Hey there everyone! :D I hope everyone's having a splendid day! Work was tiring and way too hot today but I have tomorrow off work so hooray! ^o^
Can I just say that everyone's posts have been astounding? I absolutely loved reading through all of your ICs and the delightful scenes you left me to work with. As you could probably tell from my post, I had a lot of fun with it. I kind of... really enjoy character positioning and power balance shifting and intrique etc, which for me helps to make a story more interesting, dramatic and suspenseful. I feel like a chess player. So much fun. :) And I have you all to thank for that. Be happy with your post Kei, because that helped me to inspire me with some more ideas, and bring about this interesting twist. c;
I ended up using Lucien and Amy a bit within my post. Fox, Rex, I apologise. Please let me know if anything is wrong with their actions and speech, and I'll amend it asap. Just, with the situation we've got, I think the way I led things makes for an interesting setup for future things, and it helps us get to that point a bit quicker. Either way, any errors, please tell me.
I'll place under a hider the current cast positions (so as not to spoil for anyone who reads the OOC first before the IC, like I do hehe).
Northern Sector: Performance Hall: Marcus, Dylan, Dalia, Aria, Xandra, Simon, Jay
Central to Northern Sector: Tobias, Lucien
Central/Northern Sector vicinity: Francesca
Central to Western Sector: Estelle, Amy
Western Sector: Moira, Syed (Both KO'd)
Western to South Western Sector: Miffy
South Western Sector: Courtyard: Lute, Trixie, Rose (Broken ankle), Fabian, Sebastian (KO'd)
???: The Masked Phantom, Angel
Despite Estelle and Amy being the members of the Central Group with the lights, I think Tobias and Lucien should be able to reach the Performance Hall easily enough thanks to Tobias' knowledge of the layout and Lucien using a summon. The way his cat summon/Francesca bout went, it's less him being damaged into a weak position where he can't summon, and more the case that they just lost Frances. Cus she's a slippery mama like that?
I really, really, really can't congratulate and compliment you all enough on your posts and the wonderful characterisation within, either. The Pride, Student NPCs and the Thieves... all of them are absolutely incredible. I absolutely love Fabian in particular, and I laugh at his childish tantrums and temperaments and every time he shouts Cuss this! Brilliant. And Francesca, what a hottie. That french accent... meow. Jay and Angel's reactions to being beaten, such lol. And Kathi, your Aria post... I have never laughed so damn hard in my entire life. Thank you for that. Even if I did wince in sympathy.
I could go on and on but I literally would end up writing a post larger then my long ICs. I just... you guys all know how amazing you are. Just perfect.
Superb and flawless. All of you give yourselves a pat on the back. You guys make this rp so fun.
EDIT: Also, Rex showed me some scenes of the ABCs of Death. You guys really... really need to check it out. Fox in particular will love it. ;D
Cool gif. Poor Amy dies too <:c