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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera --- Grand Magic Games
Mithera nodded, and curled up into a cute little ball in Master Jamie's arms. "Okay. But Melina is long out of Fiore by now, do you really have contacts everywhere?" Her two little eyes blinked as she looked up at Master Jamie from her new positon. "After the games are over, I'm still going to go find her. I just want to make sure she's alright. A-and tell her about Iron Enigma." She blinked again, before closing her eyes, looking like just a little white puffball, he guild mark hidden from sight in this position. "I'll take someone with me, just to be careful."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games

Edith - Enma - Ike - Magni

Next Thor knew was a person that had only recently joined the guild suddenly joined the conversation. Thor didn't really mind for someone they didn't know to join but so loudly. Thor gave the new person Ike a blank expression and just continued to listen to the others not really trying to mind him. Thor had only taken a glimps from the win of Ike his rank battle but Thor knew he had become a B-rank the same as they were before the magic games started. The three of them seemed to be getting well enough with each other it seemed and there wasn't an moment of silence so it would never get awkward between all of them. But suddenly going arm in arm was a little weird to Thor's knowing but whatever, this is what guilds do. Magni however didn't seem to bother much with the others either and went along with it just like Thor. Somehow Thor thought they would get along just great. Peace and silence was and is the best. Thor gave a slight smile at the three being so cheerful and glanced down the pit once more to kill some time before the guild was going to do something else. Striking a conversation waan't really a option so this seemed like the best option for now.

Only after a little while the Frenzy team went to move through the town a little to see what was up and try a few things Thor just walked along side of the rest of them and heard out where they were headed. Hearing about the no magic thing might have been a little hard to Thor. Attempting was a thing that could be tried. Thor carefully walked around the bar, taking a look around every few steps so that they wouldn't hurt someone in these cramped spaces. Thor took place at the bar next to where Xyster was located. Thor gave a gentle smile at the headless girl and shared a round of drinks to the Frenzy guild from the amount of money they got from all the jobs they did. Money was nothing to Thor. Only for food and sleep that was about it. Thor continued to sit at the bar and tried avoiding talking as much as possible while sipping from the mug of beer.


Grand Magic Games


Ayame jumped a little from Nero noticing her weird behaviour "ehh what?" Ayame looked around her a few times and turned to Nero again with just a slight red face "N-no I think you a-are just imagining things" her voice turned softer as she looked the other way while walking along sides Nero but, her face only grew reder noticing how she already lost direction just by being zoned out like that. Ayame tucked his shirt light and followed behind him so she didn't lose him for now.

After a while of walking they ahd found a small park close by the arena. During their walk Ayame had already calmed down a huge lot and was actually getting quite hungry. To their luck there was a taco stand in the park together with a few other stands for hot dogs and fries. Ayame gladly took the taco from the taco man and wondered how it tasted. Ayame had been living in the city for quite some time but never had any of this stuff since she didn't have any money on her. This time around it was diffrent she could start to taste all diffrent kind of foods during the games. As they both got their tacos Ayame and Nero headed over to one of the park banks and sat down to enjoy their lunch. Ayame had chosen for a mild taco with a fair amount of cheese. Ayame first gulped down before starting to eat, these kind of things definitely made her nervous. Or it would be disgusting as hell or it will be delicious.

Ayame didn't hesitate any longer and went to full attack mode. With both hands she trusted the taco towards her mouth and took the first bite quickly. Ayame closed her eyes and remained quiet for atleast more then 10 seconds before starting to chew and swallow. Ayame opened her eyes again and let out a soft voice "It's good..." Ayame glance over the taco and over to Nero. Ayame quietly stared at Nero with her mouth slightly a gape with a few taco crumbs on the side of her mouth. After a minute Ayame looked back at her taco and quickly ate it licking her fingers with it. Even though her fingers were already clean she kept liking them for the delicious taste. Ayame remained quiet while licking her finger and was pretty much prepared to head back to the other two now wherever they might be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Shujin had hugged him and he didn't know what to do. He smiled a little and placed his arms over shujin. "I'm not a changed man shujin. I still am who I am. The only thing which will cleanse me is to repent, and make up. That's what we were taught. I haven't yet done that. I don't now if I will ever do that." His mind flashed back to the queen cackling about his eternal punishment. "But when the time comes... I swear I'll be there for it." He smiled letting him go. It occurred to him that not much talking went on when he confronted them at the guild. "Sasha. Come meet my brother shujin properly."


