen before calling Ripley.

“Is this where I congratulate you or yell at you?”

“Where did you tell ‘Rora she could get a dress?” Lorcán asked, ignoring Ripley’s statement.

“Leo! That’s so exciting! Well in case, ‘Rora forgot I told her your mom probably had something she could borrow.” Ripley’s voice was ecstatic, misreading the situation at hand.

“Ah,” Lorcán replied, his eyes looking across campus towards the Alumni Village beyond the horizon.

“What is ‘Ah’?” Ripley asked accusingly from the otherside of the line.

“I’ve been hoofin’ it all over campus like a kook trying to find ‘Rora, my flowers are wilting, I’m covered in grass, this is crazy.” Lorcán grumbled.

“What do you mean find? Wait! YOU HAVEN’T ASKED HER YET?” Lorcán had to pull the phone away from his ear as a couple of students gave him a look while passing by.

“I thought you were helping her find a dress! LEO! Why is she looking for a dress if you haven’t asked her?” Ripley continued as Lorcán exhaled harshly.

“Someone else asked her.”

“Someone else-” Ripley paused, “I told you this would happen if you didn’t learn to COM-MUN-I-CATE!”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it, I’m a total grommet,” Lorcán muttered, “Look, I still need to apologize, so I have to let you go.”

“You need to fix this-” Ripley began before Lorcán ended the call and re-pocketed his cell. Taking a deep breath, he began walking towards the Alumni Village.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Rockette
Avatar of Rockette

Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Gulo Dorms - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University.
Dance Monkey #4.006: dread wolf.
Interaction(s): &&
Previously: the undone. & rare birds.

Amma Cahors is tired.

It goes beyond the leagues of physical fatigue and ventures into the unknown chasm of a hungering void reminiscent of a famished creature, a well of yearning that situates betwixt flesh and bone and weighted her body liken to stone. Rigid and unyielding and rapt with obsidian inlays of that once resolute willpower that personified the woman of cruelty many assumed her to be. The unknown, the in-between, the All that was Made, the –

– who was she? What was she?

Was she Amma, was she Tiamat, was she Ammar —-
Was she The Foundation, The Dragon, The Beloved

Was she the advocate for the depraved and the unhinged.
Was she rage, pain.
Was she –

Did Amma ever exist, whoever it was that gazed on back through silver and glass with eyes of the void wrought with crystalline blue and power that clung to her dilated pupils constricted in a hellish ring of scarlet. Liken to twine, chains maybe, that defiled her glare the more she looked on with darkened circles blemished upon the hollows of her eyes. The return to the Gulo Dorms had been met with silence and trepidation, heralded by the figure as she that loomed through the doors. Her chin lifted and eyes narrowed, a dominating impression, the mystery that often shrouded her likeness now lesser by the realization that Amma could be wounded, hurt– that she was indeed, human.

Did that now make her a student of P.R.C.U, was she a true member of Blackjack? Did she deserve to be? Did she want to be?

Her mind wonders, gestures knotting through damp locks of ebony that twisted over raised ink and scars. No matter the answers to her inquiries, she would always be one thing above all: a monster. And though the world had enough to reign true in the nightmares of their reality, she remained as one of a forsaken beast that had nowhere to call home. Neither here on the island, nor there among pyramids in an ocean so tranquil and deceiving, and though she may return there (she pauses then, fingers stilled before the shaking begins anew) it did not mean she would be welcomed back or even belong. If she ever did. Suppose she could ever be free. She made it no secret how she felt in the last year, refusing to entertain conversation and better acclimated herself to remain garbed in shadow and distrust, playing well into the role she had to perform and adhere to. A once ensured sanction of purpose that now gave pause and hesitation to the finality of her words whenever spoken aloud. She smooths her thumb against the pout of her lip, swollen still with her bite, a bruise of violet christened to the pink of her full mouth from where the fear of the dark unknown had almost seen her undone.

The last few hours at the infirmary had been taxing upon her mortal frailties and mental constitution, her emotional aptitude fairing even less as she considered the name unspoken, the name that heralded more power over her spirit than all the epitaphs carved onto the wall of obsidian fortified to her heart and soul. He knew her mother. He knew Charlotte Cahors and somewhere within she yearned for the answers a child of barely ten had been asking for the last ten years and more: where did she go? And above all else: why? Deeper still than those fated inquires too she wondered if she had the will, the constitution, to receive those answers. Would any of it matter? The past would remain as it was: ill-bound and fated to the cruelty of many this world yearned for, the power of humanity spent and lost to the depravity of man’s ever-persistent inclination to pillage the different; the misunderstood; and not being as they should.

She dropped her towel, left bare and vulnerable, water clung to her modesty heavily endowed in scars and ink, and palmed over the crisscrossing of pale, silvered malice wrought through her flesh and heralded with the likeness of a netherworld she was owed. With a held breath Amma returned to the adjacent bedroom, gaze immediately snapped and drawn to the bouquet that sat upon the edge of her academic desk where books and papers were aligned, beset with spiral-bound notebooks and a plethora of miscellaneous objects afforded to a student.

Earlier in the day she awoke and waited for her discharge paperwork, but there had been something off in the first encroaches of dawn, pale light chased by the peculiar sensation that she had missed something vital, her room awash in the dregs of her powers that sparked and fizzled out on the cusp of her fretted emotions then and there. The delicate effect of Aiden Roth’s gratitude weighted through her body and the realization and lingering toils of emotion that came to when she had saved Lorcán’s life. Death then, the reaper more so, had come to her that fated hour and wrent asunder her nightmarish world, to exact the toll stolen from their influence in illustrations of fiendish black that shattered through her body. A creature she knew naught of that screamed and shrieked at the beast within that bellowed with the might of life undone, fissures that formed unto blue eyes of her likeness beset on a face of perfect nihilism that roared in defiance and possessive qualms to the life that she had saved; again.

Not for the first time, and not for the last. The many lives she spared and saved and touched, and barely there were words of gratitude spun from one who affected her more than most, but refused to even meet her gaze. Even so, Blackjack (well, maybe only some, she thinks) would dub her the malicious and be done with it. To become nothing like her, as one had sworn.

Would they know; would they care?

But then she had noticed the flowers, their arrangement is done with purpose albeit with an amateur’s grace by the uneven heights of many different blooms. Their presence gave her pause and Amma wondered who would’ve visited her in the night, coming to her after the realizations of her own heart, and thus she reached forward –

Only for her powers to respond immediately, arcs of red shearing through the ebony petals of a rose, eyes rounded and lifted in surprise as words slithered against her mind:

A different breed.
A task; a challenge.

Oh, Amma. Tiamat. You’ve done it. We’ve done it. A prize possession. I’ve found it now- through you, I will finally — there is so much we can do.

So now, let us begin.

She had balked, the shaking in her hands beginning, and for hours they would not stop, they would quake and even in the garden beyond where she had basked in the sun with a winged girl who now understood her and the horrors endured, they would continue to tremble. Her hands would shake for a time unseen and unknown, the world beholden to the delicacy of Amma Cahors’ fear.

Oh, what beautiful flowers! We’ll make sure they get back to your dorm with your things, now before you go, we just want to…

The arrangement stood there as a representative of something unnamed, but she could not ignore the spooling words through her mind eternal, words she had heard in another place, another time that now swept through her tenfold as she studied each blossom and pondered their meaning. Whispered words undone through the dead of night as she trembled with the exhaustion of her powers shuddering through every link of bone and nerve.

And it was there the ringing began, something unseen that began small, a slowly building crescendo of a delicate, peeling sound before it crested ever higher with that dreaded noise. Betwixt her ears it lanced back and forth and to and fro, a hollow resonation and a droning echo that speared through her lobe with a terrifying sunder of darkness eternal and shadows without. Amma sunk nails through her tangled hair and scoured over her scalp to cease the noises toiling through her shattering mind, a silent scream peeling through her lips as the ringing continued evermore. It rose and then fell, a wave of sharp and intense sound as images flitted on through her mind’s eye, the third and all-seeing globe bisected with black and red– of shadow and blood and phosphorescent blue. Numbers ran by there, names and labels and metal in chains that looped over her body, brought her to her knees almost as fated blooms of scarlet power summoned themselves upon the stillness of the world beholden to her sudden weaknesses.

Helpless to her rage and pain, helpless against the creature within that would seek the revenge owed to her. Helpless to her might that shimmered in crimson cords that snapped and pulled and linked through her flesh as a cage of powerful intention. Splayed gestures fell over the glow of her eyes, peering through the fringes of her shaking hands as she pulled in shuddering breaths and speared nails against her temples to reign in the loose confines of her control.

Control, she pleaded, control. Even still as the ringing climbed higher and higher, accompanied by the buzzing of something else and the slithering trio of serpents she could still feel bunched over her skin. As if still bound and knotted over her shoulders to flick black tongues against her skin to feed upon her agony. That now clamored with want to feast upon the lingering figments of death and poison she had destroyed the night before to save the life of another. Her palms still recalled the sensations of her power sluicing through his body and the heat of his manifest banked and stifled before it answered to the callings of life. Her arms still bore the weight of power as she descended into the hated dark and the gates of hell that was nothing more than a shattered door and depths beyond a room she could not enter. Her past was shackled and bound as she was with a sliver of pain that vibrated down her entire body and wound her spine tight in tumultuous ache. Skeletal links through her back, the scars emblazoned anew as weariness swept through her and listed through her steps as she finally peeled her eyes away from the flowers and dressed on repetitive motions. Black on black, cotton materials and white accents lined through the shorts she donned, small comforts afforded to be without roommates to complicate her musings as she worked through her mass of damp hair.

Her phone rings, vibrating across her desk. She ignores it, just as she has ignored the others, the texts illuminated back and forth, the news revealed of Haven’s rescue and Lorcán’s recovery. Amma knows these because she had been there, but even so, reading them had done something to her and she had wanted nothing more than just to sleep. At that, she recalls the one text she could not bring herself to answer but had confirmed her return to his bedside, no words to be spared because she simply had none to give. The soothing of her erratic mind, placating her demons alongside his own, melding into one another in simplistic comfort and understanding. He had admitted things to her, and she to him, but Amma could not fathom the complexity of admitting more than what ailed her upon the surface of her soul. Muted thoughts and feelings, she contemplated, allowing her ebonette strands to dry unbound. Her phone rings again, and still she does not answer, but this time she looks at least, to screen her persistent caller.

And there, she freezes. A number unsaved but one that had called her many nights ago on the beach, where the start of all of this had begun and where she allowed herself to forget. If only for a moment.

It rings again. And again. And again.
Missed calls stacking up and up and up.

Her phone skitters in place and she slams her palm over the glass of it, lines of red wrought through the surface of her desk as it vibrates against her palm; demanding to be heard, demanding to be seen. Demanding to be answered as it rang again and again.

Amma’s fingers curl in and surround the fortified casing, intending to shatter it entirely, to destroy this simple and damning connection until it finally rings once more, and the name illuminated there in the descending sun that casts her room aglow in striking lines of vermillion, the herald of twilight where she wavered for a few seconds, debating on the answer.

Before it falls to her inbox (that she has not set up) she accepts the call with a whisper, his name spun from her mouth in a perplexed utterance, laced heavily with anticipation and punctuated by her breath.


The following timbre that sweeps through her is damning in the implications they had chosen to ignore, the comforts spared in the ward now slowly bleeding out onto something more. His uncertainty gives her pause, if only for a moment before she sighs, a wealth of sound edging into soft breaths before she whispers a single word that could potentially seal her fate unknown:

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Alumni Village - Dundas Island
Dance Monkey #4.007: Slipping Through My Fingers
Interaction(s): Victoria Roth @Lord Wraith
Previously: Somebody Else

After lunch, Aurora found herself standing on the front porch of the Roth residence in the Alumni Village, rocking back and forth on her heels nervously as she hesitated to ring the doorbell. She knew that Lorcán's mother was a kind and caring woman and had always welcomed her into their home and their lives - this week had certainly been a testament to that. Tori had allowed her to remain by his bedside even though she wasn’t blood, brought her food and made sure she was taking care of herself, had even let her stay in their guest room, all while managing her own grief and worry for her son.

So why was Aurora so nervous to ask for her help? Tori was her faculty representative for Myotis, someone she could go to for guidance as it was without the familial connection of her best friend. But this felt different, felt more personal. Maybe it was guilt eating at her that she had said yes to Chad and not the boy that she loved, even though he hadn’t even asked her. But given the circumstances, she didn’t have many other options and the clock was ticking.

Finally gathering the gumption, the redhead rang the doorbell.

“Come in,” Tori’s voice echoed through the small two-story house, “I’m just in the kitchen,” She added before Rothschild padded up to Aurora, raising his head to give her hand a lick and then continued out the door and back towards the campus.

With her invitation, the girl opened the screen door and entered, slipping off her shoes and leaving them in the entryway. She walked down the hallway towards where Tori’s voice led, passing by the many pictures hung up on the walls, family photos mostly, before entering the kitchen where Lorcán’s mother stood over the sink. Apprehensively, she fiddled with her necklace before speaking, tugging the heart shaped pendant along the chain.

“Hi, Mrs. Roth,” Aurora greeted, but corrected herself, saving the woman the hassle of doing so, “Tori,” She took a step further into the room, “Sorry to show up uninvited, I know you’ve probably seen enough of me these last few days.” The redhead’s lip curved up into a smirk and a small laugh followed, her attempt at breaking the ice.

“You’re always welcome under my roof, sweetheart,” Tori replied putting her knife down on the cutting board before smiling at Aurora, “Lorcán loves birria tacos, so I figured I’d make some to celebrate his recovery, you’re more than welcome to join us for dinner, I know how my son loves having you around, and frankly I do as well.” Tori played coy while talking to Aurora.

“You made quite the hike to come out here,” She stated before laughing at herself, “Or maybe you didn’t, I forgot who I was speaking to for a second. Either way, can I get you a drink, hun?”

The redhead relaxed her shoulders a bit, put slightly more at ease by the woman’s words of reception. But at her following comment she felt her face heat up, and although it had been a well meaning and innocent statement, it only added to the flurry of emotions racing through her mind. Anything that used that four letter word in relation to him recently made her, well, jumpy. Aurora shook her head quickly at the woman’s offer for a beverage.

“I’m okay, thank you.” She politely declined, before swallowing and getting up the courage to continue with her request, the reason why she came over in the first place. “I hate to ask you for a favor,” She paused, trying to get a read on her facial expression before proceeding, “With everything that happened this week, I wasn’t planning on going to the dance. But now…” Aurora took a shaky breath before continuing, “I have a date, but I have nothing to wear.”

“Ripley had suggested that you might have something I could borrow? I know it’s a lot to ask and you can totally say no, but my roommates already went to the mainland and I don’t have anything that’s nearly nice enough.”

Tori smiled before gesturing for Aurora to follow her upstairs.

“We’re a similar height, I think I should have some options for you,” She stated before leading the way, “I’m guessing by your body language, that your date is not someone who lives under my roof,” She commented as the pair walked up the stairs.

“Not that he spends much time here now that he lives on campus, but Aurora,” Tori continued, “Whether you and my son are friends or something else, you will always be welcomed here and always be treated as family. If mon petit prince can’t see what’s right in front of him, then that’s his loss. No one is expecting nor asking you to wait on Lorcán. You deserve to have fun and go on dates with young men who are willing to ask.”

She opened the door to the large walk-in closet before gesturing to a corner that was laden in all manner of fabrics, colours and lengths.

“There has to be something here, and if need be I’m sure we can make some alterations for a more modern look if you like one of the more retro options. I’m pretty handy with a needle myself, but I have some friends in the village that can most certainly help out.”

Aurora’s expression softened as Tori not only offered up her closet but also guessed correctly that her date was not Lorcán, a weight lifted off her shoulders that she didn’t need to explain herself as guilt ate away at her. She gratefully followed the older woman to the upper level of the house, and as she continued to speak, another word she used stuck out like a sore thumb.


It was a known fact that the redhead had no contact with her mother and her father was already absent from the time she was born, and she was shifted around from foster placements until she arrived on Dundas Island. Family wasn’t something she believed that she had, it was a concept foreign to her, so for Tori to even mention treating her as kin meant more than she probably realized or intended. It also came as a surprise to Aurora that Lorcán’s mother was so candid with her support of her pursuing someone else other than her son.

Wordlessly, she started sorting through the dresses in the corner of Tori’s closet. Ripley was right, a lot of this was a bit, well, dated, but there had to be some viable choices. Aurora popped her head back out and looked at the dark haired woman.

“So… you’re not mad I’m not going with Lorcán?” The redhead asked again, “And you’re sure you don’t mind letting me borrow something?” She sighed, leaning against the closet door, a twinge of sadness in her eyes.

“I would have gone with him if he’d asked.” Aurora stated, “I hope you know that."

“I know that,” Tori smiled, “I also know my son possesses the communication abilities of his father despite my best efforts to ensure otherwise.” She held a dress up to Aurora comparing the colour and tones against the girl’s complexion, eyes and hair.

“This could work, but I think we can do better,” She stated before shuffling through the closet more, “You are more than welcome to raid my closet at any time, sweetheart no matter what is happening between you and Lorcán, I missed out on having a daughter of my own so I relish the opportunity to live vicariously through you,” She stated, “Don’t get me wrong, would I prefer to see you going with Lorcán? Yes, of course, but as I said before, I can’t expect you to wait forever. I’m sure you’ve more than done your part and dropped the hanky at least a few times for the dense boy.” She pulled out another dress and offered it to Aurora.

