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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Sasha was slightly taken aback by the hug, and she looked at Karn, returning his smile. "Sure, sure. But I cant help but shake the feeling I'm going to be fighting today" She gave a nervous laugh, and then a shrug.

"Come on. We should eat, we'll need it today!" She said brightly, wanting to stay cheery, and not think on today's events. She was terribly worried that she wouldn't be able to show the games what a true Phoenix Wing Wizard was like.

the others were gathering, and she smiled around at them all. Even if she couldn't stand up to the task, Sasha knew that her team mates could. She would just have to try her best. So, she looked back to Karn, and smiled. "I am excited"


Not being in any of the teams, Penny hadn't been woken. Until, of course, the announcement, which caused her to fall out of bed, knocking a vase with flowers off the night stand. It smashed, and Penny reflected that that was better then a fire ball.

And then she realised that there wasn't much time until the games started again, so she should hurry to get to the stands and cheer on the guild. She rose, and threw on some clothes, before heading out.


Michael Squirmed slightly, at Akila's comment. He looked down, ashamed that he hadn't summoned her for a long time. "I'm sorry. I haven't been o any demanding job, and...I was focused on something else" His room being that something else. "But I just wantex to summon you, to talk. I do that from time to time..." He trailed off, and looked about them as well. "Its Crocus. We're on a hotel roof. It's the grand magic" He said, quite eagerly, smiling.

Master Jamie

Jamie looked up as Damian Joined her, and smiled, "They are. They're all coming down. Eat up. Nice cloak" As Joshua approached, and asked if she was going to eat all the food, Master Jamie just smiled, and gave a soft laugh. "Sure I am. This is my vacation! I'm going to eat and eat! AND have fun!" Jamie smiled, and began to dig into the food Happily enough.


Gabriel was late getting up, and hurried to get dressed, While Gabriel had gotten use to some of Frenzy plants eccentric behaviors, he just loved sleep too much. He hurried packed up his things, but they weren't organised. "Someone can have all the power in the world, and still be the weakest person in the world, if they don't have the skill, the conviction, and the knowledge to use it. Frenzy Plant will do well" He said to himself, as the others strode off. He looked about them, before chasing after the guild.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 29 min ago

Trinity Stratos

"Mnng... already...?" Trinity groaned and rolled over, curling up in her bed and burying her face in her pillow. How early was it? No, nevermind, she decided she didn't want to know. After a few slow, deep breaths, she sits up from the bed. Jamie wasn't going away, and probably for the better. Once she'd slumped from the bed, she dressed quickly and stepped out to join Jamie down in the dining room. "G'morning, Master. Sasha," a yawn worked its way into her speech partway through, "Aaaa'glo. Daaamiahhhhh...nngh. Karn." She gazed at him with a serious expression for a moment before she caught herself and turned to her breakfast. She'd need the strength for the day to come.

She grins softly to herself halfway through her first course, changing the focus of her thoughts to the day ahead. The real beginning of the Magic Games lay ahead, no more preliminaries. There would be fights, as she understood it, though she knew not what else. She assumed some variety of game that would put her or a teammate an advantage or disadvantage? It would be exciting to find out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@soren @demon shinobi @oblivion666
Aurora listened as her teammates spoke about what they were going to do, and followed Soren and Merlina as they went to the hotel. Shortly after they got there Aurora decided to turn in for the night. She wasn't really tired, but she decided it would be best to get as much rest as possible before tomorrow.
She woke up a good hour and a half before the alarm, and spent a while reading a book she found in the hotel lobby as she wondered whether or not to wake up her teammates. She decided to go around and make sure they were up by 30 minutes before the alarm, waking them up by pulling them out of the bed if she had to. "Good morning~!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The half an hour came and went, and the teams were assembled. Ganes Master Sheldon was playing up the crowd, a peacock presenting himself essentially, enjoying the cheers and applause, until finally all the teams were gathered

He looked at the guild teams and smiled, but there was something wicked about his smile. "a guild has to have strong members, aye. A guild has to have smart members, or they are a poor guild. A guild has to have members who are willing to face even their deepest, darkest fears.

The first event is a series of trials. You will face your greatest fear, or weakness here, and your greatest strength. You will find yourself in a maze, an obstacle course of such. sooner or later, you will face your greatest fear, and only then will you be able to find your way out.

Now...I suppose you needs must know who your champions will be for this task, very well. Lazarus from Phoenix Wing team A. Rose from Phoenix Wing team B. Zander from Frenzy Plant. Jack from Dragon Fang. Mark from Iorn Enigma. Lucas from Riders Blade, Soren from Pirate Lord, and Pakuna from tough love! You have five minutes with your guilds, and then you must come to me!"

master Jamie

Master Jamie turned to Lazarus and Rose. She wasn't so much worried about Lazarus. It was Rose he was worried about. "I know the both of you are strong. I trust you to represent the guild to the best of your abilities, and know you will do us proud. We will be with you, in spirit. Do not fear. Do your best"


Selfish as it was, Sasha was glad she wasn't in this task. She didn't want to have to relive her parents and brothers death again. She stepped up and gave Rose a hug, saying "you'll be fine" she gave her a smile, and then looked to Lazarus.

She wondered, just briefly, if this had been organized, if this was his test. It could very well be. "don't go trying to just power through, or use brute strength. Think, okay?" she said to him

@yipeeXD@Amaya Tamashii@burthstone@joshua tamashii@soren@lugubrious
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 31 min ago

Angelo walked with the others into the arena and he heard about the next event in the games would be and it seemed to be a test of will. Each person would have to face their weakness or fear head on and if their was any guild that was good with that it was their own phoenix wing. Angelo went to the ones who he knew would be participating in the event and said "don't worry guys, I know you will do great so show them that phoenix wing is braver then any others" Angelo said smiling at them
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

[@vesuvious00] @oblivion666 @demon shinobi @caits

Soren and Merlina both bolt awake when Aurora had called good morning. Bel seemed to still be asleep. Soren was beginning to wonder what might be up with him. No matter because now wasn't the time. Also why did he feel so drained. He looked over to Merlina and she nodded to him. She felt it too...today was going to be a rough one for sure.

