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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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Fire Emblem

Aphotic Legacy


After decades of continued conflict and near-constant war, the nations on the continent of Aeos has finally come to an uneasy peace. Both as a result of dedicated political mand diplomatic negotiations, as well as the undeniable fact that all of the countries were nearing their limits, both in terms of natural resources, gfinances and manpower. Regardless of the true reason for the ceasefire, the truth remains that there is now finally a moment of tranquility and stability, allowing for all to rest and recover.

That is, until sailors from the south-eastern Duchy of Tinace returned from a lengthy expedition in uncharted waters. They broguht back with them news of a strange and unfamiliar land, previously not noted on any maps or mentioned in any tomes or accounts. A brand new world, untouched and unspoiled. At once the leaders of Aeos' nations convened a council, to decide on a course of action and how to best deal with this new information. Naturally, the prospect of a untouched treasure trove of natural resources was a most compelling and tantalizing pirze, and it should come as no surprise that each ruler was quick to advocate that their realm should be the one to set sail and explore these new shores, for the sake of all oF Aeos, obviously.

But as is typical when humans in positions of powers, who each have their own agenda and golas, are concerned - no consensus or agreement could be reached. Squabbles and arguments, past grievances and still-festering-resnentment crawled out from under the lid of 'peace'. The debates would last for several weeks, until the wise Queen of Brelya finally came up with a solution. If they could all not agree on which one of their countries should send an exploratory force, then they should all just come together and send one, big joint effort - after all, they were all at peace with one another now, right? And they all wanted was best ofr the entirety of Aeos, correct? While not exactly thrilled by this proposal, the other sovereigns couldn't deny that this was - probably - their best and only way to resolve this matter in any kind of civil and non-agressive way. So, it was decided, that each of nations would send representatives and supplies together, land on the unknown shores together, and hand-in-hand explore and disocer what secrets this unknown realm held.

This decision was reached about two weeks ago, after which each of the rulers returned home to their respective country and began preparing.

You now find yourself in Green Harbor, one of the most western port towns on all of Aeos, located within the borders of the Chivalir KIngdom of Galador. Whether you're a native of the lands, or a mercenary, adventurer or citizen of one of the other nations, it matters little. You're here because this is where you were told to go, after you signed up as a volunteer for to join with the All-Aeos Exploration Forces. Perhaps you were drawn in by the reward promised to participants, or perhaps you had a taste for seeing new things? Or perhaps you were ordered by a superior of a higher social standing, or perhaps it was blackmail by someone with leverage? Whatever the case, you're here now, and you're about to board the ship that'll take you to an as of yet unexplored landmass, far from everything and everyone you've ever known...


Greetings to you.

As you can see by the title, this is a Fire Emblem-themed RP. That means a lot of mechanics and/or themes from the tactical turn-based RPG-series will be frequent and in use. Of course, we're not going to actually go with things like hit-percentages or actual, hard numbers for calculating results and things like that. But just know that things like the weapon/magic triangles, the class/job system and other such things will most likely make an appearance and/or play some part in this RP. As you can also tell from the story above, this RP will take place in an original Fire Emblem world, created by yours truly. Basic information and notes for the various countries of Aeos will be provided in the OOC, provided of course this gets any attention and interest at all.

Combat and conflict will be mostly free-form, allowing players to flex and show off how cool and awesome their character is. However, there will be moments where particularly strong or capable enemies appear, and you will be notified when that's the case. In these cases, you won't be permitted to do things like auto-hitting or deciding the result of your attacks yourself. Instead, you'll write what your character does and/or plans/attempts to achieve, and I, as the ruthless sole decider of fate, will reply with the results of your actions. For this reason, to avoid fights taking forever, I strongly recommend that people who join this RP are willing to participate in collabs.

