Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mosis Tosis

Mosis Tosis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sixsmith said
I just personally think Control is the worst ending.You're basically doing what Starchild McSpaceMagic did in the beginning. Weren't the Reapers there to preserve life when they were first created, not eradicate it to make more of it's kind using the genetic slush of the most superior species of that cycle? I'm not going to question the strength of Shepard's will, but it's inevitable that he'll eventually come to some kind of wacked out conclusion as the Reapers had. And then you have mass genocide again because the Shepard-Reapers fell back into their 'no one can be trusted with their own lives' god-complex assholery.I went with Destroy in my first run through, but thinking back on it, I may choose Synthesis over it if I were to go through the game again. I mean, to be honest, you're either going to have to commit genocide, potentially come back to destroy the entire universe... again, or you just have to play god to make a race of possibly perfect beings without their consent. Hard choices, but I'd say the latter is the best.

Yup, though I initially thought Control may be the best these are my exact issues with it. Just too many variables and too many hypothetical doomsday situations. Same goes for Synthesis, though that one is more of a question of ethics. I think that's why Destroy appeals to a lot of people. It's easily the best written of the three endings: It has clear, understandable results with clear, understandable consequences. Control and Synthesis are so vague, you sort of pick them on faith. If you give them the benefit of the doubt (I.E. "My Shepard will only use the Reapers for good, I'm sure of it"), they're perfectly fine endings...but it requires too much speculation and wishful thinking to be "well written."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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The indoctrination theory is my head canon.

Besides, both TIM and Shepard are BOTH indoctrinated before ME3.

Exhibit A)

^ TIM back when he was Jack Harper trying to save his friend from a Reaper Device. His eyes take on the characteristic glowy Reaper tech look immediately after. This took place shortly after The First Contact War.

Exhibit B)

Oh look, Shepard just touched a fucking Reaper artifact that indoctrinated everyone you're fighting in that DLC.

I mean, come on. It doesn't get any more damning than that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Dervish said
The indoctrination theory is my head canon. Besides, both TIM and Shepard are BOTH indoctrinated before ME3.Exhibit A)^ TIM back when he was Jack Harper trying to save his friend from a Reaper Device. His eyes take on the characteristic glowy Reaper tech look immediately after. This took place shortly after The First Contact War.Exhibit B) Oh look, Shepard just touched a fucking Reaper artifact that indoctrinated everyone you're fighting in that DLC. I mean, come on. It doesn't get any more damning than that.

This is the only reason I ever pick Destroy because, when you get the perfect ending with enough assets, it's clear Shepard somehow, miraculously survived his/her fall. I like the indoc theory, but I don't think they intended it to be canon, at all.

It's so well tailored, though, and thought out that I don't understand why Bioware didn't think to go with it. And all that crap with the kid... why do I care about a kid so much that I dream about him pretty much every night? Why not Mordin after he died or Ashley or anyone else who died or dies in the game? People Shepard actually cared for deeply and emotionally, instead of just a random kid who died. Because, let's face it, random civilians will die in a war of that scale and there's nothing you can do about it, but when your comrades and people you love sacrifice themselves countless times over it should start effecting you more than a bunch of strangers getting killed because of the Reaper incursion.

I don't understand that and it angered me that they didn't do something with the characters who died except put their plaque on a wall or you saying, "That's for Thane," after you pwn Leng for being a dick butt. Mass Effect was a masterpiece with a few things here and there that made absolutely no sense. I wish they'd done more for those that died, instead of just an honorable mention, but other than that, everything they did was what a sequel and an ending (minus the actual ending) to a saga should be and I applaud Bioware for that.

Mosis Tosis said
Yup, though I initially thought Control may be the best these are my exact issues with it. Just too many variables and too many hypothetical doomsday situations. Same goes for Synthesis, though that one is more of a question of ethics. I think that's why Destroy appeals to a lot of people. It's the best of the three endings: It has clear, understandable results with clear, understandable consequences. Control and Synthesis are so vague, you sort of pick them on faith. If you give them the benefit of the doubt (I.E. "My Shepard will only use the Reapers for good, I'm sure of it"), they're perfectly fine endings...but it requires too much speculation and wishful thinking to be "well written."