“Try this one on behind the screen there,” She stated motioning towards a three-fold privacy screen beside an immaculate vanity. “As Ripley puts it, boy is a little waterlogged, and maybe, if it’s something you both still want, seeing you with someone else might light a fire under our little fire-starter.”

Tori sat in her nearby powder chair while waiting for Aurora to try the dress.

“However, if this mystery date of yours goes well and you would like to keep seeing this other gentleman, all I ask is that you be honest with Lorcán. I understand you’re under no obligation to my son, and I wouldn’t ever imply such, but I want the best for both of you.”

The redhead couldn’t help but empathize with Tori, for she’d be lying if she said she didn’t appreciate the time she spent with her. After all, she had been the closest thing she had to a maternal figure in her life since she was a tween.

She looked down at the dress as it was handed off, a sky blue color in a lightweight chiffon fabric, strapless with a sweetheart neckline. It was probably the most modern of the dresses in that closet and was by far the most simple, indeed resembling something that she would have most likely selected for herself had she gotten the opportunity to go to the mainland with her friends. With a nod, Aurora disappeared behind the screen, nimbly changing out of her street clothes and delicately slipping on the gown. Taking the opportunity while her face was hidden, the girl spoke what was on her mind.

“I think I… realized some things this week, Tori. Your son is very important to me, I actually, uh, wanted to tell him something when he woke up, but I didn’t get the chance.” She explained as she situated the dress comfortably on her body, trying to allude to the woman what her feelings were without uttering the words. “That said, I don’t foresee this date going anywhere past tomorrow night… my heart is, well, somewhere else.”

Aurora stepped out from behind the barrier, holding the dress so it didn’t fall down, “Could you help zip me up, please?” She asked with a small smile, turning to face away from her and continuing her previous thought.

“I just hope he won’t be upset with me when he finds out. I’d never want to hurt him. ”

Tori stood, gently pulling the zipper up before letting out a small gasp at the dress on Aurora.

“It’s a perfect fit.” She smiled before replying to Aurora’s other thoughts, “I’d like to think that my son knows just how important you are to him and that he wouldn’t take that lightly. And if he does get upset then, I think that’s alright too. Sometimes we need to feel loss to truly appreciate what we have or what we could still have with the time given to us. You can’t appreciate the highs without going through a few lows.”

Tori lifted Aurora’s copper locks moving them around behind the girl as she looked over her shoulder in the mirror.

“So any thoughts on how you want your hair?

As she looked at her reflection, the redhead smiled widely, beholding the dress on her. Tori was right, it fit her like a glove, accentuating her small waist and hugging her chest in all the right ways. The length of the gown was even ideal too, just grazing the floor so that when she added a pair of heels it would hit at the right place between her ankles and the tops of her feet.

The only thing that would make it more perfect was if Lorcán was her date.

But his mother’s wise words reverberated in her mind, for it was only because Aurora thought she was going to lose Lorcán did she come to realize her true feelings for him that she had harbored all along. Struggling to find the right words without revealing too much, she simply nodded in agreement, and focused her attention back on her appearance in the glass.

“I don’t know,” Aurora pursed her lips, tilting her head slightly as she tried to think, “I wear it down all the time, but I don’t want it to be in my face. Maybe I’ll pin it back? What do you think?” She questioned, but the thought made her dwell on her fading bruise, now a yellowish hue that still marred her fair skin, and she reached up to touch it, “Hopefully this will be gone by tomorrow. I’m sure my other teammates are trying to figure out how to cover theirs too.”

“If it’s not, I have a concealer that should do the trick,” Tori replied, gingerly putting a thumb over the bruise as she looked at the injury, “I do think it’ll be gone though,” She added, “I’ve had my share of experience with bruises over the years raising Lorcán. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s a little clumsy.”

Moving to a nearby dresser, Tori reached her hand through the front without opening the drawer. Her hand phased back through but re-emerged with a handful of bobby pins.

“What about half up, half down?” She asked, moving behind Aurora and holding her hair up but letting it spill down in a controlled manner, “You could frame your face with some small pieces too,”

The redhead felt a lump growing in her throat as she experienced Tori’s maternal touch. It was something she’d always dreamt about; she’d seen the movies, saw mothers with their daughters both on the mainland and on the Island, and envied the relationship they were able to have, hoping that one day she’d have that too. So in that moment, as Tori knew exactly what to do about her bruise and expertly moved her hair, she felt safe, taken care of, and savored the feeling that she had always craved and missed out on.

Aurora nodded, clearing her throat, hiding just how overcome with emotion she was.

“Yeah,” She exhaled, the smile returning to her face as she found her words again, “That sounds great.”

“Okay, so let's do that then,” Tori smiled, “We can take some pictures when we're done so you have them for tomorrow night as I’m sure you'll be getting ready with your friends,” She added, “But if you need any help I’m just a text away.” The woman smiled while putting the pins in Aurora’s hair. Turning her towards the mirror, Tori presented her work before grabbing a jewelry box and opening it towards her.

“And of course, no outfit is complete without accessories,” Tori smiled, “Obviously you don't need a necklace but we have bangles and bracelets, rings and earrings, might even be an anklet or two in here if that's your style.”

She smiled, opening another door inside the walk-in closet.

“Though that’ll depend on your shoe choice I’m sure,” Tori added clearly having as much fun as Aurora was herself.

As Lorcán’s mother rummaged around in her closet, presumably for a pair of heels, the redhead leafed through the jewelry box, shaking her head in disbelief at the woman’s kindness. She had only come here for a dress, and yet, it seemed that she would be leaving with a whole look.

“Tori, these are gorgeous,” The redhead commented, looking at the various earrings, bracelets and rings and picking out a simple gold cuff for her wrist. A signet ring tucked into the corner of the container caught her eye, her baby blues noticing the gold surface engraved with a cursive letter ‘B’. Puzzled, she took it out and examined it, trying to figure out the meaning behind the initial.

“This one’s pretty, where’s it from?” Aurora asked innocently.

“Oh,” Tori was slightly taken aback to see Aurora pick that ring up before she began fiddling with a matching one that she wore bearing an ‘L’. “That was a gift from Aiden about twenty two years ago, we had a name picked out and he got eager.” She smiled sadly, trying to cover her pain with a small chuckle.

“He wasn't able to return it and I just couldn't find myself able to part with it.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Aurora instantly recognized the sorrow in her eyes, and quickly placed the ring back in the box, regretting taking it out in the first place even though there was no way of her knowing it was a sensitive subject. It didn’t get past her keen gaze the matching one the woman currently wore, bearing a familiar “L”, but she didn’t pry and instead pulled out a different ring. This one was a gold band, also engraved, but with an intricate design that resembled flames.

“How about this one,” The redhead set down the jewelry box on the chair and slipped the ring onto her thin ring finger. She admired it, her thoughts brought to someone specific they both knew. “Is there a story behind this one?”

“Ah,” A grin spread across Tori’s mouth as Aurora held up the new ring, “That one Aiden found while on a mission for H.E.L.P. He’s always said a woman known to her community as a witch gave it to him after he intervened and saved her from being stoned. The woman of course was a Hyperhuman like us, and while agents typically don't take gifts, the woman insisted Aiden have it. He never was one for jewelry but thought the ring suited me. Aiden likes to joke that it reminds him of the ‘fire’ of our love and how he burns for me.” Reaching a hand out, Tori looked at how it sat perfectly on Aurora's finger.

“It never fit me comfortably, about half a size off unfortunately, but it looks like it was made for you. What do you see when you look at its pattern?”

Aurora felt her smile return and grow wider as Tori told the story, hearing her loving tone as she spoke about her husband so fondly. She looked back down at the ring, examining the design once more as the light glinted off of the band, “I see…” The redhead looked up, lifting her gaze from her hand to meet the older woman’s eyes, “The campfires that Lorcán makes for me when we’re out on the beach late at night.”

“Reminds me of him.”

“Sounds like that ring is yours now then,” Tori said while her eyes twinkled mischievously. “I think I have some sapphire studs around here that would make your eyes just pop with that dress.” She added pulling out a small drawer on the jewelry box that contained numerous pairs of earrings.

“Are you more of a yellow gold girl or do you prefer white? I’m guessing yellow to go with your pendant.”

Immediately, Aurora raised her eyebrows, “Oh no, Tori, I couldn’t take this from you, seriously, you’ve already been more than generous.”

“Oh please, Aiden has gotten me so many trinkets over the years I could never possibly wear them all. I’d rather see it go to someone I care for who can give it the love it deserves.” Tori replied dismissively, refusing to take the ring back.

The redhead relented, holding up her hand once more to admire the band, the etched licks of flame seeming to dance as she wiggled her finger. She smirked, knowing that not only when she looked at the ring she’d think of him, but she’d also think of Tori and her generosity. How welcome she’d made her feel, how she’d referred to her as family.

“If you insist. I’ll take good care of it, I promise.” Aurora appreciatively expressed, before going back to Tori’s previous question. “Yes, yellow gold.” Her hand moved up to touch the heart shaped charm on the delicate chain, her smile dimming slightly, thoughts of her own mother coming to the surface. “I’ve had this since I was 8, I’ve rarely taken it off.” She explained, instinctively fiddling with the pendant as she spoke.

“A gift from your mother?” Tori asked, “You fiddle with it when you're nervous or anxious, which leads me to believe it came from someone who made you feel secure.” Tori handed Aurora a pair of earrings. “My mom was my world growing up. She left my father before I was even a year old and so it was just the two of us against the world. She gave me this charm bracelet,” She paused to point to her wrist, “I still fiddle with this little heart charm anytime I’m trying to think of exactly what she’d say in any situation.”

Aurora simply nodded in response, relinquishing her hold on her necklace to take the sapphire studs from Tori, their hue similar to the blue of her eyes, although slightly darker. She put them in her ears one by one, listening and looking at the bracelet as she did so. “It’s beautiful,” The girl complimented, “It was just me and my mom too for a while,” She hesitated, the corners of her mouth dropping slightly, “That is, until she met my step-father.”

The girl shook off the thought, not wanting to elaborate further, and stepped closer to the mirror, taking in her appearance. The jewelry brought everything together, and her smile returned once more before she looked back at Lorcán’s mother graciously.

“I can’t thank you enough, Tori. Truly.”

“If you need anything else, you’re more than welcome to it. I’m just happy to help, sweetheart.” Tori replied, “You look beautiful, your mother is a very lucky woman to have a daughter like you.”

The redhead gave the dark haired woman a sad smile before reaching out her arms and hugging her, comforted by her presence.

“And Lorcán is really lucky to have a mom like you.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Festive
Avatar of Festive

Festive "Aut Inveniam Viam Aut Faciam"

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

An Eclipse. A spectacle, truly. To all those who possess the ability to behold such a wonder, may witness the convergence of two celestial bodies; one a brilliantly bright ball of gas and the latter a terrestrial plane of rock and metal. As one enshrouds the other, the eyes of those who watch witness the beauty within their sight as obscured light from the star forms an outer halo around its mask. A moment that while not rare, is fleeting. As time flows in its natural way, forgetting all who cling to the notion of the past, the celestial body, worn as a cover around the light source, passes it by.

Thus was the name sake of Team 18, “Eclipse,” a moniker treasured by the group who bear the name on their shoulders. A group dedicated to what they worked towards, passionate through their efforts, and through each other. Aligned in perfect sync as if they were the planets far floating in the heavens. Although in present times, akin to the celestial bodies moving out of place, the impermanence of their team floats in the air. A miasma spread across the atmosphere of their team whispering the forlorn question of “What’s next?” In this team of once twelve severed up to three lone souls, continuing on in the once active shell of a team they now occupy. Bygone from the days of their prime, and destitute from the absence of new members.

Location: Off The Beaten Path - Hiking Trails, Dundas Island
Dance Monkey #4.008#: The Twilight Hours of Team Eclipse

Interaction(s): Cleo Boyd @Spicykvnt, and Lucas Bray @Nemaisare

The world was loud, that was but only certain to Immanuel. It was a sanctuary which offered naught but utter disturbance. His days began with not a simple alarm clock tune blaring in his ears but with thunderous pandemonium billions of human beings living the single life provided to them. The sound of animals on the prowl, hunting in the treacherous South American rainforests, to the low growl from the belly of the Russian industrial complex. A part of him held thanks to the powers at be that gave him these abilities that he couldn't understand the hundreds of languages he heard in his ears each day, he heard enough information in English he wouldn’t dare to utter. The island of Dundas, while having come to be to Immanuel as a second home of sorts, offered little escape from the noise. The roaring cries of children and adults alike reached levels to even hinder the sound of the rest of the world in his ears. But thus was every morning, and hour of the day, for Immanuel.

Immanuel’s boots crunched twig underneath his firm step as he trailed to one of the common meeting spots for his team; or what was left of it. The light formerly blocked by the helping hand of the tree’s shade, shone down onto the dark-circles eyes of Immanuel. This little clearing was what they needed. Away from everything, away from everyone, alone with his team and nature. Immanuel lifted his hand up to shade his eyes from the blazing sun, looking around to see if any of his teammates had made it before him. For now, he was alone. In the far corners of his head, Immanuel could feel the festering pain, throbbing and searing away as it slowly was creeping down his forehead. He’s been at it for too long. His ears were filled with the sound not of the whole world, but nature. The sounds of ruffling leaves in the pacific shore wind, and chirp of birds he had no idea of engulfed his mind as filtered out everything but this; his close surroundings. Normally he would be able to hold the filter for much longer, but as he sat down on a stump his focus waned. The hand that once covered his eyes moved to his temples, rubbing them as he peered at the ground. “Just a little bit longer…” His voice softly trailed off to himself.

The world was loud, that was certain also to Cleo. In different ways of course. Usually in colours that screamed, in loud feelings and in waves of emotion. Her mornings often began with a clumsy stumble from her bed. A struggle against the oppressive fog that had seeped in. The beginning of her daily battle to discern which of the feelings she had were her own, and which she'd collected involuntarily. To shake them away with intention and find herself, wherever she may be amidst the scattered piles that had been drawn to her like moths to a flame.

The world felt desaturated today. Heavy. Bleak. The burden of an enormous weight she could barely describe. Stories hung in the air like motes of dust suspended in the amber morning light that filtered through her window. Usually, they weren't so numb, but today and the days preceding, each tiny speck of emotion held only emptiness. Like a long twirling string of black holes. Just nothing. Layers of nothing drawing from each other. She wafted it away - a long breath that conjured up a shimmering bubble in her palm to collect it all. A galaxy that she cradled carefully in her hands. As she concentrated, she brought life back to it. A spectrum of colour from white, to yellow, to gold until it burst. Her colours filled the room and turned it technicolour for a moment. Dorothy stepping into Oz.

A fleeting smile quirked upon Cleo's lips; guilt threatening to spill over and overshadow, a slight chide for her creation on a day like this.... But her smile, she decided, was a necessary act of rebellion.

She set out. No skates today. Just a pair of simple sandals on the grounds until she reached the grass. She slid them off, letting the blades of grass meet her bare skin. Grounding her back to the earth, brushing away at whatever negative ions still wanted to hold to her. As she approached Immanuel, she did not speak immediately, but gave a small wave, a wag of her fingers before sitting across from him and onto the grass beneath the tree, letting sunlight dapple her as she sat cross legged. Her knees sank slowly towards the ground, her spine relaxing into shape. "Good morning," she finally whispered, her voice a soft and careful murmur.

“Morning, Cleo.” Despite her whisper to Immanuel the sound of her voice was rather loud. “Only waiting for one more now.”

The world wasn’t quiet… Lucas woke up to the earliest birds in the building, stocking feet a faint creep down his back beneath the weight of the roof still holding everything in place. Rolled over and stared nowhere for a while, thoughts tangled amidst the loose sheets and warmth wrapped around him, the window playing streaks of moon light and cloud shadows across the ceiling, morning breezes sliding cool across his skin even with it closed. Bird feet scratched his head as he counted creaks and snores, tosses and turns, and how many toilets were flushed. An open fridge hummed, spilling cold air across the floor. Cups and plates hit counters and showers were starting to make it rain when the second round of waking came with a ripple of alarms and music muffle or not, some turned off faster than others. And, with a grimace, he took that as his cue to get up. Besides, the world was getting louder, but so was his stomach.

And if he left before the rest of his Ursus colleagues let their alarms join in on good intentions set to snooze, then he’d not have to hear it.

There was no one still sleeping in his own dorm for him to sneak around once he was dressed, no one to nod or wave at either though. So, he just grabbed a bagel and left the building behind, following the first pair of feet marching past the door and going wherever they led. It felt like company, the sort you didn’t have to talk to or worry about leaving behind, though… the feet didn’t talk or worry about leaving him behind either. Eventually, they went their separate ways, and he found another set of footsteps to follow until the pavement stopped and he didn’t, walking towards the trails and then veering through the trees. There’d been too many soft voices whispering over tabletops at dinner last night for him to think the forest was completely safe, but he hadn’t managed to hear which forest. And since the mess in the quadrangle was solidly on campus, did it really matter where he went?

Enjoying the natural sounds and settled quality of the air around him, Lucas ambled his way to their meeting spot, grinning when he saw two familiar faces already waiting there. Felt the usual quiet tension and long breaths of trying not to hear too much and the quieter held breath waiting to let everything out of feeling too much. Last one then. Well… No one else was coming. Gave him the pick of seating space, didn’t it? “Last one left… yesterday, I think. There was crying. It was loud.” He paused to glance towards Immanuel curiously. “D’you hear it? Well,” he hadn’t been the one doing any of the crying, “it’s quiet outside my door now.”

