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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Jessie was practically bouncing up and down, nearly falling off the announcer's bench. She clapped, and was grinning, "OOOH! ALL SPOTS HAVE BEEN FILLED! Frenzy Plant, Phoenix Wing A AND B HOW AWESOME IS THAT?, Dragon Fang, Iron Engima, pirate lord, Riders blade, and what's this? WHATS THIS WHATS THIS? AN UNKNOWN TEAM HAS REACHED THE TOP! OH HOW AWESOME IS THAT?" She looked to Ferris excitedly.

Games Master Sheldon

"Well." Games Master Sheldon had appeared on the roof top, and smiled around at them all. "This is absolutely fantastic. You are eight amazing teams! The first group event starts at nine tomorrow! You must be back at your hotels by midnight tonight. And no shenanigans!" He chuckled, grinning and said, "OH the surprise. Yes. Yes." he chuckled again, and then leaped off the roof, but instead of falling down and going splat, the games master Slid down as if there was an invisible slide there.


Sasha looked around at the teams, and grinned at the other Phoenix Wing team. They had two chances now to win. But it meant they were competing. Not that that mattered. For now, it looked like they had several hours of nothing. She wondered if they should interact with the other teams, and learn something about them.

She looked to the others, and said "Um. So. What now?"

One of the other guilds was following the Games Master, the first seemed to stare at the air, before swallowing and jumping off the land on the invisible slide. They laughed all the way down.

She looked back to the others.

Master Jamie

Jamie wasn't waiting for the teams to return to the ground, instead, Jamie started down to the arena, with Elyse still in his arms, grinning. "HURRY UP AND GET DOWN HERE< SO WE CAN CELEBRATE!"


Jarvis flinched, surpried that Mithera would choose to land on his shoulde,r more then anything else. He looked to her, and frowned slightly. She seemed quite agitated, so why didn't she go to Jamie? Maybe she didn't wish to scare the child. "A handful of people. Why, what's wrong?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He was pleased that they had made it through, and he did have a little grin on his face, despite his best efforts not to show it. Sasha looked at the team. "I don't know why you're looking at us." He chuckled, yet said it with such a scary tone that it could cut steel. "Here." He planted his foot into her hip to knock her off the side and onto the invisible slide. "Bye now!" He watched to see what happened to her, chuckling.


He watched Lazarus' antics with Sasha, and couldn't help but smile. He spoke under his breath, not even aware his team were around him. "So Lazarus. This is the life you have made for yourself." He pulled a little smile still watching him before shaking his head and wiping his facial expression. He nudged Ammy. "Hey. Question. Give me your deepest honest answer." He tried to maintain his voice despite it shaking. "Do... you think people can truly change?" He looked her in the eyes, his on the brink of watering, voice shaking more. "I mean deep down. Can people change? Or are they always the same soul?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Team Frenzy Plant - Indigo, Zander, Hyun, Demetri, Xyster

No small amount of satisfaction had greeted the representatives of Frenzy Plant to find that they had been one of the first teams to ascend to the building's top. If any insipid onlookers nestled among the crowing audience had believed for an instant that the soldiers were all brawn and no brains, they would now find themselves laughably mistaken. After Xyster had finished her joyous shrieking, she stood beside her teammates and joined them in a proud, smiling silence that lasted until every other team had made the cut.

Though Indigo had kept a keen ear out, it had proved impossible to hear into the other towers. Of course, it mattered little. All she'd wanted to do was to potentially hear the riddles of other teams and see if she couldn't guess them before they could. Instead, she focused her powers of observation on the wizards of the opposing teams. Each new squad that made the cut would find itself under the dashing blonde's analyzing gaze, reading their appearances and behaviors like books to be memorized. In a contest of this importance, no soldier would waste any opportunity to gain an advantage, and despite her appearance Indigo was every inch a soldier.

A moment after, Sheldon abandoned the building by way of slide. Other wizards headed in its direction, like Lazarus, Sasha, and Shujin, and Xyster started toward them. ”Wait.” The group froze. Zander marched to the edge of the building and bade his allies join him. ”A slide is all well and good, but I think the soldiers of Frenzy Plant could stand to do something a little more...memorable. Don't you?” He drew his sword and held it skyward. ”Wailing Thrust!”