Everyone was dressed and ready besides Bel but they had no time to wait. It was a good thing he slept in his regular clothes otherwise Soren would have been taking Bel out to the field in his jammies. "Come on." Soren said as he encased himself and the others in a sphere in a sphere, teleported down stairs grabbed the breakfast, and then teleported to the arena. The games master was explaining the game just as Soren loosed everyone from the sphere. Soren and Merlina each ate some bread and fruit that they had swiped and just as the game master announced Soren would be participating he choked on a piece of fruit. Coughing and gasping for air Soren looked up at the others...well besides Aurora who was shorter than him. "Well my worst fear..." Merlina patted him on the back. Only she and the Captain knew his worst fear...snakes. He was terrified of them and Soren knew that if this was the trial then he would have to do it. Wait he had also said greatest strength too. Cooking? He would have to cook to win this trial as well? It didn't make much sense to him but either way he turned to his team mates. "Well wish me luck. Oh and Merlina I need to borrow your magic please." She stretched out her hand and he took it. Energy flowed into him and he felt it. His magic drain magic was not unique but it was something he learned early from a mage he had encountered long ago. He had said to Soren that most of the time having magic drain was the best magic in the world and other times it was a curse. Soren had only found the blessing out of the magic because he could use various forms of magic with his own contain magic to produce varying results. Merlina's magic was an interesting one to use but he needed only key parts of it. With the drain complete Soren stepped forward to the games master. "Ready when everyone else is sir." He said to the game master.


Gideon woke and felt very energetic. From that he put on his clothes and put Caliburn on his back. He still had to find out what was up with this sword. It seemed that this was more than just a non-ordinary show piece turned actual sword. Either way it would have to wait as he was currently at the games and promised Fate to lead her around today. "Fate? I think you should be able to here me so come on out and lets get today going!" He said as he waited in his room before going down to get breakfast. He wanted it to be with her after all he had kinda passed out on her last night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 29 min ago

Trinity Stratos

"Wh-hoa, these games are gonna be intense, huh?" Trinity was thankful she didn't have to go through this particular ordeal, as well, though she also felt bad for the people chosen to go. What a rough first day; was it going to be this insidious the whole way through? "Good luck, Rose, Lazarus. Don't let it ruffle your feathers, it's just a bit of tough Love." She gives the woman a thumbs up with a smile, doing her best to inspire confidence.

Ryan Kregor & "Kracko" Niles

The shady businessman and his assistant, Sunshine, had taken a stop at a bar in the city. They'd finished their business early and thought they should take their time heading back, what with the games in town and all. They should stop and enjoy the festivities!

It was Kracko's idea, of course, and Ryan decided that it might be better, to blend in a little bit. Who wouldn't stop and enjoy the festivities before leaving? So they went to a local tavern, which just so happened to be showing a live feed of the tournament. Ryan was enjoying a beer and a meal when he saw a particular someone on the TV. He spit his current mouthful of beer out on his unfortunate partner, falling into a coughing fit as he fought to recover his breath. The young lady gave a small shout of protest and bemoaned her companion before she seemed to focus inwardly. She buzzes with electricity, the moisture gathered on her evaporating.

"Sorry, Kracko - cough, cough - I just saw somebody familiar on the screen. Maybe they'll show her again..."

"Someone you know?" The young lady sitting across from the man in the suit studied him for a moment before turning to gaze at the TV with him. If it made Ryan slip, it must be big.

"Aah... not really. A certain someone might be happy to see her again, though..."

"A reunion? How exciting!"

"Somethin' like that." Ryan began to eat in earnest. He had a lead to follow.

Mysterious Swordsman Regan Hiryuu

The cloaked young woman had made her way into the city by nightfall, and found herself with dinner from a generous local family. She'd caught their cat for them and calmed the creature, when it had run away. They offered her a place for the night, food in her stomach, and a way to watch the games.

She woke in the morning to the echos of the morning games announcement. When she rose, the young child of the house was already awake, watching the games with an intense eagerness. "Excited to watch, are you? Magic is a fantastic thing, after all." Regan sat with the boy in front of the screen, watching. One particular participant caught her eye, a little one she hasn't seen in a long time... my, how she's grown.

But... what was she doing out here?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Games master Sheldon looked over the contestants, gave a nod and said "well, you all seem ready to rumble, so, GO!" he disappeared out of their way

Pakuna looked at her guild, gave them all a smile, and then confidently stepped up. The young woman stood, her long white hair blowing in the wind, her blue eyes intense as she studied those she would be competing against.

When they were able to start, Pakuna entered the large walled structure. Within, there appeared to be an obstacle course of such, shaped into a maze. She thought that tis would be easy, but hesitated from starting. What was her greatest fear?

She didn't know. The only thing she could think off was losing Harry. or never meeting Harry. She swallowed, shook her self, and started. She ran up the beginning, ducking under several logs, and over. She ran, jumped, and swung through the course, but as she kept on going, she began to doubt that she would ever find the way out, ever face her fear, ever do what she wanted to do.

If I fail here, how can I show Harry that you don't need to be strong to be amazing? How can I say I raised him well? People will say that I was irresponsible, but how could I have left him? But...what if I did more harm then good?

She realised she had come to, of all things, a mirror. It was large, and she was looking into it. Her reflection seemed....odd. Bedraggled, clothes torn, face dirty, thin and gaunt, it clearly wasn't Pakuna as she was now. Only, when Pakuna looked down at her clothes...it was. suddenly very afraid, she looked up, to see her reflection smiling, a horrible, evil looking smile.

Water Trailed down her reflection's face, body, as if she was...melting. "You're nothing, you've always been nothing. You will always be nothing. You are worthless! No one has ever wanted you, no one ever will! You'll die as you lived, a scavenging thiief, scuttling from place to place, never making a mark"

"I have Harry" Pakuna whispered, her reflection just laughed.

"No, you've never had him" the image changed, shifting to that first day, the first time she had seen harry...