Quieter, at any rate, the empty rooms acting like a buffer between him and the rest of the building, though they’d still been lived in more than they’d ever sat empty. Be a long time before he stopped hearing Ezra’s favourite blues. “Even the new guy…” He’d been the last to leave but the first to start thinking about it, so Lucas couldn’t say he was surprised. “The air’s all thin and empty again.”

“Yeah. I heard it… It seems like that’s one of the few things I’ve been able to consistently pick out these past few days.” Immanuel’s eyes shifted up from the ground focusing his mind a bit stronger on the words of his friends. The throbbing at his temples only jumped with this focus, it hurt, but he could hold it. The somber cloud that hung upon the island in the present days had become naught but evident. The crushing weight placed upon their shoulders leaned and creaked under this cloud, it sucked the life out of what was left of their team. And as much as Immanuel wanted to ignite a shred of hope into the hearts of his comrades, Lucas was right. The air between them all sat thin with a palpable demoralization between the three of them as they sat in a triangle shape. The new guy came in the form as a saving grace for the team, it had been quite a while since they had received a new member, but as quickly as he arrived, he departed. Whispering wistful apologies with a half hearted backing as he left the team destitute once again. The same as the others had, a bond broken at its core and shattered into thousands of pieces. It was a feeling not all too new to them, but disappointment of watching a member leave stings all the same. “And the new guy… yeah, I wish he had stuck it out for the long run, but, what can you do, right?” Immanuel was not the original team leader, but it was a role he now had to fill. That day, it was the worst loss of their team. How can you trust in the stability of your team if not even its original lead decided to stick with it? That question pervaded Immanuel’s mind each day, that little voice in the back of his head louder than any sound of the world he could possibly hear. The one thing that sticks out in a sea of voices was his own. A constant reminder of his own insecurities that he just wished would be drowned out by the rest of the cacophony he heard.

“Well, I know the question you’ve been thinking, hell even myself. And to be completely honest as your lead, I don’t have an answer. I don’t know what is going to happen to the team, I don’t know if we are getting new members anytime soon. I’ve been left in the dark. Just like you. I… I wish I knew the answers for you guys, but I am just as lost.” Someone had to break the tension, nothing was ever meant to last forever.

“S’okay. Now we can lose without trying, okay?” Lucas grinned as he spoke, completely genuine and obviously pleased with this small silver lining. It likely came as no surprise to his teammates that he’d find it. He was a fan of teamwork, but less so of competition. And with only three people on their team, there wasn’t really any pressure to win left over. Although, he wasn’t sure how many other teams had a full headcount anymore…

“We're not in the dark,” Cleo spoke, holding her hands upright in front of her, waggling her fingers to let the little sun rays dance over her palms. “Not right now, anyway,” she continued. She paused, sensing something just out of reach, and while she couldn’t hear the voice that troubled Immanuel, she felt its presence, like distant echoes. “Whatever comes next is on its way, and it will happen.”

She missed her team too. She'd made friends and connections that had now all departed. “Remember the time Ezra played us all some music on the beach, and we had that wee party? I remember that night, because I think I ate more marshmallows than should have been possible…” she sighed, and let the memory conjure in her mind. Maybe they wouldn't appreciate it, but for Cleo, days of being buried to observe the walking nightmares, anxieties, and sadness, had left her starving for just a glimmer of something bright.

He hadn’t really started to miss anyone yet, with traces of them still slipping into his head. They weren’t here anymore, but they weren’t gone either. Though… They wouldn’t be making any more memories like that. Not with everyone, anyway. “We can find more marshmallows.” He grinned again. “We can make s’mores. But Ezra picked the best music and Chaney told the best jokes...” His mood sobered. “They can be safe somewhere else. That’s all right. But I don’t want new friends without you. What if they split us?”

“If they try tae split us, we riot!” Cleo answered, jabbing her finger into the air. A playful smirk danced across her lips. “Or… y’know, we’ll respectfully plead our case to stay together…” Her tone softened, but there was still a glint in her eyes that betrayed her true feelings– she couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from them either.

“Hmm, I say we riot as well.” Immanuel cracked the first smile he had in the past few days. He admired the fact that despite the downfall of their team, they could still crack jokes, and enjoy the company of each other during what appeared to be the final stretch. At heart, Immanuel missed it all. Ezra and his sometimes annoying speaker, Channy and his corny jokes; the feeling when they were all together was something he didn’t know if it could be replaced. “Honestly, I couldn’t stand the taste of marshmallows after that party, God I ate too much that night.” A small chuckle left Immanuel’s lips. The air felt a bit lighter around them, although demoralized, they still held that little spark in them from the bygone days.

“And seriously, over my dead body I’ll let them split us up. We’ve been a team since the start, you can break up that easily. And hey, we’ll still hold that little piece of team 18 within us, even if they shut us down. Hopefully that’s the absolute last thing that happens.” This team was like his second family, and he’d be damned if he lost them.

“So we'll raise a glass to them,” Cleo said with a smile to imbue a feeling of warmth within the safe triangle of Team 18. Immanuel, ever stalwart, was as determined as he always was, it struck her how relieved she was to see his smile. “And a glass to us…” she continued as her thoughts drifted to the impending dance. “And a glass for tomorrow too. Whatever it may bring.” she paused, feeling fleeting apprehension that brought her gaze down to the ground, her hand instinctively rose to her chest where she felt a hum of emotion. “No matter what happens… I'm grateful that we're friends.”

“As am I.” Immanuel's smile stood firm to his two compatriots among him. He couldn’t ask for a better last two. “Hell, I’ll raise my glass to that! If I had one, that is, still a bit too early to start day drinking. Probably something we could do at the dance actually.”

Riot, huh? Lucas returned Cleo’s smirk with a crooked smile of his own before he flopped backwards, holding up a fist in solidarity when Immanuel joined their little rebellion, such as it wasn’t. He hoped there wouldn’t be anything worth worrying about. Last year and all this fuss, maybe no one would notice, or care enough to make sure they were… team sized. He wouldn’t mind new teammates, but only if he could keep the old. Otherwise, it felt like a waste of team spirit and trying to keep things from sliding in one ear and out the other.

He waved his hand again—though he hadn’t yet lowered it—at the mention of raising a glass. Making that time-honoured enthusiastic gesture guaranteed to spill if ever there was a glass in hand. Raise a glass! And a glass and my glass to that… “Yeah.” He liked being friends, too. Liked having friends… Liked that he hadn’t had to go looking. And that not everyone had left. Though his pleasant ruminations on that front stalled after a second run through of what had just been said and he sat up again, frowning vaguely. “That today?”

Cleo sighed too. “It is indeed…”

“When i checked on the calendar it said so.”

“You going?” Though he did glance between both of them as he asked, sounding vaguely incredulous, Lucas’ skeptical gaze landed more firmly on Immanuel’s tired expression, feeling the strain in the tightness of his shoulders as much as he could see it in his face, and rolling his own shoulders to try settling the wrong shirt. It had taken a few minutes to build up in his awareness, but once it had, it wasn’t something he could ignore. “Like that? We can shut up if you need to breathe. But I don’t think you need dancing.”

“I am sure I’ll be fine by time the dance rolls around. I’m not much of a dancer in the first place, just worried about the music. Regardless, I’ll just bring my limiter.” The throbbing reminder of his own power’s drawback ran its merciless conquest in his mind, a searing pain ravaged with intention to stop creeping down to behind his eyes as they talked. His mind was empty of thoughts gear toward excitement towards the dance, a slithering distraction in the back of his mind in which he awaited the impending strike. He didn’t want to go, he had been one not to hold particularly high hopes in a lot, and this was certainly one of those events, but he had to go. To go despite the eardrum eviscerating music, despite the incessant chattering of people he could care less for, he was going for his team. For the last three that sat here among him, and for others who were no longer around to see this night. If his team was on their final days, he damn sure was going to make sure they go out having at the least a bit of fun.

“And I… I think a second to breathe would be good. Maybe it would be a good time catchup on that meditation we never got to.”

“All right.” No more words from him. He was probably being too loud anyway. With a finger at his lips by way of promise, Lucas glanced at Cleo just to see if she thought the same before letting himself fall backwards again. More comfortable that way.

Cleo didn't need a second invitation; and so a warm, effortless smile curved naturally upon her lips in Immanuel’s direction. She wasn’t thrilled about the dance either, far from it. She knew all too well how the mixed and varying emotions of the attendees would pull to her like magnets. A smorgasbord of angst and unclaimed romantic longing. None of it would be hers. She’d feel it all the same. But, to focus now would be to clean the slate and give herself a chance against it.

Her eyes closed slowly, each hand drifting to rest on a knee. She exhaled slowly, the breath carrying with it the gnawing thought that was at the back of her mind: Will this be the last morning I share with Lucas and Immanuel like this? The thought lingered, and she knew for certain that this moment should be preserved. This fragment of time. Sun pouring over them like warm silk, the grass that whispered at their side. Orange and gold that folded itself over, rippling in the energy of it before it settled as Cleo slipped into the quiet solitude of her own mind. Time paused, time saved. Everything else a distant hum.

Watching as first Cleo and then Manny closed their eyes and feeling his own breathing slow, falling into the rhythm repetition had worn into their clothes, Lucas stared up at the sky. It was even brighter now, a pale blue that was gentle on the eyes even if the sunlight wasn’t. Branches were filling in the space more than they had last year, their tips wavering and their leaves still green… They’d start falling soon, catching new colours off the sun before hitting the ground. Then the clouds would come, and the rain with them. But for now… He watched sparrows darting between those leaves, a gull gliding in the distance, and bees bumbling through the clover patch he was lying on. A hummingbird pausing at the clearing’s edge didn’t stay long when it found them taking up space, but by then Lucas was smiling and closing his eyes himself.

If he didn’t look, absence didn’t matter. Under the trees’ soft rustling and the dark–light kaleidoscope of so many days of dappled shade were more than three voices, some softer than others, some farther away, but everyone was there, carrying on old conversations and making plans. Cheering someone up after a bad exam. Sharing recipes and study notes. Laughing and swearing when the rain caught them out early… or a water gun. Most of them had been excited about the Senior’s dance, eager for their own turn. They’d made sure to volunteer every year just to see what the themes were and get ideas, they’d said, and he’d gone along to help. He’d never been sure what the fuss was for, having too many things about the idea he wasn’t looking forward to. He’d figured there wasn’t much point to going now the enthusiastic people weren’t here, but if Manny was going, Cleo, too, then…

Maybe there was something to look forward to. Gladys had been trying to teach him to dance over the summer, before she gave in to the outside pressure and worries about her family. So, if Cleo wanted, he could let her step on his feet as often as he stepped on hers. Immanuel probably wouldn’t want to dance with him… Maybe there’d be line dancing… Or beer nuts. At least a good dip to go with some veggies, or breadsticks… Cake. Yeah, it would all be worth it if there was cake.

As another round of discourse dissolved into a bout of laughter, Lucas smiled to himself and rolled onto his stomach to watch the bees continue their work. Their teammates couldn’t go anymore, so, like Cleo’d said, they’d raise their glasses for them.

The world was loud, but they could still find their own quiet.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Infirmary Courtyard, P.R.C.U. Campus
Dance Monkey #4.009: Wing Life Away
Interaction(s): Haven @Skai
Previously: Rare Birds

As Rory approached, his eyes remained fixed on Amma as she left. He watched each movement with a careful glare, the sight of her laughter just moments before sending a chill down his spine. Only when Amma was out of sight did Rory’s gaze turn back to Haven. His eyes passed over her, scanning every inch to ensure no fresh cuts or scars had been formed from the outbursts of devastating power. His shoes brushed at the circle of decay left in the dragon’s wake. He paused briefly, his eyes falling finally upon his own scarred arms. ”I don’t understand her.” The statement was brief, but his small voice dripped with frustration and fear. He rubbed the marks on his arms softly. No amount of healing seemed to make them itch less. The scars would disappear, but they would never heal.

The smile that crossed Haven’s features was bittersweet as she looked up at her protector. Still, her brows furrowed in concern as she watched him soothe the phantom pain in his arms. Once again feeling conflicted with the presence of those faint scars. She reached for his hand, tugging gently so that he would sit with her once more. “I think I’m beginning to understand her… especially now.”

“She won’t hurt me, Rory. And she sure as hell wouldn’t dare to hurt you again.”

”I wouldn’t be sure of that.” He was weak to Haven’s demands, plopping himself down into the grass next to her. He rubbed his thumb over hers as he clasped her hand back, the feeling calming the turmoil in his chest. His eyes averted her gaze, unable to stand the concern in her eyes. ”I’m not the only one on the team she’s hurt… and in there, in the trials, she told me that. She told me while I was trying to help her. She…” His voice trailed off for a moment as his gaze fell on the black spot.

”She asked me to kill her so she wouldn’t hurt any of you.”

Haven was speechless as she felt her heart plummet into her stomach. Her gaze remained fixed on his expression as she sorted out the flurry of thoughts that blew through her mind. She allowed his soothing motions on the back of her hand to calm her. Her lips parted as she fumbled for words, until a thought crossed her mind. “You wouldn’t do it. Is that why she hurt you?” It was the only reason that made sense to her.

Rory shrugged. ”I… don't know. Maybe.” He furrowed his brow, lifting up a knee to rest an elbow against as he focused his thoughts. ”We had to learn about Jung for one of my classes… I don't know how much I buy into the whole archival types, but something about the way Amma talks about herself reminded me of that.” He paused, choosing his words carefully. ”She hasn't… self-actualized. I mean, most of us haven't. But she mentioned something about roles when we talked, and I think that's a defense mechanism. It distances herself from her actions. Like hurting me.”

He sighed, letting go of Haven's hand to run his fingers through his hair. ”What frustrates me most, though, is that she isn't bad. She goes out of her way to help others. But the second I tried to help her…” His voice trailed off again, his eyes focused on the ground in front of him. He left the last part unsaid. Haven certainly knew the feeling, as did he. Running came easier to some. Sometimes it was literal, sometimes it was emotional.

Haven tried to compare how she saw Amma with how Rory was presenting her now. It seemed like they’d both experienced different people, and yet Haven could see some similarities standing out. “She’s been through a lot,” Haven began softly as her hand returned to pick at the grass between them. She took a breath before continuing. “The man that took me… Amma escaped from him, too. She was one of his first victims.”

“I know we haven’t spoken about it yet, but,” she paused, looking at him as she tried to gauge how he would react to her words. “Amma knows how I’m feeling right now, so I can’t imagine how much worse it is for her. She keeps telling me she doesn’t need anyone each time I offer help. I think it’s because she was alone for so long, and put through such horrible things, that she acts this way. She’s defending herself each moment she breathes, and her ability is the unfiltered version of her emotions.”

Rory simply nodded, running his tongue along his bottom gums as he mulled over her words. The Amma that Haven knew was so incredibly different. Maybe she saw the Amma that Lorcán and Katja seemed to. He also couldn't help but feel his pride wounded slightly. Amma knew parts of Haven that he couldn't. She had been the one to truly save her, again. After a moment, he looked over and nodded. ”Just be careful around her, Haven. I know you both went through something I will never understand.” He paused, his eyes flitting to some middle distance past Haven for a moment. He could feel his breath catch in his throat. ”I care for you deeply, Wings. I just… if you could go more than a week without almost dying, that would mean the world to me.” He flashed a sad, weak smile as he looked back into her eyes.

She began with a slow nod with his first request, her eyes carefully watching his expressions. That guilty feeling creeped back into her chest for a fleeting moment. The kind that made her wish that Rory didn’t have to feel so worried about her. That made her heart ache for his shaking hands and distant expressions.

Yet his next words lifted the weight from her shoulders. The pain of his second request felt like a tiny pinch compared to the warm feeling that bloomed in her chest. Aching wings or not, Haven was inches away from his lips in a second, on her knees, and using his shoulders to hold herself up as she planted a tender kiss on his sad smile.

The IV pole he’d carefully set up for her tipped over into the grass, its bag nearly empty anyways. Haven paid it no mind, her thoughts on Rory and Rory alone. She slid one hand up his neck to run through his hair as the warmth in her chest began to spread elsewhere. She broke their kiss for a moment, her lashes fluttering as she returned his sad smile with one of her own. “I’d do anything for you, Rory.” Her words were hushed, yet they carried the weight of her heart with them.

He couldn't help but blush at the sudden display of affection. His thoughts and emotions were a whirlwind in his chest. His breathing suddenly felt shallow, and he could feel his heart beat faster in his chest. He lifted a hand to her cheek, rubbing his thumb along her cheek bone. His eyes flicked to the sad smile plastered on her lips. He hated seeing that. He leaned forward to close the distance, words not capable of expressing his feelings in that moment. He kissed her back, letting it linger before breaking it off and slowly lifting his eyelids. ”I know.” His words were also hushed and tender.

Though, after that moment passed, a smirk spread across his lips. That same smile he always got before telling a joke or a bout of playful bantering. ”Lot of power to give me, though. I guess my first request, if you're feeling up to it… He paused, letting the moment linger. Of course, his mind was far from anything lascivious or steamy, at least in this instance. He had something else he was looking forward to. ”I would like you to go to the dance with me.”

The slightest hue of pink covered Haven’s neck and chest left exposed by the white tank beneath her jacket as he gave her that spine tingling smirk of his. The pink crept up into her cheeks as he let his words slow to a stop. The playfulness of them reminding her of how he’d bested her in that tent. A small smile crept onto her lips as she waited, and with his request it grew into a smile from ear to ear; her dimples set deep as her eyes shone with a new light.

“Sure thing, Rory.”

Rory grinned like an idiot, his eyes fixed on her as a small exhale left his lips. ”It'll be nice to do something normal together.” Her slight blush wasn't lost on him. He debated teasing her on it… but given everything they had been through, his jokes and jests seemed to provide some small comfort and ease. ”Don't tell me you wanted me to make a more indecent request, Wings. We're in public.” He mimed being shocked, removing the hand from her cheek to cover his open mouth in fake surprise.