With a shrieking sound of warping metal, the blade began to grow. It extended upward until it was ten stories high, though its weight remained unchanged. Grinning, Zander maneuvered it downward and over the edge, jamming it in the ground far below. He leaped from the building onto his sword's hilt, and the blade began to shrink, elevating him right back down toward the bottom in a needlessly extravagant way.

The others were quick to pick up on his methodology. Immediately after the Ruby Knight began to descend, Xyster and Demitri dashed for the edge and leaped without forethought or ceremony. They plummeted to the ground, spread eagled, and at the last moment Demetri extended a burning fist into a ground pound. He hit the earth in a fiery explosion, and rose from the smoldering embers unharmed but for a few smudges of ash, and smiling wildly. His Dullahan friend landed nearby, her head beneath her feet. A few screams from the audience proved useless as her invulnerable head soaked the impact; her body hopped off of it, performed a bow, and then picked it back up.

Hyun went next, drawing both katanas and flourishing them skillfully. As she jumped, she pivoted, and embedded her blades in the wall of the building. Using them to slow her descent, she arrived at ground level in a shower of sparks, and with a cheer from onlookers.

A moment later, Indigo touched down as well. She had used Nosgoth to sprout a pair of batwings and flutter gracefully to earth. She banished the books, and the wings, and curtseyed to the crowd. ”Be sure to cheer for us tomorrow!” she called to them, and blew a kiss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Games Arena

Damian watched Frenzy Plant leave the roof and, with a grin of his own, turned back to his teammates. "Come on ladies and gents, let's show 'em what we can do!" Sprinting towards the edge, Damian smoothly transitioned into a back flip for the last couple feet, flipping off the edge and falling towards the ground. At the last moment, he spun and a tornado of ethereal blades slowed his momentum and let him land gracefully. As the crowd cheered, he bowed as well. "Remember, Phoenix Wing's takin' home the gold!"

Ammy Silver and Hunter Jorgenson|Games Arena

Ammy looked at Shujin as he asked and thought a moment before answering. "Of course they can. Whether for better or worse though, depends on what they were before the change." With that, she turned towards where Sheldon had gone and rode the invisible slide down...on a magic skull made from one of her spells. If other guilds were going to show off, it was only fair play. Hunter followed close behind, leaping off the building and riding down on a Jade Wing Attack to show off himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Outside Phoenix Wing guild hall
@Zarkun@caits@Joshua tamashii

Rose followed her team out seeing they made it in time as she just smiled waving at the crowd. She watched some of the teams show off as she nodded to Damien as he showed off. She walked to the edge before backing up a bit. She then ran diving off the edge. She twisted in a spiral on the way down as right before she reached the bottom the shadows from their tower leap engulfing her before exploding into black butterflies. Rose reappeared from the shadows in the stand entrance with a small smile on her face as she folded her arms in front of her chest walking to Jamie to see her daughter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


"Lazarus!" Sasha yelped as he pushed her down. She didn't know how she did it, but as she yelped, she twisted around, to Lazarus's foot and drag him down with her, causing them to tangle up. She was sure they weren't doing a good job of portraying Phoenix wing, but too late for that.

There was something truly terrifying about sliding down what appeared to be thin air with no control over what happened

master jamie

Jamie chuckled at his guilds antics, waiting for them all to gather "you did very well. But this is just the beginning. You all have a long way to go in the games, but no matter what, the guild has your back. Go have a bit of fun. Mix and mingle, laugh and rest. Tomorrow will be hard" jamie told them, looking up T the crowd at the rest of the guild, "for all of us, I think"

time lord

Timelord nudged Eve, as the events of the day seemed to be over, and said "I have your gift in mind. Would you like to see heros of old?" he asked her, giving her a smile.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 26 min ago

It looked like they were able to take one of the slots to participate in the games. Sasha carried them through the preliminaries and Nolan helped only a small bit though after this he hoped to play a much more active part in the games instead of answering riddles. To his satisfaction the other Phoenix Wing team made it through as well. It's not like he was worried that they weren't going to make it time. He had high expectations for his guild mates and any less of that would've been an insult. His attention was turned towards Frenzy Plant's mages that decided to give a bit of a show for the audience followed by Damian showing off. In one part of his mind he didn't want to be a show off like the rest of them and in another part his brain was screaming at him loudly to show off a little bit. That other part must've screamed really loud because Nolan leaped off the building and unsheathed Kaso. Ashes surrounded the katana and he swung it rapidly, yet precisely towards the building, sending a volley of ash projectiles against it. Nolan landed with a perfect back flip and turned heel to look at the audience. Behind Nolan the building said with giant ash letters 'BRING IT ON' with the Phoenix Wing crest underneath.

