This page is for NS for Tales Of A Gilded Throne.

House Name: House Paragon
Head of House: Currently Shamgar Paragon, a younger brother to the former king.
House Specialty: House Paragon is known more for just as the rulers of the High Houses, magic runs thick in their blood. Each new generation however has seen a sharp decline in those gifted in the art. The Houses true power however has been in its shrewd politics and diplomacy. In days of yore, the Paragons had an empathy for dire hawks, these lesser Phoenixes are roughly the size of a large oversized horse.
House Ancestral Weapon: As the only House to be brought from lesser to high, the Paragons do not possess an ancestral sword. The currently lost Crown of Oaths has been the symbol of authority of the House since its rise to power. It is a thin, yet elegant, silver crown adorned with a single red ruby.
Important members:
Shamgar Paragon 53- Shamgar paragon is currently the eldest member of the House of Paragon. Having served as an adviser to Taramyth, Shamagar currently oversees administration of the realm until a Lord Regent can be appointed proper. As Taramyth's younger brother, Shamgar had been content enough with the knowledge he would never rule. When Shamgar later discovered his personal connection to Kammeth himself, he was more than willing to revoke all claim to the throne and take up the holy cloth as a newly anointed Dawnbringer. Before the passing of his brother, Shamgar was a member of the Council of Flamekeep within Skyhaven. He has since resided mainly within the tower of the Phoenix to watch over his nephew and future king.
Asura Sky 20- Asura is the bastard son to Taramyth Paragon. Born out of wedlock, Asura was acknowledged but never legitimized, and thus will never inherent. He has since grown up more a prisoner then a true son. Not having the heart to disown him, and his councillors arguing against just letting him wonder or legitimizing him, Asura has been brought up feeling largely an outsider in his own home.
Agrippa Paragon 6- Agrippa Paragon is the second son of Phoenix King Taramyth, and rightful heir to the throne after the untimely passing of his brother. His tutors believe him to be a fairly bright boy for his age, but being only just over 6 turns of the wheel his future is uncertain.
Alysara Paragon 21- Alysara is the younger daughter of Shamgar Paragon, a girl who had often been sheltered for most of her life.
Valera Paragon The Wild Wing, Lady of Greyhall and first Mistress of the Maiden Blades 29 - Valera Paragon is said to be one of Elyden's most brilliant military minds and a tactical genius. Valera is has been said was born the first in several generations of Paragons to be 'marked by the Phoenix', such individuals would often achieve great renown in their deeds. Valera was raised into knighthood as a daughter of Valarien. Rumor has it Valera first and only daughter was stillborn, and ever since a sword wound later in life caused her to go barren. A deep depression followed before Valera found her way again, so it is safe to say she has known much grief in her life. Despite this, Valera has managed to achieve much in her career as General and warrior, acclaimed as the Elydens most talented commander.
Ealstain Paragon 27- Ealstain Paragon is the eldest son of Shamgar Paragon, but is most recently known for being the pretender to the throne, being among the loudest voices against a boy king. Ealstain career started as a captain within the Royal Army, a move that he had known would upset his father, who had foreseen a life in the service to Kammeth for his son. Knighted as a Kumen at the age of 16, he esteemed himself well in the Black Water campaigns during an Eldfolk uprising. He later gained even more fame in the Gothica conflict known as the 'Under Wars' when a large hoard managed to infiltrate the Under City bellow Skyhavn. He proved instrumental in ending the threat, and was said to have personally slain the Voregoth War chief in single combat. An accomplishment unheard of for nearly any among the races of men. Ealstain's renown is second only to Valera Paragon, and due to this, is largely forgotten among most known Royallanders. A man of action over words, Ealstain is a man dictated by honor, he believes in deeds over false promises.He has also given out of his own pocket in several ventures to aid the lower commoners. Ealstain is however brash, young, and prone to acting before thinking, a trait that has seen him in trouble more times as not. He and his father have also suffered a significant falling out of late.
Nation/Realms Name: Aglil, Also known as the Royal lands.
House Motto: 'Rise, until lambs become Lions.'