A full flush bloomed over Haven’s cheeks now. Her grin transformed into something coy, but she feigned disappointment in the way her shoulders slumped and her head tilted to the side. “I suppose we’ll have to be patient and wait until after the dance, then. That’s what dates usually do, right?”

A date with Rory. She’d forgotten that most people went on dates before becoming so intimate with each other.

Rory furrowed his brow for a moment, taking a moment to piece together Haven's riff. When he got it, his usual reaction of laughing and riffing was absent. He just smiled softly in response. ”Didn't stop us before the Trials, but I don't mind waiting.” He averted his gaze as he seemed to sort through his thoughts. ”I thought you would have given up on us dating after all this… the whole campus has been falling apart since we shared a tent, Wings.”

After a half a beat, he quickly stammered out a clarification, waving his hands as if in distraction. ”Not that I don't want to, or think that night had anything to do with… It's just been…” He wiped a hand over his face, brushing off freshly accumulating sweat as he floundered. ”It’s been a rough week. We haven't had time to talk about what this is since the Trials, and, well…” He lost his train of thought, and motioned vaguely with his hands his confusion and uncertainty. His eyes pleaded for help.

Haven’s brows lifted briefly, her smile fading as she noticed how nervous he became about the topic. She sat back on her heels, her shoulders adjusting to the discomfort that came as she relaxed her wings behind her once more. “We have a lot to talk about, really.” She began gently. Reminded of her IV, she carefully moved it off to the side before she rested her hands on her knees. She looked up at Rory, offering a small smile that promised she wasn’t upset.

“All of this… it’s just made me so glad to have you. I wish I’d known you this way long before this year.” Her eyes glanced between his as she felt her heart fluttering. “I’ve never had something serious before, or put a label on anything either, so you can call me whatever you’d like.” She smiled playfully as she continued. “Wings, Haven, Feathers, girlfriend, anything. As long as I can come home to you every day.” Saying the word “home” out loud, Haven bit her lip before she found the courage to admit one more piece of her heart. “You feel like home to me.”

Rory was silent for a moment, his fingers plucking at blades of grass absent-mindedly as he took Haven’s words in. Home was a strong word for him, and it seemed like it meant just as much to her. He wasn’t used to being on the same wavelength as anyone in regards to anything. He had almost missed girlfriend as his brain struggled to catch up. He smiled a little, taking a deep breath as he captured his thoughts. ”I am serious… about you, I mean. You make the dorm feel like home.” He looked over towards Haven, scooching a little closer and placing a hand over hers on her knee. ”Girlfriend is too long, though. It’s not on theme.” He smiled softly, turning over the birds he knew in his head. ”Can’t do those… huh… how about Dove?”

Haven was practically beaming, her eyes crinkling at the sound of his chosen nickname for her. “It’s perfect.” She breathed. Her fingers wrapped around his on her knee and then moved to intertwine their fingers together. “I’ll call you Hot Stuff for now, until I think of something more endearing. Though I do have you as Abs in my phone.” She giggled softly before she used his hand to tug him closer to her. “I promise I’ll come up with something better.”

Rory leaned up close to Haven as she pulled, planting a soft kiss on her cheek. He whispered softly into her ear. ”I don’t know… my name sounds pretty good when you say it.” He pulled back a little, just enough to look her in the eyes. He gave her hand a soft squeeze with his, a jolt of warm spreading over his chest at the sensation. His soft tone persisted. ”I do have a second request, if you're feeling up to it.”

Her grin greeted Rory as he pulled back to look at her. The flush still remained in her cheeks, his words tempting her to head straight for their dorm instead of returning to her room inside. His whisper had sent delicious tingles down her neck and spine. . She realized that having him so close, and so intimately, might be the release she needed after her horrible experience from the day before. The thought had her swallowing in anticipation before she spoke. “Yes, Rory?”

”Let's get you home.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Qia
Avatar of Qia

Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The room was a disaster zone, a disorderly mess of clothes haphazardly strewn across the floor and books scattered like fallen leaves in a storm. Moving with a quiet urgency, breaths came in shallow, rapid bursts while bending to right a fallen chair, hands trembling from the adrenaline still coursing through veins after that evening’s unexpected incident. It had been hours already, yet the memory of it clung like a shadow, leaving one shaken and on edge.

Out of all the things expected, this encounter had definitely not been one of them.

The only desk in the room was a chaotic jumble, with papers and notebooks haphazardly scattered across it in a frenzy. A lamp lay on its side on the floor beside it, its bulb flickering weakly, casting wavering shadows across the room. It was righted, the light now illuminating the mess with a harsh clarity. Gaze fell on a framed photo, discarded and cracked, and heart clenched painfully. Caring nothing for the people depicted, it was picked up anyway, the glass cool and sharp against fingers, and placed back on the desk with a tenderness that hadn’t been thought possible in a long time.

The bed was a confusing tangle, the sheets damp with sweat and twisted like the troubled thoughts inside the mind. The edges of the blanket were smoothed with quick, efficient movements, fingers hesitating slightly on the figure cocooned there before hands came to rest on the shoulders, tracing the scar they knew to be there. The one given by those very same hands.

Removing them, eyes darted around the room, absorbing the rest of the disorder she’d left behind in her panic. Pens and pencils were scattered everywhere like tiny soldiers fallen in disarray. The closet door hung ajar, clothes spilling out in a colourful flood, some hastily shoved into a small, open black suitcase. Feet moved on their own, navigating the mess, while hands reached down to grasp the clothing. Some pieces were hung in the closet, while others were neatly folded and placed in the nearby dresser.

Feet paused by the window on their way back to the bed, eyes drawn to the darkened campus outside. The world beyond seemed so calm, so indifferent, much like it had been that day years ago. Except, unlike the young woman—the brown-haired girl sleeping under the sheets, muttering frantic words to herself, caught in the throes of a bad dream—she knew how to move on. To accept that sometimes life, instead of lemons, throws grenades at your feet, forcing you to be quick enough to dodge them or risk losing everything.

Sierra had believed Harper knew this as well, had learned this lesson at some point during the years she’d hidden what she was from her. She had thought Harper understood the necessity of moving on, of adapting to whatever life threw at you. But she’d been wrong. Or, better yet, it was like her sister was prone to throwing herself on those grenades, and for what? For those she refused to even open up to? Why was she here, alone, dealing with something that not even the faux redhead could understand?

Was it pride? Or, resentfully she thought, a way for her to keep them chained to each other in this way?

It just didn’t make any damn sense.

The room was silent, save for the soft sound of Harper’s breathing. Sierra looked down at her now, a deep, frustrated sigh escaping her lips.

“Just slay your own dragons already.”

Location: Strigidae Dorms - Pacific Royal Campus
Dance Monkey #4.010: Crossroads
Interaction(s): Sierra (Supporting Cast), Aurora-@Melissa
Previously: Crash

Harper’s eyelids fluttered open, her senses groggy and disoriented as the world slowly came into focus. The soft, muted light seeping through the curtains felt foreign and disconcerting, like an unexpected visitor in the haze of her confusion. The room, bathed in its gentle glow, seemed both familiar and strange as if she were seeing it for the first time. Her mind struggled to piece together fragments of dreams and reality, the boundary between them blurred. She recalled only a few things at first, like her stumbling inside her room, exhausted from the day’s events.

Well no…that wasn’t quite it, was it? There was also the matter of the loss of yet another person in her life.

The sudden weight of grief pressed down on her chest at the resurgence of Jim’s news, making each breath a struggle, as if the very air had turned against her. The fragments of her past and present collided in a painful dance in her head, each memory a sharp jab to her heart. Harper’s vision blurred with unshed tears, the room around her spinning in a disorienting whirl. She clutched at her chest, trying to steady herself, the ache of loss almost too much to bear. It was only when she felt something move beside her, a gentle shift in the bed, that she managed to pull herself from the edge of despair.

Harper’s hand flew to her chest in shock as she pushed herself up from the bed, her heart pounding wildly. The memories of the previous night began to align themselves, each one falling into place as she turned to investigate the movement beside her. Her vision, still adjusting, gradually sharpened, revealing the figure lying next to her.

Sierra was there, her arm draped over Harper’s waist, her vibrant red hair spilling over her face like a fiery cascade that caught the light and shimmered like molten lava. The sight of her sister, so close and comforting, brought a rush of relief, grounding Harper in the present moment. She took a deep breath, the weight of her earlier hysteria slowly lifting, replaced by a warmth that she gratefully welcomed.

Sierra was here. And she could see her.

She could see.

Harper’s eyes lingered on Sierra, taking in every detail with a newfound clarity. The gentle rise and fall of her shoulders as she breathed, the way her hair framed her face in a wild, yet beautiful disarray. The faint scar above Sierra’s eyebrow from a childhood accident, the way her lips parted slightly as she breathed, and the small, almost imperceptible smile that tugged at the corners of her lips—all of it filled Harper with a profound sense of love and protection. She noticed the way Sierra’s eyelashes fluttered slightly, as if she were dreaming, and the soft, rhythmic sound of her breathing that seemed to sync with Harper’s own heartbeat. Every detail, from the warmth radiating from Sierra’s body to the subtle scent of her shampoo, enveloped Harper in a cocoon of safety and affection, making her feel more grounded and cherished than ever before.

She reached out, her hand trembling slightly, and gently brushed a strand of hair away from Sierra’s face. The touch was light, almost reverent, as if she feared waking her sister from her well-deserved rest. She’d earned it, after everything Harper had put her through.
Harper remembered now the way she had frantically gotten out of bed, almost tripping on the edge of the desk she could no longer see. She had stumbled blindly, her hands outstretched in a desperate attempt to find something—anything—that would anchor her in the darkness. Her fingers had brushed against the cool, smooth surface of the desk, knocking over a lamp that clattered to the floor with a deafening crash. The sound had only heightened her anxiety, her breaths coming in shallow, rapid bursts as she tried to navigate the room. Each step had felt like an eternity, her hand practically slamming on and throwing open the closet door once she had managed to grasp it.

The darkness had been all-encompassing, a void that seemed to swallow Harper whole. She had reached inside, feeling for the familiar textures of her clothes, the soft fabric of her shirts and the rougher material of her jeans. Her fingers had brushed against the empty suitcase, a small, black rectangle that she had hastily shoved into the closet once it had been unpacked earlier that semester. She had pulled it out, her movements frantic and uncoordinated, clothes spilling out in a colorful flood as she tried to pack. Her hands had shaken as she stuffed clothes into the suitcase, each item a futile attempt to fill the void inside her.

To go where with it, Harper had been unsure. To the home that had never truly come to feel that way, that held no comfort and no sense of belonging? To the one that was no longer hers to apply that label to? All she had known was that she couldn’t stay here. There was no place for her here if she was like this. No reason.

And then, as if the universe had heard and wanted to remind her it was listening, Sierra had appeared. Her presence had been a beacon in the storm, her voice slicing through the dense fog of Harper’s panic. Harper remembered the way Sierra’s hands had felt, warm and reassuring, as they settled on her shoulders. The touch had been grounding, a tether to reality that she had clung to—perhaps too tightly, given the fresh scratches on Sierra’s arms. A bit of guilt swirled in Harper’s stomach at the sight now, yet she knew better than to think it would be held against her.

Carefully, Harper began to remove Sierra’s arm from around her. She moved with the utmost caution, her heart pounding in her chest as she gently lifted it into the air. Her hand paused mid-motion, however, when Sierra slightly stirred, a faint murmur escaping her lips. The brunette froze, her breath catching in her throat. She held her breath, her eyes now fixed on her sister’s face, waiting to see if she would wake. As the seconds ticked by, her eyes traced the lines of her face, committing every detail to memory as if it were the last time she would see her like this.

Finally, Sierra’s breathing remained steady, and Harper let out a silent sigh of relief. Her fingers shook slightly as she carefully placed Sierra’s arm back on the bed, slipping out from under the covers with the utmost care. She stood up, her legs feeling a bit unsteady, as if the weight of the night’s events had settled into her bones. Each step felt tentative, her muscles still remembering the tension from earlier. She made her way to her desk where her phone lay, picking it up and unlocking the screen with her thumb. The time flashed before her eyes, and she realized with a start that she had missed breakfast, and her morning classes, and it was almost lunchtime. She had overslept, her body clearly demanding the rest after the previous night’s ordeal.

The next thing she opened were a few unread messages, some insignificant but two managing to catch her attention. The first one was from Cass, its content an unsolvable mystery until she completely opened it.

For a moment, all Harper could do was stare at the screen, her mind struggling to process the words in front of her. The room seemed to fade away, the sounds around her muffled as her focus narrowed to the message.

Lorcán was going to be okay.

The words seemed to pulse on the screen, each letter read and reread sending a powerful wave of relief through her. She felt her eyes filling with tears, a mix of overwhelming emotions threatening to spill over. She stifled the tears for the sake of the sleeping person in the room, not wanting to disturb the fragile peace that had settled thanks to her and now this.

Lorcán was not going to die.

She could almost hear his voice, see his smile, and it brought a small, genuine smile to her own lips. Harper knew that the road to recovery might still be long, but the fact that he was out of immediate danger was a victory in itself. One that she would gladly take and desperately needed.

The second message was from Aurora, which Harper read, a smile still on her face as she typed out a response:

Heyyy!! Just read the good news. Yea, yea I know I’m late shut up.🙄

Just stop by whenever you’re free tonight around 7, maybe? We have so much to talk about hehehehe 😉Luv you 😘

Oh and there…might be someone here that I want you to meet.

Her finger hovered over the send button, her eyes drifting back to Sierra, still peacefully asleep. The sight of her sister, so serene and undisturbed, brought a bittersweet ache to Harper’s chest. This part of her life, her loss and who still remained, had always been, well…for her. It was a private sanctuary, a place where her mind could hold onto the memories of those she had lost and navigate the complexities of her grief. Sharing it felt like exposing a raw, vulnerable part of herself.

It didn’t help that for years Sierra had not been in her life. The distance between them had been a chasm, filled with silence and missed opportunities. Reconnecting had been a slow, delicate process, like mending a fragile piece of glass. Harper feared that introducing Sierra to this part of her life might shatter the fragile peace they had built.

Aurora didn’t even know she had a sister.

She looked at the unsent reply, her lip curling in to rest on the tips of her teeth, a nervous habit she had never quite shaken and probably never would.

Then, shaking her head, she erased the last sentence and pressed send.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Lynx Dorms - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University.
Dance Monkey #4.011: My Heart's A Ghost Limb Reaching.
Previously: it's so hard to be. & dread wolf.

The twilight hour is kind to her likeness, bathed in reds and eclipsing oranges with striking hues of violet that lance through the clouds above, her gaze pulled to the canvas heralded there as the figments of her past hazed in and out with the insistent ringing that came and went with her shuddering breath. Amma had loosely plaited her hair, still damp through some of the strands and donned a large black jacket hinted with muted ochre edges that signified House Gulo with a small shield and wolverine emblazoned there over her heart. She’d never even been to the Lynx building, not that it is difficult for her to locate with the structures being as close as they were, but even so she hesitated, rings twirled around her scarred fingers as she studied brick and sky and grass to better distract herself from the inevitability that someone would report that they had seen Amma Cahors looming yonder the doors as if a specter lost to the setting sun.

She asks herself if she cares.

It takes her maybe a minute to decide, every second spared with a sigh through her nasal and lips until the evening descends and the first herald of stars ignite the sky above, she enters House Lynx as if she owned the property with her glare locked ahead and braided hair tossed over her shoulder. Amma walks through the spacious common room without acknowledging those present before she pauses there, her head canted and that blue gaze sliding through her fanning lashes as she inquires aloud about Gil’s room. Silence rejoins her demands until someone answers in a whisper, gesturing above their heads that pulls a delicate simper from Amma’s full mouth, a blush and stutter her response before she disappears around the corner. Up a floor or two and another right until she hesitates, this time outside his dorm.

Before, she had entered his hospital room without so much as an announcement, had easily slid through the doors with little reservation that now fixed her to the spot with a hand poised to knock. Amma is a creature that does not hesitate, she knows this, and yet here she raps knuckles against wood, opposite gesture clenched around the doorknob, preparing to enter on her wants should he fail to answer.

He’s at the door quickly, not even pretending to distract himself from the wait after their brief call. His mind was a whirl, anxious and excited and wondering just what the hell he was thinking, with that call to this person, after sun-down and following such a volatile series of days. Gods, what must she think herself? What were her own expectations? What were his?

He opens the door. She announces herself with almost a whisper, her voice sliding through the minuscule crack as it yawns open just so, a sliver of darkness therein.



And he lets her in.

Striding into his room is surreal and unbeknownst to her, it crosses an unspoken boundary as she steps over that threshold easily, sliding by with little to no reservation with her eyes flickering to him in a brief assessment before flitting away. His dorm is similarly furnished to her own, perhaps inverted with facing a different way with the building’s structure, however, Amma is more curious about the personal touches and nuances of his room, if anything, to distract herself. For the hour is late and the cloak of night descends, the delicacy of the shadows meant entirely for them.

For whatever this was.

Standing in the middle of his room, she smooths her plaited hair over her shoulder and turns about to regard him entirely, she realizes that they have not spoken since the first night they spent together, where she offered comfort in sleep and nothing more, his text that followed thereafter and the following night where she joined him and then left before he awoke. The events that followed twisted through her mind, so much that had happened in so little time. Her head slowly falls to one side, studying him through her dropped lashes before she says:

“I assume you’ve heard about what happened with Haven,” her breath flutters out in a sigh, edged in something she cannot place. “And Lorcán.”

