Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by William Draconius

William Draconius

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Scott made his way to the room, with kids milling around. Eventually a spot opened up, and slid in between some kids and found a seat up near the desk, but also near the windows for some fresh air. Relax, he told himself, just relax. Just school, no one's stuffed you in a locker yet, nothing started on fire, and the desk seemed to be solid enough for anything....looked around a little bit, then lowered himself down in the seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Sera walked in, her eyes widening slightly as she looked at the mass of students in their seats. Note to self: get to class early. Sadly, all the seats in the very back were taken. Grudingly, she sat in the middle row, dropping her bag on the floor next to her feet as she sat down. Math so early in the morning was a bad idea. Hopefully she didn't fall asleep...she couldn't control her flames if she was unconscious...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowedRaven


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ally readjusted her bag on her shoulder before finally locating the maths room, as she walked in she was shocked by how many people were already there. She didn't realise it would be such a big class, but nevertheless she quickly scanned the room and took up one of the few remaining seats. Unfortunately that seat left her roughly in the centre of the room, all the nicer spots by the windows having already been taken. But she knew this place away from the distraction of nature would likely benefit her more when it came to actually learning maths skills. She rested her bag by the table leg, pulling out notepad and pen as well as her book from earlier, deciding to continue her reading on rare and exotic herbs and plants before the teacher entered.

Ally looked up as the teacher walked in and quickly shoved her book back into her bag, making sure to mark the page she was up to by folding down the corner. She located the right materials as the teacher gave them all instructions and she opened up her notepad ready for wok. As everyone else followed suit, she glanced around the classroom it was the first time they had all been so compact in one room and she was curious as to the type of people she was here with and more inquisitively the powers they had. Sure she had grown up in a family of mutants much like herself, but despite her siblings she had never met anyone like her, especially those of a similar age to herself, having primarily stayed in the house. She couldn't help but wonder what sort of powers existed beyond her own personal knowledge. She turned back to face the front of the room, pulled from her thoughts by the teachers voice, however she missed what had been said and glanced over at the person on the next desk to her, which just happened to be the girl she had spoken to at breakfast- Sera- "what page was it again sorry?" she questioned in a hushed whisper as she tried to look on top of things, she hated being disorganised.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

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Chris awoke to pitch darkness once again, with a few specs of line shining through. He stretched his arms outward and emerged from his cocoon to find sunlight streaming into his bedroom, it attacking his eyes almost immediately. "Ugh, not again," he moaned as he looked around at his cocoon mess. His body must have started developing some kind of flaw or he was getting sick as his body only cocooned itself when he is not 100 percent healthy. Ripping the silk mess from his body, he stepped out of the cocoon that lay on his bed and got ready for the day. He would dispose of the silk later on that day. Chris dressed himself in front of his full body mirror, trying on different clothing options. If it wasn't top of the line, he wouldn't step out of his room. Finally he settled for a rainbow tank top, skinny jeans, and Louis Vuitton sneakers. He admired his figure and perfect bronze skin before heading out. It took him no time at all to reach the cafeteria to grab some quick breakfast before class. Once there, he grabbed himself a bowl of cereal and a banana and began to eating. He could feel the acid churning in his stomach as it immediately started to digest his food. Every time he ate, it always felt like he was going to regurgitate acid but he managed to keep it down. He wasn't fully in control of his new physiology just yet.

After eating, he made his way back to his room to grab his school supplies and made it to his first class which happened to be math. Chris always received stares from both genders when he roamed the halls. Ever since his metamorphosis, every single genetic flaw he had was taken away, making him a perfect and beautiful human. He noticed there were more people enrolled in the institute than last year and it was hard to even find a decent seat. He settled for a seat close to the door and laid his things on the desk as the teacher began to start. Paying attention, he started scratching his arms that were completely covered in tattoos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Sera pulled away from her doodling, looking up at the voice directed at her. She recognized the girl who sat at her breakfast table a few minutes earlier. After glancing down at her own book she replied "362." She then continued scribbling in the margin of her notebook.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowedRaven


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Ally smiled in a way of saying thanks, quickly flicking to the page and scribbling down the heading. The work didn't seem to taxing, clearly the teacher was introducing us to the topic slowly and in some ways Ally was thankful for it. She enjoyed the academic subjects such as maths, but on a Monday morning even she appreciated being eased gently into the work. She started on some of he questions, her concentration drifting now and again as her mind wandered onto more interesting things, mainly relating to the books she'd read.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin sat in the back of the classroom. She wasn't really paying attention to the lesson. She was bored. Her mind was day dreaming about spring storms. She tapped her pencil against the desk watching the spark that occurred each time she tapped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Samantha noticed some girls entering the classrooom. She smiled whispering. "Heeeeeey guyssssss." She said grabbing her book and sitting down closer to them. "Im sorry. I just need to talk to someone. Plusssss. I dont know what page is it...." she looked at her book seeing that it was closed. "Which page is it ?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nicias looked up, when the teacher showed up. he reached into his bag and pulled out his math books and flipped to the page. then he went back to writing in his dream journal. he didn't want to stop writing until he had as much as he could remember written down. Occasionally he would stop and draw a symbol on the margin of the page. As Always he underlined any names that appeared and tried to pay special attention to words spoken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkey_Lord


