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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Amma had paused, a slow tilt to her head, almost as if unsure that she had heard the speculation and inquiry correctly. Someone wanted to share a tent with her, something of a nearly implausible circumstance when she did not even possess a roommate. A tent appeared for more... confining. Intimate. Close. And though there was a precedence of friendship there, a hesitant conclusion that Amma was still uncertain of, she seemed almost taken back by the unfolding situation. Firstly being conjoined to work with Lorcan and Rory, being entrusted to the field, and secondly being approached by Katja when she was almost positive she would've rather bunk with someone else.

Anyone else.

With a curious pass over, she tested the words in her mind still awhirl in her musings and said: "No, I hadn't planned on sharing a tent with anyone." Such was the truth, everyone else had been paired up almost automatically, it was a given for some and a trial for others. Whilst she had no intention of participating, Amma still considered the alternative and almost denied that beaming smile, but with a slight grin and a crossing of her arms she simply nodded.

"Sure," she gestured with a slight shrug and flicked her wrist in an off-handed gesture. "Why not, I picked the one closest to the cliff there. Hope you're not afraid of heights." she deadpanned; a soft, tittering sound loosened from her smile before she resumed her walk towards the field and waved her farewell over her shoulder.

Katja didn't realize she was holding her breath until she exhaled in a sigh of relief. For a second there she feared Amma was going to decline on her offer. But those doubts melted away with the Raven-haired girl consenting to bunk with her.

Katja's smile grew even brighter upon hearing her accept. Almost to the point of it hurting. She chuckled softly at Amma's joke. “Fate would've pulled quite a cruel prank on me if it made me afraid of heights.” She gestured to herself as if to emphasize the point.

Katja waved back at Amma as the French girl made her exit. She could feel her heart pounding with excitement in her chest for some reason. She didn't quite know why, as this wasn't the first time she shared a tent with someone and she'd never felt this way about sharing one with someone before.

But with Amma it just felt… different.

Her gaze lingered for a moment on the French girl as she walked off. Katja thought about the night before on the beach, about how she still had that unasked question that had been on the tip of her tongue.

Maybe tonight, she thought to herself.

Turning around, Katja muttered to herself as she made her way over to the construction site. “Now then, where's that little shit hiding?”


Location: The Southern Plateau, Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean - Present
Welcome Home #1.081: High Tensions with the Hypie from the Highveld (It's OUR word!)
Interaction(s): Katja - @Zoldyck
Previously: Hard Yakka and Hard yakking

Banjo got to the worksite, to find himself alone, without guidance or assistance. Or supervision.

He looked around to check he wasn’t being watched.

“Hey, anyone..? You’re just going to leave me alone with copious amounts of heavy metal, wiring, and construction materials?!” He called out into the open.

“You guys know who I am, right?!” Still nothing.

“Dodgy AY. EFFF. Shoddy site management. Y’know this makes me want to do somethin’ just from the hubris of it all…”

He sighed, and took a look at the plans.

“Fuck, I hate bein’ the responsible one… Buncha bludgers.”

He got to work hauling heavy materials. Katja would be here soon, if he got things roughly where they should be, they could more easily join the awkwardly sized components together.

He looked around to check he was all clear, and drank deep from the day’s sun. His breath quickened and then halted, and his body turned black. A cool breeze came from the leeward side of him. He felt his spine straighten and seize as muscles and sinew re-knitted and his synapses flared, exhilarating him with the sudden ecstatic rush. Slowly he looked to restore his breath to its normal rate, with some effort, and the corona swirled around his form.

Comfortable that he’d taken enough to make a start on the job, he stopped ‘juicing’ and let his body revert back to its usual appearance.

Making a start, he stacked a few girders and looked to carry them to where they’d form the framework.

Having finally made her way over to the construction site, Katja immediately started looking for her co-worker of the day. Or, to be more precise, she was trying to gauge whether she was already on clean-up duty or not.

To her surprise, she saw that Banjo seemed to be putting in some serious effort into his task. Which was good, of course, as it meant her good mood would survive. At least for the moment anyway.

A loud whistle rang across the site as Katja tried to get Banjo’s attention. “Look at you, productive little wallaby that you are!” she called out as she approached him with a distinct skip in her step. A wide smile gracing her lips as she practically beamed in her happiness.

Without even slowing down in her stride she easily picked up two stacks of girders and tucked them under her arms before finally standing beside Banjo.

"Don't say 'wallaby'. You start sayin' rugby words, my ribcage starts hurtin'." He called back, dumping a load of metal. Picking up cable and timber to save himself a trip later.

Katja flashed a knowing grin as she recalled the last time she played rugby against the little Aussie and practically folded him in half. “Honestly, with you being on your own here, I’m shocked that you haven’t burned the place down yet.” She laughed a little too loudly at her own joke before gently tapping his shoulder with her elbow. “Then again, we’re only just getting started.” Finishing the phrase with a playful wink.

"What kept you, anyway? Too busy listenin' to heavy metal to be haulin' it?" She seemed in good spirits, but that also seemed to be standard fare for Katja.

On occasion the large South African girl would have a flicker of despondency. A flash across the face of what would otherwise be an omnipresent smile, so brief you could barely tell that you'd seen it. If it hadn't repeated on other occasions. But if you'd experienced the same things she had, that was more than understandable.

As if the girl was keeping the dark memories at bay with built momentum of positivity. Forgive the brief loss of power whilst her transmission's changing gears on occasion.

Watching what happened to her family would do that to a person. Or worse.

Katja rolled her eyes in an exaggerated fashion to Banjo's metal comment. “Of all the people to comment on my music tastes, you probably have the least right to complain.”

She carefully put the bundle of I-beams she held under her left arm down on the ground, making sure that they wouldn't get too banged up. “Besides…” Katja then swung the other bundle of girders in front of her, grabbing it with both her hands before effortlessly lifting it high above her head. “You know I'd never pass up a good opportunity to lift heavy shit!”

"My tastes are impeccable, and beyond bloody reproach. This just goes to show that shit you listen to has made ya ears cactus. And another thing, when sdasdf ... " He kept mouthing whilst no sound at all came out, before finally mutely mouthing the words "Can you hear me at all?" and pointing to his ears.

Rolling her eyes at his tomfoolery, Katja put her second bundle next to the first before turning to Banjo and apologetically raising her hands. “But yeah, you're right. I'm a bit late. Sorry about that, bru!” A smile formed on her lips. “It just took a bit of time before I found someone crazy enough to share a tent with little old me. Not everyone hit the jackpot like you did five years ago!

She chuckled at the memory of the Aussie rascal and the New Mexican Ice Queen's first couple interactions back then. They were such an unlikely pairing and yet, they seemed to be made for each other.

The corner of her lips dropped for only a millisecond as she recalled what happened shortly after. A quick shake of her head cleared her mind of that aweful recollection. And with those memories tucked back into the dark corner they belong, her wide smile reappeared in full force as she thought about her bunkmate.

A gentle softness took hold of her voice when next she spoke. “If I'm honest, I kinda expected her to say no. So when she actually accepted the offer...” She cut herself off with a pleased hum as her cheeks visibly reddened.

It took her a few seconds to realize how she looked and she tried to turn her face away from Banjo. But she knew she was probably far too late with that action.

"Aaah... so that's what brought this on." A wide grin of recognition crossed his face, as he didn't hesitate to take the opportunity to tease his friend. "All of this." He said, gesturing to the blonde South African girl.

Katja put her hands on her hips as she looked over at Banjo for a brief moment, regarding him with a slightly tilted head and a raised eyebrow. “What do you mean, ‘All of this’?” Though she quickly turned her face away again when she felt her cheeks heating up.

"This sunny bloody disposition of yours... I could power m'self for about a week off it."

He put some space between them before continuing the thought.

"Lemme guess, New Gal, yeah? Well, just you mind yourself. You know what the French rugby players are like..." His grin started to turn into a more cheeky leer.

"Almost as dirty as the Bokkies. So mind you don't go gettin' a finger in the eye, in that tent there. Or were you lookin' for a fing--?”

Katja’s head snapped to meet Banjo within less time than it took either of them to blink. Her icy blue eyes were filled with unmistakable embarrassment which, as her pupils narrowed, slowly turned into rage. Her head became as red as a tomato, though it was hard to tell whether this was due to embarrassment or anger. Probably both. She bolted after Banjo within a split second, her big open right hand stretched out to grab the joking Aussie’s head.

“oh shit, she's comin'! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Banjo ran away from the large, rapidly reddening blonde girl, cackling with laughter. Relieved that he was comfortably able to keep a safe distance because he'd juiced earlier.

It was only a matter of inches, but she could’ve sworn she’d had him this time. She closed her hand with so much force that it actually made such a loud noise that people dozens of feet away got startled by it. In hindsight it was probably better that Banjo dodged that one, as his skull likely would’ve offered as much resistance to her squeeze as a ripe tomato.

Her eyes lingered on her empty hand for a few heartbeats before her gaze shifted back to the object of her ire. “I promise you…” She said with a voice that rumbled with barely repressed anger. “When I get my fucking hands on you…” Turning to face him, she continued with what almost sounded like a growl. “I’ll toss you all the way across the Pacific back to Australia…” Katja crouched down to prepare her pursuit, the volume of her voice ever increasing. “You little Aussie shit! She howled before leaping after the little bastard.

If it weren’t for the tremors each of her steps made and the craters her feet left behind, one wouldn’t have guessed Katja’s mass was anything noteworthy by the way she moved. Despite her great weight, she never seemed to be encumbered by it in her movements. She was already a freakish athlete without her powers. With them? Well, she was known as one of PRCU's star athletes for a damn good reason and it was clearly shown in just how close her pursuit of Banjo actually was. However, each time she nearly had that runt by the throat, he’d slip between her fingers, cackling all the way.

A smile slowly started creeping up on Katja’s lips as the initial anger and embarrassment subsided and made way for amusement. They had gone over this routine countless times now. He would say something to aggravate her, she would attempt to squish him like the bug he sometimes could be… Fun times all around, really.

She finally called it quits after what felt like an eternity, though it probably was only a few minutes. She didn’t like to admit she lost, and Banjo most certainly knew that, so she just feigned disinterest in the entire pursuit. Banjo usually knew better than to continue prodding the bear when that time arrived, and they’d merrily continue on with their business. As she looked over at the now ruined field, she hoped that today would be one of those days where he wouldn’t try to rub salt in the wounds.

As her attention shifted to the cloudy sky, she addressed her fraternal menace. “We should really get to work on this…” Katja panted before looking over at Banjo with a grin. “While we’re both still able to get some work done.”

“You’re getting quicker.” He said with a wide grin, still backpedalling freely, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I mean, I still had a gear or two to go, but if I wasn’t juiced to the gills to haul this crap around, may well-a been a different story. But you didn’t even let me get the punchline out.” He crowed cockily.

Katja chuckled softly as a smirk started tugging at the corner of her lips. “You better pray I don't ever get you into a ring or something. You'd become the damn punchline if that were to ever happen!”

“Awww... dunno 'bout that. Still got the ol' slip'n'dip... the ol' One-Two Timmy Tszyu!” He said, bobbing and weaving and throwing rapid left-right combinations. Before he stopped and thought for a moment.

“Don't know how much it'd do, but...” He said scratching his neck at the thought of throwing a combination at someone who tipped the scales at... well, tipping the scales. So he continued in earnest.

“So I’m glad. Someone to get a bit over-protective over. If anyone’s deserved someone like that, it’s you. Someone like that… sounds like Home.” The cheekiness dropped from his smirk, before returning. “I’d let ya go the hug, but I’m still a bit wary of lettin’ ya close just yet.”

The redness returned to her cheeks while her smirk turned into an embarrassed smile. But Katja didn't turn away this time around. Instead she just looked at Banjo, her bright eyes shining with appreciative joy at the Australian's words. “Thank you. she mumbled softly with a hint of embarrassment.

He looked at the damage to the terrain and the job that was still very much at hand, and let out a long, low whistle.

“Bet I’ll get blamed f’r this…”

Katja followed Banjo's gaze and, after surveying the aftermath of their little scrap, instinctually scratched the back of her neck. “Nah bru, we'll both get yelled at if we don't fix this by the end of the day.” She admitted with a hint of guilt in her voice.

Katja quickly made her way over to the bundles of girders. “Come on, let's get to work!” She snapped the reinforced wires keeping the bundles together with a quick jerk of her fingers, the steel beams tumbling down from their neat packages into a pile. “No messing around until we're at least half way through the schematics, deal?”

“I mean, we might as well. There's nothin' left to destroy right now...”

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.082: Still Burning
Interaction(s): Lorcán - @Lord Wraith, Amma - @Rockette
Previously: And you're gone

“Dude, I have to hand it to you, I would have quit the moment I took off, bro.”

Rory banged away at the metal bar as Lorcán approached, completely immersed in his work. He still listened, of course, as his roommate dragged on. Unsurprisingly, and to Rory’s annoyance, he had opened with a joke. Not even an apology to start off. He kept his eyes focused on his work, the rhythmic beating of the metal ringing in his ears alongside the surfer’s words.

“Y’know Bulltrue has a metal bender right?”

Rory leaned over to examine the piece.

“I mean I suppose you can keep bustin’ your hump out here and ignoring me. That’s cool, I get it. But you’re only tiring yourself out.”

Rory continued banging against the bar, further shaping it into pace. His arm was sore, but he didn’t show it. He removed the clamp on the bar and tossed it over to where the others were.

“Tiring yourself out before your night with Sky Betty as I heard.” Lorcán jabbed into his ribs, eliciting a grunt and an instinctive glare from Rory as he turned and grabbed another metal bar. Under the surface, though, those words tickled at something in the back of his head. Lorcán’s verbal jab was pointed enough and clear to cut through some of the fog. His wording had to have been off… Rory quickly turned back to the workbench and fetched a new metal bar. His cheeks heated a little more red than they already were from the work. Lorcán wasn’t there, so he had to have heard it from the others. And if the others had pieced together Rory’s weird wording, then certainly Haven had as well.

“Look, you can be angry all you want, but at least I didn't ask Haven to the dance. That was a pretty kook thing to do. None of this matters anyway, you’re just as raked under as I am. No degree, what are you going to do? Even I know there aren’t a lot of options for a Jake with your abilities.” Rory’s embarrassment faded as he went back to hammering a new metal bar into shape, his rage rising. Still not even a word of apology. Just more jabs… no, deflection. Rory’s grip tightened on the hammer, as he delivered more decisive swings.

“Look, I’m sorry I ran off. It wasn't my intention to actually leave you with the work. Why don't you power up? Even in three minutes the two of us can blast through the rest of this and I’ll cover the rest once you tap out.”

He extended a hand to Rory. Rory continued hammering the bar into place… and a little beyond the desired angle.

“Come on, wolves stick together, dude, two of us would be better than one. If you’re eager to see this through, let me help you, bro.”

Rory’s final swing of the hammer cleaved the end of the metal bar off, and he tossed the hammer onto the bench in frustration as he spun around to face Lorcán. His face was fresh hot with anger, sweat pooling down his neck and back as he looked at the extended hand. He looked back up to Lorcán incredulously, before his eyes focused on a particular figure behind his shoulder. Amma smiled while looking the two of them over like they were slabs of meat. He wasn't necessarily opposed to the objectification... but given her and Lorc were who knows where moments before left him feeling off. Something about this felt wrong, and he desperately wanted to know what they were doing. Rory looked back at Lorcán and slapped his hand out of the way. Despite the anger in his face, he took a breath and kept his voice even as he spoke. ”You don’t get to decide we’re good, bro. None of this might matter to you, man, but it matters to me. We’ve got one year left here together before we all go off… The twins are going to be running the damn course this year, Lorc.”

Rory sighed, looking around at the other crews for a moment, before turning his gaze back and keeping his voice lowered. ”It doesn’t matter if you meant to leave me to do the work myself, man. You did. And instead of apologizing, you’re deflecting. What the Hell is going on, man?”

Lorcán’s eyes narrowed as his hand was slapped away. The next few words out of Rory’s mouth fell on deaf ears as Lorcán replied everything he had just said to his roommate back. Nothing he said should have accounted for the minor assault he had just endured.

But he wasn't about to talk to his best friend the same way Rory has just spoken to him. Lorcán didn't exactly have the moral highground but he also didn't need to sink any lower. Lifting his face, he took a breath before raising his hands to wave the white flags.

“Whoa, whoa, let’s steer out of the riptide here. I’m not meaning to deflect, bro. Clearly I should have spoken to you before bailing. The ceremony really got me in the shallows earlier. I just wanted to blow off some steam.”

Taking another breath, he continued to speak.

“Bro, I completely forgot the twins were starting this year, like a total grommet I even forgot that Ripley would be doing the course too. I wasn't thinking about anyone but myself, it was totally selfish and it was kook-like ignorant. I don’t blame you for being upset, frustrated and like rightfully mad.”

Lorcán kicked the ground, trying to figure out his next couple of words.

“I’m going to get to work, there’s just over an hour left. But I’ll like stay out of your way and I’ll totally shut up now.”

He reluctantly admitted defeat realizing he couldn't force Rory to forgive him. Snapping a quick picture of the plans with his phone, Lorcán filled his arms with materials and made himself a separate workspace to try his best to catch up.

Rory sighed, picked up his hammer, and got back to work on his own. The anger had passed, a cold frustration left in its place. What didn't make any sense, though, was what Lorcán had meant by 'blowing off some steam.' Usually that meant tossing the ball around or wrestling... neither of which seemed like something Amma would do.

Regardless, the apology felt hollow... perhaps rightfully so. Rory had snapped and lashed out... something he hadn't ever really done before. That was more his father's modus operandi... and that alone was enough to keep Rory awake for a week. He had gone too far, even if Lorcán pushed all the wrong buttons.

And yet, it felt off. Lorcán had jabbed him first over and over before offering a half-hearted apology. And when it wasn't accepted, he tucked his tail between his legs and offered a more real apology before running. Rory recognized the guilt mixed with frustration: he had been hurt, and hurt Lorcán back. It was a gross feeling. A simple apology could probably wash it down. They just needed to be a little vulnerable and really honest with each other.

Instead, Rory turned back to the work at hand.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - PRCU
Welcome Home #1.083: Flock Together

Interaction(s): Aurora @Melissa, Rory @Webboysurf
Previously: Birds of a Feather

"So, I was thinking that between grabbing supplies for the actual construction of the site we could bring everyone drinks and snacks?" Haven asked Aurora as they finished their first supply run of the day. The word Tad had used to describe their supplies was lost on Haven, but she was sure she'd recognize it when they arrived to pick it up. The crate was bulky, but not super uncomfortable.

Aurora wiped the sweat that had collected at her brow. She may have not needed to physically carry the large crates of supplies, but teleporting the sizable amount had taken some considerable effort. Especially given her mind was still not completely clear after this morning's ceremony, it only complicated things further and made a normally easy job more tiresome than usual. Once she had found Haven, the two had gotten right to work on the task at hand, not wasting anymore time than the redhead and Lorcán already had.

She turned to her winged friend and nodded, "Yeah, that'd be nice, I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. The coolers must be around here somewhere," The redhead looked around, students busy with their assigned responsibilities all around them. "I'm guessing that Robert, Tad, and the other faculty have that covered." Aurora stated, having a feeling that things like that were probably handled and under control, before smirking at Haven, "Why, feeling a little peckish?" She asked, dissolving into a delicate laugh at her own terrible joke.

Haven stuck her tongue out at her friend, her wings shaking out behind her in a playful threat. "I thought it would be nice of us." She said before giving a light shrug, her weight shifting onto one side and her hand resting on her hip. "Are you feeling jumpy about it?" Her nose scrunched as she grinned, as if she also knew how bad it was.

Aurora simply shook her head, another chuckle escaping from her lips, "Okay, I guess I had that one coming." She conceded, reaching up and gathering her hair into a messy ponytail and tying it off with an elastic in order to get it out of her face and off of the back of her neck. "Let's go see what we're working with here." She spotted the coolers a sizable distance away, at the other end of the campsite, and motioned for her friend to follow.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened or not?" The redhead asked, albeit a bit nosily.

Haven joined Aurora at her side, matching the girl's pace. She clasped her hands behind her back as she walked, a coy smile spreading as she tilted her head back and looked Ror's way. "Well... I'm going to tell you exactly how he asked, but I want you to think about who asked me before you jump to conclusions. Okay?" She brought her arms around front again, her hands spreading out in front of her as if she were a grand storyteller. When she spoke, her voice was low and rough in an impression of the man in question. "So, Barnes... you want to sleep together tonight?"

Aurora played Haven's game, nodding and watching intently as the girl set the scene. She was well aware that there was never a dull moment for Team Blackjack, so after hearing how this "mystery man" asked the brunette to share a tent, she shouldn't have been as shocked as she was. The redhead couldn't help but gasp, her eyes widening, "You're kidding." she stated in disbelief, "I swear, Rory just keeps on getting himself into these situations." Aurora shook her head, "So how'd you reply?"

"Well, I said yes." Haven started with a smile. "It took me a moment to realize what he actually meant, and of course my heart was pounding in my chest... but once it clicked that he just wanted to bunk with me and not- y'know, I figured it wouldn't hurt to agree without clarifying it." She brought her hands together, her thumb rubbing her palm absentmindedly. "If he figures it out before I tell him, that's great. If he doesn't, I'll know that I have to be the one to make the first move." Part of her wished that she had been direct with him from the first moment she saw him yesterday. The other part was telling her that she was crazy for feeling so strongly about him.

"I'm getting nervous just thinking about it, really. Dunno why."

The redhead's eyes nearly bugged out of her head, but softened as Haven explained her rationale, impressed with the girls' confidence surrounding the whole thing. It was a quality that Aurora envied, the ability to not overthink and be bold, as it was something she inherently lacked. She knew she was cautious, and for good reason, but sometimes she wished she could be a little more like her friends when it came to their self-assurance.

"I think it's justified to be nervous," Aurora expressed as they approached the stack of coolers, opening one of the lids and inspecting the contents. She grabbed a water bottle and passed it to Haven before taking one for herself. "I can't really relate, but if you feel comfortable enough with making the first move then more power to you." The redhead sighed, twisting the cap and taking a sip, "I just don't want you to get hurt, so I'd caution you to see what the vibe is before making the leap."

Haven gratefully accepted the water, standing next to the cooler as she listened to Ror. She mulled the advice over for a few moments, fiddling with the cap before she unscrewed it. She gave Aurora a warm smile. "I'm glad I can talk to you about this, Ror. Thanks." She took a swig of the bottle before capping it again. "I think I'd mess it up if I did this my way." Her smile turned into something lonely and yearning for a moment, before she took a deep breath and put her hand on her hip. All worries drifting away on a phantom breeze like a feather. "Let's deliver some waters and then check in with Tad. Hopefully the next supply run will be for something fun."

Aurora smiled back at Haven, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Of course, you can always talk to me. That's what friends are for, right?" The redhead affirmed. But she saw the way the girl's face dropped at her next statement, her eyes going glassy, and tried to lift her spirits. "Don't say that. You wouldn't mess it up. I just know that sometimes people act with their hearts and not with their heads. You know who does that?" She asked rhetorically, not waiting for Haven's guess. "Rory." Aurora disclosed, letting her eyes drift over to the construction site where many of the students, including the dark haired boy, were working.

She leaned down to grab a few more water bottles, carrying a handful of them in her arms. "That sounds good to me. It's warm out today, gotta keep everyone hydrated." Aurora concurred, as she began to walk towards structure being built.

Haven nodded in agreement. The smile that spread now was amused, and yet beaming with the warmth of knowing that Aurora had her back. She grabbed the rest of the water, and began to follow along behind Ror. Her wings lifted momentarily to avoid the coolers below, flaring at the promise of taking to the skies again soon. Her eyes moved to the construction site, scanning over each group until she spotted Rory... Hot. So hot.

"It is a bit warm today, isn't it?" Haven murmured halfheartedly. She then frowned lightly. "Weren't Lorcán and Amma supposed to be working with Rory?"

The redhead did a double take, letting her eyes scan the area. Her friend wasn't wrong, Lorcán and Amma were supposed to be paired with Rory, but upon evaluation, were nowhere to be found. It was odd, especially considering the sandy haired boy enjoyed this kind of work; she was convinced that the only thing he loved more than surfing was an architectural blueprint. Aurora raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, they were..." She trailed off, looking around once more. "Maybe they're taking a break?" She innocently theorized, not jumping to conclusions.

The girl closed the distance and approached Rory but as she neared, she could feel everyone's eyes on her. They were staring, but why? "Hey Rory," Aurora greeted, extending an arm out towards him, water bottle in hand. "Want a water?"

Haven cleared her throat softly as she approached, her traitorous eyes roaming his shirtless chest and abs before quickly lifting to those bright blue eyes. She gave him a bright smile in the hopes that he hadn't caught her staring, and then set down two water bottles for their missing teammates onto the table nearby. "You can have these if you need them." She said, looking around at the work that had been done already. "Sorry you're stuck doing all the work." She noticed the difference between Rory's steel and the clean cut lines of an elemental cut. It seemed like Lorcán and Amma had been here earlier, and yet... where were they now?

Rory nodded in thanks wordlessly for a moment as he finished a rough cut on one of the bars, turning the saw off and sitting it aside. As he saw Aurora and Haven, his eyes brightened up a tiny bit and he gave a weak smile. He quickly opened a water bottle and chugged half of it, before pouring the rest over his head to cool himself down. He looked back to Aurora, grateful. “Thanks, Borealis.” Rory then turned back to look towards Haven, seemingly oblivious and slightly delirious from exhaustion. He wiped some of the water and sweat from his face, running his fingers through his wet hair to part it back as he just seemed to catch her comment. “Yeah… it's, uh… it's fine. Hot Shot scooped up Amma and took off for the woods. You know how he gets sometimes.” Rory trailed off, seemingly lost in thought for a moment before shaking his head.

If Aurora had been mid-sip of water, she would have most definitely spit it out.

Lorcán had gone off with Amma? Into the woods? Together?

The girl could feel her heartbeat quicken, shock and surprise etched onto her face. She grew slightly warm, feeling the stares of nearby classmates pinned on her as if they knew something that she didn’t. The redhead choked out a laugh, clearly uncomfortable. “Oh, uh, he did? I mean, they did? That’s um… interesting.” She managed to say, not knowing how else to respond.

Haven had to admit she was impressed by Rory's work. She smiled as she watched him, admiring Rory's skill with the saw. Something was off about him, but she couldn't figure out what. Her mind went especially blank as he proceeded to chug the water, her eyes on the needy way he drank it. She braced herself as he lifted the bottle over his head, watching as it trickled through his glossy hair and down his broad shoulders and the panes of his chest. She quickly shut her mouth before she would start drooling, just in time for him to turn his gaze on her. The exhausted expression in them hit her in the chest, and yet she envied his hands as he ran them through his hair.

"Wait, what?" It was like her brain jumped back to life at his words. "They really left you here to do this by yourself?" She frowned, and then looked over at Aurora, realizing what the implications might mean for her too. She heard hushed gossip from a group behind them and shot them the bird behind her back. "Give them hell when they get back for me, Rory." Haven said, giving Rory a thumbs up. "You're doing great, by the way."

Haven scooped up their remaining water and moved to stand beside Aurora. "We should probably get going. I think I heard Tad calling for us. We can drop these off to the others before we go on our next run." The gossipers weren't getting any water. Haven had made her mind up on that.

The redhead glanced at her winged friend, attempting to hide the confusion that clouded her baby blues. She could hear whispering behind them, what were they saying? Haven would know, but her inclination was that it clearly wasn't anything good. And that it was about her. Aurora turned her head towards the students and they immediately stopped, something like pity in their eyes as she looked at them, confirming her suspicions.

