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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

For all the bold words and high energy that had dominated the guild hall, Maddox remained rather calm and quiet in his seat. As Jamie finished up her speech, Maddox kicked the chair back onto two legs and balanced himself like that. As James was still next to him, Maddox looked over to him. "Everyone is sure pumped up," he spoke. "But I don't think anything extraordinary is going to happen anyways." With that, he let out a sigh and tilted his head to look around the room. "The Magic Council isn't as strong as everyone thinks it is, you know," he continued. He didn't particularly care if anyone overheard him, considering there were still another three people at the table besides himself and James. "And you guys are stronger than you think you are. If push comes to shove, Phoenix Wing will come out on top with hardly a scratch."

The urge to light a cigarette flared up again, and Maddox had to resist it. He looked back at James now, a deadly serious expression over his face. "If the Magic Council really is dealing in dark magic... then I will step in." The red eyes looked around the table now, before Maddox started chuckling. "But odds are that won't even be necessary. You all seem strong enough to overcome that anyhow. Someone weak like me will just get to sit back and watch." A smile formed on his face as he dared to lean even further back in his seat. Somehow, almost miraculously, the chair still remained balanced. "If you all do good enough, I can probably just stay on the train and take a nap or something."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian looked at the Guild Master for a moment, a look of being dumbfounded on his face. Then the reason he was being asked clicked in his mind and he shook head to clear it. "I...I can't rightly say, Master Jamie. They've all come so far in the last few months, and represent this guild even without being S Class. Still..." He looked out over all of the members who he knew well, Penny, Angelo, Sasha, to name but a few. They'd all come so far...and become so much stronger. Turning back to the Master, Damian shook his head. "If I might, I would like to discuss it with them. I don't feel right springing something like this on them with a split decision."


"Everyone is sure pumped up," he spoke. "But I don't think anything extraordinary is going to happen anyways." James brought his attention back to Maddox as the man spoke, listening to what he had to say. The mage seemed to have a fair amount of experience dealing with the council, where as James had only the experience of avoiding one of the militaristic units. "The Magic Council isn't as strong as everyone thinks it is, you know. And you guys are stronger than you think you are. If push comes to shove, Phoenix Wing will come out on top with hardly a scratch." James nodded in agreement with that. He'd watched Damian in action. Hell, he'd seen the guy shrug off an attack from a Lightning God Slayer. If everyone in the guild was anywhere near that strong, James wasn't worried about it.

"If the Magic Council really is dealing in dark magic... then I will step in." James noted that Maddox's red eyes looked around the table just before he started chuckling. "But odds are that won't even be necessary. You all seem strong enough to overcome that anyhow. Someone weak like me will just get to sit back and watch. If you all do good enough, I can probably just stay on the train and take a nap or something."" James shook his head and already had a reply in mind.

"If they're using Dark Magic, today's a good day to be a Paladin. My magic excels at countering any kind of evil magic, though I suppose I should say magic used with evil intent." Noting the smile on Maddox's face and how much further back he was leaning, James found himself chuckling. "Now lean forward, my friend, before you fall on your head."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jarvis complied with Galen's request, pressing the mark into his palm, and removing it, revealing the dark purple mark. "There you go. You are now an official member of the guild. Welcome aboard" He said.
Jamie nodded. "Go ahead. You have an hour. This decision should have been made months ago. With everything that's been going on, it hasn't bee a top priority for me. Go, talk"
"The guild is strong" Penny said, "Because of the attachment we all have, because of the emotions. Because you will fight for each other" Feeling slightly claustrophobic, Penny headed outside, breathing in the cool air of morning, a slight dew coating the surfaces of buildings, and metal objects. She looked down the street, and then turned about, looking at the guild hall. Despite being here a few months, she didn't truly live there. She stayed there for Sasha's sake. Did she belong here?

