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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

One Month Before the Games


Indigo granted the mysterious, robed lightning mage a curious smile. With the arrival of Magni and Enma, it seemed, the whole guild was in the mood for promotions. Neither Harper nor Mercury had passed their tests against Arivaderci and Owen, respectively, but now it seemed a new challenger had appeared to attempt the A-rank. The receptionist swept up from her seat behind the entry chamber's desk and led Thor into the training hall to wait while she summoned an A-class wizard to perform her examination.

As it turned out, a certain Dullahan had just recently arrived from a hunting job and would be available for action. A few minutes after she'd left, Indigo returned with Xyster at her heels, and escorted her to the center of the room. "Arena Command: bracket draw!" Immediately, green lines of light snaked across the floor from the similarly-colored crystal braziers glowing on every cardinal wall. They formed into simply squares around Xyster and Thor before moving slightly, showing the fighters where to stand before the signal was given.

Thor had been full on training for the whole month and took several jobs to increase their skill to attempt the A-rank exam again. It was a big priority for Thor to become a A-rank since it would be shameful after having trained for all those years. Thor would even want to try and attempt S-rank if it was possible but knowing Thor already had difficulties with the A-rank battle it would be wise to hold onto that wish for the time being. Thor had already stepped up to Indigo to attempt the A-rank exam and was quickly accepted to do so. Thor was quite surprised it wasn't Hyun like last time but Xyster. Thor was fully prepared to fight Hyun this time but Thor didn't mind to fight another mage this time. Thor slightly smiled at the girl and waited for her to be ready to start this fight.

Thor slightly jumped when the green lines circled around their feet and immediately readied theirself to fight any moment. Thor calmed down a little knowing this wasn't any ability to hurt Thor and lessend the tension a little. Thor lightly sighed and waited for the signal to start the battle to Thor's next rank. Thor walked over to the spot Thor was suppose to stand and waited for Xyster to do the same.

Indigo winked. "Don't get too serious, you two. Have some fun! Starting...now!"

A bony index finger pointed Thor's way. Xyster's head was beneath her other arm, and already it bore a creepy smile. That toothy, immaculate grin stretched nearly from ear to ear, and carried with it a sinister omen. When Xyster spoke, her voice had changed slightly; it was not the usual, bright ditzy voice that most of her guildmates had become acclimated to. It bore a twinge subtly indicative of insanity. "Gonna have to hurt ya, love." The pointed hand became an upward palm, and in it materialized a scythe. Though of familiar shape, it was no farmers tool: its handle recalled images of a large spinal cord, and its blade could have easily been a giant's razor. More sinister still was its promise: the Harvester could not be summoned unless Xyster wished to cause harm.

She flourished the scythe once and then cut the empty air. Where the blade sliced, a splash of blackness appeared, as if the air itself bled ink. Immediately, a thin black aura began to emanate from Xyster's body, but without an incantation it was impossible to be certain what it did. Still sporting that unnerving grin, Xyster charged.

Thor stepped back a little at the quite creepy grin of Xyster. The whole idea of her head being under her arm creeped Thor out already. They were Dullahans if Thor recalled correctly, mostly spoken about in horror stories but this was the first time for Thor to see one. Thor unsurely readied themselves and heard the last few words of Xyster before their opponent summoned her scythe. The scythe had some weird vibe to it which creeped Thor out quite a bit. Thor wasn't sure if the scythe was poisoned or it was some kind of cool effect but Thor was sure they didn't want to find out.

Thor gulped before standing in a fighting pose and waited for Xyster to charge at them. It didn't take long before Xyster immediately came charging at them. Thor narrowed their eyes and began to strike back with "Lightning Ball" before immediatly casting "Lightning Body" Thor dashed away to the left before Xyster could come close enough to land a hit and casted another "Lightning Ball" Thor recalled something about Dullahans. If Thor was right they weren't actually alive but only half and to Thor's knowledge electricity didn't have any effect on the undead. Thor gulped another time and prayed their attacks would affect the girl.

