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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games

Edith - Enma - Magni

Thor had been quite happy for over the past month after finally becoming A-rank. Atleast one of their goals was done in this guild. In this one month time not much had been happening apart from the ussual. Thor finally got around to place their white tattoo on their right hand. And apart from that Thor had only been doing difficult jobs and trained their magic and fighting only more. They rarely came back to the guild to hang out or even eat a small meal and so Thor hadn't met any more people except for the ones they have fighted with. Well this was the time to finally be recognised, the Grand Magic Games. This was the event Thor has been looking forward to not for the food nor the other people but for showing their guild is the greatest by fighting and challenges. Thor had joined the Frenzy crew at the spectators stands and almost never paid attention to the people that were looking at them.

Thor got pretty used to people staring at them. It wasn't so weird that they did since the whole existence of Thor was one big mystery. Thor happily continued spectating the games and heard out Edith, who was almost the only person they knew in this guild. The whole idea of socialising wasn't so fonded by Thor but it was a thing that could be tried of course. Thor would probably just follow Edith and not let out a single word along the way. It made Thor more comfortable not to talk and just do their duties. Thor gave a slight nod at Edith as to following up to the girl and stood up to follow after the bard. Thor glared over the other two and noticed one of the other mages Magni as they recalled correctly. He didn't seem very fond of the idea either but he seemed fine as to going with them for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie

Jamie smiled as Mithera landed on his shoulder, but frowned slightly at her agitated state. "of course you may, but why are you scared?" Jamie asked, the other guild master forgotten for the time being at Mithera's distressed. She gently picked Mithera up, to pet and sooth and offer some comfort. Jamie had never seen Mithera like this, and wondered what could phase her like this.


Penny shifted slightly uncomfortable as Zephyr asked why she couldn't just go find Jack and asked her herself. Damian spoke up, giving a vague answer, but Penny felt like she had to say something, as zephyr had just willingly explained his magic despite the fact they were in competition.

She sighed softly, and said "the last time we saw each ither, just before your master took her under his wing, I'm more then sure we tried pretty hard to kill each other." she left it at that, why go into more detail and taint the other girl in this guild? She seemed happy, and if Dragon Fangs guild master didn't wish to tell his members just how Jack came to be apart of the guild that was up to them.

Of course, Penny's main goal that say had simple been to subdue Jack, she couldn't use her more serious phoenix songs without hurting the other guild members that had been there, nor really o all out in the guild hall. Her only intent had been, as the only capable s class member there at the time, to get her out of the guild. Somewhere along the line though, Penny had seen that the other girl wasn't going to simple stop. If Rose hadn't stepped in, chances are one of them would have been dead before the day ended.

"if you want to know more, you should ask your master. Jack seems happy here, and I wouldn't want to disrupt that"

time lord
@invisible man
Time Lord smiled as the events of 100 years ago started to play out, and looked over at Eve's question. He appeared thoightful, and didn't answer for a while, as before them, guilds started to gather, their dragon slayers intent on working together as the eclipse project was put into play. The hologram like images were fascinating to time lord, and he finally said "I can do many interesting and wonderful things, that aren't easily explained but are better seen. This" he waved a hand around them "is one of my favorites. There are several spots around Fiore where magic has...imprinted on the land you could say. A simple spell or two, and I can bring them here, like this. Mostly, they are centered around where powerful guilds were and such. You can learn so much from history, and to witness it first hand is simply amazing."

He grew silent and somber again, looking at the moving images, and then back to Eve, smiling an odd smile. After a few more moments, he spoke once more. "you're doing well, Little Eve. Yet I bet you have been swamped,at the guild, and somewhat over looked-not on purpose, no Master Jack is a good man. But busy, like most guild masters. The next time I go traveling, I'll be searching for more of these spots. Would you like to come with me?"

Time lord was worried about the time eve was spending with Nero. He didn't think the Genine was a good influence, and Eve didn't need a bad influence right now.
Time lord didn't want to see her packed off to the mahic cluncil, never to be seen again. There were dangers to taking her with him, but there were also dangers with leaving her behind. He knew he would have to talk wth Master Jack about it too, but didn't see any issues there.

"there's another guild master or two our there who might know some things about you powers too, and that could be beneficial to you."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera --- Grand Magic Games
Mithera scratched at Master Jamie's arm gently, trying not to hurt the Guild Master's arm. Being petting did seem to calm her down a little, but she was still tense and scared. "Because all of Iron Enigma's elite are here, and they're looking for Melina. S-so logically they'd try and get me b-because I know where she's going. I'm a-afraid that they're going to kidnap me and make me tell them where she is. Or worse that they already know!" She would snuggle up against Jamie, shaking just a little. "So... Could I please stay with you tonight? I won't feel safe otherwise."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He ruffled Sasha's hair. "What? A quiet man can't have a little fun sometimes?" He chuckled. "Don't worry. Tonight I'm all yours, but for now we have to mingle with the other teams. Any information we can pick up is vital." That was the biggest lie he had ever told to Sasha. He wanted to find Shujin. He had to be a man, but he hoped that Sasha did follow him.


He got to the bottom of the slide before catching himself on his feet and walking with the rest of his team. They were congratulated by their master and proposals of drinks and feasting were heard. He grinned happy with his team's performance. The mingling had begun and there was one person to find. Lazarus. It wasn't hard to find a man with Snow White hair in a crowd, an. In no time they were face to face. Shujin was frowning, fists clenched. "So they didn't lock you up?..." He smiled a little. "Too bad." He opened his arms an embraced Lazarus. To the white haired god slayer's surprise. "You've changed. It's good to have my brother back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Nolan sat back away from the rest of the people, his back against the stadium walls as he watched the rest of the mages interact with each other. While he should've been sociable with the rest of the mages partaking in the games it just wasn't in him to talk to so many strangers like this. It made him feel uneasy when he was around new people, especially with women. His skin crawled at the thought of interacting with some of them, especially the blonde one from Frenzy Plant. He could only hope that in battle he would be able to fight as he had before while he was on his missions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Artemis - Magic Games
Since she wasn't part of the magic games she sat on the sidelines watching. This was a big deal considering how long it had been since the last games. Though honestly Artemis found the method for breaking down who would fight lackluster. But considering how many guilds entered they had to do something quick and easy to reduce the numbers.