Sasha? Oh crap. He straighten his jacket and went down on one knee. "Ms shin. I apologise about before. I lied to you to get to Lazarus. It was disgusting and some of the things I said were offensive. You have my deepest apologies." He didn't look up at her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

mastsrr Jamie

Jamie just smiled, and gave a shrug, "ah, Mithera. I grew up out if fiore. I have contacts everywhere" Jamie chuckled, and stroked Mithera, as she curled up in her arms. He smiled, and gave a nod. "i would prefer it if you took Penny, Damain or Mayt."


Sasha was angered. As if an apology made it right, made everything nothing? She stood where she was, her hands in fists, using all her power to not hit Shujin. Instead she looked to Lazarus.

"I don't want to talk to him" she managed, just barely, to keep her voice neutral. She stepped back, wanting nothing more then to run away, to flee. She didn't want to be here. Lazarus could stay and talk all he wanted, but Sasha didn't want to.

Lies hurt, always. And she was so tired of being lied to, of being hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera brought her head up just a little, opening her eyes again. "Actually... I was wanting to take Karn, since he can make himself look like anything, Iron Enigma won't know who he is. So we can try to warn her without Iron Enigma thinking we're doing that. Maybe you could give us a Lacrima that'd allow backup to show up quickly if we get in trouble? I think that would be a good idea... But... We can discuss that tomorrow... Since I'll be calmed down." She put her head next to Master Jamie's for a moment, before clambering onto the Guild Master's shoulder, sitting there happily.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn & Prince
Grand Magic Games


Karn tilted his head toward Michael, his small form flapping around the two as he curiously took in their form. Examining every inch of their figure to note any differences. Twins could be tricky since they looked alike but there was always something different. Like Zero and Zenoram. They shared the same body but their tastes in appearance differed ever so slightly. A good transformation wizard examines each individual carefully in order to perfect the transformation. Many people may be fooled, but it's always possible one little flaw in design could mess up the disguise to someone who knows the person well.

At Michael's shy question, Karn hopped on top of Michael's head. "Yup! Claire! You must be from Dragon Fang! I hear a lot about you!" The draconic feline chirped happily.

Prince hummed with a innocent smile before picking up Karn with a soft hum. "Awe silly Karn, you're such a silly boy. But I see you've gotten a lot stronger! Double the magic! Quite amazing. I hope you don't mind if I try it out." he chirped before suddenly clamping his fangs against one of the long pointed ears.

Karn's massive amount of magic suddenly was draining fast and he felt himself grow exhausted. Both origins almost being sucked dry before Prince finally let go whom seemed more brighter and energetic as he danced and twirled. Holding the little creature up above him as he spun.

"Awe thank you my little kitten! I haven't had a meal like that in years!" Prince cheered before hugggling Karn against his chest. Whom now seemed to be fast asleep.

"Awe Mikey, Gaby you haven't met any of Phoenix Wing have you? They're quite the lively bunch you know. Rivals that of Dragon Fang that is for sure. Want to go say hi?" Prince chirped, almost singing, bright and energetic even more than usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He touched her shoulder. "You can't blame him. It isn't like I didn't know who he was from the start. I hid it from you. At least he was performing justice." He sighed. "Everyone wishes they could do things over at some point... But the thing is.... We can't.... And that's ok, because we move forward with what we've got." He smiled a little.


"Ms shin. My job was to bring Lazarus down by any means possible. As a result I have made an enemy of you." He stood up. "My biological parents had a connection to fairy tail. That's all I know." He pulled out the necklace from their meeting on the train. "Although I am a metal moulder.... This is real." He sighed putting it away. "See you in the games you two." He grunted, turning on the spot. He waved his hand and began back to his team mates.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Gideon yawned big. His day had been a big one already. He had wondered around the city seeing the sites and then found out the inn that the rest of Phoenix Wing would be staying in. It wasn't dark yet but he needed to get food. As he turned Fate was right up on him. "OH! Hi Fate. Sight seeing? I need to eat and get some rest but we can go sight seeing tomorrow. I mapped quite a bit of the city today with Archive plus we can see the games on Archive too. I promise to make it a wonderful time for you tomorrow." He said as he took her hand in his and drug her in the direction on the inn.