Whether or not the electricity had any effect on Xyster remained to be seen, for as she advanced she swung her weapon and cut through the Lightning Ball, causing it to burst in a shower of sparks. That smile had yet to fade, now that its owner had seen Thor dodge. "Does dodging count as fleeing? Oh, oh, I think it does." Xyster's movement altered. Before she had been fairly speedy, but now her movement was downright unnatural. It was as if she had been filmed by a recorder lacrima, the footage fast-forwarded, and reimposed on the world. Now, Xyster wasn't just fast: she was accelerated. Instead of running toward Thor, she walked, scythe slung over her shoulder and head smiling as usual, but at a rate faster than she had previously been sprinting. "As a friend, let me give you some advice," she giggled. "The more you run, the faster I can follow. None can escape death. Oh, but don't worry, I won't kill you much."

She darted forward, practically teleporting, and stopped inches away from Thor's face.

Thor was surprised that Xyster could easily cut Thor's electricity in half and coward back a little knowing this. As Thor ran away from the girl it was soon noticed that the girl had something special going on with her movements. Somehow she could easily keep up with Thor their movement and quickly stood next to Thor in a matter of seconds. The comments the girl made sounded like she had some real confidence in herself. Thor widened their eyes as the girl quickly stood in front of her. Only a few inches was in between Thor and the girl. Luckily this wasn't that much of a downsider for Thor "Electrocute" Thor placed their hands on the girl her belly and emitted a high jolt of electricity out off their hands and quickly cast another spell to escape from anything else the girl could do "Lightning Ball Form" Thor's body started to emit a bright light and quickly Thor zapped around the girl to her back and returned to their original form. As soon as they orientated again Thor cast another spell "Discharge" A bright light left their body from their chest and floated over to the back of the girl at a normal pace. The ball of lightning would soon hit the girl with a large quantity of electricity.

Electrocute--as previous battles had indicated, one of Thor's most powerful spells. And yet, when used on Xyster, all that happened was that her black aura popped like a bubble. Xyster sighed in satisfaction, and tossed her head before catching it like a basketball. "No sell," she stated matter-of-factly, staring directly at Thor even though its body faced away from her. When Thor attempted a Discharge, Xyster rolled away at a normal rate. Evidently she couldn't use accelerated movement if she wasn't pursuing an opponent. With just a second before the Discharge hit her, Xyster flourished her scythe again, creating a new black aura, then slashed at the orb of lightning. This time, rather than just bursting, the lightning arced along the Dullahan's body. She winced slightly but did not stop smiling. Without saying a word, she reeled back before flinging her scythe like a huge, whirling boomerang. Her aim wasn't perfect, and she would have likely missed if Harvester didn't correct itself to fly straight toward Thor.

It was already pretty obvious Lightning magic didn't work against the Dullahan and it was to be expected Xyster would deflect Thor's spell with rather ease. Thor didn't look excited about the whole fact that Thor's magic didn't work. It would mean other ways would be needed to defeat this girl. The only thing that did surprise Thor was that the girl had a lot more trouble moving away from the Discharge than following behind Thor. Thor had to test how the girl her magic worked. The black aura around the girl made Thor curious to. It seemed the arua would help her to deflect the Lightning Thor emitted. Deep in thought Thor was caught off guard by the giant scythe flying at Thor's small framed body. Thor quickly raised both their hands "Force Field" however it didn't seem like it was enough to stop the scythe flying at them. Thor had to act quick otherwise it would be two Thor's in only a matter of seconds "Electrokinetic Wing Manifestation" a bright light emitted from under the back of Thor's cloak before multiple strokes of lightning bursted through the back of their cloak. In the month that Thor had been training some new ways of using their magic were learned. Quickly the wings helped the force field with it's defence and arched before Thor to stop the scythe from hitting Thor. Thor stretched their wings wide in the air.

Undeterred, the Harvester pressed onward. It met Thor's defense in a shower of sparks, revolving and cutting into the Force Field. As the electric shield sustained more and more damage, more power was routed from Thor's wings, both gave out in a rupture of light. Fortunately, the Harvester's momentum gave out at the same moment, aided no doubt by the shockwave, and returned to its owner. With an air of calmness Xyster plucked her weapon from the air before leaping at Thor once more. She took a swing with her scythe, expecting Thor to attempt to dodge again and saving her strength for a second strike to finish her.