Definitely not good.

"Yeah, I uh, we'll see you later Rory." She practically mumbled, head spinning as they walked away. She had a million thoughts in her head, mostly surrounding the fact that her best friend had gone off with the terrifying new girl who she did not like in the slightest. Aurora didn't know where she was heading, but just needed to get away from that group. She opted to start walking towards where Mei, Calliope, and Harper were brainstorming the theme, hoping Haven was keeping pace. "What were they talking about?"

Haven remained close to Aurora, her expression as casual as she could keep it. "Oh, don't worry about them. It was just some stupid gossip." She stretched her wings out beside her, casually covering Aurora from the view of the people in question. "I'm sure there's a reason they took off. You went after Lorcán this morning, right? I bet he's pretty upset about the situations with our degrees."

Aurora sighed, “Yeah, he’s devastated. He was totally spiraling when I found him, it was honestly really hard to watch.” She recounted, unable to shake the memory of him panicking, which was very out of character for him. He had always been so sturdy, so dependable… it seemed as though today he was not acting like his usual self in any way, shape, or form. “I guess I’m just surprised he ditched Rory. Lorcán lives for this kind of stuff, I would have assumed he’d throw himself into the work instead of bailing.” The redhead tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, she wanted to. But between the hushed chatter of their peers, and Rory’s tell-tale expression, it was becoming increasingly difficult to.

Haven looked out over the construction site, trying to figure out a reason that Lorcan would have ditched his responsibilities. She took a breath, coming to a conclusion of her own. "Aren't you wondering if this whole day is meaningless now?" She began, her tone soft. "H.E.L.P. hasn't done anything to save the school and the Foundation haven't agreed to give us the credits either. I can see why he thinks it's ok to slack off now." She looked over at Aurora, giving her an encouraging smile. "They could be out there wrecking some trees just to let off some steam. It can't be easy for Amma to hear that the school she left is now coming for this one, and now Lorcán is under the impression he won't leave the island without a degree."

"Although, it's weird that he would leave with someone who said such awful things last night. That I don't understand."

“I guess,” She considered, Haven providing a good perspective. She had a solid point that it was possible Lorcán assumed all was null at this point given the morning’s events. “But his cousin is supposed to be running the course. You would think he’d want to make it good for her, make it matter.” Aurora noted. He had been so excited to be part of the construction this year, and hadn't stopped talking about it all summer, in fact. The winged girl continued and the redhead shook her head, “Yeah Lorcán told me what happened after I fell asleep,” She hesitated, taking a breath. Just thinking about Amma made her skin crawl, “I don’t like that she said those things… she really worries me. People like that don’t change, not easily.”

Haven nodded, a frown coming to her features as she remembered Amma's words. "I don't think she has any hope for the world. For us. It's not right." She adjusted the bottles in her arms. "Let's give Lorcán a chance to explain himself later tonight."

This time Haven really heard Tad calling for them. She turned her head towards the coolers way behind them, seeing Tad waving his arm in the air. She raised her left wing in the air to let him know she heard and turned to Aurora. "Now we're actually needed." The smile on her face revealed her white lie earlier. "Let's have some fun with this run. We can race to see who gets back from the trip first."

The redhead wordlessly inclined her head in agreement, both to Haven’s evaluation of Amma and the girl’s willingness to give the sandy haired boy an opportunity to explain himself. She wistfully looked back at the construction site, still not seeing either Lorcán or Amma present, before looking back to Haven with a forced grin. Her features softened once she realized her friend had lied to get them out of the situation, and appreciation shone in her eyes, before melting into a coy smirk at the promise of a challenge. “I don’t think it’ll be much of a competition, but I’d like to see you try.”

Haven bumped her shoulder against Aurora with a grin. "I definitely can." She said before she suddenly turned around, bolting towards where Tad stood at the coolers. Her wings beat against the air around her, ponytail whipping behind her head as her muscles worked hard to get her airborne. "Come on, slowpoke!" She called back behind her, grabbing for a water bottle that tried to slip out of her arms. She laughed, already halfway to their team leader and quickly leaving Aurora behind. She knew Aurora would beat her there, as she always did, but the distraction of a competition made her defeat taste a lot sweeter.

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Qia
Avatar of Qia

Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.084: Trials and Tribulations Part 2: The Kids Are Alright
Interaction(s):Calliope-@PatientBean,Mei-@Garden Gnome
Previously: Trials and Tribulations Part 1: Vive la Révolution

The three of them got to work quickly.

Thankfully, the Trials didn’t require intense labour. Inputting the designs into augmented reality was pretty straightforward. Calli took her time with hers, wanting to make sure it was as perfect as can be. Even though she wanted the message that ‘Hey here is a trial with three books attached, each one a middle finger to the authority’ she also wanted to ensure the freshmen were able to pass and enjoy themselves. It wasn’t their fault after all.

Something had been on her mind though. She didn’t know Harper or Mei well at all. And the only in-depth conversation that they really had was about the trials and they all but rushed through it. Perhaps this was why they were paired together.

That or everyone else made sense and they were just thrown into something.

“So….how are you all feeling about...everything I guess?” She left it pretty vague to allow Harper or Mei to fill it in. Calli didn’t know if anything was bothering them like it was her. She blew up a sink for crying out loud!

“I’m fine considering everything that has happened.” Mei paused for a brief moment before she continued. “I mean the Rory thing is still mostly up in the air, but at least we got the dance thing settled. The fact that he is sleeping with Haven though is definitely not reassuring.” Honestly speaking, Mei didn’t have it as bad as her other teammates who had issues with their degrees, what with the changing of the accreditation and all. She guessed she could consider herself fortunate. However, she was sensible enough to know that she shouldn’t flaunt her relief around and keep her relief low-key and empathize with those facing the unhappiness surrounding the recent events that had only just taken place not too long ago.

Harper paused, the soft glow of the holographic interface casting shadows across her face. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before she turned to face Calli. “It’s been…a lot to process. Everything is so complicated now. But you know, I don’t intend to let my…personal circumstances hinder what I have to do now.” She locked eyes with Calli, her gaze piercing yet filled with a silent understanding. “And you, Calliope? On the beach, you seemed to have it all mapped out—family, a career in law. But life has a way of... throwing us off course it seems.”Harper's usual stoic mask slipped somewhat, a glimmer of concern flickering in her gaze.“Are you holding up alright?”

Calli had taken into account both directions the other two had directed the conversation. Mei going on about Rory and whatever that adorable mess of a human was attempting to do with the others. Calli’s mind flashed back to the beach and him essentially taking a pass at Aurora despite Lorcán standing there. And Mei attempting to fix it despite Rory’s obliviousness. She breathed a sigh of relief at not having to play dating politics amongst this lot.

And Harper highlighting personal circumstances. What did that mean? Was she referring to the diplomas or something else entirely? “I….exploded a sink.”

She let that sink in before she continued. “After the announcement that some of our degrees would be essentially worthless and that we would have to change schools to finish, I…lost it. Went to the bathroom and exploded one of the sinks in an arguably beautiful ice sculpture. So I am doing about as well as one can expect.”

Harper allowed a rare, gentle smile to play across her lips, softening the stern lines that usually framed her mouth. “Exploding a sink,”she echoed, her tone laced with a touch of amusement and understanding.“I must admit, that’s a new one for me. But if it provided even a moment’s respite from all this shit, then perhaps it wasn’t in vain.” As for her other teammate, Harper, typically one to steer clear of the tangled web of interpersonal drama, found herself weighing the merits of intervention. Gil’s recount had painted a clear picture, and her instinct was to remain an observer, not a participant in the unfolding shitshow that seemed to be a constant for her dunderhead teammate.

Yet, as she stood there, a part of her- the part honed by a strong sense of loyalty towards her friends- nudged her towards speaking up. So, with a mental shrug that dismissed her lingering reservations, Harper found her voice.

“I know it’s not my place,”she began, her tone even and devoid of judgment. “but Rory, for all his… let’s call them ‘quirks’, doesn’t strike me as malicious. Misguided, perhaps, but not harmful.” She paused, choosing her next words with care. “The proposition to Haven, I believe, was less about intent and more about a lack of foresight. Even if there’s something there…he asked you, Mei. Or maybe you asked him. Either way, him choosing to go to the dance with you has to count for something.”

“Exploding a sink and turning that into an art piece at the same time. I’d pay to see that. Pay in snacks, mind you, and I love my snacks. I wish I could say the same whenever I destroy something unintentionally.” Mei mused. She then glanced over to Harper and replied. “Oh sure, I treat that as good progress and any progress with Rory is something to be happy for. Of course, I love that he is going to the dance with me. There’s no reason I wouldn’t be. I’m as straight as an arrow.” She mimicked an archer firing an arrow with a smile. Mei then paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts before she continued. “Honestly, I’d prefer if he had slept alone, or with anyone else other than Haven.” Mei had always been unafraid to openly show her jealousy regarding Rory with her friends and voiced her thoughts unabashedly.

A faint smile graced Harper's lips at Mei's jest, but it quickly dissolved into a look of contemplation. She understood well enough the potential volatility of Mei's jealousy. After all, she herself could get, and has been, quite jealous before. For her, the feeling was like a spark near a powder keg, capable of igniting a blaze that could sweep through their ranks and jeopardize the cohesion they so desperately needed right now in the face of the Foundation.

Hence, the impulse to intervene, to offer a word of caution, was there. Yet, she found herself asking once again if it was even her place to step in, to guide Mei away from a path that could lead to discord. Or was it better to trust in her teammate's ability to navigate her own emotional landscape?

The weight of this decision lifted as Calliope's voice broke through her reverie, signalling a shift in the conversation. Harper silently welcomed the reprieve, allowing her to retreat from the precipice of involvement, back to her familiar ground of observation and support.

For now.

It really was a breath of fresh air to be hearing all of the romantic drama unfolding amongst the team. Rory seemed to be at the center of it, though Calli knew it extended to Lorcán and Aurora and now even Haven.

“Rory is…..ok I love Rory very much but the man is an idiot when it comes to this. He asked Aurora to the dance to help Lorcán out and that failed and now he’s playing catch up with everyone else. I agree with Harper, I don’t think he is doing this maliciously or is trying to be a player of sorts. Also just because they are sleeping in a tent together doesn’t mean they will be doing anything other than sleeping. And even then, it is Rory and Haven’s choice. You won’t know and Rory certainly won’t know until you talk to him. And you have to lay it out for him.”

“What about you Harper? Any relationship drama to tackle? I don’t seem to recall you paying any special attention to any one of our teammates, but perhaps I missed it.”

Harper's eyes momentarily lost their focus, reflecting an internal debate.

“There might be someone,”she acknowledged, her voice betraying a hint of reluctance.“But it's a topic for another time.” Her gaze shifted away, signalling an unspoken boundary she wasn't ready to cross.

Still…a sigh escaped her, more from resignation than sadness. Perhaps the only one between the three in a long-term relationship could offer some advice.

“I've perhaps spoken out of turn recently with that someone, in matters of... personal interest.” Harper hesitated, the admission hanging between them like a delicate thread. “It's challenging, you know? When a person occupies your thoughts, yet you're not quite sure where you stand with them.” She gestured vaguely, her hands illustrating the disparity she felt. “They're up here,” she said, her hand aloft, “and I'm... somewhere below, trying to find my proper place with them.”

Calliope cracked her knuckles. It seemed as though the two fledglings with her needed some advice. Since she was in an arguably healthy relationship, she felt it was her obligation to bestow some wisdom on them.

Mother was here.

“All right ladies. First and foremost in the lesson plan: men are stupid. This is why sexuality is not a choice because no one would willingly choose to be attracted to that species. So they are going to say and do dumb things. It is up to us, which may not seem fair, but we all know women run the world as our goddess Beyonce states.

Second, Harper, I want to hear none of that self-defeatist talk. You are not “beneath” anyone. You are on the same level as everyone, including this mystery person you have your eye on. If they like you, great. If they don’t, it’s their loss because you are amazing and are worth it. If this man or woman or non-binary individual cannot see that then they are blind.

Third, Mei…Rory is going to the dance with you, but that does not mean he cannot explore other options. And that’s not even to say that’s what he is going to do. With Haven or anyone else. You are too young to be worrying too much over a boy who may or may not ultimately give you the time of day. So look at it like a night to enjoy yourself with attractive arm candy and don’t get bogged down if it doesn’t end up exactly what you want. Life throws us curveballs. And don’t get me wrong, I recognize the irony of saying all that while being in a loving relationship with Banjo, but it didn’t start off like that. Trust me, what you see took work. All of it.”

Harper managed to suppress her laughter, though she found herself momentarily at a loss for words. Calliope’s truths resonated, yet she believed deep down the complexities of her feelings for Gil weren’t so easily resolved.

Gil wasn’t just some random guy she had a crush on. He was a faraway constellation, a public figure whose life was a spectacle under the relentless gaze of the world. The idea of being with him sent a surge of excitement through her, yet it was a double-edged sword, with one side gleaming with temptation and the other shadowed by apprehension.

His allure was undeniable, his charisma a force of nature, but the incident on the beach had cast a well-focused light on the realities of his existence and her place in it.

Harper’s voice, once she finally spoke, was a soft murmur, laden with a truth she had long held close to her chest.

“My feelings for Gil are complex,” she admitted, a note of earnestness threading through her words. She cast a sidelong glance at Calliope, a silent plea for discretion. The last thing she needed was for Banjo to turn her confessions into ammunition for teasing.

“It’s about more than just attraction,” Harper continued, her gaze returning to the middle distance as she contemplated the enormity of Gil’s world. “His life is under constant scrutiny, every move analyzed and judged. It’s both thrilling and terrifying to imagine stepping into that kind of place.”

She drew in a deep breath, her shoulders squaring as if bracing against an unseen force. “I’m drawn to him… irresistibly so. But to join him in the spotlight is to invite that same scrutiny upon me, and that’s no small consideration. It’s a big leap of faith, and I’m just… trying to muster the courage to take that plunge.”

Mei spoke up once the pair were finished talking.

“Oh, I know Rory is not being malicious, how can the doofus be so in such a manner? However, knowing that doesn’t make me any less sad or jealous though.”She sighed before she continued. “Yeah, you’re right. I should not place all my eggs in one basket. I know that too, but after doing this for so long, it’s difficult to stop.” Mei then broke that chain of thought to rummage around in her bag before fishing out none other than a bar of Meiji milk chocolate. Sensing that the mood was down, Meiji chocolate had always been her favourite choice for lifting her spirits. One of the best chocolates she had ever tasted, Meiji’s is smooth and creamy, yet still remaining chocolatey enough to satisfy her palate. Looking at it happily, she then tossed it to Harper. “Here. enjoy my favourite chocolate and cheer up. It’s one of the best and never fails to lift my spirits and bring a smile to my face. I hope you like it.”

Calliope shook her head, more so because, despite it all, these two were going to continue feeling these things. After all, she knew better than most how one’s past shaped current behavior. She would be a hypocrite if she decided otherwise. She was lucky in many ways. She was more sure of herself than she had ever been before and even then she still struggled with her identity. She had a loving relationship with a man who treated her better than her own family and she still wrestled with who she was with him and what it would mean for their future. She had friends amongst her team and even when she gave some of the best advice she ever did they still were unsure. It was like tiny little papercuts to her heart.

She shook it off. They still had a job to finish.

“Be that as it may, we need to get this finished soon. You both will work it out, I have no doubt.”

Harper caught the bar of chocolate, her eyebrows arching in mild surprise.

“Chocolate, huh?” she mused, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “I can't say I'm familiar with this one, but I’ll never say no to chocolate.” With a deft flick, she unwrapped the treat, the rich aroma of cocoa enveloping her senses. She snapped off a square, letting it melt on her tongue, savouring the rush of sweetness that followed.

Her eyes only fluttered open as Calliope’s voice cut through the momentary lapse into indulgence, grounding her with a reminder of their shared purpose. Harper straightened, her resolve returning with a nod.

“Duty calls,” she agreed. “Just a few more touches on my end to add, anyway, and I think we’ll be done here.”

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

A blindfold was placed over the man’s eyes and his graying temples. He knelt on the ground, hands placed in his lap as he bowed his head. Though he could not see, the man heard the opening of several doors before expertly raising a hand and catching the foot of his first attacker.

“Weak.” He growled, tossing the attacker away before spinning around and redirecting a strike from another opponent into a third.


Pivoting into a sweeping kick, the man spun himself about-face in time for his heel to connect with the jaw of the next assailant. Springing into a flip, he felt the air move beneath his airborne body as another attacker attempted to strike where his legs had just been. Landing, the blinded man raised his forearm, blocking a retaliatory blow before twisting it into a lock and then dislocating the striker’s shoulder.


The man didn’t have time to relish in the moment. Predictably, his opponents had opted for weapons to give them an edge. His hands reacted in expert timing, a palm coming to rest on either side of the cold, steel blade. Guiding the weapon away from his body, the man twisted it out of his foe’s hands, sliding it into a reverse grip before slashing its original wielder’s chest in a vicious swing. Flipping the point of the weapon into his fingers, he flung it behind him.

The scream of agony alerted the man he had struck true.

The deafening sound of a gunshot rocked the room, but the bullet flew harmlessly through empty air as the blindfolded man was already moving. Evading each additional shot as he perfectly predicted where the shoot would fire next. Suddenly, the gunman found his opponent on top of him, the weapon wretched from his hand before the magazine hit the floor and the butt of the weapon broke the shooter’s jaw.

“Have you injured enough of our brothers yet, Miguel?” The tired voice of an older man asked from a balcony overlooking the training room below.

“I’m certainly bored now,” Shiv replied, looking around the room at the injured bodies.

“Then you’ll be pleased to know that the Face has requested you among our body at Pacific Royal.”

“I’d hardly consider that an exciting assignment, respectfully of course.”

“No matter, it wasn’t a request. Your bags are packed. You’ll make landfall by dawn.” Nakamura retorted.

“As the Head wishes.”

Location: The Southern Plateau - Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean
Welcome Home #1.085: S'moregasboard
Interaction(s): None
Previously: A Terrible Idea

“Quittin’ time y’all!” Tad yelled over the din in his best Jim impersonation as the collective graduate teams put the finishing touches on this year’s Homecoming Trail. The build had come a long way and the student contributions had ended. Throughout the night, other graduate students like Robert would inspect the work, correcting and adjusting anything that didn’t fit or could potentially cause harm to a new student. Most of the time was generally spent on adjusting the programming of the simulation.

“Come and get some grub!” Jessica added, joining in on the fun. “Firebird, we’re going to be eating with Blackjack tonight, and then in the morning we’re going to obliterate their time through the Trial.” She called to her team, winking at her fiancé, “Even if they do have an inside advantage.”

“Are you sure we can eat this?” Tad flirted back, “How do we know you didn’t poison us to gain the advantage?”
“We’re all eating the same thing, silly.”

“But your team could have the antidote!” Tad retorted in mock protest only for Jessica to ruffle his hair and slug him in the arm.

“If I wanted you dead ,Thaddeus Finch, you’d be dead.” She winked before gesturing to the tables erected before the two campsites. “Serve yourself, we’ve put together a bit of a taco buffet, there’s a couple different kinds of meats, vegan options, we have both flour and corn tortillas, hard and soft. Whatever floats your fancy.”

“There are drinks in the coolers, and for those of you who have been using their abilities all afternoon there’s P.R.C.U.’s own Hyper-Aid to help replenish those HZEs and electrolytes. Can’t have anyone running the risk of Hype-Psy.” Tad interjected pointing towards two large coolers.

“Grab some food, pull up a chair and circle around the fire. Don’t feel obligated to stay out here all night. And when people start going to bed, those who are out here try to keep it down, after all. You have a trial to test in the morning.”

“And when you’re full up on tacos,” Jess chimed in, “We have a bit of S’moregasboard for dessert.”

A collective groan could be heard from both teams at Jess’s pun.

“If I had said that, there would have a very loud-”

“SHUT UP, TAD!” Blackjack collectively yelled as Tad knowingly pointed to the group.

“In their own way, they do love you.” Jess replied, “And if they don’t, I can make them,” The empath joked with an exaggerated wink.

Team Firebird had roughly the same amount of students as Black. There were of course familiar faces in both Cassander Charon and Lucille Calder who had started their P.R.C.U. journeys as part of Blackjack before leaving during the team swap. Other faces included long standing members of the community such as Mira Falls, Noah Gallagher, Zebulun Michaels, Simone Richards, Eden Sherwood, Layla Schade and RJ Scott. Then lastly, there was Firebird’s own Foundation Transfer, the redheaded Alyssa Townsend. The nine students that comprised Firebird helped themselves to the spread before taking seats together. Alyssa found herself a seat between her best friend, Luce and boyfriend RJ. To the other side of RJ was Firebird’s other predominant couple in the combination of Zebulun and Eden, while beside Luce sat Mira, Simone and Layla. Noah as usual found himself a more isolated corner as the introverted shape shifter preferred.

Waving forward his team, Tad invited Blackjack to follow Firebird’s lead.

“Come on, team. Let’s get some food.”

As the teams had sat down with their food, the roar of an engine could be heard coming across the plateau towards the campsite. The large SUV was emblazoned with the school crest, distinguishing it as a vehicle used by only one person.

Coming to a stop in front of the shared meal site, a tall man stepped out of the driver’s seat before affixing his signature Stetson atop his head.

“How’s my favourite team doin’?” Jim asked entering into the Blackjack side of the campsite. There was a certain fondness for his old team, Jim had taken each of them through the Homecoming Trials at one time or another. A fire crackled in the middle of the campsite as the team was gathered around to share a meal after a hard day of work.

More so for some than others.

“I know y’all are pretty on edge after what happened earlier at the ceremony,” He started, grabbing a seat beside Rory before he continued to speak.

“Rest assured I’ve secured accreditation for all the graduating students affected by the sudden news. So hopefully that helps raise some spirits around here. There will be some other changes happening, but for now, I hope that news at least brings you some solace.”

He looked around the campsite, spotting the two students had had come looking for.

“Look Tad, pretty sure you all have this handled. I need to borrow Miss de Léon and Mr. Galahad if ya don’t mind.”

“Who am I to tell the Chancellor, no?” Tad replied with a small smirk.

Motioning for Calliope and Gil to follow him, Jim waited until they were away from the rest of the team before he began speaking.

“As y’all are both well away, this year has been complicated by the Foundation. Unfortunately with things in the state they are, I’ve been forced to play civil with them until H.E.L.P. can properly rectify things. Which means I need a favour, and I can’t think of two people more qualified to help.”

Jim drew a deep breath before continuing.

“I need y’all to put together a themed dance. Foundation’s first priority is that the students get to express themselves individually so after the Trials are complete, the dress code is going to be nullified. As such, dress uniforms will not be required for the Senior Homecoming dance, meaning we’re looking at doing something a bit more… Hollywood.”

The concept was clearly foreign to Jim as he tried to articulate it.

“So who better to help than Hollywood and the glam,” Jim added motioning to Gil and Calliope respectively.

“Y’all have the A.R.C. at your disposal to program in any environment you see fit for the dance. Full fabrication at your disposal too. If there’s anything else y’all need, let me know and I’ll see what I can do to set y’all up.”

Looking between the pair, Jim tried to gauge their interest while waiting for an answer.
“Now, Mr. Galahad, I know you’re more than accustomed to the particular politics of these sort of situations, we need our best foot forward here. Miss de Léon, I know with your upbringing, y’all are no stranger to them either, and I know right about now you probably want to stick it to those Foundation bastards.” Jim smiled softly.

“Let in y’all in a little secret, I would too.” He added, “But no matter which way the wind blows, it’s our reputation and the school currently at risk. So while you might want to go and shock everyone and burn it all to the ground, all I ask is that if y’all are goin’ to flip the bird to the Foundation, at least try to be subtle about it.”

He stopped, taking the Stetson off his head and extending his arm towards the pair.

“So can I leave it with the two of you?”

Subject: Career Plans

Mr. Roth,

I would like your help to schedule a meeting with H.E.L.P. sometime in the next week or so. I need to discuss career plans given my watchlist status and recent developments at school.

It's about time I follow my parent's lead.

- Rory Tyler '29

Subject: RE: Career Plans


I’m excited that you reached out to me. I can have a meeting scheduled with Nicholas Locke, the current Deputy Chief of Staff at H.E.L.P. to explore some career options for you. Given your performance both in the H.E.A.T. program and your current ambitions in psychology, I think you’ll find that there are plenty of doors available to you.

I had the honour of working with your father. He and your mother were both exemplary agents and would be not only humbled and honoured to know you’re looking to follow in their footsteps.

Right now, I’m looking at early Friday morning, the same day as the Homecoming Dance. There are available slots at 9:45am and 11:15am. Let me know which works better for you and I’ll make sure we have that time reserved with the Deputy Chief.

Thank you and best regards,

- Aiden Roth

Professor of Practical Ability Training
Primary Administrator of the Augmented Reality Center
Faculty Representative for House Canis

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Welcome Home #1.086: Howlin' For You
Interaction(s): @Skai - Haven Barnes, @Roman - Gil Galahad, @Garden Gnome - Mei Hisamatsu, @webboysurf - Rory Tyler
Previously: A Bridge to Build, or to Burn?

Rory’s outburst was still bothering Lorcán by the time Tad called the group for dinner. Even working apart, he, Rory and Amma had managed to make their quota for their assigned work.

Apparently, anger was a good motivator.

Still, Lorcán didn’t enjoy feeling like a turbulent sea was being tossed around inside of him. He had half a mind to sit Rory down and talk about whatever happened, but whether it was stubbornness or pride, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He understood Rory being upset about being abandoned, perhaps that what all of this was about was just the simple fact he had been excluded from the excursion to the woods.

Lorcán’s stomach had been in knots since he found himself alone in the forest. He felt like he had done something wrong. Like he was stained by something that he just couldn’t wash off. Marked by an invisible ink that everyone could see except him. He had seen the way some of the other teams’ members were talking about him. What exactly did people think happened in the forest? What actually happened in the forest?

His mind began to recall the events, the feelings, the sensations before he shoved them all back down. Why did their powers mingle like that? Was it possible with anyone and if so, why hadn’t it ever happened with Aurora before? He’d leant his powers to Rory numerous times, but never had their powers intertwined as Lorcán and Amma had now on two separate instances.

Nonetheless, it was only dinner time and the day felt like it had dragged on for weeks. Why did he abandon his friend and work to run off with Amma? Sure there was a genuine part of him that just wanted her to experience fun, but then there was the way their powers interacted and the feelings attached to that. Why did he act the way he did around her? It was more than sympathy, it was more than friendship.

Did he like Amma?

Lorcán almost gave his head a literal shake as he got in line for food. His eyes wandered around the two campsites, first finding Amma. They lingered for a second, narrowed in concentration. Why would he like Amma? He knew next to nothing about the girl, but he couldn’t deny that the French woman had a certain je ne sais quoi about her that made Lorcán want to know her. When Amma walked into the room, Lorcán was transported into an old black and white film. The raven-haired dame with a case he couldn’t refuse walking into his office, her seemingly endless legs swung over her desk.

He half expected her to walk up to him with a cigarette asking for a light.

But then his eyes shifted, landing on familiar copper hair and he felt his heart skip a beat. Suddenly it was like there wasn’t anyone else around as he watched the beautiful blue eyed girl tuck a strand of her fire-like hair behind her ear. Lorcán often forgot there was a time before Aurora was in his life. He was very accustomed to waking up in the morning and firing her a text inquiring if she wanted to meet for breakfast. Rarely did he fall asleep without texting her goodnight and far too often the pair were exhausted for the next day from talking all night.

