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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Once the sunlight hit his face he woke up groaning a little but soon Angelo got up from his high beam, he had a ton to sleep in but he was so used to being up so high that's he sleeps their when he wants to be ready to fight like himself that tube during the s ranking tests. Angelo soon got down to the floor like he did before and Angelo went to the bar as Mark went in and got some bread for both of them and Angelo and Mark shared, simply sighing to get in their stomachs until Jarvis woke up and started to cook dinner for their big fight today
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

gallen sat up, the sun blazing in his eyes. the long night (and day) of sleeping had given him back most of his energy...or at least as much as you can get while being next to deaths bed. but it was enough. he looked over at kyo. "im leaving to go make sure purple dose not have all of the money. you want to come? the guild-members seem nice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo nodded. That seemed like a good plan. It wouldn't hurt to hang out with Galen, he was nice but also kind of an idiot, and sometimes mean, but still. And if he had friends then there wouldn't be harm in seeing them as well. It could do no harm to spend time with wizards.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Damian had been up an hour before the sun, his old military habits taking over on the eve of the battle with the council. After Master Jamie had left, he'd gotten all the newbies and other members he didn't know in the main hall had gotten everyone to introduce themselves to each other and he'd made sure they knew, well, had a rough idea, of what they were getting into both by joining Phoenix Wing and by joining them in the assault on the Magic Council. They were all determined to do their part. Just like me and Sasha and all the rest of Phoenix Wing. Seems they found where they belonged.

Hearing Sasha moving around down in the main hall, Damian stood up, slid a hand over one of his cutlasses, hanging in a cross on one wall of his room, and then headed down to the main hall to see Sasha enjoying a drink. Walking over, he sits and smiles, summoning a small knife blade and spinning it on his finger tip. "How'd you sleep, Sasha?"


James had gone up and gone to bed almost immediately after Damian's little meet and greet, not up for too much talking before the big day the following the Master's announcement. When the sun finally rose, however, he was already up and kneeling, saying a prayer, a battle hymn if you will, before he began his day in earnest. "Lord, give us our strength this day to strike down the enemies who would use the Shadows as their weapon. Let us use the Light to erase them from this world and send them to you for righteous judgement. Amen." Standing up, he opens his door and heads out to the main hall where he see's Sasha and Damian already are. Getting a drink before joining the pair, he sits down with them and takes a sip.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"alright then. all we have to do is jump through the portal im about to open. just give me a bit as i open it" he reached inside and found as mush power as he could without immobilizing, pictured the guildhall, and moved the energy to the ground opening a portal. then with the rest of his energy, he rolled through the portal and fell with a satisfying thud on one of the tables. he hoped no one was around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Why not, Kyo thought as she gazed at the newly opened portal. She gathered her wits and then steeped towards the portal. What if she hurt somebody going through the portal. Kyo's mind wandered through a whole bunch of scenarios. She decided to go in to the portal. She jumped in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha looked up when Damian came in and smiled, greeting him. "I slept well. Jarvis isn't up yet, but I made sandwiches if you want one" She said, taking a drink of her juice. "Ready for today?" She asked softly, looking over as it seemed like the guild was wakening. "What ever happens today, I imagine we will be making history" She bit her lip, slightly worried now she was sitting around, doing nothing.
Penny rose as the sun did, stretching, and getting ready for the day. She dressed for a fight, light and in clothes easy to move in, and she began to head down stairs, pausing for a moment to gain composure. She then continued, and smiled when she saw Sasha and Damian, jumping down the last few steps
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. Maddox dropped down from the pull-up bar he positioned towards the top of his bedroom doorway. With that last exercise, he was done with his morning warm-up. Aside from the morning jog, that is. But like always, he was going to get that one in on his way to the guild hall. The red-haired mage grabbed his signature coat and headed for the front door. The sun was already out, but he enjoyed his sleep anyways. He went to bed early the night before just to get that extra rest rather than sleeping in today. Once at the street, Maddox let out an exasperated sigh. I smoke and I jog. Almost redundant, he thought to himself with a chuckle before adjusting his coat and beginning his brisk run.