Enma sat in the stands with the rest of his guild and chuckled. His guild was just a riot and boy did they ever have a sense of style. The oni laughed and clapped at the sight of Nolan giving a show for the rest of the audience. "Oh you little show off!" He yelled out to Nolan who sadly couldn't hear him over the rest of the booming crowd.

Ferris grinned and leaned forward into the lacrima. "Today is a very special day. For the first time in a hundred years we have our participants for the Grand Magic Games. Who's going to win? Who will bring glory to themselves and their guild and who will go home with their heads down? Find out tomorrow for the first round of the Grand Magic Games!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Phoenix Guild Hall
Listening intently she occasionally glanced at the lacrama to see what was happening. This was riddles and such though so it didn't interest her quite as much as a fight would. A lot of what she saw was above her head. Nodding to what Sayuri said Ariel smiled a bit. "What that kind of sounds like a few times with my parents. Like right now actually. Something is up but they won't tell me what. I'm sure they're trying to protect me somehow but it just seems odd."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@YipeeXD@Zarkun@Joshua Tamashii

Zephyr Hardt
Games Arena

Zephyr grinned at all the teams that were there and couldn't help but think of how fun the challenge was going to be. He was sure Hunter was thinking the same thing and couldn't wait for tomorrow. So when everyone started to show off as they left Zephyr smirked and switched into his Engine gear. And as soon as Hunter jumped off, Zephyr took off jumping off the building with the smoke trail behind him and as he got closer to the ground he switched to his Echo suit radiating that golden aura between the transitions and did the shockwave shield so it looked like he floated before he hit the ground. He would then revert back to his normal clothing and then wonder what to do from here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Online

Joshua Tamashii

Joshua looked around at the other teams as they came out of the towers or were already out of them by the time his team was out. He had been little help with the riddles, though combat and physical activities were his specialty anyway. Once the announcements of the teams were and the game master made his way down the invisible slide, Joshua hung back to watch some of the guilds members show off their magic as they made their exits. Laughing to himself, Joshua jumped into the slide and rode it down on his feet, jumping off before he reached the end of it and flipping in midair, landing on his feet. His magic wasn't good for showing off as it was right now, and he didn't feel a need to show it off. Best not to reveal your cards before you fought the enemy after all.

Amelia Averyonna


Amelia smiled as the teams were announced and clapped along with the rest of the audience but she didn't cheer like they did. Such a big feeling of joy wasn't what she felt. She was happy that the teams from Phoenix Wing made it in, yes, but she just didn't feel the same way as everyone else. She knew she should be excited but she only felt content and happy. Maybe it was just the way she was. Leaning forward, she watched as several people, including Rose, showed off their magic.
"Isn't it kind of foolish to show off your magic now?" She asked, turning to Jarvis."Might that give other people an advantage over you before the actual games start?"

"Mommy make it?" Elyse asked Jamie as the guild master as he headed down to where the teams would be exiting. She watched them, holding her stuffed octopus close to her before she stopped Rose, at which point she became excited again."MOMMY, MOMMY! You make it?!"

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist


The moment the exit from the tower was available, Jack went down the slide. She didn't show off her magic, as habit prevented her from showing off in front of opponents. Once she was off the slide, she quickly exited the arena and headed towards where Dragon Fang was. Once there, she moved over to Master Jack.
"We're sorry. We were of no help in the tower." She said, looking at the ground. Old memories were going through her head. When her father had been training her, failure resulted in severe punishments. It had been a while since she had failed at anything other then kidnapping Amelia, and she was expecting some sort of punishment this time around.