Gil pauses a little too long before responding, standing by the window and watching the shadowed lights - half silver-moon, half lamplight-white - play dappled over Amma’s figure. Her hands, delicate and graceful, play with her hair.

He held his phone up between thumb and forefinger, shaking it back and forth.
“I’ve been kept informed, yeah.” He said, sure that Amma had been audience to the very same texts and frantic messages he had. He tossed the phone to his side where it bounced across his mattress. “I can’t parse everything that’s happened. Keeps happening. Seems every new corner is another strike against us.”

Even in the waning twilight dark, he knew he looked tired. He could feel the bags under his eyes and the buzzing behind them.
“I haven’t slept better since the Trials than when I’ve slept beside you. I didn’t…don’t want to presume. But whatever this is, it’s not just me, is it?”

She could feign ignorance, she could deny and flutter her fingers one by one to dismiss the tension that, even now, coiled betwixt them, she could laugh and spell it to a passing fancy and nothing more. Her mind falls back to the words Aurora championed through her own despair, and the warmth and ease Haven and Rory found themselves in the gardens; Amma has always been wanted, she was the unexpected, the always desired.

She’s never been needed though, and that in itself means something. Right?

“No,” she begins slowly, twisting the ends of her braid around her index finger, tugging and pulling to still the trembling in her hands. “It’s… not just you.” The words are a struggle to reveal, but she manages just the same, lashes fluttering within silver-lined shadows at the admission; she feels emboldened under the fall of the night and takes a step closer.

“Is that why I’m here, Gil?”

A sense of relief washes over him - the tension of a hanging question unraveling with the provision of an answer. A good answer, no less. But it led to new territory - it was out in the open now, an agreement of something undefined but undeniably present. The weight of labels began to settle in around them. It was easy in the infirmary - silent shared slumber. Out here, it threatened to become real, and if it was real, it required tending to. Why was she here?

He sat down on the edge of the bed, looking up at Amma, her frame seeming to tower over him.
“I…don’t know. I could ask you the same. You’re here because I asked and because you said yes. I asked because you’re the only one who can pull me out of my own head. Why did you say yes?”

“Maybe it’s the same.” She muses aloud, looking down at him through a curtain of wayward black strands and lashes, a glow bidden to her gaze that falls as she moves, not quite coming closer but shifting her weight away from her ankle, free from its brace.

“I almost didn’t answer, I still don’t know if I should have. There is so much -” Amma pauses, voice lost to a brief trill of laughter that comes away almost lost and without, unbidden but free nonetheless. “So much that keeps happening. Maybe it’s just that simple; we don’t know.”

“Both so caught up in our heads we can’t figure out where to begin.” She delicately taps against her temple before her hand drops, the quaking of her palms and fingers caressed against the scar at her chest that steadily hums beneath her gestures.

“With each other.”Gil said after a pause. “We can’t go on forever as…moonlight bedfellows, and unspoken tension. We figure this out and maybe we get our heads straight in the sunlight, too.”

Amma supposed it was accurate, though she refused to utter so aloud, the utterance of ‘we’ so simplistic, it bore a weighted acknowledgment to what lingered there on the edges of moonlight. Instead, she closed the distance from where she stood and sat down next to him on the edge of the bed, shoulder to shoulder as they had been a few nights ago. He had asked her here to drag him from the depths of his tumultuous thoughts, and hers were no less spun through with leagues of chaos and unknown emotions; things she may have felt years ago but had long since perished under the might of life undone. How the others made it look so easy, so natural, is lost upon her but her body turned into his almost naturally, angled in such a way she could almost decipher the uncertainty banked there in his steel-blue gaze.

Her hands tremble, as they have off and on for hours now, but she knows this: her touch was one of reaping destruction and pain, but they had also saved others and she remembers holding his hand through the night before the rising sun had chased her away as if a dream. Here she recalls words spoken to her. To mend. Instead of sunder. Could she? And if so, where could she even begin? Inquires looping through her mind on repeat over and over again -

Amma carefully reaches forward, hesitating, fingers arched and with a softness bidden over her features, she takes ahold of Gil’s hand and liken to that night, she enmeshes her fingers with his entirely and holds there; the cogs of her mind blissfully stilled.

Gil doesn’t say anything; he accepts Amma’s touch, and a slight chuckle escapes him. Amma only offers a raised eyebrow, missing the humour of the moment, and Gil can only say:
“I didn’t expect you to be so warm.”

His foggy mind clears but his heart rate spikes; he breathes her in, smelling the faint clove cigarettes, and the night air still lingering in her hair, and the remnants of perfume about her neck. He leans forward, and ever-so-gently, their foreheads touch, and Gil closes his eyes, just feeling her rising breaths against his.

Amma has never known peace; would not even be able to recognize the freedom of it, so dissociated from the concept that it takes her a moment to simply be. Deep down, she is, as she once was: a girl, no more, no less. One that had been cast alone in the dark for too long, one that had shed away innocence to herald the creature of rage within, to protect the frailties of her heart and soul spent and broken. A flush, sudden and perplexing, immediately coils away through her lithe frame, her breath drops, and deepens, and the shimmering veil of intensity that often eclipses her suddenly spools away into nothing. Her eyes close and the trembling in her hands spells away with it on the flutter of her lashes, with their foreheads touching and their hands entwined, Amma leans into Gil, lulled by the moment, the world silent and beholden to her grace for once. She doesn’t know how she even manages to move closer, but she does and a shuddering breath falls from her lips at that moment, her touch against his tightening just a fraction that ignites a shiver up the length of her arm.

They lock eyes, their breath mingling, circling around them and in and out of a shared pair of lungs.

“Hey there, supernova.”

“Hey there, casanova.”

The words are easy, no longer burdened by uncertainty, unknowing where they originate, but it all phases away into the backdrop with the weight of his eyes locked onto her- the way he looks at her stirs a heat, a fire lain dormant within as if eternally shimmering coals of yearning that immediately seize her. Amma studies the planes of his face, flickering up and side to side before descending onto his mouth leaning in close to her:

If you know what you want, reach out and take it.

Words given by the man before her, words that flitted through her mind, words that spun purpose through her body as she did just that. Amma compelled herself to be selfish much like the creature she was, she closed that distance between them with a shuddering breath and caressed her lips against his own, eyes falling shut on the sensation that dipped away into nothing the moment she kissed Gil.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Roth Homestead - Alumni Village, Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Dance Monkey #4.012: New Perspective
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Don't Let The Light Go Out

“Aurora?” Lorcán called while entering his parents’ house. “Lady Dude, are you here?”

“I’m afraid you missed her, hun,” Tori called from the kitchen, “I also didn’t think you were supposed to be out and about just yet. The doctor didn’t call to tell us they had cleared you.”

Lorcán flashed a sheepish smile to his mother before placing the bouquet down on the counter and taking a seat on the nearby barstool.

“Probably because they weren’t choka with me leaving, I kind of like checked myself out.”

“I see,” Tori replied matter of factly before continuing to ice the dessert she was working on, “And exactly what made you think you were a more qualified medical professional than those the school chooses to employ.”

“See, Cass and Rippers got into my head that I-”

“Should find Aurora and apologize for whatever you did that made her accept a date from someone else to the Senior Dance?” Tori interrupted, “Don’t worry mon petit prince, she didn’t tell me everything but we don’t all have to be Miranda to pick up on what’s troubling a person. Though telepathy might go a long way for you and your father.”

“At this point, I’d be real keen for it,” Lorcán replied, “Why is it so hard to just say what you mean?”

“Are you asking for yourself, or are you asking for Aurora?”

“I don’t know, Mom,” Lorcán sighed, his eyes darting to the bowl of icing before fishing a finger into the rich buttercream and sticking it in his mouth.

“Rejection is a scary thing, and it hurts,” Tori’s brow furled slightly, “It hurts in the moment, but like all wounds it heals, and it won’t kill you.”

Lorcán reached for the icing again only for Tori to swat his hand away before smiling slightly.

“No.” She said firmly before her face softened, “See, that didn’t kill you, did it?”

“That’s not the same,” Lorcán protested.

“No, I imagine the icing is easier to let go, you didn’t cook up a relationship with it in your head for the past several years.”

“I can’t all be in my head,” Lorcán retorted.

“And you won’t know that unless you risk asking her,” Tori said while patting the hand she had swatted. “She could say she feels the same, she might say she’s just a friend. But it’s not the end, you get up and you keep running up that hill.”

“Like ask again?”

“No,” She shook her head, “Respect someone’s answer, what I mean is that you keep going through life, and eventually you’re going to look around and find there’s someone beside you who has been running that same hill with you.” She smiled, “And then you’ll run together.”

Lorcán nodded along to his mother’s words, thinking them through before asking another question.

“But how can you say we haven’t been running life together?”

“I didn’t say anything one way or another,” Tori answered with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, “That sounds like something you would both need to discuss, petit prince.”

Lorcán let out another heavy sigh before looking at the sad excuse for a bouquet he had laid on the counter beside him.

“Probably a good thing I didn’t find her with those,” He chuckled, “Ripley said she was here to get a dress for her date?”

“She was,” Tori replied matter-of-factly.

“So I should probably go to the dance too then,”

“If that’s what you’d like to do,” Tori replied putting the finishing touches on her cake, “Anyone you’re thinking of asking?”

“No,” Lorcán replied honestly, “I think I’ll go stag, maybe I’ll ask ‘Rora to save me a dance.”

“Well if you’re going to the dance,” Tori smiled, “Then you’re going to need a suit. I think your father has a nice blue tie that should pair up perfectly.”
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Online

Banjo stared into the mirror with a glare of disgust on his face.

Too slow. In five years here he'd never been too slow, too sluggish, too dim.

But he got there late and had nothing to offer from his head. He froze up on the spot.

'All because of this goddamn leg.' He thought to himself.

He had half a mind to juice now and live with whatever the results were. But being slow wasn't a reason to be stupid.

It was ruining his life and now people were almost getting hurt or dying because of it.

This school had speedsters faster, but he'd never felt slow. His grades were middling, but he'd never felt daft.

The things he enjoyed in life were kept from him, and it was infuriatingly all for a healing process which would take an indeterminate amount of time.

He could be fine today. Or he could still be doomed to walk with a permanent hitch three months from now. Nothing was certain and there were no answers.

Just that he'd be expected to suffer on a 'maybe'.

Which was increasingly seeming like a reason that was not good enough.

He'd seen what Haven's fate was, and the whole thing was like deja vu. But in his current state 'the best he could do' wasn't worth a pinch of shit.

He tried to calm himself with the rationality that his presence still had its own value. After all, he was usually the fastest one there. The second strongest after Katie. And if he was present it meant Rory could do anything he could do for three minutes. A bum leg didn't travel through the HZEs.

Even if he was late. And if the bloke could think to borrow his power and make smart moves with it on the spot in a hurry.

Depending on other people, to think how he'd want them to think. Not something he was comfortable with at the best of times.

"Are you alright in there?" Zimmerman's tentative voice called from the other side of the door.

Banjo flexed his fingers to try to keep his hands from shaking, and found his knuckles cracking with the tension. It drew his attention to the way he was hunched over in the mirror and the tension within his shoulders as well. He looked a shadow of his former self.

In more ways than one. He was getting leaner, because his diet was so off-putting he simply skipped meals.

Little wonder Calli had come to the conclusion that they needed to talk. He looked a wreck. And it hadn't even been long yet.

Nerve damage in one leg and THIS was what he was letting happen to him?


"What was that..?"

"I said, I've been better."

He stopped looking at the mirror and took a step and a half to open the door. His roommate almost fell through, as he'd been leaning against it, straining to hear. He caught the smaller young man with a hand to his arm, fortunately holding him before he got below his center of gravity, which in his current state would have likely left both on the floor.

"Whaddaya need?"

Zimmerman saw it in his eyes, but couldn't quite place it. Not the general apathy or malaise he often held around the dorm, but the intensity didn't equate to much more liveliness.

"No-- nothing. You've just looked... You were in there for a while and you've seemed..."


"I don't know... Despondent?"

"Desponde-- wait--? You didn't think I was bloody hangin' myself in there didya?"

"Well, you've seemed pretty--"

"Oh. My. God. You thought I might have been offin' myself and THAT'S how you call out to check on me?! Ba-- ba-- ba-- Banjo... are you alwight in there..?" He gave off a poor and somewhat cruel imitation of his smaller roommate.

"Geez, I'd hope you'd give it a bit of fuckin' gusto if you really thought I might have looked to take the Michael Hutchence route, Zimmerman. Bloody Hell. And understand, I too would drop trow if I were ever to do that, but not because it would be genuine auto-erotic asphyxiation, but just because I'd want to make it socially uncomfortable for all of you."

"Do you want to watch TV?"

"Why? What's on?"

"Does it-- Does it matter?"

Banjo paid closer scrutiny to Alex's face and recognised this for what it was. Part of him was furious that he was being viewed as an object of sympathy. A target of charity. He fought off the urge to sneer and snarl, and tear the smaller man's head off though. Because at the end of the day, he meant well. And he'd shat on that enough already. His thoughts went from their flash of horror that he may have been trying to kill himself, to the teammate in the infirmary who Jim said wouldn't make it through the night. How fleeting, trivial and bullshit all of this was.

"Guess not..."

He sat down on the lounge with the other two whilst something played. Twenty minutes later he still wouldn't be able to put a name to what it was.

"Er-- That girl today..."

"Careful. I'd hate to call back the paramedics or the morgue after we just found out I wasn't dyin'..."

"I-- oh-- well..."

Zimmerman let an uncomfortable silence fall over them after struggling to find the words.

Big Steve broke the silence. "He thinks your girlfriend's hot."

"Well..." Banjo said, with a 'what the fuck have we here?' looking smirk upon his face. "Well-well-bloody-well..."

"Had yourself a squiz didya, Zimmerman? Had a good stickybeak, eh?" It widened to a broad grin.

"S'alright. After all, you read too many comics for me to think your eyes were stuffed. Yeah, I'm on a good wicket there."

Alex looked perplexed, immediately confusing 'wicket' with the Star Wars ewok of the same name.


He clammed up again.


"Well, you seem to be pretty good at like, talking to women. And getting them to talk to you as well."

"Which you've concluded, because Calli's hot."

"Well you're better at it than me!"

"That's because I'm just not scared to talk to people. I mean... you're scared to talk to me. I'm not exactly hard to talk to, am I?"

Big Steve's eyes doubled in size at the lack of self-awareness as he turned his head away at the comment, and sipped at his cold brew.

"Could you-- just, I dunno. Help me out. Or help us out--"

"Leave me out of it."

"--with getting to know some girls."

Banjo sighed and stuffed his tongue in his cheek, before stopping to respond.

"Well you jokers have--"

"Leave me out of it."

"--to at least meet me halfway. I mean, when they do House parties here you two basically shut yourselves in here with a 'they wouldn't want us down there' excuse. You've got to at least-- you know-- put yourself out in the line of sight of other people. And talk. You can do that much, right?"

"Well, is there any way you could find us--"

"Again, leave me out of it..."

"--dates for the Senior Dance thing."

Banjo screwed his face up. "No. I'm not a miracle worker."

Alex looked hurt, and even Big Steve turned and made a face at the harsh way he phrased things.

"No. What I meeeean is, 'you've given me no time to work with'. People are all paired up now who were looking to go with someone. People who aren't at this point are kind of... people who are pointedly NOT intending to go with people or something. Look... you've given me no time to help you find a date FOR the thing, but maybe I can help you find someone when you're there."


"Aww Geez, don't look at me all earnest puppy-dog ridiculousness... I'm not promisin' anythin'. I can just drum up some conversation and let you work off of that."

"Well, how's that going to help. What do I do?"

"Well, I only have the two types of conversations... I have the type where I come across as funny and charmin' and chockers with charismatic sparklin' personality and wit, which immediately strikes a chord... and the other type where what I say is immediately deeply offensive to the sheila in question."

"Well, which type are you going to--?"

"They're the same conversation, Zimmerman. In my experience its just the audience that changes."

"So what do I do?"

"Well, if you see the bird takin' deep offense to anythin' I say, that's where you come ridin' on in on your white horse and put me in my place. And none of this stammerin' nonsense. Do it firm. And then when I skulk away, you just pivot the conversation, apologise on my behalf and mention that I'm your roommate and that I'm not good when I'm drunk, and ask her how her night's goin'."

"And what about if it's being taken the other way?" Alex asked.

"Well, Zimmerman, that's when you have a REALLY important job to do..."


"Yeah. If she's LIKIN' what she's hearin', then you TEAR ARSE in there on your white bloody steed and get me the Hell out of there, before Calli notices and freezes my nuts to the floor."

"..." Banjo held him with an earnest expression.

"I'm not jokin'. You get me out of there. I'm not lookin' to blow up my life."

"You know what, maybe I will find myself a table with a good view on all of this, afterall... Not like I've got anything else going on which could be as entertaining..."

Location: Banjo's Dorm - Strigidae - PRCU
Dance Monkey #4.011: By My Side
Interaction(s): NPCs
Previously: Anger Management

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

In his time at Pacific Royal, Cassander Charon had been in more than his fair share of fights. Some of the faculty saw him as a troubled youth, while others saw a history of abuse leading to poor coping skills and an unhealthy need to leap before he looked.

Aiden had introduced Cass to boxing during his time at Pacific Royal and a couple rounds with the sandbag was exactly was Cass needed to work out some of his emotions after watching not only his sister and cousin, but also Aurora be put through the wringer this week.