After the first event of the games were over Artemis followed James for a while before speaking. "So what did you think of the first day's game? I thought it could have used something more interesting to be honest."

Fate - Magic Games
Getting to go to the Magic Games was exciting for sure. Fate being a relatively new being all this was amazing for sure. After the first day was wrapping up Fate was more interested in looking around. "Can we go see some of the sights before it gets too dark?" She looked at Gideon a bit hopeful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua found himself being lead out of the excited stands by some of his guild members, who were overly excited by their victory. The first place they headed was the arena and then out of it to some building called Drury Lanes' Once he finally got away from the crowd and got a look around the place, he saw a building unlike anything he had seen before. Lanes of wood with small pits on either side of them and white objects on the end, what looked like scoreboards hanging from the ceiling, and what looked like a bar and a kitchen where all here. Walking around, he spotted his name on one of the scoreboards and a woman nearby it. He believed her name was Fleo or something along those lines. Guessing he better ask, he walked forward.
"So... what is this place and why are we here? Why is my name on that thing?" He asked, completely confused.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zephyr Hardt
Grand Magic Games

Zephyr heard both of their reasons and just nodded. "Ahh okay, ill leave it at that then, if she is happy here then Im happy. Although you should try and fix what problems you may have. We all are good guys now, so whatever past she had its long gone. So I wont bring it up to her, I don't need to bring up unwanted memories, but you should really talk with her. She is a nice woman, fun to fight too!" Zephyr then looked at both of them and grinned. "So I wanna take a guess at your magics! Damian I suspect to have some type of armor magic? Penny looks like she would use fire, not sure what kind but I assume fire." Zephyr said taking a guess on their magics, it didn't matter if they knew about his Machina, he still had his god takeover as a secret weapon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Online

Angelo grinned as he watched everyone having a blast just bowling as they wanted to. Right now Angelo just wanted to relax and keep himself ready for tomorrow if nothing else Angelo didn't want a hangover when he was fighting or whatever odd challenge the arena had to throw at him. So long as it wasn't another riddle contest Angelo would do fine. Angelo ordered a few drinks but after 3 mugs of ale Angelo switched to soda just so he could stay awake and watch everyone have fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri Takashi

"Oh well. Not like it's super important. I'll just ask for it again if we meet again. Which I'm sure we will. Hmm... That's an interesting finishing group for the Games. I'be heard about every guild here. Can't wait to see the fights," she sighs and looks out one of the guildhall windows, "Too bad one of my friends can't see the games. She'd be fangirling out right now and naming all the famous members of each guild and their magics."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie
Jamie frowned slightly, looking about at any Iron Engima members still around. They would have to be dealt with she knew, but it couldn't be done during the games, or at least, not at the moment. "They don't know where she is, I'm sure of that" Mainly because Jamie didn't know where she was. Jamie doubted that they knew where she was "Of course you can stay with me, but they'd be foolish to do anything here. Still, I'll have precautions put in place" Jamie assured her, giving Mithera a hug. and cuddling her.


Sasha sighed softly, glancing around them. There were so many teams, so many people in the games. Powerfuly forces, powerful magics. She nodded and followed Lazarus. She stayed back when she saw Shujin, not particularly wanting to get involved, nor talk with him. She watched though, ready to interfere if something happened.

"I don't really get along with other women." penny said off handedly, giving a shrug. THat was quite true. She hadn't really worked with many people in the guild, but a majority of them were Male. Sayuri had tried, but not much had come of that. Either things had gotten busy, or the transfer back from Edolas had knocked the potential for friendship out of her head. As Zephyr asked about their magics, Penny shrugged. She didn't see anything wrong with telling Zephyr about her own magic, given that she wasn't participating, but she wouldn't go too far into it. "Yes, fire. Fire transformation magic is what I use the most, but I have been trained in Phoenix slayer magic too"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera --- Grand Magic Games
Mithera stuck her head into the crook of Jamie's arm. "Iren Enigma has a huge information network. Melina told me they're often hired by other dark guilds for espionage. Or at least used to. And I've heard that their Eclipse mage can see anywhere in the world she wants, so long as it's night time there. Please don't let them take me Jamie, th-thank you for letting me stay with you tonight." She let out a long breath, finally calming down some. "I'm going to stay with you for the rest of today, okay?" Anyone versed in medicine would probably be able to tell she had come pretty close to having an anxiety attack.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games


Ayame gave a nod at Nero "Hmm sure." She started to get a little shy after saying everything so loudly instead of her usual tone. Ayame dropped both her arms down again and started to lightly averted her head to the ground while barelt glancing over at Time Lord and Eve heading off for their own adventure "I don't know her that well but if you say she i-is a good person then. I'll trust you." Ayame turned quiet again and gave a small wave from her belly at the two of them with a almost hidden smile. Ayame turned back to Nero again with a almost startled expresion on her face "Eh... Y-you'll see it is close to Magnolia. I-i can't tell you yet but it's important. Well for me atleast." Suddenly Ayame looked very distant and spaced out.

Only after a couple minutes Ayame began to look like she was heading back to reality. At first Ayame looked very startled by Nero his question but immediately got her composer back in a matter of seconds "I-i've seen plenty of food stands around..." Ayame looked around her a little to see if there were any close by the stands but it didn't seem like it "Maybe there are more downstairs hehe." Ayame lightly laughed at Nero and gave another blush before already starting to slowly walk so Nero could stand up "There is not really something I prefer at the moment so maybe it's better to take a little walk around the stands or I can just take what you have." Once Ayame was done talking and Nero was behind her Ayame started to walk in a direction that seemed pretty logical but not with a real idea of where they were headed in mind. As they left the seating area and turned to the main walkways Ayame started to walk besides Nero immediatly looking up to him "I haven't heard most of the story yet about your trip to Eve her homeland. Would you mind?"


