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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Gaia smiles, as he psychically recieves his master's orders. Of course, being a living suit of armor, Gaia is incapable of smiling. However, had he had a mouth, it would at this point be formed into a smile. Gaia had been indebted to Bob, becoming a Sliver, in order to save the life of a friend. He'd been a Knight, facing down the Titans together with the army of the First King of Shirestone. His entire platoon had been decimated, and after fighting his way through a horde of demons, he found the rotting corpses of his best friend among the fallen. Bob had appeared to him in the form of an Angel, and offered him a deal. He would serve for eternity in his army, but his friend would be revived. Little had he known that it had, in fact, been Bob that had killed his friend. Worse yet, he had to watch his friend die again, by his own hand this time, under Bob's orders which could not be refused. All those who become Slivers are branded by tragedy, Bob's way of readying them for eternity.
However, that was enough reminiscing. While he had been forced to perform many horrors, for once, Bob's orders were something he did gladly. It was expected that a God of Chaos would do good as well as evil, or at least Bob did, but with so many heroes, there was rarely any need for additional good to be done, in Bob's opinion. He placed his hand on the ground, feeling the power flowing through it, the potential energy of so many chemical reactions. The lifeblood of all matter, flowing strongly, the power that had created life, and had fed it ever since. He grabbed it, and pulled, as a schockwave went through the town. Massive marble buildings rose from the ashes that the place had been reduced to, the size of skyscraper, with many interlacing bridges. Glowing diamonds hung from long golden chains, lightning up the areas that were completely covered, as the massive buildings continued expanding, filling themselves with food, weapons, armories, portals, medical supplies, mecha hangar bays, and anything that might be needed by the many heroes and villains in this world. It expanded to many times the size it had first held, the growth crashing through the forest like an avalanche of civilisation. Finally, the newly grown town of wondrs was surrounded by a titanic steel wall, almost a kilometer in height. The top contained a row of large turrets, as well as artillery weaponry, and there were eight gates leading into the city. This place would provide all the needs a hero might wish for, and the Slivers would provide anything those within might wish for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Chopper turned towards kazuma. " well,i just seen a huge human monster with no skin! It was reallly crreepy!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah and the o thers noticed this strange event and just could not believe what they were seeing. (Other characters if mine)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Kael Taiyou said
"Ops, i thought you got them, since you came from the Tavern." said Haken.

Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah politely refused the drink. "No thank you. I am sure this town has other things to drink here..." She said.

"No pockets on power armor unfortunately," Zerith said with a shrugged. "What in the name of Terra is that?" he said confused that the sight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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Sofyia clung to a wall as the city shook, fearing the worst Sofyia peaked out the window but she was completely shocked by what she saw. The city had been completely repaired and then improved, it was impossible. She ran out into the middle of the street to get a better look, it was breath taking. "My god!" She whispered softly. She ran back into the building, "Sanji! You have got to see this!" She gestured for him to follow her back out side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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" chopper, get off! " sanji said. Chopper turned back to normal and leaped off him. The two than went outside. " what tha...how is this possible? !" Sanji said in shock
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Necrox T. Scarlet

((Not exactly like people will disappear, but the reason for darkness and evil to exist will be no more needed. That means they'll still exist, but they won't evil anymore. That's all.))

Necrox thought about her deal. He didn't wanted to become a puppet, yet he wanted to live. "No, don't wanna be a puppet. But, I can do a ME for you.", he said. After that, he commented. "Geez, I always leave these pacifist decisions to my brother... really, they're boring...", he said, creating an EXACT him for Mia. Necrox's will was to fight, but the knew that what he was doing was simply giving her more and more of his power in stupidity. He saw how Gilgamesh was hardly trying to hit her. "Hey, you're going to fight forever. We're inside her own space, if you don't think she'll wipe you easily.", he said.

Stella Divinae

Stella ate another crystal and blowed. The powder soon become what he wanted. "I guess this is what you wished for.", she said, handing out the HoloNet transceiver with interdimensional calling plan.