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jack Goran|Grand Magic Games Arena

When they reached the Arena, Jack had reassured all the members of Dragon Fang's team that they had the guild's support whether they won or lost. But when the event was announced, he looked at his team with concern. Hunter's greatest fear was well known to most people, that he would become a rampaging monster like the Dragon Slayers of the past, even if he did a hell of a job hiding it. Ammy's wasn't so obvious, but loosing her magic was of great concern to her. The others, well, he could guess. However, he breathed a sigh of both relief and fear when it was announced that Jackie would be competing. He wasn't sure what her greatest fear would be, but it couldn't be good. Approaching her, he rests a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Jackie, we're all here, cheering for you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Rose stood with her team listening to the announcer " of course I would be picked...alright let do this"she said taking a deep breath as she had to remember what she feared so she could be prepared. She hugged everyone back "I will be fine, no need to worry about me"she said to ensure everyone she will be fine. She looked at the others before entering the structure. Rose feared a lot of things like becoming like her mother with losing her sanity, losing Elyse in any and every way, becoming her old self. She already beat her fear of lucus and the rider's coming after her and her daughter but it still lingered along with losing her guild family and being alone. "remember rose...it isn't real...this is all just magic to make you fail...Elyse and everyone will be waiting at the finish line." she told herself as she moved through the maze staying calm keeping her mind on the goal. She took deep breaths at every corner before going around trying to prepare herself mentally. "
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Zarkun @Caits

Jack followed her guild after getting ready for the morning, wearing her usual black dress, gloves, and boots. She didn't bother to do anything with her hair other then to brush it and make it nice, letting the silver locks fall where they would. once they were at their stand, she waited patiently for the games to start. Once the announcement of the game being a simple maze that would show them their worst fear, she almost scoffed. She feared nothing and a maze would be no problem to navigate. She had taken on much worse odds as an assassin. She turned to leave when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Master Jack, who gave her some words of encouragement. She simply nodded before leaving and heading down at to the Arena. She glanced around at her competitors. Most of them she didn't know but she knew Rose and Lucus personally and could take a good guess at their fears: The loss of Elyse for Rose, and the loss of his freedom for Lucus, unless he also feared losing Elyse more then that now.

Once the signal was given for them to enter, Jack took off running. The obstacle course brought back old, long forgotten memories. Her father had had her run similar things when she had been five, though the results of failing an obstacle had been severe and often painful for her. Pushing such thoughts aside, she flew through that section of the maze, her reflexes and flexibility allowing her to easily maneuver around and easily avoid such simple things.

She stopped when she came across a mirror in a rather large, open space that was rather plain, puzzled by what she saw, which was to say nothing. The mirror was entirely black, with nothing but a void in it.
"Pointless. We fear nothing." Jack muttered to herself, looking for another route. As if to taunt her, the mirror suddenly flared with a bright light, causing Jack to instinctively close her eyes. When she opened them, she found herself in an endless plain of red with dark clouds overhead that occasionally crackled with lightning. Now on guard, she took a step forward only to hear a splash. Looking down, she saw that she was on the only island od solid earth, barely enough for her to stand on, and was surrounded by a shallow lake of blood. She had gotten so used to the scent, she hadn't realized she was surrounded by it

"Does this sight please you?" A voice asked behind her. jumping to move away from the voice while turning around, Jack got the surprise of her life to see another version of herself. Not a slightly altered version, but an exact replica, down to the most minute detail."Doesn't this match the way you want to see things. A world, drowned in the blood of others?"

"The makers of this game clearly don't know us. We desire nothing like this." Jack said, turning away."This is nothing more then an illusion You are a harmless fake."

Moving to leave, Jack stopped when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her right shoulder. Looking around, she was surprised to see a dagger of mist slowly disappearing and a wound in it's place. From behind her, she could hear her double laughing at her, causing Jack to turn around, her expression cold and eyes narrowed.
"Not such a 'harmless fake' now, am I?" The fake said, almost doubling over in laughter. Looking up, a wicked grin cross her gleeful expression as more mist surrounded her."Do you want to play with me now? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two from a master assassin such as I?"

"You know nothing. We no longer walk that path." Jack said, mist surrounding her as well. Her response only got a laugh from her fake, causing Jack to get a bit irritated."What's so funny?"

"Run away all you want, you cannot run from me. I am the you that you are trying so hard to deny yet still acknowledge. I are the you who delights in bloodshed and the loss of life. You cannot run from me. I am ever in the corner of your mind, hoping to come out and play when you get in a fight. The you that earned you your title, Maiden of the Mist."

Jack felt her blood turn to ice. This illusion was a threat now, fake or not. It just gave a full confession to her past crimes. The Council could come and get her and then come down on the guild and hard. However, even if the illusion was saying the truth, Jack had never left any evidence at the scenes of her assassination, other then a few witnesses who had never seen her while she was on the job. So denial was an option. It wasn't like her magic was unique.
"You shouldn't speak ill of those you know nothing about." She said, the mist around her turning into daggers.

Her fake simply giggled as her mist did the same.
"You'll show your true colors soon." It said."And I'll enjoy it when you life falls apart around you and your dreams turn to dust. Then I'll be able to come out and play with everyone!"

There was a split second of nothing before the daggers on both side's flew at each other. Many made contact with other mist daggers, bouncing away and dissipating. Those that made it through flew towards the Jacks, both of whole dodged but still received a few minor cuts. Fake Jack suddenly dashed forward, drawing a pair of real daggers before taking a swipe at the real Jack's midsection, just missing as the real took a small step back. Real jack underestimated how slippery the terrain was though and fell into the pond of blood, something her fake took advantage of by pouncing on her and stabbing her in the upper thigh. Growling in pain, the real Jack quickly reversed their positions and drew her own dagger, stabbing her fake in the middle of it's lower arm. The fake laughed at the pain before hitting Jack on the head with the hilt of it's dagger, knocking Jack off it and dazing her.

"You've grown weak." The fake said, getting up with little effort. Kicking the real Jack, she laughed as Jack struggled to get to her feet."You're out of energy and fight already. But I was hoping to have a bit more fun with you but you can't even defend yourself from the basics. Your father would be ashamed of you. Maybe it's better if I just kill you."

Raising her dagger, the fake went for a death blow only for Jack the block it with her own arm and let out a giggle.
"If you want a fight, we guess we should give it to you." Jack said before scoring a blow on her fakes right cheek, causing the fake to take a few steps back. Jack rose to her feet, a gleeful and sadistic expression on her face."You wanted to see this side, right? We hope you're ready for the consequences of bringing it out!"

The fake was silent for a few seconds before shrieking in laughter.
"That's it, that's what I want to see. Show everyone what a monster you are, a caged beast just waiting to tear others apart!" It said before Jack's hand grabbed it's face and slammed it into the ground.

"You talk too much." Jack said before lifting her fake up and tossing them aside."Shut up and make this entertaining."

