Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Sheets r ghey
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

Knowing who my characters want to fuck is vital to their development. Vital.

That's what relation sheets are for, :P
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I've been tempted to massively revamp character sheets to require people to come up with a very good one sentence summary of who their character is. I've required extensive character sheets before, but would need a new mechanism for deciding if someone is going to work out as a player in the RP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Sheets are a measure. A necessary evil. Unless you have a vast network of people (aka the majority of the website), you need to build trust and understand if someone is compatible with your RP. It is what it is.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dion
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Member Seen 8 days ago

I just dislike CS' in general. Often it feels like an application for a job and when some people ask for like multiple paragraphs (in casual, even) sometimes it makes the hobby feel more like work. But like, that's just me here and I'll fill out a sheet to the standards expressed even if it is often begrudgingly so. I've found that there are better ways to gauge potential than subjecting new RPers to a potentially intimidating sheet. In casual especially which always seemed to be like the comfortable ground between the lawless free pool and the advanced tower.

Depends, also, on the RP you're running. My experience as a GM has been largely restricted to running Naruto RP's at the request of my friends. So, typically, what you will see is that the RP is already 2/3rds full or 1/2nd full before we even start. I know before hand who is going to be part of the core demographic of my RP and these people are typically given a lot of slack because I know them both as people and as a roleplayer and I wouldn't hang with them if I didn't think they were decent at both of those at the very least. Mostly because, for me, the two are interchangeable (great people are usually great roleplayers and vice versa).

The last few people that I want or need in the roleplay are going to be randoms and, if I can be entirely honest, when you're making Naruto roleplays you typically attract a certain type of people. I'm not going to pretend that I make my CS's partially to prevent random powerplayers from entering my roleplay because that's entirely why I make them - they're heavy in coding compared to other CS's in casual, and if someone can't copy-paste my CS skeleton even when I post instructions on how to, then that's already a sign they're not up for the task that I've set out for them.

Another one is that, if you can't fill out a 2 paragraph personality section then you're probably not going to be up to the posting standard either. I typically care little for the actual content of the paragraphs and will typically skim it, point out flaws, but I've probably never flat out rejected someone because I didn't like what they wrote (bar like, the few times where you can tell someone didn't read the OOC and their entire story rejects the OOC).

So, that's probably because I'm biased, but CS's for me are more of a tool to achieve the people I want in my roleplay rather than actually fulfilling the task of a CS, mostly because of the type of RP I run.

Obviously I'm not saying that people should change or shit. I'm weird in my approach to RP characters where I don't like having so much of them on the table at the jump. If it works for you, it works for you and that's cool.

Everyone has different experiences and such, and I obviously don't have extensive GM experience but I do have an anecdote and that is that every RP I've joined with a super long, super strict CS process has wound up dead in the water after like a month.


Maybe I'm the problem.

Could also be that most RP's end dead in the water, but that's just my anecdote and I think the few long-running RP's typically did have stricter processes. Just look at Lady A's RP's.

But you're right - nobody has to change. You're in charge of joining the RP's that you like and if the CS is a good enough reason not to join then that's entirely your own choice.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 6 days ago

On a similar note, I've begun experimenting with more abstract CS's. Personality Traits replacing write-ups, Character Goals replacing convoluted backstories, and a few other things like sometimes adding a character balancing section in addition with a attributes/sensibilities analysis. Not sure what the track record with them will be, but its something I am willing to give a shot.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ArenaSnow
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ArenaSnow Devourer of Souls

Banned Seen 3 yrs ago

One thing to note in all this - if there is something that should be revealed IC that is important that you don't want to put on the sheet, at least put it on a PM and send it straight to the GM.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

@Inkarnate If that works out for you, do let me know - I am willing to revamp for future Rp's if someone can show a new way of doing it that works. This is an old format I used to draw inspiration from for Cs's. It is a set up from story writing site I had found.. good... 12, 13 years ago? It is massively indepth - makes mine look like a cake walk in comparison but it had some good details for fleshing out characters. Granted, it had to be redone a lot for specific Rp's, setting, and so forth but was a good base for ideas. It was used as a teaching tool on the AQ forums for the longest time, think it is still in their RP Academy Section actually. This is more a life and psychological massive break down for the inner workings and drive of a character than anything.

@ArenaSnow God yes, always pm the Gm if you want to keep somethings behind the scenes. I have a laundry list of Rpers that have sent me notes on their characters with the majority of their character history so I know what is up but so it is kept from the group at large for a later reveal. Not to mention if they have specific goals for a character or a want of a story arc - that way I can work it in and still let everyone experience the surprise when it is finally revealed. Collaborative works don't have to be limited to just a collab post, work with the Gm's - most are more than willing to stash away those monkey wrenchs for you and toss them into the RP at the right time.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Yeah, that is a very old (and convoluted) thing I remember from the early internet days.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I think I've seen that old CS circulating around the net back then, even when I was only active in writing forums. It's good for personal practice to help with understanding your own characters a bit better, but as a CS there's just too much unnecessary details.