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In the airhanger Jay, with his robotic monkey Flint at his side, landed a jet (without using the controls), that lost the tail and had the emergancy crash alarm going off. YES almost got the hang of it. Finally on the 8th try I didn't break the wings."OH I'm late for class, come on Flint lets go." Flint climed onto his houlders and the two freinds dash of to class. When they got there the large wooden classroom door was closed "darn late again," they burst in yelling "SORRY I'm late,". the teacher smiled and said it was ok and to take a seat. that was close at least she was nice thought Jay as he took his seat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Tony walked down the hallways at a leisurely pace. The temperature around him seemed to drop, as if the air itself became cold. He raised an eyebrow as Jay flew by him, with a robot on his shoulder? Hart frowned with distaste, he found the kid slightly annoying. All he did was crash planes and be obnoxiously loud. He followed Jay and waited for him to finish his dramatic entry. He entered quietly, not bothering to apologize to the teacher. Hart grabbed a chair from the front and took it to the back, seeing as all the desks were taken. Tony sunk deep into his chair and began to copy Samantha's work. I think it's clear how much he disliked school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Listening to the lecture, Sera's fingers began to tap against the desk absentmindedly, playing a piano piece she was working on. She couldn't wait for Ĺ‚unch, she planned to use that time to practice. Too bad it was only the beginning of the day...

Sera's eyes flicked to the clock above the teacher's head, groaning inwardly when she saw that only five minutes have passed! After writing the mathematical equations written on the board followed by the notes, Sera continued to draw meaningless doodles, keeping one ear alert to any new information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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The sounds of loud snoring and a alarm clock going off could be herd behind the door of one of the school's newest students. Sam was sprawled on his bed in an awkward position, his face buried in his pillow and his rear sticking up in the air, and was letting out loud muffled snores. He may have stayed like that all day if he didn't accidently rolled out of bed and hit the floor. He let out a groggy moan before sitting up. It took him a few moments to realize what was going on then a look of pure shock came over his face. "Holy crap I'm late!" He yelled as he scrambled to his feet. He quickly grabbed the backpack next to his bed before darting out of his room, leaving the alarm on. After a few wrong turns Sam busted into his math class. "I'm here! Don't mark me absent!" He exclaimed with a look of panic on his face. During all this Sam had forgotten to change out of his PJs which consisted of a black T-shirt with a skull on it and a pair of bright pick pajama bottoms with butterflies printed all over them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkey_Lord


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Jay and Flint were playing rock paper scissors in their seats. Stupid math class I can't wait for lunch thought Jay. Then he thought "Hay Katherin, help me speed up the clock" whispered jay "two lowish currant volts should do it, lets both do it on three you count"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin chuckled at the suggestion. She didn't think it would help. Still she was bored. Katherin pointed at thus clock. She meant to send just a little electricity into the clock, but she sent more then she had lent to and the clock exploded.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by William Draconius

William Draconius

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Scott, seeing clock exploded, jumped a little...and fell through his chair, surprised. With a little difficulty, climbs off the floor, picks up his books and sits down, reading quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by -AcE-


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Sera's eyes flew up as the clock exploded, showering the teacher in debris. Several students began to panic, one even falling through his chair! In her surprise, Sera smelled smoke and looked down at her burning notebook. She quickly patted the small flames out with her arm, breathing in relief that her notes were saved and nobody got hurt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Monkey_Lord


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"worth a shot," shrugged Jay the explosion did not seem to bother him at all "I mean it wasn't very big." then went on playing rock paper scissors.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Samantha heard the clock exploded. "Whaaaaa!" She turned around and looked at Sera covering the fire. Maybe her power was fire? "How did that happen?" She looked at the guy who fell, giggled but got back to serious and suddenly the bell rang. Samantha bit her bottom lips grabbing her books and running to the door wanting to get out of the room, but as she stepped out the door she slipped and fell as all her books fell ontop of her. "Oow..." she stood up slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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Katherin shrugged. Her control of her powers wasn't great. That was why she was here after all. Katherin gathered up her books. She looked at her schedule. "History. Awesome another dull class."
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