Grand Magic Games


"Ohhhhhhh, so this is the famous GMG!" A bright cheerful smile appeared on the girl her face as she stood in front of the giant stadium where the Grand Magic Games took place. The girl in question was the cheerful painter Isla. She had been traveling to see the world and show her art for about a month now and since the start it was already really enjoyable. A gust of wind lifted up the two long white ponytails of the girl. Multicolored hightlights were spread through the hair of the girl from the attempts she took to paint her hair a diffrent color. Ayame gave a short cheeky grin and adjusted the two straps over her shoulders again so that the amount of stuff she caried wouldn't fall on the ground. Isla looked widely around her to find any good futher spots to paint the whole arena on but couldn't find any at the moment. Yet Isla didn't drop her smile. She cheerfully headed up the stairs spinning around several times while happily humming. Once Isla arrived at the spectators seats she let out a cheerful giggle immediatly running over to the railing still spinning around a few times before arriving "Ohhhh, it's bigger then I expected."

The happy expression stayed on her face as she stared at the pit of the arena a while longer. The amount of people in the arena was tremendous it was really something to get scared of. Isla looked around her a little to look for people that might intrest her and in no time there was a spark. Isla casually shoveled closer to the three; Penny, Zephyr, Damien and started to unpack her stuff. Isla placed down the stand for her canvas to rest on, placed the canvas on the stand and got out a empty wooden board. Isla grabbed a specific brush out of one of her bags without taking a look and started to apply a few colors on her wooden board all from the same can of paint. Yet all the colors were diffrent. Isla cheerfully started to paint humming in the progress and tried to replicate everything that she could see on the other side of the arena together with the pit and the sky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Half a Month Before the Games]

Being the adventurous person that Ike was, he went from town to town for a couple of years while training his magic. He was more so trying to find other people who would have a clue on how he could improve it, or at least make the energy absorption absorb at a quicker rate. He only found one person in his travels and they were six years old. So alas the great Ike wouldn't be learning much from him, although he wouldn't deny that he learned one thing: to spit energy out of his mouth. It was too awesome to pass up.

So one day he arrived in this town called Oak Town after hearing some rumors about a more warlike guild called Frenzy Plant being in the vicinity. He thought that with a guild that was considered warlike that the chances of finding people who could help his magic would be incredibly high. Ike would then survey through the area attempting to find the place yet after an hour of failure he had no luck and so as he was pouting about the location being to hard to find, this tiny old lady asked if he needed assistance. Ike would hold his head up high and laugh loudly at this question. "The Great Ike needs no assistance..... But a tour to Frenzy Plant would be appreciated." Ike would shout in his loud voice, to which the old woman did that old person laugh before taking his hand and leading him to the guild. Turns out Ike walked past it multiple times and was too oblivious to notice.

Waving the old woman off Ike pushed the doors open and placed his fists on his hips. "I would like to speak with.... What was it called again? Oh yeah! The guildmaster! I require the guildmaster!" Ike said not caring that people were training for the Grand Magic Games and was using his full volume when speaking.

Immediately inside the grand doors of the Frenzy Fort was a small, rectangular chamber. Though clearly designated a reception area, it also sported shades of a room that could be converted, in times of war, into a Murder Hole. The doors of this area leading into the interior were made of metal and, though open now, easily reinforceable judging by the circular holes in the floor directly behind the doorframe. Vertical slits, usable for either arrow-shooting or spell-slinging, lined the interior walls, and beneath the carpet in the area's center the floor was suspiciously hollow. Even in the ceiling, there was a panel that could be moved out of the way for the pouring of boiling oil. In the new age of magic, such medieval defenses seemed antiquated and useless, but nevertheless they provided a glimpse of Frenzy Plant's fortitude and seriousness when it came to war.

In greeting to Ike came a bright, friendly voice from his right. ""Hello! Welcome to the Frenzy Fort." Against the room's right wall was a long desk covered in neat stacks of folders, binders, and papers, behind which sat a gorgeous woman of about 30 years. Her long, blonde hair streamed behind her, which -coupled with her elegant, extravagant garb- gave her an almost regal air. She wore a professionally friendly and welcoming expression. "The guildmaster's on call right now, but I've been cleared to take any messages, requests, or complaints concerning Frenzy Plant. What can I do for you?"

As Ike entered the building he would look around the room and do a whistle to signal that he was surprised yet impressed at the same time. The place lived up to the rumors he has heard, it was truly a warlike guild and that was just from looking at the inside of the building. A voice would then sound out which caused Ike to jump a bit before looking at the source of the nice greeting. Now she didn't seem like the type of person he would have seen in a building referenced with war, but hey he didn't judge. For all he knew she could be one of those girls that used their pretty looks to their favor and then bam!

Realizing he was just making up fantasies in his head and not actually answering the woman back he tapped his head for a way to explain this without sounding like an idiot. "Yes I was told this place was a warlike guild, so I thought what better place to get better with my magic than a place that should specialize in physical magic! So I guess that means I want to join? Yeah thats what I mean. So do I have to punch something or absorb something to show I have physical magic?" Ike asked her as he rubbed the back of his head, not quite realizing that he guessed correctly when he asked if he had to punch something.

Indigo tilted her head at the man's odd phrasing, giving a small, professionally courteous smile. It was easy to tell where the majority of his focus was, and it wasn't on her face. "Well, something like that. If you want to join, you must defeat in combat a guild member of a rank that you wish to attain. We have C, B, A, and S, so if you wanted to become a B for instance, you'd need to beat one of our Privates and then one of our Lieutenants. Sound good? She rose from her seat, preparing to lead him into the training hall.

Ike scratched his head as her mentioning letters from the alphabet. "C, B, A?" He mumbled as she explained it a little further. "Ahhh so C would be weak, while S is the best? That makes sense I guess. So to be this A rank I'd have to beat a Private, Lieutenant, and a Commander? Or was it Corporal?" Ike began to ask before following behind the woman as she would lead in to a training hall. "Oh yeah my name Is Ike Riven, I guess I will attempt to become an A rank. Achieving this should be nothing for the great Ike! Or I could be horribly wrong....." Ike said as he mumbled the last bit to himself.

A shrug was given in reply. "Not quite. Other guilds use the same ranking system to express overall strength. Ours is slightly different. For instance, our Private Jillian Suede can lay siege to entire castles on her own, using enormous metal machines to fling stones and giant bolts at them from afar. In a straight fight, however, her machinations take too long to set up. Chester Graham can turn entire battles in our favor with his reconnaissance. A mage capable of leveling opponents but can't take a hit to save his life will be C because of that glaring weakness. So it's less of a total evaluation and more of a...quick-response, flat-out combat evaluation. Follow me, Great Ike."