Region/color on map: Gold
Race name: Tilrin
Racial appearance: Royallanders, also known as Tilrinics, are a race of men native to the civilized, cosmopolitan heartlands of called Aglil, ruled over by House Paragon. Their skin maintains a very bronze if almost golden hue, quite unlike the pale white of the northern human races such as Greenfolk or Eldfolk, but not as dark as the far eastern races. On average, Tilrinics are of smaller build than the other races of men, and thus generally not as strong. However, they appear to be often more agile and remarkably tough.
Racial traits: Royallanders are renowned throughout Elyden as endowed orators, a trait bested only by their persistent and ardent approach to artwork, peace and metallurgic development, and though physically less imposing than the other races, the Royallanders have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders, and these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light infantry, have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races and erect the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Greater Realm of Elyden. This has profoundly fore-grounded Royallander social and political norms within modern Elydenic cultures, contributing to the fortitude and esteem of the Greater Realm and the Royal Army currently recognized throughout Elyden. Tilrinics are also very agile and are known as the most fleet footed of the races of men. They are also rumored to have an abnormally high tolerance to pain and injury.
Capital: Skyhaven
Capital Population: 33,180
Other Major Settlements:
Castle Greenwood
Lyonhall Citadel
Direwood Caslte
Population: 4,300,600
Culture: The overwhelming majority of Tilrinics are honest, proud, and passionate people who believe in the Church of the Sacred Flame. Equally devoted to family and work, Tilrinics do nothing halfway. If a citizen of Aglil undertakes a task or agrees to serve a cause, he gives it his all. That said, few Royallanders are mindless zealots. Though still demand cremation upon death, for this reason no official graveyards exist in Aglil. Education and wealth are broadly distributed through all social classes where Royal culture has flourished. Many citizens are literate and protected under Royal Law. While most followers of the Flame tolerate other belief systems.
After all, Valarien Paragon herself began as a peasant and follower of the old gods before she was touched by Kammeth and reawaken as the Phoenix Queen. The Sacred Flame demands only that its followers fight evil, whether it’s evil incarnate—beastlings undead, and other abominations—or the evil that plagues the human soul. If a paladin or knight of the Sacred Flame senses evil in an innkeeper, he should try to find a way to bring that soul back to the light, not strike down the innkeeper or destroy his business. However, this is a hard road to follow, and try as they might, many Tilrinics do not measure up to these high ideals. In general, Tilrinics lead ascetic lives. Gambling, carousing, and similar activities are frowned upon in the land of the Sacred Flame. Religious observances are very important.
Pass times such as hunting, or falconry is very popular, while passions such as art, and gardening are also common. Royallanders are well-educated and well-spoken. Though there is a small cultural split between those who live north nearer to the Greenwood, to those who live around the southern rivers and western coast. Tilrinics in South-Western Aglil are more free-ranging, sharing similar beliefs such as a heavy martial and seafaring traditions. While those of the North, especially those who live within Skyhaven tend to be more culturally rich. They have a greater appreciation for magic, art, commerce, and spirituality. Royallanders are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen armies, and their respect for the rule of law.
Government: Each major city has its own Count(ess) who rules over the city (the county seat), and the surrounding county, which has the same name as the city. These counts are all loyal to the Protector of the Realm and the Phoenix Throne and are part of the outer council. Skyhaven City doesn't have a Count as it is ruled by the Phoenix King or Queen. Skyhaven City has no accompanying county, but the Royal Reserve is located to the west and the Tibenay Basin to the east. The Inner Council is the central government of the Greater Realm of Elyden, The Council convenes at its chambers in the center of the Royal Palace complex, within the Phoenix Tower. The Council chamber comprises a large circular table encircled by tall chairs. The Elydenic government is a unicameral and unelected body. It comprises the heads of each High House or their representatives, as well as aristocracy from the other Hold provinces lesser noble houses, the highest-ranking members of military and police forces, as well as appointments made by the head of state, the Phoenix King or Queen of Elyden. This government is in charge of the province as well the whole of Elyden.