That’s of course when they didn’t end up on the beach for one reason or another.

Lorcán never really considered himself capable of having the same affection for anyone else that he held for Aurora. But if he was being honest with himself, the sparring, the running off, it had been fun. Spending time with Amma had been fun. It was almost an odd admission, one that he couldn’t easily make to himself, let alone his friends.

Although, perhaps Gil would understand? If ever there was a man who found himself between two girls, Lorcán would put money on it being Gil. Normally he would talk to both Gil and Rory about this sort of stuff, he tried to always include both of them in his decision making. But Rory hadn’t exactly made himself available at the moment. Moving to talk to their resident movie star, Lorcán noticed Rory also in line for food as words from Calliope floated back into Lorcán’s head.

It didn't take much to see what Rory did, got to you.

He shot a subtle glare towards Rory. Indignation rising in his chest as he brooded on Calli’s words, replaying them over and over in his mind as he re-witnessed Rory ask Aurora to the dance. If Calli and everyone else could see it, why couldn’t Rory? He allowed himself to fume a little longer before he suddenly remembered something else she had said.

You and I both know he meant well.

It was only then that his perspective began to change and as Lorcán replayed the memory again, he realized Rory wasn’t asking for his own benefit, but for Lorcán’s. Rory hadn’t asked Aurora to the dance, he had tried to play matchmaker. Regret suddenly washed over Lorcán as he realized in the heat of the moment he had thrown Rory’s actions back in his friend’s face. Actions his friend had already tried to make amends for. Furthermore, Lorcán had only added insult to injury with his playful teasing. No wonder Rory had accused him of deflecting.

Taking his food, Lorcán walked over to Rory before speaking,

“Hey bro, look I can’t handle this storm crashing our mellow, can we hash this out?” He asked, “I was a grom earlier, what I did was selfish both because I shirked the work and because I left you to fend for yourself. Teammates don’t bail on teammates and we also don’t exclude each other. I was talking with Amma, and it turned out the Foundation had never let her have fun with her powers, so I wanted to give her that experience. One thing led to another and we ended up going to the forest where people used to spar. I should have asked if you wanted to come or if you were okay with us taking a quick dip.”

As Rory went to speak, Lorcán interrupted him,

“I also want to apologize for the way I spoke to you when I came back, I treated you like a total Benny instead of a bro and that’s been eroding away at me. I had no right to make jokes about your abilities or your relationship with Haven. I understand now that you were trying to help yesterday on the beach and I’m sorry I lashed out at you.” He apologized, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head before speaking again.

“I totally get it if you’re like still mad or whatever, but I wanted to extend a bonafide apology and explanation for earlier.”

Rory slowly finished chewing his bite of food as he listened, before simply nodding.

"I... I appreciate it, bro. I'm sorry I got heated and didn't talk it out. What you had said hurt me, man. I can take a fun dig, dude, but you dug a little too deep. A tackle is fine, targeting isn't." He paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry about the thing on the beach too. You know how things get when I try to be clever, but I'm more sorry I didn't apologize for that sooner."

He held out his hand towards Lorcán, mimicking the latter's motion from earlier.

"It's been a bad day, bro. Wolves stick together." Rory's eyes instinctively wandered, a glimpse of a certain pair of wings out of the corner of his eye catching his attention for a moment. He quickly diverted his attention back to Lorcán.

"Though, maybe not tonight. I think the gals have us starting for different teams tonight." He gave his bro a wink, hand still outstretched. Lorcán eagerly slapped his hand to Rory’s before smacking the back of their hands together and ending with an exploding fist bump. He gave Rory a quick half hug as relief began to wash over him.

“That goes for you too, Mei,” Lorcán added, turning to see their other housemate. “Wolves stick together!” He patted her on the shoulder while passing by before walking away.

Lorcán felt a little better at least getting things off his chest, but he couldn’t help but shake the feeling that the Foundation and its presence was already causing rippling effects through their team. Was Amma a mole for the Foundation? Sure her presence preceded Torres’ arrival by a year, but that could have all been part of the ruse. Lorcán still found it far-fetched after his discussion with Amma. Unless she was a better actor than Gil, she clearly hated the Foundation as much, if not more than the rest of them. Taking his food, Lorcán found himself a seat between Cassander and Gil. Normally he would have sat with Aurora, but given the events of the afternoon he wasn’t as keen to sit beside her.

His stomach was still in knots, feeling like it was eating away at itself even after his resolution with Rory. Lorcán wasn’t really familiar with this feeling. Was it guilt? He looked towards Aurora again and his stomach tightened. Calli had said something else yesterday that was still replaying in Lorcán’s mind.

You're smart, you're attractive, and you are one of the sweetest guys I know. She likes you too, trust me.

Would she still like him after today though? It was no secret how Aurora felt about Amma. Given the implications and adding to that abandoning Rory. Lorcán’s head sank a little in shame as he silently ate his food. He hadn’t taken the news this morning well, but he could have acted on it better. Admittedly the Team’s contributions to the Trial were more superficial than anything, he still jeopardized it for Rory, the twins and Ripley. No doubt his absence also put a sour note on Aurora and Haven’s visit.

Did he owe Haven an apology too?

It probably wouldn’t hurt to offer her one. Placing his plate down, Lorcán stood up again, turning to Cassander and Gil before springing to his feet.

“Watch my food for a second, I’ll be right back.”

Moving quickly across the campsite towards the pair of wings that Rory had eyed earlier, Lorcán tapped Haven on the shoulder before speaking.

“Hey, Sky Betty, I think I owe you an apology, brah.” He started, “I totally shouldn’t have bailed on Rory and I just don’t want you to get the wrong impression. This stuff with the Foundation is messing with my head, but I’m trying to work through it.” Lorcán looked around for a second before continuing.

“I’ve already made peace with Rory, but uh,” He paused, rubbing the back of his head, “How is ‘Rora doing?”
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau, Dundas Island - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.87: Hollywood and Glam
Interaction(s): Banjo (@Hound55), Gil (@Roman)
Previously: Set The World Ablaze

As the day went on, everyone had completed the task set out for them and the team came together. Everyone was unaware of what the others talked about. Was there tension still? It was hard to say. Calliope had finished her part with Harper and Mei, the trials having been set up exactly how she had envisioned once she got it going. She was proud of the work, but was she for the conversation had with the other two?

Calli sat next to Banjo, holding his hand as she sat around enjoying the food provided and chuckling at Tad’s attempt at humor. This was what she enjoyed most about PRCU. The unsure girl who got here five years ago, who dealt with trauma and violence, had grown. She had Blackjack to thank for it.

As the night went on Jim came by. Calliope listened intently when he mentioned their degrees. Calliope nearly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed her degree may not be in jeopardy after all. She squeezed Banjo’s hand as a sign of comfort.

Jim continued though, asking not only for her but for Gil also. Calliope looked around. What did the Chancellor need her for? Was it because of the sink she had obliterated? Surely there were worse things students have done. You don’t bring together a bunch of teenagers with superhuman abilities and not expect them to destroy nearly anyone or anything around them.

“I’ll be back soon,” she told Banjo, worried he would get upset with Gil and her being alone, but they would be with the Chancellor. She stood up and waited for Gil to follow as they went off with Jim.

Gil, meanwhile, slowly chewed his tacos as he made small talk with Firebird. He smiled and nodded to Lorcán as he sat down, but the pair had little chance to catch up before Jim appeared and beckoned him and Calliope forth. Calliope stood first, waiting with a hand on a cocked hip for Gil to follow suit. He pushed the last third of his remaining taco into his mouth, chewing awkwardly around the large mouthful as he stood and brushed himself off, shooting Lorcán and Cassander a pair of finger-guns with an accompanying wink, before jogging after Jim.

“As y’all are both well away, this year has been complicated by the Foundation. Unfortunately with things in the state they are, I’ve been forced to play civil with them until H.E.L.P. can properly rectify things. Which means I need a favour, and I can’t think of two people more qualified to help.”

Jim drew a deep breath before continuing.

“I need y’all to put together a themed dance. Foundation’s first priority is that the students get to express themselves individually so after the Trials are complete, the dress code is going to be nullified. As such, dress uniforms will not be required for the Senior Homecoming dance, meaning we’re looking at doing something a bit more… Hollywood.”

The concept was clearly foreign to Jim as he tried to articulate it.

“So who better to help than Hollywood and the glam,” Jim added motioning to Gil and Calliope respectively.

“Y’all have the A.R.C. at your disposal to program in any environment you see fit for the dance. Full fabrication at your disposal too. If there’s anything else y’all need, let me know and I’ll see what I can do to set y’all up.”

Looking between the pair, Jim tried to gauge their interest while waiting for an answer.
“Now, Mr. Galahad, I know you’re more than accustomed to the particular politics of these sort of situations, we need our best foot forward here. Miss de Léon, I know with your upbringing, y’all are no stranger to them either, and I know right about now you probably want to stick it to those Foundation bastards.” Jim smiled softly.

“Let in y’all in a little secret, I would too.” He added, “But no matter which way the wind blows, it’s our reputation and the school currently at risk. So while you might want to go and shock everyone and burn it all to the ground, all I ask is that if y’all are goin’ to flip the bird to the Foundation, at least try to be subtle about it.”

He stopped, taking the Stetson off his head and extending his arm towards the pair.

“So can I leave it with the two of you?”

Gil nodded carefully.
“No problem. We could all use something to lift our spirits after this morning - throwing a proper bash sounds like the perfect outlet. I know a few of the Blackjack gang are already hyping it up-” he paused here to give Calliope a playful elbow to the ribs, receiving only groans from her and Jim both in response - “and I can imagine everyone else probably is too.”

He took Jim’s hand and gave it a firm shake, releasing it before turning his head to look at Calliope.
“The guys are easy - no cummerbunds and an open bar - but I know the ladies like to splash out. Any early thoughts? Hell, anything you personally reckon is a non-negotiable? As good a place to start as any.”

Calliope was happy to see Gil so interested in this, horrible jokes aside. Now Calli hadn’t wanted to provide the Foundation any modicum of respect, but Tad pointed out that this wasn’t about the Foundation. It was about the students. It was about Blackjack and Firebird and all the other teams. This meant the dance itself would be a night to unwind from the stress and to let loose. And with the dress code being lifted, it also meant going all out.

“First, stock the women’s restrooms with essentials and no, not just tampons. I’m talking perfume spray, breath mints, and you may not want to hear this, but some condoms wouldn’t go amiss either. Second, the ladies will probably wear heels but that gets tiring so make sure there’s a nice mix of slow and fast songs and comfortable chairs. Lastly, we are going to want to remember the night so add in either a photographer or a photo booth. It’s kitschy.” Calli glanced at Gil, seeing if he agreed with her assessment. She had other factors to consider also. Ways to ensure people got back to their dorms safely, little appetizers and hors d'oeuvres to ensure their energies were high, and allowing the romance of the night without “saving room for Jesus” chaperones interfering. But she kept those quiet for now. She would make sure that part of the dance was nice.

Gil nodded sagely as Calliope carried on, one hand on his chin and the other across his chest. She was ever-so practical with it, but while it was all stuff he hadn’t had the presence of mind to even consider, he couldn’t say he was surprised by any of the suggestions. Calliope was easily the most sensible of the team - aside from Harper, maybe, though even she had her sillier moments too - and with her planning starting at these kind of essentials, it was little wonder she was the unofficial Team Mom.
“Sound suggestions.” He said as Calliope looked his way, and he suddenly felt like he’d be very much playing a supporting role in this two-person social committee. Not that he minded - his ‘non-negotiables’ were booze, enough room to dance, and not having to wear a tie. The rest, to him, was all very flexible. “Food and drink to consider…set menu or buffet? At least the venue’s sorted. Some kind of entrance-way with a photo-op? Bring the red-carpet experience to P.R.C.U., although I can personally say it can be a little underwhelming. Theme, too, if we want to steer it in a certain direction…”

He paused for thought, racking his brain for something elegant-but-fun. This wasn’t - didn’t need to be - a high-class endeavor, and he shuddered thinking of some of the more stuffy galas and after-parties he’d attended; but it definitely needed to be more ‘ballroom’ than ‘prom’.
“What did you girls come up with for the Trials? Can we link the two? Between that and the dance, this is the academy’s big ‘this is us’ personality stamp. We splash out, we can show the Foundation they or their threats have not cowed us.”

Calliope thought on it. While she was proud of her and the other’s work on the Trials, she didn’t necessarily think the theme worked for a dance. “The theme we went with was “Young Adult Renegades” or rather close to it. Basically we combined The Hunger Games, Divergent, and Maze Runner into one Trial. I do not know if that will translate to the dance. Plus, I am sure everyone would appreciate something different. What if we do make it a Hollywood theme though? Like you said, roll out the red carpet, hire some paparazzi to take pictures, maybe even ask the students to vote on different categories like Best Dressed or Best Smile and present little awards?”

“Like night-out-at-the-oscars kind of theme? It’s a little close to home, but…yeah, I can dig that.”

Jim regarded the pair with a warm smile, pleased that they’d both taken on the task with grace and eagerness.
“Sounds like y’all have this sewn up like a button already. I’ll leave y’all to your brain-storming - but don’t be forgettin’ about the trials! Hard work first - hard play later.” He winked, and the three returned to the campsite; Gil and Calliope returned to their seats, while Jim said goodbyes to Tad and Jessica, and made his way back to the campus proper.

Calliope had started to make her way to the campfire, but stopped short. Jim's words echoed in her mind. Hard work first, hard play later. She knew he meant it in a "do your chores first before you play games" bit, but she decided she had earned some play first. So instead, she made her way to the tent she was sharing with Banjo and went in.

As she closed the tent back up, she looked around the shared space. Nodding to herself she undressed and folded her clothes near her pack. She had prepared for this but she was unsure if she would follow through. However, her conversation with Mei and Harper, as well as how everyone seemed to be slowly coming back together, made her realize she needed to enjoy the moments in-between.

She grabbed the lace number she brought with her and changed into it. The way the fabric felt against her skin was enjoyable and she knew a certain someone would enjoy it also. She moved her sleeping bag closer to his. She wished she brought champagne or flowers or something, but even if she did, she knew Banjo wasn't the type to expect such a thing. Just her was enough. Just him was enough.

So she got comfortable and laid down on her pack, waiting for the man she loved to enter so she can enjoy this moment.

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Zoldyck
Avatar of Zoldyck


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau, Dundas Island - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.088: Daily Protein Intake
Interaction(s): Banjo @Hound55, Rory @webboysurf
Previously: Zug Zug

It had gotten really close at the end, but the two Blackjack members sent to aid in the construction of the Trial foundations had successfully delivered a job well done. It had taken a lot of effort, sweat - mostly Katja’s - and tears - all of which were from Banjo’s laughing bursts - to complete their assigned tasks. But, in the end, the results spoke for themselves. Robert could be proud!

As they were making their way back, it became obvious that one of the pair looked a lot more worn out than the other. Much to the annoyance of the bigger one of the two.

“So, bru. Mind explaining to me why, when we have to work on something together, I always end up looking like this.” Katja gestured annoyed to herself, covered in filth from a day’s worth of hard labor. “And you look like you’ve barely broken a sweat?” She did an annoyed handwave towards a disheveled, yet conspicuously fresh Banjo to emphasize her point.

“Well, y' see Bokkie," Banjo started, with an authoritative tone, "there's a few things you haven't considered. First of all, there's powerset. Every time I juice I'm not only takin' a bump to my strength, but also my endurance and stamina. Whilst in your case, you're actually doin' your heavy liftin' with no aid beyond what you've previously worked towards in buildin' your own strength. And even though you're f'r sure strong, it's still gonna take it out of ya. Second, you've got to consider the way you're liftin', you keep liftin' for strength and aesthetic, don't lie, I can tell you're a proud sheila. Should be too. Whilst I'm just tryin' to move the thing, I'm not buildin' much muscle or doin' anythin' real impressive as I go. And finally there's the etiquette of the whole thing."

Katja raised an eyebrow. “Etiquette? Really?” She asked with an amused smirk.

"Yeah, you got there late, so I didn't want you feelin' guilty so I let you do the hard yakka..." He said, sticking out his tongue. "I'm a nice bloke like that.”

A grin appeared on Katja’s face as the Aussie was giving his explanation, rolling her eyes at him before swinging at his smug face with her right hand. Banjo narrowly dodged it, of course, and it only elicited more cackles from the insolent little bastard.

Katja laughed as she saw him scamper away in his exaggerated fashion, shaking her head as she continued her way over to the dinner area Tad and Jessica had arranged for them. It seemed they had waited for Banjo and Katja, as after the pair arrived the freshly engaged couple gave their greetings to the group and went into great detail describing the meal they had prepared for the two teams. Katja took that time to clean her hands and arms, so there would at least be a semblance of cleanliness to her.

This slight detour meant that she had to join at the back of the food line. She got anxious that the best scraps of food would be taken by the time she got there and she’d only be left with salads. That wouldn’t do of course, as a girl like her needed her daily proteins!

Luckily, her fears proved to be unwarranted as she discovered that most of the containers were still more than half full with all of their delicious goodness. Well, there’s one advantage to being last. Don’t have to worry about others not getting their fill! She thought as she helped herself to what she considered to be very humble servings. A humble Katja serving of course still meant that her tray was practically overflowing with food.

A SUV drove up to the dinning area while Katja was busy serving herself at the taco buffet. It turned out to be none other than the newly appointed Chancellor, Jim O’Neil. Katja’s heart sank at the initial sight of him. After that shocking news from earlier in the day, his spontaneous unannounced visit could possibly mean that even worse was on the way. Luckily, it turned out that her fears were completely unfounded. In fact, Jim brought the wonderful news that all the students whose credentials were at risk had now been safely secured! She noticed however that he didn’t mention how he managed to secure those credentials, while his vague mention of other changes made her think that he had to give concessions over to the Foundation. That thought alone made her skin crawl.

However, all in all it was a moment for celebration. As the future of her peers was no longer in immediate jeopardy.

With her abundantly filled tray in one hand and two bottles of water in the other, Katja was about to go look for a seat at the tables when she noticed two of her teammates having a conversation. The first of the pair, Lorcán, was often considered the more striking of the two, thanks in no small part to his orange eyes, it was his conversation partner that drew Katja’s attention.

No, her eyes were drawn to Rory, and Rory only. Sure, he didn’t have the exotic Hype factor that Lorcán had. A trait that Katja usually found very attractive in people. But Rory had something different to him. From the first day they had met she had liked his personality. Now, that isn’t to say she didn’t find him physically attractive either! Far from it! She always found those blue eyes of his adorable, and of all the people in Blackjack he probably came the closest to her in terms of physical fitness. And who better to appreciate a body like that than a fellow gymrat? His body not folding in half at all the tackles she gave him on the field was a nice bonus too, of course.

But while she had obvious feelings for him, Katja also knew she wasn’t the only one. She’d seen how Haven acted around Rory, how Mei looked at him. She knew that whatever attraction she felt for him, it wasn’t worth the pain she’d cause her other teammates if she inserted herself into their romantic overtures.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t be friends with him though!

She waited for a while before she approached them, as even Katja could see in their faces that the conversation they were having was quite a serious one. She was curious, of course, but kept a respectable enough distance that she couldn’t pick up what they were talking about. Seeing them amicably part ways gave Katja a small sense of relief. She would’ve hated for there to be discord in her team, especially between these two friends.

Seeing Lorcán walk off, Katja used this as her opportunity to close in on Rory. Noticing that his gaze pointed in the vague direction of a pair of wings, a mischievous smirk curled up Katja’s lips.

With her prey distracted, Katja quietly snuck up on Rory. Or well, as much as the giant South African girl could sneak up on anyone. While carefully balancing her tray in her right hand, she swung her left arm around him before gently leaning on his shoulder, pressing some of her weight down on him. “That would’ve been a sack, bru! Can’t get too distracted by your surroundings. No matter how alluring they might be.” Katja gave a playful wink to Rory before nodding over to Haven.

Letting out a boisterous laugh, Katja let go of Rory before gesturing over to some free seats at one of the tables. “There’s still some spots left over there. Care to join?”

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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - PRCU
Welcome Home #1.089: Sky Betty

Interaction(s): Aurora @Melissa, Harper @Qia, Lorcán @Lord Wraith
Previously: Flock Together

Haven stretched her arms high above her head as she reached the edge of the campsites. "That was a piece of cake." She said to Aurora at her side. "I'm ready to stuff my face and relax by the fire for a bit, now."

"Shut up, Tad." Haven added to the collective with a chuckle before she turned to Aurora.

"Hey, I gotta find Harper. I'll catch you later for a smore." Haven said with a salute as she began moving again.

She snagged a bottle of Hyper-Aid as she made her way to the food tables. A smile came to her face as she noticed that the person she'd just been looking for stood at the end of the line. She slipped through the crowd of Firebirds gathered, tucking her wings in so they didn't bump any shoulders. She certainly noticed a different flash of autumn red hair among them. A few of the rest she recognized from parties, and she offered polite hey's and hi's as she made her way through to the line.

"Hey, Harper." She said as she stopped next to her. "Have a good time today? I can't wait to see what you all came up with for the theme." She tucked the Hyper-Aid under her arm as she prepared to grab a plate. What little she could smell of the food already had her stomach growling. "This food is about to revive me."

“Hey!” Harper responded, her face lighting up with a warm smile as she turned. “You know, today was actually pretty…eventful. Calliope and Mei brought some brilliant concepts to the table for the theme. I really think we’ve made something that the new students this year will enjoy.” Harper’s eyes danced over the spread of food. “This does look pretty good.” she concurred, a playful growl from her stomach punctuating her words. She brushed a lock of hair behind her ear, a sheepish grin on her face. “I guess I’m hungrier than I thought.”

"It's been a long day." Haven returned with a smile. She stepped in a little closer, reaching for a plate after Harper had grabbed hers. "Soo, I talked to Banjo earlier. No fun with that until we know more about who we're dealing with. He's holding his cards for now." She glanced into Harper's eyes to gauge her reaction.

Harper’s eyebrow arched in astonishment, and she hesitated briefly before responding. “Seriously? Banjo’s putting a pin on things?” Her tone carried a subtle note of letdown, blending with her astonishment. Granted, caution was prudent in their situation, and she had said that they would have to play the long game.

But Banjo championing restraint? That’s not the twist she’d anticipated.

A gentle laugh escaped her as she shook her head, disbelief playing across her features. She grasped a serving utensil, her smile lingering. “Well, life’s full of surprises, isn’t it?”

"He's thinking more rationally than I am." Haven mused. She put a few tortillas on her plate. "He did give me an idea, though. We should talk to a transfer about their time at the Foundation. He said Alyssa from Firebird might talk to us, if we ask in the right way."

Harper paused, a flicker of realization crossing her face. “I guess there’s truth to the saying that even a broken clock is right twice a day,” she mused, her hand automatically reaching for a taco. “I’m on board with approaching Alyssa, but count me in for that conversation this time.”

Haven grinned as she also began fixing her plate. "Come sit with me. We can sit near her and hopefully share the same fire for a 'smore."

Harper’s nod was resolute and, while clutching her plate of food, she followed Haven’s lead to a cozy nook not far from their person of interest, who was lost in lively conversation with her companions. They nestled into their chosen spot, the warmth of the fire brushing against their cheeks. Harper leaned closer to Haven, her voice a hushed murmur, “How do we broach the subject with her? We can’t exactly just blurt out questions about her past, especially not about her previous school.”

Haven settled into her spot carefully, her wings tucking in behind her so that they wouldn't drag on the ground. "I have no idea. Hopefully something will come up that can be our way in." She took a bite of a taco, her expression determined and thoughtful as she chewed.

Harper’s gaze was fixed on Haven, detecting the quiet resolve that lay beneath her companion’s easygoing facade. As she indulged in a bite of her taco, the rich tapestry of tastes provided a momentary distraction from the task at hand.

With a contemplative silence hanging between them, Harper finally broke the stillness. “How about we start with something light? We could ask for her take on the year so far,” she suggested, her voice low and thoughtful. “If the conversation naturally steers towards her previous school, we’ll follow the lead.”

Haven agreed with a smile. "That's perfect! We'll join them once we're done eating, then." Haven took her Hyper-Aid and tapped it against Harper's water bottle ceremoniously before going back to her food.

Amongst the crowd, Haven heard a familiar bromance apologizing to each other. She glanced their way, a soft smile spreading as she spotted Rory standing with Lorcán. She tried to mind her business as she continued eating, but a few key words stood out to her.

“I had no right to make jokes about your abilities or your relationship with Haven.” Haven's brows quirked. What did he say?

"Though, maybe not tonight. I think the gals have us starting for different teams tonight." Haven paused mid bite, cleared her throat as she shifted her wings behind her, and took another bite. Does that mean he...? She let the thought settle into the back of her mind for later.

The approaching SUV she'd noticed among the buzz of the campsite came to a stop, none other than the man himself stepping out to join them. Yet with his welcome arrival came bittersweet news. Haven was glad to hear that their degrees were safe; if hers was ever in jeopardy to begin with, she still wasn't sure. The "other changes" didn't settle well in her stomach. She watched Rory for his reaction, wondering if the announcement would take the invisible weight off of his shoulders he'd been carrying since this morning.

Haven recognized Lorcán by his footsteps, quickly approaching her. He was the only one in the camp wearing flip flops, but even with dress shoes she could tell how he walked with purpose. She waited until he tapped her shoulder to look up at him. She set her last, half-eaten taco down on her plate as he spoke and then took a breath, glancing over Ror's way as she tried to think of what she could say.

"I heard what you said to Rory... and I can see why you went off like that. I considered ditching today, too." She pressed her lips together before looking up at him, glancing between his sunset colored eyes with her own earthy tones. He'd said something about Rory's relationship with her... but what did he say that could upset Rory? If it's important, Rory will talk to me about it, right?

"I told her to hear you out before making any assumptions." She tilted her head to the side, her gaze turning firm. "But I heard people talking about it behind her back, and it wasn't kind. I think you should give her an explanation before their gossip gets to her first."

She offered him a forgiving smile.

"I didn't really need the apology, but Rory did. So, I appreciate it." She wiped her hand off on a napkin before holding it out to him. "We're all good, dude."

"I'll totally be sure to talk to her this evening then, the last thing I want is to hurt the Lady Dude." Lorcán replied gratefully, slapping his hand against Haven's palm before hooking their thumbs to make a pair of wings. He half-smiled before looking out around the plateau at the numerous campsites.

"Shame these mainlanders don't leave gossip behind when they come to the island, there's no need for it here."

Haven smiled at their secret handshake. She popped a loose bite of tomato into her mouth while he looked around. "I feel like we're all too old for gossip, too." She said around her tomato. She swallowed, looking up at him with a smile.

"Did you hear O'Neil earlier? Our degrees are safe. I'm not sure what he had to agree to for it, but at least that's a weight off our shoulders."

"It's enough to keep us afloat," Lorcán replied pushing his bangs up under the backwards ballcap on his head. "Hopefully the sea doesn't send any more chunder our way, Sky Betty. Things are still likely going to be choppy for a bit. Can't say I've ever talked to a Foundation Student before you had anything swell to say 'bout that place."

"What have they said about it?" Haven asked as she picked up her taco again. She took a bite, her gaze travelling towards Alyssa. She'd never thought to ask someone about the Foundation before.

Lorcán let out a wry chuckle at Haven's question.

"It's what they don't say, brah. He replied, "They don't like to talk about their time there, both Bettys I've spoken to don't like to talk about the Foundation. Not exactly peachy memories, they tend to resent being asked. There's almost an element of fear to it. Not exactly sure what the Foundation does, but I'm definitely sure it isn't choka."