Magio and Cruxis

Cruxis still tried to convince Magio of leaving everyone, but the boy insisted on staying. as his servant tried again....
BGM: The Village in the Dead of the Night
"OK, that's enough. What do you want with me, Cruxis? Just tell me and I'll do the possible.", Magio said, serious. "I want you to leave this place. There's no need for you to be here, Prince Magio. Leave them to do what they want and let's go!", Cruxis repeated. Magio sighed. "Look, I told you many times: I'm not leaving them! It doesn't matter how many times you say!", he said once again. Cruxis looked down and then, lunged at Magio, holding his arms. "My mission is to protect you from all danger. Even if you don't want to admit, your sister and your brother are dangerous! What is the problem existent? Why can't you let me do my task?!", he asked. Magio looked, not believing what Cruxis said. "Oh yeah? Are you including your own sister as a danger for me? Really, are you?!", he questioned. Cruxis nodded. Magio, perplexed, turned his back at Cruxis and started to walk. At that moment, he removed a arquebus and shot at Magio's cheek. "I'm sorry, but I can't fail! I will protect you... Magio Toadstool Margatroid, Secondary Core of Friendship!!", he screamed. Magio looked at him. "... Alright...", he said.
BGM: Reform Fantasia ~ Before and After
As soon as Cruxis was ready to believe that Magio was finally going with him, he had to quickly defend from an attack. Magio had summoned his sword and lunged at Cruxis. "But I don't want someone ,who calls his own sister a danger, protecting me!!", he said. Cruxis was forced to back away or else he would be crushed into the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Kael Taiyou said
"So...want to investigate what this fire is all about?" Suzaku asked then took a sip, it was her favorite cold tea.

"Well, it's certainly better than just standing here..." Inigo says as he takes a sip himself, the tea very refreshing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rift moved Kami next to Gaia. "Hello, brothers. This is quite the place, Gaia. You've outdone yourself. I recognize you've put in some touches from that Yahovian civilisation that Kami had to destroy." Rift was ever the talker. Gaia was silent most of the time, a typical warrior. He found peace with himself, and found most talking a waste of breath. But Rift was always pleasant company, and Gaia respected how Rift prefered not to fight, despite being quite powerful. It showed discipline, and a code he'd kept to. Even when Bob forced him to fight, he was able to make peace with it, for it was not of his doing.
Kami simply raised an eyebrow, sighing. "And yet, for all your creation, you need me to turn on the lights, and do all the important work." Kami smiles leeringly. "This is why I'm the leader of our little group." Kami constantly needed to assert himself. He was indeed incredibly powerful, and Gaia would most likely lose to him in a fight. However, he grasped onto that power with a child. Gaia had found it annoying so many millenia ago, but he'd made peace with it. Everyone has something they treasure. Whereas he and Blade had honor, Rift had principles, and Kami had his arrogance. They all needed something to grip onto, or they'd end up like Dragoon.
Kami raises his hands, and focuses his power. Gaia had of course prepared plenty of uranium for use in this, and Rift touched Kami's shoulder. Their two Chaos Slivers linked up, sharing their power, as Kami's ability to create nuclear reactions was linked to all four of the nuclear generators placed deep under the city. A chain reaction soon started up, as throughout the city, the lights went on. The automatically operated turrets turned on, lifting their heads off the ground. Gaia formed hundreds of artificial men, powered by the energy from these nuclear reactors. They walked around the city, mindless things serving more for a decorative purpose than anything else, meant to give the city the illusion of presence. They walked, and mimed actions, and yet did not truly do anything of importance.
Gaia sat down, exhausted after this creation. He would remain in the center of the city, where he could fix anything that broke, and he would maintain it. Kami glared over at him, knowing that he himself would not be doing anything so important. While Kami often feigned laziness, he hated it when another was given a task, and he wasn't, as he saw it as a challenge to his superiority. However, these orders came directly from Bob, so there was nothing to be done about it. One did not argue with the Taker of Souls, as Kami well knew. Gaia rested, thinking of the warrior he had met in the woods, and what his fate might be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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For a moment, Kaika was silent as if she were talking to someone through her thoughts. Though, she hated the idea of agreeing, there wasn't much she could do at this point. "...fine. I'll help. Just keep all of the harm away from me and Sota-kun," Kaika said grimly, not really agreeing with this but knew she had no choice in the matter.
"All of that fire was from me. Gets really frustrating after being stuck in a forest for so long, couldn't help myself to clear the way," Mokou says as she had a spark of fire appear on her before it disappeared. She wasn't going to hide the truth, since it would be pointless to hide that fact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I see well interesting i'm not the only one who controls fire though unless you have any other tricks I am not impressed" Hiei said rather bored of Mokou's demonstration.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Seeing Enkidu tainted like that was something that Gilgamesh could not forgive. Seeing his best friend shattered - while he knew that it was not permanently gone, as one other had, the fact remained that this mongrel had dared to touch him, dared to strike him, dared to attack him with weapons from his own treasury and finally dared to shatter the reminder of his best friend, Gilgamesh decided.

There would be no more mercy. There would only be death.