The next several minutes, the two Jacks went at each other like savage animals, using daggers, fist, feet and mist-make weapons to try and kill the other. Both of them made blows aimed to kill and blow aimed to inflict pain, the latter of which hit more often then not, both of the Jacks laughing at their pain and the others as well. After one last exchange of blows, both of the fighters stood still for several seconds before Jack collapsed into the pool of blood.
"Even if I am a fake, my skills are better then yours." The fake Jack said, looking down at the real Jack."Lay there, knowing you failed and have now lost everything you might've cared for and failed those who were counting on you."

Jack didn't reply, turning onto her back and staring up into the black sky. Once again, in a fight she could've won, she had lost. Her whole body hurt and she knew if she didn't get out of here and treated soon, she would die. But to her surprise that wasn't the things that was on the forefront of her mind. What was on her mind wasn't the fight she had lost to the fake but rather what she would possibly be losing now. The guild might be in trouble because of her and possibly even shut down. On top of that, the others might lose their chance at competing in the games. Their hopes and dreams could and possibly would be crushed.

Jack then became confused. Why was she thinking things like that? She had never thought about other before, even after joining the guild. She acted purely out of selfish reasons. She also felt a bit... guilty. She had never guilty before... had she? Her thoughts drifted through her pass. She had felt guilty before, at least a part of her had. For every life she took, a part of her had felt guilty and died bit by bit until it was gone. Once it was gone, she had truly become the Maiden of the Mist, an assassin that would take any job and take pleasure in the pain she had inflicted. She had been feared and considered an unstoppable force. Then she had been taken down by Phoenix Wing along with Fraquar, Pyrrha, and Lucus. They had broken out and her reputation saved. But when she attacked again, she had lost again, handed the defeat on a silver platter.

Maybe... maybe she should just give in. She was barely a match for any mage. She couldn't even beat herself by the looks of it. If she were to die here, maybe it would be better for everyone she knew. She had been trained to be a weapon and now she was dull and unable to perform that which she set out to do. Not only that, if she died, maybe Dragon Fang could avoid getting into trouble. But if she did give up, what then? Everything would end and she truly would have accomplished nothing. Not only that, she would've lost to this side of her, the side she was trying to leave behind, the side that always lost her everything.

Jack clenched her fist. She wasn't going to lose. She refused to love this battle, to lose a fight to herself. Sure she was hurt and beaten, but she would not go down until she won this. She would not lose nor would she lose anything ever again. She would not let that side of her, that loved taking from everyone, even herself, win. Taking a deep breathe, she slowly sat up and got to her feet. She was covered in blood, both her own and the lakes, and definitely a sight to see, but she also had a white aura of magic around her. She looked over at her fake as mist once again gathered around her.
"I'm not going to die just yet. I have reasons to keep going. And none of them involve you." She said, before the mist turned into a fist and delivered a powerful blow to her fake, sending it flying several feet. Getting up, the fake looked over in surprise, only to be grabbed by the hand and brought over to Jack."You... are no longer a part of me. You are dead. You will never appear again. I will face things myself... I feared getting hurt and being the reason I lose anything. Your services are no longer needed. Now... leave me be."

Like that, the illusion shattered, the sky becoming normal, the walls of the maze returning, and blood surrounding her turning back to stone. Most of the blood on her vanished as well, the but blood from her injuries was till very real and she herself was in bad condition. Falling to her knees, she took deep, steady breathes, trying to gather the energy to continue. After taking some time to gather herself, she picked herself up and continued through the maze until she reached the end. Once she was at the exit, she collapsed onto the ground and within seconds, the world around her turned completely black.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


So he had been selected for the first real task of the games. He sighed stepping forward. "Got it." He stated to Sasha. He'd do his very best.

Stepping into the maze, a cold chill blew past him. Fear. It was a good thing. Fear keeps you from dying. He continued walking through, nothing really happening, before turning a corner to find a dead end. "Shit." He cursed, turning around only to be knocked to the ground. His head was ringing when he got up to take a look. His eyes set back. "Zeref." He grumbled. The black wizard stood there. "You aren't real."

Zeref stood there shaking his head. "What is real? I'm as just as real as you. So long as my readings and books still exist. I'm real."

Lazarus' facial expression switched to anger. "You ruined my life! Fuck you!" He charged forward, hands filled with god slayer magic. He was about to strike before he was lifted off of his feet and suspended in mid air.

Zeref waved his finger and tutted. "Ah ah ah. That's not what I have planned for you Lazarus-kun." He laughed a little. "You are going to let my blackness consume your heart once more... You are going to continue the work you started. Returning the world to zeref." He grinned evilly.

Sweat trickled down Lazarus' forehead. He suddenly shook his head. "No!" His whole body tightened. "My heart will never blacken again. It is filled with to much joy... Friendship... Family... And love." He released magic to glow white, dropping to the ground. "Fuck you zeref. I'm a changed man." He took a step backwards. "Secret god slayer art! Gleaming palm of the light god!" He slammed him palm into the ground, light energy spraying out directly in front of him at great force. He continued the very draining attack for as long as he could. Zeref just crumbled into black dust, with an echoey laugh. The glow disappeared, and he stopped where he was. He'd done it. He stumbled forward, through the rest of the course. He grinned, panting. He'd never used that move on an opponent before... And it really was draining. Probably used most of his magical power in that one attack. He crossed the finish line, dropping to his knees next to jack. He wasn't first that meant, but he'd done well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Zander – The First Challenge

Zander had not permitted himself to partake wholly in the excited, anticipatory spirit permeating the guild. Such an act of indulgence would blunt his razor-sharp rationale and reasoning, he thought, and make him more susceptible to surprise. In preparation for the Games, Zander had taken it upon himself to read everything about the most recent iteration he could find; that is, the Games from a hundred years ago, when Fairy Tail had pulled a clutch comeback to snatch the win from the dreaded Sabertooth. It hadn't been the tales of valor, skill, and strength that had occupied the Ruby Knight, however. He had been more concerned with the antics of the devious dark guild Raven Tail, and the harrowing Eclipse ordeal that followed the games. Looking out at the city before entering the colosseum, he could not imagine dragons rampaging through it even a century before. To think that the world had been that close to annihilation, if not for the cooperation of the guilds. It gave good reason to be so wary, Zander thought. You never know what to expect.

