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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri looks around the guild hall and sighs. Removing her cloak and laying it across the table she responds, "Well the letter I have may help with that mission. I wouldn't be surprised given my dads resources and contacts..."

She was about to say more but she catches herself. She curses her self as shakes her head, 'Shit I always talk to much, hope that wasn't too suspicious,' she watches as another person walks in then looks back at Jarvis, "Anyways could I have something to eat? I'll pay for it if I need to please? I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. If not at least something to drink."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

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Damian only smiled at the pair, turning to go back inside and grab Angelo next. "I'm not looking for fancy words, Penny. I'm looking for honesty. With me and yourself." Walking inside, he pauses at the door to note the new girl sitting at the bar and raise an eyebrow. And eyebrow that only went higher when he saw the letter with the fancy writing on the front, addressed to Master Jamie. What in the hell? Deciding to let it be for the time being, he continues over to Angelo and taps his shoulder to get his attention.

"Mind following me?" Leading him outside away from the others, and away from Sasha and Penny, though they already knew, Damian stops and turns to Angelo. "Alright Angelo, Master Jamie has entrusted me to pick another S Class wizard. What makes you think you make the cut?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo looked at Damien and was curious as to why he took him away from the others and then when he mentioned why Angelo should be the next S rank Angelo took a moment to compose himself and stay firm before he answered " I honestly don't know what I could say to make you pick me, my powers keep developing further and further then I expected them to so my power alone is great but I want to be an S rank so I can be an example to others, show everyone it doesn't matter what or where you came from that you can be great. Even if you don't pick me that wont stop me from trying to achieve the S rank eventually I have learned my lesson from the S rank exams and I know I have more to learn if you pick me great the guild has an lightning powerhouse as its S rank and if not then ill just keep trying till I can set the example to work hard and never give up" Angelo said deciding that it was the truth, no matter what the thing Angelo really wanted to be is proof that despite how he lived he was able to achieve something great and maybe even be an inspiration to others like him Angelo will never stop trying and prove persistence and effort will pay off in the end...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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Initially after James' question, Maddox simply shrugged. But after a brief pause, he looked back up at him. "Some years ago, long before I joined Phoenix Wing, I got my hands on some books about magic," he began. "At the time, I was enslaved to a Dark Guild. So I read everything I could to find a way out. I've read about many types of magic and learned a few that way. Paladin Magic was something mentioned in one of the books. If I still had them, I would let you borrow them. Lots of interesting stuff." Throughout his entire explanation he kept a straight face. No smiles from him. "Lots of things in them, but I wasn't able to learn them all. Clearly." Maddox let out a sigh. His story was true but it was slightly spun. He found the books and learned that way. However, he kept the details of his involvement with the Dark Guild to a minimum. There was no need to tell someone like James that he was once a Dark Mage himself.

With that realization, a slightly amused chuckle escaped him and the smile was back. "Surprising that someone like me is both educated and formerly enslaved. Usually throws people for a loop." All this talk was getting too close to bordering on his past and the truth. This made him remember his vow from the previous night and he immediately shuddered. To compensate the anxiety, he couldn't resist any longer. Withdrawing a cigarette and casually placing it in his mouth, Maddox pointed the tip of his finger at the end of the cigarette. "I mentioned before I could use multiple types of magic. Here's a preview of another one," he joked with a grin. A faint red light appeared at this fingertip, which lit the cigarette after a few seconds of contact. With that done, the light vanished and his hand went back to his side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus had since left the guild hall, and flew outside to sit on a tree branch to relax and compose himself. The others had come outside again to talk. He knew he shouldn't, but he decided to listen in anyway. After hearing the conversation topic, he was sort of ruffled a little. After being unable to hold himself back any longer he shouted down from the tree. "It's as if you're interviewing for the S class role..." He grunted. "You shouldn't have to ask people why they deserve it. If it is not instantly apparent that they are S class material, they don't deserve it. S class should go to somebody who eats and breathes phoenix wing. They should be able to die happy that they have protected the guild or one of its members. S class has nothing to do with strength. S class means to have a phoenix's soul. Heaven would frown upon a decision for this matter based upon interviews." He grunted and butted out, back into the tree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Give her what she wants" Jamie said to Jarvis, coming up to the bar, "then send her back to the office" jamie smiled at Sayrui, "take your time, but we are leaving shortly, so if you want to speak with me, you better be quick" she said, heading back to the office
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Smiling inspite of himself, Damian turned to walk away from Angelo. "Nicely put Angelo, but I detect just a hint of doubt in your own convictions. Think on this for me while I ask the others. Do you really need to be S Class to be worth looking up to? To be a good example of Phoenix Wing's ideals?" Leaving Angelo with that to ponder, he starts to walk away when he heard Lazarus speak up. And it wasn't exactly kind things he had to say.