She led the new applicant into the training hall and left him there as she ascended a spiral staircase to the second floor. Not long after, she returned with a knight on her heels. Though young, the woman was fairly heavily armored, and she bore herself very seriously with traces of anxiety beneath. Cecilia Lenin had only just gotten into magic, let alone Frenzy Plant, but already she was being called upon to test someone for a C-rank. At this point, the Requip user relied totally on her physical fighting capabilities, and one look at the musclebound man she'd be fighting made her nervous indeed.

Still, she said nothing, and the receptionist took the lead. "Alright Ike, your first opponent will be Cecilia here. She's new to magic, but her training as an enforcer ought to present a worthy obstacle. Arena Command: bracket draw!" Immediately, green lines of light snaked across the floor from the similarly-colored crystal braziers glowing on every cardinal wall. They formed into simply squares around Cecilia and Ike before moving slightly, showing the fighters where to stand before the signal was given.

Ike nodded at her explanation he understood most of what she was saying to him. "So even if they are a total powerhouse, if they get beat in one shot they would be no better than a C rank. I see, that's understandable then. Good thing gramps taught me to take a beating as a child! Man was he right when he said it would help me in the future." Ike said with a proud grin not caring that some could mistaken what he said as him being abused by his grandpa. So when she told the Great Ike to follow, he nodded not noticing that she was being a little bit of a smartass to him. Thankfully though Ike was good with quick responses; his magic allowed that when his power was saved up enough. So he should be fairly good at what was in store for him.

Led into the training hall she left him there as she went up some circular stairs and then returned with a knight following behind her. Ike looked at the small female knight and was instantly distracted by the shiny armor. "That is so cool....." Ike mumbled gleaming at the armor like a child would to a favorite hero of theirs. Ike waited for the female to say something and when she didn't the receptionist started speaking instead. She introduced the woman and gave her a brief summary. "An enforcer? Thats cool, my dad always said they were like these badasses that prevented people from doing something crazy or dumb. Well nice to meet ya then Cecilia!" Ike would say before the receptionist would say some things about an Arena command and like magic the floor had this odd green light that formed two squares for both Cecilia and Ike. Ike looked at his square and stood on it, and then he looked at Cecilia with a smirk on his face as he looked around the area. Attempting to find the path with more clustered magical energy fragments for him to absorb so he could power up right out of the gate.

"Okay. After yesterday's admission with the oni, it's become necessary to declare what actions will earn you a penalty. Damaging the training hall will, since it demonstrated a lack of self control, cheating, and nearly killing the opponent will as well. That last one has...a bit of a harsher penalty. Ready, you two? Time to begin then. Go!"

Cecilia bowed quickly before assuming a stance. "Requip: the Spearman!" There was a flash of silver light, and the knight suddenly held an iron spear and iron kiteshield. "Hah! she said, as if she had been worried that the spell would work. After flipping her visor down, she raised her shield and leveled her spear, ready for Ike to attack.

"An Oni? Aren't they like demon peeps that eat man's soul? Oh well, no destroying or killing. Don't know how I could cheat but I wont try to." Ike said giving a nod that he was ready, so when they were told to go he let Cecilia do her bow and activate her requip magic. She seemed happy about it and so Ike clapped as well not knowing that she was probably happy it worked and didn't fail. "So cool." Ike mentioned againand would then blink with his eyes flashing green once to signal his absorption power was activated.

Ike took off in a sprint in a different direction than straight at the girl, the flaw with his magic was he had to be within three feet for the magic fragments to absorb into him and power him up. And all the clusters were farther away from her than three feet. Yet for the moment when he absorbed one cluster he left it at that for now and just absorbed the tiny ones as he began his charge at her. He knew fully well that he shouldn't run straight at someone with a readied weapon and jumped up in the air with a ball of green energy in his hand and chucked it downwards at Cecilia. It was an attack to see what she could do, before he went and expended all his energy out of the gate.

A mundane attack from Ike received a mundane response from Cecilia. Seeing a magical attack flung toward her, the woman knight raised her shield and soaked the verdant ball. With that out of the way, she attempted a spear thrust at Ike's head as he fell back to the ground. A blunted spear like hers, robbed of its point for training purposes, wouldn't break the skin, but would nevertheless hurt.

Ike's eyes widened a tad at her standing her ground against the attack, it showed he was going to have to be more aggressive if he wanted to get past her defense. So when he fell to the ground he coated his head in his green energy and took the attack head on. While it hurt, his coating lessened the pain he would have received otherwise. He quickly pushed the spear to the side and pushed himself within her defenses. He was close enough that she would have to move back to jab him with the spear, yet also close enough that she could just ram him with her shield. So he coated his right arm with his energy and would try to ram as hard as possible into the shield to stun her and would follow it up by sweeping out her legs. That was the plan anyway.

Predictably, Cecilia was not at all comfortable with Ike being so close. She was already beginning to backpedal when her opponent landed a massive hook punch to her shield. If by some miracle he had hit her head, she would have been stunned and then some, but as it was she suffered minimal repercussions from the attack but for a slightly jarred wrist. Using the force of the punch, she allowed herself to slide back and out of the range of his leg sweep. This time, the knight poked at his legs, hoping to hinder his mobility.

His plan went somewhat as he expected it to. His first attack did prevent her from attacking right away, yet it only gave her more opportunities when she used his own force to slide backwards and begin to thrust the lance at him again. Thankfully though she only aimed at his legs, he could easily continue his own assault with this kind of attack. As the thrust got closer to his leg he would jump off the ground to avoid it, yet received a jab to his left leg which wasn't coated in his energy so that stung like hell, thankfully it wasn't a powerful thrust so it didn't move him off course. While in the air he made his way forward while clenching his fists together. They were coated in his green energy and as he made his descent to the ground he swung his clenched fists down towards her. At this point with her defense he was going for brute force to knock her out, he was certain her armor would keep her from taking too much trauma if any of his attacks made direct contact.

Again Ike's fists met metal protection, and again Cecilia was forced back a few steps. While her shield had not been damaged and overall she suffered little, her right forearm was beginning to sting. Clearly, she wasn't good enough with a spear to take the offensive against her opponent. Needing some space to requip, she aimed a shield bash at him, jumped back, and then threw her spear to keep him distracted. "Requip: the Marauder!"