Haven frowned as she finished chewing. She set the taco down once more. She wasn't sure what choka meant- Lorcán's slang always sent her through a loop, but she assumed it wasn't a good word. "I get why they want to leave the past in the past, but... Wouldn't they want to warn us about their school's skeletons?"

"Maybe they can't, Lorcán added after a minute. "Remember Summer Carlyle was arrested for assisting Kowalski in maintaining his facade as Jonas by manipulating the memories of those closest to the imposter chancellor. " He looked at Amma and then Alyssa before turning back to Haven.

"Wouldn't be that farfetched that a rival school with a malicious agenda to put a mental block into those Bettys. Brah, they could like totally be sleeper agents or something."

"That would be crazy," Haven murmured, her eyes glancing at the transfers with a sudden empathy to them, "but we live in a world of crazy anyways."

"When you were off with Amma, did she speak about it at all?" The question was innocent, even though Haven had heard him mention that Amma had never used her abilities for herself earlier.

"Like I said, Sky Betty, it's what she didn't say," Lorcán answered with slight shrug.

"Even the Queen of Darkness didn't want to speak about her time there. All I know from talking with her is that for all their talk of individuality, their halls are more like hospital, stark white, sterile and void of personality. But yeah if a topic makes Miss Gloom and Doom stall out for a second, I'd hesitate too."

Haven's nose crinkled as he described their campus. A brief flash of the girl's home appearing before she shrugged the memory off with a shift of her wings behind her. "I feel like you'll say they live underground next." She joked halfheartedly.

"Nah, brah, that's the kicker," Lorcán stated, "Whole Institute is situated in these floating pods out in the Southern Atlantic. Only thing I like about them." He tried to joke back.

"Though I'm not ruling out underground tunnels. Torres has moleperson written all over her."

"That's even worse." Haven physically shuddered. "The island probably feels like a breath of fresh air." She couldn't imagine living somewhere with no land. "Maybe I shouldn't ask about it, then." She sighed and tucked her stray hairs behind her ears in a self-soothing motion.

"Your call, Sky Betty," Lorcán shrugged again, "I'd certainly wouldn't lead with that if you haven't spoken to either before." He joked with a small, playful elbow jab.

"If you're really curious though, I can break the ice with Alyssa for you, berah. Her Jake, RJ and my cousin Cass are total bros, I'm sitting over there by them, come over for dessert and we'll segway the convo and see what comes out."

He turned to leave, pausing to speak again.

"Afterall, no one can deny I make the best S'mores."

Haven shot Lorcán a grateful thumbs up. The second he had left, though, Haven turned in her seat to grin at Harper. "It's our lucky day, Harps."

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Rockette
Avatar of Rockette

Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.090: in-between.
Interaction(s): gil. - @Roman lorcán. - @Lord Wraith
Previously: shameless.

Once more, Amma Cahors is confronted with the mundane: it is simplicity compounded by tradition and the methods of heritage she does not know, something bleak and foreign to her all the same. She has always been considered an outsider, the unknown, the enemy - if she were to submit herself to the crude observations of her peers, they'd herald her as the devil and be done with it. The whispered speculations cloaked her in refinement, the tacking stares crowning her the sinner - Amma would be that creature of infamy if they so wished it - the one who bedeviled the man who looked at her even now with those eyes. Oh, but he was hardly innocent, her gaze of intensity foretold such an acclaim: a christening of what she now knew lurked within the depths of those vermillion glares narrowed in her direction. Potential. He was aware of her now, and she of him — the mouth of the wolf and the eyes of the lamb.

She recalls once, many years ago, the tale of a lord's favored creation that plummeted from on high, suspended in woe and hate and misunderstood inclinations. The one that was illuminated as a paragon of blasphemy and a netherworld of darkness and hate and death. Amma was the champion of such a narrative, sympathetic to a forsaken subject that sought only to love and to be loved in return. Rejected by fate and the corruption of destiny that compiled rage and depravity, the dregs of longing spent on desires unknown and unsought. She knows she is selfish, she knows she is vain and stricken with sins of wrath and greed and lust.

She knows and does not care.
So, why did she care that Lorcán looked like a crushed dog?

Eyes averted, head downcast, lashes fanned over those molten depths; everything about him projected a shameful boy. The man who had spirited her away into the forest was traded for this guilt-laden character who hid behind the mortification of his actions. And what, she brooded over, did it matter that he had done what he wanted rather than what was expected? A year was maybe all Amma had to glean from his impression, but she was an intellectual creature, and beneath the exterior of charm and ignorance was something far more compelling yet completely contained.

She wonders if she can get him to break.

When Jim O'Neil makes his appearance, Amma is peculiarly quiet, and observant, hearing all that he isn't saying in securing the remnants of a future for those gathered. She can't help but think, what did he barter with The Foundation, what was the currency demanded and who would be forced to pay that ultimate price? She knows what happens to those who cannot fulfill the demands of Nakamura Yoshi and all those beneath him. The many faces she has seen and all the faces that still canter through her nightmares unbound and unchecked. Her gaze finds another in the distance, familiarity alighted there, but little else. Yes, she thinks, you see it too.

Amma performs, as is often her want when the eyes of her peers and enemies fall upon her at the announcement. When they look and study and try to decipher her exploits all the while she ponders: I am the monster you all want, the answer to all the wrongs and all the things lost, I am the creature you fear and the one you envy - I am me. I am The Foundation. Amma knows, deep within, that freedom was an illusion when graced with power and the most powerful were the ones often wrapped in eternal chains lain thick and cumbersome. When one was bound by such restraint it created something of little qualms and reflection, yes, it bred and sired selfish indulgence and an insatiable want of life. Amma was such a being who wanted to live and did so unforgivingly.

If there had been a line before, a fissure now embedded itself with jagged edges and pockets shadowed with mistrust. While loneliness did not paint her world in a monochromatic blight, Amma still felt the leagues of avoidance from the entirety of Blackjack. It was a profound chasm with such fragile constructs that threaded her to the unknown rejoinder of why she was here, and why them. Was such a placement randomized when compared to other teams, much like the group that joined their ranks for the evening. Oh, if only they knew, she thinks. But they'd never ask, Lorcán came close. But even his inquires had fallen short.

Amma's thoughts crest and fall as she mindlessly cycles through the motions: piling her plate with food and fetching herself a beverage. She hesitates, briefly, for the last time she had joined her teammates around a fire she had spoken the truth and heralded their faults and fear carelessly. What's more, Lorcán refused to look at her again and within the pit of her belly previously toiling with warmth and need, something else began to fester.

Was it misplaced anger? Was it something far seedier and more manipulative? Was it her tumultuous power turning traitor in her blood and causing her eyes to gleam like floes in a frozen sea?

Who knew a simple foray into the forest could sire such disdain?

Amma reclines to her seat nearby, close yet far, refusing to flit to the edges, and dines with a sense of graceful detachment. Her eyes spear through the flame, watching the sparks and ribbons of scarlet through half-lidded measures as she considers the night to come. Sleep seems like a far-fetched concept, even with the use of her powers in such quantities, she does not feel fatigued in the slightest. She was tempted to retreat to the forest where everything had been far simpler, more primal and raw, but so distant and so far from the world, she knew she could destroy that clearing and feel more at peace for it. Chaos could take reign and swallow the world for all that it lacked.

Alas, Amma picks away at her meal, her appetite deserving of something far more filling.

With a scoff that eventually whispered into a sigh, she finished what she could before disposing of the remains where proper and downing the Hyper-Aid nearly in one go, her fingers grazing over the pout of her lip to wipe away any excess. Amma reaches into the pocket of her jacket next to pluck the clove smokes tucked away for such an occasion, wrapped in black and vaguely sweet, with an attractive incense that feathers away from her lips with every exhale. She balances one on her lower lip and finds her lighter easily enough, however --

She notices him chatting away, seemingly mollified by the validation of his peers. Amma smooths black tresses behind her pierced ears, raking through the mass, and intercepts Lorcán at that moment. A small breadth of her shoulder against his and a fanning lash that shadows over the frigid glance she spares him. A delicate smirk curls over the fullness of her mouth, parting just so, and she said:

"Do you feel better now?"

She doesn't wait for an answer there, she tells herself she doesn't care.
She tells herself that over and over and walks away.

While the Howling Cliffs serenade her name, and to them she will answer, Amma glances around and pauses, her head canted to one side, and hums thoughtfully away into her throat before approaching Gil next. She thinks they are similar: just flitting shadows in the gloom, there and then not and muttered as once-upon-a-times. He had joined Blackjack the year prior, just as she had, and rarely have they spoken but small exchanges in passing. However, as everyone else was engaged in their conversations, Amma offered little more than a dignified sigh and took the empty seat beside their reigning celebrity who was cloaked as an enigma just as she was. Everyone else could skirt the edges of her impression, sure, it was fine -- didn't mean she always had to either.

"Hey there. Got a light?"
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.091: The Lonely Hearts Club
Interaction(s): Harper @Qia
Previously: Flock Together

The afternoon faded into evening and Aurora just wanted the day to be over already. It had been a rollercoaster, with highs and lows that would have been tough for anyone to predict, but she was looking forward to spending time with her teammates and their Firebird peers, which would hopefully clear her mind of everything going on. After splitting off from Haven, she had served herself a small portion of food from the makeshift buffet, but admittedly, her appetite was shot. She at least made sure to grab a Hyper-Aid to replenish the HZE’s she’d used to teleport supplies back and forth all day, but otherwise, she picked at her plate, pushing what was there around. Normally, she would have been starving after such bouts of her abilities, but for one reason or another, she wasn’t interested in tonight’s meal. Deciding not to bother, she put her plate down, opting to sip on her beverage instead. She could always teleport back to her dorm if she got hungry later, but she didn’t foresee that happening.

As she looked around, her eyes fell on her teammates chatting. She caught bits and pieces of each conversation, but from the seat she had chosen, she wasn’t positioned to participate, so she popped in her earbuds, letting the music she played wash over her senses. With a new soundtrack, she simply observed. Haven and Harper were engrossed in a discussion about something that seemed important, animated reactions coming from both of them. Calli and Banjo sat next to each other, hand in hand, and the redhead couldn’t help but feel a twinge of envy. They had been an unexpected pairing, but still, they were so solid.

The redhead looked to the intentionally empty seat next to her, which was meant for Lorcán. Yes, Aurora had saved him a seat, like she always had. Sure, they didn’t sit together at every gathering, but most of the time it ended up that way whether it was planned or not. Tonight, she guessed, was one of the few times he preferred to sit elsewhere, as she had seen him carry his plate over to where his cousin Cassander and Gil were located and joined them instead. She didn’t mind, of course, but it stung a little after this afternoon’s, well, situation.

She watched as Lorcán got up and approached their group, and Aurora moved to wave, but he didn’t even acknowledge her, didn’t even look at her. He made a beeline over to Haven and the two struck up a conversation. It was odd, to say the least, that he didn’t say hello or hadn’t come over to talk to her. It made the girl feel uneasy, on edge.

Harper’s discerning eyes meticulously scanned the scene from her position across the campfire while Haven and Lorcán conversed. Her innate talent for reading subtle shifts in body language alerted her to the silent strain evident in Aurora’s stance. The usual brilliance of Aurora’s crimson tresses even seemed somewhat subdued under the flames provided by the campfire, mirroring the hidden disquiet that she grappled with, unseen by others.

Except for her, of course.

With Lorcán’s departure, Haven had turned to Harper with a grin, excitement dancing in her eyes. “It's our lucky day, Harps.”

Harper’s gaze, momentarily ensnared by Haven’s infectious enthusiasm, soon drifted back to Aurora. The vivid recollections of the day’s earlier events clashed with the current reality before her. The Aurora that had radiated some sense of vitality during the morning’s ceremony now seemed like a shadow of her former self, isolated and pensive. The disparity was striking, and Harper felt a compelling urge to bridge the gap between the Aurora of the past and the solitary figure that now sat before her. It was a call to action she simply could not ignore.

“Hey, Little Dove?” Harper’s voice was soft, a tender note in her address to her feathered companion. She placed her barely touched plate of food beside her, her hunger no longer felt as much. “I need a moment, alright? I promise I’ll be back shortly,” the brunette assured, her words gentle but laced with concern. With that she stood, her movements deliberate, as she navigated the space between her and Aurora.

“Hey…” Harper said once close by, taking the empty seat beside her friend. A gentle elbow nudge accompanied her greeting. “You’ve been missed.” The admission flowed with an ease that Harper’s former, more guarded self would have envied.

But, with Aurora, words like this found their way naturally.

The redhead offered Harper a small smile as she approached, popping out her earbuds and pausing the music she had been listening to. “Hey,” The girl greeted warmly, turning to face her friend who now sat next to her. She sighed, letting her hands fall into her lap and beginning to fidget with her fingernails. “Sweet of you to say, but I’m good. Trust me.” Aurora lied, letting her eyes glance down to the ground briefly before looking back up at her dark-haired friend. “It’s been quite a day, just enjoying a bit of quiet, I guess.”

She looked around at their friends strewn across the campsite as well as the members of Firebird as everyone ate their dinner and chatted. “Nice that we’re all together tonight. How’d things go with Mei and Calli this afternoon?”

Harper’s intuition tingled as she observed her friend’s subdued presence. Aurora’s smile was a mere shadow of its usual radiance, and her hands, usually so steady, now betrayed her with their nervous dance. Aurora deflected, her voice threading through topics of inconsequence—anything but the weight that Harper knew pressed on her shoulders. Harper’s heart swelled with compassion all the while, recognizing the silent plea for reprieve in her blue eyes.

“Mei and Calli? Oh, they were great,” Harper shared, indulging her friend’s query. “Their ideas were perfect. Honestly, I felt like I didn’t really contribute much other than putting them together.” The joy in her voice was infectious, a brief respite from the undercurrent of concern.

Yet, as Harper’s gaze lingered on Aurora, her smile waned. “Rora,” she ventured softly, “are you sure you're alright? I know today has been a lot, and you seem..." Harper trailed off, searching for the right words, "...a bit out of it. Here, but not really here. Is it because of what happened this morning? With our degrees and stuff?"

Aurora knew better than to think she could get anything past Harper, as much as she attempted in that moment to remain inconspicuous. With an ability like hers, it was impossible for her not to notice the minute details. Try as she might, the redhead wouldn’t get off easy here. She let her smile fade, biting her inner lip. “Not exactly…” She started, her eyes scanning the campsite. It was at that exact moment a certain dark-haired girl sauntered over to Lorcán with an unmistakable air of confidence, stood close to him, too close, and said something she couldn’t decipher. The way Amma smirked was almost feline. A predator who had just found their prey. Aurora was suddenly nauseous.

“Haven and I were doing supply runs and we thought it’d be nice to bring everyone some water, especially given that it’s so hot out today.” She took a sip of her drink, trying to fight back the bile that rose in the back of her throat, “And when we got to the construction site, only Rory was there. Apparently, Lorcán and Amma ditched and went off into the woods, together. Everyone was whispering about it, but Haven wouldn’t tell me what they were saying. They kept staring at me though, it was almost like they felt bad for me.”

“Something just felt so… wrong about it. He’s my best friend, and I’ve never known him to be selfish like that. To just leave his friends high and dry. You know how I feel about Amma- she is not a good influence and she worries me, especially when it comes to Lorcán. I just don’t want to see anything bad happen to him.” The redhead explained, looking at Harper with a twinge of anxiety in her eyes. “And now to make matters worse, he’s ignoring me and I don’t know why.” Aurora exhaled deeply, realizing she was rambling. “Sorry, that was probably more than you bargained for.”

Harper listened intently as Aurora recounted the events of the day, her words filled with worry and confusion. Despite Aurora's attempt to remain composed, Harper couldn't help but notice the subtle clues that hinted at something deeper. She could sense Aurora's concern for Lorcán and her uneasiness about Amma's influence on him. Harper couldn't blame her either; she had felt a similar nervousness during their time at the beach.

The idea that Lorcán might have reciprocated Amma's advances was difficult for Harper to comprehend as well, especially given the feelings for Lorcán that Harper suspected Aurora harboured. Yet, she did her best not to let her worries show on her face.

"It's understandable that you're worried," Harper began instead, her tone gentle and empathetic. "It does sound out of character for Lorcán to abandon his responsibilities like that." She paused, considering whether she should voice her own misgivings. "You know, I've also sensed something off about Amma. There's an intensity, a possessiveness in the way she interacts with some of us that leaves me uneasy."

Placing a reassuring hand on Aurora's shoulder, Harper continued. "I think it's important that we keep an eye on the situation, for Lorcán's sake. He might not be aware of the effect Amma has on him, and as his friends, we should be there to support him if things take a turn for the worse."

Pausing for a moment to let her words sink in, and recalling Calliope’s advice to Mei from earlier, Harper added, "But let's also remember that Lorcán is his own person, and we have to trust his judgment, even if we may not always agree with his choices. We should be there for him without overstepping his boundaries." She sincerely hoped her words hadn't been too harsh; the last thing she wanted was to hurt Aurora.

The redhead nodded, taking in the words of wisdom Harper imparted. Her friend had a soothing quality to her, and just having her ear put Aurora at ease. The dark-haired girl wasn’t wrong; Lorcán could do what he wanted when he wanted, and as much as it killed the girl to see him make interesting decisions, she had to let him do so. But that didn’t change the unmistakable sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach as a result of his choices. Why was she having such a hard time with this?

She broke eye contact briefly, letting her gaze drift to where he was standing across the way. “You know, Lorcán and I actually met on my very first day at PRCU,” Aurora recounted, her eyes glazing over ever so slightly as she let herself remember. “After I got off the ferry, they brought me to the Administration building and told me to wait outside while they handled some paperwork. I was standing next to the rose bushes, and this boy ran past.” She smiled at the memory, “He was clearly in a rush to get somewhere, but when he saw me, he stopped… and he waved. He didn’t even know me and yet he smiled at me like I was an old friend. Other than the HELP workers who had gotten me out of my last placement, it was the first genuine kindness I had received in a long time.”

Aurora played it off as if it was nothing. “I don’t even know if Lorcán remembers that, but I do.” The redhead looked back at Harper, brushing a strand of copper hair behind her ear. “He’s always been so good to me, and I think I’ve always just tried to do the same for him. Friends look out for each other,” She explained, “He’s never given me a reason not to trust him. I just don’t trust her.”

Harper was completely engrossed as Aurora recounted her first meeting with Lorcán. The story struck a chord with her, and she could deeply appreciate the impact of that moment on Aurora's life. Despite its simplicity, Lorcán's thoughtful gesture had clearly left a profound impression on her friend.

"I see now why you're so protective of him," Harper remarked in response to Aurora's revelation. "In the time that I've known him, he’s always come across as genuine and open-hearted. He seems like the type of person who truly values such meaningful encounters, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he also remembers that moment," Harper paused thoughtfully before continuing, "I think... we should trust his judgment and ability to look out for himself to a point. You can express your concerns, but…give him a chance to explain. Okay?"

Harper offered a comforting smile. "I think it would mean a great deal to him to know that you stand by him here, just as he stands by you and everyone else in the group."

Aurora let her friends' words ring in her ears before shaking her head. “I don’t even think I need to express my concerns to him, he knows how I feel.” She sighed, “Lorcán has such a pure heart, so pure that I’m afraid someone will take advantage of it. He’s not guarded or jaded, and he has such an optimistic outlook on everything.” The redhead found another set of blue eyes across the campsite, “Amma is the opposite, and in the last year I’ve known her she hasn’t done anything to prove me otherwise.” She recoiled as she thought about the two of them sneaking off together to do god knows what, “I will always stand by him, and of course I will give him the chance to explain, but I have such a bad feeling about this and I can’t shake it.”

Harper’s gaze followed Aurora’s to the blue eyes that, to this very moment, she could recall looking into, resisting the urge to shudder. Perhaps, Aurora had every right to be concerned about their enigmatic teammate. Still….

The brunette’s apprehension, at this point, was palpable as she nibbled on her lip. Tucking a rebellious strand of hair behind her ear, she ventured with a hesitant resolve, “Rora... have you ever considered that this protectiveness of yours and your judgment of our teammate, who neither of us really know, stems, in part, from the depth of your... affection for Lorcán?” It was the closest thing she could say without sharing what she believed to be the hidden truth she perceived about the situation.

The redhead blinked once. Twice. Three times. She felt a blush creep up on her cheeks as she blankly stared at Harper.

Now, the thing was, Aurora did indeed feel a certain level of affection towards Lorcán. It was no secret how close the two were and how highly the girl thought of him. Their friendship had been one of her favorite parts of her time at PRCU, in fact, it was quite possibly the most important thing to her. Over the years, their bond had evolved from something innocent and surface level into a connection that was much, much deeper.

But, as strongly as she felt about him, the redhead never let herself go so far down the rabbit hole in determining what that truly meant for her, for the two of them. And even if she had, in her eyes, she was too afraid to explore it. To risk it.

Aurora swallowed, trying to will away the flush that now shaded the freckles on her skin in scarlet hues. “Of course I care about him… the same way I care about you, and Haven, and my other closest friends.” She chose her next words extremely carefully. “I couldn’t bear to see anything bad happen to any of you. I can’t take losing anyone else I care about.”

Harper’s gaze remained fixed on Aurora, the weight of her friend’s emotions hanging heavily between them. She observed the conflict etched into her expression, noting how the fiery glint in her eyes from earlier had dimmed at the mention of Lorcán. It was as though the mere hint of him, coupled with the insinuation of deeper feelings, conjured a whirlwind of confessions and concealed yearnings.
How relatable it was.

Harper reached out, her hand gently grasping Aurora’s, a silent show of solidarity. “Rora,” She began, her voice soft but firm, “it’s okay to admit that what you feel for Lorcán might be more than what you feel for the rest of us. It doesn’t diminish the love you have for us; it just means that your heart has found a… different kind of connection.” Was she, perhaps, pushing things? But no, she couldn’t do it. Between the both of them, Aurora had the best chance of making something that was great even better. How could she not want that for her?

Harper continued, “Wouldn’t you agree that it’s better to understand what’s going on with you, because there definitely is something deeper at play here, than to live with any potential ‘what ifs’?”

Aurora could feel her heartbeat quickening. Her eyes darted around nervously, suddenly overly concerned that those around them would hear what was being discussed, and leaned a little closer to Harper. “Harps, there’s nothing to understand here. We’re just friends.” She snapped, unintentionally, as the redhead had no interest in entertaining this discussion, not now, maybe not ever. The dark haired girl meant well, the redhead knew that, but sometimes she could take things a step too far. She was a loyal friend, alright. “Forget I said anything… I’ll talk to him later about what happened with Amma. Let’s just move on, okay?” She squeezed her friend’s hand. “Please.”

Harper could feel the tension radiating from her friend, and she squeezed her hand back gently. Best not to push it. She’d done it once before and it had almost cost her everything with this one.

“We’ll shelve this conversation for another time then,” she suggested, “Circle back when the time is right. About Amma. About everything.” The brunette offered a small smile as she slowly withdrew her hand. A respectful pause, rather than a full retreat.

Aurora brought her now free hand up to her necklace, holding the gold heart shaped pendant between her thumb and index fingers. “Sure, yeah.” She dismissed, hoping to drop the conversation altogether, before turning to face forward in her chair.

“Another time.”

The two girls sat quietly for a few moments, the crackling of the fire and the chatter of their teammates and peers hanging in the silence. The redhead glanced back at her friend briefly before clearing her throat, “So… care to share who you’re bunking with tonight? It’s not me, and I know it’s not Haven so… spill.”

Aurora’s voice held a playful edge, but it was enough to send a rush of warmth to Harper’s cheeks.

This was karma, wasn’t it?

Harper hesitated, her mind racing with excuses and half-truths. “Oh, um, I’m bunking with Gil,” she managed to say, her voice a practiced steadiness. She gave a casual shrug, her expression one of feigned indifference. “It just worked out that way. Pure coincidence. No big deal.” Glancing over her shoulder with exaggerated concern, Harper continued, “Speaking of which, I think Haven’s giving me a funny look. Probably wondering where I disappeared to.”

With a swift motion, Harper rose from her seat, her departure as sudden as her decision to flee the conversation. She tossed a peace sign over her shoulder to the redhead as she made her way back to Haven, sending a silent message.

Not today, sucka.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Welcome Home #1.092: Supermassive Black Hole
Interaction(s): @Rockette - Amma Cahors, @Melissa - Aurora Mitchell
Previously: Howlin' For You

"Do you feel better now?"

The question itself was like a knife, it was thrust into his chest like an opportunistic assassin disappearing into the crowd while Lorcán was left to bleed out. The multitude of students continued about their meal and conversations, oblivious to the wounded boy left fending for his life.

Stumbling away from Haven, Lorcán couldn’t stop his eyes following Amma. Watching her sneakers trod away on the grass, her long pale legs seemed to endlessly climb to a slender torso gifted with curves in all the right places. Her cropped sweater revealed those beckoning tattoos that appeared to reach out towards Lorcán, those tentacles threatening to pull him into her shorts, burying him beneath her toned navel while the beetle crawled down his throat, consuming his last breaths.

Mumured rumours and mocking laughter bit at the back of Lorcán’s head. His fiery eyes darted from side to side, looking for the source of the voices, but there was nothing, the whispers were fleeting, evaporating as his molton gaze fell upon them.

Burn them all.

Lorcán turned again, swearing he had heard a voice crawling over his shoulder before its seething tone breathed hotly into his ear.

Burn them all.

It gnawed at his earlobe, a tingle of anticipation running the length of his body leaving every hair erect and stiffened with excitement. Intrusive thoughts filled his mind as he surveyed the campsite seeing only tinder and chaff where he ought to see friends and colleagues. The fire flared momentarily as he closed his fists, turning to look at Amma again as the wind howled through the Hype-made cliffs.

A primal call, but was it mating or war?

Bodies wrestling in the shroud of darkness, scratching, piercing, sucking and pleading. As the horizon suffocated the setting sun, so too, did the darkness drive Lorcán deeper into disparaging thoughts and further distanced from his friends. Something was inside him now that wasn’t there before. Something festering and growing, eroding with each ebb and flow of the storm that was Lorcán’s emotions. The tide was coming in, washing away the torn-up beach and revealing a new layer of sediment beneath the trampled surface. The old was smoothed away, replaced by something new, something identical but different.

But through the storm cut a blazing ray of warm light and the clouds parted before dissipating. The bathing warmth of copper spilled over Lorcán’s view as brilliant sapphire whirlpools softened his heart, relaxing his hands and a calm washed away the storm inside. Smoked-filled visions of ruins fell away from his eyes like the scales of a blind man gifted his sight. Kindling became kin and kindred souls alike as Lorcán was transported from the darkness directly into the light.

“-eat that?” Cassander asked again, this time giving Lorcán a playful elbow to the ribs as the latter dropped the plate laden with an untouched taco until his lap with a startled jump.

“Bro, what?” The daze still had a firm hold on Lorcán as he looked around, unaware of when he had made it back to his seat. His eyes drifted to Aurora and an involuntary smile floated on his lips.

“The taco,” Cassander repeated for a third time. “Are you going to eat the taco? I can’t abide wasted food, man.”

“Go to town, dude,” Lorcán nonchalantly replied before handing the plate over and looking towards Aurora again. He still needed to talk to her, but he didn’t want to do so in front of everyone, yet it might be better to rip that bandaid off before they were in the tent together.