She glanced to her mark. She did. She would give her life to protect the guild. She sighed heavily, and leaned against the guild building, enjoying the openness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus had now taken his opportunity. Everyone was preparing, and talking, and Master Jamie was now finished with Damien. Now was the perfect time to talk. "Master, you said we could talk when there was time. I dont have much time left to talk about it before our mission. So please, may we talk?" He paused for a moment before unfolding his arms and relaxing somewhat. "I think it's about time I discussed with you the details of my last job, and where I was all that time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie looked to Lazarus and nodded "alright then" he said "come on back. I have a few things to attend to, but can give you some time. You shouldn't have gone off like that without telling someone" she said, stepping into her office
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Caits said
Master Jamie looked to Lazarus and nodded "alright then" he said "come on back. I have a few things to attend to, but can give you some time. You shouldn't have gone off like that without telling someone" she said, stepping into her office

Linda spots Master Jamie and use a portal to reach thembefore they went into the office. She walked our right in front of Jamie and took a few steps back a bit surprised of how close she had teleported to them. She quick glanced up and then looked down avoiding eye contact and then said softly "Um....I-I think can help, um get people to the magic counsel gates. I-I mean, um, I've been there before, so, um yea." She didnt really like talking to people but she would feel guilty for not helping them, she is in a guild with them after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt pushed himself up from the bar and heads over to Angelo and Sasha. "Hey!" He sounds a tad tired, but also relieved and happy. "I see I came in just a tad late to make a speech." He chuckles lightheartedly, resting one arm on the counter. "Also, do you think I have time to eat breakfast? I was busy helping someone get situated in her new home." He glances about, like he half expects someone else to just stop him and begin explaining everything to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri pulled her cloak tighter as she walked down the Magnolia streets making absolutely sure her face was hidden just in case there were people from the Wizard Council around that would recognize her as unlikely as that was, 'Dad was right things are moving quickly... I need to make it to the Phoenix Wing guild hall before everything start,' she picked up the pace holding the letter for the guild master close. As she approached the hall thoughts ran through her head wondering what she would do if the guild attacked her or the guild master refused the letter. Shaking her head she cleared her head, "Whatever happens I'll deal with it when it happens," turning the final corner she arrives at he guild hall.

Looking around she makes sure she hasn't been followed before stepping into the building and looking around she notices several people sitting together. Walking over she waves the them, "Hey is your Guild Master here? I need to talk to them, it's rather important."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

James' suggestion to sit upright in his seat was met with a chuckle. To further emphasize his confidence in his balance, Maddox leaned the chair even further back. Though, to compensate for the harsher angle, he kicked his feet up onto the table. With a grin, he put his hands behind his bed. The red-haired mage looked oddly comfortable. "I've had enough confrontations with gravity to know what I can and can't manage," Maddox explained. This was somewhat of a pun. It was true that he had fallen out of enough chairs to know how far he could go. But it was also a reference to the gravity mage of Phoenix Wing.

Before James would get another chance to question his balance, Maddox changed the subject. "Paladin Magic, huh," Maddox noted aloud. "An interesting magic. Almost perfectly designed to battle darkness. A rare magic, even. It takes a lot of conviction and strong morals to use." His gaze went back to James now. "You can't always tell a lot about people by their magic alone, but you have a relatively pure magic." His expression was deadly serious for a moment. But only a moment. A goofy grin formed on his face after he sufficiently stared James down. "We need more guys like you in this world." Maddox began laughing with that, and almost immediately regretted it.

His balance suffered briefly and it appeared for a moment that the chair was going to fall backwards with Maddox going headfirst to the ground. However, before such an event could happen, Maddox stretched his left arm back and placed his palm against the ground, stopping the fall. Now in a precarious and somewhat comical position, the red-haired mage let out a sigh of defeat. "Perhaps I don't know my limit..." With a simple shove, he pushed himself all the way upright, bringing all four legs of the chair to the ground again. It looked almost like nothing happened. After running his right hand through his hair, the smile returned on his face. "Let's pretend that didn't happen." The wizard looked to James and propped his head up with his elbow against the table. "I now know your magic, so I suppose it is only fair if I tell you mine."