Blocking his attack with her shield again showed that she certainly had talent in playing a defensive game, yet defense was not going to win out in this and the shield bash that was coming at him showed that she knew this. Putting his forearms up he coated them to lessen the damage he took from the shield bash as he held his ground. As she jumped back he started to move forward not wanting to give her any chance to rest and pushed off to the side when the spear came hurdling at him.

He heard her say the requip word and knew something new was to change about her. He began to rush forward and was quite shocked at the fact she was still switching her requips. Just like the receptionist said earlier, any huge flaw would make you a C rank and he could see a big one in her magic. It took too long for her to switch between them and wanting to capitalize on this he expended a bit of his energy to burst forward at her, slightly praying as he launched his right arm forward. He coated his right hand with his green energy and hoped for contact.

"Uh oh." Realizing that she'd underestimates Ike's speed, Cecilia turned ninety degrees to try and position her pauldron in the path of her adversary's fist. The fact that he hit there was a mixed blessing: on one hand, a blow anywhere else would have likely hurt more, and on the other, it still sent a wave of pain through her. Cecilia gritted her teeth, however, and bore it. Those long hours in the gym would not be wasted. She charged into Ike and attempting a headbutt, putting a surprising physical strength behind a helmet of metal. The next moment, her requip finally completed. On her left, attached to her forearm, was a small buckler, and in both hands she held a double-sided poleaxe. The knight swung the dulled blade at his shoulder.

"Gah!" Ike cringed a bit when he landed a blow on her pauldron, normally landing a hit was great but in this case it hurt like hell to hit like hell. Thank God those weren't super sharp or this would hurt way more than it did. Ike grinned though as she began her own attack putting Ike on the defense. He didn't expect her first attack to be a headbutt but hey, if it works then do it. However he rather not take any attack at full power if he could help it so he coated his body and lessened the damaged while skidding back a tad bit. Her power certainly did go up and that itself was helping her.

With her requip completed she had a small shield and, more problematically, the double sided poleaxe she wielded. Ike would watch the swing and would smirk as he raised his left arm and formed an energy shield. The attack pushed him to the side but kept him safe from the actual attack. Dispersing the shield he would grab the pole of the weapon and would pull her towards him while lifting his coated knee into the air to connect with her chin. Hopefully this little plan of action would catch her by surprise.

The knee connected, not with Cecilia's chin, but with the bottom of her helmet. Still, the impact was jarring, and aside from stunning her for a split second it also knocked her helmet off-kilter. "Egh!" she grunted, yanking on the poleaxe and giving it a wild, blind swing.

He had to give her props whenever he hit her, it would always hurt when he hit. This guild truly had some tough people even for C ranks. Yet when his knee strike knocked her helmet off, she began to panic as she demonstrated by her wild swing. He would duck under the blind attack and would rise upwards towards her head. Without a proper defense she most likely wouldn't be able to fight after this. He would get close to her and with his right fist coated in his energy he sent it bursting out of his fist to give it more impact while expending his energy and connected it to her temple. He didn't even have to know that it was over he caught her and sighed in relief. "Damn you are one tough ass woman. That was fun as hell!" Ike would say although his words probably wouldn't make it through.

Cecilia made a strange grumbling noise from inside her helmet. Though not completely unconscious, she was clearly in no condition to fight, or even walk. She slumped in Ike's arms. From the left approached a squat figure in white furs and an odd mask, surrounded by little dolls that walked of their own accord. The dolls, under Morimato Tsubano's direction, relieved Ike of his burden and dragged her, clinking and clanking in her armor, toward the medical wing.

Leaning against the outer wall, Indigo frowned. "She's going to have a headache for a while. Poor girl didn't stand much of a chance. Your next fight will be against Kilo."

One of the onlookers pushed himself up from his seat. The man wore unique attire and an even more original hairdo, but it was his size and bulging muscles that made the biggest impression. As Kilo strode toward the starting square, he kept a neutral expression, but not his axe--that great, gleaming weapon he left behind. Kilo stood, unarmed but still plenty dangerous, and sized up his opponent.

Ike chuckled nervously as she made weird sounds as she slumped in his arms. "Maybe I overdid it a bit...." Ike mumbled while Indigo would annouce his next fight as some weird person with dolls came and took Cecilia from him. Ike just rubbed the back of his head and then stared in wonder at his next match. He fit the part of a fighter that was for sure, from what Ike could tell he was taller but Kilo had the biggest muscle mass between them.

As Ike inspected him he found out he was also being inspected as well. Ike would grin and look over at the axe he left behind but not question this for now. He was sure it would come into play anyway, so when it did it did. Ike walked up to him and held out his hand. "I'm ready when you are Kilo!" Ike stated still showing that grin of his off.

Kilo took Ike's hand and gave it a firm shake, but did not smile. To a disillusioned hero, fighting was never something to celebrate, even in controlled circumstances such as these. Combat in the training hall preceded combat in the battlefield, and no matter the skill, or style, or purpose, its purpose was to inflict pain and in war, take lives. Though generally an easy-going kind of man, Kilo could see nothing to be cheerful about in that. "Then we're both fit for a serious rumble. Afterward, you can join us for dinner in the mess hall, as allies."

The signal came, loud and clear. "Start!"

Even as they shook hands Ike wasn't sure if Kilo didn't even want to do this, or if he was just cranky today. Just maybe he was producing this facade so that he could look more manly for everyone, it was a guild about fighting that he knew about anyway. Listening to Kilo speak, Ike would nod in confirmation to his words. "Sounds good to me dude." Ike replied with before going over to his square box again and waited for Kilo to do the same.

When the signal came Ike's expression changed from his grin to a serious one as he took off sprinting, Ike took a quick glance around the area and noted a few of the magical fragments still lying around after the first match. So if he needed a quick bit of energy he could just get those, not as if those would make a big difference. Yet any bit of energy would help him. As he got closer with his charge he would clamp his hands while locking his fingers together. He would part his palms while keeping his fingers locked, and in the empty space between his palms was a green energy ball that sparked a bit. Ike would point the ball at Kilo and without hesitation push his locked fingers off against the ball sending it flying at Kilo. As it got closer to him he snapped his fingers and watched it separate into multiple tinier balls of energy.