Thor stammered back from the scythe it's force and needed some time to pick themselves back up again to properly fight again. As soon as Thor was ready again the scythe quickly came flying at them again. It was to late to dodge so Thor received a full on hit from the large blade. Thor tried to hold in the shout from their mouth but the pain was unbearable. Thor burst out in yelling from the pain and gave a sharp and serious look at Xyster. While Xyster was occupied with holding the scythe on the same place Thor reached out in front of them for the girl and grabbed onto their shirt in the chest area. Thor pulled Xyster towards themselves just a little bit more and casted another "Discharge" from their hands. The compact ball of lightning immediately crashed into Xyster her ribcage which wouldn't do much to the girl since she still had her black aura up. When the Discharge touched Xyster could immediately feel the high electric aura Thor was constantly emitting. Thor had enough of the scythe stuck in the side of their body and tried kicking the handle of the scythe away to get the blade out of their body. Thor released a big yell from their mouth again and covered the wound with the hand from the other side of her body. As soon as Thor settled down again Thor pumped a lot more electricity into their blades again to make them useful again. The wings didn't do much for Thor except for fighting, defensive or quicker flying purposes. Thor jumped off the ground and quickly flew over to Xyster. Their wings closed in a little as Thor started spinning in a corkscrew maneuver. It didn't take long before Thor speeded up a whole lot and hit Xyster in the stomach with their head.

Xyster couldn't decide what surprised her more: Thor taking a hit that the Dullahan hadn't meant, or Thor grabbing her chest. "Hey!" Either way, her protective aura popped from her opponent's Discharge, and the next thing Xyster knew she was sailing through the air with Thor's head in her solar plexus. Xyster's head nearly split in half as her mouth opened, ready to deliver a crushing bite, but instead of pain, laughter issued forth. She couldn't help it. A moment later, Xyster slammed into a support column with a crunch, and Thor sprang away. The Dullahan groaned as she slid to the ground, but didn't look too hurt. Her head rolled along the ground until it was right next to Thor, lying on its side. "Well," she said, still somehow in a good mood. "I've never been groped in mid-battle before, but it looks like it worked. That's vital experience I'll need for the Games, I expect. Ack...I don't really feel like fighting anymore. Congrats, hoodie...you're A-rank now. Hey, you might even get into the games. Check out with Tsubano to get healed up."

As Thor landed on the ground again Thor still wasn't it any good mood and was about to grab the head from Xyster of the ground to smash it in the ceiling before she regained her complete conscious again. Thor shook their head questioning why they felt so aggressive just now and looked at their own hands that were half filled with their own blood that was gushing out of their own arm. Yet Thor didn't feel much pain from the wound that they had got from the scythe. Thor shook their head once more before hearing the head alone talk. It was rather creepy seeing a head without a body feeling so lively but that was something to get use to. Thor negated their own magic in their right arm and carefully picked up their head to retrieved it to their own body. Thor gave a blush that was barely seeable through the shadow overlapping their face but Thor still looked away while writing a apology note to the girl "Very sorry for the groping..." As Thor arrived at the girl her body Thor just simply gave the head back after waiting for one of the arms to grab the head. Thor gave a slight smile at the girl and made a small bow as thanks for the fight. Thor looked around a few seconds as to see where Tsubano was at and walked over to them to get a good heal. Thor's magic couldn't heal these big wounds all that much so some help would definitely be useful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Burthstone

"Chances are, most of the guild masters already know our teams magics and skills." Jarvis said to Amelia, "After all, it's good t otry and find any advantage. They may know our magics, but they don't know how we will use them. Jamie's been looking into other guilds magics as well. Dragon Fang was the easiest-We've always had good ties with Master Jack. frenzy Plant is a little closed mouth, but Jamie is good. He already knows some information on Iron Enigma since they did come to the guild. Pirate Lord is...eccentric to say the least. Jamie is always good at getting information"

Jarvis looked to Mithera once more, as she gripped his shoulder tightly. "They have already had a member come searching for you, and Melina when you were on the job with Damian, Karn Zero and Zenoram. They won't try again, and they won't get into the guild in any case" He said, trying to reassure Mithera.

@Silver Fox

Michael squirmed and shook his head. "All those people? I don't want that many people looking at me" Michael said, but nodding at the mingling option, virtually having no choice but to trot after Prince. As a small, furry creature approached them, seeming quite eager and cheerful.