He certainly hadn't expected either the first group challenge or the fact that he'd be participating in it. When he heard that he'd be the one to face his own fear, he was at first quizzical. What exactly terrified him? Truly, he hadn't a clue. The pain and death of allies hurt him deeply, but he didn't think that they would cause him to clench up in terror. Various foes he'd encountered over the years deserved fear and respect both, but did not hold any special psychological sway over the Ruby Knight. Even the unknown, that hazy, unnameable entity for which he was always so cautious, didn't overly faze him, for he was prepared for it. What is it I fear? he thought again, as he took up his starting position with the other competitors. When Sheldon told all to begin, he took off running into the strange, curvy maze with a resolute, clanking stride.

After entering the maze, he unsheathed his sword from his waist. He knew not his enemy, but he knew that one lurked within these funky, inflatable turns, and he'd always greeted a dangerous situation well armed. Gradually, as he explored the maze, it began to grow dark, as if a passing storm was overhead. Zander pressed onward, trying to remember if he had been scared of storms as a child. Could whatever magic system that presided over this maze reach back that far? As it continued to grow darker, he grew more and more alert, until -very unceremoniously- everything went white.

White? But shouldn't it be black? Zander couldn't see a thing. He tried in vain to remove whatever was obscuring his vision, but it would not fade. The Ruby Knight could still feel his sword, the weight of his armor, the heat of the sun, and the walls of the maze, but his sense of sight had utterly failed him. ”Blind...so that's it.” At that moment it clicked. His cautious nature meant that he was ready to fight, challenge, or solve any problem that came his way...unless he was unable to fight them. Zander knew that those early morning minutes when the world was hideously blurry were the times he was most ill at ease. If he couldn't see, he was nearly helpless to defend himself, his friends, his home, anything. ”Very clever”

He forged onward, using his sword and hands to guide himself. Knowing he must have looked the fool, he groped through the whiteness, seeking out walls and staying always on the right side. Strange noises, whispers and growls and sinister laughs, began to echo through the maze. Now, Zander reasoned, since he was unable to properly defend himself against the unknown, the unknown was coming to get him. It was frightening—truly, the most frightening thing that Zander knew. But he knew that he wouldn't let himself succumb to those fears, like a lesser man would. Navigating his way across the maze's right side, he made less than spectacular time, but kept his nerve despite the increasing noises around him, including footsteps. He even began to feel things brushing against him, branches, grasses, tentacles, hands, and more. Before too long, however, Zander found himself walking down a slight elevation change. Abruptly, the white void vanished while the world returned, and Zander found himself standing over the limp, prone bodies of Jackie and Lazarus. ”Third. Curse my body, I wasn't fast enough.”

His Frenzy Plant comrades didn't seem to mind, though. Before entering the colosseum, they had all been issued two-foot, tube-shaped noise makers, dubbed 'dongers' for the sound they made when clubbed against one another. Now, seeing their main man triumph over the maze, the soldiers raised their dongers amidst energized cheers. ”Could have been worse. Those two look rather worse for wear. And taking it less carefully might have led me into dead ends. Better next time.” Noticing a strange, green fluid on parts of his armor, he took care to wipe it off. "Eugh."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit's Challenge
Iron Enigma had made sure they were one of the first guilds at the games. They had some business to attend to. Since they were here under a guise of legitimacy, they could get away with meeting with envoys of other dark guilds that hadn't made the attempt, or hadn't made it in. It was mostly simple things, promises to get inside information about various guilds if at all possible, deliver secret letters, the usual. Money was exchanged, and everyone came out of the deals feeling all the better. The beginning of the workings of a trap were laid, and in the end the guild was assembled on the floor of the Arena on time. Laynette Navarro arrived just as the announcer began to speak, apologizing, but it was dismissed with an 'it's fine' and Deyja gladly left the group to find a lone spot where he could watch.

Once it was announced that Mark would be the Iron Enigma participant, everyone jovially patted him on the back and gave him the thumbs up. Mark stumbled forward from a particularly hard slap on the back, and rolled his eyes at the offender, Grant, who gave him a thumbs up. "Give em hell!" This got another eyeroll from Mark, who walked up with the other participants. He looked like he felt as if he could handle this just fine. Once it was said they could go, Mark more than gladly strode inside, smiling. Whatever they tried, they could not touch him.

As he entered the obstacle course, Mark traversed it with ease, but after a long time of going through it, again and again, he couldn't help but see that he hadn't seemed to make any progress. "What... The hell? I've been doing this for forever now! I should've come to the challenge or something by now." He steeled himself, and continued on. Minutes later, he was right back where he was. "Where's the damn challenge here?!" He turned around, and began heading backwards along the obstacle course, and after another few minutes he found himself going forward through it again.

"Where's the end to this damn thing!" Mark shouted into the slowly darkening obstacle course, and he threw himself into the side, hoping to break it. After several attempts, he took a couple steps back, shouting. "Ice and Light Make: Piercing Beam!" He pressed his hands together, before making a releasing motion towards a wall. The magic circle formed, and the beam of light, tipped with Ice, slammed into the wall harmlessly, and he gritted his teeth at the sound of shattering ice, and as the light from the attempt faded, he realized how dark it was getting. Had he been in there all day? He quickly redoubled his efforts, trying to get through the obstacle course faster in the dimming light. Where was the challenge that was supposed to allow him to overcome his fear? Wasn't it supposed to happen by now? What if something had happened, and by some cruel design, he was trapped in here for forever.

They wouldn't do that, would they? Leave him trapped here until he found where the challenge was hidden? He wouldn't be able to find it anyway, it was pitch black now. Even if his challenge appeared, he'd have no way of seeing it. "Light Make: Net!" This time he made the motion towards the ground, revealing it, as well as the general layout of the part of the obstacle course he had done a dozen dozen times already. He would do it again, no doubt, and again and again and again and again. He wasn't escaping this anytime soon, and every time he made it to where he was, the net of light was not there. This was impossible. Forward or back he always ended up going nowhere, and he was trapped in the dark now. He was sure the obstacle course was starting to change too. He had started tripping on hazards he could not remember being there when he could see, and he often found walls where he thought the way to the next part should be. He was lost in a straight corridor.