With impunity, Kilo bulled through the entire cluster of minuscule projectiles, thundering straight for Ike at an alarming rate. It was plain that the warrior had trained for both size and speed simultaneously, bulking with with both the thicker power muscles and the leaner movement muscles. With such a physique, he could shrug off weak spells like Ike's splinter orbs. Now in range, he delivered a line-driving haymaker at his opponent's head. He deliberately imparted to the strike more power than speed, planning to correct his course should Ike attempt to dodge.

As Kilo rammed through the small energy scatter shot Ike noted this down. "Okay next time much bigger shots." Ike said and was about to jump out of the way but he underestimated the muscular man's speed and took the haymaker without putting up any form of defense. Needless to say Ike went sprawling to the ground after the shot and held the left side of his face. "Yep, that's brain damage.." Ike mumbled standing back up and staring at Kilo. "Yet if it's a straight up brawl then I have confidence I shall win!" Ike said with his whole body having his green coat to absorb most of the damage while dishing it out. Ike did a charge at Kilo and jumped up kicking out both his legs for a drop kick attack. He also pushed his arms downwards so when he fell to the ground he could get right back up.

Faced with a double kick, Kilo pressed his forearms together like a column wall to block it. He took a step backward to keep from being staggered by the force of the kick, and where Ike's feet impacted his skin they left behind a small amount of greenish char. Kilo then moved forward, lashing out with a Thai Kick as Ike was trying to get back up. "Confidence?" he asked afterward. [color=FF4F00]"It's good. But confidence is duller than an axe's edge, cooler than a fireball, weaker than strength and slower than speed. Confidence is a means to use weapons, not a weapon. Part of wakin' up and seein' the world for how it is...is to realize that emotions don't win wars."

Ike grunted a bit after feeling like he kicked a wall and planted his hands on the ground and rose back up to his feet just in time to barely avoid the kick skimming past his face. After the kick he would find himself being lectured on Ike saying he had confidence. While Ike could have attacked he listened first before shaking his head at Kilo [color=1a7b30]"That's your definition of confidence then and that's okay, but my definition means you are willing to give it everything you got, despite the disadvantages or fear you may have! Confidence to me means you are willing to prove you are a different man! So I'll show you that my confidence speaks for itself!" Ike said as he charged up another ball of energy between his palms, except this time when he aimed it at Kilo instead of firing off in a scatter ball shot, a torrent of green energy fired off at him instead.

Frowning, Kilo crossed his arms and did not move, not even when the emerald blast crashed into him. The burning force of it forced the warrior to a knee, but afterward he rose, clothes steaming. His face was taut, not permitted by the mind behind it to show any pain. "You're talkin' 'bout courage. That, I can believe in. That's why I'm fightin' you with no weapon and no magic. If I beat you like this, your confidence has no place here. Come on!" Kilo jumped forward, going for distance rather than speed, and reached out. He grabbed Ike's shoulder, and raised a fist to show his intention of punching his face. Instead, however, he sneakily lashed out with his leg, trying to knock Ike's own out from under him.

Ike smirked at the little progress he made, causing the wall that is Kilo to take a knee from one of his attacks. Kilo rose again which caused Ike to get prepared for another attack from the powerful man, when he corrected Ike on what he was talking about. "Was I? Well either way I'll show that my confidence will win out in the end!" Ike responded watching Kilo jump through the air and grabbed his shoulder. Ike saw the raised fist and brought his arms up, yet his guard failed when he found himself on his back. Ike was starting to pant a little from exhaustion and remembered back to the knee Kilo had to take from one of his attack 'Okay if I can hinder his movements then this might turn in my favor a bit.' Ike thought as his right arm had the green coating and instead of trying to get himself up, he threw a straight powerful jab right at Kilo's right knee cap. He wouldn't try to break it, just hurt it enough that moving was more of a burden to do.

One perk of fighting Ike was that his magic, as far as Kilo could tell, broadcasted what he was about to do. When the newcomer's right arm began to envelop in energy, Kilo guessed that he'd be using that next. Instead of allowing that punch to land, Kilo raised his leg and brought it down in a stomp on Ike's belly, enough to drive the breath from his lungs. Not wanting to be too brutal, however, Kilo stepped back to allow his opponent to right himself and perform his next move.

"Ahhh shit." Ike muttered as Kilo raised his leg causing his jab to miss its target, and the consequence of this was Ike gasping for air as Kilo's foot slammed on his stomach. Instead of capitalizing on Ike he allowed Ike to stand and regain his breath. "Taking pity? Thats a little cold." Ike spoke before assuming a combat stance yet again and took off running at Kilo. Both of Ike's arms had the green coating as he arced both of them back. Before Ike got too close though he suddenly spit this green ball out of his mouth at Kilo, this was followed by a machine gun spray of energy balls shooting out of his mouth. He hoped this was enough of a distraction for the moment, so that Ike's real attack could hit and so he launched both his arms forwards and the green coating on his arms shot off them in the form of two big energy orbs. At this point Ike was considering using his Negative Energy to get that extra power to take Kilo down. His fight with Cecilia tired him out more than he thought it would.

Despite having just executed a fake-out, Kilo hadn't been expecting Ike to perform one of his own. The warrior, surprised not only by the origin of the green orbs, but also their volume, threw up an arm over his face to protect his eyes. As a result, Ike's Vert Twincannon blasted his torso unhindered. Kilo grunted and staggered, falling back a step.

Ike's eye light up at the outcome of his attack, while he wasn't expecting him to shield the mini shots he was super glad his Vert Twincannon hit. So when Kilo would stagger Ike wouldn't let the chance slip away from him. The markings on his eyes turned black as he really wanted to make sure Kilo stayed down for the remainder of the fight. Ike would then jump into the air with his black energy forming this giant hammer in his hands. "Ebon Hammerfall!" Ike would shout as he fell to the ground and towards Kilo and once within range brought his hammer straight downwards toward Kilo. Once this was over, Ike would stop fighting, he was much to exhausted at this point to keep going.

The hammer hit its mark, and Kilo was floored. The big man landed on his back with a weighty whump and lay still for a few moments, dazed. Though not unconsciousness, it was certainly enough to call the match. "Done!" called Indigo, springing up from her seat and jogging toward Ike. "A very close match. Good work, Great Ike!" she gave a friendly smile to him before turning to Kilo. "Get up, kid. You've had worse than that." Down on the ground, Ike's opponent grumbled something beneath his breath and sat up. He bore neither happiness nor anger on his face, and except for a few new bruises he did not seem out of sorts, so the receptionist did not display any special concern for him. Instead, she addressed the newcomer once again. "So! B-rank now, feel like trying for A? You look pretty exhausted."