Team Rider's Blade

Krystal smiled, ready to show off her magic and find a way down other then the slide. Before she could though, Sigurd placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't show off just yet." He said."Tempting as it might be, it's best to keep a magic like your under wraps. If others know what you can do, no matter what, they can plan for it. Phoenix Wing already knows about Lucus and Pyrrha. Best they not know any others."

With that, Sigurd led the way down the slide and back to where Fraquar was waiting for his guild.
"That was a good job, all of you. Entering the Games was one thing, but making it past the prelims and into the actual games is another accomplishment altogether, especially for a guild as young as our. Remember though, winning is simply a secondary objective for us. Right now, we want to prove that we're a worthy guild to join and that we can hold our own against the best of the best." He said."Now, go out and have some fun. I have some business to take care of before I join you all."

With that he left his guild, allowing them to go where they would as he made his way to where most of the Phoenix Wing guild was. He stopped short of them, leaning against a nearby wall with his arms crossed, waiting for Jamie to show up to try and talk to the guild master and try to make amends for past deeds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 41 min ago

@amaya tamashii@zarkun@j8cob@cirusarvennicus

This is crazy!" Angelo said laughing as he quickly made a running start and jumped laughing all the while "cowabonga" Angelo yelled happily as he jumped down with the others down the invisible slide laughing all the while wondering if his mother was watching this on a tv somewhere and rooting for him. Angelo knew they would win the gold and everything but it nice to think that their were people watching this and cheering for Angelo and the rest of the guild to win and go all the way...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grand Magic Games


Karn chirped cheerfully as the announcers went on before his ears twitched toward Sasha and Lazarus. Watching as the white clad man kicked the ice lady in the hip. "Master Rian would scold for hitting around a lady's baby maker. Hips are important." the draconic feline chirped. Watching the two fall over, Karn giggled in amusement before watching several wizards start to show off their magic.

Nolan joined in the display, in which Karn flapped his wings to flutter off of Nolan to allow the Ash God Slayer to do whatever it was he was doing. The transformation wizard wasn't one to show off. After all, Master Rian always scolded him about how a transformation's best tactic is the element of surprise. Plus, surprises were fun!

Flapping his small dragon like wings so he hovered in the air, listening to Jamie. "Oh cool! I can see Claire again!" he cheered.

Grand Magic Games

"Awe come on Mikey! Just give it your best shot. Betcha you can't stand out more than me when I'm not doing anything." Prince chuckled before ears perking as today's games came to a end and it was time to mingle a little. Which meant Karn was free for the rest of the day! And still had all of his magic! Perfect!

"Well if you won't cheer, come on and let's go mingle! You haven't met all the Wizards!" Prince cheered before grabbing both the twins hands and heading down to where the competitors were.

Karn's ears perked as he saw the red head before flying over in front of them. "Hiya Claire! Hiya Twinsies!" he greeted cheerfully.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*~*Rose Yashia*~*

Outside Phoenix Wing guild hall

Rose smiled plucking Elyse from Jamie's arms "Yes mommy made it" she noticed fraquar nearby "master Jamie...the guildmaster from the rider's blade looks to be wanting to speak to you..Elyse do you wanna congratulate Mr lucus?" Rose said to Jamie and Elyse walking away finding lucus as she smiled "congrats on making it past those annoying riddles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

To be honest, Eve was slightly bored the entire way through the event. People solving riddles wasn't really her idea of entertainment, however, the cheerful announcer was pretty nice for Eve. She was also glad that Dragon Fang managed to get through the riddles, so did other guilds as well with other funny sounding names. So, when the event was over, Eve was glad as she could stop spending time sitting on her butt doing nothing. When she was asked to go to some place with Time Lord, she quickly nodded her head, excited to see anything other than people solving riddles. However, she quickly looked at Nero and patted at his arm. "Do you want to come with me and Time Lord? The Heroes of Old sounds pretty neat!" Eve smiled brightly as bringing along Nero would be all the better.

Magni - Grand Magic Games

Magni was unimpressed at the beginning of the Grand Magic Games. The hype in this event had been growing so large and the training that went into preparing made him expect that the Grand Magic Games would only bring heart pumping action through the entire way through, warriors beating up each other for honor and bloodshed. However, he was put inside the situation of merely just watching people solving riddles. Man, that was boring. The Antimage was bored the entire way through, the announcer's voice was irritating to his ears and it surprised him that so many guilds failed to solve riddles, I mean they are just riddles.