Other than this, I'm also sad to say that you won't be able to play as any of the Flying classes, such as Pegasus Knights or Wyvern Riders. This is because, due to my own inability and shortcomings, I simply cannot find a way to balance or make those particular jobs 'fair'. Having the ability to fly is simply too great of an advantage in a free-form RP where not every single enemy can fly as well. Thus, you'll be restricted to the ground-based classes. You can still play as a cavalry or other mounted professions though, but just keep this in mind in case you were momentarily excited for the prospect of playing aas a Flyer.

With all that out of the way, in case you have questions or comments or suggestions, please feel free to leave a reply below, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

The Named Nations of Aeos:

  • The Chivalric Kingdom of Galador.
  • The Militant Empire of Dasos
  • The Dauntless Clanlands of Hylant
  • The Enlightened Magocracy of Sageld
  • The Industrious Queendom of Brely
  • The Free-spirited Duchy of Tinace

These are the six nations that make up the major powers of Aeos, as well as the countries from which your character can hail. More info will be given at a later date, or if requested.


Q: How many players are you looking for?
- While I prefer to generally keep things on the smaller and tigher side, I'm willing to have anywhere between 3 to 8 players for this particular RP.

Q: Will there be a schedule or activity timer?
- I'd like anyone who joins to post in the IC at least once every week. If you can't keep that pace, I'd advise against joining this RP. If you ever need time off or can't make it for one week, inform me in advance about. Repeatedly missing/being unable to post may lead to expulsion from the story.

Q: Can we play as existing characters from other Firew Emblem-games?
- I mean, you can if you want... Though I'd kinda prefer if you didn't. You can still use them as face-claims, of course, if you really want.

Q: Can we play as a manakete, divine/fel dragon, beast-person or any other non-human in this RP?
- Nobody will be allowed to play as any sort of dragonkin. If you absolutely really, really, really want to play as a beastkin, I can see about working that in somehow.

Q: Can we play custome classes/jobs that we've made up?
- I'd honestly really prefer you didn't. Because I'd have to have a whole big discussion with you about it, and there're already plenty of classes in Fire Emblem. After all, you can play almost any class from every Fire Emblem game, so there should be one that suits your preferences I'd imagine.

Q: Will there be skills, abilities, passives and stuff like Engages or other gimmicks?
- Skills and passives, absolutely. As for more gimmicky mechanics... Possibly. Though if such were to appear, they'd likely have some very strict caviats and after-effects linked to them.

Q: Can we change classes later on in the story?
- Yes. Although, keep in mind that gonng from something like a Knight to a Mage may not be advisable, as you'd likely not be a very skilled wizard at that point... Likewise, going from something like a Priest to a Fighter may not be a smart choice, gioven you'd lack the physique and brawn to properly wield a big ol' axe and take hits to the face like a champ... But ehy, if you really want to, you totally can!

Q: Will there be magic/unique weapons or equipment?
- Of course! Those're staple elements of Fire Emblem, after all.

Q: Can we START with magic/unique weapons or items?
- Hahaha~! No. You start with basic-bitch-tier 1 gear.

Q: Can we START as any class we're allowed to play? Even if they're an advanced/higher tier job?
- You can. That still won't make you all-powerful and more awesome than anyone else though. Like, startting off as a Paladin as opposed to a Cavalier doesn't mean you'll be 'superior' to start with, it just means you won't have to promote to that class later on... Which means you'll not really 'grow' as opposed to someone who starts as a more basic class.

Q: Grow? So there are stats and stuff?
- No, I meant grow as in personal growth from experience and challenges, becoming more skilled and competent. If you start as a 'promoted' class from the get-go, you'll just be a very unimpressive member of that particular job in the beginning, who'll eventually become as capable as any other member of that class.

Q: Can we play as anyone from any social class or position in society?
- You can't play as royalty from any of the nations, but other then that, yes. You're free to play a pauper or a finanically well-off noble. You can come from a prestigeous family or a completely unknown and obscue one with nothing to their name. I'd recommend you play as someone young though, as it doesn't make sense that a middle aged or older person would b e quite so... Inexperienced... as you're meant to be at the start of the RP. But hey, if you wanna play a couch-potato dad who took up adventuring at the age of 40 because he had a mid-life crisis, even though he'd never seen a battlefield in his entire life up until that point, who akm I to stop you?

