*Please note that I plan to make this RP High Casual, and will set a certain standard for writing. Nothing extreme, just a decent two or three paragraph minimum with each IC post.I would like to have a co-gm if any one is willing. Everything will be expanded upon if enough interest is shown, I don't want to create a giant interest check, and then have it wasted by lack of people willing to participate.

You live in a world in which magic has begun to manifest itself in certain individuals, seemingly without any rhyme or reason. Those gifted began to show an affinity for certain magics, and have been able to cast powerful spells. As expected, the general public had begun to fear those who have shown this power, and so they were sent away, into an island days away from the main continent of the world. Unfortunately for the gifted, their powers have linked them to another land, far past the boundaries of their home. From this land hail creatures who attempt take control of those gifted, in order to claim a spot in the world. It is unknown what they plan to do once they have succeeded.
You will be playing as The Gifted, living on the forested island of Ractem, after Sprites have taken over the Sanctuary. You will fight to reclaim the island and do your best to not become possessed at the same time.
Farnae: The main continent of the world. The culture is similar to that of medieval times, with no electricity and kings ruling the land. The continent is divided into five kingdoms, but are all a part of this singular mass of land.
Ractem: The island that those gifted have been sent to. It is here that the Sanctuary has been formed, an organization of The Gifted who train their members to control their powers.
The Gifted: Those granted magical abilities. Magic comes in many forms, and all Gifted have an affinity for certain magics. They are only able to use magic they have an affinaty for, whether it be Illusionary, Elemental, Beneficial, etc. The spells that they are able to cast will be determined by what attributes they possess.
Sprite: This is what the creatures who attempt to take control of the Gifted are known as. They have never before been seen in their physical bodies, as when they take control of someone, they maintain their hosts form. Once someone has been possessed, this means all trace of their soul is gone.
Malkin: The area from which Sprites hail. It is said to be on the other side of the word from Farnae, but it is unknown if it is even a physical place.
The Beyond: The area referred to when speaking of places past the boundaries of Farnea. This includes any islands or continents, visited or unvisited, such as Ractem or Malkin.
Age: Between 15 and 40
Appearance: Prefer image, but description is acceptable. If described, please write at least two paragraphs, one for physical traits and one for clothing.
Spells: An initial set of 5 spells. You will obtain more when I feel it appropriate
Personality: At least one paragraph
Background: At least three paragraphs
Skills: Non-Magical
Likes and Dislikes:
Description of Magic
Here you will describe the way your characters magic operates. Is it solid? Powerful? How much range does it have? How creative is your character with it?
I will not allow for any over powered characters, so be sure to describe the flaws of your characters magic. Understand that I have final say on any changes you will make, but feel free to argue with me, as long as you have a reasonable explanation behind it!
Elemental: Magic dealing with the elements. Gifted with an affinity for elemental magic can prioritize either Water, Fire, Earth, or Air magic in order to cast a variety of spells. After reaching a certain skill level in any given element, sub types for each element will become available (I.E: From Water magic you will be able to cast Ice magic.)
Illusion: Magic dealing with perception. You may target a persons senses, causing them to see or hear things that may not be there, cause delusional feelings, or even temporarily blind someone at high levels.
White: Magic dealing with beneficial things, such as healing, protective shields, or buffs. This affinity offers very low offensive options, except for light magic, which can be thought of as a very weak form of elemental magic.
Black: The opposite of White Magic, this affinity allows the Gifted to curse someone, sacrifice their own blood for powerful spells, or even raise the dead. This magic has very low defensive capabilities, with the exception of Shadow Magic, which can be thought of as a very weak form of elemental magic.
Conjuring: Magic allowing the castor to summon forth creatures, armor, weapons, items, or anything else that can be thought of.
Enchanting: Magic allowing the castor to add new properties onto objects. Gifted with this affinity don't have spells as much as they have trinkets or weapons that they have enchanted before hand. These items can have various abilities, from a key that can open any lock, to a sword that can shoot flames.
Raw: Magic in it's purest form, Gifted possessing an affinity for Raw magic are rare. Their connection to the Sprites is so intense that their magic is like clay that they may mold. Those with Raw Magic cannot cast spells in the traditional sense. Instead, they possess a sphere of energy that follows that, and they are able to mold and shape to their desires. The energy is not solid, but can block mana based abilities. However, those with Raw magic also are more prone to possession, due to their connection to sprites.
Transformation: Magic that allows the castor to alter his or her own physical traits. They may spawn wings for themselves, claws or fangs, or even fully shift into different animals.
You will create the spells for your own character, to allow for some creativity. I will give this spell certain properties depending on how you describe your characters magic (See the CS for more details.)
*Note that weapons will generally not be available, since there has never been any need on Ractem. Whatever weapons you have are what you are able to create on the island, or formed via magic.
Anyone interested?