Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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I'm actually paranoid that Dallas won't be of any use to the group. I mean sure, he's NCR and he has a pip-boy but other than that he's practically not needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ArcanicNeon said
I'm actually paranoid that Dallas won't be of any use to the group. I mean sure, he's NCR and he has a pip-boy but other than that he's practically not needed.

My Nightkin just stole BoomBoom's toy, I'm sure Dallas is gonna be needed in the impending temper tantrum just fine :p
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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WittyReference said
My Nightkin just stole BoomBoom's toy, I'm sure Dallas is gonna be needed in the impending temper tantrum just fine :p

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AtomicItalian


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ArcanicNeon said
I'm actually paranoid that Dallas won't be of any use to the group. I mean sure, he's NCR and he has a pip-boy but other than that he's practically not needed.

That sounds like you've got a character arc there amigo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tech
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The how can I make myself useful to my friends because I love them character development. Ahh timeless.

Anywho first post is up and being crap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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TheEvanCat said
Opera post.

Such a legendary beast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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AtomicItalian said
Unknowable--Everything is good, and I appreciate you doing something unique and playing a bot. The Vetibird could be a bit of an OP advantage for us, but I wouldn't be opposed to you writing it to have the thing crash in the Mojave.Also, if you could explain how Tenpenny/House would come to know/want the robot on the team, that would help flesh out the character logically.

Essentially, they need to repair advanced tech, and that's what he specializes in. Plus, he has knowledge of tech that the Enclave discovered that the others won't have come across. That would make him useful to fixing fusion reactors.
I'll add it to my bio.
edit: I altered the bio.
edit 2: I forgot to explain how they know about him. Basically, he'll crash in the desert (about a mile from Vegas) a week earlier and build a base in an old building (or maybe help out a town), powering everything by nuclear engines from cars and protected it with forcefield generators (weak ones as he had to improvise, using parts form energy weapons, like his Gatling laser, and old computers) and salvaged turrets. (basically, he's trying to raise 10k caps to buy what he needs to fix his Vertibird). They hear about him and send the Cowboy-robot after him, as he would be more likely to follow one of his "relatives".
I'll work this into my first post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ZeeKiwi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Just throwing it out their, Pup and I so far IC have only told NPC people we are from the East. Havnt even mentioned the name Nyss or the Pitt. Just wanted to mention that no one should know about where we are from.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

ZeeKiwi said
Just throwing it out their, Pup and I so far IC have only told NPC people we are from the East. Havnt even mentioned the name Nyss or the Pitt. Just wanted to mention that no one should know about where we are from.

Sorry about that, an easy fix! I figured their pedigree was what got them residence in the Fort since the opening post was them using their medical tents though now that I know they're thieves as well, it makes much more sense they were Squatters :p

Though... It does give me an idea for a bit of interaction, Scrap is trained in recon and espionage; if they were in the Fort for any significant amount of time he'd have no doubt spied on them. What if Scrap learned the duo are there for their own nefarious purposes but since Nightkin are crazy anyway no one believes his ramblings of secret soldiers and double agents. It'd provide an interesting dynamic between the three.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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Meanwhile, two paragraphs in and I've just managed to describe Fox sleeping under a desk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Joshua15555


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Since I've passed over the critical point, is there anyway I could possibly tag-along with the group en-route?

Every group could use an experienced old man to grumble about how good the young ones have it now. WIth their clean water, representative government (Which he doesn't like), and such.

He'd be able to cover up his BoS origins, which is easier for me to try and work with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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WittyReference said
My Nightkin just stole BoomBoom's toy, I'm sure Dallas is gonna be needed in the impending temper tantrum just fine :p

While the basic value of disposable weapons including grenades was artifically inflated, they still aren't really worth throwing fits over. They're fairly common. :P

Besides, he has like eight more anyway. He won't even mind it missing.

Bonus points if you just shoved Sinda off the balcony. '-'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AtomicItalian


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Joshua15555 said
Since I've passed over the critical point, is there anyway I could possibly tag-along with the group en-route?Every group could use an experienced old man to grumble about how good the young ones have it now. WIth their clean water, representative government (Which he doesn't like), and such.He'd be able to cover up his BoS origins, which is easier for me to try and work with.

Yep, that works really well, actually. It may be a few days before we're out of New Vegas though.

Also everyone, just a heads up. I'm working tonight, and going to a waterpark/resort tomorrow and monday. I will be on sporadically, while I'm gone, and I'm going to try to get a couple IC posts up. If not, just stick with the "getting to know you" bullshit until I can push us along. Expect at least 1 IC post tonight around 1am EST.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pepperm1nts
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Pepperm1nts Revolutionary Rabblerouser

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Because Atomic didn't point it out: The character sheets have been added to the not-Sweet-Gin intro post. Those of you wondering what people look like might find it useful to look through them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AtomicItalian


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Pepperm1nts said
Because Atomic didn't point it out: The character sheets have been added to the not-Sweet-Gin intro post. Those of you wondering what people look like might find it useful to look through them.

Oh yeah that is done as well, thanks to Mr. Peppermints helping me figure out how to do it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Imagination

The Imagination

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Name: Jacob Charles
Age: 29

Primary; Guns, Repair
Secondary; Survival

~Road Warrior; Jacob naturally finds himself a little more perceptive and luckier while traveling on major roadways, highways, suburban streets and the like.