Priate Lord


Soren had grown bored of staying on the field so he quickly told the others that he would be leaving. A screen popped up in front of him listing the name of the place they would be staying. "The Dragon Horde Inn is where I will be everyone. I suggest you be there before the time announced." He was about to leave but Merlina stopped him. "Yes?"


Merlina had smiled the whole time while being near everyone. She smelled the air and detected many different types of magic users. Nothing right now that she would detect that would be of any problem to her it seemed but one never knew. She came out of her daze and heard that Soren was leaving to the inn. "Hey wait. Don't you think we should ask the others if they would all like to go?" She looked to the rest of the team. "Soren is tired and so am I. If you wish we can all travel together or you guys can go sight seeing. Whatever your choice is we should probably get going anyhow." She said staring at the rest of their team mates.

@oblivion666 @Vesuvius00 @demon shinobi
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

James Hunt|Grand Magic Games Arena

James looked to Artemis and smiled. "That's a good point, but a large combat round before the games actually start? You'd be injuring your contestants before the fun starts and we can't have that. Don't worry though, I'm sure tomorrow will be much better. For now, let's go congratulate our team mates and enjoy the evening."

Damian Gerard|Grand Magic Games Arena

Damian shook his head at Zephyr's guess. "Not a thing to do with armor actually. I call it Blades magic and as for what it does, well, you'll have to find out during the games. Can't be giving away too much before the competition, can we?" He smiled and watched Fleo and some others heading off to celebrate somewhere. "Well, not to be rude, but it seems our guild is heading off to party without us. Good luck in the games, Zephyr!" And with that, he lead Penny in chase of the way ward wizards and joined them in the bowling alley, though he stuck to the food and drink. As usual, he got pie before he got a burger or anything else.

Jack Goran, Hunter Jorgenson, Ammy Silver|Grand Magic Games Arena

With everyone having mixed and mingled as much as they liked, Jack called out to his guild. "ALL RIGHT DRAGON FANG! LET'S PARTY!" This was met with a cacophony of cheers, whistles, and whoops and Jack smiled and lead the way to a club near their designated hotel. The place's name was the Crazy Pumpkin and had a reputation for being full of fun, good food, and great drinks. However, anyone with a weapon had to check it at the door and the inside was specifically designed to restrict what magics could be used. Still, before long, the dance floor was buzzing with Dragon Fang members as others sat in booths or at the bar or stood and conversed, placing bets and the like.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@soren@Vesuvius00@Demon Shinobi
Malice brushed her hair aside as she walked with her team when suddenly Soren and Merlina spoke up. Malice just smirked and shrugged. "Hey if you are tired, then Im not going to stop you. You go ahead besides its getting close to your bedtimes. I however am going to go out and enjoy myself. Not everyday yo get to come here." Malice said waving at them as she strolled off by herself. "Don't worry I'll be back before times up!" She called out just in case they were quick to panic. She also wanted to find a dress shop, she needed some new fancy looking clothing, and what better place would take advantage of thousand of people coming from all over to see a magic games than this place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

The Necromancer looked down upon the ground, the fight going on between the holograms didn't really seem to interest her anymore as the conversation seemed to get more grave. She kicked the dirt around, her mouth shifting a bit with her trying to think of something to say back. She knew that the Time Lord was sad, but it would be hard to make him happy without joining with him. However, her joining the Time Lord would make people sad and her sad. Is her own happiness lesser than others? Should she sacrifice her own for the sake of others? Eve lowered herself, her head resting on her own knees and her arms grabbing her legs.