To make it worth the effort, he ran around the outskirts of Magnolia in the direction that would take the most distance to reach the guild hall. Simply jogging straight toward it wouldn't do anything for him, so this way was the best in order to compromise effort with time. Once Maddox reached Phoenix Wing, he stopped at the front doors and let out another sigh. At least I'm alive. With that, he chuckled and swung the doors open. Inside he could already see several people. Somewhat surprising to him, considering it was still early. Perhaps they were eager for today's mission? Or since he only really knew Sasha and Angelo, perhaps this was their normal hour to start their days? Regardless, Maddox let the front doors close behind him as he walked over to the table that Sasha, Damien, and James sat around.

"Everyone here seems ready so far," Maddox noted aloud as he stood by the table, not quite sitting down yet. He only took a seat after adjusting his fur coat. "We probably won't get started for another few hours though." He contemplated withdrawing a cigarette, but fought the drive. It was too early for him to start smoking, as addicting as it is. "I slept good last night though. How 'bout you guys?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Damian smiled at Sasha's answer, then shook his head. "Old habits die hard, but I don't eat before a battle. Maybe afterwards." He let the silence reign for a moment before she spook again, but he could detect the ever so slight hint of worry in her voice.

"Ready for today?" She asked softly, causing Damian to have to listen just a little closer to what she was saying, leaning in a little. "What ever happens today, I imagine we will be making history." He took a few minutes to answer, mulling over what the day held in store for the guild and it's members. He knew that if they didn't play their cards right, that they'd be branded a dark guild and forced into hiding, fighting against a corrupt Magic Council from the shadows while trying to garner help. It wouldn't end well if they lost today. But sometimes in order to make progress, you had to retreat to lure the enemy into a position that favored you.

"Whatever happens, the guild will stay strong and we WILL emerge victorious today."


James noticed Maddox first and waved at him. "I rested well enough. I was up early as I'm sure Damian was, preparing myself for battle." With a soft glow of magic energy, his helmet appears on his head with the visor up. "I anticipate doing more than a little healing on top of the usual amount of combat magic, if not more. Should be an interesting day."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"well ignoring the fact that i almost bled out, had a nice chat with death, and almost had to be glued back together... i slept great! just wondering though, dose anyone know a medicmage? surly we have to have one." Galen moved a bit to the left and tipped over the table. "please tell me that everyday wont be like this if i join. i don't think i could handle it. please tell me that hard missions have a warning on them. at least tell me that ms purple did not run off with all of the money"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha nodded as Damian spoke. She wasn't at all concerned over the results today, not much at least. She looked around as others started to wake and join them here. She waved over tk Angelo, seeing him at the bar. She finished off her drink, seeing Penny come down the stairs, and she just took in the guild hall. This was home. No matter what, she would defend it. If they were branded a dark guild, well then, she'd just have to make sure this guild, her home, wasn't destroyed.

"The magical council has been corrupt since they reformed. The first ones to claim power, they saw It as their right to have all the power. Other guilds feel like this, I'm more then sure. It's just, they're scared. So we have to be the ones to take the first step. Because we can. Because we are strong, and because we don't jjst do this for ourselves. We do it for each other. We do it for fiore. No matter what happens Damian, we are always going to have people supporting us. And we will always come out of it alright"

She smiled, shifted to pick up her satchel, and looked about once more. It wasn't much longer, perhaps a minute or two, until Master Jamie came out. There were no shadows under her eyes, and he appeared well rested and ready for action.

Jamie looked over the gathering members. She wanted a few moments, for everyone to be aware that he was there, waiting. When all their attention was on him, Jamie cleared her throat.

"Today we do something that many wouldn't dream of doing. Today, we go to the magical council with the intentions of fighting of we have to. I will not blame any of you, if you wish to stay behind. I know there is risks, a fair few of them. But this is something that needs to be done, or I fear things will just continue to get worse"