He continued on through the obstacle course, and after what felt like hours, he was sure he could feel slow thumping behind him. He started to move faster, only to bump into more walls and objects he did not remember. Maybe someone had snuck into the games and sabotaged this challenge just for him, maybe they had taken him to some sort of torture chamber. Mark tried to recall every enemy he had ever made. He gave up shortly, he had killed, pillaged, and plundered far too often to keep track of every person he had hurt, and the thumping was getting closer. "Light Make: Beam!" He threw one hand out, and a glowing line launched from it, slamming into the first obstacle before curling around it and revealing the way. It was still a straight line after all!

However, Mark was forced to banish the light, as the thumps became more frequent once he cast the spell, and he started muttering obscenities that would make a sailor cringe as he started moving faster. Where was the challenge?! He tripped and fell again, cussing more. Whatever was making the thumps had to be practically next to him by now, and it had to be huge. He got up and began running full tilt, glad he had nearly memorized the course by now. In two more minutes, his reality had been reduced to the constant, all-consuming triplet thuds of his heartbeat and whatever terrible manner of beast was chasing him. He occasionally threw an attack backwards, hoping to get a glimpse of what it was after him, but all he could see was the course he had just completed, following by the thuds growing faster. Where was the exit?

Eventually, Mark collapsed. He couldn't run anymore, his magic power was all but sapped, his heart beat wildly and his lungs were trying to tear out of his chest. Whatever was after him, it was going to win, it was going to get him. As he thought it, a feeling of peace flowed through him. He was going to die, here, at the hands of the ungodly beast barreling down on his tiny tunnel that he had to have been stuck in for, what, days? Weeks? Mark had lost any conception of what time was. For him, all it had been, for all it mattered, was the endless obstacle course he had been thrust into. He accepted it finally, his fate wasn't in his hands. He pushed himself up against the wall, so that he was sitting against it, and he closed his eyes.

All at once, it all stopped. The thumping, the sound, everything. For a second he had to check his pulse to make sure his heart hadn't stopped. After a moment he opened his eyes, a twinge of fear as to what he would find, and for an instant the thumping returned, and he felt himself running through the obstacle course. But he dismissed the fear and opened his eyes. He was blinded by the bright light being emitted from the doorway in front of him, and slowly he began to hear an almost constant cheer. It was... Over? Mark walked out into the sunlight, holding his hand over his eyes to block the light. It had not been hours in days, but only a dozen minutes or so. He was confused, but also elated. He was out! While first place would've been preferred, he was glad he was out. He forced himself to hold up his arms like he felt victorious, though he knew it looked nothing like on-screen.

From his lonely spot, all Deyja could think to say, "What an odd game."

Mayt --- On a train in the middle of nowhere.
First the train breaks down, then bandits? Of all things. In a moment he had his sword drawn and leveled at the nearest offender, most of he passengers of the train behind him. "You all! Get out of here, and give back what you've taken thus far, or you will face the wrath of Phoenix Wing!" The seven men in front of him just laughed, and one called out. "And who are you? Their towelboy?" A few laughed, but one or two were smart enough to know he wouldn't invoke a name in that manner unless he knew it could be upheld. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up." Mayt rolled his eyes. "I am the Phoenix Wing S-Class Wizard Mayt Marris, I specialize in the lost magic of energy manipulation, I challenge all of you. If you manage to defeat me, then you can have your run of the train, lose, and if I don't have your heads then you'll find yourself in a jail. Probably sometime next week." Two, maybe three people chuckled at the modified turn of phrase, but Mayt didn't have time to figure out from which side the chuckles came from. "Or, if you don't believe you can fight me, then if you simply put down what you have stolen and leave, I will not pursue you, though I can make no promise that your identity will not be at stake from the fine people behind me. You have your ultimatum." Mayt looked down at the bandits.

After a hateful moment, one spoke. "I'll take those odds!" The rest agreed in short order, and Mayt growled. All seven charged Mayt at once, and the crowd watched with bated breath. Mayt sighed. "You asked for it. Degrade: Motion!" Several bandits flopped slowly onto their faces, and others started looking amazed as their run turned into a walk, and then into a crawl. Mayt simply walked to them, moving normally, and slamming the butt of his sword into each one's head hard enough to knock them out, some he had to hit two or three times, before releasing the spell. The people whose possessions he had saved started cheering. They continued up until Mayt blacked out, hitting the floor of the train with a thud, in which they began shouting and yelling.

Mithera -- A Fine Start to a Fine Day
Mithera woke up late that morning, but she didn't seem to mind. The sky outside had just enough clouds to be beautiful, and the tiny dragon-like creature let out a happy yawn as she stood and stretched. She hummed a delicate tune as she began to groom herself. Her long neck allowing her to reach every single part of her person. While a full bath would have to wait until the end of the festivities... In fact, why did it? She thought to herself, and she made a short little flight over to the door leading to Jamie's bathroom, and with some effort she opened it herself. Once inside, the plugged the drain in the sink, dispensed some soap into it, and let the water flow until it filled the basin to the brim with lukewarm sink water. Much nicer than the freezing brooks and streams she had been washing herself in for most of her life.

As she slipped into the sink, she let out a sigh of relief, and she couldn't believe how wonderful she felt that morning. It was odd, feeling so serene, it was all she could do not to fall asleep in the water. It took her several minutes for her to convince herself to start properly cleaning, and in no time the sink had turned brown. It was amazing how much dirt and grime white could hide, so long as the surface stayed relatively free on contaminates. It took Mithera four refills of the sink before it no longer turned dirt-brown from her washing, and at that point she finally let the water drain away and stay that way, watching as it whirl-pooled into the blackness that led to whatever water system Crocus had.

The leap from the edge of the sink to the towels was a tad farther that Mithera had originally anticipated. She was soaked, and so she couldn't fly over to the towels, though her wings could still provide some assist. She leaped from the corner of the sink, and managed to grab onto a towel. She yipped triumphantly just before her weight caused her to drag the towel down, and she made a thump on the floor, it falling over her. While the landing wasn't particularly fun, the experience was, and the tiny dragonoid found itself giggling in delight as it did its best to dry itself using the blanket. Folding her head this way and that, Mithera eventually got fairly dry, and she carried the towel into the bedroom, where she tossed it up onto the bed. She was still to wet to put it up properly herself, and so she would let it dry on the bed until Jamie or Room Service put it up.

She then found herself a nice warm spot on the floor, where sun had been shining directly for some time, and curled up in it for a good twenty minutes, drying off the rest of the way. Mithera loved the warm feeling of sunlight on her back, and thought of all the sunny glades she was missing on a day like today. Though, she had to remind herself, the air would be getting cooler in preparation for fall, as well as the many other small liberties nature took as it slowly turned the world to darkness for longer and longer times as it dropped into the winter, where one couldn't be unprotected from the cold at night or they would freeze.