She stayed silent for a few minutes, her eyes downcast upon the dirt surrounding them, her gaze never meeting with the Time Lord's as her mind was trying to think of something to try to do. "I know you like me, and I know Nero likes me too. I know the two of you would never try to hurt me, were all friends... aren't we?" Eve went silent once again, her mind was spinning from all of this confusion between making everyone happy, "It's like... I know you are sad. And I know I can't leave one of friends sad without doing something. But, I don't know how I can make everyone happy." Eve tightened her grip upon her legs, her eyes starting to water as she was trying to hold back her tears. Eve hasn't had this problem for quite some time. A situation were she couldn't really make everyone happy, and she wasn't taking it very well.

Magni - Grand Magic Games

Magni didn't exactly care for the interruption between the other lump of muscles that joined with the group. The only person that he could really tolerate in the group was the other silent person, Thor. He didn't exactly know anyone in the guild, but Thor seemed to be the most mysterious out of the people he has seen. Enma was just a hunk of muscle, same with the other person and their loudness irritated the Antimage. Of course, he did not express it due to the mask he wore really just blocked most of his facial expressions. However, he could easily express things like anger as strangling or punching someone wasn't exactly the hardest thing to do. However, the group finally seemed to move out and Magni could finally stretch out his legs with a bit of walking.

It didn't take long to find the Frenzy Plant participants in the Grand Magic Games. They looked strong, majestic, and someone that Magni would be honored to fight. Surely, he would be defeated if he ever tried to challenge them, but he knew that he would not go down without some kind of fight. He exhaled heavily as the two groups joined together, Magni still not talking or showing any kind of interest of wherever the group may be heading. As Hyun spoke, one of the people he would be ecstatic to fight, started talking about going to some kind of club, Magni found their destination to be quite displeasing. Clubs usually involved a lot of touching and talking inside of a small amount of space, something that the Antimage found disgusting. Magni sighed, he continued onward with the group.

When they entered, he had to leave his warglaives and his lacarimas with some sort of stranger. He didn't like other people touching his stuff, it was very sacred equipment that only years of training could allow someone to master such skills. However, it seemed that luck was on his side. The place seemed tame, not really much like what his imagination seemed to lead him to believe and the place was mainly filled with the soldiers of Frenzy Plant. Everyone seemed to be sitting apart from each other, each having their own little time alone. Magni stood alone near the entrance, he still had troubles with his little problem of finding another thing to do rather than kill people and training. It seemed that the Antimage literally had no idea how to have fun. So, Magni just sat upon the floor in the chair filled building, trying to contemplate on how to have fun, quite seriously in fact.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Time Lord

Time Lord watched Eve. She seemed to be struggling with the fact that she couldn't make everyone happy. "We are Friends, Eve." He said, approaching her, and kneeling down beside her. He didn't speak for a moment or two,

"You can't make everyone happy, Eve. It sucks that you can't, but that's how life is. Happiness isn't a burden you need to give to everyone, Eve. There will always been people who just can't be happy. My chosen path is a hard one, and that's all on me. I don't need to be happy. But I want you to be happy. So stay with the guild, learn and grow. My magic will protect you and I'll always be there if something goes wrong"

He rose smoothly, and offered his hand to Eve, "Come on. I'll buy you a meal" He gave her a smile


it was true, Sasha knew. "A search for venegence isn't justice, no matter how much you pretty it up. " She said softly, "And some lies just can't be forgiven with a mere apology. Do you realise I was questioning everything I knew about my parents because of him? Do you realise I have been questioning myself, because of this? Sometimes, there's no moving forward"

She gave a sigh, and saw that the guild was going to celebrate. "let's just go and be happy we can prove we are the strongest guild"

Michael and Gabriel
Gabriel noted Karn's scrutiny of them, and he chuckled. Mostly, he and Gabriel dressed the same. They had since, they assumed, they were babies. The only difference he could really see between them was in their attitudes. Michael was just so damn shy.

The evasion of the question made Michael frown. He supposed he would find out sooner or later. He blinked, and looked up as Karn Landed on his head, only to be snatched away by Prince.

He looked about, seeing most of the phoenix Wing members heading towards what appeared to be a bowling ally, giving a shrug.

The Next Day

Games Master Sheldon was at the arena, awaiting the guilds. he grinned enthusiastically, counting down "5....4....3...2...1..." A horn blew across the city of crocus, within the hotels that the guilds were in, and Sheldon Grinned.

