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Hidden 27 days ago 27 days ago Post by Expendable
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Kraseawei: he knows she’s a pirate because he knows about every type of enemy’s and things like that. Is a little bit wary of her but doesn’t know if she’s got a bounty on her head and will probably take her in if she does but it’s a small possibility that he won’t if he develops a closer friendship.doesn’t know if she escaped prison or got released because he knows what the tattoos mean.Overall nit sure what to think of her.

Not tattoos - she was branded with a hot iron, which formed a scar - raised white flesh that never tans.

While aboard the ship, I imagine he'd be mostly helping the quartermaster, as he has experience with organization and logistics from his upbringing, in addition to the fifty-five pounds of steel he seemingly always wears not lending itself towards climbing around the rigging.

Quartermasters on ships assist the navigator, they have the charts and the instruments, including clocks if they have one. They'll probably direct you to the ship master, who's in charge of cargo, or even the captain.

Don't all good stories start with the characters hating each other a little bit? Regardless, early in the trip is when most minor slights like rude comments would be made and that would be Druuk at his most level headed. He understands he has to share a space with these people for a few weeks. Towards the end of the trip though maybe he just fights some nobody NPC after they bump into each other.

You could always try for some friendly wrestling with another member of the crew. Perhaps there's other half-orcs aboard, perhaps one of the mates.

@Expendable Your call, friend!

Assuming this is acceptable to you, on the main deck there are two doors on the port (left) and starboard (right) side under the quarterdeck that leads to the cabins, the passageway forming a large U.

The aft (rear) cabin that spans port and starboard belongs to the captain and his family (yes, this is a family ship), with passenger and officer cabins on the outer sides along the passageway. Overhead in the passageway there are glass deck prisms shaped like large diamonds that lets in light from the quarterdeck above, there will be lanterns at night.

The center compartment (in the middle of the U) is the wardroom, this is where you'll get your meals and may spend much of your spare time. It has a large center table with a skylight overhead to let in the light (and yes, the captain's wife will talk at length at how expensive that was to get.) Bureaus and cabinets line the walls, there's even a small shelf with books and a few game sets. Those who want to sharpen their blades should do so on the main deck.

The front of the room contains the pantry (kitchen) where the captain's wife prepares the meals. It also holds a keg or two, and a few bottles of wine. There is often a basket of apples and a jug of water out between meals, sitting in a hole in the top of the counter.

There is a separate galley for the crew on the lower deck.

Passenger cabins fit four, with bunkbeds mounted on the left and right that fold up during the day to create additional room. There are chains top and bottom that angle out of the wall to support them. This has a straw-tick mattress with fresh straw (it make poke for the first few nights), sheets, pillow, and a wool blanket. There is a night jar in a curtained alcove facing the cabin door, be aware it will stink up the room if used. It's best to use the head unless rough weather, as it's benches on either side of the bow so everything just falls into the ocean below.

At the head end of each pair of bunks is a double-door cabinet to hold the passenger's gear - those without locks can rent one from the captain's wife at a silver for a fortnight's rental.

The captain has two daughters and a son, Kraseawei will be sharing her compartment with them, the son sleeps in the foc's'le with the crew.
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Hidden 27 days ago 27 days ago Post by Expendable
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At the beginning of the voyage, Kraseawei will have told captain's youngest daughter while they're all having supper that her ship sank one night, and she spent several days clinging onto some railing until she was rescued by none other than Alda the Cruel and the Bloody Sword.

"I must have looked like a drowned rat when they hauled me outta that water. But Alda looked me up and down, then decided, 'Alright Kraseawei, I could use a cabin girl, we'll try it if you like. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.'"

"She told me that for three years! 'Good night Kraseawei, good work! Sleep well, I'll most likely kill you in the morning,'" she said, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Didn't you try to escape?" the daughter asked.

"Oh, aye, that I did, took a boat and started rowing, but I didn't get far, caught by another pirate captain, 'Hideous' Mitrik. He brought me back to her, and his mate Captain 'One Legged' Theodore, so they could have a proper pirate captain tribunal and see what devilish thing she'd do to me. So there I was, before the mast, the crew at me back, and the three most horrible captains I'd ever laid eyes on, and Hideous spat on the deck and said, 'guilty.' One Legged nodded his head, and said 'guilty', so I knew I was a goner. But Alda shook her head and said, 'That there is the best cabin girl I ever had,' and stood up pointing these loaded crossbows at Hideous and One Leg's heads, and she said, 'And I'm prepared to send you to the... blazes,' iffen you don't change yer vote."

"And they did," she sighs, shaking her head. "And after those two acquitted me and slunk off the Bloody Sword, Captain Alda looks me in the eye, all angry-like, and me life passed before me eyes. But she said, 'Get to work. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.'"

"Then last week, Alda summons me to the quarterdeck, and tells me and the whole crew my debt to her was square, and she set me ashore, and that's how come I'm on this boat with you."