Before he could make any demonstration, Maddox heard a voice behind him ask for the guild master. Turning around to look, he saw a young, redhead girl holding a letter. "Master Jamie's office is that way," Maddox answered, pointing across the guild hall. Taking a brief glance himself, it seemed that Jamie was approaching the office with Lazarus at that very moment. "He may be busy for a few minutes. But make yourself comfortable. It's pretty easy to spot Jamie whenever she leaves the office." With that done, Maddox let out a sigh. Directing his attention back to James, his grin returned. "I actually know a few magic styles. But I was given a nickname for one of them. Blink, they call me." The red-haired mage pointed toward an empty seat on the other side of the table. Once James looked to see what he was pointing at, Maddox vanished and reappeared in that very chair, still holding his head up with his hand. After waiting a few seconds, he teleported back to his original seat to further emphasize the skill. "Blink and you miss it," he elaborated with a smile, before sitting upright in his chair. "Now I hope to see your Paladin Magic in action later. I've read about many different kinds of magic, but I haven't witnessed many with my own eyes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Burthstone said
Mayt pushed himself up from the bar and heads over to Angelo and Sasha. "Hey!" He sounds a tad tired, but also relieved and happy. "I see I came in just a tad late to make a speech." He chuckles lightheartedly, resting one arm on the counter. "Also, do you think I have time to eat breakfast? I was busy helping someone get situated in her new home." He glances about, like he half expects someone else to just stop him and begin explaining everything to him.

Sasha smiled, glad to see that Mayt looked happy, if somewhat tired. She nodded "You have about an hor" She said, "So go eat. I also made sandwiches for lunch. Who knows how long this will take?" She shrugged, "Did you have good night? I saw you go off with Master Jamie, somewhere"

joeycbee said
Linda spots Master Jamie and use a portal to reach thembefore they went into the office. She walked our right in front of Jamie and took a few steps back a bit surprised of how close she had teleported to them. She quick glanced up and then looked down avoiding eye contact and then said softly "Um....I-I think can help, um get people to the magic counsel gates. I-I mean, um, I've been there before, so, um yea." She didnt really like talking to people but she would feel guilty for not helping them, she is in a guild with them after all.

Master Jamie smiled kindly, and said "Thank you, Linda. You will be very helpful" She said, "Go, relax for now, and we shall see what happens. Perhaps you'd like to talk with Mayt, Angelo or Sasha. You could watch whats most likely going to turn into a fight. Honestly, I tur my back and there seems to be a fight" But he chuckled.

Demous said
Sayuri pulled her cloak tighter as she walked down the Magnolia streets making absolutely sure her face was hidden just in case there were people from the Wizard Council around that would recognize her as unlikely as that was, 'Dad was right things are moving quickly... I need to make it to the Phoenix Wing guild hall before everything start,' she picked up the pace holding the letter for the guild master close. As she approached the hall thoughts ran through her head wondering what she would do if the guild attacked her or the guild master refused the letter. Shaking her head she cleared her head, "Whatever happens I'll deal with it when it happens," turning the final corner she arrives at he guild hall.Looking around she makes sure she hasn't been followed before stepping into the building and looking around she notices several people sitting together. Walking over she waves the them, "Hey is your Guild Master here? I need to talk to them, it's rather important."

Jarvis looked up when some one came in demanding the guild master. "Excuse me? Master Jamie is currently talking with another guild member. Perhaps I can help you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 10 hrs ago


Nodding to the guild master, Damian watches her and Lazarus walk off to her office before going over to Mayt, Angelo, James, Maddox, and Sasha. "Sorry to interrupt, gents, but I need to steal Sasha from you for just a moment." Leading her out to Penny, he turns to the pair and appraises them a moment before speaking, choosing his words carefully. "Alright, I need you two to tell me why you think you'd be the best choice to join me as an S Class wizard. Master Jamie has asked me to pick someone."

He knew it was blunt and it was probably very sudden, but with only an hour to pick someone, he was limited on his options to cover this in a timely matter. The upside was that they were sisters and knew when the other was lying. Probably.


James simply raised an eyebrow at the demonstration of Maddox's Blink Magic, making a note on it should they ever practice against each other in the future. Still, Maddox raised a valid point about James' magic being a rare magic, considering the prerequisites required to even consider using it. "Your magic seems useful for disorienting an opponent for a series of melee strikes, if I may. But, back to the subject of my own magic, how did you come to hear of it? Most people I meet have no idea what it is."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha frowned, but followed Damian out, wondering what this was about. When it was clear it was about S Class rank, she looked to Penny and frowned again.