With his attack connecting and sending Kilo to the ground, Ike would stand up straight as he gazed at Kilo wondering if that would be it. Sure enough Indigo would call the match over and done which made Ike grin a bit. Indigo would come over and tell the Great Ike that he did a good job, then tell Kilo to get up as he had worse. Despite the fact Ike won, Kilo didn't look like he had lost really, just got unlucky with that one move. Indigo asked Ike if he wanted to try for A now or stick with B for the time being. Ike's markings turned back to green and he shook his head. "Nah, too tired to keep fighting. I'd end up fighting in a half-assed state. I'll try some other time, but for now Im done. Great fight Kilo!" Ike would reply with before rubbing his head. "So any chance I can get a tour of this place?" Ike asked wobbling a bit from all the energy he expended.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

Eve started to walk around the arena, the holograms looking pretty cool and also new people that she had never meet before, mainly because this was over 300 years ago. She started to wave her hand through a couple of the holograms, just checking if they were real and if they would actually respond to her, sadly, they were merely reenacting the things that they had done long ago. When the Time Lord started to speak, she was only half listening to Time Lord's speech, her main interest was just waving her hand through the holograms as she thought it was pretty funny, pretending to be some sort of ghost. She giggled at the idea of being a ghost.

The Necromancer did notice the silence from the Time Lord and the rather sad looking face that made Eve want to cheer him up. Suddenly, he just started to smile and that made her smile once again, however, his smile did seem a bit off than his normal smiles. When he finally asked her to join with his adventures, she looked surprised. Eve thought that the Time Lord wanted her to stay inside the guild to be safe and happy, and she couldn't tell that she wasn't in that much danger and she was also pretty happy for the last two months. Being over looked wasn't really a problem for her either, people always seemed to ignore her, but if Nero and people like Joslyn kept her company, then Eve would just be perfect.

"Well... Traveling with you does seem fun." She said as she was waving her hand through the holograms, "But, I think I'll stay with the guild. I think a few people would be sad at my absence, and I've made a pretty good friend inside of Dragon Fang." She paused for a bit, ceasing the waving and actually thinking, "I also couldn't take Nero with me. He has another friend that is also in Dragon Fang and I'm pretty sure she would be sad if I took him away from him. So, yeah. I don't think I can follow you with your adventures." Eve had kept a smile on her face through the entire conversation, but her eyes were shifting around the place as she felt kind of awkward at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ike Riven

Grand Magic Games

After a month after joining Frenzy Plant and getting their emblem printed on his neck, which happened to be the same color as his markings. He was going to challenge for A rank soon but found out that they were going to these Grand Magic Games, so Ike decided to hold off on this venture and went with everyone to the games. Besides this was a chance to learn as well, that and Indigo was on the team and he really wanted to see her magic and fight. He has spent hours wondering what she could do, hours!!! He watched the first challenge be a riddle part and cheered when they came out as one of the first teams. Of course they were also ones to show off which made Ike ooo and ahhh with the crowd, before snapping out of it and looking at his spectator buddies. He wrapped and arm around Enma and Edith and laughed loudly as he looked between the three. "Mind if I tag along you three? I promise I'll behave!" Ike stated not really messing with Thor much due to the fact Thor would probably electrocute him on the spot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Just when did he arrive in a bowling ally with Fleo, Amaya, and some other members of this guild? Wasn't he just sitting in the stadium being a total loner? He shook his head and decided not to question how or when he got there and try to just get to know some of his guild mates. Amaya and Fleo he sort of knew, but the rest of them he really didn't know at all except by sight. Fleo said that there were strong drinks and decent, yet greasy burgers. Typically he wasn't the kind of guy to take part in festivities unless it was with the yokai though he made an exception.

Nolan stood up and walked over to the bar and leaned forward on it with his arms. It seemed to be an active night with all of the customers and he may had to wait for awhile for any service. Surprisingly enough the bartender got to him in a quick amount of time. The bartender was tall and had a large chocolate brown mustache to match his beer belly. "Hello there! What can I get ya?" He said pulling out a pencil and pad from his pockets.

"Hi, I'd like to have a bacon cheese burger with a side of fries. As for my drink can you whip up a Corpse Reviver No. 2 Cocktail?" He received a dubious look from the bartender when he heard the drink. Weird, a bartender would've known a drink like this though he would be glad to explain it. "You need absinthe, .75 ounces of Plymouth Gin, .75 ounces of Cointreau, .75 ounces of Lillet Blanc, and .75 ounces of lemon juice. Get a chilled martini glass with absinthe, add the ingredients in a shaker with ice, and shake and strain into the glass."

The bartender gave Nolan a straight, blank face. "Are you trying to get drunk or are you trying to kill yourself?"

"Just make the damn drink."

The bartender rolled his eyes and begun to prepare the cocktail of death. It was done in a giffy. He looked at it with an arched brow and then back up at Nolan. "May I?" Nolan simply shrugged in response and the man took a sip. The bartender froze in place and his mustache stood up. Nolan gently pried the drink from his hand and walked away with it back to his group, taking light sips along the way. The smell of this drink alone burned the hairs of someone's nose.


He let out a hardy laugh and wrapped his arms around Edith and Ike's shoulders. "The more the merrier I say! Let's get down to our guild before they get wasted without us tonight!" Out of the group of Frenzy Plant mages, Enma was easily one of the most boisterous bastards around. He meant well though. It's just his nature to be loud and rambunctious like the big muscle head he is.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 21 min ago

Fleo Plector – Drury Lanes

@Joshua Tamashii@Hatakekuro[@CirusArvennicus

At first, Joshua's inquiry caused Fleo to be confused as well. She guessed that she hadn't expected there to by anyone unfamiliar with the game, but there was no better person to ask. Fleo seated herself in a plastic chair and began to explain, employing a variety of hand gestures to spice up her dialogue. ”Well, it's a game. Every person has ten rounds, and in every round, a bunch of these pins are set up in a triangle shape. See these big balls? It's our job to roll them down the lanes and try to knock down as many pins as possible. You need both aim and speed. Otherwise, you'll get in the gutter, or knock down only a couple, or leave yourself with a split. Every round, you get to roll twice, and you get points for every one you knock down. If you get all ten on the second try, then that's a spare, and you get bonus points! If you're hyper-mega-awesome and get all ten on the very first, you've got a strike, with loadsa points! And you don't even have to try a second time. On the very last round, you get to go three times. That's two potential strikes! A perfect score is 300, and no magic is allowed. Ready to give it a shot? Watch me!”

