This is an RP set in the Star Wars universe, in the Old Republic Era. Specifically, this RP takes place in 3634 BBY, 3634 years before Star Wars IV: A New Hope, and about 10 years after The Old Republic MMORPG.
This is an era of much war and strife for the galaxy; the Sith Empire has broken the fragile peace treaty established upon the sacking of Coruscant. There is once again open war between the Empire and the Republic. The galaxy is home to many force sensitives, and the two superpowers have been snatching them up to be part of the Sith or the Jedi, respectively. This is technically alternate universe.
For more information on the Old Republic Era, check the Wookieepedia Links at the end of this post.
There is a long-lost artifact called the Victus Crystallis which is said to amplify the powers of any force user to god-like levels. The Republic and the Empire have found out about this artifact and are sending small groups of spacers and force users to the legendary planet of Iego, where the artifact is said to be. Though the planet is widely regarded as a myth, their sources are credible, and both sides are desperate to attain the artifact. The ships must be packed with maintenance droids and back up parts in the shuttle bay, because the legend states that “angels” will make spacers crash land on the planet upon arrival. The characters must be cautious, as they cannot be sure what waits for them on Iego. Their goal is to set up a base and begin reconnaissance on the Victus Crystallis, with the end goal being to secure the artifact for one group or the other.
Spacers, mercenaries, and force sensitives that are interested in helping the Republic find the Victus Crystallis can report to Coruscant, Sector H-12 or the “Hope” Sector, while those interested in helping the Empire find the artifact can report to the Kaas City Spaceport on the planet Dromund Kaas.
As the GM, my main purpose is to facilitate a cohesive story and nudge the players toward major events every once and a while. I will be taking control of several NPCs, both on the side of the Sith and the Jedi. However, as players, feel free to craft side stories as you see fit, and of course you will be major influences to the main plot. Should our group be self-sufficient enough, I may not even need to control the story at all.
I will also be playing a Sith character with the Empire's group.

Character Sheet:
Basic Information
Current Residence:
Current Occupation:
Physical Info
Casual Attire:
Battle Attire:
Personal Info
Connections: (Name- Relation/Current Location/Short Description)
Combat Info
Non-Weapon Technology:
Standard Abilities:
Force Abilities:
Special Abilities:
Other Info
Some of the categories may be slightly ambiguous, so here is an explanation of the less obvious components:
Affiliation: This refers to whether you are affiliated with the Republic, the Empire, or unaffiliated. Those who choose "unaffiliated" will still have to choose one of the groups to go to Iego with. The latter is for mercs, spacers, etc. who are along to make some credits but don't show fealty to one group or the other.
Battle Attire and Armor: At first glance, these two entries may seem identical. Battle Attire refers to the appearance of the attire, while Armor refers to the protective qualities of the attire.
Connections: This refers to characters that your character has an important connection to, one that is either relevant to the plot or the character's history. They become characters that the player can then call on as NPCs. These characters can accompany your character to Iego if you wish, but keep it to two or less in that case.
Force Abilities, Standard Abilities, and Special Abilities: The parameters of each are not explained above. Force Abilities are, obviously, any abilities that are a direct result of the force. Standard Abilities are any abilities that are natural to the character, or any abilities that are a result of past training or environment. Special Abilities are any abilities that do not fit into either Standard or Force Abilities.
Selecting Abilities
While selecting Standard and Special Abilities, the player has creative control. However, when selecting Force Abilities, one must keep their rank in mind.
Force users in this RP will start out as Jedi Knights or Sith. They are fairly seasoned in the ways of the force and should have several Force Abilities. The player is free to create these abilities if they so choose, but they should also consider checking the Force Powers link at the end of this post, in the Wookieepedia Links section. Keep in mind that the characters are NOT masters, so the level of their Force Abilities should not be incredibly powerful.
Selecting a Species
Only human, near-human or humanoid Species may be used. The species must also be sentient. For ideas on what Species to choose, check the Wookieepedia links at the end of this post. No Ewoks, no Jawas. Examples of preferred races include Human, Twi'lek, Wookie, Zabrak, Pureblood Sith, Rodian, etc.