A Westerly chinook blew through the campsite, Lorcán silently cursing the ethereal forces over the warm wind. A cold night might have enticed Aurora to come closer and find herself in his embrace. Standing once again, Lorcán conspicuously inconspicuously made his way towards the empty seat beside Aurora before sitting down and picking up a stick topped with a marshmallow.

“Can I introduce you in your usual shade of golden, Lady Dude?” Lorcán asked while playfully twirling the gelatinous treat on the stick.

“I missed you this afternoon, Rora, and you know I can’t stand to see you sitting here looking so sad, Lady so this guy right here figured what better to cheer up the Lady Dude than s’more marshed mallow on a stick pressed onto chocolate and graham cracker.”
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by webboysurf
Avatar of webboysurf

webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Location: Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.093: Can we Forget about the Things I Said
Interaction(s): Katja @Zoldyck
Previously: Daily Protein Intake

Rory felt relief settle in his stomach as Lorcán had bounded off, the awkwardness between them settled. The apology was sincere, and both of them had lashed out in their own ways. Of course, Jim’s arrival was a comfort in its own. Their degrees were safe, easing another pit of tension in his chest. He had watched his friends work far too hard for everything to have been meaningless… but a lingering worry whispered in the back of his mind still regarding his siblings. They were only just starting out… and if this matter wasn’t permanently resolved soon, they’d have to face the same struggles. Of course, those two were smart enough that they could get by just about anywhere.

But as Rory let himself relax for a moment, a new worry seeped into his mind.

I had no right to make jokes about your abilities or your relationship with Haven.

His stomach felt like it was taking flight all on its own, while his head swam with anxieties he hadn’t exactly felt before. They had been friends for a few years, and were close. Hell, they flirted a bit, but Haven flirted with plenty of people. Rory flirted with plenty. But the team was different. It didn’t mean anything when Lorcán smacked his ass, or Katja wrapped her strong arms around him a bit too tight and for a bit too long, or when Haven would stare at his bare abs when they were all hanging out on the beach. They were friends and teammates. There wasn’t anything there, especially not for him.

Rory practically jumped out of his skin as he felt the familiar strong embrace of a certain South African wrap around his shoulders. Before his brain could even process anything, the sudden pressure and physical strength sent a warm jolt down his spine. Katja’s voice tickled his ear. “That would’ve been a sack, bru! Can’t get too distracted by your surroundings. No matter how alluring they might be.” She gave him a wink when he tilted his head up and over to look her in the eyes. He followed her gaze over towards Haven, noticing Lorcán had wandered off to talk to her. Rory’s heart beat faster as the anxiety compounded in his chest.

“There’s still some spots left over there. Care to join?” Rory nodded in agreement, free from Katja’s grasp as he grabbed hold of his tray in both hands and made his way towards the free seats. He let Katja lead the way, sitting down next to her quietly for a moment, cracking open a bottle of Hyper-Aid to refill his electrolytes and taking a sip. As he pulled the bottle from his lips, he paused before setting it down and looking towards Katja. He needed an outside perspective… and he just needed to pull this band-aid.

”Give it to me straight, Kruger… why does everyone think Haven and I have a thing going? Is it ‘cause of the way I asked to share a tent? You and Lorc both made comments, and Mei looks like she wants to kill me whenever I’m talking with Wings lately.”

Katja was about to take a bit out of her overstuffed taco when Rory sprung his question on her. She looked over at him with a gentle smile after she had put the taco back on her plate. “Yeah, Banjo told me about that. Subtlety isn’t really your strong suit, is it?” She chuckled softly, continuing quickly before Rory started thinking it was meant as an insult. “But there’s nothing wrong with that! I mean, look at me! There’s nothing subtle to be found about me!” Katja laughed loudly as she gave him a light slap on his shoulder.

Katja took a deep sigh after her laughing had receded before continuing in a more mellow tone, the same gentle smile from earlier on her lips. “I can only speak for myself here, of course. But it’s not necessarily that I think you have a thing going with Haven. It’s just that you two have been spending a lot of time together lately and, well, I guess people are drawing their own conclusions from that. Some might tease you over it…” Her eyes quickly flicked over to Banjo before returning back to Rory. “While others might wish you were spending that time and attention on them.” Her smile grew a bit wider, but with a hint of sadness to be found in her eyes.

“But you know what? It doesn’t matter what other people think.” She drew her arm around his shoulder again, giving it a slight rub as she softly pulled him closer. “It’s about how you feel about it. And if you don’t feel like you’ve got a thing going on with Haven, then so be it. Right?” She rubbed his shoulder again, to emphasize the point, before letting him go again.

Rory's eyes narrowed as he looked up at Katja. He didn't usually have trouble reading her, but dips in the conversation left him lost on what was going on inside her head. The message, at least what Rory could take from it, was clear. He reached down and scooped up his taco, taking a big bite and chewing while he thought for a moment.

"I don't know if it's worth trying to have a thing with her, Kat. Sure, we'll get to graduate with degrees... but my degree isn't going to mean anything once I'm out of here. Not after Hyperion... and not with the way things are now." Rory felt a quiver in his throat, forcing him to pause for a moment and close his eyes for a moment. When recentering, he gave a somber look up at Katja. "Unlike you or Haven... the league chooses where I'm going to play ball, you know? And I can't exactly ask anyone to follow me on that track. Especially not anyone I care about."

Rory set the taco back down on his tray, wiping his hands and mouth with his napkin as he considered Katja's words further. Someone was jealous he was spending too much time with Haven... the thought actually broke through the self-important doom spiral to elicit a little chuckle. He shook his head, rolling his eyes in a strange about-face from his previous sincerity. Somber didn't suit Rory, and he still had to get back at Katja for her little dig earlier. "It is cute you think someone is jealous I'm giving Haven too much attention, Amazon. I mean, we've hung out a bit... but not nearly as much as you and the Addams family have been spending lately." He motioned off in the last direction he had seen Amma. ”If anything, I sh-" Rory stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide as he realized what he had nearly said. He lifted a fist to cover his mouth as he coughed and cleared his throat. "Uhh... I mean, you know, someone's probably jealous of whatever you and Amma seem to have going on as of late."

Katja listened intently to Rory as he aired his heart out, even though she had started wolfing down on her meal. She felt for him, she really did. She felt that he was right about their degrees and the worth they’d have in the outside world. She had first hand experience of what the Munnies thought about their kind. Still, she did not agree with Rory’s mentality of going at it alone. But before she could address that, the conversation took a bit of a swerve. She chuckled as she quickly caught on to what he was trying to do. He was trying to flip the script on her. But in typical Rory fashion, he had a verbal slip. And Katja was going to pounce on it.

Katja slowly turned her head towards Rory, revealing a wolfish grin on her face. “If anything, I… What, Rory?” She leaned in closer to him, her icy blue eyes locking with his as she brought her face level with his. Suddenly her hand reached out to Rory. Or so it initially seemed, anyway. In actuality, Katja didn’t reach for him, but for his tray. “Mine!” She said triumphantly as she quickly ate the last piece of his taco. She loudly laughed as she turned away to shield her own tray against any possible retaliation... And to hide the blush that she felt on her face.

Rory audibly gulped as Katja lowered her face to be even with his. She knew, and that froze him with fear and anticipation. He felt his heart skip a beat as her hand reached towards him... only for it to be yet another joke. While Katja turned away to keep her own food secure, Rory playfully hit the side of her arm with a closed fist.

It took a moment for Katja’s laughter to die down - and the blushing to become less obvious - after which she returned her attention to her food. After devouring a couple more tacos in the but a few bites she looked back over to Rory. “That someone doesn’t have to worry himself about what Amma and I are up to.” Katja let out a sigh after she took a swig from one of her water bottles. “Truth be told,” she mumbled softly, more to herself than to Rory, “I don’t even know if we’re up to anything to begin with.” finishing that thought with a soft, regretful chuckle.

Katja closed her eyes for a moment, her expression had become a little more serious compared to earlier, but there was still that ever present smile. “In all seriousness though, you shouldn’t just think of the negatives.” She said as she referred back to the earlier, more serious topic. “No matter what happens, we’ll always have your back, bru. Yes, even Amma… maybe.” She gave him a deliberately exaggerated look of nervousness before continuing normally. “But just know that you’re never alone. And know that there’s more than enough people who care less about the track they’re traveling, and more about the person they’re sharing it with.”

Katja looked back at her tray, which was almost empty by now except for a small leftover. She was quiet for a moment as she thought it over again, finally settling on how to end Rory’s doubts. “The least you can do is talk to Haven about this whole thing. I’ve got a feeling you’ll have more than enough time for that tonight.” Katja picked up the last bit of food on her plate, holding it out in front of her for a few seconds before she cast a sideward glance at him with that grin from earlier. “Unless you plan on spending the night differently, of course.” She then flicked the final morsel up in the air before catching it neatly in her mouth.

Rory remained nervous and confused as Katja continued speaking, remaining a bit frozen in place as he looked over towards his teammate. He watched her carefully as she spoke about Amma, but turned away when she chose to be a bit more supportive. He knew what to expect from a Katja pep talk, and she didn't exactly disappoint... even if he instinctively wanted to reject her optimism.

And then, of course, came the last joke. Rory leaned over to bump his shoulder into Katja's, shaking his head. He wasn't exactly opposed to that... hell, given the past few days, they could probably use a bit of stress relief. But he couldn't help but feel a bit sad. He had slipped up, and Katja knew how he felt. Her continued insistence that he ask Haven out was enough of an answer to the question he never bothered to ask. While a nervous optimism brewed inside his chest, his expression seemed down for a moment. He muttered cryptically, "Yeah... well, I guess that's that." Rory's smile returned as he stood up with his empty tray. He turned his gaze back towards Katja. There was a bit more confidence in his voice. "Thanks for the pep talk, Kruger." He turned to leave, but paused and turned to look back at Katja for a moment. His smile seemed a little more genuine as he flashed a cheeky grin. "Be careful, Amazon, in case you and Gone Girl do get up to anything. I don't think she can handle roughhousing like us Chimeras can." His dumb smile hid his complete obliviousness to the clear innuendo, and his chuckle at his joke could be heard as he made his way towards the deserts to fetch himself something sweet.

Having caught the last scrap of food, despite the little bump by Rory, Katja looked down at her teammate with smug satisfaction. It was then that she noticed his dejected look, coupled with his somber muttering of something she didn’t quite catch. She didn’t quite understand why he’d look like that, which made her retrace her steps. Was it the implication of him and Haven being intimate in the tent? No, that couldn’t be it. If he minded it then he would’ve looked angry or at least annoyed, not sad. Was it what she had said about Amma? No, that didn’t make sense either. After all, she had just admitted to him that she didn’t know where she stood with her. Perhaps it was about how she had reacted to his slip of the tongue? Sure, she acknowledged it, but after that she didn’t bring it up agai-




Kruger, you stupid moron!

He had accidentally admitted his feelings for her. And what did she do? Not just acknowledge it, but turn it into a joke and then not just continue talking about his relations with another girl, but joke about them being intimate.

Katja felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as the realization of what just transpired finally dawned on her. Without realizing it, she had just rejected him without batting an eye. She had been so concerned with the feelings of her female teammates who had interests in Rory that she had been completely oblivious to his own feelings. Or, for that matter, her own feelings.

While all of this went on in Katja’s mind, Rory had still been talking to her. As if on autopilot, Katja had been absently nodding and smiling at him as she was trying to piece everything together. She only really became conscious of her surroundings again when he had just started walking away. She wanted to call out after him, but no words came when she tried. She didn’t know what to say. What could she say to make it up to him when her words had caused this problem in the first place?

It was at that moment that her instinct took over. Katja never considered herself to be good at expressing herself with words. She tried, obviously. Many times in fact. But at the end of the day, there was only one way she truly knew would get her feelings across.

In one quick motion she got herself off her seat and had already taken a long stride after Rory. It only took the tall girl a couple more steps to catch up behind him. She didn’t say a word to him. Instead, as he was about to queue in line for deserts, she put her arms over his shoulders, gently pulling herself closer to him. Closing her eyes, the taller girl rested her chin on his crown. She embraced him as such, not caring if others could see them. She’d explain it later to Haven, or Mei, or whoever would ask about it. But they didn't matter now. The only thing that mattered now was making up her earlier trivialisation of Rory’s feelings.

Katja held him close for several seconds, gently swaying from side to side. “I’m sorry for being such an idiot.” She softly whispered to him, before finally letting him go and looking down to the side, her cheeks visibly reddening.

As Rory felt Katja's arms wrap around him, he froze. The embrace was softer than usual, more tender and sweet than her usual bear hugs. He couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of being enveloped by her, pushing down less pure thoughts while wrapped up in the arms of Katja. When she let go and whispered to him, Rory turned around. A puzzled expression clearly covered his face, a bit lost in what she was thinking.

Why was she claiming to be an idiot? That was usually his line, and his apology. It's the apology he would use for saying the wrong thing, or misunderstanding a situation. Hell, it was the very same apology he gave to Mei for misunderstanding her feelings-


Rory looked up at Katja, noticing her blushing cheeks and slightly embarrassed expression. The more he thought about it, she seemed to blush a lot around him. He always chalked it up to being physical exertion… but that didn't explain this moment. He still didn't quite understand what was happening. But, he had a guess.

His smile was soft as he reached a hand up to squeeze her shoulder. He spoke softly, practically whispering back. ”Look, Kat… it's ok. We're still cool. I'm OK. I never expected you to feel the same in the first place. I never wanted the way I feel to make things awkward… with you, or with Haven, or anyone else in Blackjack. So… there's no need for this, Kat. Last thing I need is to get the wrong idea.” Rory gave one last firm squeeze on Katja's shoulder, looking up into her eyes with a soft smile. ”Ok?”

Returning her gaze back to Rory, a soft smile reforming on her face again as she nodded. Wanting to make sure that she didn’t accidentally mess things up again, Katja listened intently to him before she replied, speaking in a gentle, soft tone. “Thanks Rory.” She paused for a moment, looking for the right words to express herself. She softly whispered to him. “You’re a good kid.” Bending through her knees to negate the size difference, she gave Rory one final, tight embrace. “Don’t you forget that! And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!” She said softly, but forcefully to him, after which she softly bumped the side of her head against his.

The large South African let go a few seconds later, putting her hand on Rory’s shoulder as she returned back to her full height. She looked him straight in the eyes to make sure he understood that she was serious about this. “I mean it, bru. You are one of the good ones. One of the very few. And if you ever feel down, don’t hesitate to give me a call. I’ll be there for you, no matter what!” Her smile widened into that ever familiar grin as she finished, giving a forceful pat on his shoulders before taking a step back.

Katja took a step over to the dessert display and quickly glanced over whatever they had on offer. Her eyes quickly fell on a large piece of chocolate cake, which she quickly grabbed. She then proudly displayed it to Rory as if it were some grand prize. She addressed Rory after taking a hefty bite out of it. “Now, I don’t know about you…” She gestured down at her legs, which were still caked with mud from her earlier working with Banjo. “But I am desperately in need of a shower!”

Katja gave a short wave to Rory with her free hand, the other filled with the cake she was definitely going to save for her way back to her tent. “Good night, pup! See ya tomorrow!” As she started to walk away Katja turned around to face Rory again, taking a few steps backwards so as to continue on her way. “And say hi to Valkie for me!” She gave a coy wink followed by a titter before finally turning around for real and heading for her tent.

Rory paused as he watched Katja walk away, smiling as he watched her go. Internally, he was just as confused as he was before. She knew how he felt… but he was left more confused than ever at what was going on inside Katja’s head. She was supportive, though, and the most positive person on team Blackjack. At the end of the day, that’s the best he could ask for. He tried not to think about Katja taking a shower, instead focusing on the fact that he most certainly needed one. Rory swung by the dessert table, plucked out a smore, and gobbled it down as he strode away. He tried not to focus on any errant stares that lingered on him after his interaction with Katja. They were just friends, after all.

Rory ducked back towards his tent, quickly stripping down into nothing but a towel and grabbing a bar of soap. He slipped into his shower shoes, jogged across the campsite, and slipped into the first open partition he could. The water wasn’t as warm as he would have preferred, but he wasn’t particularly concerned with the water temperature. Instead, he focused on scrubbing away the day’s grime. He wasn’t exactly sure what senses of Haven’s were heightened, now that he thought about it. Did birds have better senses of smell? Or was it just hearing and eyesight? He didn’t exactly want to find out the hard way, instead doing everything he could to scrape off every inch of sweat and dirt he could. When finished, he quickly dried off and wrapped the towel around his waist before heading back to the tent. He hesitated as he stood outside of it, suddenly and acutely aware of his lack of dress as he stood at the entrance. His heart beat out of his chest. If Katja had managed to catch on to his slip up… was Haven clever enough to get what he had really asked? Was she even at the tent yet?

Subtlety isn’t really your strong suit, is it?

Rory sighed, relenting to the circumstances of the situation.

It was time he and Haven had a talk.
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Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Hound55
Avatar of Hound55

Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mamili and Banjo walked, their path lit well by the full moon onanother spectacularly clear Darwin night.

"So, tell me about this guy." Banjo broke the silence, as he was ever wont to do.

"Uncle..? He's just-- Uncle." Mamili replied. Circumspect with his words.

"You're not tellin' me somethin'."

Mamili sighed. "Yeah, cos you're gonna gimme shit for it."

"I'm not. You never give me a bloody chance. You keep assumin' I'm gonna think the worst of you or spin racist or somethin'. Dunno what I've ever done to suggest that I would do that-- besides the colour of my ski--"

"Alright. Alright. Fine. He's the cleverman. Y'know, the medicine man. OK? Gonna act like we're all backwards now, or someth--"

"Okay. It's a legitimate tribal role. Respected too. What's the big deal? Western kings claim to have had their position bestowed upon them and their entire bloodline by God. And people accept their rule nonetheless. Get over it. I have. You're always defensive around me. You need to drink down a cold glass of harden-the-fuck-up."

Mamili stopped and considered what he said, before giving a chuckle, and continuing to walk.

"Damn." Mamili shook his head to himself.

"What? Was I wro--"

"Nah. I mean 'Damn. Uncle's gonna love ya.'."

They pushed through some brush and scrub, and came to a clearing, where an older man stood.

"That's him, right?" Banjo asked.

"Unless you see any other elder lookin' types 'round." His face deigning to crack a smirk, from its usual stoic demeanour.

To his credit, 'Uncle' didn't have to ask the same thing about Banjo.

"This is him." But Mamili told him all the same, gesturing at Banjo with a hook of the thumb.

"G'day. Mamili told me that you've been touched by the Dreaming as well."

Banjo thought for a while. A shower of High-energy particles at a period of shelter behind a total lunar eclipse, bestowing strange powers to the few... Spirits tearing a hole in the Dreaming to alter a few and their paths. A few with a mythology and legends where this had happened innumerous times to their own tribes and others.

Made a lot of sense for it to be translated that way, culturally.

"Somethin' like that." He replied. "G'day. Banjo." He extended a hand to the older man. The older man enveloping the younger boy's hand with his own.

Uncle smiled at Banjo's reply. "Let me guess, you don't agree with that description of how we have come to pass?"

"Is your whole bloody family this defensive? I'd figured it was just a 'you' thing." He first turned to Mamili. "I think we both have ways of interpreting what happened to us, within our own cultural understanding."

Uncle's smile widened, showing his teeth in stark contrast of the night's sky.

"You two argue a bit, eh? I'm gonna tell you a story..."

Uncle turned and cast a hand to the night's sky. The stars swirled, coalesced and re-formed to his whim. Creating a storyboard of light in the night's sky, portraying the tale he weaved.

"The cleverman, eh..? Reckon I can see how that position came to be..."


With a turn of his fingers, a small group of stars moved and took the shape of a man and some children.

"This is a story about a man called Gandji and his children..."

Another turn, another small cluster of stars swirled into a second man, and children. "...and another called Wurrpan, and his children. These two men. They were like brothers, but not of blood."

"They're brother-in-laws." Said Mamili. He'd heard the story before.

Uncle silenced him with a look. "Yeah, sorry Uncle." Stepping on the cleverman's role. It wasn't his place.

"Gandji and his children had been fishing for stingray--" A collection of stars took the form of a stingray, and changed color, shifting to a bright blue, as the stingray swirled, turned and swam across the night's sky. Banjo marvelled at his power. Mamili had seen it all before.

"With the water so clear, they speared many stingray. They then cooked it over fire, to separate the meat from the fat. Wrapped it in bark and took it back to the camp where Wurrpan and his family were..."

He had perfect control of the imagery for every story beat, the Gandji and his star family carried the object to Wurrpan's star family. A small star figure took the object, and ran it to the larger figure and the others.

"One of Wurrpan's children brought the stingray to father... Who checked the stingray. The family divided it, and ate it." The star family were gathered around a sparkling red and orange star fire.

"Unhappy with how the stingray had looked, and it's taste, Wurrpan stood up and accused Gandji and his family of giving him old stingray and lesser meat, whilst keeping their fresh catch for themselves."

The star family swirls and chaos changes, specks of red encircle the raging father, capturing his wrath.

"'You should have gone stingray fishing for yourselves!' replied Gandji." Red specks now encircled the growing larger star man of the other group.

"The two men's argument grew more spirited and violent in nature, until Gandji, growing fearful of what Wurrpan might do to him in his rage, grabbed a handful of hot coals from the fire and threw them at Wurrpan. Striking him right in the chest."

A bright explosion of red stars was hurled from the larger man of one side into the mid-section of the larger figure on the other, where it erupted into another red starburst, in stark contrast of the other stars which dimmed.

"Gandji, realizing what he had just done in anger started jumping around in fear of what Wurrpan might do to him in retaliation. From jumping awkwardly he began flying, slowly getting higher and higher. As he flew he began to change form."

The figure grew much larger, and Gandji's legs grew longer and more spindly, as his arms began to round and change shape. As did his children's forms.

"Seeing Gandji was getting away, Wurrpan called out to his children to bring him his spear. Pointing it to the sky, he noticed it was too long for this use, because it was bending back. So he had his children cut it shorter with a sharp rock."

The large Gandji figure and his children were now far above the dimly lit Wurrpan and his own children.

"Wurrpan took aim, and said to his spear 'Please don't let me miss'. Then, hurling his spear, it struck true. The spear driving right through Gandji, from his behind right through his face, where it poked out the other side."

The spear completed Gandji's form change, making a long beak, as he took the shape of a jabiru. As he and his children fell to earth.

"Wurrpan, realising what he had done, said to his children 'Let's get out of here, while we still live!' and they began running. The blacks coals turning them a dusty grey, and their own legs getting longer so as to run better. They all had a bump on the front, growing from where the coals had hit."

Wurrpan, and his dimly lit star family, began to change their own forms, taking the shape of emus as they fled.

Uncle brought the two figures to center focus in the night's sky, first the jabiru, and then closing with the shape of the emu.

With a twist of his hand, Uncle powered down, and the brightened light stars of the emu reverted to the night's sky as it was.

"Okay... Nice story. Message."

"Yeah. Always take care of your family, like you would yourself."


"Well, yeah. You know. If Gandji gave equal parts to Wurrpan's family..."

"The story never said he didn't." Banjo replied.

"Sure it did. Wurrpan checked the stingray--"

"And he wasn't happy with what his family got given. Doesn't mean that wasn't equal meat. just that he wasn't happy with it."

"Then why'd he get defensive and say he should get his own meat, if he's not happy with how it was divided?"

"That's purely speculative in intent." The inner lawyer in Banjo poked his head out. "How would you respond to ingratitude after you did the work to catch the stingray?"

A smile creased across Uncle's face.

"I think, the point is, that it's meant to be vague and hard to determine who was at fault, for the sake of the message. I suspect the message is about the fraught perils of needless arguments. The potential costs of war over small things. Was this legend told to tribal leaders?"

Uncle's smile broadened.

"Shit..." Said Mamili.

"I knew Uncle was gunna love ya..."

Location: Haileybury Rendall School, Darwin - Past, The Southern Plateau, Dundas Islands, Pacific Ocean - Present
Welcome Home #1.094: Dreaming While Awake
Interaction(s): Calliope - @PatientBean
Previously: High Tensions with the Hypie from the Highveld (It's OUR word!)

Banjo continued his trot away from Katja, until he got back to the campsite. They were the last two to arrive, as others milled around sorting out food and talking.

Banjo rubbed his hands together at the thought of the fodder at hand, catching a whiff of himself and his sweat covered clothes.

Apparently he'd done a bit more work than he and Katja had thought. Ugh.

He trotted over to the tent. Bursting through and rustling through his stuff.

Hmm. Short-sighted. He had a change of clothes... but no towel. No soap.

He poked his head out of the tent to check nobody was around, then went back in and stripped naked. He poked his head out once more, and satisfied nobody was around, he went back inside and went 'the full sun-shower cleanse'. Just a quick one... I mean, you've been doing it all day, anyway...

Breath halted and quickened, a jet black silhouette at the centre of the extravagant tent, the tent lit only by a small, dim corona due to the lack of light within the tent, which orbited his being. Flesh re-knitted and synapses flared. Born anew.

He powered down, and gave himself another whiff, and smiled at the results.

"Clean as a bloody whistle." He uttered, getting changed, and bagging his clothes.

He bounced back out of the tent, brimming with energy and indefatigable confidence.

He made eye contact with Calliope and gestured that he was just going to get himself some food from the set up. He stil couldn't quite see what it was yet, as he hurried over to see what was left.

Oh, hey. Tacos.

Banjo thought back to a time years ago, when Calliope had rounded out his palate and introduced him to a better quality of 'actual' Mexican food.

As he constructed his own from the dregs and detritus that Katja had presumedly left in her wake, he thought back to the look of horror that Calliope had been unable to keep from her face, when he explained his own limited experience back home with his schools' attempts at the cuisine, which had included pita bread and kraft cheese singles slices.

"You look like you're about to call Child Protective Services..." He had replied to her horrified expression. "I assure you, the damage there is already well and truly done."

It was little surprise though. Whilst she'd had a terrible experience with the actual family mealtimes, the food itself from back home was a pleasant memory for her, and she enjoyed introducing him to tastes and flavours from her childhood. He'd become quite enamoured with the idea of the breakfast burrito. And whilst he originally claimed in jest that the only difference between the different food types seemed to be how they were folded, he now knew his empanadas from his enchiladas.

Happy with his plate's meagre holdings - truth was he'd been juicing all day and wasn't really hungry, intending to eat mainly for taste - he grabbed two bottles of Hyper-Aid and made his way over to where Calliope had kept a seat for him.

He was pleased to see she hadn't completely finished her food, so he concluded he hadn't taken too much time. And the pair sat next to each other hand in hand, working away at their plates' holdings. With a full mouth he missed the opportunity to tell Tad to shut up, but instead gestured to the full chorus of his teammates, who voiced his sentiment. He wouldn't miss the next.

Jim-Bob's truck - because Jim-Bob could only drive a truck - brought good news, as he conveyed information that their degrees and accreditations would hold, after negotiations with the wolf at the door. Calliope squeezed his hand in equal parts excitement and relief, and a broad smile creased across his own face for her. His concerns for her eased.

It asked more questions than it answered though.

Negotiations meant terms had been met. What had they given up for this new status quo?

And a truth he knew in himself... Whether it was Him and Tad, Him and Gil, Him and the freshmen at his Community Contribution, Him and any number of teachers and schools over the years, The Foundation and this school...

It wouldn't be the end of things. Once one finds a tender spot to poke at and prod... they're not going to stop until something makes them.

Which means this wouldn't be the end of things. And they'd found a weak point of the school was targeting his mob.

So he'd still need to find out what he could about these people.

"I'll be back soon."