"I've always said I don't give a damn about Rank. As long as I can protect those I care about, my friends, the guild, I'm happy. Yes, the rank gives access to better jobs, harder jobs, but lately...the jobs aren't important. What's important is keeping Fiore safe, protecting those that can't protect themselves" She said, "If you think I deserve the rank, then I'll accept it. But I don't need it to be able to protect" She said, shrugging, her voice having remained steady.

Sasha never did care about ranking. What was more important to her was friends and family.

Penny didn't know what to say. She had never considered the option of S class rank-After all, she hadn't been apart of the guild for long, and she had never considered Ranks important-they were given to you because people needed the ranks.

She was silent as she tried to figure out what to say. "I don't think there is anything I could say" She said slowly, "You know best who should be a S class wizard. Who deserves it? Who has given their all to the guild, to the people of Fiore? Who has the heart, the strength, the mind and the...aptitude to be a S class wizard? Honestly Damian, you can talk to everyone in the guild about this, but in the end....its your instincts that will tell you who should be the S class wizard. Some fancy words trying to convince you, won't make much of a difference"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lazarus finished his talk with master jamie, revealing where he had been and why. "You see now why this is happening master.... and why I have been gone." He looked down. "I don't know what to do, or how to control it." He clenched his fists before slamming his eyes shut. "Please master, help me. I cannot use this magic without hurting the people around me." He remained in his submissive position to the master before revealing his guild mark. "Just take it off. Cast me out, before I hurt someone!!!" There was a little bit of insanity in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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[double post]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Master Jamie listened calmly as Lazarus talked. letting the young man reveal all. buut as he demanded his guild mark to be revealed, Jamie's calm composure broke. "You are a fool, Lazarus. A fool. If you think I would cast you out, you are more of an idiot then I've ever thought" He crossed his arms and said, "You want to know what to do? You trust. You trust in your guild mates to not get hurt. You trust in yourself to not hurt your fellow guild mates. And you stop being so foolish. You would not have these abilities if you couldn't control them. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and do yourself, this guild and your friends proud. Because these" She waved a hand at Lazarus, "its just self pity, and that will get you no where"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt was about to speak up when Damian grabbed Sasha, he sighed a little and turned to the counter. "Jarvis, any chance you have something I can eat for breakfast real quick?" He folded his arms across the bar, and glanced over to Angelo, nodding a hello before turning back to Jarvis, waiting on food. He rubs his hand slightly, and relaxes, looking exhausted. "How's it been Angelo?" He asks casually, fiddling with his gloves.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri looked at the the second person who answered her, "I'm here to deliver a letter to the Guild Master from a mem-my father. It's highly preferable that I deliver it straight into his hands," she looks around, "Also would it be to much to ask for a drink and food? I've been traveling and didn't have time to stop and eat this morning."

She walks over to a seat a little way from the guild members. She watched as an obviously high ranked mage walk over and ask for one of the girls. Shrugging she sits and looks at Jarvis wondering what exacly his role was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lazarus gawked at the master for a few moments. "But master... this is dangerous magic. I dont... I dont know if I can!" He looked angry. He paused his rage for a moment, before catching sight of Sasha through the gap in the door frame. His rage was tamed for now. He sighed with a smile, shaking his head, chuckling a little. "I guess we dont get to choose who we are, or what heaven serves us up..." He paused again before stepping forward and embracing the master tightly. "I will fight for my friends." He held the hug for a moment longer before letting go and stepping back. "Heaven demands it. And so does my soul." He grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You doubt yourself, and as long as you do you will never reach your potential Lazarus" jamie said "no one came help you, but you. Friends and the guild can help, but in the end kts you yourself that will allow you the control you need. Go. Eat. We leave soon"
Jarvis nodded to Mayt and began to make up some breakfast, quickly and passing it to him.
"Then you will have to wait until the master is free, but I warn you, we are preparing for a guild mission and that may be a while" he said to the new comer
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Angelo relaxed as he drank more to wake him up then smiled as Jarvis started to make breakfast "Jarvis mind making something for me and mark here, my armor drains a lot of my strength so ill need all I can get for this fight" Angelo said liking the idea they will save their friends by getting a book from the council which to be honest Angelo was glad for. Like the master said the council had this coming as Angelo looked to the others to see what they were talking about
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