Once more, Jamie looked over them all. "The magic council needs to be made responsible for its actions and lack of action on serious issues. For now we aim to get the book that may help us locate a missing member. I would go to then end of the world and back for any of you. I would give my life for this guild, and for you all. Will you help me, to help a fellow member, even if you don't know him?"c
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus had been distant from everyone for quite some time now, even sasha. He had been sitting quietly up until this point. "Say... master. We can go all out right?" He paused, clenching his fists, rising from his chair. "Even if it is the magic council?" His fist now started to glow white, his face darkened with rage. He nodded. "In that case... nothing is going to stop us getting that book." He growled, cracking his knuckles. "We're all with you master. We wont stop fighting until every last bit of magic has left our bodies, and even then we wont give up." He grinned a little. " that's Phoenix wing, that's what we are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo waved back when sasha acknowledged him then Angelo perked up from his drowsy state when he heard the master talk and ask if their were people that wanted to stay out of it and Angelo laughed a little at the thought. Then lazarus started to give a small speech and Angelo agreed he then raised his soda bottle and said "and to that lazarus Ill add that I'm with Phoenix wing all the way" Angelo said grinning before dinning his soda and sitting down. ...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Mayt opened the door a tad louder than he meant too, and late to the party. He looked around quickly before moving away from the door, noting from what people were saying, he guessed that Master Jamie had given a little speech, and that everyone else was giving little speeches as well. He chuckled quietly to himself and headed for a chair as far away from the loud-talking people as possible while still at the bar. "Ey Jarvis! Is it too late for breakfast, or are we gonna stick around giving speeches for another hour or so before actually leaving?" He was hopeful he could get breakfast, he had been up late helping his mother after they got her back from Melina's cave, as the witch herself hadn't been there. Mayt was surprised to see that, even after being held hostage for months, she seemed fine. Of course, it was just as strange seeing her again. Mayt had helped her back to Magnolia, and had payed for her to have a small apartment with money he had picked up from jobs. He wouldn't be able to pay for her to stay indefinitely, but he could afford an extra bit a month to keep his mother in town.

Mayt looked over at the people gathered around Master Jamie, and sighed deeply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"can i just say that you are all crazy. no one in their right mind would attack the council. they are to strong for any one to defeat. as a non guild member i cannot let this happen. you would all most likely be wiped out....." gallen raised his hand up, "....but i can understand the wish to bring some one dear back. and seeing how pumped up you guys are, i don't think i can stop you. but i don't want you guys to die, seeing that you are all so entertaining. so in that case i shall do the one thing i can." he walked twords guild master Jamie "i wish to formally become a member of this guild!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie looked over them all with a keen eye, a curious glance and an expression of knowledge. He smiled, and said softly "we will always accept new members, Gallen. Jarvis will sort you out with a mark and a room if you need it"

She smiled and said "15 years ago" She said in a carrying voice "on this very spot, in what was a single room, Jarvis and myself began Phoenix Wing. We knew we would always be tough, strong and exceeding expectations. We shall continue to do so. Eat up, get yourself ready. The train leaves in an hour. As far as the magic council is concerned, we are merely paying a visit"

She jumped down from the bar, and said "damian? A word"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Damian had remained silent through out Master Jamie's speech, and those from the others, because he had nothing to add that hadn't already been said. Phoenix Wing was a strong guild, so strong that there were rumors the Magic Council left them alone for fear of waking a sleeping giant in the magic world. Damian always dismissed such stories, telling people that the reason the Council let them be is because Phoenix Wing was always within the parameters of the law, nothing more nothing less. "Damian? A word." Hearing the Guild Master call his name, Damian stood up and approached her.

"What is it, Master Jamie?" He always had to worry that something bad would happen when Master Jamie asked him exclusively to speak with him in private, though most of the time it was for naught.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I want your honest opinion. You have been around most of the members, know them, and have worked with some of them. Who do you think deserves the S class rank title? Who will honor it, and the guild like you have" Jamie said in mild amusement, guessing that Damian had thought she might be giving him serious news or a job to do.
Jarvis went up to Gallen, and asked "where do you want the mark, and what colour?" There was food on the bar for any who wanted it, as well as drinks.
Sasha took a deep breath, calming her own nerves, and grabbed another drink of juice. She waved to Sasha, before going over to Angelo. She gave him a smile and asked "does your mother know we're going to the magic council? You should tell her if you haven't" she said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

This was it. Today Galen becomes a guild member. This is going to be awesome. Not to mention the potential war that they are going to start today. So it should be a bit understandable that when Jarvis walked up to him, Galen was shaking with excitement. "Could I have my mark on my palm, in a dark purple."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kyo was sitting at a table, spacing out. There wasn't really much for her to do, she had just learned of the guild. Her mind wandered, to what it would be like in a guild. Probably plenty of adventure. There would most likely be danger as well. But Kyo would need to hang out with the guild a bit more to decide if she wanted to join.
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