The creature was cute, but Michael frowned as it spoke. Claire?

He looked to Prince, confused. Unless the creature was talking to someone they couldn't see, then eit was Prince. Prince was confusing enough, without suddenly being called 'Claire'.

"C-c-claire?" Michael asked

Gabriel had followed as well, curious about everything, but figuring he would eventually have to return to Frenzy Plant

Master Jamie
@Joshua Tamashii@Amaya tamashii

Jamie gave a soft sigh. A guild Master's duties were never over. As much as Jamie wanted to join in on the celebrations, she couldn't yet. Jamie watched her guild, beginning to either come down the slide, or go off. Stay safe. He looked to the Riders Guild Master and waited.


Sasha continued down the side, thinking that it was very unfair that Lazarus could escape because of his wings. She continued down the slide, not really interested in showing off just yet. When she reached the bottom of the slide, she stood, and smoothed her clothes.

"That was not funny!" She said to Lazarus when he landed. He seemed well pleased with himself, but Sasha hadn't liked that slide at all. She sighed softly, and looked about them.

Time Lord
@Invisible Man@Lugubrious@liferusher

Time Lord looked to nero, who seemed intent on interfering. "I've mentioned before, I can't travel back in time. But I can do something very awesome with my magic, as ong as there had been a powerful event. You shall see." He said, resigned to the fact that Nero would be coming along.

He led the way out of the stadium, keeping a hand on Eve so she would get lost in the crowd. He led them all to the spot where, 100 odd years ago, those from the grand magic games had fought dragons. a lot of Magic lingered here, a lot of trouble had been caused, and the ground and surrounding area was still scared from it.

It was a simple matter for Time Lord to mutter a spell or two, and create a hologram like image of what had occurred. It wasn't the first time that he had done this, here. Yet it still amazed him.


Penny sat with the rest of the guild throughout the games Preliminary round. She had thought that the initial round might me more entertaining, but the riddles did have a certain appeal. Still, as the places got filled by guilds, she grew worried for their guild. She needn't have worried overly much.

She watched as some of the guild showed off on their dismounts from the building and smiled with amusement. As they were told to Mingle, she looked about them, but felt reluctant to approach those from other guilds by herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 40 min ago

Jack Goran|Grand Magic Games Arena

Jack had sat with his guild through the entirety of the prelims, though he grew worried when he had heard that it was a game of riddles. Ammy was good, she spent all her time observing or reading when she wasn't working the bar, so he had a good feeling about sending her, but a couple of the members, like Hunter, were a touch too literal in their outlook on everything and so the riddles may very well fly over his head, but he proved to offer his own answers to a couple of the riddles and got them through to the Games themselves. He cheered as they all exited, and when the guilds were told where and when to be back, he was among the first on the arena floor to meet his guild members as they dismounted the building.

"Well done, Team! Tonight, we feast and drink like kings!" For a normally reserved man, he seemed incredibly excited at this very moment. However, before he could continue, Jackie got his attention and he smiled, noting the way she subconsciously cringed after speaking. Smiling, he wraps an arm around her. "Just because you weren't very good at the riddles doesn't mean one of these events isn't one you're good at. And besides, if nothing else, you're a force to be reckoned with on the battle field."

Damian Gerard|Grand Magic Games Arena

Damian, with a big grin on his face, moved through the crowd until he found Penny and he wrapped her in a hug. "Gah, the most nerve wracking part is over! Now we just go on and win this thing." Letting her go, he looks around at the other guild members, remembering that they were supposed to mingle and then spotted the guy with Dragon Fang who'd used some kind of requip magic or something. Deciding he'd be the best to start with or at least as good as anyone else. Leading Penny over, he offered a hand to the guy. "Damian Gerard, Phoenix Wing Team B. What was that magic you just used? I admittedly didn't recognize it."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Angelo smiled hugging her back as she congratulated him and the others and he smiled as they got to where they were going which Angelo believed was their hotel for the time being and Angelo cheered "were still in this people and lets make it to the very end!" Angelo said grinning at them as he went and got a drink enjoying their time together before the games start tomorrow...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zephyr Hardt
Grand Magic Games Arena