Speaking of Gil, Jim-Bob had called him and Calli forth, Banjo gave her a friendly reassuring smile that tried to offer more optimism in the light of their recent luck with the accreditations.

As she left he looked around, he downed the rest of his first bottle of Hyper-Aid and surveyed the scene of the campsite.

Earlier he'd caught Raw looking at him and Calli glumly, and then the empty seat beside her. It didn't take a genius for him to figure out what was going on there. Lorcán had taken the news badly and had stormed out of the stadium, hopefully that situation would now sort itself out with Jim's news, despite the fact her expression hadn't seemed to improve yet.

Not terribly surprising though, Lorcán was hanging out and talking with Haven and Harper. Presumably Haven was looking for an in with people in Firebird, and remembered Lorcán had family there. Whatever the guy's name was... Sparky McGee. That bloke. It should resolve itself once they actually get the chance to talk and she gets a sense that his concerns are gone now. He made a mental note to check in later though if things hadn't changed, but it shouldn't be necessary.

Besides, Baxter seemed to have picked up on it and had made a move with her self-important self anyway. To dubious effect, judging from Raw's expression now... but hey, Lorcán was on it now, at least.

And that's what had captured his attention now. If he was reading the situation right, Haven had asked Lorcán to ease them into conversation about the Foundation with Firebird members whom he knew. So Banjo took his lead from his movements, and held his mental note for Raw's benefit for later, if needed.

Lorcán got up and started making a move towards an area with more Firebird members. Haven seemed excited. Possibly confirmation bias, but Banjo suspected his assumption was correct.

He took a moment to think to himself, before picking up the remaining bottle of Hyper-Aid and getting to his feet. Walking over to stake out a place for himself within earshot of the redheaded girl, her group and where Haven would likely sit, with a view overlooking the rest of the campsite and waiting.

Eventually Haven made her way over and greeted the group - always affable sort Haven. Baxter joined her, doing likewise.

They started talking, first small talk, then building. Then the transition. Banjo wanted to look at the girl's face, he suspected she'd turned over cold at the mention, but he couldn't bring himself to look for the same reason he'd kept his distance and remained silent.

His presence cast suspicion. He wanted to ask his own questions, but from his lips people would assume an agenda, or at least question his motivations.

Which, I mean, fair enough, I guess...

But it put him in the frustrating position of basically sitting in on a deposition where he had to remain silent whilst others took the lead at their own discretion.

Which was pretty much an unbearable scenario for him.

He was poking around at the remains of his plate, shuffling them around the plate now. The situation had left him antsy, twitchy. 'Juicing' all day hadn't helped either, he had a surplus of energy. But he took what he could from the conversation.

Towards the end he watched as Calliope walked across the campsite, alone. He smiled at the sight of her, but if she saw him, she didn't show it. He couldn't gauge her impression from the meeting she'd just had with Jim, either. Not from this distance. All he could do was watch her walk. It was a graceful walk. A graceful walk to their--

A graceful walk to their tent...

His mind flashed back some years. To a not dissimilar night in this very place. His tongue dug deep in his cheek, and he considered how much information he was actually getting out of this conversation, how much more there was likely to be, and just how fast he could get to the tent.

Don't be stupid. She's been upset all day.

He picked up the Hyper-Aid and took a gulp.

Upset because of the accreditations. Which have been restored.

More poking at the food. Listening.

She's not going to go from distraught to red hot and raring in minutes though, surely. She's someone who prepares. With everything today, it's not like she'd have come here anticipating--

He picked up the bottle. Haven and Harper wished them goodnight. He gulped everything down.

But she's not been upset with you. And you've been supportive. And she hasn't taken anything out on you. And as relief washes over her she might actually--

He got to his feet and walked away for five metres, before breaking into a full on sprint to the tent.

He slowed a few metres before, just to try not to seem overeager or as if he had any expectations. He could after all, have misread everything based on-- a walk..? And let's face it, a surplus of energy that he was experiencing..?

"I saw y' head in here, hun. Everything alright?"

With one look at her in her lace outfit, he could tell he'd read everything just perfect.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by PatientBean
Avatar of PatientBean

PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Location: Southern Plateau, Dundas Island - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.95: Making A Memory
Interaction(s): Banjo (@Hound55))
Previously: Hollywood and Glam

As Calli lay there in her ensemble, she fought hard to stop the thoughts of how silly she was and how stupid she looked. Despite the years at PRCU she wasn't quite over the torment she faced in her childhood. It was especially present in her early adolescent years when her father took her to the side to explain how her budding womanhood would be a boon for them.

Even now she hated the words he used. The feelings he made her feel as he talked. She looked to her mother for guidance but her mom only found solace at the bottom of a wine glass or in the bed of another man.

She heard footsteps approach and shook herself alert. She heard Banjo speak but he came into the tent before she could respond.

And the look he gave her told her all she needed to hear.

"Like what you see handsome?" she purred, allowing the words to wash over him, hoping to excite him.


Words, ya deadset dropkick.

Suddenly Banjo's mouth went dry, and every word he knew fell out of his head.

You are good at words. Say what they will about ya, but everyone knows that much. Or are you only good with em when you're trying to get OUT of a situation? Get it together and say somethin', ya dag.

When did she even pack that? He asked himself, scooping the fallen words back into his head. One outfit and a sultry sentence, and he was temporarily cast back to the inexperienced boy he'd been in this place five years ago, stumbling and bumbling over himself around her, trying too hard to make her happy.

You have a question. That's something to say. Use it. At least until you get your shit back together.

"Very much, yeah." He said, sliding his shoes off by the tent's entrance and approaching. "So, uhh, when exactly did all of this happen, then?" He gestured to her lace outfit. "You'll hear no complaints out of me. Just... Unexpected."

It might not have been the exact reaction she was hoping for. She would have gathered he'd torn off all of his clothes and made his way toward her, but she would take it. "It was something Jim pointed out during my meeting with him. The dance is a single moment and should be treated as such. Even if we are angry at the Foundation or the school it shouldn't detract from enjoying things as they come."

As she spoke, her finger traced the lace outlining the fabric close to her breast. If only to ensure Banjo paid attention to the important things. "So I want to make a memory with you." She beckoned him with her eyes, hoping the guy would catch the hint.

'Enjoying things as they--' Hoo boy! His eyes traced her hands. The bottom fell out of his head and the words tumbled out again.

Won't be needing those anyway... He said, letting them all fall away. Hup, wait... Maybe that one. He snatched just one, as he let everything drop to the floor along with his clothes.

"Absolutely." He said, throwing his last word. Before he joined her in bed, kissing her warmly.

The embrace fulfilled all she had needed. Just to have him within her arms was enough. Five years meant something. It meant everything.

She could feel the voice tugging at the back of her mind. That evil voice that wanted her to stop it all and never enjoy a good thing. She quickly shut it out. She wanted to enjoy this moment. She wanted Banjo to enjoy this moment.

No not Banjo. Andrew. A name he held dear that he trusted her with and knew it meant something when she said it.

She responded to his touch, feeling the warmth spread through her body. "Andrew..." she uttered as she allowed him to take control. It was her gift. She had wanted control for so long that it took a while to find someone she was willing to let go for. To allow them to have her as she was.

He kissed her throat, the side of her neck, his fingers ran a trail across her sides, as he felt her walls fall. Happy to be. He kept kissing down. As his fingers kept exploring her.

He heard 'Andrew' leave her lips, without judgement, and he left them without rebuttal. Here, in this place, he would absorb them.

With her, he would take everything she had to give him. Everything that she could want of him would be hers.

Without words, he found another use for his mouth, and felt a brief rush of pride as he felt the bedding next to his head get bunched up in her quick grasp.

She allowed herself to loosen, feeling him touch her with hand and mouth and she delivered in kind. She gripped the bedding and allowed herself to enjoy this shared moment between them.

She tried not to be too loud, fearing the others would hear them, but she also did not mind. They knew her and Banjo were together and probably assumed they were intimate. Let them hear. She nearly laughed at her boldness. The Calliope of the past would surely not be this open.

Their rhythm was generating solidly. Attuned to one another, though this was not like the romance movies where the main characters fell in sync almost immediately. She was reminded of the awkward boy and she, the naive girl, and how weird it was at first. Relationships took work. Love was not something to be trifled with.

And it was love.

"I love you..Andrew..." she said between breaths.

With his mouth full, and no words, he chose to show rather than tell. There'd be time for that later. Her words buoyed him, and he rewarded her for them enthusiastically.

Slowly, he raised a free hand, and placed it on hers, where she gripped the bedding, and she turned her hand and clutched his. He felt her wanting as much of him as she could give. More connection. Her nails dug into the back of his hand in a quickened grasp and a gasp, and he felt home in ways he never did when away from her.

After a while as her breathing settled, he kissed his way up, and took her face, framing it in his hand. He looked deep into her eyes, and with his pride and confidence bringing some words with them, he uttered everything she wanted to hear.

"I love you too, Calliope."

She felt his hand grab hers, as a comfort as well as a control, and she met him, allowing herself to feel everything. In this moment with him, it was as if the world outside froze to allow them this time to make it matter. She said she wanted to make a new memory with him and this was shaping to be one she would not forget. A reminder as they got older how, despite the heaviness of the day and recent events, what mattered was that they were there. And they were together.

His words of affirmation lit a fire inside of her. She had heard the words before from others she assumed meant it, though actions spoke louder. And Banjo was nothing if not a man of action.

She tried not to hurt him, but could not help it. He didn't seem to mind.

This was what it felt like to be truly loved by someone who wanted nothing more than for her to be herself.

Her breathing slowed and she controlled herself. She reached up and put her hand to his cheek, enjoying the touch and feel of his skin.

Her face in his hand, he saw a single strand of long hair hanging down in front of her face, matted to her forehead out of place in perspiration.

A strand which would never be allowed out of place at any other time. Held back by a silent presence which had always passively held her to a standard of perfection even in its absence. A presence she hated, but still affected and shaped her in the ways any formative influence would.

The hair stood as proof to the presence's absence in this place. Here she was truly liberated. And to him, she had never looked more beautiful.

After all, he knew how much it could take to shake the formative influences in one's life.

He pulled her close, and together they entwined.

The two lay there next to each other, her hand in his as her thumb ran over his back and forth. "So, was it a nice surprise?" Calliope had meant her newly acquired lingerie, though anything might have been the surprise in this instance. She leaned her head into the crook of his neck, content to remain there for a few moments more. She was sure no one missed them. And if they heard them, they didn't bother calling it out.

"You are... the master of understatement." He turned his head slightly to kiss her forehead before moving back.

"Incredibly nice... and incredibly surprising."

He lay their in a weird mental place. Focus heightened from the repeated use of his power that day, but mind cleared from the post-coital afterglow.

Calliope smiled, happy to have surprised Banjo. And even herself, if she were being honest. "Whatever happens here, with the school, with the Foundation, even with Blackjack, I am glad I have you. Through it all, through all we've been through, you have been the rock I needed to ground me here."

Words unspoken but he knew her past. He knew she had little else outside of the school that she was able to call her own. What she had here she made, but she didn't do it alone.

He absorbed her words with a smile, knowing how much they meant to her.

"Well, good." She was capable of so much. More than she knew. If he could support that, great. "And you're home... To me." He added later, realising the possible confusing meaning.

So much of his life he'd gone place to place. Temporary residency wherever he'd gone. He'd never really felt of any one place as 'home'.

Hers was a defining comfort.

Calli slowly drifted to sleep, comforted by the presence near her. Whatever came next, she would be ready for. She squeezed Banjo’s hands one last time as she slept, comforted knowing she’d have pleasant dreams for once.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Zoldyck
Avatar of Zoldyck


Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.096: Doubts
Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: Daily Protein Intake

In hindsight she should have taken a bigger piece of cake. Katja had intended for it to last at least until she made her way towards the showers, but it was already gone before she arrived at her tent. She realized that she was one of the first people to leave the dining area, so that meant there wouldn’t be any lines at the showers! She quickly grabbed her shower supplies and some fresh clothes before making her way over to the shower unit.

As expected, the units were practically abandoned when she arrived. Katja put her fresh clothes down on a bench facing the shower cubicle she was planning to use. She figured that she didn’t have to store them in any secure locker, since no one was gonna be able to fit in her clothes anyway. At least, not without looking like they were wearing a tent.

Stepping into the cubicle anticipating a nice relaxing shower, Katja felt a sense of disappointment as she was met with the sight of a fixed shower head… At eye level. She made an involuntary groan at the sight of the offending object. Couldn’t one moment go off without a hitch today?

Pressing the button, the South African was greeted with an invigorating surge of cold water. There was no room to stand to the side and wait for the water to warm gradually, not for her at least. And besides, cold showers were better for you anyway. So she took the initial blast of frigid cold against her torso in stride.

As the water gradually warmed to a more inviting temperature, Katja finally began to clean herself in earnest. Stooping slightly to accommodate for the height of the shower head, she welcomed the comforting embrace of the warm water cascading over her face. Going through the motions, her mind began to wander. Several different thoughts crossed her mind, some were just mundane and fleeting. Others though, they managed to cling on tight.

The one that kept coming back was Rory. There was the look of disappointment on his face as she completely fumbled the situation, of course. But that memory was quickly replaced by the one where she held him tightly in her arms. She had been tempted to go in for a kiss at that moment. Perhaps she should have. But then she thought about how he had talked about Haven. She recalled how cute they looked on the beach the day before. Her lips curled up into a sad smirk at that recollection.

No, perhaps it was better this way.

After soaping up, Katja let the water cleanse her of the dirt of a hard day’s work. The rivulets traced the contours of her impressive musculature, the water leaving a sheen on her skin as it purified her. She felt a tingling sensation as the water pressure was massaging her tired, aching muscles.

She’d get her revenge on Banjo for today. One way or another.

Thinking about that made her think about the conversation she’d had with Banjo and how he had joked about her supposed feelings for a certain raven-haired teammate. Just recalling that reddened her cheeks. And while she might want to blame it on the steam surrounding her, Katja knew that she’d only be fooling herself if she did.

She wanted to chalk it up to Banjo being Banjo and looking for an excuse to get under her skin. But then she remembered that Rory had basically implied the same thing, right before his slip of the tongue.

Was it really that obvious to everyone else? Was she so oblivious to her own feelings that she didn’t see what others clearly saw? No, no that wasn’t it.

She knew what she felt. She felt many, many things when she was close to Amma. First and foremost was respect. Respect for her strength. In power, yes, but especially strength in character. There was a sense of a challenge too, to crack her shell, break through those walls she had raised around her person to isolate herself from the outside world. And if there was one thing Katja was good at, it was breaking through walls. If she couldn’t do it in one try, she’d wear them down, but through them she’d go!

Katja pressed her back against one of the cubicle walls, almost thoughtlessly sliding to the floor as she explored her feelings further.

There was more to it though. She knew that.

There was a deep sense of longing. She always felt it when she caught a glimpse of those locks of jet black hair, that intricate ink work on a delicate and pale canvas. Often accentuated by glimmers of red and silver, always playfully dancing around her. And then there was the look she had in those piercing blue eyes of hers. It was hard to look away from them, yet if she stared too long she felt like she was drowning. There was a feralness to those eyes that could make most feel like they were being sized up by a predatory animal. But not to her. No, she saw it as a challenge. One that she would gladly meet.

But there was one more feeling, one that overshadowed all others, and that was insecurity.

It felt like Amma was a sun, radiant and powerful, while Katja was a planet stuck in her orbit, unable to break free, yet also unable to get closer. Stuck forever in this endless loop. It was the closest analogy she could ever think of to describe the situation of the past year. Katja wanted to be her friend, she had wanted to be one from the moment she first spoke to her. No, not just a friend. She lied to herself if she thought that. She wanted to be more than that. But, as she had told Rory before, she really didn’t know where she stood with Amma. Did Amma even enjoy her presence? Or was she just an annoying, lumbering giant who she only rarely tossed a bone to get rid of her?

Katja looked up. The shower had ceased working God knows how long ago and she could hear voices coming from the other side of the cubicle door. More people had started flocking in to get a shower before heading to their tents. Getting up from the floor, she started drying herself off. The softness of the fluffy towels was a nice contrast to the hard surfaces she had been leaning against.

She opened the door after wrapping the towels around her. Just as she predicted, her clothes lay there untouched. Whether this was due to the innate trust people had at PRCU or because they were just too big for anyone but her didn’t matter. Katja took a little longer putting her clothes on than she usually would. The idea that Amma was in the tent, perhaps awaiting her arrival, stirred a feeling of trepidation within her.

Katja made her way back over to their tent with the same sense of both eagerness and anxiety. She walked around in an oversized shirt (yes, they make them in that size) and had one of her towels wrapped around her waist. She opened the front flap of the tent with some nervousness. She half expected her tattooed tentmate to sit inside, isolating herself from the rest of the group as she sometimes did. She was however met with an empty tent, completely untouched after she had left for the showers.

After putting her dirty clothes in a plastic bag, storing it in the corner, and hanging the towels outside to dry, Katja sat down on her sleeping cot with a sigh. Whether it was one of relief or disappointment, she did not know. Not wanting to dwell on it for too long, she decided that the best way to distract herself would be to listen to some of her music. Putting her earphones in and turning the volume up, her mind became too overwhelmed by the loud noise to concern itself with other matters. Katja smiled to herself, satisfied with this internal peace of mind as she pulled her legs up on the sleeping cot, closing her eyes and resting her head on her knees as it slowly bopped in tune with the beat.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - PRCU
Welcome Home #1.097: Fiery Birds

Interaction(s): Harper @Qia, Firebird NPC's @Lord Wraith
Previously: Sky Betty

"Is everything alright with Ror?" Haven asked as Harper returned to their spot. She watched as Lorcán took Harper's seat, a small frown on her face. She was more disappointed that he forgot to help her out, but there was also concern for how Aurora might take his explanation about earlier. "I'm glad he's checking on her too, but he was supposed to give us an easy reason to sit with Alyssa."

Harper exhaled a weary sigh, a subtle shake of her head betraying her concern. She looked back, a slight frown crossing her features as Lorcán took the seat she'd occupied mere moments ago.“Yeah, she’s caught up in her thoughts at the moment. Aurora tends to dwell on things sometimes, you know?” she responded, her voice striving for nonchalance. “But Lorcán’s timing could not be worse, I think.”

"Should we... bail her out?" Haven asked quietly, before looking up at Harper before she answered. "Or do you think they need to talk things out together?"

Harper hesitated, weighing her options, her disciplined nature pushing her to carefully consider the best course of action. “I think they need to talk it out,” she finally said, her voice thoughtful. “Aurora's been on edge all evening probably, and Lorcán has some explaining to do. Let them sort it out themselves.”

Haven nodded the moment she realized Harper had made her decision. "I hope it goes well, then." She sighed softly before standing up from her seat. "Let's have a smore with the Firebirds, then. I've met Cass before at a party. Should be enough to ask to sit at their fire." She gave Harper a confident smile, turning to dump her plate in the nearest trashcan before gesturing Harper to follow.

Harper cast a forlorn look at the plate she had previously set aside. “Such a waste,” she lamented quietly, lifting the plate and sinking her teeth into the taco. “M’kay, let’s head over, meet some new folks, 'n enjoy a marshmallow or two… or more,” she spoke, her speech slightly garbled by the generous mouthful.

"I'll give you the first smore." Haven chuckled as she turned to approach the group of Firebirds by the fire.

"Mind if we sit with you all?" She said as she smiled at the group. "We were looking to join Lorcán, but he's a bit occupied now."

She gave a wave towards Cass where he sat. "Sup, Cass. Have a nice summer?"

Cassander raised an eyebrow while looking towards Haven and Harper with a shared curiosity. He was sure he had spoken to the winged girl before in passing, but she could have been one of any winged girls on campus. It was honestly surprising they didn't have a team of 'Angels' running around P.R.C.U. But Cass wasn't oblivious to Haven's clear fishing attempt as she attempted small talk while approaching him, the girl was fairly transparent to the boy and his own experiences. It wasn't uncommon in the foster system for children to pry one another similarly.

"If you're looking to join Lorcán I suggest you either employ patience or get used to being second fiddle to Aurora." Cass looked the pair of brunettes up and down before offering a half sneer. "That said, I don't think either of you are his type."

Beside Cassander, Robert James Scott, or RJ as he preferred turned to listen in on the conversation. He kept one hand on the redhead beside him while turning his body towards Cass trying to figure out why his friend was being so passive-aggressive to the girls.

"Everything okay here, bud?"

"Dandy," Cass replied not breaking eye contact with Haven. "They want something and they're dancing around it."

"Just give them the bag of marshmallows, we have plenty." RJ replied with a laugh tossing it towards Harper.

Harper caught the bag with a quick, practiced motion, balancing her plate with the half-eaten taco in her other hand. “Thanks,” she said, her voice neutral but her eyes narrowed slightly. “And for the record, we're not here to steal Lorcán. We're just here to hang out and maybe roast some marshmallows. No ulterior motives.” Her voice was calm, but there was an edge to it, making it clear she wasn't pleased with Cass's insinuation despite her lie.

Haven's expression soured subtly as Cass began sneering their way. She didn't break eye contact with the hothead blonde, continuing their staring contest as he called them out on their bullshit. She was deciding what to say in return until Harper beat her with reassuring words. It would probably appease the others, but something told her the ill-tempered Firebird in front of her would just get worse if things continued this way.

"No... He's right." She began, still staring into those stormy blue eyes. "Not about Lorcán, of course. That was a wild assumption." Her eyebrow rose to emphasize her point. "Us foster kids know a ruse when we see one. I have to give you credit for that." She offered the blonde a sympathetic smile before she shrugged. "I just thought I'd be polite and get to know you all a bit before jumping to the point."

She finally broke eye contact with the blonde, glancing towards RJ and Alyssa before she turned her attention to Harper. Her gaze was reassuring, and she offered a small nod her friend's way before turning back to Cass. "Lorcán is wondering the same thing we are, too."

Harper’s reaction was subtle, a barely perceptible eye roll at Haven’s forthright strategy. She had envisioned a more discreet method to fulfill their underlying purpose, yet at least there was an undeniable effectiveness to Haven’s straightforwardness.

Turning her attention to the matter at hand, she added, “We’re genuinely interested in the different stories that students from various institutions bring, particularly those with distinctive histories.”

Raising an eyebrow at Harper's phrasing, Cassander returned a significantly less subtle eye roll before taking a bite of the food in his hand.

"Various institutions? We both know there are only two Hyperhuman schools in the world and you're attending one. So unless we can't say Foundation," Cass paused before cupping a hand to his mouth.

"Hey everybody, these two want to know about the Foundation!" He yelled, causing a couple of students to pause before shaking their heads and turning back to their previous conversations.

"See." Cass continued, "No one cares, heck according to Jim they're even the heroes right now giving us all our degrees back. Not sure why you're so eager to kick a gift horse in the mouth, but you're obviously not here to talk to me. Let me guess, Lorcán said he'd soften me up to get you to RJ who'd get you to Alyssa?" Cass sneered again.

"Yeah that was totally the plan. Don't you have a more recent Foundation transfer on Blackjack? Or is Elvira too terrifying for you two Nancy Drews?"

Harper’s smirk was a mixture of amusement and mild irritation. Who the hell hurt this guy?

“Wow, it’s almost like I wasn’t trying to be subtle anymore, Cass. I had no idea you were so invested in our social calendar,” she retorted, her tone light but her annoyance clear. “But I do appreciate the recognition. Really.” She tossed her paper plate into a nearby bin with a flourish, her irritation burning away any remaining appetite.

“And yes, that would be the obvious route. But we’re looking for insights from someone with a broader perspective. Someone who doesn’t need to make a scene to get their point across, for one.” Her gaze briefly flitted to RJ before refocusing on Cassander, her demeanour turning steely. “And for the record, we don’t need Lorcán or anyone else to ‘soften’ you—or anyone. We’re quite capable on our own. But your concern is… touching.”

“Looks like Cass is more into spectacle than substance. Let's tune out the noise and focus on what matters,”Harper said to Haven then, her tone implying that Cass's antics were beneath their notice. With a pointed glance at Alyssa first, she shifted her attention to RJ,adding, “Like getting insights from someone who actually has something valuable to say, right RJ?”

"Yeesh." Haven had murmured the moment Cass finished his act. If Haven wasn't growing irritated with the blonde Firebird, she would have considered Harper's words a bit too harsh. Oh well. Can't say I didn't try to be friendly.

She stepped to the side of Cass, moving directly into RJ's point of view. The smile she offered was apologetic, in case Harper may have offended the friend by dissing the blonde hothead. "Listen, we aren't here to upset anybody or to force anyone to answer our questions." She began. "What happened at the ceremonies had me wanting to jump ship. The way the rep spoke, it was like she was about to tell us to call her the Chancellor instead."

"I'd feel a lot better about it if I knew more about the Foundation and what their influence could do to our home." She was thankful that Alyssa was caught up in a different conversation as she continued. "If you think it will upset her to talk about it... I'll understand. It doesn't seem like Amma is open to sharing, so... I just want to know if Alyssa might be instead."

"Whoa," RJ responded waving his hands in front of both Cass and Harper. "Look if you two want to have a pissing contest then by all means save it for the Trials tomorrow."

Cass stood to his feet, a slight flow coming from the palms of his hands as kinetic energy danced along his fingers.

"When I make a scene, you'll know it." Cass hissed snapping his hand closed suddenly, detonating a small flashbang between the four students.

"Clearly things have gotten a little heated here," RJ intervened again, putting a hand on his friend and moving Cass back with the ease that one moved a blade of grass. The super strong young man had a lean physique that betrayed his true strength.

"I'm going to be seeing spots for an hour thanks to that stunt," He chided Cass, "Normally I'd introduce the pair of you to Alyssa but at this point I don't think it's a good idea. Though," RJ paused thoughtfully while taking another look at Haven. "I bet she'd talk to you by yourself," He chuckled slightly as Cass raised a knowing eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, she'd chat the bird's ear off."

"Then it's settled," RJ replied, "Haven, I'll introduce you to Alyssa and Luce, Harper sit right, hang out with Cass." He added eliciting a groan from the other male. Sitting back down, Cass put his feet up and tossed a marshmallow in his mouth while RJ motioned for Haven to follow him.

Haven hadn't physically reacted to the flashbang besides a small flinch and the closing of her eyes. She sent Harper a look of concern, knowing full well that it affected her friend's sensitive eyes as well. As she began to follow RJ, though, she made sure to give Cass a quick bird behind her back.

Walking away from the commotion, RJ led Haven toward Alyssa, tapping his girlfriend on the shoulder to quietly pause any conversation she had going with Luce.

She was glad that RJ agreed to introduce her. It was worth it after dealing with Cass's attitude. Yet as the pair approached Alyssa, her ears continued to ring and she saw a white film over the faces in front of her. She tried her best to ignore it as the friendly Redhead started speaking.

"Hey, Red, Haven here wanted to ask you some questions about the Foundation, she's just trying to get a feel for the changes coming our way." RJ explained gently as the redheaded girl turned towards Haven studying the winged woman with her keen green eyes.

"Haven Barnes, Hyperhuman, not Hellion." Alyssa muttered, standing as she brushed herself off. Her skin visibly crawling as small streams of quicksilver raced along her viens before she smiled and relaxed. "Face of an angel, body of a Harpy, heart of a friend?" She rambled, ending with a question as she tilted her head slightly to look at Haven.

"I had a roommate like you at the Foundation. She vanished one day and I came back to an empty dorm. I was told she went home but I never heard from her again, the Foundation was lonely after that. Cold, empty and very white. Not like P.R.C.U., it's loud, full of life and colour."