Cassander had never really seen what Lorcán had saw in Aurora, at least not the way he had been so hung up on the girl for the last seven years. But having gotten to know her, to talk to her, Cassander finally got it. She had a great smile, a calming presence, her hair smelled amazing.

He struck the punching bag even harder, fighting back the thoughts. He was going to the dance with Harper. Harper was a lot of fun, she had held her own in snark to snark combat, but she seemed different after the trial. Or maybe it was Cass himself, trying to treat Harper like some kind of girlfriend instead of someone he was hoping to get to know to explore the possibility of romance.

Spacing his wrapped fingers, Cassander focused his abilities and created a small orb in each of the gaps before pulling his arm back and striking again. A shockwave erupted from the strike, staggering Cass backwards as a small alarm went off inside the gym.

“Charon!” The attendant roared, “No excessive power use, you’re out for the day. Hit the showers.”

“Don’t get your panties in a wad, I was done anyways,” Cass roared back, wiping the sweat from his brow before turning and heading for the locker room. He almost physically gagged upon walking in to find Chadwick Patterson and his goon squad polluting the air with bargain bin body spray while they bragged about their body count.

“You should have seen the way she batted her eyelashes at me, practically begging me to put her on her back right on the picnic table. Pretty sure I saw her lick her lips after eying me up.” Chad boasted while his lackeys cheered him on. Chad had quite the reputation that preceded him among the males at Pacific Royal. Affectionately known as the ‘Deflower’, Chad often sought out virginal, or even just innocent seeming woman in order to add another notch to his belt. He could appear sweet when he wanted to, but his trips to the woods to pick wildflowers were anything but.

“I still can’t believe you got Aurora Mitchell to say yes, I thought she was practically married to Roth’s snotty brat.”

“The only thing she’s married to is the idea of gagging on Chad’s dick from the sound of it.” Snickered another.

Suddenly a blinding flash filled the change room followed by the sound of a wet towel making contact with skin. The slap was followed by another, and another before eventually drowned by a chorus of yowling jocks.

“The hell, Charon?” Chad asked, rubbing his eyes before looking up to see Cass standing over him.

“I can’t stop you from asking Aurora out,” Cass sneered, “But I suggest you keep her damn name out of your mouth.” Cracking his knuckles, Cass motioned with his head towards the door. “Now if you ladies are done your jaw waggling, some of us mean to use the locker room for what it’s meant for. Hate to see you boys waste your time in here instead of not wiping down the gym equipment or failing to re-rack your weight.”

“You’re not worth it,” Chad muttered, “C’mon,” He ordered motioning for the four other water polo players to follow him.

Rage seethed off of Cassander as he quickly got changed and texting Lorcán. When a few minutes went by with no response, Cassander tried calling. The other device rang, and rang until eventually going to voicemail. Hanging up and trying again, Cass found himself sent directly to voicemail before he let out a heavy sigh and waited for the beep.

“Look cuz, you need to know that Aurora never left your side the entire time you were out. I get wanting some distance. Between the Trials and your experience in the forest, you’ve been rushed from one danger into the next without any time to process. You’re probably thinking to yourself right now that maybe a night off from Aurora, Amma and dying is exactly what you need.” Cassander said, rubbing the back of his head while he kept talking to Lorcán’s voicemail. With a sigh, Cassander hesitated before speaking again. He knew he couldn’t let Aurora go on the date with Chad, but he also knew the girl was stronger than she appeared and wouldn’t let the Deflower get what he was after. Still though, it was definitely worth at least warning Lorcán.

“But you need to know that Aurora has a date to the formal and you’re not going to like who it is. Hit me back when you can, I’m not saying this to your voicemail.”
Location: Recreational Center - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University, Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Dance Monkey #4.014: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
Interaction(s): None
Previously: New Perspective

The dorm was almost foreign to Lorcán after a week of the sterile air and white walls of the infirmary. The hastily decorated dorm was almost an eyesore in comparison. The air smelled of the cheap cologne Rory had been gifted by another girl a few years back and was too polite not to wear.

It has been an exhausting day and Lorcán was glad to not have to come up with any chit chat as he stumbled through their shared space and into his own bedroom. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he tried to unlock the screen only to find his own reflection still staring back at him.

The phone must have died at some point while he was visiting his mother. He had wanted to send a message to Aurora, but it would have to wait now as he placed the device on the charger, hoping it would reach sufficient charge quickly.

Lorcán wasn't sure if it was his injuries from the Trials or the circumstances of his recovery, but he still felt off. There simply was no better way to describe it than that. It was as though there was something inside of him. Shivers raced up and down his spine and sweat dotted his forehead, an unknown craving plagued the back of his mind haunting the young man.

And then as suddenly as it had started it was gone.

He quickly stripped, making no effort to put his clothes in the hamper before flopping on top of the bed completely nude. Slumber came quickly as Lorcán felt his pillows embrace his body. His mind drifted off, darkness taking elsewhere and Lorcán departed consciousness.

That's when his eyes shot open.

Someone was in his room.

A lithe silhouette wrapped in a lacy garment so translucent the moonlight passed through it leaned on his door frame before crackles and slivers of red and silver bidden themself to Lorcán. Encasing his legs and arms, he writhed momentarily, embracing the euphoria that accompanied next as his own abilities sought the tendrils that caressed and restrained his own limbs.

Moonlight danced upon the pale face, illuminating the raven-coloured hair and blue eyes that were like endless pools. Their unfathomable depths threatened to swallow Lorcán whole as pursed lips twisted from pout into a small smirk.

The tie at her waist came undone, the robe softly hitting the floor as her ink covered form glided across the room towards Lorcán. No secrets were left between the two as she pounced atop the young man. Warm breath against his skin, every part of him standing erect out of both fear and pleasure. He felt his hands wander while her teeth found his bottom lip. That taste of his own blood danced across Lorcán’s tongue before Amma’s own hungrily lapped it up, a feeling of pure pleasure dancing across Lorcán’s spine and limbs leaving his body rigid with pent up anticipation.

Amma’s mouth suddenly departed from Lorcán’s as she agilely repositioned herself. He felt her body suddenly straddle his own hips before letting out a surprised gasp as Amma’s nails dragged down his chest. Blood flowed from his scar, the freely flowing crimson billows staining her nails scarlet.

“I’ve already been in you,” She purred, “Now I want you in me.” It was an order, one Lorcán found himself obeying. And in that moment, what was once secret and fleeting became revealed and then fully known.

Lorcán expected to be quick, but instead what should have been moments lasted hours. The two moved as one and soon had left mutual marks across each other, handprints, bitemarks, scratches and burns until Lorcán collapsed back onto the mattress, practically melting into the scattered pillows and blankets.

There was hardly time for sleep however as the dawn’s first light roused Lorcán from his very temporary slumbed. His body was sore and anything but rested. Sweat covered him from head to toe leaving the young man feeling sticky and wet while his bed was spread across the room. His head was spinning, throbbing, while his throat felt dry and raw.

But he was alone.

Stumbling out of the room, he looked around, rubbing his tired eyes before softly calling out.

“Black Betty?” He asked, his call met with nothing but silence. “Amma?” Lorcán asked, this time slightly louder and with more urgency. Again nothing.

“Amma are you still here?”
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Canis Dormitory - PRCU
Dance Monkey: #4.015 When the Day Met the Night Owl

Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith
Previously: Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time & Wing Life Away

Silence filled the common room after Lorcán’s question, until the sound of a flush answered him from within the bathroom. Water could be heard running shortly after, going for quite a bit longer than just the washing of hands until it was cut off. The door handle turned slowly at first, until whomever held it decided against hesitation and moved it all the way. While he may have expected cascading raven hair to spill out of the opening doorway, the morning light coming in from the balcony windows illuminated tawny feathers and a messy ponytail of golden brown locks instead as Haven emerged.

“Amma hasn’t been-” her hoarse words were cut short as she lifted her eyes to him. They flared a moment, as if she’d seen something she shouldn’t have- she really shouldn’t have- before she turned her entire body to the side. One hand rose to block her face from sight as the feathers on the tops of her wings ruffled from shock, her other hand tightening its grip on the wet rag she held in it. Lorcán, you’re hanging ten, or whatever it’s called.” Haven murmured as she cringed behind her hand.

“Sky Betty! What are y-” A surprised Lorcán exclaimed before stumbling backwards and catching a hip on a nearby end table. It was enough to throw the sleepy young man off balance as he fell backwards, landing on the floor with a dull smack followed quickly by a much smaller smack.

“I’ll get some pants,” He groaned. “That’s totally going to bruise.” Lorcán muttered before standing up and walking back into his room, throwing a pair of boardshorts and a Canis hoodie on quickly. A sweet aroma came from the hoodie, given Lorcán pause, taking a moment to breathe it in before returning to Haven.

“Sorry about that dudette,” The molten-eyed young man apologized, “I like don’t know what totally came over me, brah. I think I was having like some kind of dream or sleepwalking episode.” He explained before again looking at Haven.

“Wait, brah, you’re not Canis, you don’t live here.”

Haven slowly peeked out from behind her fingers, and when she was relieved to see clothes on the tanned man’s body, she allowed herself to turn back to face him. A small smile graced her features as she moved to perch on the armrest of the couch, resting her feet on the place where one would normally sit. “Rory and I made it official yesterday.” Her wings slumped behind her, her primaries grazing the floor. She rubbed at one of her tired eyes. “I heard you come in last night but I figured you were exhausted. I’m glad to know you’re back to your clumsy self.”

“Yeah,” Lorcán replied, looking back at the state of his room before pulling the door closed with his foot, “Uh totally back to normal.” He forced a smile, his bearings still reeling. He didn’t feel anywhere near close to normal. He didn’t like that Haven was currently in his dorm and he certainly didn’t like the implication this was going to be a regular occurrence. This dorm was for the Wolfpack, that wasn’t supposed to change.

“I actually think I’m going to head out to the beach, need to catch some swells and clear my head,” He replied, “Uh, congrats to you and the bro, you dudes are well paired, he could never do better.” Lorcán flashed an apologetic smile while turning to leave.

“I’d stick around and wait to catch up with both of you, I just don’t think my social battery is charged enough for that yet.”

Haven’s heart warmed as he congratulated her, yet it was obvious that neither she nor Lorcán were “totally” back to normal. She took a soft breath before speaking again. “That’s okay.” She began, offering an attempt at a smile. “I hope you know that we’re all really relieved you’re alright. We know you aren’t 100% yet, so take all the time you need.” She bit her lip once before continuing.

“Hey, uh… Amma wasn’t here last night. I only heard you come in. So…” She fiddled with the washcloth in her hand, unable to look him in the eyes as she tried to erase their encounter from her mind. Then there was the implication that he’d been thinking of Amma when he woke up instead of the girl who had sat by his side while he laid in the hospital. She didn’t want to get into that either. “I know that’s not my business anyways, but I thought I’d let you know.”

She pushed herself off of the couch, the effort only making her more tired, and began to walk back to Rory’s room with the hope that sleep would find her again. “I’ll see you around.”

The mention of Amma left Lorcán’s cheeks stinging. He knew Cass had told him that he said her name, but did Cass tell everyone? Or maybe it was Aurora, who he had hurt so deeply by speaking too fast. Lorcán’s hand balled into a fist, a wave of heat rising off of him before he looked down to see a crackle of red and silver. Immediately releasing his hand, he turned for the door.

He didn’t know what Amma had done to him, but he knew she had done something to him.

“She just won’t get out of my head,” Lorcán muttered a hushed plea for help while walking away from Haven, “I need her out.” He grit his teeth, the lack of sleep causing a dull ache in the front of his skull, his voice barely a whisper escaping from between his lips as he continued to talk to himself, coaxing himself out of the dorm and quickly away from Haven before Rory too was roused from his room.

“I can’t keep hurting Aurora, tell her I’m sorry,” The door to the shared dormitory slamming behind him as Lorcán departed.

Haven remained by Rory’s door with one hand resting on the handle, left in the wake of Lorcán’s small outburst. Her feathers had been ruffled again as she stared at the door to the hallway in a mix of discomfort and concern. She didn’t think she would hit a nerve when she told him that Amma hadn’t been over. He didn’t even give her a moment to ask if he was okay after, or ask why he thought he was hurting Aurora. The implications were there, but she was never one to get involved in other people’s love lives.

What unsettled her the most was the subtle display that came with the rush of heat in the room. Those familiar scarlet and silver arcs that danced around his balled fist. She wanted to believe that her tired mind had played a trick on her, because it wasn’t possible, right? Amma hadn’t been over so how could he use her ability like that?

A wave of paranoia crashed over her. If Amma really had been with Lorcán last night she hadn’t heard her come in. Which meant anyone could have come in through the door… or the window. She’d noticed how Rory kept it locked ever since they returned from the hospital. A sick feeling returned to her stomach as the nausea she’d grown so familiar with over the last few days threatened to send her back to the bathroom. She pressed the wet rag to her forehead, the coolness of it soothing her as she took intentional breaths to keep her heart from racing.

She looked back towards the door and wondered if she should have stopped Lorcán from leaving. He looked about as worse for wear as she felt, so he should be resting instead of throwing himself into the waves. Though if she were able to, she would have been out the door to pursue her own familiar comforts in the same way. She figured that to Lorcán, surfing was his way of getting out of his head. That maybe riding a wave felt just as weightless as catching an updraft and letting herself soar. Haven felt a pang of jealousy for his freedom in that. She wasn’t sure when she would feel that way again, so there was no point in keeping him from it.

Eager to return to the comfort of Rory’s arms, Haven turned her back to the front door. She slipped inside quietly and soon found herself nestled into Rory’s side again. Sleep didn’t claim her, no matter how much she wished it had. Instead she listened to Rory’s slumbering breaths and thought of the way a wave might feel under a board beneath her feet. How the ocean water might feel between her fingers instead of the denseness of a cloud. She hoped that Lorcán would find some peace in the waves as she found some comfort in the thought of them. Maybe it was time she asked for a lesson in it, too.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Location: Pacific Royal Campus Beach - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Dance Monkey #4.016: Ready to Go (Get Me Out of My Mind)
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time

Exhaustion plagued Lorcán as he made his way across campus. A hood hiding his face as he travelled to the beach and put his board out into the water. He needed to think, everything had felt so real, so intense but when his head had cleared Lorcán didn’t find any marks on his skin, no signs anyone else had been in his room.

The hoodie smelled of roses and peonies, the floral signature of Aurora. Lorcán had picked it up from his parents house while he had been there. Originally assuming it was his, it wasn't until he put the hoodie on did he realize that it was the one Aurora had borrowed during the Trials.

As far as Lorcán was concerned, it was her hoodie but he was happy to have a piece of her with him today. Much happier than he had been to run into Haven this morning. He genuinely was happy for the pair, perhaps even envious that he couldn’t seem to find the words or the timing to have a similar situation.

Now, he felt as though his mind was poisoned and the only thing he wanted to do was run away from it all.

Floating on the Pacific had always been his favourite way to think through his problems. His feet dangled into the cold water as Lorcán sat straddling his board, riding the waves as they bounced him up and down, lulling the exhausted man into a meditative state.

His head suddenly dropped forward.

A pair of tattooed arms suddenly emerged from the water, coming to rest on the edge of Lorcán’s board. He sleepily turned his head to the side, met by bright blue eyes outlined in a heavy cat eye makeup. To no surprise of Lorcán’s, the siren seemed to have forgotten her swimsuit.

“Amma?” Lorcán looked down at the woman with surprise, “Brah, why are you here?”

“Because you want me to be,” Amma replied, batting her long eyelashes towards Lorcán. “You should come in, I’m getting cold and I could use someone to warm me up.”

“You’re not real,”

“I know you want to,” She insisted, raising a hand to beckon him with a single finger.

“No, the only one I want is Aurora,” Lorcán protested, “We totally both know that, but you like did something to me. You’ve twisted my mind somehow,”

“You don’t mean that, that’s just what everybody else wants you to say. You tattooed your arm to impress me, don’t lie and say you don’t want me.” The raven-haired siren purred, batting her eyelashes again. “I want you, Lorcán, and I had a lot of fun last night.”

She began to climb onto the surfboard. Her wet hair perfectly spilled down her back as she tossed her head back, ensuring she gave Lorcán a view of everything before positioning herself on all fours. She slowly crawled towards him, the vixen ready to pounce.

“I bet there’s more than enough room for both of us up here.” Amma whined playfully, “I saved your life, Lorcán, the least you can do is give in to your succubus.”

She stretched towards him, her lips hovering above his, Lorcán tilted his head forward as Amma moved to meet him before Lorcán suddenly pulled away.

“No, this can't keep happening” He protested, “I don’t just like Aurora, love her. I can’t keep hurting her like this.” The lion found its voice before it roared in return, “I need you to get out of my head, like now.”

“Sorry, Lover,” Amma withdrew coyly, “I’m part of you now, and I’ll get what I want.” Those pouty lips curled into a cruel sneer.

“If not now, then inevitably.”

“Get away from me!” Lorcán thundered, moving to push Amma off the board.

Red and silver tendrils crackled from the corner of his eyes, flickering in colour as they pulsed orange and blue before snapping back to their previous hues.

Hands moved through the empty air and the cold water washed over Lorcán as his hoodie became soaked and threatened to drag him down into the depths of the drop just beyond the campus beach.

The shock hindered Lorcán’s usual abilities as he flailed about underwater trying to free himself from the baggy garment. His chest began to burn, his oxygen supply rapidly depleting from the panic.

Scrambling free of the hoodie, Lorcán swam for the surface, bursting through the waves while gasping for breath. Looking for his board, Lorcán froze, his eyes dating back to the depths below. Taking a deep breath, he dove back under the water, popping his eyes open before diving after the sinking sweater.