Zephyr cheered a bit when Jack would mention feasting and drinking. He always loved food, never actually had a drink before so that would be interesting for him later on to find out what it was like. A man would then come over and extend out his hand, to which Zephyr would shake without hesitation and nod at his introduction. "Phoenix Wing huh, you guys are like the second Fairy Tail with having two teams entering. As for my Magic it is Machina Takeover! I think this woman called Jenny Realight used it in the Grand Magic games once when she fought the demon Mirajane. I'd like to think I use it better though. Machina takeover is really interesting though, you have so many choices in the world so its almost like a limitless magic. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Zephyr Hardt and I'm from Dragon Fang!" Zephyr said with a big grin as he then extended his hand out to Penny.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by soren
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@vesuvius00 @demon shinobi @oblivion666


Merlina looked at Aurora and clapped as she did her thing. Smiling all Merlina did was extend her wings and float down next to Aurora. "We did good kid. Now lets check out the competition shall we?" Merlina focused her eyes on certain people hoping to see something that might tell her their skill level. She had become quite good at reading people but this group of people was a better part of mystery. Only thing she was sure of was the fact that this was going to be interesting.


For the most part Soren was not amused by the antics of the others but decided that he also needed to get down. So he surrounded himself with his contain magic and with his hand out stretched he moved the sphere forward right off the ledge. The sphere floated in the air and was unaffected by gravity or the other laws of psychics. When Soren was positioned over Merlina and Aurora he pointed down and the sphere descended until he was next to them. The sphere was then dispersed and he looked over to Merlina. Noticing that she was looking at the others he smirked and then looked back up at Bel and Malice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Penny returned Damian's hug, nodding, "Of course we'll win" She grinned, folowing along to the guy Damian wanted to talk with. She recognised that he was on the dragon Fang team, and listened as he spoke.

Penny took his hand, and said "I'm Penny. We have a lot of people, so Master Jamie and Jarvis probably thought that it was good to have two teams. How can you take over a machine?" She wondered, curious, it seemed such a random magic, not that she doubted it was effective.

She then hesitated, remembering that Dragon Fang's master had taken the girl Jack that had attacked the guild in. That hadn't been a fun day, "the girl, jack? How is she doing in the guild?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

After separating from the rest of his teammates, Joshua walked around the arena, finding his way over to the rest of Phoenix Wing. As he walked among the members, he found himself next to a familiar white haired girl he seemed to always be next to these days. Really, the way that happened sometimes mystified him.
"So, did you enjoy yourself?" He asked Amaya, sitting next to her."If I recall, you enjoy riddles and anything that can be found in a book. How many did you know before we did?"

Elyse Yashia and Lucus Griffonbane

@Amaya Tamashii

Elyse let out a squeal of delight when Rose plucked her from Jamie's arm. Laughing, she tugged on her mother's shirt.
"Again, again!" She demanded before seeing Lucus. At the sight of the man, she immediately fell silent and clung to her mother nervously, as she usually did around people she didn't know very well.

Lucus stopped when he heard Rose's voice. Turning around, he looked a little shocked.
"Oh ah... yeah. Congrats to your team as well." He said, scratching the back of his head. Walking over, he looked down at Elyse and gave her a small smile."You must be little Elyse. Your mommy has told me a lot about you. You like candy right?"

The little girl only nodded in reply. Reaching into his pocket, Lucus brought out a piece of hard candy and held it out to his daughter. Elyse just looked up at Rose, uncertain if she should take it or not.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia just nodded at what Jarvis said, thinking his words over. She missed out on the entire conversation between Mithera and Jarvis. Glancing down at the teams as they exited, a thought occurred to her. Jarvis had brought up every guild that was competing except for two of them.
"What about Teams Rider's Blade and Tough Love? Do we know anything about the wizards on their teams? Anything at all?" She asked, turning towards the older man.

Fraquar Alinstar

@Lugubrious @Caits

Fraquar opened his eyes when he heard someone talking to him. If the sight of a girl who was holding her head separate from her body disturbed him in anyway, he hid it very well. After hear what the girl had to say, he simply sighed before addressing her.
"Yes, I am the master of Rider's Blade. You should not underestimate us just because we lack the reputation of guild like Phoenix Wing and Dragon Fang. Even knew guilds like mine can pull off stunts and surprises no one would expect us to do." He said before spotting that Jamie was nearby."I'm sorry Miss, but you'll have to excuse me. I have business to attend to. But if you want to learn about humans, I think it's best you talk to someone who is not trying to find their faith in humanity again."