"You have half an hour"

Master Jamie

Jamie had knocked on doors an hour before the horn, pounding on them until the occupants woke and answered, grinning at each of them, and telling them to get a move on.

She was already downstairs, in the dining room, eating. His form today was that of a blonde haired [url=woman]orig07.deviantart.net/177a/f... Which made the fact that she had several plates of food in front of him, and seemed intent on eating it all.


Sasha blinked at the pounding, and sighed, rolling out of bed, and throwing a chunk of ice at the door. "I'm up!" She shouted at the door, the pounding, and heard the very familiar chuckle of Master Jamie.

Sighing and rubbing her eyes, she stumbled across the room, grabbing some clothes. Thinking that todays events might involve a lot of moving, she chose practical clothes. Pants, and a top that revealed her guild mark. She shrugged on a jacket as well, and ran her fingers through her hair, before pulling it back, out of her face.

Feeling that she was as ready as she was going to be for this, she headed out.


Michael had woken early, and was outside, on the roof of the hotel that Dragon Fang was staying in. He had summoned Uriel, and spent some time with the angelic spirit. He liked to do this at times, like to just talk with his spirits. He did the same with Balthazar. The demonic Spirit had been the first spirit Michael had obtained. You would think that that would mean they would have a good relationship.

Not so. But Michael Knew that Balthazar would protect him. So Michael couldn't begrudge him his attitude. He hadn't yet summoned Aliza, since obtaining her. He realised that that was probably an over sight, use to Uriel and Balthazar.

So now, he took her key out, and tried to summon her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games- Hotel


Since Prince had sucked out all of his magic yesterday, Karn spent all night passed out in his little draconic form in order to regain magic. Now, he was fully recovered as he happily left his room after Jamie knocked on the door. Wearing his usual shaggy clothes. "Moooooorning everyone!" the blonde shouted loudly before spotting Sasha and happily skipped over to her, before promptly glomping her.

"Morning Icy!" Karn chirped a greeting before letting her go and stretched his arms a little over his head. A bright smile upon his face as he hummed happily.

"Excited about today?" he asked, his emerald eyes looking up at her brightly.


Grand Magic Games

Prince although usually on the roof of some building, had decided to take residence in a tree outside. His back leaning against the trunk with his hat tipped foreword. Hands resting behind his head. Although he appeared to be sleeping, his ears were perked and alert, twitching occasionally as he listened to all that happened around him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Jack Goran|Laughing Dragon Hotel

Jack was up before the rest of the guild with the exception of Ammy, who was up currently more out of habit than need, as she manned the bar back at the guild hall. Nodding to her, he spent the first hour he was awake doing a small bit of personal training before setting to waking up his team members. First was Hunter, who's response was a resounding thump as he fell out of bed with a yipe. He moved on to pound on Zephyr's, Shujin's, and Jackie's doors as well before going back down to get breakfast ordered.

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

When Master Jamie pounded on Damian's door, it actually opened as it had been left partially ajar. Inside was no one and when she went down stairs, Damian was just coming in, already armored up but in a different set then he normally wore. The base was still leather armor, but with metal plates on the shoulders, outer biceps, forearms and chest on his torso armor and the outer thighs and lower legs of the leg armor. Waving at the guild master, he reaches into a pack that was near the door and pulled out a cloak, deep crimson in color with the Phoenix Wing guild mark in bright blue and large in the middle of it.

"Morning Master Jamie." Swinging it around, Damian clasped it into place and took a seat across from the guild master. "Are any of the others up yet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii


Joshua played a few games of bowling with his guild mates. At the beginning, he was rather bad at the game, but he quickly figured out how to swing the ball and approach the lane in a way that the ball would make it down without it going into the gutter. After a game or two, he excused himself to grab some food and relax, talking with a few guild mates and some of his team members representing Phoenix Wing. He didn't stay long though, retiring early so that he would be up in time for the games and not be exhausted.