For the GMs, CS is something like an application form, because technically we are applying our character to join the GM's world and universe, and it's a way for the GM to find out if the player's character (or even the player themselves) are suited for the RP. This is especially so when the players joining are people you have never worked with before, and you don't know them well enough personally.

Of course, with people you've already built a good level of trust in, leeway and more flexibility can be worked out with them because there's mutual understanding between both parties to know how to work together with each other unless that person is an insufferable douchebag, then I applaud your god-tier patience with such people.

For me, as a player, the CS is more than an app form or something for formality sake. It is an archive, a library where everything I should know about someone's characters is kept so I can always go back to refer when I need to double check for consistency while working on my posts, or even collaborating with these players to interact with their characters. I mean, I can't possibly recall every little detail of every single character in all the roleplays I'm participating in, so other than going through the IC, the CS is important to me for reference purpose.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by HeySeuss
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HeySeuss DJ Hot Carl

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I understand why people don't like character sheets, because they give away too much. Of course, GM's don't like letting overpowered, unsuitable characters/players into their RP.

I suppose one way is to just have a conversation in private about the character similar to 1x1 interest checks. You can usually get a feel for whether or not it will work out (or if you should run screaming from someone that wants you to just write what you're told to write ) and go from there.

I've actually taken that approach as a player where there's a plot twist to the character background. Clear it all with the GM, but don't post all that.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dervish
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

CSes are absolutely an application where the GM can gauge someone's writing ability and get a feel for the character. You can find out if there's fundamental flaws with the character (e.g. are they a terrible Sue? Does the player go out of their way to make them overpowered? Is any effort put into it at all?) And while it's not perfect, it cuts down hugely on issues you may run into for games.

If you have stuff you want to keep secret from the other players, PM the GM and get their approval. There should be no secrets from the GMs.

People like to make false equivilencies between roleplaying and novels, but I disagree. Roleplaying at its best involves a GM that is dedicated and keeps the game moving as well as giving players material for their own posts, and players are all of similar skill and expectations. This is exceedingly rare and people get into spats, do things that disrupt the game, GMs go absentee, etc. The joy of reading a novel is reading a self contained story and being surprised by what the author throws at you. Roleplaying is several voices and ideas being mashed together and you're lucky if it lasts long enough to really get started, let alone hit the surprise twists and character development people expect. But let's be honest; things rarely go smoothly. Post turn over is slow and it takes ages to finish a very simple mission, let alone an entire story arc. You can't keep reading if you are caught up until others post, and the fact there's gamey decisions and GM dictation makes roleplaying way closer to D&D than a novel.

If you have expectations for novels, write and read fanfics. Don't complain if a GM demands a comprehensive character sheet because it's at bare minimum a quality filter and if there's multiple people interested and applying but you want to keep the RP on the smaller side, character sheet and character quality are going to be the deciding factor. If you don't like it, then don't apply for games where the GM expects detailed sheets or run your own game.

EDIT: Sorry if you read this when there was a boatload of typos. Turns out typing on a phone between reps at a gym is not exactly the pinnacle of typing conditions.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Admin Seen 24 min ago

@Lady AmaltheaI have to say that while your character sheets were a real chore, you judged them well and you didn't get too nit-picky as far as I can recall, which is a good quality for a GM who has such a massive sheet.

@DervishYou distracted yourself during gains!? And to think, I had respect for you.

To be honest, I think the character sheet depends on the type of roleplay. Even when it's in a different setting, Lady A's and Hushedwhisper's RP's tend to have a very big slice of life feel, so the relationship part, as well as a few others are more necessary in those than they would be in, say, a Warhammer 40k RP. In such a universe, even though there are relationships and intrigue, they take a definite backseat to the Orks/Daemons/Aliens trying to kill you and your squad. Plus there are healthy medium roleplays like the one I am in with Dervs, where there's a relationship sheet that most people adopt but there's plenty who don't use it and it causes no problems.

And the relationship sheet is an example. My point is there's different requirements for different RPs, so the sheets obviously need changing sometimes.

I think my main problem is the tact of GM's when they have you fill a character sheet out and you give it to them. Especially if it's a long ass sheet, or you took your time in writing 8 paragraphs overall and they're simply, for lack of a better term, too big of an asshole to not simply say "here are my thoughts" and instead go to something like "are you not taking this seriously?" Like bitch, who writes 8 paragraphs for a fucking joke. Or if they go "this HAS to change immediately, no arguments," which is something I have seen a few times when I am a first time RPer in their roleplay, and I'm like "...I uh...haven't ever argued before?" O_o.

The point is, no matter what character sheet you get people to fill out, don't be an asshole when you correct them. Just simply give them a list of what you need changed without any sass. That makes ANY character sheet a lot more enjoyable to fill out. I can do 20 paragraphs for an RP I enjoy if the GM is a tactful person.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 17 days ago

@POOHEAD189 Yeah, I am usually only really nit picky with people I have been ~warned~ about. You came with a recommendation from someone else that I trusted, so there was no need.