With that being said, he got off the wall and walked over to Jamie.
"Master Jamie, it has been a while. I was hoping to apologize for the actions some of the members of my guild and myself took against your guild some time ago." He said, not expecting to get any warmer a reception from Jamie then he had gotten from Jarvis. In fact, he was expecting a slightly colder one if anything else, given Jamie's reputation of how protective she was of his guild, something Fraquar had seen first hand.

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist


When Master Jack raised his arm, Jack internally flinch, ready for him to hit her or something. So she was rather surprised when he put his arm around her instead, something that was evident in one the rare times her expression fully showed an emotion. Letting her guard down a bit, she gave Master Jack an even rarer smile.
"Thank you Master Jack." She said. She knew that she would be needed again and for some reason she couldn't understand, she wanted to make sure she did not fail her guild or her guild master when that time came.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Rose laughed hearing Elyse wanting her to pluck her from Jamie's arms again. " Later I will but first let's go see a very close friend of mommy's" she said making it to Lucus as she noticed the change in Elyse " Elyse meet Lucus Griffborne, he is a very close friend to your mommy, we go way back. Also...he is...your..dad. it's alright, the candy is the same as Jamie's" she said feeling If Elyse knew who Lucus was it might help repair what thing they could for Elyse. Rose prepared herself for tons of questions.

*~*Amaya Vanisis*~*

Amaya looked at Floe and Joshua very confused " Uh...I am not on one of the teams I am a spectator. I requested to not be chosen cause performances like these cause my shy side to come out I am shy in big crowds, plus I barely know things like these it is so different from my life back home. she explained to Floe and Joshua before she suddenly hugged Joshua happily " congratulations on getting through round one of these games, I knew you could do it...Now just get to the end and win this for Phoenix Wing!"she said happily with a giggle as she let go to adjust her huge scarf and hair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri Takashi

Sayuri smiles wryly, "At least you have that assurance that their doing it to protect you. I don't even know if that's what my dad's doing. For being a member of the council he's really bad at explaining things..." she sighs and looks back at the Lacrima and frowns slightly, " Oh, Seems like the preliminaries are over... Didn't we meet someone from Iron Enigma while looking for an apartment? I'm not always the best with remembering people. Especially if I haven't seen their magic. Not to say I identify people by their magic but you know."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

phone weirdness
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera --- Magic Games
"One of them already came looking for me?! And you didn't tell me?! Who were they, did they act like they already knew? And really, why didn't you tell me?! I should be told these kinds of things!" Mithera was panicking some, and her claws dug into Jarvis' shoulder, and she kept her eyes trained on Iron Enigma, who were socializing and hooting loudly, happy they had gotten into the games. "I don't have a good feeling about this at all." She murmured, releasing Jarvis' shoulder some.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games


Ayame slightly blushed and moved her head away a little when Nero laid his hand down on her head. She gently smiled at Nero and holded the sides of her chair lightly. Her bright eyes glancing over the big arena hearing Nero talk while she did do so. She readjusted her hair in the right place and waved her hands in a no gesture at him after hearing his words "R-really you don't have to follow me or do things I like. I'm happy enough t-too be with you again." Her voice turned softer as she continue talking and she ended up with a blush on her face while averting her head away from the hex mage. After a few moments Ayame happily turned her face towards him again "Well there is one thing."

Ayame jumped up from her chair and stood before Nero "I'd like for you to follow me after the games instead of the other way around after the magic games. It doesn't have to b-be immediatly b-but i-i mean ummm... we can take a short break... If you like" Ayame turned around and stood with her back at Nero while looking over the arena having turned complete silent all of the sudden. Ayame gave a deep sigh and tried to hype herself again while waiting for his respons. Once he was done talking Ayame turned around again putting a finger up to the sky right in front of his nose while showing a clear cheerfull grin on her face "Let's go get some snacks now!".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Joshua Tamashii@Burthstone

Jarvis answered Ameia first, after a moment or two. "Tough Love is a little guild. They had potential, but I don't see them being too much of a threat. Riders Blade..." Jarvis gave a sigh "They were a dark guild. And we have had dealings with them in the past"