Q: Will all classes be exactly as they are in the games?
- All questions about classes and how they work will be answered in the (possible) OOC and character sheet template. For now, don't worry too much about it.


If you've managed to get all the way down here, I thank you. Hopefully, what you've read so far has caught your attention and made you a bit interested in signing up. As mentioned earlier, if you've got questions or suggestions or just plain old comments, please feel free to leave them below and I'll respond as soon as I can.

Thank you once again. :)
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

This sounds fun. Do you have a character sheet you'd like to use?
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Online

This sounds fun. Do you have a character sheet you'd like to use?

Glad to hear it. ^^

And no, I haven't set up any sort of CS template just yet, given that I don't even know if there'll be enough people interested in this yet or not. :p
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Interested, and I might have an idea for a character. A scholarly noble archer or maybe something else.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Cyrania>
Glad to hear it. ^^

And no, I haven't set up any sort of CS template just yet, given that I don't even know if there'll be enough people interested in this yet or not. :p

Fair enough.

I believe I have my character idea. A daughter of either a minor noble or a highly honored soldier of Galador who grew up on her father's stories of heroism and wants to be a hero like him and have adventures. She felt that she lost her chance after failing to become a pegasus knight, but then the call came for people to join the All-Aoes Exploration Forces and she signed up quickly and so now will take this as her chance to adventure.

She'd be a Cavalier and so exhibit many of the typical Galador traits, while being very much the keen youngster that longs to prove her worth. Her main weapon would be swords. Her name will likely be Alastrina with the nickname of Alice. Her horse would be a white stallion with a black mane and tail named Winsley.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Online

Fair enough.

I believe I have my character idea. A daughter of either a minor noble or a highly honored soldier of Galador who grew up on her father's stories of heroism and wants to be a hero like him and have adventures. She felt that she lost her chance after failing to become a pegasus knight, but then the call came for people to join the All-Aoes Exploration Forces and she signed up quickly and so now will take this as her chance to adventure.

She'd be a Cavalier and so exhibit many of the typical Galador traits, while being very much the keen youngster that longs to prove her worth. Her main weapon would be swords. Her name will likely be Alastrina with the nickname of Alice. Her horse would be a white stallion with a black mane and tail named Winsley.

Sounds great. :)
Cavaliers can use both swords and lances though, but if she prefers one over the other, that's completely fine.
I love the horse's name too, btw. xD

An interesting concept for a character. But completely viable if that's what you wanna go for. ^^
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It is just an old idea I had for a Fire Emblem character that I never got a chance to try, and I wanted to see if I could try it here.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 4 days ago

I'm interested. And I have a character (Whom I hold close to my heart and use in many different settings) that fits this perfectly. He is a mercenary who hails from Dutchy of Tinace, and joined the All-Aeos Exploration Forces for the fun of it. I love this guy... hope you'll love him too. Oh and his name is Hiko.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

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We'll just have to see. ^^
On a different note, I might as well ask all of thsse who're showing or planning to show interest:

How would you prefer the RP to start? Or rather, where?

As you can read in the introductory story above, your character - for some reason that you choose - ends up in Green Harbor, Galador's biggest port city. The reason; To board a ship headed for the new, unexplored world by joining the AAEF.

However, do people actually want to write about that? Do you want to start the RP at the harbor, board the ship and then sail the ocean? Or would people prefer to start just as the ship arrives in the New World and they disembark? Going with the former would allow people to meet some of the NPCs/GMPCs as well as interact a bit with other Players beforehand, but it'd also mean taht it might take a bit longer before we actually get to any real plot-points or get to jump into doing quests/missions/battles etc.

So, I'm asking you, the people who're actually going to participate; What would you prefer?

I'm personally fine with either, so let me know what you think and feel. :)


I also just noticed that I'd spelled every single instance of the continent's name wrong.