Well, as the round ended, it seemed that Frenzy Plant and a very small amount of other guilds managed to make it through the tower of riddles. He was just glad that the whole ordeal was over with and he could do something rather than just sitting around being bored barley paying attention to the easy challenge. Magni was rather eager to find some peace and quiet as the screaming was always a thing that Magni did not like at all. However, the appearance of Magni would always attract someone to try to talk to him and some members of Frenzy Plant were always eager to chat him up. The Antimage prepared himself for human interaction once again, his skills in talking to people were getting better, but his ability of social interaction was below par compared to any normal person.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


His expression dropped as Sasha's hand grasped onto his ankle. "Shit." He tumbled down after her. "You idiot!" He laughed, falling, and forming his wings, flying upwards, Sasha still clinging to him. As he peaked his altitude, he shook her a little bit. "Come on now." He teased. "Let go!" He chuckled. He Shook her a little more before he let go over the slide. He turned his attention to the crowd. It wasn't fair that his fellow godslayer was getting all the attention. "Below of the light god!" He shouted downwards, sending a beam straight downwards into the ground, leaving a large guild insignia in the center of the stadium. He shouted out in all directions to the crowd. "There is no point in cheering for anyone else. We are going to win because we are Phoenix wing see?" He chuckled before returning to the ground waiting for Sasha to slide the rest of the way.


He nodded at Ammy. "I guess. But how do you know which it is?" He sighed. It didn't really matter anymore. Everyone was making their way down the slide, and Ammy was gone. He didn't want to show off. He would probably be a crowd favourite having served them in the kingdom for several years. He was a crocus champion if you were to refer to it like that. He simply jumped off the edge sliding down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Grand Magic Games

Nero - Eve - Time Lord

After the wild ruckus that happened over in the Dragon Fang Guild Hall Ayame kept quiet and kept being close to Nero not saying anything much in particular. She somehow felt uncomfortable and kept her mouth shut even though Nero was only talking to her. Nero, Eve and Time Lord seemed to be getting along just great but, being Ayame made her act shy around the three of them. While they were happily getting along Ayame had slowly tried to get used to the other two. It was quickly know that this didn't completely work out and made her just distance herself between them and her. The news that they were going on a journey didn't really surprise her. They would be having a dangerous journey for about 2 months to the birthplace of Eve. Ayame had already packed her bag and it would help her to get a little closer to the other two. As they were about to head out Ayame was held back and wasn't allowed to come with them since it would be to careless and dangerous to go with them. Ayame still smiled and saw them off, Ayame would be staying in Dragon Fang for the upcoming 2 months.

Two months had slowly passed with Ayame not doing much in particular. She would just help clean up in the guild but avoided the other people who stayed there as much as possible. She was happy to see Nero again after these long 2 months and jumped in his arms. Ayame was nearly crying and stayed very close to him a while longer. They had both taken shelter in Shirotsume and Nero would accompany Ayame on various jobs and tasks to make up the time they had lost together. After a few more days of making a ton of money it was time for the thing they both had looked forward too. The Grand Magic Games were coming up and they had decided to go together with Dragon Fang. Ayame had taken a lower presence since the large amount of people and tried staying close to Nero while they all walked over to the train station. Eve had joined the two of them but it didn't seem like she had much memory of Ayame which was of course very logical since they haven't been seeing each other for over two months and only talked to each other for 5 minutes. She didn't pay much attention to Eve or the Time Lord who also had joined as they made the train trip towards the Magic Games.

As they arrived at the Magic Games Ayame slowly dripped down from the train onto the platform. A tired green look was shining from her face, she clearly had enjoyed the train trip and it took her some time to recover from her amazing train trip. After she was able to walk again Ayame went over to the restroom and emptied her stomach a few times. It took her quite some time to get herself together again but she was finally headed to the arena where it all took place. Once she had entered the arena the first round had already flown by. Despites the sadness of missing the first round Ayame was happy enough to be at the Magic Games. This was a special event that hasn't happened for 100 years. It took her some time to calm herself down from all the excitement before she headed over to the small group. After she had spotted them Ayame quickly went over to Nero and happily sat down besides him. She only looked over to him for a few seconds and gave a cheerful smile at him before turning her attention to the games.