Influence and relations: TBD
Military – 22,000
Each major City has its own city watch. City watch guards are stationed throughout their respective city, watching over city or castle gates, or patrolling the city streets. The guards are led by a captain, who reports to the local Count and/or Countess. Their duty is to uphold peace and order throughout the city and county, as well as ensuring justice is had in the event of a crime. Additionally, they are the last line of defence of their city in the event of assault or invasion. These forces are slightly better trained and equipped then the standard militia force, made up of volunteers. As serving in the watch is seen as a great privilege.
As Aglil is the seat of power for the Greater Realm of Elyden, it has all of the continent to which to pull forces from. The leaders of the Phoenix Throne in days of yore, found levying forces from across the Greater Realm to be time consuming, expensive, and largely ineffective when dealing with an immediate crisis. The solution was the Royal Army. A professional, well funded, well trained, well equipped organization that was over seen by the Thrones hand picked Lord Marshal, Firstsword of the Realm. The Firstsword is head of the army, the a next in the hierarchy are the Overswords who remain in command of roughly 5,000 mean each, while Knight Generals oversee 1000 men of their own, broken down further with Knight captains overseeing their own 500s. The Royal Army is thus among the most organized in the Greater Realm.
As the Royal Army is the main fighting force in and for Elyden. Its the supreme military power of the Royal province of Elyden; no other organized army in the known world is believed to match it in standard combat. The Army is primarily composed of Royallanders (who occupy most high-ranking positions) with the other races of men serving in its ranks. Each city guard is equipped with a chain mail hauberk and tabard, bearing the city's color and insignia. In addition they are clad in chain mail leggings, boots and gauntlets, and a unique light helmet. Skyhaven however, is an exception, where the guards wear steel rather than chain-mail. Most of the Royal forces wear armor that is a combination of leather and chain mail.
Royal Spearmen- The mainstay of the royal armies, spearmen serve the all important role of defending the armies flanks and center from cavalry. Often bedecked in chain mail or studded leather with a square shield. -7,500
Royal Infantry- The heart of the Army, well equipped in Aglil steel mined and forged from Skyhaven. Standard equipment is often a single short sword with a wooden reinforced kite shield, with men equipped in steel mail armor. -3,500
Royal crossbowmen- Royal Crossbowmen suffer a little when compared to Odeshian Sharpshooters as they are not as skilled - which renders them weak against prolonged exchanges. Their crossbows are also weaker compared to Odeshian counterparts and their proficiency lower as well. Though their smaller crossbows tend to be faster to reload, still, while the crossbow is relatively easy to use and powerful, it leaves the user quite vulnerable during the slow reload process. These Royal crossbowmen have thus taken up to wearing large pavise shields on their backs, which they turn to the enemy while they reload. 3,500
Jaghut- Influenced by Khitani light cavalry traditions, Jaghuts shun heavy armour and lances in favour of light armour and javelins. These well trained horsemen are fast and manoeuvrable, capable of employing a shooting circle tactic enabling riders to create a continuous cycle of firing. Jaghuts hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. - 1,000
Tilrin Javelinmen- Tilrinic warfare has a long tradition of light mobile troops, both mounted and foot, fighting with the javelin since pre Valarien times. These troops are drawn from the Aglil peasantry, protected by light armour and fighting with javelins, in old Tilinric fashion, allowing them to hurl their weapons at their foes, while remaining mobile enough to stay clear of trouble. These are professional warriors are elite light infantry skirmishers armed with javelins and spears. Despite their light equipment, they have a fearsome reputation.- 2,000
Aglil Knights- Knights of Aglil who serve in the Royal Army are often third, forth or even fifth sons unlikely to inherent. These unwanted heirs often seek service in the Royal armies in order to acquire glory enough to be awarded titles of their own. While taught to be noble heroes in shining armor, in principle at least, these men espouse the noble ideals of chivalry and honor. In truth they are brutally bloodthirsty but effective warriors who practice their skills daily in royal tournaments and mock fights. On the battlefield, their steel plate protection makes them hard to kill though slower then light Calvary, something the Royal army is lacking. After the charging in with their lances, they engage in close combat with heavy maces that can knock a man senseless, when a sword blow would glance off his armour. 1,500