He winced as Mithera became frantic, looking to her. "Because I didn't wish to worry you. I also had other things on my mind. Like where Jamie is. Why the Riders had attaced once more. Everything else They knew you were with the guild. Most of fiore knew that though. THey thought Melina would be with you. I thought it was more important to get the girl gone then to question her. And I didn't want to worry you over nothing. I told her I wouldn't be devulaging any information on you, or Melina and she went"

In order to stop Mithera from clawing his shoulder to shreds, he gently picked her up, "you do not need to worry, Mithera. you are Phoenixx Wing now. And Meiina has been...well, not really a friend to the guild, but she has never openly hurt any of our members. We won't just et anything happen to you, and if something does happen, we'll come after you"

Master Jamie

"It has been a while. The last time I saw you, or any of your guild, you were intent on destroying my guild, and hunting down one of my members" Jamie said, keeping her voice neutral. "Words are wind. Apologies mean nothing much, without actions to back it up. Would you just accept an apology if someone had hurt or tried one of your members?" Jamie asked, watching the other guild master.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Ariel - Phoenix Guild Hall
Nodding she tried to recall the name but couldn't quite pull it up in her mind. "Oh, I can't remember either. She had light magic though because that was how I got that magic, from you and her. Hmm..." After thinking about it for a while she was still drawing a blank. "Nope. Well I hope they do alright. Though obviously I want our guild to win."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

With so much excitement in the air and pumping through the thousands of veins, it was hard to keep one from running even if there was nowhere to run to. The feeling of the event, magnified after so many years deprived of it, was absolutely infectious. People could easily imagine, no matter which direction they went, that they were headed toward victory if their heart beat fast enough. For a group of wizards from Phoenix Wing, at least, they had a definite destination in mind.

Fleo, possessed of that enthusiastic spirit more so than many of her contemporaries, was one of the first to rush from the grand arena. Behind her followed a loose gathering of her guildmates, maybe not quite so seized by the energy of the moment, but ready to celebrate a challenge well done and toast the victories doubtless still to come. With the dusty woman's eager guidance, they found themselves headed to a decently-sized bowling alley enshrined as 'Drury Lanes'. It was a comfortable place, with bright red carpet, varnished wood furniture, and a soft yellow lighting even over the hyper-shiny lanes themselves. A bar was on hand to provide drinks, alcoholic or otherwise, to the place's patrons, and better-than-average fast food issued from the little kitchen whenever ordered. After slipping on the standard thick-soled bowling shoes over her own bandages feet, Fleo led the way to the first unoccupied lane and set up a game between her, the Ice Dragon Slayer, the Energy-make Minstrel, and the Swordsman.

While an automated telekinesis system set up the pins, Fleo stepped up to fill the silence. ”So! Pretty nice place, right? I was here once before, a bit ago actually, it was very different. Much nicer now than then! The carpet's new. Food's nothing too special, but filling and tasty. Burgers are kinda greasy. They've got a bunch of different beers, and a few stronger drinks, but nothing's as good as Twin Dragons if you ask me. Though honestly, hahah, it's probably psychological with me at this point! Hey Trin, go ahead and get what you like. I figure if there's a day I shouldn't be miserly, it's the night we earned our place in the Grand Magic Games!” She pulled a lime-green bowling ball from a nearby rack, tested its heft, and shook her head before putting it back.