@Invisible Man@Caits@Lugubrious
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Vesuvius00 ~| Guardian of Flame |~ / ~| Superhero |~

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Aurora was silent after leaving the last room, happy that her team had made it but also too shy to speak now that she remembered that the crowd could hear her. She sat down on the rooftop and watched the clouds, as she couldn't stand to look at the crowd or even at the other teams. When the Games Master told them that they had passed and when to be back tomorrow, she didn't look at him either. She just kept looking at the clouds, even when she heard the other teams showing off as they supposedly got down from the building.

It seemed that no one else from her team had jumped off yet either, and the drowsy feeling she got from watching the clouds gave her an idea. Her magic wasn't very good for showing off, not like this anyway, but there was something she could do to baffle the audience. She fell asleep, just enough for her to detach herself from her body in an invisible form, and hovered in the air above herself for a moment, wondering if she should tell her teammates what she was going to do.

Deciding to keep it from them as well, she simply said Don't freak out. using message. Letting that 'thought' sink in a moment, she started her idea. Careful to keep her dream-self invisible, she picked her body up and jumped off the roof. To the audience she was falling, but as she landed on the ground they would see her body hovering just above it, her dream body unaffected by the impact. She stood like that until the rest of her team had got down from the building, then set herself down and woke up. She smiled at her teammates but said nothing, leaving everyone who saw to wonder what just happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fleo Plector – Spectator Stands

@CirusArvennicus@amaya tamashii@Jangel13

Though she had expected something a little more interesting than a series of puzzles, Fleo could not honestly say that she was neither interested nor excited. Whether opponent or not, the dusty woman greeted each passing team with a hearty ovation. Naturally, both Phoenix Wing teams and Frenzy Plant got the most enthusiastic applause, since she was the most familiar with them. When all was said and done, and the various magicians off the tower by means of boring old slide or entertaining exhibition, Fleo took the opportunity to jump up, charge down the aisle, and leap into the arena before most of the wizards had even started leaving.

She rushed over to her friends, kicking up dust, and with a big smile on her face. Her first targets were Amaya, Trinity, and Angelo, and she did her best to throw her arms around all of their shoulders at the same time. ”Great job guys, I knew you could do it! Man, am I glad that I didn't end up participating! I like to think I'm kinda smart where it counts, but riddles? I'd have been such a blockhead! What do you guys think about heading into Crocus to celebrate? We could grab some food, goof around, and get all hyped up before the first events tomorrow!”

Xyster – the Arena

@Joshua Tamashii

If anyone was in a fantastic mood, it was the Dullahan. For an inhuman being that treasured humanity, simply being in the spotlight and having so many people cheer for her was an unforgettable and excellent experience. Her emerald-green eyes had observed a few of the other magicians' stylish dismounts of the riddle tower, trying to pick up on the others' techniques. Some of them, like Rose and Damian, were practically advertizing their magic styles. Though her own team had ultimately gone for a similar appeal, they'd shown relatively little in terms of their abilities. It would take an idiot to not figure out, looking at Demetri's arms, that he didn't use fire in some way or another; having an invincible head did not in the least bit start to hint about the nature of Xyster's own abilities. Zander had shown one trick with his sword and Indigo a single effect of one of her many spells, and Hyun's own display affirmed little else than her status as a swordswoman.

Of course, Xyster didn't consider this for long. As much as she wanted to play rock-paper-scissors with everyone present, she knew that such an endeavor would be prolonged and suspicious, and ultimately decided against it. However, she couldn't help but take notice of a black-haired man in dark clothing and armor. He bore a haunted look as he leaned against a wall with arms crossed, perhaps waiting for someone. His bearing and appearance fascinated Xyster, and she decided that she'd have to at least meet him.

She walked over to him, her head bouncing up and down as she held it by its ribbons. ”Hiya!” she called, giving a cheerful wave. ”You're...the master of that new Rider's Blade, aren't ya? Congratulations on makin' it through! I woulda thought that you and Tough Love have your work cut out for ya, but if all of your guys are half as tough as you look, you oughta be fine.” Her ear-to-ear grin, though mildly frightening to an ordinary human, was not unkind. She tossed it up and caught it on her other hand's palm, holding it like a basketball. ”If ya don't mind me askin', would ya mind tellin' me a little about yourself? I'm trying to learn about humans, you see.”