It will be said with sincerity, except maybe when she calls the three pirate captains the most horrible ones she's met. If anyone takes her aside to ask why her ship sunk, she'll shake her head. "I told them I saw another ship, running without lights out there, and they didn't believe me. It came up and rammed us amidships, tearing us in half. I'm luck to be alive, I am."
Hidden 26 days ago Post by Expendable
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Red Wizard has said that the game begins when we arrive at the port for the Vale. In the interest of getting to know one another, have any others a story they wish to share at the table?
Hidden 25 days ago 25 days ago Post by Bacon
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Caleb would always be willing to trade stories, so long as they didn't go too far back. He'd be willing to talk to anyone who asks, and regale them with mostly war stories. This is probably the one he'd tell first. (Sorry if it goes a little long, I just kinda started going and when I was done I realized I'd written three paragraphs of text.)

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Hidden 25 days ago 24 days ago Post by MrSkimobile
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A Little Harth Side Story:

“I feel we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot,” Harth said. He had spent the first half of the journey keeping his head down and grumbling to himself. As this was Harth’s first time travelling outside of any Dwarven hold, or even outside of the deep, deep mountains that were his home, he felt awkward. More than awkward, actually, as his getting used to the swaying out at sea did not come with very good nights of rest, or a consistently full belly for that matter.

Still, Harth had his duties to carry out, and that alone was enough to keep a Dwarf sane. Harth saw it fit to help at the pantry with preparing food and drink with the shipmaster’s wife, and keeping track of inventory. Not only to satisfy his own fussiness, but also to keep an eye on that Lucky fellow whom Harth suspected in partaking in unsanctioned and unsanctified midnight snacks - what behavior! Harth kept his religiosity not particularly noticable, save for his purifying rituals during times of food and drink (which did nothing to keep his stomach from being as unruly as the seas, unfortunately). But the crew had found out his honoring of the Stonefather soon enough from his talks with Colt and Caleb - Men of Sword and Armor were always the first people he gravitated to, based on his experiences with his brothers in the militia back home: it took real strength and conviction to clad yourself in iron and offer yourself to righteous battle willingly. And before long Kraseawai paid him holy courtesy in passing, but he didn’t quite know what to feel about her. She didn’t seem to be the type to hold to any higher callings per se, considering her dress, but there must have been something to her that made the gods see it fitting to make her endure all the bad luck in her past, much like Druuk, actually - he may have stayed in the background for most of their trip, but Harth knew scars when he saw them.

And, in so doing, they arrived at the Vale before long. He had secretly prayed for all of them the night before, so that with their landfall the Great Mantle may carry their footsteps well, wherever each of them might find themselves after…
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Hidden 25 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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Cool stuff so far! Will be posting the intro later tonight!
Hidden 24 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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Alright! After a minor delay, we're finally ready to go!
Hidden 24 days ago 24 days ago Post by Expendable
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What sort of calendar are we using in this world? And what questions are they going to ask? Name and purpose? Or do passports exist in this world?
Hidden 24 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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@Expendable Don't know about calendar. It's late summer in the Vale. And yes, they're going to ask for names and business, stuff like that. If you bother with going there, that is ;) And no, no passports.
Hidden 23 days ago Post by MrSkimobile
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Party crackers all around, happy RP'ing, everyone! :)

First post is up. Hope you enjoy.
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Hidden 23 days ago Post by duskshine749
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Now the hardest part for me, an opening post when nothing has happened yet.

I saw Harth spoke to Kraseawai, are they presumably together? Perhaps Druuk could make it a group of 3?

Also, I'm getting married next week then going on my honeymoon. Which means I won't be able to post but I will be able to read and keep up that way. I'll be gone from October 4-13
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Hidden 23 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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@duskshine749 Wow! Congratulations! Please, don't worry about the game. Enjoy your wedding and honeymoon!

As for your intro post, please let me know if I can help in any way :)
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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Good start, people! I'm going to wait for @Dark Light and @Chronic to get their intros up before posting again.
Hidden 22 days ago Post by Dark Light
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@Red Wizardsorry, works kicking my ass, I'll try get a post up later tonight.
I don't mind if you move on, I'll catch up. ;)
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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@Dark Light@Chronic I'd like to continue the game. Do you think you could have something up by monday? That'd be swell.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Chronic
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Most likely
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Hidden 20 days ago Post by Dark Light
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@Red Wizard

Done ✅
Was late to leave the ship, feeling a little sea sick, slipped through the crowd avoiding the registration and found a new pair of gloves along the way.
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Hidden 19 days ago Post by Red Wizard
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Cool beans! I will post an update later today.
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Expendable
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I do believe that's all of us?
Hidden 12 days ago Post by duskshine749
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I think so? Like I said before I got married yesterday and I'm going on my honeymoon tomorrow. I'll be back around the 14, so just assume Druuk is with the group looking vaguely grumpy, that's his standard resting facial expression.
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