Dismounted Royal Knights- These distinctive looking knights are the Kingdoms Of Elyden's elite warriors. Encased in splendid tilrinic plate armour, including the distinctive visored winged helmet, these knights can take on anyone on the battlefield even when fighting dismounted. These very heavily armoured foot troops can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they encounter. This unit is deployed by the Phoenix Throne and often forms the vanguard when assaulting enemy battlelines - 2,000
Winged Riders -Aglil Winged Riders make a brave sight in any battle, their gold wings giving them an imposing and intimidating appearance much like the ancient Phoenix of old. These troops are usually members of the nobility, for only they can afford the expense involved in being a member of this prestigious force, and are often the bodyguard of the Crown. They are armed with long lances, and sabres for fighting at close quarters. Their armour and elaborate uniforms, complete with two towering, feathered wings, set them apart from other “Kumen”, and make them appear to be a kind of cuirassier to the uneducated eye. Their charge with levelled lances and fearsome appearance is enough to strike terror into many foot troops. - 1,000
Skysentinels -Haven skysentinels are the eyes in the sky for the Knights of the Burning Wing, scouting the landscape, looking for evidence of beastling activity. They employ trained dire hawks breed by House Paragon as swift aerial mounts and a variety of combat tactics that allow them to swoop in, strike enemies quickly, and race away again before reinforcements can arrive. Whether spying on a caravan flying the banner of the Black Network, delivering battle orders to a Knight raiding party, or hunting and duelling one of the hated wyvens gothica riders, a skysentinel is the light cavalry of the Royal Army forces. -53
Landscape: Much of Aglil is made up rolling hills that surround the capital city of Skyhaven, these make up the 'heartlands', the rest is mostly an expanse of forest and mountains. The land is full of sheep herds and other cattle, with the uneven landscape almost seeming idyllic with it's fields of flowers of all colors. Inner lands are almost considered a giant garden of wind swept hills with little flat ground to be had. The west forest, also known the silverwood, is made up primarily of oak, alders, elms, and yews trees. The forest is well patrolled and sees less of the beastlings then the Greenwood to the north. Many rivers flow through the south area, and as one ventures further down the rivers, they come upon more flat plains, these are the major farmlands of Aglil. The elevation of the region rises gradually to the east and sharply to the north around Skyhaven. The western part of the region is relatively dry forest. The central part of the region is relatively dry. The Velathi Mountains (Valar Mountains, as the Royallanders call them) that seats Skyhaven has many of the major roads, with most other travel in Aglil being dominated by rivers. Aglil is fairly diverse as a province in terms of geography and climate.
History: (Optional)
Seat of Power- Aglil greatest advantage comes from being the seat of the Phoenix Throne. The unifying seat of power allows it to levy from all the other holds of Elyden, something only down under great crises. It remains among one of the richer most protected and advanced regions in Elyden. Owing to it's relatively safe position and Royal Guard.
Unified-It also remains the most unified by the strong hereditary Phoenix Throne and bureaucracy, the rule of law, a professional army, and tolerance of disparate polytheistic cult worships.
Peaceful- Aglil has seen very little conflicts throughout most of it's history since the Greater Realm came into power. While it may boast the only true professional army of the time, it is also largely untested. None of the other holds are foolish enough to attack the Phoenix Throne directly, leaving for a rather unbloodied fighting force. Once more, they see the least raids from beastlings, with the Oak men of the Greenwoods being the only true threat, and a rare one at that. One might say peace has cost them their strength.
Seat of Power- While holding the Phoenix Throne is their greatest weapon, it is also a double edge sword. As many covet that very same throne, even within Aglil itself, hence the most resent conflict over succession. The greatest danger to the throne may not come from an outside power, but within. It should also be noted that the Crown possess little to no real navy, relying instead on other holds.
Export: Iron, armor, ale, arms, cloth, furnishings, leather goods, livsestock, pottery, refined metals, and all other sorts of finished goods
Import: Grain, jewelry, leather, ore, glass, and exotic goods from other lands

House Name: House Paragon
Head of House: Currently Shamgar Paragon, a younger brother to the former king.