He couldn't lose it.

He couldn't lose Aurora.

His legs kicked harder as his hand reached forward, fingers wrapping around the heavy fabric before immediately pulling upwards and shooting from the surface again. Lorcán chased the bright light of the sun before bursting forth from the frigid deep and swimming hard towards his board.

It was time to stop running from his problems.


A knock of the frame of her door alerted Dr. Miranda Rivers to the presence of the long haired young man who was currently dripping on her welcome mat.

“To what do I owe the honour of the young Mr. Roth at my door?” Miranda asked as Lorcán entered the office, “Your parents speak very highly of you.” She stated, smiling softly at the young man.

“I heard you have had quite the week and a miraculous recovery to boot. How are you feeling with all of that?”

Lorcán hesitated for a moment, the shadows in his brain shrouding his mind as he thought back through the last couple of weeks. His trip to the woods, his fight with Rory. The sabotaged trials, facing off against Raze and the haunting visage staring back at him every day.

He winced as the scream of the horrific creature echoed in his ears, the pain searing through his arm. His soul fighting to leave his body, the slow death of his every cell. He felt Amma inside him, wincing as the familiar tendrils traversed his body, darkly lined eyes staring back at him promoting Lorcán to close his eyes.

He tried to picture Aurora, her smile, her eyes but every time he did, a cold, shrill laugh reverberated through his skull and Aurora was dragged away before a swarm of moths and beetles gave way to the form of Amma.

A scream of agony filled his mind and suddenly Lorcán was a helpless child again, watching an older boy writhe about in utter despair while his flesh and muscles were melted away by the flames attempting to consume him. He winced again before swallowing the hard lump in his throat. Pushing the images aside, Lorcán finally opened his mouth, pausing once more before answering Miranda.

“I think,” His throat croaked, “I think, I like, came back wrong, Dr. Rivers,” Lorcán replied, “I keep seeing people that aren’t there and feeling things that aren’t right.”

“Shut the door, Lorcán, take a seat and let's talk,” Miranda stated, standing from her desk to pull a chair out for the young man.

“Who are you seeing and what makes you say they aren’t right?” She asked, taking a seat directly adjacent to Lorcán.

“I don’t want to see her, the guilt that comes with seeing her makes me want to throw up. I can't eat, and I can't sleep without feeling her inside me, just waiting for my mind to give in to her.”

“Lorcán, I want you to look at me and take a deep breath.” Miranda requested, her calming tone bringing some ease to Lorcán who did as he was instructed.

“If talking is too difficult, there is another way,” She suggested, Lorcán understood immediately what the telepath meant. He briefly contemplated it, moving to shake his head before hesitating. Words wouldn’t form in his mouth, his throat felt rigid and unable to move. His heart began to beat rapidly instead of his chest before Lorcán started forcing himself to take a deep breath. His right thumb moved to his thigh as he tried to slap a beat against it to calm him.

Miranda immediately recognized the coping method; she had seen it in the boy in previous sessions, though they hadn’t had an official session since before his sixteenth birthday. Still, the familiar ‘air-bass’ playing was a sure sign that Lorcán was suffering from anxiety.

“Lorcán,” Miranda asked softly, “May I help you?”

He managed to nod his consent as Miranda reached forth, feeling the turmoil of his mind. Digging through the memories, she brought forth one that elicited calm and Lorcán immediately heard Aurora’s voice again.


A hand touched his shoulder bringing an overwhelming sense of peace over Lorcán before she suddenly recoiled at the temperature of his skin. He quickly turned to Aurora, grabbing her hand, Lorcán gave it a gentle squeeze before turning it over and inspecting for burns.

“Dude, I’m sorry, I just wanted to tell you everything-”

“Hey, hey, breathe, talk to me.”

“I keep trying but the words won’t come out,” Lorcán stated aloud as Miranda gently nodded.

“There you are, welcome back, Lorcán.” Miranda smiled, but her eyes didn’t smile with the rest of her face. While inside Lorcán’s mind, she felt the touch of not one.

But two.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Location: Jim's Office, P.R.C.U. Campus
Dance Monkey #4.017: I Confess, I Messed Up
Interaction(s): Jim @Lord Wraith
Previously: The Black

| One Day before the Dance

It was the first time he had dressed in his full uniform since the Opening Ceremony. It felt stifling and constricting, though that was almost certainly the nerves and anxiety more than the fabric. He had spent a whole fifteen minutes making sure the tie was appropriately knotted and set. He had even gone through the effort of affixing the black beret and Blackjack armband appropriately, and checked them in the bathroom of the administration building before approaching Jim's door. His father hadn't given him much helpful advice over the years, but 'always dress up for a dressing down' finally made sense in this circumstance. He was as prepared as he was going to be. Rory approached Jim's door, delivered two firm knocks, and announced. "It's Tyler, sir."

"Enter." Jim ordered gruffly, the door opening to reveal Rory promoting a raised eyebrow from the Chancellor he was walking away from a nearby cabinet before taking a seat and placing two highballs on the desk. He produced a bottle and poured himself a drink before looking at Rory again.

"Aren't y'all a bit over dressed?" The corner of his mouth turned up, his moustache twitching with the small smirk. "Take a seat, Tyler, do you drink it neat?" Jim asked motioning towards the bourbon bottle.

"Neat is fine, sir." Rory walked into the office, taking a deep breath. He approached the desk, sitting down in one of the chairs before the desk. He sat straight, his expression stoic as he glanced at Jim. But he couldn't help but crack a smile as he raised an eyebrow when looking at the Bourbon. "After this week... I'm beginning to understand why my father drank so much."

"Try running this place with about eighty Blackjacks running around having adventures. Though certainly none quite as life and death as yours."Jim replied taking a sip of his drink. "I am disappointed though Tyler, but I'm not disappointed in y'alls leadership. To my understanding, Baxter stepped up when y'all were emotionally compromised and ultimately you saved Barnes with no losses." Jim took another drink while clearing his throat.

"What I am disappointed about is that there could have been losses, losses that if you had come to me first could have been completely avoided. Kruger could have been pinned and drowned, Cahors lost to a panic attack at the wrong moment." Jim continued.

"I trust y'all Tyler, I do. And Baxter showed excellent potential. I'm sure she already let y'all know you two will be working side by side. No what I am disappointed about is that you don't trust me or the faculty and I want to talk, man to man, about what I can do to change that." He spun the glass absently for a second before speaking again.

"Y'all were dealt a short straw five years ago joining when you did and you drew it again this year before graduating. I don't like the Foundation being here but I ultimately want what's best for y'all, the team and the rest of the student body. So tell me Tyler, what do y'all need from me to convince y'all I am in y'alls corner?"

Rory took a sip of his bourbon, hissing as the alcohol burned his throat. There was a warmth to the liquor that was unfamiliar to what he usually drank. But he went back for a second sip as he mulled over Jim's speech. "Harper was the first one I called, because I knew she could track Haven down. I didn't know who took her, or why. I made some bad split-second calls after that."

"Harper asked me not to inform you, when I mentioned getting you involved. Reminds me that I need to ask her what she was on about..." He trailed off, taking another sip of bourbon to calm his nerves as he focused his thoughts. "I didn't put up much of a fight. I trusted that she knew something I didn't." His eyes returned to Jim, his demeanor still stoic and calm. "There is almost no one in Blackjack who is ready to trust authority given what they've been through. If there was one I could point to, it would have been Harper."

Rory lifted one of his legs, resting his ankle across the opposite knee while his free hand tapped on the back of his polished shoes. Frustration seeped into his voice. "After this week, I'm finding it hard to trust anyone, Jim. My girlfriend was nearly killed twice in the past week, one of my closest teammates might have been involved, and my oldest friend and roommate was in critical condition." He let out a long exhale before taking a deep breath, slowing himself down. "If you want to earn back our trust... it needs to start with heightened security. And re-evaluating the staff. I think it's one of your expressions you used for Tad once... 'Get your house in order.'" His Jim impression was abysmal, and Rory averted his gaze to the window as he took another sip of liquor. "I'll talk with Harper, so we can start getting ours in order too."

"I appreciate y'alls candor, we've been doing employee evaluations since the reveal of House Orcinus and Michael's involvement. It's why Dr. Rivers hasn't been around lately, she's been doing mental scans of staff members for the past week. Gruelling, exhausting work." Jim replied before finishing his drink. "I'm surprised at how quickly Baxter has become an integral part of the team. Students don't generally integrate that well in their first year but she's proven to be a boon to y'all." The Chancellor mused, spinning his empty class on an edge of its base.

"Since you mentioned the investigation, how is it going? Do y'all need any support or do y'all have any leads?" He paused again, before looking directly at Rory.

"One thing that escapes me still, that sub-basement was a lab for one of Hyperion's supporters, it was meant to stay buried. How did y'all know about it?"

The mention of the investigation led Rory to take another sip. The warmth in his chest was oddly comforting. Lying wasn't going to do him any favors. "I have a strong lead... and I'm looking to confirm it today. As for the basement... the trail led there. By the time I got down the stairs, the water was already pouring. I just followed where it came from."

Jim nodded solemnly at Rory's words, if the younger man wasn't confident enough to share his lead at this time then Jim wasn't going to pry further.

"Alright, if the trail led y'all there then that's the end of it. Was kind of curious if someone had prompted that line of thinking which could lend weight to your investigation. But no matter, seems like you have everything handled." Jim replied, "And Tyler, if you're absolutely sure that you can trust Baxter, maybe bring her in and see if she can see something you can't."

The larger man stood to shake Rory's hand.

"Otherwise, I won't keep y'all any longer than necessary. Big night tomorrow, I imagine y'all want some time to prepare especially now that you have, as y'all said, a girlfriend."

Rory nodded softly, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. He downed the rest of his drink in a single gulp, before resting the glass on the desk. He rose to his feet, shook Jim's hand, and left the office quietly. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Rory unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt and took a few deep breaths. Relief and regret shook his wavering exhale, and he quickly made for the exit. He expected more of a dressing down. Part of him was prepared for the harsh words and an even harsher hand. But the specter of Cole Tyler only lived in his expectations and fears, and ghosts meant little to him these days. As one fear subsided, a deeper feeling persisted.

Rory wanted to go home.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Strigidae Dormitory - PRCU
Dance Monkey: #4.018 Passerine the Time

Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: When the Day Met the Night Owl

Haven was grateful for an empty dorm as she stood in front of the shared bathroom mirror. Not only because she hadn’t had to see her roommates' concerned and frightened faces when she appeared in the dorm for the first time in two days, but also because she had the place to herself as she prepared for the senior dance later that evening. By the looks of it, she had a bit of work to do if she wanted to not only look her best, but also feel as best as she could after such a long week.

The effects of her stress were beginning to show in subtle ways. There were the traces of dark circles under her eyes, the kind that would most likely darken until she resembled a raccoon if she couldn’t overcome the nightmares that plagued her. There was the way her face already seemed to have lost some of the roundness to her cheeks. No doubt because she hadn’t been able to hold the contents of her stomach throughout the night. The effects of the trial still showed in the gaps between her plumage where pin feathers were just beginning to push their way out to replace what had been lost.

It was an effort to shift her wings. A wince reflecting in the mirror as she lifted her right wing to inspect the aglet-like obtrusion where her primary had been- pulled by Anabel -zapped by the hard light of the sabotaged game. She gently nudged it with a forefinger, finding it still a bit uncomfortable to the touch. As much as she yearned to release the downy feather hidden within, to see that gap replaced once more, she knew that it was too soon. It could be another few days, or another week, until they were ready to go. In the girls home picking at the pins had been similar to the other girl’s picking at their zits and pimples. It had been a hard habit to break on her own. Which had only made her more grateful to have Anabel by her side to keep her from stressing the baby feathers.

Her wing slumped behind her once more. She hadn’t had a chance to get to the school computers after she posted that message in a bottle. So much more pain had been inflicted since that it had been forgotten.

Haven turned the faucet to the sink abruptly and snatched her toothbrush from the bag nearby. She set to work on her teeth, brushing the insecurities and worries away with each stroke as she refocused on the task at hand. It had been too long since Haven had taken an everything shower. A funny term she’d picked up between the women on campus, that meant she’d not only be in the bathroom for an hour, but she’d take care of everything that might be included in one. Her basic products were already lined up and waiting to be used. Her razor sat halfway off of the shower’s shelf, prepared to remove any hair she wanted gone for the night. Shaving hadn’t even crossed her mind until her freshman year. She even had a bottle of baby shampoo ready to clean her feathers, in case she wanted to take that extra step. There were a few spots on her wings she’d gotten twice already the day before. The reminder made her pause in her routine. She slowly lowered her toothbrush from her mouth. A wave of nausea threatened to erase the toothpaste's job as she thought of how those feathers had gotten dirty to begin with.

Tanned fingers went white knuckled as they gripped the edge of the sink. Her back tensed as she prepared to bolt to the nearby toilet. She stared at herself in the mirror in frustration as she took slow breaths in through her nose and out through her mouth, and just as she worried that the feeling might break her control, the nausea subsided. She gave herself a moment longer to breathe and recover, and then spat into the sink.

Forty minutes later, Haven emerged from the steamy bathroom feeling like a fresh flower in spring. The warm water and self-care had been almost therapeutic. The distraction of washing and shaving centered her. As she sat down on her bed to lather her smooth legs in lotion, her wings carefully laid out behind her to dry any remaining water droplets, she found herself looking forward to the night's event.

Not only was it a chance to let loose, to attempt to forget about her troubles, drink a little, dance a lot if she had it her way, and spend some time with the girls… but it was also her first date with her boyfriend. Rory’s new title had her heart fluttering within her chest, and she quickly squashed the urge to find him before she went to Aurora’s to get ready. Instead she shot him a quick text, something flirty that would make seeing him later all the more exciting, and vice versa.

They’d already sent each other multiple texts since she left him earlier that day. Their anxiety of parting from each other had been evident in the lingering touches and kisses they shared as they both dressed for the day. Both of them were reluctant to let the other go until the last moment, almost making her late to meet at the docks. Her texts had updated him that she was safe and sound with the girls throughout the trip, with one little sneak peak about the color dress she’d chosen. There had also been a text sent for the hoodie he let her borrow to hide her wings.

“successful entry, thanks for the girlfriend tax”

The subtle smell of him from the oversized sweatshirt had made it easier to be out of the comfort of his dorm for so long. She had to admit that being surrounded by her friends had also eased her mind enough to make it onto the ferry. Plus, with Amma sitting beside her, she knew that there was one person going to the mainland that truly understood why she seemed on edge.

The relief of seeing all of the girls gathered together again had made it easy for Haven to accept any hug sent her way. There had been one from Aurora when she first joined them, where she thought she’d seen tears welling up in sapphire eyes for a moment as the redhead’s texted apology had been denied, because there was nothing to apologize for anyways. Haven hadn’t mentioned her encounter with Lorcán for obvious reasons. It may have been eating at her as she sat beside Amma on the ferry to ask if the raven-haired woman had been to his dorm overnight, though she didn’t dare ask it with Aurora sitting nearby.

With Harper, Haven had whispered a thank you in her ear as they embraced. A thanks for not only helping the team find her in that dark place, but for keeping Rory sane throughout it. Which she was sure had been difficult to do when Harper herself might have been just as worried. There had been more to say to her about it of course, judging by the look they shared as she’d pulled away, but Haven figured it wasn’t the right moment to discuss it with the other groups of students waiting for the ferry nearby.

In a nice moment alone with the blonde in one of the shops, Haven had even checked in with Calliope. She wondered if the long-term couple had gotten a chance to talk, like Calli had mentioned in their walk to the quad. It was nice to hear that she and Banjo had been able to communicate, and also to know that such a long-term relationship could overcome their issues so easily. She refrained from asking for any first-time relationship advice, only because she wanted to enjoy their shopping trip without talking too much about the boys.

To have those moments with the girls, Haven thought the trip had been refreshing despite her uneasiness. The worst of it had been when they were walking between the shops, milling about between both students and the inhabitants of the mainland. There was that ever present feeling that something or someone was looming just behind her. Yet every glance over her shoulder or through her brown lashes proved that nothing was there. That the ghost that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand tall only haunted her in her mind.

The feeling gave her goosebumps even now as she finished moisturizing her arms. The many voices and footsteps within the dorm weren’t making it easy to be at peace. She stood from the bed and paced across the floor, shaking her hands out beside her as she tried to hold onto the excitement that made her so eager to get out of the dorm again. Her eyes moved to the bottle of booze that had been tossed onto the bed. It was tempting to start the celebration early, if only to let its liquid courage make her troubles melt away before they continued to ruin her good mood. She stopped by her bed, lifting the bottle from her sheets as she seriously considered taking a swig. She’d managed a decent lunch on the mainland, so it wouldn’t do any harm to take one little shot to go, right?

Haven placed the bottle back on the bed and turned away from it. She could wait until Aurora’s. Drinking alone wasn’t much fun anyways. Plus, she didn’t want to be plastered by the time she met up with Rory. Especially since her boyfriend didn’t drink himself.

Her towel dropped to the floor as she stopped in front of her closet, one foot gently nudging it towards her half-empty hamper nearby as she pulled out a comfortable brown tank top and sweat shorts to wear until she would change into her dress later. She tugged on a comfortable cardigan over the tank top for layering as she thought about what she’d need to bring to the Myotis dorm. The dress, the shoes… some makeup, maybe a hair tie or two. She had no idea what she was going to do with her hair, but she was sure one of the other girls could help her with that.