It's supposed to be A E O S, not A O E S...

That's what you get for not proof-reading. :V
It's fixed now though. ^^;
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by LimeTime966
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LimeTime966 The green guy coming for your organs.

Member Seen 4 days ago

I think I like somewhere in the middle, where we start after we depart but before we arrive. I mean, it would work better if we were acquainted before we begin the expedition, but don't want to spend too much time on the harbor. Anyone else?
Hidden 30 days ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I favor us starting on the boat and having time to meet and talk with people there and then arriving at the New World sometime later.
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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Yankee
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Yankee God of Typos

Member Seen 24 min ago

I may be interested, but have to make sure I have the time. Also gonna wait for more OOC info as well before deciding. But if I were to vote on how to start, I agree with LimeTime and Theyra.
Hidden 30 days ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 21 min ago

I love a good Fire Emblem plot. And seeing as how I can't be a Wyvern Rider, I'd like to present an idea for a thief character with a noble/highborn background. I'll want to hear a bit more about what the named powers are like before I decide where to hail from. But the idea is that he is the second or third (or even fourth!) son of a ruling noble family, so obviously not in line for the throne or anything. Instead he's being put into an arranged marriage for political gain for his family. The problem is that this particular lordling has absolutely no desire to marry some spoiled princess he doesn't even know. So he just... ya know, peaces out and runs away. And joins the Expedition Force because he's hoping to amscray from Aeos before his family can notice that he's gone and try to catch him.
Hidden 30 days ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Online

Starting on the boat after it's set sail is totally doable and a good inbetween. So we can totally go with that idea, if that's what the people want.

You might be waiting for a little bit then. :P

Well, players can't play as royalty anyway in this story, so at most, he'd be the son of a high-ranking noble family, like a Marquis, Margrave or Count.

As for a thief and proper nation to hail from, that depends entirely on if you're choosing that class because he's actually good at stealing and skulking, or because he's a noble's son and doesn't have much in the way of practical, actual fighting prowess (in which case, he could just as well be the 'NOble' class from Three Houses).

The nations that foremost make use of the thief "class" are Tinace and Brelya. The empire also makes use of them as spies/informants. They're not very prevalent in the other three countries though. But, again, any class can hail from any country if that's what you want. But if you're looking for actual, lore-relevant reason to be a certain class from a certain nation, then the above is what you''ve got to work with. ^^
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Hidden 30 days ago Post by Cyrania
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I'd be willing to start on the boat along the way along with everyone else.
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Izurich
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Izurich 7/8 Weeb

Member Seen 3 days ago

I was initially interested, but then I saw:
- No Manakete / Dragonkin
- No Unique Gear
- No Wyvern Rider / Pegasus Knight
- No Royalty

At that point, it only left me with a single question:

Does this RP still deserve to utilize the Fire Emblem brand?
Hidden 28 days ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Online

Does this RP still deserve to utilize the Fire Emblem brand?

Feel free to make your own if you don't like what you see. :)
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Thunder999999
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Interested, I'm thinking of a Mage (or maybe one of the many variants/promotions) from Sageld, only recently finished his education, very curious and jumped at the chance to explore a new continent.
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Xaltwind
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Xaltwind Disgruntled Dragonfly

Member Online

Sorry about the laugh, I meant to press "Like", but apparently I misclicked and didn't notice. Cuz I AM SMURT! 8D
Anyway, yes, that is a completely viable and possible choice to play as.

I'm currently writing up brief overviews and info on the playable nations. While there'll be things that apply gnerally to each each country, culture and people, there's by no means a rule that says that your character has to be just like the rest of, or share the sentiments/majority views, morals or beliefs of whichever nation you choose to hail from. This info is just meant to provide you all with a bit of world-building and insight into the different countries and cultures. ^^

So far, Galador and Doros are done, and I'm currently working on Sageld. After that will be Hylant, then Breyla and finally Tinace.
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Together we ride intensifies

You have my attention.
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