House Specialty: House Paragon is known more for just as the rulers of the High Houses, magic runs thick in their blood. Each new generation however has seen a sharp decline in those gifted in the art. The Houses true power however has been in its shrewd politics and diplomacy. In days of yore, the Paragons had an empathy for dire hawks, these lesser Phoenixes are roughly the size of a large oversized horse.
House Ancestral Weapon: As the only House to be brought from lesser to high, the Paragons do not possess an ancestral sword. The currently lost Crown of Oaths has been the symbol of authority of the House since its rise to power. It is a thin, yet elegant, silver crown adorned with a single red ruby.
Important members:
Shamgar Paragon 53- Shamgar paragon is currently the eldest member of the House of Paragon. Having served as an adviser to Taramyth, Shamagar currently oversees administration of the realm until a Lord Regent can be appointed proper. As Taramyth's younger brother, Shamgar had been content enough with the knowledge he would never rule. When Shamgar later discovered his personal connection to Kammeth himself, he was more than willing to revoke all claim to the throne and take up the holy cloth as a newly anointed Dawnbringer. Before the passing of his brother, Shamgar was a member of the Council of Flamekeep within Skyhaven. He has since resided mainly within the tower of the Phoenix to watch over his nephew and future king.
Asura Sky 20- Asura is the bastard son to Taramyth Paragon. Born out of wedlock, Asura was acknowledged but never legitimized, and thus will never inherent. He has since grown up more a prisoner then a true son. Not having the heart to disown him, and his councillors arguing against just letting him wonder or legitimizing him, Asura has been brought up feeling largely an outsider in his own home.
Agrippa Paragon 6- Agrippa Paragon is the second son of Phoenix King Taramyth, and rightful heir to the throne after the untimely passing of his brother. His tutors believe him to be a fairly bright boy for his age, but being only just over 6 turns of the wheel his future is uncertain.
Alysara Paragon 21- Alysara is the younger daughter of Shamgar Paragon, a girl who had often been sheltered for most of her life.
Valera Paragon The Wild Wing, Lady of Greyhall and first Mistress of the Maiden Blades 29 - Valera Paragon is said to be one of Elyden's most brilliant military minds and a tactical genius. Valera is has been said was born the first in several generations of Paragons to be 'marked by the Phoenix', such individuals would often achieve great renown in their deeds. Valera was raised into knighthood as a daughter of Valarien. Rumor has it Valera first and only daughter was stillborn, and ever since a sword wound later in life caused her to go barren. A deep depression followed before Valera found her way again, so it is safe to say she has known much grief in her life. Despite this, Valera has managed to achieve much in her career as General and warrior, acclaimed as the Elydens most talented commander.
Ealstain Paragon 27- Ealstain Paragon is the eldest son of Shamgar Paragon, but is most recently known for being the pretender to the throne, being among the loudest voices against a boy king. Ealstain career started as a captain within the Royal Army, a move that he had known would upset his father, who had foreseen a life in the service to Kammeth for his son. Knighted as a Kumen at the age of 16, he esteemed himself well in the Black Water campaigns during an Eldfolk uprising. He later gained even more fame in the Gothica conflict known as the 'Under Wars' when a large hoard managed to infiltrate the Under City bellow Skyhavn. He proved instrumental in ending the threat, and was said to have personally slain the Voregoth War chief in single combat. An accomplishment unheard of for nearly any among the races of men. Ealstain's renown is second only to Valera Paragon, and due to this, is largely forgotten among most known Royallanders. A man of action over words, Ealstain is a man dictated by honor, he believes in deeds over false promises.He has also given out of his own pocket in several ventures to aid the lower commoners. Ealstain is however brash, young, and prone to acting before thinking, a trait that has seen him in trouble more times as not. He and his father have also suffered a significant falling out of late.
Nation/Realms Name: Aglil, Also known as the Royal lands.
House Motto: 'Rise, until lambs become Lions.'
