I'm guessing there's some kind of cost system, where each card is allotted a point value based on how powerful it is, and then each of us can have X points active at a time? Or maybe we have mana pools?

Anyway, in the Discord you said "Dominant-specific abilities" and I was sold lol I am overflowing with ideas for based Odinism

Yes, somewhere in that realm! So, you have 15 'points' of this value in a combat post, which resets with each combat post. And you can see the 'cost' of in a number by the description box of said card. So, from the example cards, the "Orb" elemental magic/card costs 3 points. We might have to adjust the 'points' in combat posts as we progress, if it becomes too easy or tedious.

Yess, Dominant-specific and Character-specific are a go. So, collect your ideas and send them my way :) I'm expanding the 'general' cards as well, but we have some time before any actual combat happens, so there's no rush.