Welcome to Sierra Conservatory the worlds most prestigious school for those that are gifted with supernatural powers. We aim to create the next generation of super heroes. Our application and enrollment process is not the easiest of the schools that cater to those with aspirations of becoming super heroes, but we are the best, with a ninety percent chance of going on to become a super hero if you graduate from our school. Our facilities are state of the art, and we are constantly undertaking new research projects to better understand those that are gifted with super natural powers and how we can better help them gain control over their powers and lead productive lives.
This message goes out to those that are cursed with a power that is out of your control, If you wish to gain control, to overcome the limitations that are forced on you due to something that is out of your control, please contact us, we have developed a new way to help you. It is a simple injection that we are willing to give you, it will be difficult but we can teach you to control your powers and maybe even lead you to the super hero path, should that be the course you wish to take.
With that I would welcome you one and all to apply for Sierra Conservatory The future awaits.
Some rules that I always have
No god Modding
all character applications must be approved
Have fun :3
Roles that would be looking at having:
Super Powered Students
Uncontrolled Super Students