Region/color on map: Gold
Race name: Tilrin
Racial appearance: Royallanders, also known as Tilrinics, are a race of men native to the civilized, cosmopolitan heartlands of called Aglil, ruled over by House Paragon. Their skin maintains a very bronze if almost golden hue, quite unlike the pale white of the northern human races such as Greenfolk or Eldfolk, but not as dark as the far eastern races. On average, Tilrinics are of smaller build than the other races of men, and thus generally not as strong. However, they appear to be often more agile and remarkably tough.
Racial traits: Royallanders are renowned throughout Elyden as endowed orators, a trait bested only by their persistent and ardent approach to artwork, peace and metallurgic development, and though physically less imposing than the other races, the Royallanders have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders, and these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light infantry, have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races and erect the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Greater Realm of Elyden. This has profoundly fore-grounded Royallander social and political norms within modern Elydenic cultures, contributing to the fortitude and esteem of the Greater Realm and the Royal Army currently recognized throughout Elyden. Tilrinics are also very agile and are known as the most fleet footed of the races of men. They are also rumored to have an abnormally high tolerance to pain and injury.
Capital: Skyhaven
Capital Population: 33,180
Other Major Settlements:
Castle Greenwood
Lyonhall Citadel
Direwood Caslte
Population: 4,300,600
Culture: The overwhelming majority of Tilrinics are honest, proud, and passionate people who believe in the Church of the Sacred Flame. Equally devoted to family and work, Tilrinics do nothing halfway. If a citizen of Aglil undertakes a task or agrees to serve a cause, he gives it his all. That said, few Royallanders are mindless zealots. Though still demand cremation upon death, for this reason no official graveyards exist in Aglil. Education and wealth are broadly distributed through all social classes where Royal culture has flourished. Many citizens are literate and protected under Royal Law. While most followers of the Flame tolerate other belief systems.
After all, Valarien Paragon herself began as a peasant and follower of the old gods before she was touched by Kammeth and reawaken as the Phoenix Queen. The Sacred Flame demands only that its followers fight evil, whether it’s evil incarnate—beastlings undead, and other abominations—or the evil that plagues the human soul. If a paladin or knight of the Sacred Flame senses evil in an innkeeper, he should try to find a way to bring that soul back to the light, not strike down the innkeeper or destroy his business. However, this is a hard road to follow, and try as they might, many Tilrinics do not measure up to these high ideals. In general, Tilrinics lead ascetic lives. Gambling, carousing, and similar activities are frowned upon in the land of the Sacred Flame. Religious observances are very important.
Pass times such as hunting, or falconry is very popular, while passions such as art, and gardening are also common. Royallanders are well-educated and well-spoken. Though there is a small cultural split between those who live north nearer to the Greenwood, to those who live around the southern rivers and western coast. Tilrinics in South-Western Aglil are more free-ranging, sharing similar beliefs such as a heavy martial and seafaring traditions. While those of the North, especially those who live within Skyhaven tend to be more culturally rich. They have a greater appreciation for magic, art, commerce, and spirituality. Royallanders are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen armies, and their respect for the rule of law.
Government: Each major city has its own Count(ess) who rules over the city (the county seat), and the surrounding county, which has the same name as the city. These counts are all loyal to the Protector of the Realm and the Phoenix Throne and are part of the outer council. Skyhaven City doesn't have a Count as it is ruled by the Phoenix King or Queen. Skyhaven City has no accompanying county, but the Royal Reserve is located to the west and the Tibenay Basin to the east. The Inner Council is the central government of the Greater Realm of Elyden, The Council convenes at its chambers in the center of the Royal Palace complex, within the Phoenix Tower. The Council chamber comprises a large circular table encircled by tall chairs. The Elydenic government is a unicameral and unelected body. It comprises the heads of each High House or their representatives, as well as aristocracy from the other Hold provinces lesser noble houses, the highest-ranking members of military and police forces, as well as appointments made by the head of state, the Phoenix King or Queen of Elyden. This government is in charge of the province as well the whole of Elyden.