1. In this RP, my rules are law. Deliberate infractions will earn you a warning. A second warning earns you a one-way ticket out. I won't abuse this, as I have no desire to boot anyone from my RP.
2. The RP is rated PG-13. No unnecessary gore, no sex (see rule 3). The exception is cursing, which is fine.
3. Romance is allowed, but take anything past kissing to PMs. Any post describing sexual acts and you'll be removed.
4. Posts are a one to two paragraph minimum. Try not to speed post, just post when it feels natural.
5. Respect your fellow RPers.
6. I fully reserve the right to reject any character sheet that I do not find satisfactory. I will not abuse this privilege, and if I do reject a template I will try to give at least one reason why I do not find it satisfactory.
7. At least one post per week is required. If you do not post for a week without PM'ing me a 'heads up', you risk being removed.
8. I can and will add more rules if I see fit. I will not abuse this privilege, and I will always explain why the rule needs to be added.
9. When a one or more player characters start fighting one or more NPCs, I will post in this thread to give the players an idea of the NPCs power level. Some NPCs will be one-hit kills, while others will require more effort to take down.
10. Use of Force Abilities will result in fatigue. The more powerful the ability, the more it will fatigue the user. Your character does not have infinite stamina. Please keep this in mind during combat sequences.
11. Powerplaying, especially in combat, is not acceptable. Never take control of another's character without their permission, including force hitting (describing the full effect of an attack without giving the opponent a chance to react).
More information on the Old Republic era: starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Old_Republic_era
A list of Force Powers: starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Force_powers
Human and near-human Species: starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Human_and_Near-Human_species
Humanoid Species (look under Examples of Humanoids): starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Humanoid
This section may be updated as the RP progresses.
(#- Forum Name- Character Name)
1- TheUnknowable- Mot Halcyon
2- Ilnflex- Rin Thoe
3- The Blue Sylph- Jayneth Orlearis
4- Dawnon Aeris- Gideon Damn
1- Kurai- Djezalia Belairius
2- Assallya- Vindica
3- TheUnknowable- Keffa Halcyon
4- Chev- Lexina
1- Amalvi- Yodrick the "Sanekiller"
Basic Information
Name: Djezalia Belairius
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Vahla
Homeworld: Vjun, Outer Rim
Current Residence: Korriban, Outer Rim
Current Occupation: Self-employed Sith
Affiliations: Empire
Physical Info
Being born on a world steeped in the dark side caused her eyes to be red, a color not usually found among the Valha. Also note that, while the picture depicts a cybernetic arm, both of Djezalia's arms are normal. Djezalia stands about 5'7".
Casual Attire:
Battle Attire:
Personal Info
Personality: Djezalia is a quiet and calculated individual. She is somewhat anti-social but is still quite capable in social situations if she wants to be. She has an underlying thirst for blood that comes out when she becomes angry. Djezalia is also remarkably cruel. She greatly respects the Sith and the Empire but is not afraid to step on their toes to get what she wants.
Connections: Darth Umbra aka Tulan Belairius- Adopted father/Dromund Kaas/"Adopted" her during a raid after killing her parents. Partially responsible for training Djezalia in the ways of the Sith.
History: Djezalia was born to a group of wandering Valha who were both force sensitive. Djezalia grew up on Vjun until she was six years old, at which point her parents left with a group of nomadic Vahla. While on a Republic space station, the station was raided by the Empire. Djezalia's parents were killed in the turmoil and she was left as an orphan. Toward the end of the raid, she was discovered by a Sith Lord named Tulan Belairius. Tulan sensed her natural force sensitivity and forcefully adopted her.
For the next twelve years of her life, Tulan trained Djezalia in the ways of the Sith and the Matukai, all the while cultivating her hatred for him. He trained her how to refine her natural talent with the force and to harness the power of the dark side. Being a Vahla (born on Vjun, no less), Djezalia excelled in all of Tulans teachings. By the time she was 18, she had completed all of the training necessary to become a full-fledged Sith, including building her own lightsaber.