Once Mithera was dry, she pushed her way out a window and took a tiring flight to the grand Colosseum of the magic games, and all the events occurring below. The first challenge seemed to be wrapping itself up, and Mithera floated slowly down in a lazy spiral, until she alit nicely on Master Jamie's shoulder, humming softly. "Hello Master Jamie!" She would nuzzle the Guild Master's cheek, before looking at what was happening with the contestants. "Since I missed it, what was the challenge? It seems to have left the four that're out kind of... Weathered, I guess would be the word." She pushed her neck out away from her body, trying to get a closer look without having to move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Belial Grimmond
Grand Magic Games Arena
Interacting With: The Pirate Lord Team

@vesuvius00 @oblivion666 @soren

After the preliminaries, Belial had chosen to go out. First to eat and then... Well... It all just got away from him. Eating, drinking, dancing, and then after that he repeated... About four or five times. Some may say he was being irresponsible. Especially when he got into the fight and ended up getting back to the hotel a bit of a mess. Still, he feel asleep and he was rested and awake on time! Not... He was still asleep well pasted the ringing of his alarm and the thirty minute warning. However when the games, and his teams participant were announced quickly shot up. "Holy crap... It's starting already?" He asked as he shook his head, shaking off any dizziness he may have been feels as he stood up. "Well! Good luck Soren! Show 'em what Pirate Lord is made of!" He may not have been making the best first impression himself, but this was hardly the real Belial. He was much more reliable than that. Of course, he hadn't really had any fun in a while. So last night was one hell of a way to relieve some built of stress. Hopefully we get a good idea of what our competition is going to be like. He thought as he surveyed the area keeping his slightly unusual, goofy demeanor about him.

Zenoram Oleander
Grand Magic Games Arena
Interacting With: Nobody

Zenoram and Zero had been a bit late to the party that was the grand magic games. In truth, they had been a bit off schedule. Well, Zero was. Zenoram had spent much time arguing for the more battle hungry personality to get there a while ago. It couldn't have been THAT hard right? He'd been just so focused on their trip and the training though. After that fight and subsequent talk with Hunter Zero had taken it upon himself to talk Zenoram into leaving with the Jade dragon slayer on his trip. Although, that only lasted for about a month before they ventured off on their own.

Zenoram was now in the stands, watching the game as the first challenge took place. This was interesting. He wondered what he would see? What would Zero see? He couldn't ask or scour their thoughts. Zero was sleeping. "It's hard to think that we might never have experience this, if we had never met Karn and Mithera." He said to himself. He could go see them after this event was over if he was lucky. Though he was curious to see if Karn would be performing today. I wonder if Mithera got along well while we were gone. It wasn't right to leave her alone. Especially with a note after Karn had already left the same way. Of course he was the only one thinking about these things. Zero was sleeping. SLEEPING! And it wasn't like he would care much anyway.

Zenoram sighed as he fixed the bandana around his head, patting down his rather neat hair. He had come a long way from wearing a tie and dress clothes. THe dragon scale jacket, coupled with the spikes and his purple sleeveless shirt, his black pants and more comfortable shoes. Sneakers really. He was comfortable and he felt it was a good change. Zero certainly thought it was better. "The food here is good too." He commented to nobody as he munched on some of the snacks he'd purchased at the concessions stand. This was really a great thing overall. To think the he'd been without the Grand Magic Games for so long. Such a big event. He never knew he could enjoy something like this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Rose heard her footsteps for what seemed awhile before she heard a familiar humming. rose stopped dead in huer tracks when she found the source of the humming. "M-Mother...no...your dead...your not real."Said rose as world around her faded to a black void as a older version of rose stood infront of her letting a wicked smile play on her face "I am not dead because I am part of you...i been part of you since you discover your magic...since you...killed me...doesnt it feel wonderful, to be one with your magic, your true self."Asked her mother

"I killed you to end your suffering...you were in some much pain..."Said Rose "I did it to help you..."[/color]She said
"No you did it the voices in your head told you so...because they wanted power, because you wanted power, look you still long for power...you hide it but its still there, you will lose and kill all you love...your guild, your sainty...your own daughter."

that was the straw that broke her back "Don't you dare even think you know the hell I went through for her, everything i done has been for her. I had to drown in my darkness to find my light."Said rose

"Ha, I said the same thing...you are just like me. In the end rose you will be just like me. Mother is always right..You will NEVER find your light!you belong to it! the darkness...just like me "She said laughing
"I AM NOTHING LIKE YOU!"she yelled as the darkness around them moved to rose's hand as her hair flowed some "YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING...YOU WERE NEVER A MOTHER AND NEVER WILL BE NOTHING LIKE ME...I AM ROSE YASHIA OF THE PHOENIX WING GUILD...YOU ARE NOTHING AND YOU AND IT WILL NEVER HAVE CONTROL OVER ME!" She yelled in a pit of rage as the darkness changed into a scythe "Now die in the darkest pit of hell! Dark Scythe!" She raised the scythe over her head before slashing downward sending a huge wave of darkness into her mother slicing her in half.

rose collected herself as she moved on shortly finding the exit as she fell on her hands and knees. on closer examination she was shaking badly; trying to calm herself back down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Announcer Jessie

"WELL" Jessie said eagerly, "The first event is under way! ANd the contestants are Lazarus from Phoenix Wing team A. Rose from Phoenix Wing team B. Zander from Frenzy Plant. Jack from Dragon Fang. Mark from Iorn Enigma. Lucas from Riders Blade, Soren from Pirate Lord, and Pakuna from tough love! They have to face their fears! And LOOK! Pakuna from Tough Love is the first to go, but not the first to finish. I think we can all say that the contestants are showing some very moving emotions, wouldn't you say? OH LOOK JACK FROM DRAGON FANG IS FIRST, SECURING 10 POINTS FOR HER GUILD! AND LAZARUS IS CLOSE BEHIND, SECURING 8 POINTS!"


It had been 15 years ago when Pakuna, 12 years old, had stumbled across the tiny baby that was harry nestled in the arms of his dead mother. Pakuna had taken the babe, and cared for him, given him a name and a life.