When he woke up the in the morning, he got ready and dressed, wearing his usual attire. He exited his room and walked around, greeting the few guild members that where up at this hour.He Master Jamie as he walked the halls and was surprised by the amount of food the Guild Master was carrying around.
"Do you want any help with that Master? And please tell me you aren't going to eat it all by yourself." He said, joking around with the second sentence as he doubted the guild master could eat all that food... he hoped.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia had declined the invitation to go bowling and instead had headed straight to the hotel Phoenix Wing was staying in. She wasn't a fan of loud places and while she could put up with the guild and, to some extent, the Arena, she didn't want to spend more time then she had to around such loud environments. While she had spent most of the time alone, she didn't mind and tried to just relax. She didn't have much success and turned herself in for the night after grabbing a bite to eat.

Her sleep had been far from peaceful and she woke up in the morning still feeling exaughsted. Grumbling to herself, she got ready before putting on a plain green t-shirt, a pair of jeans, and her favorite sandals. After making sure her wings were hidden from sight, she left and began looking around for Jarvis.

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist


Jack was puzzled and frustrated. She had tried to mingle with the others but part of her didn't feel right so after a while, she had excused herself. She just couldn't understand it all. Normal people seemed to... illogical and so distant to her. She wanted to be like them but for some reason, she kept stumbling and falling over herself and her inability to relax and enjoy herself. She had left in a bit of a huff, locking herself in her hotel room for the night and rising early the next morning. She just laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling before hearing a knock on her door. Getting up, she answered it and saw Master Jack waiting on the other side. When she heard his question, she thought about it for a few seconds.
"Something light. We're not really sure." She said, sounding a bit more down then usual.

Rider's Blade

@Amaya Tamashii

Lucus had spent the evening with Rose and Elyse, trying to get his daughter comfortable around him with a small degree of success. He had treated both of them out to dinner, just the three of them, before escorting both Rose and the sleeping Elyse back to the Phoenix Wing's hotel. After they were back and he felt sure they were safe, he returned to the hotel Rider's Blade was staying at.

The guild was up early, much to Krystal's dismay, though they took their time getting ready. Fraquar, Sigurd, and Delsin knew they exhausting themselves right in the beginning of the day. This gave Krystal time to get ready, and the other a chance to chat and ponder what could be laying ahead of them today. The fact they had made it was surprising enough and they were looking forward to seeing how well they could do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Zarkun@YipeeXD

Zephyr Hardt| Laughing Dragon Hotel

Zephyr had talked the whole night and drank of course. It was truly a fun night getting into the main parts of the games after all and he couldn't wait for tomorrow. So when the night ended and turned to day, he heard a knock on his door which made Zephyr jump out of bed and start to get himself prepared. Yet hearing the talks of food, he kinda rushed out the room while still putting his shirt on. He rushed by all his team members rooms while shouting morning through them, while Jackie's door was open so he said morning to her more quietly and by the time he had reached downstairs. He had gotten his shirt on and strapped his headphones to his head as he looked at Jack. "Can i order everything? I kinda want everything." Zephyr said laughing to himself as he pat his stomach.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Nolan had slept peacefully and was still sleeping peacefully until the pounding on his door woke him up with bloodshot eyes. He was slightly hungover from the Corpse Reviver cocktails and he felt it though it wasn't something that some black coffee and breakfast couldn't fix. Groaning he got out of bed and opened the door only to be blinded by Master Jamie's cheerfulness. "I'm up." He promptly slammed the door shut. Hopefully Jamie wouldn't take it personally. It's just Nolan was not a morning person.

After a shower he came down to the dining room wearing his usual green jumper and black hoodie. His bits of armor were back on as well and he sat down to some breakfast and black coffee. He was awfully quiet for something as exciting as the big day for the first day of the games though he wasn't exactly a social butterfly either.