Influence and relations: TBD
Military – 22,000
Each major City has its own city watch. City watch guards are stationed throughout their respective city, watching over city or castle gates, or patrolling the city streets. The guards are led by a captain, who reports to the local Count and/or Countess. Their duty is to uphold peace and order throughout the city and county, as well as ensuring justice is had in the event of a crime. Additionally, they are the last line of defence of their city in the event of assault or invasion. These forces are slightly better trained and equipped then the standard militia force, made up of volunteers. As serving in the watch is seen as a great privilege.
As Aglil is the seat of power for the Greater Realm of Elyden, it has all of the continent to which to pull forces from. The leaders of the Phoenix Throne in days of yore, found levying forces from across the Greater Realm to be time consuming, expensive, and largely ineffective when dealing with an immediate crisis. The solution was the Royal Army. A professional, well funded, well trained, well equipped organization that was over seen by the Thrones hand picked Lord Marshal, Firstsword of the Realm. The Firstsword is head of the army, the a next in the hierarchy are the Overswords who remain in command of roughly 5,000 mean each, while Knight Generals oversee 1000 men of their own, broken down further with Knight captains overseeing their own 500s. The Royal Army is thus among the most organized in the Greater Realm.
As the Royal Army is the main fighting force in and for Elyden. Its the supreme military power of the Royal province of Elyden; no other organized army in the known world is believed to match it in standard combat. The Army is primarily composed of Royallanders (who occupy most high-ranking positions) with the other races of men serving in its ranks. Each city guard is equipped with a chain mail hauberk and tabard, bearing the city's color and insignia. In addition they are clad in chain mail leggings, boots and gauntlets, and a unique light helmet. Skyhaven however, is an exception, where the guards wear steel rather than chain-mail. Most of the Royal forces wear armor that is a combination of leather and chain mail.
Royal Spearmen- The mainstay of the royal armies, spearmen serve the all important role of defending the armies flanks and center from cavalry. Often bedecked in chain mail or studded leather with a square shield. -7,500
Royal Infantry- The heart of the Army, well equipped in Aglil steel mined and forged from Skyhaven. Standard equipment is often a single short sword with a wooden reinforced kite shield, with men equipped in steel mail armor. -3,500
Royal crossbowmen- Royal Crossbowmen suffer a little when compared to Odeshian Sharpshooters as they are not as skilled - which renders them weak against prolonged exchanges. Their crossbows are also weaker compared to Odeshian counterparts and their proficiency lower as well. Though their smaller crossbows tend to be faster to reload, still, while the crossbow is relatively easy to use and powerful, it leaves the user quite vulnerable during the slow reload process. These Royal crossbowmen have thus taken up to wearing large pavise shields on their backs, which they turn to the enemy while they reload. 3,500
Jaghut- Influenced by Khitani light cavalry traditions, Jaghuts shun heavy armour and lances in favour of light armour and javelins. These well trained horsemen are fast and manoeuvrable, capable of employing a shooting circle tactic enabling riders to create a continuous cycle of firing. Jaghuts hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. - 1,000
Tilrin Javelinmen- Tilrinic warfare has a long tradition of light mobile troops, both mounted and foot, fighting with the javelin since pre Valarien times. These troops are drawn from the Aglil peasantry, protected by light armour and fighting with javelins, in old Tilinric fashion, allowing them to hurl their weapons at their foes, while remaining mobile enough to stay clear of trouble. These are professional warriors are elite light infantry skirmishers armed with javelins and spears. Despite their light equipment, they have a fearsome reputation.- 2,000
Aglil Knights- Knights of Aglil who serve in the Royal Army are often third, forth or even fifth sons unlikely to inherent. These unwanted heirs often seek service in the Royal armies in order to acquire glory enough to be awarded titles of their own. While taught to be noble heroes in shining armor, in principle at least, these men espouse the noble ideals of chivalry and honor. In truth they are brutally bloodthirsty but effective warriors who practice their skills daily in royal tournaments and mock fights. On the battlefield, their steel plate protection makes them hard to kill though slower then light Calvary, something the Royal army is lacking. After the charging in with their lances, they engage in close combat with heavy maces that can knock a man senseless, when a sword blow would glance off his armour. 1,500