"...very well..." he hissed as Mia made her taunts, with the heroic spirit beginning to stand, his wounds already healing due to the properties of Avalon. This was no longer roaring, defied tyrant Gilgamesh. This was Gilgamesh when he was truly furious. "If you wish harm from me, I shall grant it." He didn't call her mongrel. She was no longer a mongrel before him. She was an insult. She was something that the king had personally decided to eliminate. Standing once again, Gilgamesh recalled all the weapons into Gate of Babylon to prevent Mia from touching his collection any further. And with that, Gilgamesh extracted what seemed like a small dagger, it's hilt concealed by Gilgamesh's grasp.


And the dagger left Gilgamesh's hands.

Fragarach was a dagger wielded by Bazett, a human. It was a dagger that would leave and would strike the enemy before he could strike first. It was a dagger that would warp the very air and space around them, rewriting reality to force it's successful strike in. Once it left, it would always strike the target in the heart - or, lacking that, their core of power. Fragarach, however, had only one condition for it's use and it was the reason why Gilgamesh never used it.

Fragarach required the opponent to use their special ability.

Special abilities such as the Black Blood.

With Black Blood being used by Mia, Fragarach left Gilgamesh's hands. Reversing time, destiny, a trick of the gods, the very same gods Mia boasted about being the daughter of a slayer of, Fragarach pierced Mia's heart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Spartan2961 said
"I see well interesting i'm not the only one who controls fire though unless you have any other tricks I am not impressed" Hiei said rather bored of Mokou's demonstration.

"can't die either. I can't remember how old I am, but I know it's more than a thousand years..." Mokou said, deciding the reveal a bit of her secret of being an immortal human. Thinking she could do this without a problem, Mokou took out a single card by the looks of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Well isn't that something so tell me what's with the card" Hiei said knowing better than to underestimate the people around him. He was prepared to fight should he have to but he wasn't planning on it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AcetheKidd said
" chopper, get off! " sanji said. Chopper turned back to normal and leaped off him. The two than went outside. " what tha...how is this possible? !" Sanji said in shock

"Hell if I know." Sofyia murmured. As a fake human came to life behind her she instinctively swung around to face and punch it at the same time. "Oops." She had punched a hole straight through the dummy, which actually creeped her out, "I don't like this, come on let's get out of here, please." Sofyia eyed the dummies as if she were waiting for them to attack
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Chopper ran in front of soflya. " wait a second! The gaint skinless people will get you!" He warned
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofyia's calm demeanor was faltering, "I don't care I just can't stand to be around these things."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" i bet if you take a look at it you'll change your mind." Chopper pulled out his medical book
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stein smiles, as he watches Kaika communicate with Miki. "I can see your spirit friend. Don't expect him to take me by surprise. I can also see what he's doing." Stein gestures, and Sota is suddenly bound, as he had done before. A complete soul bind. He then presses a button, and a portal opens to Hope's location, just outside of Pandora's Box, where the battle raged between Mia and Gilgamesh. "Now, you're going to come back through that portal with Hope, and I'll cut her to pieces. If you're a good girl and do it fast, I won't even make you watch."
The dagger flew through the air, evading Mia's slicing blade of Black Blood. She grins, knowing full well that she was as good as immortal with her Black Blood. Then, suddenly, her Black Blood moved aside as the dagger stabbed into her chest. She blinked, as she looked down at the dagger hilt sticking out from her chest. Hesitantly, she chuckles, standing still, watching as the Black Blood practically came streaming out of the wound, covering her shirt. She wobbled on her feet, not with the pain she so cherished, but with an unexpected dizzyness. She looked up at Gilgamesh, her grin slowly fading. "That's a good trick."
Mia, the Queen of Pain, who had slain and tortured thousands, drops to her knees, and unceremoniously crashes to the ground. The Black Blood splashes down to the ground, now no more than normal blood, if slightly thicker. The Vecotr Plates all over the room disappeared, and her aura of madness slowly started disappearing, her madenning influence along with it. Mia lay on the ground, slain by a simple dagger, thrown by the King of Heroes.
Inigo finds an odd feeling overcoming him. It's as if someone's calling him, from far away, although he can't hear any voice. The feeling as if someone he knew was in the room, and yet there was nobody he could posibly know nearby. It was a slightly haunting experience, a feeling that disappears as soon as it comes, and yet leaves it's mark as a strange occurence, more than just a trick of the mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss paused in her mad rush to kill someone. She felt it. ..Mia her Mistress ...was dead. She let out a scream but it soon turned into mad laughter. Tho she was no longer bound the moment Mia retreated that time she honestly did not care.

"Mistress Mia was a fool...I am greatfulshe created me but now...."
Her own madness aura flared but quickly went away. It would have alerted others where she was.Her laughter however echoed around the area she was in which was not far from the cabin.
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