Zev was already awake with his daughter Fiona, who was yawning loudly, in the dining room. Today was one of the biggest day for any mage in Fiore. It was the first actual day of the games and magic was going to be displayed in a way that most have never seen. But more importantly, his guild was going to be in the public eye of every person in Fiore so he hoped that they would give one hell of a performance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frenzy Plant Encampment

Unlike the other guilds, Frenzy Plant had chosen not to lodge itself in a hotel, but to spend the night outdoors. Taking up residence in Crocus's wooded nature park, everyone had whipped out cots, tents, sleeping bags, or simple sheets to pass the night. Master Sanders himself had been in charge of the operation, and had encouraged the whole thing to be done without magic. Fires were started by scraping flint against still over tinder, more experienced members helped the less set up their various forms of shelter, and bugs were kept at bay by adding incensed herbs to the fires, irresistibly drawing mosquitoes, moths, and flies to a burning demise. Not everyone went along with the plan; Xyster, for instance, exercised a curious Dullahan sleeping habit by digging a disturbingly gravelike hole and sleeping with most of her beneath the dirt. Several members, like Vergil, slept in the trees, whether on hammocks or on branches. With little to obscure the rising sun, many of the soldiers arose shortly after dawn, and those on duty sleepily made their way out of their tents to brew coffee and fry breakfast for everyone.

From there, the morning progressed in a disorganized manner. Some of the soldiers went off to explore the town, others slept in, a few began exercising drills, and a bunch tried to wedge in some last-minute practice. To the guild's newcomers, most of which had not yet had the pleasure of outdoors-ing it in a bonafide FP Regiment Camp, the experience undoubtedly sparked feelings of both oddity and a certain, rustic sense of fulfillment.

The resounding noise of a horn took none of them by surprise. With the nature park a distance farther from the stadium than the other guilds' hotels, there was no time to waste. As everyone packed their things up and got them organized, the voice of General Sanders flooded through the encampment. ”Soldiers! Our scouts tell us a fearsome tale. We're up against Dragon Slayers, God Slayers, Devil Slayers, Curse Users, mass-murderers, and most worryingly, wizards who've unlocked their Second Origins. In terms of prestigious magic such as those, we have little. Just our training, our discipline, our minds, our hearts, and our talent. Let us put them to the test. We're not here for money or glory, though for them we will be grateful. We are here to see how far our best can go. Let's get out there and find out.”

With that, the regiment departed. Every member of Frenzy Plant was present, and as they strode with purpose toward the towering, looming colosseum, they knew that they would go far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 23 min ago

one of these days ill shock you!" Angelo groaned at master Jamie hearing him laugh it up as he went downstairs. Today was the day that Angelo was going into the arena and despite how he woke up he was happy to get into gear. Angelo got up and changed in his usual cloths making sure that they fit and wouldn't be torn off so easily. Once he did Angelo whistled lightly and saw mark jump into his pocket as he would usually.

Once Angelo was changed he went downstairs and started to eat breakfast knowing that he would need all the energy he could for this coming battle...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Akila - Hotel in Crocus
It having been some time since being summoned she was beginning to wonder if she had been forgotten. However when Michael called, Akila answered. The wraps appeared and wove around where her body appeared before retracting away from sight. "Hello master. I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten our contract." Her tone was a little cross but her expression had a slightly unnerving smile and a glint in her eye.

Looking around it was easy to notice they were on a roof in a unfamiliar place. "Where are we?" Turning she did not spot any familiar landmarks. The place looked quite pleasant to the eye though.

Ariel - Apartment in Magnolia
Waking a little late the light mage practically stumbled over herself to get out the door. The games would be starting up very soon and she barely paused to double check that Sayuri was up as well. "Hurry Sayuri, we're gonna be late!" Since they weren't at the games she wanted to be sure that at least she wouldn't miss any of the major events.

Having run to the Phoenix Wing guild hall she was greeted by a package at the doorstep. It wasn't unheard of for something to be dropped off, supplies or maybe a job to be reviewed by the master. What was odd was that it was address to her. "What is this?" Curious Ariel picked up the box which didn't weigh a whole lot. No one seemed to be around and there was no indication on who left it. She would have to figure out what it was once she was sure the viewing lacrama was up and running. That of course didn't take but a minute. With everything in place and able to relax she stopped to examine the box and open it to check the contents.

Inside was another lacrama. It looked a lot like the ones Jarvis had handed out the other day for the others to go to the Magic Games. Did Jarvis sent it back for her for some reason? Her parents maybe? Pretty sure it wasn't going to harm her, Ariel removed the lacrama from the box. No sooner did she touch it though did it activate and teleport her away.
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