That wasn't what she was seeing right now. Right now, she was watching the 12 year old her stumble across Harry, and stare at the infant. She fled the scene, leaving the door open, and the infant for dead. She watched as her life fell apart, as things just got worse and worse, Pakuna didn't know what was truth and what wasn't.

But she knew one thing.

"HARRY IS ALIVE" She shouted, and the mirror was hit by a high torrent of water.


Sasha watched, Sickened, as Lazarus face the 'Fear Zeref'. She wanted to be there with him, encouraging. she knew she should believe that he could do it, but...part of her worried. She watched, fearful, but in the end, Lazarus came through. She let out a soft sigh of relief,

Master Jamie

Jamie looked over as Mithera landed on her shoulder, shifting Elyse in his arms. Mithera was fluffy and her fur felt smooth, indicating to the mastr that she had just come from a bath. "Hello, little fluffball. The first event was a trail, it seems. They face their greatest fear. Lazarus has done well and Rose..." Jamie looked over as Rosse came out, and without hesitation, went over to her. Lazarus seemed alright, but Rose...

"Rosie?" Jamie knelt by her, shifting Elyse onto a knee "Are you alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Soren had been standing there doing nothing as the others ran off on their challenges. Then Soren heard Bel. Suddenly he snapped out of it and took off into the maze. Around the twists and turns he went and heard various noises of other people and then as he rounded another corner the hissing began. Soren came to a halt and shivered. "Would they actually put a snake or..." he gulped hard "...snakessss." Soren crept forward and out of the corner of his eye thought he say a purple looking snake. "OH no." He ran fast to the end of the hall and nearly ran right into a huge snake that shot up right in front of Soren. Soren jumped back out of fear and landed on his backside. "I can't do this. That thing is huge!" He then let out a shout as it struck at him. Instinctively he reacted and flung up his contain magic. The sphere protected Soren as the giant snake had its mouth around it. Soren looked up in terror as the thing began pumping poison out around the sphere. He shook himself then looked back up. The snake was engulfing the sphere, trying to swallow it whole, and it was succeeding. What would he do if he was eaten? Food? My strength? Could it be this simple? Suddenly his mind was focus cause now he was going to cook...himself. "I have to be spicy." he opened his coat and took out the pepper and other spices. Coughing as he covered himself in the spices he activated Merlina's magic. He leaked a bit of enzyme out and then lite himself on fire. With Merlina's magic came the slight ability to withstand some fire and burns. He was burned on different parts of his body and then wafted his clothes making the smoke fill the sphere. Coughing, Soren then released the contain magic and rolled out of the sphere as the sudden absence of the sphere created a vacuum the snake snapped down gulping down the spicy smoke. Soren smirked as the Giant snake whirled around as smoke poured out of his mouth oddly other parts of its body. Wait what? Soren then threw out a giant contain magic and captured the snake. Soren felt a drain on his magic but help steady. "Oh no you don't you wont escape!" He then threw some of Merlina's fire into the contain magic. Soren laughed a little. "Anyone up for charred snake!? CONTAIN! ACCELERATE!" The two halves of the sphere began to spin faster and faster. Inside the sphere the audience would see the snake twisting and convulsing and the fire was growing. Suddenly there was an explosion. As the contain magic gave way chunks of snake flew everywhere. Soren shivered one more time and got up. Before walking off he saw the chunks vanished. "This was a great illusion.." This bothered him that his fear could be triggered by this illusion. He then walked off and completed the maze at a very slow pace. Once he was out he waved to Merlina then assumed his cold look to the crowd waiting for this thing to end.

@caits @demon shinobi [@vesuvious00] @oblivion666
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 8 hrs ago

"To know that you are afraid and accept it is one of the best traits of a mage. If they can accept it then they can overcome it. That is what this game is testing for our participants. Let's see who is able to defeat their fear or succumb to it." He said in his usual smooth, charming way that befitted his appearance. Normally he would be jealous that there are others in the spotlight, but for once in his life he could truthfully say he was glad that it wasn't him. "And it looks like it's not just those two are the ones to make it out! Zander from Frenzy Plant comes in third followed Mark from Iron Enigma in fourth! Oh and it looks like Rose of Phoenix Wing secures fifth place! Pakuna from Tough Love, Lucas from Riders Blade, and Soren from Pirate Lord have yet to exit the maze. It seems like they aren't faring well."


Thank whatever fortune that was smiling down at him. If he participated in this particular game it would've been a guaranteed defeat. He could only imagine what it would've been like for him. Surrounded by women...scantily clad women chasing after him with wanting, yelling after him while he sprinted with froth, tears, and sweat dripping behind him. God, thinking about it made him tremor in absolute terror. Nolan sat back in his seat and watched the game in this cool November morning. Hopefully they won't have any games similar to this or else he may have to sit out. Secretly he wanted to fight someone that would force him to pull out all the stops and let him...loosen up, or at least what Enma had told him to do though in a much cruder way. It involved being someone with such a tight ass that a lump of coal would turn into a diamond if shoved up there.

The oni sat in the stands with his guild and watched the mages go through the hell incarnate of a maze. Enma thought he could pass the challenge with ease because there was nothing that he will ever fear. It is an arrogance that ran in his family. When strength was all that mattered in order to gain respect then fear becomes something that one lacks, a weakness for someone for someone that's never encountered fear before.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jack Goran|Grand Magic Games Arena

Jack smiled as Jackie went into the maze and turned his attention to the lacrima vision. He knew his guild member would be able to make it through this, but even her greatest fear surprised him. She fears...falling back into old habits? Becoming who she was before her run in with Phoenix Wing and himself. I...I can actually understand that. She's made such wonderful progress in becoming happy... Watching the flurry of blows as the real and fake Jackies fought each other and felt his breath catch in his throat when she went down, and he wondered what kind of magic was able to make manifest a person's fears like this. But he found himself cheering with the rest of Dragon Fang when she stood and defeated her fake.

He was already moving towards the Arena grounds before she exited and collapsed. He could see in the lacrima vision that the wounds she'd sustained were persisting even after the illusion was bested. As she hit the ground, he reached her and kneeled. "Flame God's Cauterizing Flame." He held his right pointer finger straight and a small black flame shot out from it and he set to sealing the worst of the wounds as the medical team reached them. "You'll never end up where you were before Jackie, you've got a guild and family to make sure of that."
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