~Carpenter; Having become familiar with the trade for nearly eight years, Jacob can effectively build small camp sites, barricades, and do repairs to pre war homes given he has the lumber or wood and the equipment to do it.


~ M16A1; A sturdy, dusty old rifle that's been slung over his shoulder for nearly 6 years now.

~ .357 Magnum; A decent sidearm that's served a few good purposes since he bought it in Dallas four years ago.

~ 8lb. Claw Hammer; An old, wearing out hammer that's bashed as many heads in as it has nails.

~ Medium sized survival pack with two main pouches for food and water, and ammo. Two smaller pouches are used for holding medical supplies, herbs and small miscellaneous items such as scissors and tape.

~ Toolbelt, contains a hook for his hammer, and several pouches for various nails and screws, ratchets, ammo and other small miscellaneous framing items and tools.


A thunderous boom was the first sound Jacob would hear as he entered into the world. At the heart of Phoenix, a city constantly crumbling into ashes and rebuilding, another vicious dust storm threatened the very lifestyle of dozens of tribes, scavengers, a few settlements and even Legion camps. Being born in the middle of such chaos would shape his life into what it's become today.

A settlement in Northeast Phoenix, composed of a massive elementary school with several large buildings, a wide open recreational area and sizable parking lot, was to become Jacob's home. As these dust storms rolled in every year, he was raised around men and women of carpentry and framing experience, constantly barricading, bracing, and building new constructs around the settlement. It was to be a relatively peaceful lifestyle, for the most part, until Caesar's Legion threatened their existence.

A rogue band of tribesmen hailing from a place known as Prescott, north of Phoenix, had made their way to the settlement. Wounded, dehydrated and starving, the friendly going settlers took them in and nursed them back to health. It was only when they revealed that they were fleeing from Caesar's Legion did the settlers realize the trouble they were headed toward. What once was a neighborly, peaceful community turned into a divided civil conflict as the Legion declared the ultimatum. Surrender the tribesmen or be annihilated.

On the third day, with several settlers having killed each other over the severity of the decision, the small warband of Legionaries had grown impatient. Jacob was eighteen at this point, loitering around the main gate with other guards when he was suddenly thrown a M16A1 right as the main gates blew open. Shock had hit him as his ears vibrated and rung from the initial blast and clanging of metal shrapnel. His friends and family all around him were being shot up, sliced apart, and blown into shreds from the sheer firepower and brutal warmongering style of the Legion. Fight or flight overtook all bodily function, and all he could do was watch his body run and gun all the way to the back gate.

The feeling of cowardice hit him instantaneously, as he glanced back to see what few survivors left were barely putting up a fight. He abandoned his home, left it to burn as he proceeded to face the Sonoran Wasteland alone. Nightstalkers, cazadors, savage feral ghouls, greedy prospectors, vile raiders, all the usual deadly wildlife is present. And than comes the unique predators.

The Burnt Ones, they call them. Feral ghouls who lay down on the asphalt, bake in the Phoenix sun. Their skin turns black, burnt, crispy. They act dead, perched up along a car, spread along a sidewalk, face down in the street, anywhere that looks inconspicuous. Sometimes they work in packs, ambushing entire caravans, squads and patrols, passers by. Wastelanders set up warning signs along specific highways, overpasses, major streets, these things are everywhere. Shallow husks of feral ghouls who rot out in the sun. Jacob earned a claw shaped scar along his right bicep from one, being the wicked and gangly creatures they are he was lucky to not have it become infected.

Mutated carpenter ant hives dot the suburban areas, with pincers large and sharp enough to pierce your gut and sever a limb. Savage and irradiated boars are deadly in numbers out in the Sonora wild, with teeth powerful enough to chew through bone. Diamondback rattlesnakes have increased in number, grown significantly larger since two hundred years ago, and have become more aggressive. These deadly species and many more served as trials and tests for Jacob, having only barely made it California with the bloody rags on his back.

He stayed in the hub and worked as a carpenter for a year, eventually moving on to New Vegas to work as a caravan guard. When he got bored of that he followed a caravan to Salt Lake City, where he learned quite a bit about the Followers of the Apocalypse. For one reason or another, he took an exodus down south through Colorado and right back to his home in Phoenix. The buildings still stood, with crosses and rotted crucified corpses adorned to each of them. What he saw, walking through his burnt up childhood memories, really fucked him up mentally for a while. Eventually as he made his way back to New Vegas, he earned a name for himself as a strict foreman and carpenter. Within a few years he was gathering crews to haul up debris piles and fix up old world homes to a livable condition. Known for his skills with a gun, his willingness to tack on any job he's given, his drive to complete every job he's given, and his hands on skills, chances are he is usually never out of work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

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Hey, I edited Sabin's appearance a bit and added an image if anyone would like to check it out. Haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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Daemyn Sterk said
Hey, I edited Sabin's appearance a bit and added an image if anyone would like to check it out. Haha.



Also I would prefer not to post myself until Sabin has reacted to the abrupt appearance of about half a dozen other people on the Balcony. '-'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sabin's never seen a mutant before ;-;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLonePup


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

WittyReference said
Sorry about that, an easy fix! I figured their pedigree was what got them residence in the Fort since the opening post was them using their medical tents though now that I know they're thieves as well, it makes much more sense they were Squatters :p

Ellie is the thief. And no they aren't squatting, Ellie is lending her medical skills to the Followers in exchange for being able to stay there.
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