But yeah, how a Gm tears apart a CS weighs on the Rp and the RPer. Sure, be blunt, straight to the point, don't sugar coat it but you don't have to be a "C" about it either. (Well that is unless they go off the deep end :P) Gm's willing to work with their Rpers if they are having issues completing the CS can make a world of difference. Hell I color code for people who have to type on their phone or tablets if they ask so they don't need to. (Shit I've done it for their posts via PM when it was an issue.)

Now, I will say there are plenty of times I put the ~no argument~ when I make a ruling or the like; simply because there is usually that 1 person who is goading to start something either because they are just a twit in general or more likely than not are having a bad day and taking it out on everyone. That usually goes with the rules in general and not so much the CS's for me since I have explinations of what is and is not accepted in each Rp down the line of the CS sections. It just cuts down on the flame wars that can start in OOC and those will kill an RP faster than a GM who lost interest.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 24 min ago

@POOHEAD189 Yeah, I am usually only really nit picky with people I have been ~warned~ about. You came with a recommendation from someone else that I trusted, so there was no need.

But yeah, how a Gm tears apart a CS weighs on the Rp and the RPer. Sure, be blunt, straight to the point, don't sugar coat it but you don't have to be a "C" about it either. (Well that is unless they go off the deep end :P) Gm's willing to work with their Rpers if they are having issues completing the CS can make a world of difference. Hell I color code for people who have to type on their phone or tablets if they ask so they don't need to. (Shit I've done it for their posts via PM when it was an issue.)

Now, I will say there are plenty of times I put the ~no argument~ when I make a ruling or the like; simply because there is usually that 1 person who is goading to start something either because they are just a twit in general or more likely than not are having a bad day and taking it out on everyone. That usually goes with the rules in general and not so much the CS's for me since I have explinations of what is and is not accepted in each Rp down the line of the CS sections. It just cuts down on the flame wars that can start in OOC and those will kill an RP faster than a GM who lost interest.

I do think it's healthy to do the 'no argument' rule as well when it comes to RP's as a whole, or someone who has been problematic. It just seems odd to me if you use it out of the blue for something when the person you're speaking to has yet to reply back. That could just be me however. If a GM tells me to change I'll never argue unless they're explicitly mean-spirited on the get go.

Definitely, don't sugar coat it. Just don't be unnecessarily mean about it. I agree^
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 6 days ago

There are multiple styles and methods of GMing, but I find most often the types that have the best track record know how to be a balance of “authoritative” (yes, you need to be authoritative and yes, I have heard this as a complaint), “communicative”, and “flexible”. If a GM is drawing lines you don’t like, you’re probably not compatible with them. For instance, I respect Lady Amalthea as a GM and veteran writer but I don’t think we’re compatible in terms of pacing and scheduling. I’ve looked at their The Walking Dead RP several times and considered joining it before realizing that I cannot consistently make promises of posting consistency; their expectations and mine are difficult to align. A lot of RPing is chemistry/compatibility, and a lot of people go into a RP with their own and demand it of a GM rather than looking at it and critically thinking if they are compatible with this concept even if it’s in the fandom or genre they like.

@Poohead189 - In my opinion, that’s just someone who is more authoritative and wants to make it transparent/clear where the line is for everyone who is reading; not just one isolated player. It’s creating a standard.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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Admin Seen 24 min ago

@Poohead189 - In my opinion, that’s just someone who is more authoritative and wants to make it transparent/clear where the line is for everyone who is reading; not just one isolated player. It’s creating a standard.

No arguments.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kuro
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Just a small annoyance that has been bugging me for awhile. A friend of mine has been doing a 1x1 for some time with me on Discord, and like any good partner, he does a @mention if it has been a few days since I haven't replied (sometimes I can get busy and don't have the time to reply).

However, what annoys me is the time when he posts a reply and does a @mention if I haven't replied to him within thirty minutes to an hour. Additionally, he has a habit of going to every server we're both in and doing a @mention, so sometimes I reach almost ten notifications over the period of a minute that all deal with the same topic.

I've brought this up to him, as well the fact that he doesn't do the same thing to the other people he does 1x1s with. His only excuse is that he cares about our 1x1 and not the other ones he is in. I've known him for several years now, but frankly I've tired of all the crap he tries pulling with me because I don't have my eyes glued to the conversation and not instantly capable of responding.

Tl;dr Friend is doing a 1x1 with me and often annoys me with instant notifications or multiple notifications in the same time frame.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

At that point you have to wonder why he can't just drop you a Discord DM since it accomplishes the same thing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial Gowi Reinkarnated

Member Seen 6 days ago

Tl;dr Friend is doing a 1x1 with me and often annoys me with instant notifications or multiple notifications in the same time frame.

I have been in this boat, though mine was in Skype rather than Discord as it was a few years ago. My partner would pester me every day with the question of essentially “Where’s the post?” as if I was beholden to him. This was not a pace I was comfortable with, so I started acting spiteful. My method probably would not be beneficial to your situation, but at some point you are going to have to draw a line and say effectively that enough is enough and you need to not do this and they need to understand that.
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