That's always an issue for me, but I can be very utilitarian when it comes to big decisions like that, which can end very badly, sometimes. But, yeah, the other two were too vague for me and my mind likes to wander, so obviously I'm going to come to the conclusion that some 50k years later, or maybe even less, Shepard-Reaper goes crazy and enslaves or destroys the rest of the galaxy. Synthesis is an ethical dilemma for me, as well, because you're pretty much playing god and not giving people any choice in the matter. Who knows what happens when everyone just becomes one race. Maybe it's a clever ruse to just make everyone into Reapers. If you think about it, it's what the Reapers were kind of trying to accomplish in the first place. They were the apex of Synthetic-Organic hybrids. What they were doing with the human Reaper, collecting millions of humans to mush them into one genetic slushy to create and preserve humanity in one design was pretty much what Synthesis does to the rest of the galaxy and what the Reapers would have done if they'd won. Or something akin to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Hmm.. now that I think of it, you have a point. I always did like the indoctrination theory and maybe those three choices actually represent different arms of reaper control. You know what, if I ever decide to go on with my ME1 Femshep playthrough I'll consider it. I mean it does look somewhat suspicious that the shooting of a magical tube would instantaneously represent the destruction of the greatest force in the galaxy. Maybe it represent's Shepard's will to fight?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I chose the control ending, having never played the Mass Effect DLC posted above. Seeing that though, and hearing the theories, does make me think I might have made the wrong decision.

I just started a Femshep playthrough though. I'll definitely keep it in mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Voltaire


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So sorry I don't have a post up for you guys. My phone ran out of juice and (of course) I forgot my charger. Don't wait up for me, I can catch up if I need to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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No worries bud, I almost have a post finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vakte


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Where be thy reading material to pass through my nightshift?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sixsmith
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Sixsmith Left half of Lancelot (It's the better half)

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Vakte said
Where be thy reading material to pass through my nightshift?

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm still at work, I should have the post up in a few hours, unless I get distracted by things like movies, co-worker wanting to grab a drink, girlfriend wanting Dervy love, or my neighbour's cats sneaking in my apartment again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vakte


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Any excuse to deny me eh Dervy? :p

I can wait a bit :)

Last post was Hades btw, same as this one :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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Vakte said
Any excuse to deny me eh Dervy? :pI can wait a bit :)Last post was Hades btw, same as this one :)

Always, Hades! I enjoy being a pain in the ass. ;D

There we go! Sorry about the wait. Feel free to mingle with partners and take some liberties with the scene; there's a bit of time before SI arrives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm trying to think of a creative use of Daryna's talents. I'm still thinking she could sneak onto the ship and ensure the pilot doesn't try and leave, and she can also prevent him from trying to contact any other ship waiting with backup.She could also cause a distraction near the ship, maybe have one of the Siame guards shoot another.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vakte


Member Offline since relaunch

Beautiful post there my friend, I'll get a post up in the next couple of days.

And Dervy time huh? Is it wrong my phone switched it to pervy??
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Vakte said
Beautiful post there my friend, I'll get a post up in the next couple of days.And Dervy time huh? Is it wrong my phone switched it to pervy??

Dervy is like pervy, only ten times more debacherous.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cpt Toellner
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Vakte? Want to do a colab? I feel like the two Batarians might spend some time doing Batarian stuff before the shit-storm. Both characters don't seem to be very social creature, but we might be able to do something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

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Jaerdi will be off on his own stirring up some chaos before he meets up with the techies...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Dervish Let's get volatile

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Sundered Echo said
Jaerdi will be off on his own stirring up some chaos before he meets up with the techies...

Or updating his blog.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crya


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jaerdi and Daryna should totally make a blog together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vakte


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Cpt Toellner said
Vakte? Want to do a colab? I feel like the two Batarians might spend some time doing Batarian stuff before the shit-storm. Both characters don't seem to be very social creature, but we might be able to do something.

Sure mate. I'll get to it as soon as I can :)
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