"It's as if you're interviewing for the S class role..." Lazarus grunted, earning a raised eyebrow from Damian. "You shouldn't have to ask people why they deserve it. If it is not instantly apparent that they are S class material, they don't deserve it. S class should go to somebody who eats and breathes phoenix wing. They should be able to die happy that they have protected the guild or one of its members. S class has nothing to do with strength. S class means to have a phoenix's soul. Heaven would frown upon a decision for this matter based upon interviews." Damian calmly approached the tree that Lazarus was sitting in and looked up at him for a moment, just standing there. Then one of his Hercules blades cleaved through the trunk with ease, toppling the tree and sending Phoenix Wing's resident angel tumbling for safety from the branches.

"I respect you as a wizard, Lazarus. You earned it during the S Class exams three months ago. However, what you just said? That doesn't make an S Class wizard. It makes a fanatic who has no concern for anyone outside of Phoenix Wing and as wizards it's our job to help everyone. Now, since we're both here, how about you give me your reasons for why you think you make the cut."


Former Dark Guild slave, eh? Seems he's not too proud of that fact at least. James didn't feel any need to press though, the man's past was his own in all honesty. However, the fact that there were still books that mentioned magics like the Paladin Magic caught his interest. "Well, if you ever remember what happened to those books, let me know. I'd be greatly interested in seeing what other rare magics are out there, and maybe learn a little more about my own magic." He took another sip of his own drink before noticing the red light just before the cigarette lit up. "Light magic? Nice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Angelo smiled a little when Damien smiled at his thoughts on why he should be S class, it was true no doubt about it. When Damien left Angelo told him everything but what he asked about needing to be S class to be worth looking up to, it wasn't just for others to look up to him because Angelo wanted to be S class for himself. If Angelo could make S class then Angelo would be infinitely happy, to Angelo it would be the proof Angelo needs to prove to himself that he made it in life. Being S class isn't just for others but so Angelo could prove it to himself on his own. It really was the simple truth in that. Angelo left and went back to the bar to get some breakfast for their mission...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 5 days ago

The red-haired mage let out a sigh at James' idea of reading the books some day. "No can do," Maddox said first. "Those books are gone." To elaborate what he meant by gone, Maddox made a fist and flicked his fingers out rapidly. A gesture similar in appearance to an explosion. "I'd love to have kept reading them." The serious expression vanished and the grin was back. "But oh well. Such is life. Plenty of books in shelves. Hell, we might even have some books on rare magic in our own archive. But I haven't been down there in a loooong time. Kinda scary with all the cobwebs." Chuckling at his own joke, Maddox stretched his arms and put his hands behind his head. "But you want to learn more about Paladin Magic? Is it that you want to learn its history or have you not mastered it yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus had formed his wings and floated harmlessly to the ground. He folded his arms. "S class wouldn't change who I am. My soul doesn't falter for things such as rank. A title doesn't give me strength to beat an opponent. The knowledge and support of my friends and guild does. If I end up with the S class ranking, it wont make me any stronger." He sighed. "Heaven tells me that I might be cut from existence at any time, the same applies to all of us. I'd prefer not to trouble myself thinking about petty ranking, and focus on getting the book which will help us to restore our friend back into existence!!! Or have you forgotten about that?!" Lazarus turned on the spot and storm back inside the guild forcefully opening the door and slamming it shut. He crashed into a chair, furious. Wes was his friend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Demous White Rose OTP

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sayuri looks at the person she could only assume was the Guildmaster with mild surprise, 'I'm surprised that he's seeing me so easily especially considering what's going on right now,' she hesitates slightly before standing up, "This is more important I'll eat after I talk if their's time," she start walking before stopping when in surprise when someone storms into the building before slamming the door. Hoping it didn't involve her she looked back and added, "Of course that's only if it's okay with you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bonnie was taking in the sights of the people talking and beautiful buildings on every street in Magnolia. Mmm, Magnolia. it has been awhile since my last visit here. I wonder if anything new has happen while I was away. She thought to herself when she suddenly saw the Phoenix Wing's guild hall in the distance and decided to hurry her little legs to visit the wizards known throughout Fiore. She eventually found herself inside and noticed some people chatting and eating breakfast, everything seemed nice as she listen to everyone's chat until her ears perked up as she overheard some chatter between to guys behind the guild and one of them coming inside the guild looking upset. Curious, Bonnie began to skip over to the furious man. "Excuse me mister, sorry to interrupt you if your upset, but way are you upset? I couldn't help but over hear the... argument between you and someone w-while I was inside. Is everything okay?" as she cheerfully said without sounding scared as she realize how scary the man look while being furious on his chair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha looked over at the explosion from Larazus. It was rare tha he ever acted like that, or rather Sasha had never seen him act like that to a fellow member. She looked to Penny, then followed Lazarus in, opening the door wide once more. It wasn't the time, she thought, watching Lararus, to ask him where he had been the last three months. Instead, she went over to him, and asked softly, "What's wrong?" She started to say, but Bonnie beat her too it. She hesitated now
Jamie nodded, "of course" She said, walking back to her office once more. The guild Master glanced in the mirror, and without seeming to think about it, changed his appearance. He needed something that wouldn't be recognised at the council building.


