Pokémon Type Totals
0: Poison
1: Ice (Syl's Arctibax)
2: Ground, Bug
3: Rock, Grass, Electric
4: None
5: Normal, Fire, Flying, Dark, Steel
6: Ghost, Dragon
7: Fighting, Psychic
8: Water
9: Fairy
Pokémon Mono vs Dual Type
Single: 20
Dual: 31
Pokémon Evolution Stages Total
Mono: 14
Two-Stage: 15
Three-Stage: 18
Branching: 4
Type Representation by Trainer
André: 5 (Fairy, Flying, Psychic, Steel, Water)
Sophia: 6 (Fairy, Normal, Ghost, Grass, Rock, Water)
Bat: 7 (Dark, Normal, Fighting, Dragon, Water, Steel, Grass)
Tess: 7 (Rock, Ground, Electric, Dragon, Water, Flying, Fire)
Syl: 8 (Psychic, Rock, Dark, Water, Fire, Ice, Dragon, Flying)
Auggie: 6 (+3 from Rotom forms) = 9 (Fire, Ghost, Water, Psychic, Ghost, Electric) + (Ice, Flying, Grass)
Edward: 9 (Fire, Fighting, Psychic, Steel, Water, Flying, Bug, Fairy, Dragon)
Kaison: 12 (Grass, Dark, Ghost, Fire, Fighting, Fairy, Flying, Normal, Bug, Steel, Psychic, Water)
-All types are represented at least once, with the exception of Poison, sitting at a lonely 0.
-40% of the Flying types are represented by flightless sea creatures
-André represents roughly 66% of the Fairy types, with Edward, Kaison, and Sophia each representing roughly 11%
-Each trainer has 1 water type
-Tess has the only monotype electric Pokémon
-If we find a refrigerator, Syl's Arctibax does not have to be the only ice type
-Auggie has the most shiny Pokémon at 2, while André and Syl both have 1.
-While Togekiss, Spiritomb, and Rapidash occur multiple times across trainers, only Bat has two of the same Pokémon on his team.
-There are no legendary Pokémon across all trainers
-Edward has 2 pseudo-legendaries on his team, while Tess and Syl each have 1.
-Bat has 2 potential pseudo-legendaries, while Syl has 1.
-Mono evolutions have disproportionate representation with 3 trainers representing about 64% of all mono evolutions; Auggie, Kaison and Sophia with 3 each.