Banjo had been right. Alyssa did call everyone by their full names. The Aussie's joke was enough to ease Haven's temper. She regained her focus, smiling at the girl who's hair looked more pink than red at the moment. She blinked her eyes, trying to recover from the effects of Cass's outburst.

Alyssa's next words formed a pit in her stomach. Someone else like her vanished there? For what reason? It had her wanting to know more about it, but she had to stay focused. Without Harper here to guide the conversation, Haven was at a loss about what specific questions to ask.

"That's... awful. I'm glad you were able to come here." She began, reaching out to gently squeeze Alyssa's arm. "Do a lot of people vanish there? Or do you think they just run away?" It would make sense, given Haven had considered running just this morning.

"The Foundation didn't consider the ones who vanished to be missing," Alyssa responded, her emerald eyes looking through Haven, studying the girl's wings. "The pattern is different than a harpy's, colour is distinct from an erinyes'. Angels aren't as friendly as you, more fiery."

She paused, her eyes moving back to Haven's face.

"The Foundation would call you a sub-class, we didn't have many subclasses on campus. Not like here, with Haven Barnes and Robert Arkwright. I wonder if that'll change now?" Alyssa mused.

"I wonder if they did run away, but then where does one run on the ocean? The surface isn't conducive to running."

Haven didn't know what a harpy or a erinyes was, but she couldn't help but feel as if Alyssa was looking right into her soul as the girl stared at her. Her eyes were slowly readjusting, and the ringing in her ears had calmed down. She tilted her head slightly as she listened to Alyssa go on. Then she knew what to ask the girl next. Asking about the missing wouldn't do any good if the school lied to the students.

"How were the faculty there?" Haven asked gently. "Were they kind to you?"

"By what measure does one measure kindness?" Alyssa replied, "A kindness to one is a cruelty to another. The Foundation Faculty are firm, and professional. They work together like cogs in a machine. But they are not friends." She paused, studying Haven as the winged woman hung into every word.

"You are very invested into the words of a very weird girl. I am not naive to the way students look and talk about me. Why talk to me and not Tiamat?" Alyssa asked, now studying Haven very intently, "No one was at the Foundation longer than Tiamat."

Haven shrugged. "Personally, I don't think you're weird at all." She began, before Alyssa's last sentence caught her attention. "Is Tiamat Amma? Why do you call her that?"

"That is her true name," Alyssa replied, "She's a force of destruction. The Foundation's dragon. Or was before she became the damsel in the castle at least. I fear P.R.C.U. has caged a beast they can't contain."

"I thought Amma hated them?" Haven asked honestly. "And... Why did they rename her?"

"It's not a renaming, it's her true identity," Alyssa answered, "She is Tiamat, there is no Amma, Amma is just a name given to her by a deceased mother. Tiamat is who she is."

Haven frowned lightly, thinking of how Lorcán had run off with Amma, Tiamat, whoever the hell she was earlier. "How did Tiamat act at the Foundation? Did they treat her well?" She leaned in a little closer to Alyssa. "Can we trust her?"

"Tiamat was a Queen. So not surprising she found a Prince to play with in the woods." The redhead's eyes wandered towards the forest of the same colour. "Can you trust anyone?" She asked, still staring towards the forest. "Even those you've known all your life, everyone is hiding something."

Those intense emerald eyes rolled back around to Haven.

"What are you hiding?"

Haven blinked, the question aimed at her catching her off guard. "I have a bag packed in case I want to run away." Haven answered honestly. "But I don't want to, even if things get bad here."

"What defines things being bad here?" Alyssa asked, "What are you so afraid of, Haven Barnes? You're clearly a fighter, but you have a vision in your head, I suspect you're looking for a reason to run, a reason to pick up that bag and disappear into the horizon. Perhaps there is too much change ahead that you're not ready for."

Haven looked between Alyssa's intense eyes. They were the color of a lush forest in spring. She had to admit that the girl was right. In some ways, Haven still missed being a free spirit among the forest. Yet there was so much good here. Friends, a place to call home... someone that she loved. "I guess I'm looking for a reason to stay."

"If they try to bring their customs here, will you allow it?" She asked. "Is there any danger with Tiamat and the Foundation's presence here?"

"You realize that like you, I am a student, Haven Barnes." Alyssa replied with a confused look on her face, "I allowed for nothing that happened at the Foundation and I allow for nothing that happens here. That is not my burden, station nor authority. Danger found this school before the Foundation came, and danger will likely find the school again even if they make this their new home. Being a Hyperhuman means facing danger, there is little we can do in this broken world to avoid that." The redhead looked around, locking eyes with Harper and Cass whose gaze had come their way. Dropping her voice to a low hiss, she leaned forward.

"No where is safe for us. We have more enemies than even our friends in faculty have taught us about."

Haven gave Alyssa a nod, if only to let the girl know that she'd heard and understood her. A phrase like that may have spooked her if she'd heard it on her first trip to the plateau. Yet she knew that Hyperion had left a scar on this school and the people that called this island home. Of course there was worry in everyone's hearts that another person like him would reappear one day to finish his work.

"Thanks, Alyssa. I feel better now that we've chatted." A white lie, but it had been informative. Harper would certainly know what to do with it. Better than Haven would, at least. "I'll see you around." Haven gave the girl a smile and nodded a thanks to RJ as well before she turned away.

She moved towards Harper, who seemed to miraculously be getting along with Cass. And were they... flirting? How'd they get on the topic of vampires? "Has the hothead cooled off now?" Haven said as she approached with a pointed glance towards Cassander.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Qia
Avatar of Qia

Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.098: Veiled Horizons
Interaction(s):Haven-@Skai,Cass-@Lord Wraith
Previously: Trials and Tribulations

The world turned white for Harper. She blinked furiously, trying to chase away the afterimages that danced before her eyes. The flashbang’s detonation was a physical blow, the light sharp enough to slice through her defences—powered or not.

The girl’s irritation, which had been simmering just below the surface, now bubbled into a silent fury. The flashbang was a cheap trick, a desperate grab for control, and it stung more than her retinas. It was an affront, a challenge, and Harper felt the familiar thrill of battle rise within her. She was no stranger to conflict, being the baby sister of someone who could be an angel at best and a devil at worst, but she preferred her battles to be strategic, her victories earned through wit and will rather than brute force.

So, for the sake of peace, she did not try to retaliate, begrudgingly nodding in agreement to stay behind with Cass.

As they departed, the trio of Mira, Layla and Simone chattered happily while pushing through the campsite, not paying attention to their surroundings before accidentally bumping into Harper and knocking the other girl to the ground.

"Hey," Cass called sarcastically, "Watch out"

"Real class act, Cass" Scolded Simone as she reached down with Mira to help Harper back up. "Sorry about that, we'll watch where we're going next time."

Harper’s mind was a whirlwind of strategies as she navigated the new, vexing predicament before her. Lost in thought, she barely registered the solid object that collided with her side, sending her tumbling to the ground. Her reflexes kicked in, hands splayed out to brace for impact. The ground met her with an unyielding thud, and a jolt of surprise coursed through her—the pain was absent, but the shock of the fall lingered.

She was a formidable presence, not as much as Katja but not one so easily toppled either. So, the realization that she had been caught off guard in such an extreme manner added a sting to her pride.

There she was, momentarily grounded, her usual poise disrupted by an unforeseen force of three apologetic girls.

As she accepted the hands reaching out to her, Harper’s face warmed with a rosy hue of chagrin and annoyance. Her eyes flicked towards Cass, delivering a silent but scathing rebuke, before she redirected her gaze to Simone and Mira. Her smile was strained, an effort to mask the confusion beneath her composed exterior.

“Thanks, no harm done,” Harper asserted, brushing off her attire with swift, deliberate strokes. She ignored Cass's sarcastic remark as she took the seat opposite his; Harper wasn't about to let him get under her skin more than he already had. Still, if she was stuck with the guy she might as well try to converse.

“Alright, Cass,” she said, her voice steady. “Since we're stuck here, how about you stop being a jerk for a minute and tell me a bit about yourself? Or are you all bravado just for show?”

Cass raised an amused eyebrow at Harper's question, allowing himself a half-smirk. Sure he had been a jerk to the girl but he was starting to take a liking to the spitfire brunette.

"Not much to tell, my mom sucked, my dad was an abusive drunk. Bounced around in foster care for most of my life until the Jones' adopted me just before my Hype-Gene activated and I got shipped to P.R.C.U. Was here about five minutes then I was impaled through the shoulder by Hyperion." He rubbed his shoulder, looking towards the dark sky above.

"Still hurts when it rains." He leaned back in his seat, creating a ball of kinetic energy he proceeded to juggle while talking. "I don't bond with people well," He allowed himself a half smile, nodding towards Harper apologetically. He tossed the ball of energy higher before re-absorbing it.

"You got a date to the dance?"

Harper raised an eyebrow, not expecting Cass to open up so candidly. The vulnerability in his words contrasted sharply with his earlier bravado, and it caught her off guard. For a moment, she felt a pang of empathy for him.

“Sounds like you've had it rough,” she said, her tone softer, though she maintained her guarded posture. “But that doesn't give you a free pass to be a jerk, you know?”

She watched as Cass played with the ball of kinetic energy, noting the way he seemed to use it as a distraction, a way to avoid deeper emotional engagement as he’d stated.

Which was why his question about the dance came out of nowhere for her, and Harper blinked in surprise.

She opened her mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again.

“The dance?” Harper repeated, momentarily thrown off. The thought of the dance brought back a rush of emotions. She had hoped to be asked by Gil, of course, but as she recalled his previous words, she found that it reopened deep wounds she’d thought had healed.

Just another face in the crowd. One of his many fans. She hadn’t changed that yet…had she?

“No, I don't have a date,” the brunette finally admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness she tried to mask.

She leaned back slightly, studying Cass with a curious look now. “Why do you ask? Trying to make up for being a jerk by offering to take me?” Harper teased, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. Of course, that couldn’t be it, right? “Or are you just trying to see if I can keep up with you on the dance floor? Because I’ll have you know I’m a pretty good dancer,” she added, her tone playful but with an underlying challenge.

“Gonna need more than a little flashbang to rattle me.”

"Who was being a jerk?" Cass replied playfully, "I was just watching out for my friends, I’m just suffering from crippling brutal honesty." He added with a wink.

"I've already seen you squirm, so I hope you dance better than that because trust me." He leaned forward, "The flash isn't the bang you'll be talking about."

He stopped, pursing his lips before shaking his head.

"Yeah, yeah I heard it. That was gross." Cass apologized, retreating into his seat, "But I digress, if I'm lucky enough that no one else has asked, I'd like to take a spitfire like you. Would be a lot of fun to actually have someone to keep up with."

Harper reclined, her expression a blend of amusement and skepticism. “Oh, watching out for your friends? That sure is one convenient cover for ‘brutal honesty,’” she quipped, the irony not lost on her. “But if we’re handing out points for honesty, I’ll give you this—your approach is certainly… unique.” But a method she recognized all too well. Hadn’t she just mirrored that same blunt honesty with Aurora?

Cass’s clumsy attempt at humour drew a smirk from Harper, her eyes rolling in feigned annoyance. “Oh no, your charm is overwhelming. Please don’t stop on my account, she drawled, the edges of her voice quivering with suppressed laughter. He had a knack for humour, albeit awkward and a touch cringe-worthy.

She paused, her gaze lingering on Cass as she considered his offer. “A spitfire, huh? I like the sound of that. It’s got a certain… spark.” It was a welcome change from the drab monikers of ‘drill sergeant’ or ‘stick in the mud’, that was for sure.

As for her answer, her thoughts returned to Gil’s image- a hope held close to her heart, yet always just out of reach. To attend the dance with Cass, who was honestly a wildcard beyond what he’d already shown here, was to step into uncharted territory. Just like with Gil. Maybe that’s why he was a chapter that just refused to close for her. He was simply too enticing. But Cass…Cass might be the pen she needed to write a new story.

Or, at least, someone to attend a stupid dance with.

With a breath that felt like the first step into a wider world, Harper made her choice.

“Alright, then,” she finally said, her voice steady. “I’ll go to the dance with you.”

"It's a date then, Spitfire," Cass replied with a genuine smile. "Now I have a real reason to dread it." He teased before blowing a few strands of wavy blonde hair out of his green eyes. He looked over to Haven and Alyssa before turning back to Harper.

"I don't know what you and Wings hope to actually get out of the Space Cadet over there, but hopefully it helps, I guess. For what it's worth, Foundation didn't leave me with the best first impression. Torres' comment about Hyperion was a little too close to the chest." He rubbed the scar through his shirt again.

"I hope we're wrong about them and they actually are the good guys, if not then I'm sure you'll have no problem rallying the troops."

Harper’s expression softened, a gentle acknowledgment of the scars they all bore, some visible, others hidden deep within. Hyperion’s legacy was etched into the very fabric of their lives, leaving a mark that words could scarcely touch. She felt an odd sense of disconnection, an outsider to this particular pain felt by some of her teammates yet intimately aware of its pervasive shadow over their lives.

Harper's gaze flicked to Haven, remaining there as she replied. “Yeah, that’s why I’m doing this, honestly. For her. For my friends. I don’t want any of us to be taken by surprise. Not again.”

Her gaze snapped back to Cass, lingering on where he’d received his trauma.

“Would you do it if it came down to it, though? Join the fray?”

"Depends on how well you dance," He answered coyly. "One foot in front of the other first though." Cass cautioned Harper, "If you go looking for trouble, you're sure to find it."

Harper’s response was a roll of her eyes, the gesture laden with playful defiance. “Oh, is that concern I detect? And here we are, still days away from our first dance,” she bantered back, her tone light and teasing. “I appreciate that, but trouble has a way of finding me whether I try to avoid it or not.”

She leaned in slightly, her playful expression giving way to a more serious look. “Speaking of trouble,” Harper began, lowering her voice a bit. “There might be some… reservations about Amma in our group. Did Alyssa ever mention anything weird about her before? Should we be worried?”

"Alyssa isn't exactly... uh forthcoming," The blonde replied looking towards the pair currently conversing. "Not to say she's dishonest, but Alyssa speaks like a sphinx. Everything is a riddle, if she had spoken about Amma previously there's a high probability I missed it on account of the way she rambles." Cass shook his head slightly.

"She hasn't been quite the same since her and Luce took a sabbatical from P.R.C.U."

Harper nodded, absorbing the gravity of Cass’s observations. “Can you tell me about Alyssa before the break? What was she like?” Harper probed further, her curiosity sharpening. “And did she ever hint at what might have happened during their time away? Even if in riddles.”

"She's always been a chatterbox, usually will talk your ear off about anything and everything but since she came back it's like she's in another world, like she sees things no one else does. She used to be a lot more bubbly and warm, not sure how the change hasn't put more stress on her relationship with RJ." The blonde mused, his hand resting on his chin.

"Oh she did more than hint, but a lot of it is hard to believe. Something about Hellions and Magni, she talks a lot about allegedly tracking stuff of folklore and myth in Europe and having to slay them. Honestly, most of it sounds like a fantasy novel. Claims the scars on her neck are from a vampyr attack." Cassander explained, splaying his index and middle finger before tapping along the side of his neck while gesturing with his head towards the scar on Alyssa's.

Harper absorbed Cass’s portrayal of Alyssa, the image of a vivacious, chatty girl taking shape in her imagination. A sense of longing washed over her, a wish to have known Alyssa in those carefree days. Warm and outgoing sounded like traits Harper would have appreciated in a friend. And as for the other girl’s relationship with RJ…he must just really care for her. That’s what it had to be.

The words ‘Hellions’ and ‘Magni’ sparked a brief connection to the comic lore she adored, but Harper quickly dismissed the notion, knowing their reality was far stranger than fiction.

“A vampyre attack?” the brunette echoed, her tone hushed. In any other world, the concept would be laughable, but not in theirs, not where the impossible was mundane. Alyssa’s speech surely pointed to some hidden truth.

Cass nodded. “That's what she says.”

“Well, shit,” Harper replied, a shiver running down her spine.

Haven gave Alyssa a nod, if only to let the girl know that she'd heard and understood her. A phrase like that may have spooked her if she'd heard it on her first trip to the plateau. Yet she knew that Hyperion had left a scar on this school and the people that called this island home. Of course there was worry in everyone's hearts that another person like him would reappear one day to finish his work.

"Thanks, Alyssa. I feel better now that we've chatted." A white lie, but it had been informative. Harper would certainly know what to do with it. Better than Haven would, at least. "I'll see you around." Haven gave the girl a smile and nodded a thanks to RJ as well before she turned away.

She moved towards Harper, who seemed to miraculously be getting along with Cass. And were they... flirting? How'd they get on the topic of vampires? "Has the hothead cooled off now?" Haven said as she approached with a pointed glance towards Cassander.

Harper turned at the sound of Haven's voice, a teasing grin forming on her lips. “Oh, he’s not so bad once you get to know him,” she replied playfully. “We were just discussing some... interesting topics. But probably not as interesting as your conversation with Alyssa over there. How'd that go?”

Haven took a breath, resting a hand on her hip. "Well enough, I guess. Lot's of indirect answers, but I picked up on a few interesting things we can look into." She gave Cass a skeptical glance before stepping in closer. "I'll start with how Amma goes by Tiamat at the Foundation, and how she has been there the longest out of all of them. Well, up until last year."

"Alyssa knows that they went into the forest together," Haven murmured softly. The "they" in question being Amma and Lorcán. "Said every queen needs a prince. Ugh."

"Oh, and students have been going missing there. Apparently someone like me was her roommate, and she vanished without a feather left." The thought had her wings shiver behind her. "There's no way someone could fly across the ocean, so they couldn't have run away."

Harper’s attention was riveted on Haven, each revelation sending ripples of intrigue and apprehension through her. The alias ‘Tiamat’ used by Amma at the Foundation was not lost on her; it was a name steeped in ancient lore, synonymous with primordial chaos and creation.

"Tiamat, huh?" Harper mused aloud, her mind racing. "That's... quite a name. Definitely not one you'd pick lightly."

As Haven continued, Harper felt a shiver of unease. The image of Amma and Lorcán together in the forest, with Alyssa's cryptic comment about queens and princes, added a layer of mystery and potential danger to their relationship. Maybe Aurora had every right to worry, after all, feelings or no feelings.

What role did their strange teammate envision for Lorcán in her court?

The information about the missing students hit Harper hard. The idea of someone disappearing without a trace, especially someone with abilities like Haven's, hit even harder.

Maybe it was time to bring in the others. It was earlier than she would have liked, but with Haven or even her in some kind of danger....

“Do you think the school knows about any of this stuff?”

Haven shook her head at first, and then shrugged. "O'Neil doesn't seem happy with them being here, and I'm sure Alyssa and Amma's transfer here leaked some info about the Foundation to make him so aggressive towards the reps." She frowned. "Alyssa said that we can't trust anyone, not even faculty here on the island." Her eyes searched Harper's for guidance. "I trust O'Neil, but... maybe there are things he won't tell us because he wants to protect us."

Noting her friend’s concern, Harper placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, begging for it not to shake. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were standing on the edge of something much bigger and more dangerous than they had realized.

“We're going to figure this out,” Harper said firmly, her voice carrying a note of determination. “But we need to be smart about it. If we can't trust everyone, we need to be careful who we share this with. And that means…probably bringing in a few more people on the team.”

She frowned, clearly considering her options. "There's a lot to think about here. I'll touch base with you tomorrow. I need to process everything we've learned and figure out the best way to move forward."

Besides...she was so tired.
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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Skai
Avatar of Skai

Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - PRCU
Welcome Home #1.099: Feathers on the Court

Interaction(s): Rory @Webboysurf
Previously: Fiery Birds

Outside of the tent, barely perceptible steps could be heard approaching. Along with the gentle rustling of feathers as Haven stretched her wings out one last time before she'd tuck them in for the night. She stopped in front of the door, her ears picking up motion within. He's still up.

The thought provoked a fluttering feeling within her stomach. She pulled her wings in front of her, her hands smoothing down any stray feathers. Next she pulled the hairband from her ponytail. Her fingers combed through her hair before she pushed it back from her face. It wasn't like she was worried she looked a mess. She'd gone most of her life without caring how she looked. This preening was brought on by the excitement and nerves that came with stepping into a tent alone with Rory. To the rush of wondering if he'd figured out her answer earlier, and how he might have taken it.

Haven reached for the zipper of the tent, halting as her fingers pressed against the metal. She took a slow breath through her lungs, and breathed out through her nose. You can do this, Haven. You got this. A small, excited smile flashed before she cooled her expression and pulled the zipper open.

She ducked her head, her wings tucking close to her back so that they wouldn't graze the tent as she stepped inside. "Hey, I'm glad you're up." She began, her eyes lifting from the floor as she stood straight to look at- Oh.

Rory had remarkable timing.

When he had first gotten back to the tent and noticed Haven wasn't there, he slipped inside. Of course, his first concern was that she was going to walk in at any moment, and the last thing he wanted was to be caught naked before they had a chance to talk. So, he laid out his sleeping bag and rested for a moment, keeping an ear out for Haven's arrival. But as soon as he was lying down, he was stuck there for some time. His muscles ached, and he desperately wanted to sleep. He felt himself nearly nod off once or twice.

But he knew he had to stay awake.

So, after what felt like an eternity, Rory managed to slowly lift himself up from his sleeping bag. In the process, his towel got caught underfoot and was pulled off as he stood up. He shrugged, figuring this was a good excuse to get changed anyways. He walked over to his duffle bag, opened it up, and pulled out a pair of boxers.

He was confused why he heard two zippers when opening his duffel bag... but nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard Haven's voice. He spun around, naked as the day he was born with a pair of light gray boxer briefs in hand, eyes wide in panic as he saw Haven. He had only a moment to register that she had let her hair down before he noticed her looking at him. Well, more specifically, she was looking at his lower half.

It took him a couple of seconds to shake himself from his stupor and turned around, quickly sliding on the boxers while turned away from Haven. "I'm... oh God, I'm so sorry. I wasn't trying to... I'm sorry." Rory quickly reached into his bag for a pair of athletic shorts, sliding those on before turning back to face Haven, face red with embarrassment.

Haven was staring at- at him, more specifically a part of him that she hadn't seen before. Her mouth was open, having formed the word "oh" as she thought it. If Rory hadn't panicked, he'd have noticed a flush quickly spread across the center of her neck, goosebumps raising on her arms, and the feathers on her wings slowly fluffing. Haven turned at the same moment he did, her eyes going right to the top of the tent. Yet as she heard him shuffling about behind her, a slow grin began to creep onto her face. She bit her lip, trying to suppress it, but failed miserably.

"No, I'm- I'm sorry. I should have knocked or... something." Haven hoped that he couldn't hear the grin in her voice. It was obvious she was flustered, but was it embarrassment? Haven didn't think so, personally. She lifted her right wing as she turned, using it to cover her vision of his lower half as she peeked over it to glance at him. The lower half of her face was also hidden behind the ruffled feathers, thankfully. "Sorry, Rory. Is it safe to come in now?"

Rory finished sliding up his shorts as Haven turned to face him, and his cheeks were still a bright shade of pink as he looked her in the eye. He took a deep breath as he recovered. He couldn't quite see all of her face, but she certainly didn't look angry or disgusted. What that could possibly mean didn't even register in his mind, though, as he was still stuck replaying the embarrassing moment in his mind. He lifted his hands to cover his face a moment, rolling them down and stretching the skin as if to wipe away the mistake off his face. With an exhale, he turned his gaze back to Haven and nodded. "I'm, uh... decent. This isn't how I wanted to start things off."

Haven slowly lowered her wing, her grin fading into a small smile. She took a step further into the tent, getting to a spot where her wings could rest comfortably behind her. "I know, Rory. It's okay. Really." She tilted her head to the side as she looked over how red in the face he was. "What... did you have in mind, though?"

And there it was. No backing out now.

Rory rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, taking another deep breath. "Right... well, uh... before I answer that, I think it's important I'm upfront about something." He paused, panic washing over him. He was in the thick of it now. But, Katja was right. Subtlety wasn't his strong suit... and the only way through this was to talk things out. "I promised myself, before I got back from summer vacation, that I wouldn't leave here without any regrets. So, I think... I mean, based on today, and the vibe..." Rory felt his mouth getting dry and sweat beginning to form on his brow. He wasn't exactly shy around most folks... awkward, sure. But this was different. He took a another breath, and looked Haven in the eye.

"When I asked about sleeping together, I meant sharing a tent. But... you were a little weird about it. What do you think I asked?" Internally, he was kicking himself. He had chosen the coward's path... but he already knew how he felt. There was still a chance this was a misunderstanding.

Haven felt her heart begin to beat faster and she swore she could hear his heart begin to thump too. She felt weightless for a moment as he looked in her eyes. Yet the question grounded her. It wasn't exactly what she hoped he'd ask, but... it wasn't pointing her in the wrong direction either.

"I have to admit, I... I thought you were being bold at first." She began, her eyes glancing between his. Her lips curved at the edges as she remembered it. "You really have to chose your words carefully next time, Rory." Her eyes searched his face for any reaction, pausing on his lips for a moment before she met his gaze again.

"It had my heart racing, like it is now." She was holding her breath. Hoping that if she kept it under control she wouldn't reveal too much at once and overwhelm him. "I realized what you really meant- a few seconds later. I didn't correct you for a reason, though."

"I, uh..." Her confidence wavered for a moment. Then it rose up in full force. She had to say it now, or it might not ever matter again. She took another small step towards him. Her head tilting back just a bit more so that she could keep his eyes in focus. "I like you, Rory. As more than a friend. I haven't felt this way about anyone else, and it's hard for me to say it, but I mean it."

"I really like you." The smile she had now was soft and sincere, expressing her feelings through physical language if the words didn't say it for her.


Rory paused, his head drowning in thoughts and sound. Haven's words felt like they were wrapping themselves around his chest, his breathing getting a little tighter. It's what he wanted... better than he hoped for. But his own words were caught in his throat. "I... I've been afraid of this." He mentally kicked himself, quickly sputtering out an explanation. "Of it being both of us... you know, liking each other like that... I was talking with Kat earlier this evening, feels right to tell you too... I don't have a lot of options once I get out of here. So I thought if I just stayed quiet and didn't tell anyone how I felt... you can't foul out if you don't play." He looked down at his hands, snapping with one hand before smacking that same palm into his other fist. He was fumbling. He lifted his gaze up, the smile on her face immediately brightening his.

Fuck it.

"What I'm trying to say is... I should have told you a lot earlier that I like you. A lot." His smile was wide, as he took an instinctively step closer. "I... I don't know what that means, though. Like... I didn't expect to ever get this far. So I don't know what's next."

Haven's brows rose as she listened to him. Concern flitted across her features for a moment as he voiced his worries. She continued to smile despite it. He felt the same. It sent a whole new rush of excitement through her. She could see the same rush spread over his body language as he finally looked back at her. Which only made her smile grow into a beaming grin as he finally admitted his feelings out loud.

A wave of relief passed through her, her wings flaring momentarily before resting behind her. Her feathers slowly began to smooth out. He stepped closer to her, and she could feel her heartbeat become a fluttering thump in her chest.

"I don't have a clue about all of that either, but... we can figure it out together." She began, gazing into those sky blue eyes as she stepped even closer to him. She wanted to keep this moment forever. "I think this is the right move now, though."

Haven lifted herself onto the tips of her toes, her eyes fluttering momentarily between his eyes and his lips. They closed as her face was not even an inch away, and she pressed her lips against his. A gentle, curious kiss. It sent a warmth coursing through her that she hadn't felt before. She kept her hands at her sides to allow Rory to decide how this would continue.

