“Any dream worth having, is a dream worth fighting for”
“Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward”
- Professor Charles Xavier
- X
- Little Fox
- Superhero
- Drama
- Comedy
- Mature
The Story So Far….
We all know the tale of Professor Charles Xavier. To the general public, a soldier, a natural genius with Ph.D.s in Genetics, Biophysics, and Psychology. A man of wealth who started his own school to help gifted youngsters. To mutant kind, he was a visionary, a man to aspire to be like and the creator of the X-Men , a group dedicated to the protection and service of mutant-kind. A man who gave up his life in the pursuit of a dream.
After dying at the hands of Apocalypse during a great battle, Xavier’s school for mutants was taken over by his former student Kitty Pryde. With a different approach, the newly minted Headmistress Pryde re-opened Xavier’s School and is welcoming a new student body, some looking to control their powers, others looking to join a new X-Men team and some…just looking to head off the college.
But what of the old X-Men? With the world at peace, some decided to retire into civilian lives until the day came that they were needed once again. Others stayed on at the institute as instructors and some, just simply vanished into the night.
The Setting
As you can probably guess, this rp is based around the marvelous (get it?) world of the X-Men. That said, this is not a mission based rp, this is more a character driven story that focuses on the world of this young mutants as they struggle to fit in with their new found or hard to control abilities. In this, we’re really getting back to the roots of what the X-Men was all about, exploring our differences and dealing with them with a little help from our friends.
So here’s how it works. This is more open world, free roam than anything else. That said, I was considering doing an episodic type feature where each writer would come up with a plotline or an “episode” that we’d play through in order to keep things fresh and interesting.
This is an OC rp so no characters related to canon’s because that just leads to a mess. Canons, i.e Cyclops, Wolverine etc do exist but they are not currently involved in the rp, so any references to them should only be made in passing and nothing serious unless it’s part of an episode, so in that case either message me or Fox to find out where that particular character is. Timeline wise, the rp is set in the modern era however, the X-Men have been around a lot longer, so characters like Headmistress Pryde are in fact in their thirties, earlier forties depending on the character.
Cast List
- Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat – Headmistress and Teacher of Computer Science
- Arnonia Torres/Apollo – Teacher of Art and Literature
- Marlowe Faraday/Ivory - Teacher of Physics
- Alan Peregrine/Drifter - Teacher of Alternative Power Use, Flying Instructor, and Counselor
- Freddie DiAngelo/Pressure – Teacher of Physical Education and Basketball Coach
Student Body:
- Luna Marionette (No Codename as of Yet)
- Duncan Pearce/Guardian
- Naka Vejay/Element
- Alicia Taylor/Shifter
- Harley Coeman/Progenitor
- Aurora Claudwell/Jinx
- Mila Kovsky/Mimic
- Francesca Dubro/Memoir
- Spencer O'Connor/Odora
- Daniel Keel/Vault
- Chase Broussard
Rory & Luna
Naka & Spencer
Mila & Alicia & Francesca
Character Sheet
(All CS's come to me or Fox via PM first)
Appearance: (Real Life Image)
Place of Birth:
Family: (Only include if family is important to characters story)
Relationship Status: (Can be discussed before rp begins)
Mutant Ability: (Details Please)
Personality and History:
Extra: (Anything you wish to include)