Nero – Spectator Stands

@Invisible Man@Caits@liferusher

For a moment, Nero was torn. Stay at Eve's side as she went off with the Time Lord, or humor little Ayame by grabbing a bite to eat? Though a puzzling dilemma, it didn't take long for the genie to come up with a conclusion. ”After the games? Sure, sure. Perhaps we can get Eve to take a break from ol' Daragon Fangu and come with us. It'd only be fair: first I lead you around, and then she leads us, so why don't you take the wheel next? My only question...where 'wheel' it lead us? Heeheehee!” Never one to let a good pun expire without laughter, the dark mage gave a hearty chuckle before continuing. First he turned to Eve. ”I'll get back to you. In twenty or thirty minutes, have Grime Lord send up an icy flare or something, and I'll head back to enjoy the show. See ya!” With that out of the way, he turned to Ayame. ”Your turn to choose where we grab a bite to eat. What sounds good?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mithera -- Grand Magic Games
Mithera was starting to have trouble keeping her voice quiet. "If I had been told before I wouldn't have to worry now because I could've told Melina! She can take care of herself if she has warning. But if she gets jumped she'll have no way of fighting back! Not to mention I won't either... I can't scream that loud besides. I can try to always be around Karn or someone, but who's to say..." She shook her head, shaking a little. "I'm going to sleep with Jamie tonight." She barely managed to fly herself over to Jamies' shoulder, gripping her claws into it tightly. "Mind if I stay with you tonight Jamie? I-I don't feel safe." She pushed her cheek against Jamies'. "Please?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Zephyr Hardt
Grand Magic Games

After their handshake Penny would ask him how he took a machine over, this question seemed to light a fire in his eyes as though he could explain this all day everyday. "Its like a regular takeover, you have to have a good understanding of what the object is before you commence the takeover. I can know that these headphones I have are able to produce music and in turn, tune things out, but I would need to know much more about it than that. Its also the only takeover I know of that doesn't suck the object into your body, like with the Satan takeover or beast one. And since all I ever takeover are machine I have no fear of my body being controlled by what I took over. I could explain it much more but I doubt you want me to bore you with all those details." Zephyr finally concluded not caring he was giving foes information on his magic at all.

Then Penny would ask him about Jack to which Zephyr smiled at her. "Well she seems kind of serious whenever I see her or talk with her, but I think she is having a good time in the guild. I personally find her to be awesome and a lot of fun to have around. Any reason you asked about her though? Couldn't you find her and ask?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 40 min ago

Damian Gerard|Games Arena

Damian winced slightly. He'd taken some time to find out from Jarvis what he'd missed before the prelims had started and he took the wheel. "Let's just say that she and our guild have some history. Unpleasant history, but history all the same." He looked over at the former Death as she stood next to her guild master and smiled softly. If even someone like her could find a home with a guild, perhaps there was hope for the rest of the Rider's Blade guild after all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

Eve was slightly puzzled, why didn't Nero want to come with her in the beginning? Sure, he would come later for her, but Nero wasn't really the person to just leave her. As the Time Lord took her hand, Eve's glance turned over towards the other girl that had been tagging along them, to be honest, all she knew about her was that she was apart of Dragon Fang and that she was shy around people. So, if Nero was going to make her happy then Eve would be happy. Right as Time Lord and Eve were going to be enveloped inside of the crowd, she waved at the two before turning around to keep an eye on her guide.

After they had made it to their destination, it was some rather abandoned and strange seeming place. It didn't seem like an attraction to her as no one was really around sight seeing or having fun. She looked at Time Lord with a confused face before he started to murmur a spell or two and the entire place started to grow around her, an ancient arena popped out of nowhere and Eve and Time Lord were in the center of this really cool place. The Necromancer could see that this place was fake, but it still looked so real to her, the Time Lord could always do something that would amaze her. "This place is pretty cool! What else can you do with this?"

Magni - Grand Magic Games

There it was, the inevitable interruption that was going to take time away from his own day. Well, at least this person wasn't a total stranger to him as it was someone from Frenzy Plant, however, he didn't exactly know her or anyone that well inside of the guild. He mainly just trained, ate some food, train more, eat more, and then maybe train even harder, eat one last time, and then go to bed. His life wasn't as exciting as his Dark Guild hunting days, living in the wilderness, hunting down people for their crimes and then slicing off their heads... Good times. Magni turned back his attention to Edith, he had missed half of what she had said, but he could assume the question she was trying to ask the newcomers.

Magni wasn't really too keen on meeting more people, so he was about to just get up and leave the stands to find some place relaxing. However, something echoed through his head. 'Stop and smell the cherry blossoms'. The Antimage almost groaned loudly, but he managed to keep it within himself. Vergil's phrase had been haunting him for the last two months and it has been really annoying since the past two months. He managed to ignore it most of the time, but this time it was vibrating through his entire body. Magni knew that his counter productive mind would not let him meditate if he just left, so the Antimage resigned to join with Edith and maybe the others. So, with his gruff and mainly emotionless voice he said, "Sure."

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