Rory didn't need to be asked twice. He had moved in to meet Haven part way, his lips meeting hers. Of course, he moved his right hand to cup the back of her head, with his right moving to Haven's waist as if he was afraid of her flying away. He broke the kiss after a moment, eyes fluttering open as he seemed a bit stunned. "Wow..." He chuckled a little, still lost for words for but a moment, before finally shaking his head. "We should have done this sooner." With a goofy smile, he leaned in again and closed his eyes, going for a second, deeper kiss than the first. Rory's left hand moved to Haven's lower back to hold her close, his heart practically beating out of his chest. This wasn't his first kiss, not by a long shot.

But a kiss had never felt like home before.

Haven melted the moment he cupped the back of her head. Her hands moved, reaching up to hold him by his torso. The muscles under his skin felt even better than they looked. But the kiss... and his hand on her waist. It was perfect. He broke the kiss first. Haven could have gone on for another few minutes with her lung capacity, but she was on Rory's terms with that. Still, she was left breathless. She took a moment to regain the oxygen in her lungs as she looked up at him with a gaze similar to his own.

His words and that smile on his face had her returning the goofy grin until their lips met again. She was already leaning into him as he pulled her close, her body flush against his. She could hear their hearts beating at almost equal rates, racing towards an inevitable crescendo. The future didn't matter at this moment. Nothing outside of this tent mattered. The only thing on her mind was Rory.

"We should do this all of the time." Haven breathed as Rory once again paused for air. Her right hand slid under his arm, onto his toned chest, and up the side of his head into his short hair. "I mean it." She chuckled softly at the thought as her eyes met his.

"That's a smart idea, Haven. You don't have to tell me twice." Rory resisted the urge to go in for another kiss, instead pausing to take in the moment. He relished the feeling of her touch on his skin, and her hand in his hair. He wasn't sure he had ever seen her smile quite like that... hell, he couldn't recall seeing anyone smiling like she was right now. He pulled Haven's head into his chest as he went in for a tight hug, head lowering to plant a soft kiss on the top of her head as he squeezed her in his arms.

Wait... she knew what I meant, but she didn't...

Rory's grip loosened as he leaned away from the hug for a moment, head tilted down to get Haven to look him in the eye. "Hey... what did you mean when you said you had a reason for not correcting me earlier?"

Haven beamed up at him as he agreed with her. She could tell he was thinking of kissing her again. She wanted to kiss him until the sun came up. Or she could stand there, enjoying his warmth against her as they smiled at each other. He pulled her head against his chest and Haven allowed it. Her forehead pressed into his bare skin and she breathed in the smell of him. Heavens, he smells good. Her right hand slipped down his chest again and she wrapped her arms around to hold him just as close. She felt his lips against the top of her head and she swore that this was the moment she wanted to stay in forever.

She felt safe with him. Truly. A safety she hadn't felt in a long time. It made her heart fill to near bursting. Her wings tucked into her back, the feathers gently grazing his arms as he held her.

He pulled away. Haven tilted her head back to look up at him, hoping for another kiss until his question sent a spark down her spine and heated her body. She laughed softly, her eyes crinkling at the edges before her smile turned extremely flirty. "You asked if I wanted I wanted to sleep together... tonight," her thumb began to gently brush against the skin on his back, "and I said yes."

Haven's response sent a jolt down Rory's back, certainly helped by her delicate touch. This... well, it wasn't entirely unexpected. But the sudden shock on his face revealed all too easily this was not what he anticipated. He held his breath, biting his lip as he lifted his gaze to stare at the closed tent flap. He had had a dream like this once or twice... and for a moment, he felt panic course through him. This, too could be a dream... no, no, he was usually much more smooth in his dreams. Or stayed naked in them. And Haven didn't usually feel this real...

Focus, man.

He knew Haven well enough at this point to realize she liked it when he was flustered. And at this rate, he was losing. Rory hated losing.

Rory's expression shifted as he took a deep breath, his wide and goofy smile returning as he recovered. He moved his right hand up to caress her cheek. He held her gaze for a moment, his brain trying to process what she would say in a moment like this. "Oh, really?" He accepted her challenge. "Disappointed I threw shorts on, then?" He mimicked Haven's cadence with his words, a thin line of levity underlying his flirtatious query.

Haven wanted to be the one biting his lip. Her head tilted further into his hand, his gentle touch against her cheek becoming a new craving. She looked between his eyes. His questions were unexpected, but deliciously hot. She felt the heat in her neck rising, up until she felt it on her face. Oh, my god. Am I blushing? He was returning her usual banter with some of his own, and it was working. His touch against her cheek was electric. His body against hers igniting every nerve. She was blushing for the first time in her life.

"Just a little," Haven teased back, although her words didn't carry as much heaviness to them as before. He'd gotten to her. He'd broken past that wall of hers and shined the spotlight on her. And it was working. Working better than seeing him flustered over her did.

Rory beamed with pride, recognizing his crush's blushing smile. Confidence was a powerful drug at times like these... and her melting expression had given him plenty. In the meantime, it was time for a full court press. He had a competitive glint in his eye as he spoke softly, matching her teasing tone. "You can look all you like, Barnes." He leaned in, as if for another kiss. But as his lips neared hers, his hand slid under his chin to lift it up further, delivering a peck just under her jaw on her neck.As he pulled back, he lifted his head next to hers to rest his cheek against hers. He whispered softly, a hint of awkwardness seeping back into his voice. He was nearing his limit of flirtatious banter.

"You know, um... you're not the only one who wants to... well..." He was losing focus, his own rising temperature leaving him flustered and speechless. He wasn't used to this much talking... and words weren't doing him any favors. He crinkled his nose, desperately trying to come up with some clever way of saying it... but none came to mind. "I wouldn't be opposed to seeing you like that, either."

Haven loosed a breath as he placed a kiss in that soft spot of hers. This was an unexpected side to Rory. Yet as his own voice began to waver, and she finally felt the flushing of his skin against hers, she knew that they were on equal terms now.

She withdrew her hands from around him, leaning back just enough to run them up the planes of his abs before she took his face into her hands. "You can see me however you'd like, Rory." She smiled up at him before tugging him into a slow and intentional kiss. Her hands looped around his neck, one of them running her fingers through his hair. "That spot on my neck?" She murmured softly between kisses. "That's a sweet spot. With you... I think every spot is going to be sweet."

Rory's smile didn't fade as Haven went in for another kiss, the corners of his lips upturned as they met hers. He dropped his hands to her lower back to give her room to loop her arms around his neck. He chuckled softly at her words, his laugh interrupted as their lips met again. In the pauses between, Rory muttered back. "I'd be happy... to test that." He lowered his hands slightly, bending slightly with his knees until his hands reached the tops of her thighs. With a sudden move, he picked Haven up without breaking the kiss. He spun around while carrying her, turning to face the sleeping bag he had set up. Slowly, and without breaking the lock on their lips, he dropped down to one knee before dropping his other, lowering Haven onto her back while kneeling. He broke the kiss for a moment, catching his breath and studying her face for a reaction with a proud grin.

Haven's soft whimper was muffled by their kiss as he lifted her up and artfully laid her onto her back. She looked up at him, her eyes hazy as a soft smile played on her lips. Her wings had splayed open beside her as he laid her down, along with her legs. Her shorts had been pushed up her thighs, and her shirt bunched around her waist to reveal a sliver of her skin to him. In this position, with Rory so close, Haven could barely form a thought. The proud grin on his face elicited a breathless laugh from her chest. "Smooth move." Her voice was breathy and low, almost like it had been when she gave him a hint earlier that day.

She placed her left hand on his shoulder, the other tracing his jawline and down to his collarbones. She hooked her left leg around him, pulling him against her and into a deep and needy kiss. "I want you, Rory. All of you."

Rory's head swam with pleasure as Haven pulled him in close for another kiss. He couldn't help but elicit a soft grunt of pleasant surprise. He could feel himself losing all sense of thought, reason, or anxiety. Every fiber of thought was being engulfed by Haven. He held himself steady with his left elbow, fighting against Haven's pull just enough to swing his left leg over her right leg. Now slightly angled, he let his weight join hers as he maintained the kiss. His right hand moved to Haven's left thigh, running up over her shorts and under the edge of her shirt. His hand paused, as Rory's remaining reasoning skills fought. But, even those cells were consumed with a single desire: do as the lady asks.

"As you wish."

Rory's fingers grazed the edge of her shorts, as he broke the kiss to look her in the eyes. His smile was softer, his eyes studying her closely with a clarity he often lacked.

Haven had already begun to allow instinct to take over her the moment she heard a grunt escape his chest. Then all sense of being was lost the moment Rory's hand came close to another sweet spot. All she could do to stay grounded was grip his muscled shoulders and coast. She began to peel away her clothes with a sense of urgency, until his hands took over for her. Her own made quick work of his bottoms. Soon they were entangled; a shared moment of breathless whispers, small laughs as they adjusted to each other, and roaming hands. They soon found release together.

"That was..." Haven murmured, beaming up at Rory where she laid against his chest. Her right hand traced small circles on his skin. Her wings were draped over the both of them, a soft blanket of feathers. "Wow."

Rory's breath was labored as he laid on his back, a wild and dopey smile plastered on his face. The endorphins were finally fading, and he began to realize again just how much his body ached from a hard day's work. He really regretted not just borrowing Lorcán's powers earlier. But the thought of anyone but Haven in his mind in that moment was fleeting, as his eyes locked with hers. His hands were reasted behind his head as he laid there, his voice hazy with bliss. "Yeah..." He paused, staring sweetly into Haven's eyes for a moment as his brows furrowed, desperately trying to catch a thought before it was gone. His eyes widened as he finally found the words. "Yeah... you know... I might start leaving my window open. In case... you know..." If Rory's cheeks weren't already red from exhaustion, they'd reveal his slight awkwardness.

Of course, his expression darkened for a moment, the smile fading slightly as he looked past Haven towards the ceiling. He closed his eyes for a moment, shaking his head slightly as if trying to ward off the thought. As his eyes opened, and Haven was still there, he lifted a hand from behind his head to grab hold of Haven's as she traced along his chest. His grip was soft as he moved her hand towards his face, fingers delicately prying her fingers back to reveal her palm. He lowered it to his lips, and delivered a soft and gentle kiss on that very palm.

Haven felt heat return to her cheeks. "Oh, yeah?" Her tone was soft, genuine happiness hinted underneath the question. She wondered if he thought this was just a dream with the way he shook his head. Then he took her hand and she allowed him to pull it towards his mouth. The kiss he placed on her palm that sent shivers down her spine. She ran her thumb over his lips, then cupped his cheek. "I'll give you the code to mine, then." She murmured, her smile turning soft. "You can come whenever you'd like to."

Rory's smile remained soft and weak as she spoke. He closed his eyes, leaning his cheek farther into her hand as he felt his mind wander. No matter how much he tried to stay grounded and present, he felt a familiar feeling creep into his chest. This, too, would pass. All of this. She seemed happy, for now. So was he. And that should be enough.

But Rory's smile faded as he laid bare, still partially entwined with the only woman who made him feel things he didn't even know how to place or describe with words. His eyes remained closed, not quite nodding off to sleep as the anxiety crept up and nestled in his chest. His voice was quiet as he responded, the warm haze giving way to his usual awkward discomfort. "Right... yeah. That would be nice."

Haven moved herself up onto her elbow so she could get a better look at him. Her thumb caressed his cheek. For a moment, her own anxieties tried to bubble up in her chest. His tone was different. As if he wasn't comfortable with her own response. Was this all he wanted from her? For her to come in through the window, have a nice evening, and be done?

Haven shoved the thought deep down inside of her, her heart telling her that her mind was wrong. He was here with her now, and he wanted her. Maybe he was scared she'd leave him, since he'd never had someone this close to his own heart before. Or maybe he was just tired, unable to fight the everyday stress that he seemed to carry on his shoulders.

"Hey, do you want a massage? You must be sore after all of the work today, and our own work in here." The last sentence had a hint of pride to it. She planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Turn over. I'll rub your back until you fall asleep."

He didn't deserve her.

Rory silently nodded at her suggestion, shifting under Haven carefully to rotate himself onto his stomach, resting his cheek on his forearm. "Thanks, Feathers." He tried his best to relax, and let his body decompress. But it was clear just how tense his muscles remained, just in his body language and in feeling his back and shoulders. He was quiet for a moment, before his brows furrowed again. His voice was even more quiet, almost a whisper to himself. "I don't... I don't want to be a fling, Wings." His voice quivered slightly, the weight of the day's events finally bearing down on him in full and tightening his throat.

Haven tucked her wings in as she moved to straddle Rory's waist. Feathers. The nickname had her smiling instead of scowling like she would with others. She began to run her hands along the muscles of his back. It began gentle, until she worked the muscles harder when she felt them tensing up beneath her. She heard his soft words as if they were in her ear. A wave of relief passed through her, her wings relaxing behind her to graze the sides of him with their feathery tips. She released a breath she'd been holding, and leaned down to give him a kiss on the back of his neck.

"Is that why you're so tense?" She asked as she sat back up and continued the massage. The quiver in his voice had her heart constricting. He had such a rough day, with the ceremony, with his fight, and now this. She wanted to reassure him as much as she wanted to reassure herself that this was more than just a hookup. "I would never play with your emotions like that, Rory. I want to be yours... and I want you to be mine. All mine." Her hands ran up his back, over his shoulders, and down his arms. She gave his biceps a quick squeeze before making their way back the way they came. "I like you a lot, Rory. Enough to face my own fears of committing to one place or person." She bit her lip for a moment. "You're someone I want to keep around, for a long time."

Rory let out a small, relieved moan as Haven massaged his back. He... well, he never really had gotten one before, besides the half-jokimg ones him and Lorcán exchanged after a long game in the locker room. But certainly nothing this intimate. But it was more than that. Her words struck deep, fueling more than ego. It was hard to believe, and even harder to process. His siblings never really liked spending time with him, even when they were younger. His parents were always too busy with work. He never really clicked with teammates... especially when the secret got out he was a Hype. PRCU felt more like home than home ever felt... but this was more than that.

She wanted him.

Desired wasn't something he was comfortable feeling yet, but it was something he could learn to appreciate. Of course, Haven's words and their meaning felt clear, even in his clouded mind. Exclusivity. Commitment. This wasn't just either of their usual flings... she wanted to be an item. He couldn't help but smile at the thought.

He turned his head slightly to look behind him as much as possible, only able to catch a glimpse of Haven's splayed wings. "I... yeah... you can have me as long as you want me." His voice was hazy again, exhaustion and passion and relief washing over his senses. Rory's eyes closed as he focuses on the sensation of the massage. "I don't know how... we'll tell the team."

Haven tried to ignore the way that the sound of his relief reverberated underneath her. She could hear how tired he was in his voice. He needed rest now, so she'd have to wait until morning to act on her feelings again. She made careful and gentle moves along his back, feeling the muscles underneath begin to relax. She could hear his heart slowing and his lungs taking deeper, sleepier breaths beneath her hands. She smiled warmly down at him. "They'll figure it out sooner or later." She began, her voice just above a whisper. He was falling asleep, and she didn't want to keep him awake. There was one thing she wanted to ask him before he drifted off, though.

She leaned down, placing another gentle kiss on the side of his neck. "Will you be my date for the dance, Rory?"

Rory's eyes remained closed, a soft chirp of pleasure escaping his lips at the kiss. He was exhausted, borderline delirious as he remained at the cusp of passing out. What remaining brain cells he had left were not functional. "I'd love to, babe... but I already asked Mei in my underwear earlier..." With no energy left, Rory succumbed to the exhaustion. A dumb, goofy, tired smile remained on his lips as he slumbered.

Haven, however, remained staring down at him. Her hands slowed to a stop along his back. Rory really didn't know how to talk to a woman. She took a deep breath, reminding herself that she'd been aware of Mei's feelings for him before entering this tent. She knew that Mei had asked him to the dance first.

A quiet laugh left her lips before she shook her head. She moved off of Rory, careful not to wake him. Her footsteps were near-silent as she found her shorts and shirt. She slipped them both on, and then carefully made her way out of the tent.

In the fresh air, with the dark, starry sky above her, Haven released a heavy sigh. She sat down in front of the tent's entrance and hugged her knees to her chest. Her gaze never left the stars.

He doesn't want it to be a fling... He wants me. Haven thought to herself, finding reasons to quiet any troubled thoughts in her head. I'm glad they cleared it up, anyways. It's just a dance. Mei will understand, right? The cliffs howled nearby, and the breeze rustled the leaves in the trees. It was peaceful out here. A natural sound that Haven had grown fond of since she'd first spent a night in a forest.

It was nothing like that stormy night four years ago. She had to keep reminding herself that. Alyssa's words may have shaken her trust in the island's safety, but she didn't want to leave it. Not with Rory's slow, dozing breaths behind her.

She listened to him breathe for a while, her eyes on the stars above or on the dimming fires of the campsite around them. Soon enough, her mind quieted and exhaustion found her. She returned to the tent and laid out her sleeping bag next to her partner. The safety she felt with him, despite the memories of her first night in a tent like this, was enough that she knew she'd get a good nights sleep beside him. As she got comfortable next to him, she reached over to take his hand into hers. A reminder for them in the morning that things had changed between them, and they likely wouldn't be the same again.

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Hidden 5 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Southern Plateau - Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean
Welcome Home #1.100: After Hours
Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith
Previously: Supermassive Black Hole

Aurora quickly masked any remaining woe in her face as Lorcán sat down next to her, trying to take Harper’s words to heart.

Lorcán is his own person, and we have to trust his judgment, even if we may not always agree with his choices.

The redhead shook her head as the boy extended the marshmallow towards her. In normal circumstances, she would have eagerly accepted, as Lorcán had a talent for crafting the perfect s’more. So much so, she refused to attempt them herself and opted for him to make them on her behalf, which he always obliged. But her appetite had still not returned, and she really wasn’t in the mood.

“Sad? I’m not sad.” Denial at its finest. “Thanks, but I’m not that hungry.” Aurora stated, before looking around at their teammates, noticing some were turning in and heading to their tents. “Honestly, I might call it a night. It’s been a long day, and tomorrow is going to be even longer.” The thought of going to sleep sent a shiver down her spine, not knowing what her dreams, or lack thereof, would hold. But tonight she was mostly concerned with someone else being mere feet from her, thus subjected to her terrors. It was a disclaimer she knew she didn’t need to provide Lorcán with but she paused, trying to decide how to word her next request.

“You can wake me up, if I’m having a nightmare… I’d prefer that, actually. Who knows if I’ll have one tonight, but I just wanted to put it out there. I’m sorry if I do.”

Wrapping a hand around the marshmallow, Lorcán subtly reduced it to nothing but ash before standing.

“No problem, Lady Dude, I’ll always watch out for you.” He exaggerated a yawn with a stretch.

“Yeah, bed sounds good.” He added, letting Aurora know she wasn’t getting away from him that quickly.

The redhead rose to her feet cautiously. Each step she took toward the tent, their tent, was hesitant. As they walked side by side her heartbeat fluttered, an unfamiliar bout of nerves setting in. It was no big deal, she tried to remind herself, but especially after her conversation with Harper this afternoon, she wasn’t so sure she could continue telling herself that.

Opening the tent for Aurora, Lorcán waited until she was inside before entering himself, pausing, before he turned and addressed her.

“Uh, hey Lady Dude, if you need to change or whatever, I can like go back outside,” He offered, before gesturing to the seam down the middle of the tent.

“Or there’s the privacy screen if you’re totally comfortable with that.”

She hadn’t really gotten the chance yet to examine the pair’s living space for the night. Sure, Aurora slept in a tent like this every year for the last seven years, but for some reason, this year it felt smaller than usual. She’d never noticed how close the two cots seemed to be… or maybe it was just her imagination.

Eyes darting to the middle of the tent before turning to Lorcán, Aurora shrugged. “The privacy screen works just fine for me.” She stated, moving to reveal the barrier between the two sides of the space and locking it into place. If it had been daytime, the screen would have been completely opaque, but with the lights illuminated, the girl’s shadow was visible as she moved about, but nothing more.

She dug around in her tote for her pajamas, an old oversized Myotis tee shirt and a pair of shorts, and began to get changed. Silence hung, only the sound of her movements audible, and in that moment the tent felt somehow even more cramped.

Lorcán’s molten-coloured eyes were drawn to the shadowy silhouette on the other side of the screen. His heart thumped against his ribcage, escalating in speed as Aurora removed her uniform. The light outlined her supple form, each subtle curve revealed ironically through shadow.

Removing his shirt, Lorcán looked down towards his chest. Beside him, the two silhouettes on the privacy screen became intertwined. Faces nearing each other, lips hovered within millimetres while hands moved to hips. His shorts hit the floor first, a dull, muffled thud seemingly thundered through the tent as they did.

He felt warm.

His body reacted to the sight of Aurora’s silhouette sensually illuminated in the soft, flickering light. He felt himself flush, the sudden rush causing his abilities to raise the tent’s ambient temperature. His HZEs sought Aurora’s own before merging with them, synchronizing their beating hearts.

Heavy breathing hung in the stillness of the dimly lit tent while beads of sweat began to dot his forehead, humidity sticky to his glistening skin. Lorcán suddenly felt like he could feel Aurora’s silhouette, her soft skin beneath his fingers, her heartbeat racing under his touch. The exhilarating aroma of rose and peony overwhelmed Lorcán, intoxicating him with her scent. He leaned forward in the empty air, his lips felt as though they brushed up against hers. His hand caressed against her ethereal jawline, his fingers tracing along her cheek, tucking behind her ear before cradling the back of her head.

And then Lorcán tripped.

Tumbling downwards, he scrambled to catch himself, grabbing ahold of the privacy screen that gave way with a loud rip before revealing Aurora and entangling the solely boxer-clad Lorcán beneath it. His uniform shorts were still around his ankle, the culprit behind his fall.


Aurora stepped out of her uniform athletic shorts, slipping on the softer cotton sleep shorts, and pulled her shirt up and over her head removing it. She opted to keep on her sports bra in case she got too warm in the middle of the night, which seemed inevitable given the human furnace on the other side of the tent. Grasping her oversized tee in her hand, preparing to put it on, she paused. The part of her that feared the night wished she was sleeping in the familiarity of her own dorm, and she let her thoughts drift, her HZE’s seemingly pulling her to move and readying for the jump.

And then suddenly, he was there.

She didn’t know how and she didn’t know why, but Lorcán’s calloused fingertips grazed her skin, at least, it felt like it. The redhead grew warm, not only from the rising temperature of the tent but from the thought of his touch, her pulse quickening as citrus consumed her senses. Her eyes fluttered shut as she basked in the feeling, he was everywhere, he was everything.

The sound of the fabric screen ripping snapped her out of it, and Aurora jumped, startled. She tried to catch her breath as well as steady her pounding heartbeat. The girl looked down at Lorcán on the ground, brought back to reality, and nimbly threw her tee shirt over her sports bra. “Oh god, uh,” She started, swallowing as her throat suddenly grew very dry, “I, uh- are you okay?” The redhead asked, a million thoughts racing through her brain.

“I’m just choka,” Came the groaned reply. “My face broke my fall.”

Truth be told, in his current predicament, his face did not take the brunt of the fall, but somewhere lower. With a small moan, Lorcán rolled over to face Aurora, sitting there for a second in all his mostly naked glory, before his eyes darted downwards to the stretched red boxers. He felt flush again, his eyes widening before quickly pulling the damaged privacy screen over his lap and looking back at Aurora.

“So, like a few seconds ago, before I fell,” He started, “Did you, uh feel anything?”

The girl would have normally laughed at Lorcán’s clumsiness, maybe even given him a hard time about it, but as she stood there in the wake of his fall, she couldn’t find the proper words. She was trying to figure out how it was possible that had just happened… that, and wondered if she had even wanted that moment to end. As they made eye contact, she saw something else in his gaze; it was always fiery, but this felt different. Her focus faltered as he looked away, letting her baby blues rove over his toned chest and arms. Catching herself before they dipped elsewhere, Aurora averted her eyes and turned, attempting to regain her composure.

But Lorcán’s next question had her feeling warm all over again. Thankfully, he couldn’t see how red her face had become. So it wasn’t just her.

Without turning around, she cleared her throat. “I…I felt…yeah, I did.”

“Me too,” replied Lorcán, “It’s the first time I wanted it to happen, but I’ve experienced this before.” He continued,

“It’s like, uh, how do I explain it,” He paused. “It’s like in ability training when we boost or block each other’s powers, but instead it's a mingling. But it’s like not just our powers mingling, it’s all of us.”

“It happened before with Amma. When she tried to break down the logs in one of my fires.” Lorcán admitted almost sheepishly. He rubbed the back of his head apologetically. “I didn't even know it was possible before last night. I should have told you sooner.”

As the boy spoke, Aurora couldn’t help but notice the sinking feeling in her stomach that only seemed to intensify with each word that flowed from his lips. It was almost nonchalant the way he glossed over the details of something that felt so intimate and then dropped her name like an absolute bomb. Truth be told, the redhead had never thought about what would happen when he met someone, what that would mean for them and how it’d make her feel, but she’d never expected it to be like this.

She moved to sit down on her cot and glanced at Lorcán, the flush on her cheeks having dissipated, his admission like a bucket of cold water over her head. “Oh,” The girl started, eyes darting down to her hands in her lap as she hid the disappointment in her voice, “I didn’t know that could happen either.” Aurora reached her right hand up absentmindedly to fidget with her necklace, pulling it along the chain. “And you two… figured that out?”

“No!” He immediately protested, “No, no it wasn’t like that, not in the slightest,” Lorcán replied, “The first time I had no idea what was happening, then when we were assigned together I realized she’d never really been allowed to have fun with her powers, y’know?” He stated, embarrassment behind every word. Lorcán could see the hurt on Aurora’s face. It left him feeling sick, a ball of anxiety swirling in his stomach threatening to pull him inside out.

“Remember when we used to play tag, but I could never win because you’d always teleport away at the last minute? I wanted to make sure she had some sort of good memory to hold onto and not just whatever gnarly experience the Foundation put her through.” His brain was working in overdrive to explain, but he just couldn’t shake the guilty feeling.

“Ugh, ‘Rora I am so sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about last night earlier. I am sorry I didn’t warn you that this could happen. But I didn’t figure it out with her, at least not fully, I had an idea of what was happening, but what happened with you, here, just now…” His voice trailed off.

“When my powers merged with Amma’s, it was like a really hot shower. It felt good, but it was just a good sensation, ultimately empty.” He fumbled his words a bit as he tried to explain.

“But just now, with you. It was intimate like I was feeling all of you, everything about you. It was like our entire essences joined. I’ve always felt close to you, but, in that moment, I felt one with you.” He took a breath.

“It felt like I was whole.” Lorcan let the words hang for a second before moving his hand. He hesitated before placing it on Aurora’s.

“Look, you mean the world to me and I never wanted to hurt you. With Amma, I was just trying to be friendly, I didn’t mean or want to get caught up in this ‘power mingling’. But tonight with you, it felt…” His voice trailed off, nerves catching up with the oddly bold comments he had been making. Though in all fairness, Lorcán was sitting there undressed with very little left to the imagination. If Aurora was going to push him away, he might as well show his hand.

“Right.” He squeezed her hand.

“I just need you to know Amma is just a friend,” Lorcán continued, before adding a small scoff. “Cutback, ‘friend’ might even be too generous.” He squeezed Aurora’s hand again.

“But you’re my number one, my ride or die and nothing,” He took hold of her other hand, looking her sincerely in the eyes, their faces hovering very closely together. “I mean nothing is ever changing that.”
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