Djezalia then left to Korriban to train in its naturally dark energies. There she explored the tombs of Tulak Hord and Marka Ragnos, learning many dark side lessons. She remained on Korriban for two years. During that time Djezalia was asked to be an instructor for the students at the academy. She accepted the offer. Her students had less than a 10% passing rate, but those that did pass her training became the prime example of a Sith.
After her time on Korriban, Djezalia went back to Vjun and trained in solitude for a year. Within this time, she honed her skills in the dark side and nurtured her hatred for her father. She came back and took the Empire by storm, assisting the military and helping to win many skirmishes. However, despite her power and her efforts, she went unnoticed by the Empire by and large. Djezalia has concluded that her father is taking credit for her efforts.
Now, having heard of the Victus Cystallis, Djezalia travels to Dromund Kaas, intent on proving her worth to the Empire once and for all...
Combat Info
Weaponry: Personal Lightsaber Bloodlust- This is Djezalia's lightsaber that she built herself. It houses a Synth-Crystal that makes a more powerful, but less maneuverable blade. When clashing with a non-Synth lightsaber, this blade has an extremely slim chance to short the other lightsaber, making it unable to be used for at least a minute (it is the opponent's decision whether or not this takes place upon a clash). The color is red with a black core.
DH-17 Blaster Pistol- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DH-17_blaster_pistol
Non-Weapon Technology: Electrobinoculars- http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electrobinocular
Armor: Djezalia’s battle attire is light and offers flexibility over protection. However, The metal section over her chest resists blaster bolts, while the fiber of the rest of her armor dampens damage from most types of blasters.
Standard Abilities:
Form IV: Ataru- Djezalia is competent in the lightsaber form Ataru, a primarily aggressive form that utilizes acrobatics along with quick and devastating burst attacks. Djezalia’s Matukai Training allows her to augment her dexterity while in this form by drawing on the force.
Form V: Shien/Djem So- This form is two fold; the Shien style is focused on reflecting blaster bolts and Djem So is focused on counter-attacking, while both styles make use of short power attacks. The aim of this form is to use the opponent's attacks against them.
Force Abilities:
Matukai Training- The Matukai were a group that believed the physical body could be used as a conduit of the force. To this end, they practiced martial arts, exercised vigorously, and practiced physical meditations, all intertwined with the force. This ability actually encompasses several abilities:
Physical Superiority- Djezalia is able to passively channel the force to improve her dexterity, strength, and stamina. Unless being channeled for stamina, this will fatigue her. She cannot channel to improve more than one area at once. If improving stamina, further use of Force Abilities will fatigue her as normal.
Martial Artist- Djezalia is a superb hand-to-hand fighter. She could even be considered a specialist.
Force Jump- Djezalia can use this training to jump incredible distances, vertically and horizontally. At its most powerful, this ability can allow Djezalia to jump 30' both in height and distance.
Force Speed- Djezalia is able to speed up her movements with the force. It also makes Djezalia perceive everything to be slightly slower.
Saber Throw- Djezalia can throw her blade, using the force to guide it to her target and bring it back to her. She is talented in it’s execution, though she is unable to use more difficult techniques such as changing the course of the weapon mid-throw. This power has a maximum range of 30’.
Sith Lightning- The classic Sith power, Djezalia channels her hatred and suffering into electricity that then erupts out of her palms. It is a powerful ability that causes a good amount of damage and is also capable of shorting out electric technology. However, the ability also quite difficult to sustain. This power has a maximum range of 30'. Djezaria is unique in the sense that when using this ability, the electricity produced is black.
Force Flame- A power not often seen. While on Vjun, training in a particularly volcanic region, Djezalia was practicing one of her martial arts forms when she was overcome with a burning desire. She thrust out her hand and flames spouted forth in a jet of death. Now Djezalia considers it her trademark ability. The flame of this ability is fueled by the force and can damage even heat-retardant materials. This power has a maximum range of 10'.
Special Abilities: None.
Other Info
Notes: Djezalia cannot pilot a starship, but she wants to learn how.