With some difficulty, Fleo heaved her bowling ball from its resting place, lugged it to the track, and gave it a roll. Though her stance was good, her aim was poor, and her first shot went into the gutter. Moments later, her ball popped back into reality at her feet courtesy of the wonders of magic, and she went a second time. This shot, she fared a little better, managing to nab herself ten points. Next to try her luck was Trinity, so the dusty woman could look around. She spotted Nolan, and waved at him. ”Hey, over here!” She wrinkled her nose at the caustic drink. ”The heck is that, battery acid?”

Edith Riggs – Crocus

@liferusher@Hatakekuro@Invisible Man[Oblivion999]

With a somewhat awkward laugh, Edith squeezed her way out from between Ike and Enma. Being sandwiched between two large, muscular men, she reasoned, did not provide for her an exactly favorable situation. It did little to dull her spirit, however. Neither did Magni, despite his somber, recalcitrant mood. Edith wondered why the guy never seemed able to loosen up, but would still tend to agree with whatever his guildmates wanted. As a musician and not a psychologist, the young lady couldn't do much more than hope whatever issues he was facing would be resolved.

With Thor, Enma, Magni, and Ike in tow, Edith joined a small procession of Frenzy Plant soldiers leaving the arena, headed into town. The group found themselves walking alongside their riddle-solving representatives, also eager to have a good time in town before the games began. Zander had removed his helmet, though naturally not another scrap of his armor -was that stuff glued to him?-, Xyster almost succeeded in reattaching her head, and even Hyun seemed ready to take a load off. ”Hey,” Edith asked her, in a volume that the others could all hear. “Where are we going?”

When Hyun spoke, it didn't seem quite so constricted as usual. She seemed oddly hopeful, for a woman so typically cold. ”A club. Music, dancing, food. Pretty high-end place, General Sanders recommended it himself. No magic or weapons past the entry hall. Should be...fun.” Hyun said the word as if just now trying to deduce its meaning.

Not long after, the bunch of soldiers arrived at the club. There wasn't actually much dancing, so the wizards piled wherever, chatting and relaxing and listening to a live performance by a singer/guitarist couple. The members of the Frenzy Plant team all sat apart from one another, confident that they'd be getting a lot of one another over the next few days. Nearly all were available for talking.

Nero - Crocus


Nero allowed his charge to lead him through the thinning crowd and down to where the food stands were, talking and listening as he went. Ayame's surprise when he jokingly mentioned where her destination was sparked the genie's curiosity, but he did not bring it up again, mostly because for a little while the girl looked as if her mind had departed for another plane of existence. ”Hey? You there? Looks like you zonked out or something.”

Afterward, the dark mage took the lead, seeing as Ayame grew less confident about where the vendors lay. They discovered a taco booth right next to a little park, and Nero stopped to finish hearing what Ayame had to say before getting anything. ”Eve's trip? Eh, I don't remember it all that well myself. Kinda faded away into the distance. Like we skipped over it. Must not have been that important, I guess. After paying, the duo were able to make their tacos with their own selections of vegetable, sauce, and cheese. They made their way into the park and sat on a bench to eat. Not really thinking of anything to say, Nero remained quiet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

master Jamie

Jamie nodded, giving mithera another hug. "they may have all that, but I am the master of disguise, and I have friends everywhere. If Melina was in trouble, I would know. And no one will get you, my dear, without going through me. Now, don't worry so much" Jamie gave her a smile, and looked about them.


Time lord sighed inwardly. He should have expected that. Well. He would just have to think of another way of interfering with whatever plans Nero had for eve. He was not going to let him lead Eve off the tracks she was on.

After all, if she fell off the rails it meant his Inprisonment too. And that just couldn't happen. "it's alright Eve. I just thought I'd ask. Sometimes, it gets lonely going around by myself. Still, the work I do is important. Just...I know you like Nero, little eve. But I see him as potentially nudging you to misusing your powers and sending us to the magic council. Can you understand why I wouldn't want that to happen? You have great potential, Eve, as long as you learn to use your powers responsibly and not let yourself be used by them"

Time lord spoke softly, watching the battle with the dragons, a sadness on his face
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Online

Trinity Stratos

Trinity gave a soft laugh as Fleo charged ahead. Following after her, out of the arena, they went into the city. "Drury Lanes... Bowling?" She looked down from the sign over the establishment to Fleo, though the dusty mage had already gone inside. The bard sighed, happily, before following after.

She mimicked Fleo, getting a pair of lane shoes on and picking out a lighter ball for herself. When Fleo told her she could get whatever, a smile spread across her face. After immediately setting her chosen ball in the ball slot on her chosen seat, The young lady approached the bar and ordered herself a Twin Dragons to go along with Fleo, as well as a burger and fries. She'd probably throw dessert on later, too. She claimed her beer and a number from the barkeep and strode over to her group's lane.

Ah, and it was her turn, at that. She set her beer aside and approached the lane, taking her ball from her seat. With a somewhat strange opening stance, the young lady took her roll, sending the ball down the right side of the lane and curving it in across the top of the pin formation. She grabbed her ball as it reappeared, and was disappointed to see that a rear triangle of pins still stood. "Dammit." She huffed and took her stance again, sending the next one down the center and claiming the rest of the pins.

She took her ball once it came back and returned to her seat. With a swig from her beer, the young lady turned to watch Nolan and Fleo. It looked like Nolan had quite the concoction for himself... Eugh. She looked away toward the bar, wondering how fast the food here was. The fact that it wasn't ready immediately was good, it meant they had to cook it... probably.

Oh! She should tally her score. The minstrel turned to face the console, though she was surprised at the interface she found. It was a magical display, and it was tracking their scores automatically. "Well, what they say is true. Fiore does seem to be the country for magic."
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