Edith Riggs – Spectator Stands

@Invisible Man@Hatakekuro@liferusher

”Hah hah! I knew we could do it!” Edith bubbled. Today, she had seated herself with some of the guilds newer members, Enma, Thor, and Magni. Though the oni had seemed capable of getting hyped on his own, she still wanted to get to know him better. Magni, meanwhile, she was hoping to determine via proximity if he was or wasn't actually human. From the way he bore himself sometimes, the young bard could hardly tell. Thor was impersonal as always, and over the course of two months Edith had garnered little success in goading the girl who'd beaten her into speaking, but Edith at least knew that Thor reacted more or less normally.

Still, couldn't hurt to try them. ”So! I guess we're just about done here for the day. I'll bet there's going be a lot of helter-skelter partying tonight, so this might be our only chance to meet up with the teams! I know I'm going to want to speak with Indigo. There were some girls from Phoenix Wing I wanted to chat with as well. How about it?”

Nero – Spectator Stands

@Invisible Man@liferusher

What a fascinating first day! Nero thought that he would have liked very much to get into one of those towers. He suspected that he'd be able to do quite well, for riddles were one of the things he enjoyed greatly. With only words, he had the ability to make people think, look foolish, and very often get annoyed. Even a few minutes inside that building would have afforded him material enough to irritate people he didn't like for at least a week—there were a lot of people he didn't like, after all.

It seemed at least that he'd bet on the right horses. Frenzy Plant, Phoenix Wing, Iron Enigma, Tough Love, and Dragon Fang had all qualified. Unfortunately, Rider's Blade and Pirate Lord took him by surprise. He'd visited neither of those guilds, and learned nothing about either the wizards they'd selected for participation or those magician's specific abilities. It mattered not; the advantage was still Nero's.

Rolled eyes greeted Eve's question. ”I don't think it's a place. It sounds like people. I think the Time Lord wants to time travel with you. Awfully dangerous business if you ask me. Chatting it up with folks from other guilds might be a hex of a lot cooler. Why meet old heroes when you can bring raging diarrhea to new ones? Heheheh...kidding, of course.” Chuckling, he gave Ayame a pat on the head. Good kid. ”Whaddya think, Aya? After leaving you behind on that trip to Eve's village, I think I wanna give you a chance to be the leader.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

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Trinity Stratos

A smile forced its way onto Trinity's lips as she emerged from the door to greet the arena. "We made it! Barely, but here we are. That was entirely too close!" Her complains went unheeded, as one of her teammates proceeded to show off and posture himself. Trinity simply rolled her eyes, though decided to humor him in her own way. She summoned several of her instruments, playing a short jingle without needing to get them all started individually, before Jamie approaching caught her attention. Her instruments were floating along behind her, though she kept them silent for now.

She joined the small gathering around Jamie, stepping up beside Karn. "Glad you made it. Hm?" She turned as he transformed friend flew off, spotting Prince off in the crowd. "Ah, they're here, too." She took a look at Prince's Guildmark before looking around the arena, finding it on a group that made it. "Ooh." She took a moment to try and recognize the other guild marks in the arena.

She turned her attention just in time to get wrapped up in a big hug from Fleo. "Aah, hey!" She giggled and wrapped her arms around Fleo's group hug, smiling as she heard the young lady's suggestion. "That sounds like a great idea." She suddenly remembered something, tensing and then speaking softly, "aah, but I spent all my money on my new outfit for the games, Fleeeooo, would you treat me?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Mithera -- Grand Magic Games
Mithera gripped Jarvis' shoulder tightly, and whispered into his ear, so the rest couldn't hear. "I think Iron Enigma is looking for Melina, since she used to be a member. And I wouldn't be sirprised if they had a few members 'visit' the guild to to figure out where she is, since they know I'm in the guild now, probably. They may think she's been there, which she has." She shifted. awkwardly. "It's a bit paranoid of a thought, I know, but I wouldn't put it past them." She looked up at Karn, and had to keep herself from launching herself to him and congratulate him and his team for getting through the preliminary round.
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