Haven moved over to her bag and packed it up, shoving the booze into the mix before she put her heels in last. She slid on a pair of slides as her eyes moved over the room. One final pass to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything until her eyes landed on the green number hanging over her mirror. The sight of it brought a small smile to her face. She couldn’t wait for Rory to see her in it, and she had to admit she was even more excited for him to take it off later.

Shouldering her get-ready bag, Haven unhooked the hanger of her dress from the mirror and carefully carried it to the door. She slipped into the common room, and then further into the hallways of the Strigidae dorm. Her steps carried her down the stairs, and then towards the familiar door to Harper’s dorm room. For the second time in a week, Haven found herself knocking on the wooden door, except this time it wasn’t nervous hesitation that made her pause but the sound of an unfamiliar voice behind it. She bit her lip as she tried her best not to eavesdrop, her eyes glancing down to the dress that hung over her arm as she checked to make sure it wasn’t dragging the ground.

It was hard not to wonder who could be in Harper’s room, yet as she heard steps approaching the door Haven figured there was no point in wondering now. She was about to find out, either way.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Rockette
Avatar of Rockette

Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Lynx Dorms - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University.
Dance Monkey #4.019: rosemary.
Interaction(s): gil. - @Roman
Previously: My Heart's A Ghost Limb Reaching.

He kissed her back and set her world ablaze.

It was a hesitant shift, something subtle and barely felt before he moved, her mouth yielding beneath him, lips slanted and breath in a whispering exhale of need that banked low within her core, threatening to overwhelm her center of gravity that pitched forward; helplessly drawn to him. Whatever it was that existed between them, that tension that threaded each in a fated string of red, it pulsated through Amma and Gil as he plied her lips apart on a deft movement and drank deep. Unable to restrain himself at that moment, drawn helplessly by the pull of something unknown that bound himself to her in a kiss that answered so many unspoken things, but sired even more questions about what they were.

Amma decides on the first sweep of his tongue that she doesn’t even really care and blissfully succumbs to the rhythm of his kiss, his name simmering on the precipice of a whisper whilst he threads his fingers through her braided hair, tilts her head back and captures every breath and sound she has to give.

It’s as far as they go, burning kisses and caressing tongues, something that stokes an endless and eternal fire suddenly lit betwixt their figures drawn close, but not quite meshed together. A line is drawn carefully then, a silent promise of potential that neither is prepared to cross, for even with the weight of labels flitting around them, neither can be bothered to acknowledge them beyond the comfort they find in each other, in that moment. They lock eyes, heated and heavy breaths fanned together and shared in soft pants of desire and there she smiles: something soft, delicate, and he smiles too and asks:

What’s your favorite color?

From there it’s light-hearted conversation, simplistic admissions of things they prefer, small musings of their studies, and a joke or two that Gil makes in an effort to get her to laugh. It’s a peculiar sensation, but laugh she does, tired eyes soon following, the blankets barely kept between them as they talk until Amma quiets and eventually falls asleep, a peaceful glow beholden to her figure as the shimmering tension falls away.

They never talk about their pasts.

For now, it is enough.


There is no alarm to disturb her, there is no feigning sleep whilst he moves and goes about his day, there is no pressing need to leave before he even wakes; it is simply a slow draw of her lashes in the feathering glow of the day through his window where there are no nightmares or dreams to sift through on the warming touching of dawn. It is a void, a comfort of nothingness, to be as she is in the intimacy of sleep with her cheek pillowed on her arms, body curled inward, seeking solace and warmth in the middle of the night. His frame formed around her without touching though there was a delicate line where their fingers barely caressed and Amma studied what little space remained between them in that moment before she tacked her nails against the lines of his hand; the hand she had held, the hand that was tangled into the mass of her hair to undo her braid. Strands of black slid over the glimmer of her eyes as she studied his features next, lax and lulled into sleep before a glow not far behind him withdrew her studious gaze.

She had shed her jacket at some point in the night, leaving her phone on his bedside table that was lit with the receiving texts coming her way, Amma sat up carefully, mindful of Gil lying next to her, and rose to her knees, deftly reaching him over with her palm holding her weight aloft, shifting against the mattress as the blanket falls away from her figure. She hesitates, glancing down through her lashes before she retrieves her phone and sits back to study the series of numbers pinging away on her dimly lit screen. Some from House Gulo about the upcoming dance (oh, that’s right, she thinks, they were going to buy dresses before Haven’s kidnapping) and for once the group chat is silent - no impending deaths or missing members. For now, she almost scoffs at that. With her thumb she scrolls away the notifications until another text pings away, coming through with a slow tilt of her head, the number only recently saved: Haven.

It’s an invite for shopping, meeting up at the ferry, that also extends into getting ready at –

Amma’s gaze sharpens, blue hardening to ice floes lost unto a tumultuous sea, and for only a moment, a barely felt coil of pressure immediately thrums away through her arms. Aurora’s. A lingering question echoes away through her mind: did she know? She had saved Lorcán, and Aiden had been there to witness, but she had doubts the elder Roth would be inclined to share what had occurred, for there was no real explanation for what she had done. Even now, situated on Gil’s bed, fingers curled around her phone and the light casting a soft shade of blue to her features, she couldn’t even figure out where to begin in explaining such an occurrence. Much less how it had been done; for it was the eternal perplexity of her powers undone and all that she was capable of in terms of unfettered destruction that saw her to his bedside where she had to try something at least, even if it had amounted to nothing at all. The shaking in her hands begins anew and she is helpless against the quake through her multitude of scars, a simple confirmation sent towards Haven that she would be there- nothing more, nothing less before she drops her phone at the sensation of being watched.

Amma’s eyes pull away from her phone, meeting the steelish-azure of Gil’s observations deepened by the lingering draws of sleep, a tenderness that released all the emotional strain they heralded in their waking worlds. It’s the first time they have woken up together and it’s in that revelation that some would take for granted that Amma’s lingering stare softens, but there are no words to spare: no soft-spoken ‘good mornings’ or sweet nothings to exchange, there is only so much to offer and it breaks into uncharted territories that she cannot name or face.

“Hey,” she mutters quietly and tucks a few wayward strands of black behind her ears, head canted slowly to one side to study every line of his profile to note certain details and nuances to Gil that she would’ve never noticed before.

Gil rubs his eyes, pushing off the last of lingering sleep, and smiles.
“Hey.” He replies, his voice low and soft and rested. He sits up, sidling back to lean against the wall; the blanket slips from his torso and he folds his arms across his chest, bracing against the morning chill.
“You look pretty with bed-head,” he says, offering early-morning flirtation and hoping the ease of conversation from the night before hadn’t lifted with the morning sun like the darkness had.

For the first time in many years, Amma Cahors blushes, a quaint pinch of pink spreads across her pale face, pronounced by the sudden flash of brightness in her eyes. There's playfulness in his words, the simplicity in their shared musings washing over her once more and spun from her mouth in a delicate laugh: bell-like, graceful, almost flush with embarrassment as her eyes dance with the memory of the night before.

“So do you,” she quips back easily, voice quieted into a husk from disuse, and motions off-handedly with her phone before she sets it aside to work through her mass of hair, delicately working through the tangled tresses.

“I'm meeting the girls today.” Amma offers next as she shakes out her mass of hair that falls down her back. The movement is intimate, a vulnerability in fragments that Amma has never spared before but she finds refuge in the coming day that paints daylight across her gestures as she continues to work.

“I think-” Gil replies, leaning across Amma to fetch his own discarded phone from where it had bounced across the bed the night before and lodged itself down the side of the mattress, “I’m supposed to be meeting Lorcán and Rory as well.”
He sits back up, side-to-side with Amma again, and they take a long look at each other. Gil’s eyes trace her lips, and then slightly lower down, where the gathered blanket moves softly against her curves.

Gil sports his own blush as he clears his throat and returns his eyes to the screen. Mostly Rory, nothing from Lorcán, a text from Artie he ignores.
“I’m to head there, apparently. Both Canis and all that.”

Amma hums quietly in response, listening but distracted entirely by the sensation that coiled down her body from the weight of his stare on her lips; she thinks back to the way he had kissed her, the way he had melded against her and captured her breath in a heated whorl of tongue, and the way he simply looked at her now- she can’t decide who would eat who alive first.


“Gil,” Amma whispers, tempting his eyes back to her, the question unspoken there, and with her face darkened further by the boldness of her next words, she says: “I want you to kiss me again.”

“Okay.” Gil says, quickly; the short syllables are still not short enough to avoid being cut off by the meeting of lips and hot breath. They push and pull against each other, morning sun cascading over their bodies, matching their caresses and wandering hands. Amma is everywhere; her scent invades Gil, her heat matching his and propelling both to new combined heights, the taste of her in his mouth. Something silver and metallic and electric sparks through Gil as he grips above her waist in one hand and her pelvis in the other - he can feel it in the back of his teeth before it streaks cold down his neck and sends a shiver through the course of his entire body.

Amma is lifted onto a new plane of simply being as she is, where the pain and rage is exchanged for this christening desire and need, it sluices away across her skin, scars emblazoned and betwixt flesh and bone silver tendrils pulse and coil and posture through her nerves and sends her blood singing: his name, taste, and touch the conductor that harmonizes beside the red that slides down every link of her arched spine.

Finally, they break; their breath is hot and hasty and heavy, the passion laden in it practically fogging in the morning air of the bedroom. Gil puts his forehead to hers again, keeping the connection point they’d forged the night before.

He takes a few deep breaths, and licks his lips, Amma lingering on his tongue, before he manages to speak.
“I think I need a cold shower.” He remarks, laughing at himself and his bad joke. “You’re welcome to stay, or you’re welcome to…”
He clears his throat.
“Well. You’re welcome.”

She feels something that flits across the chasm lain within her heart and soul, something that banks away into swirls and electric streaks of scarlet that bloom as fire in her veins. Amma tastes Gil in every quivering draw of breath that punches through her chest, her lashes panned down low in that moment as she smiles, a feral and edged grin that stalks across her face and lifts her bright eyes to his; forehead against forehead and her hands greedily woven through his hair, marveling at the feel of it.

“As tempting as that is,” Amma rejoins quietly, her fingers slipping from his hair to cradle against his neck then, feeling his pulse beneath her scarred palms. “I should get going.”

It takes a momentous effort for her to slide off the bed, a tremble through her body now hyper-sensitive and aware of him, but she manages with a delicate settling of her clothes into something proper, smoothing her blouse and shorts carefully before she reaches for her jacket and lazily pulls her arms through the sleeves. All the while she keeps her eyes fastened onto Gil, never once breaking her gaze. Amma reaches for her phone, leaning forward onto the bed where she moves in close to him once more and breathes a quiet, heated farewell against his mouth with a subtle wink.

“I'll see you later.”

Gil marvels in awed silence, enraptured by Amma’s subtle display, and nods slowly at the whispered promise. He watches her leave, sliding quietly through the gap in the doorway, and then - still, for some reason, bunching the blanket deliberately over his pelvis - makes for his bathroom.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

A handful of flowers were tightly grasped in the young man’s hands as the thirteen year-old Lorcán Roth returned from the meadows that dotted the inner of Dunira Island. It was his two-year anniversary with Ryan Clarke and he wanted to bring her something special. He had overheard his Mom and Ryan talking at one point and the young redheaded woman had alluded to wildflowers being her favourite.

So naturally, Lorcán went and picked her a whole bouquet.

He had spent most of the morning finding as many purple wildflowers as he could. Ryan always wore a lot of purple when she wasn’t in her Gulo uniform, it really brought out her hair. She had always been kind to Lorcán, helping to hone his abilities and more importantly, she didn’t treat him like some little boy or a nuisance.

She laughed at his jokes, she liked his family. Lorcán really thought there was something between them. How could he not after all? She was the first girl to show him any sort of affection who wasn’t his mother.

Ryan always met Lorcán out by the woodshed before they started their training and today was no different as Lorcán happily made his way behind the house, a bounce in his step and a look of pride upon his face. He had never made a bouquet before, but he had looked some images up online and was pretty proud of his handy work.

A giggle caught Lorcán’s attention upon entering the backyard. He could hear it come from within the woodshed and a smile suddenly lit up his face. Was Ryan waiting inside with a surprise for him as well? Did she remember today was exactly two years to the date they had met?

Excitedly, hurrying over to the woodshed, the young boy took hold of the doors and threw them wide open. Shoving the bouquet forward, he threw his other hand towards the sky before shouting.


The word died in his mouth as Lorcán felt the repulse of embarrassment. A wave of heat suddenly radiated out from him as his eyes began to register exactly what was happening.He could see Ryan in front of him, her jeans undone, hands belonging to an older boy intertwined with the thin red satin strap riding above her well-defined hip bones. Black lace peeked out from a shirt nearly completely discarded as Ryan’s tongue darted in and out from between the older boy’s lips, her hands firmly clenched around his jaw while their hips gyrated together.

Lorcán looked down at the wilted bouquet in his hand, before tossing it aside and lunging for the older teen. His molten-eyes practically engulfed by flames as the rage filled boy tackled the larger male to the ground of the woodshed.

“Get off her!” The younger boy roared, pulling back a fist and slugging Ryan’s suitor in the face. He pulled a fist back to strike again before the older teen managed to block the onslaught. Pushing Lorcán off him, he pinned the boy against a nearby shelf before trying to speak to him.

“Calm down little man,”

“She’s not yours!” Lorcán shot back, suddenly superheating his hands. The older teen cried out in agony, releasing Lorcán before stumbling backwards and looking down at the freshly reddened skin of his palms. There was a small rumble before a vibration filled the air that sent Lorcán backward, slamming the back of his head hard against the shelf as the older teen retaliated.

He lifted his hand to strike only for Ryan’s hand to land on his chest.

“Lor, my little man,” Ryan interjected, pulling her shirt back up over her bra and hastily fastening her pants, “Look, it’s sweet you want to protect me, but it’s fine, he’s not hurting me.” She tried to coax Lorcán down, bringing herself down to his height as she kneeled beside him.

“This is Lance,” She said, introducing the older teen formally, “He and I have been seeing each other for a bit.”

“Yeah,” Lance interrupted, “I’m her boyfriend you little punk.” He winced while opening and closing his hands. “C’mon, Ryan, let's get out of here, the twerp is putting me off.”

“I didn’t think we put a label on it yet,” Ryan muttered, her eyes shooting daggers at Lance.

She turned to Lorcán, patting him on the head. “Why don’t you head inside, my little man. We’ll talk about this later.”

Lorcán nodded agreeably, standing up and dusting himself off.

“Sure, thanks Ryan.” He replied before walking out of the woodshed. The faint smell of smoke behind him.
Location: The Office of Dr. Miranda Rivers - Pacific Royal Collegiate & University, Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Dance Monkey #4.020: House of Memories
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Ready to Go (Get Me Out of My Mind)


Miranda suddenly pulled back, reeling at the intense emotion surrounding the memory only for it to end nearly void of any. It was as though she had hit a wall. A barrier blocking not only her, but also Lorcán from experiencing the fullness of the event.

She had felt mental blocks like this before, especially during her time with the Hyperhuman Investigative Tactical Unit. Most recently, she had found them in Hyperion’s followers. A mental block, put in place primarily to protect the affected by the trauma of their own mind.

So what was Lorcán’s hiding?

“Lorcán, what can you tell me about Ryan Clarke?” Miranda asked, sitting back in her chair while Lorcán gave her a confused look.

“Uh, I don’t really mean to question you, brah, but like my dreams haven’t been about Ryan,” He offered as Miranda first nodded before shaking his head.

“I realize that, but the intensity of your emotions, they link back to a particular event with Ryan.”

Lorcán rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, his eyes trying to avoid Miranda’s before he finally spoke again.

“I guess you say she was like my first crush. Ryan was my first friend who wasn’t related to me somehow and I thought she was hot. She was kind to me, she laughed with me, it was easy for a young boy to confuse that for some sort of mutual connection. But she had a boyfriend and I was too young for her to be interested anyways.” He finally spat out,

“Y’know puppy love, kid stuff.” Lorcán added dismissively.

“Would you say you’ve buried those feelings,” Miranda asked, “Or have you projected them onto… someone else?”

“There’s only one Ryan,” Lorcán replied, “She’s a totally just friend, and she was a mentor, but my feelings for her are like strictly platonic these days, kinda like an older sister.”

“Is the person you’re dreaming of also just a friend?”

“Yes,” Lorcán answered, “At least, that’s what I want but there’s also like some sort of tension I don’t understand.”

“Are you really going to lie like that? I see the way you look at me,” Amma suddenly interrupted, slinging an arm around Lorcán’s neck before wiggling her way into his lap. “Tell the doc, I was your first and you’re crazy about me.”

“Get off of me,” Lorcán blurted out. He attempted to remove Amma from his lap, but the girl only held on tighter, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. He felt her cold tongue against his throat while teeth playful grazed his skin.

“Is your friend in the room with us right now?” Miranda asked, her eyes looking straight at Lorcán, exactly where Amma would have been had she been real. Lorcán froze, the words failing to come out of his mouth.

A pale hand wrapped around his chin, pulling his face to look into her own as Amma held a finger to her lips and shook her head. Crackles of red and silver danced across the fingers holding Lorcán’s face and the scar running the length of the right side burned suddenly.

“Lorcán, if you don’t answer, I can’t help you.” Miranda insisted.

“Yes.” A feeble response came before searing pain rippled through Lorcán scar causing him to cry out. Miranda stood, reaching out as she re-entered Lorcán’s mind coming face to face with a twisted echo of Amma haunting the recesses of the boy’s psyche.

“What are you?” Miranda asked the apparition, the two women facing off in the void.

“Something stronger.” It replied, “And soon, this vessel will be mine.”
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