She nodded, smiled and turned back to the new comer. "Well. Lets get started"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

gallen looked arond. he should probably get to know his new guild members. he looked around and saw that one of the mages had a purple aura. perhaps not the strongest aura, but it is there. might as well start with him. galen walked over to the red headed mage (who was siting with some one elts) sat down at the table and asked "would it be to much for me to join the conversation? i fell like i should know the people im going to battle with, and you guys seem like a good start"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity was strolling through the city, plucking her bow harp as she walked. It was something she did so she wouldn't be bored, playing the song she finds in her surroundings. Sometimes, the proper instrument was a little... cumbersome, though...

All that aside, the young lady is distracted when a tree gets chopped down, and then someone storms inside a building. He'd been in the tree before, too. She indulges her curiosity and wanders onto the grounds, approaching the fallen tree and then looking to the person next to her. She assumes he cut it.

"Y'know... trees are living, too." It wasn't like she ran around hugging them or anything, but still...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Lazarus's raging thoughts to himself were interrupted by both an exceed and Sasha. He remembered himself and calmed down. His heart beat more slowly, and he composed himself. "My little exceed friend... I am a firm believer of using magic to protect the ones you love." With that sentence he cast a doting glance in Sasha's direction. "The guild lost a member not too long ago, to the path of of the unknown." He looked sad. "My anger has gotten the best of me this time, my little friend." He patted the exceed on the head. "It seems certain things are more important to others than getting their fellow member... no.... friend back." He looked down before responding to Sasha. "I have things on my mind. Unexplainable things." He frowned in a confusing manner at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha sighed and sat down. "You haven't been here. You haven't seen the master. Damien has had to step up as the sole S Class mage, and do a lot around here. Can you fault him, for knowing who he thinks should be S class, but wanting to make sure they truly deserve it, that they will always put the guild first, the members first? Damian didn't get a chance to know Wes well, and yet he will do what needs to be done" she sighed again and said "what things?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 12 hrs ago


Damian wasn't about to let Lazarus off the hook so easily, not after insulting everything he stood for. Following the so-called angel of the Phoenix Wing, he maneuvers around Sasha and the cat and get's in Lazarus's face. "You think being a member of a guild is just looking after your own? You think that we're just doing jobs to help kill time and could care less about the world at large?" He pushes the angel out of the chair. "Phoenix Wing is a family, and I want to find Wes as much as you do, but we aren't facing down the Magic Counsel just because they wronged us. They've disbanded and wiped out numerous of our fellow guilds. They've hunted down fellow wizards because of extraordinary magic they wield and provided no solid reason for it."

Turning away from Lazarus, Damian heads for the Guild Master's office. "Before you try and beat down the beliefs of others again, take into account who they are and how they were raised. I used to be a soldier and I sure as hell know how to care for people I call family. But as a soldier, it's my duty to protect others too and care for them. The ideology is the same for a guild, at least in my eyes
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Uwooaaa, outright ignored." Trinity watched the man storm off after the previous man while plucking a few notes off of her harp. She should probably follow him.

She managed to slip in behind Damian and close the door, looking around the place before starting to investigate on her own. Everyone else seemed occupied. If not, she was sure they'd find her of their own accord. With luck, she'd be able to find her way behind the counter and get herself a drink. Though, as mischievous as she'd like to be, there's no one to pull her out of trouble, so perhaps she shouldn't look for it.

In the end, the young lady finds herself a seat and changes out for a standing harp. She plays lightly, trying to blend in with the atmosphere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sasha sighed, rubbing her temples as if to ward of a headache. She rose, slowly and carefully, opened her mouth to say something, and then just turned away. Let them lot their egos against each other and see what happens. She wasn't going to be a part of it. She headed up to her room to waste away the time until they would be going, but stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "Just leave it be. Things are tense and it won't do us any good to be yelling at each other, tearing throats out. For the love of God, we could be dead, captured or sitting right here this time tomorrow. I want to be sitting here and if either of you continue srguing and attacking each other, then I will kick your butts, tie you up, and lock you in the basement. Because I'm not going to have you idiots ruining our chance at survival, at doing something good, because you can't get your heads out of your butts and just let it go. I've lost my family once, I'm not Going to lose it again"

Having said what she wanted to, Sasha climbed up the stairs, the normally mild and quite mage seeming to seeth with anger.

Penny frowned, but didn't follow Sadha up. She figured that would be a bad idea, at the moment. The fire mage sighed heavily and said "there isn't much time until we need to go. So fighting is pointless. Let's have a drink, and prepare ourselves"

When the harp started playing, Penny frowned, looking about, seeing someone who wasn't a member of the guild. "Excuse me? Do you need help?"
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