Dismounted Royal Knights- These distinctive looking knights are the Kingdoms Of Elyden's elite warriors. Encased in splendid tilrinic plate armour, including the distinctive visored winged helmet, these knights can take on anyone on the battlefield even when fighting dismounted. These very heavily armoured foot troops can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they encounter. This unit is deployed by the Phoenix Throne and often forms the vanguard when assaulting enemy battlelines - 2,000
Winged Riders -Aglil Winged Riders make a brave sight in any battle, their gold wings giving them an imposing and intimidating appearance much like the ancient Phoenix of old. These troops are usually members of the nobility, for only they can afford the expense involved in being a member of this prestigious force, and are often the bodyguard of the Crown. They are armed with long lances, and sabres for fighting at close quarters. Their armour and elaborate uniforms, complete with two towering, feathered wings, set them apart from other “Kumen”, and make them appear to be a kind of cuirassier to the uneducated eye. Their charge with levelled lances and fearsome appearance is enough to strike terror into many foot troops. - 1,000
Skysentinels -Haven skysentinels are the eyes in the sky for the Knights of the Burning Wing, scouting the landscape, looking for evidence of beastling activity. They employ trained dire hawks breed by House Paragon as swift aerial mounts and a variety of combat tactics that allow them to swoop in, strike enemies quickly, and race away again before reinforcements can arrive. Whether spying on a caravan flying the banner of the Black Network, delivering battle orders to a Knight raiding party, or hunting and duelling one of the hated wyvens gothica riders, a skysentinel is the light cavalry of the Royal Army forces. -53
Landscape: Much of Aglil is made up rolling hills that surround the capital city of Skyhaven, these make up the 'heartlands', the rest is mostly an expanse of forest and mountains. The land is full of sheep herds and other cattle, with the uneven landscape almost seeming idyllic with it's fields of flowers of all colors. Inner lands are almost considered a giant garden of wind swept hills with little flat ground to be had. The west forest, also known the silverwood, is made up primarily of oak, alders, elms, and yews trees. The forest is well patrolled and sees less of the beastlings then the Greenwood to the north. Many rivers flow through the south area, and as one ventures further down the rivers, they come upon more flat plains, these are the major farmlands of Aglil. The elevation of the region rises gradually to the east and sharply to the north around Skyhaven. The western part of the region is relatively dry forest. The central part of the region is relatively dry. The Velathi Mountains (Valar Mountains, as the Royallanders call them) that seats Skyhaven has many of the major roads, with most other travel in Aglil being dominated by rivers. Aglil is fairly diverse as a province in terms of geography and climate.
History: (Optional)
Seat of Power- Aglil greatest advantage comes from being the seat of the Phoenix Throne. The unifying seat of power allows it to levy from all the other holds of Elyden, something only down under great crises. It remains among one of the richer most protected and advanced regions in Elyden. Owing to it's relatively safe position and Royal Guard.
Unified-It also remains the most unified by the strong hereditary Phoenix Throne and bureaucracy, the rule of law, a professional army, and tolerance of disparate polytheistic cult worships.
Peaceful- Aglil has seen very little conflicts throughout most of it's history since the Greater Realm came into power. While it may boast the only true professional army of the time, it is also largely untested. None of the other holds are foolish enough to attack the Phoenix Throne directly, leaving for a rather unbloodied fighting force. Once more, they see the least raids from beastlings, with the Oak men of the Greenwoods being the only true threat, and a rare one at that. One might say peace has cost them their strength.
Seat of Power- While holding the Phoenix Throne is their greatest weapon, it is also a double edge sword. As many covet that very same throne, even within Aglil itself, hence the most resent conflict over succession. The greatest danger to the throne may not come from an outside power, but within. It should also be noted that the Crown possess little to no real navy, relying instead on other holds.
Export: Iron, armor, ale, arms, cloth, furnishings, leather goods, livsestock, pottery, refined metals, and all other sorts of finished goods
Import: Grain, jewelry, leather, ore, glass, and exotic goods from other lands