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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

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This page is for NS for Tales Of A Gilded Throne.


House Name: House Paragon

Head of House: Currently Shamgar Paragon, a younger brother to the former king.

House Specialty: House Paragon is known more for just as the rulers of the High Houses, magic runs thick in their blood. Each new generation however has seen a sharp decline in those gifted in the art. The Houses true power however has been in its shrewd politics and diplomacy. In days of yore, the Paragons had an empathy for dire hawks, these lesser Phoenixes are roughly the size of a large oversized horse.

House Ancestral Weapon: As the only House to be brought from lesser to high, the Paragons do not possess an ancestral sword. The currently lost Crown of Oaths has been the symbol of authority of the House since its rise to power. It is a thin, yet elegant, silver crown adorned with a single red ruby.

Important members:

Shamgar Paragon 53- Shamgar paragon is currently the eldest member of the House of Paragon. Having served as an adviser to Taramyth, Shamagar currently oversees administration of the realm until a Lord Regent can be appointed proper. As Taramyth's younger brother, Shamgar had been content enough with the knowledge he would never rule. When Shamgar later discovered his personal connection to Kammeth himself, he was more than willing to revoke all claim to the throne and take up the holy cloth as a newly anointed Dawnbringer. Before the passing of his brother, Shamgar was a member of the Council of Flamekeep within Skyhaven. He has since resided mainly within the tower of the Phoenix to watch over his nephew and future king.

Asura Sky 20- Asura is the bastard son to Taramyth Paragon. Born out of wedlock, Asura was acknowledged but never legitimized, and thus will never inherent. He has since grown up more a prisoner then a true son. Not having the heart to disown him, and his councillors arguing against just letting him wonder or legitimizing him, Asura has been brought up feeling largely an outsider in his own home.

Agrippa Paragon 6- Agrippa Paragon is the second son of Phoenix King Taramyth, and rightful heir to the throne after the untimely passing of his brother. His tutors believe him to be a fairly bright boy for his age, but being only just over 6 turns of the wheel his future is uncertain.

Alysara Paragon 21- Alysara is the younger daughter of Shamgar Paragon, a girl who had often been sheltered for most of her life.

Valera Paragon The Wild Wing, Lady of Greyhall and first Mistress of the Maiden Blades 29 - Valera Paragon is said to be one of Elyden's most brilliant military minds and a tactical genius. Valera is has been said was born the first in several generations of Paragons to be 'marked by the Phoenix', such individuals would often achieve great renown in their deeds. Valera was raised into knighthood as a daughter of Valarien. Rumor has it Valera first and only daughter was stillborn, and ever since a sword wound later in life caused her to go barren. A deep depression followed before Valera found her way again, so it is safe to say she has known much grief in her life. Despite this, Valera has managed to achieve much in her career as General and warrior, acclaimed as the Elydens most talented commander.

Ealstain Paragon 27- Ealstain Paragon is the eldest son of Shamgar Paragon, but is most recently known for being the pretender to the throne, being among the loudest voices against a boy king. Ealstain career started as a captain within the Royal Army, a move that he had known would upset his father, who had foreseen a life in the service to Kammeth for his son. Knighted as a Kumen at the age of 16, he esteemed himself well in the Black Water campaigns during an Eldfolk uprising. He later gained even more fame in the Gothica conflict known as the 'Under Wars' when a large hoard managed to infiltrate the Under City bellow Skyhavn. He proved instrumental in ending the threat, and was said to have personally slain the Voregoth War chief in single combat. An accomplishment unheard of for nearly any among the races of men. Ealstain's renown is second only to Valera Paragon, and due to this, is largely forgotten among most known Royallanders. A man of action over words, Ealstain is a man dictated by honor, he believes in deeds over false promises.He has also given out of his own pocket in several ventures to aid the lower commoners. Ealstain is however brash, young, and prone to acting before thinking, a trait that has seen him in trouble more times as not. He and his father have also suffered a significant falling out of late.

Nation/Realms Name: Aglil, Also known as the Royal lands.

House Motto: 'Rise, until lambs become Lions.'

Region/color on map: Gold

Race name: Tilrin

Racial appearance: Royallanders, also known as Tilrinics, are a race of men native to the civilized, cosmopolitan heartlands of called Aglil, ruled over by House Paragon. Their skin maintains a very bronze if almost golden hue, quite unlike the pale white of the northern human races such as Greenfolk or Eldfolk, but not as dark as the far eastern races. On average, Tilrinics are of smaller build than the other races of men, and thus generally not as strong. However, they appear to be often more agile and remarkably tough.

Racial traits: Royallanders are renowned throughout Elyden as endowed orators, a trait bested only by their persistent and ardent approach to artwork, peace and metallurgic development, and though physically less imposing than the other races, the Royallanders have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders, and these traits, along with their remarkable skill and training as light infantry, have enabled them to subdue all the other nations and races and erect the monument to peace and prosperity that comprises the Glorious Greater Realm of Elyden. This has profoundly fore-grounded Royallander social and political norms within modern Elydenic cultures, contributing to the fortitude and esteem of the Greater Realm and the Royal Army currently recognized throughout Elyden. Tilrinics are also very agile and are known as the most fleet footed of the races of men. They are also rumored to have an abnormally high tolerance to pain and injury.

Capital: Skyhaven

Capital Population: 33,180

Other Major Settlements:

Castle Greenwood
Lyonhall Citadel
Direwood Caslte

Population: 4,300,600

Culture: The overwhelming majority of Tilrinics are honest, proud, and passionate people who believe in the Church of the Sacred Flame. Equally devoted to family and work, Tilrinics do nothing halfway. If a citizen of Aglil undertakes a task or agrees to serve a cause, he gives it his all. That said, few Royallanders are mindless zealots. Though still demand cremation upon death, for this reason no official graveyards exist in Aglil. Education and wealth are broadly distributed through all social classes where Royal culture has flourished. Many citizens are literate and protected under Royal Law. While most followers of the Flame tolerate other belief systems.

After all, Valarien Paragon herself began as a peasant and follower of the old gods before she was touched by Kammeth and reawaken as the Phoenix Queen. The Sacred Flame demands only that its followers fight evil, whether it’s evil incarnate—beastlings undead, and other abominations—or the evil that plagues the human soul. If a paladin or knight of the Sacred Flame senses evil in an innkeeper, he should try to find a way to bring that soul back to the light, not strike down the innkeeper or destroy his business. However, this is a hard road to follow, and try as they might, many Tilrinics do not measure up to these high ideals. In general, Tilrinics lead ascetic lives. Gambling, carousing, and similar activities are frowned upon in the land of the Sacred Flame. Religious observances are very important.

Pass times such as hunting, or falconry is very popular, while passions such as art, and gardening are also common. Royallanders are well-educated and well-spoken. Though there is a small cultural split between those who live north nearer to the Greenwood, to those who live around the southern rivers and western coast. Tilrinics in South-Western Aglil are more free-ranging, sharing similar beliefs such as a heavy martial and seafaring traditions. While those of the North, especially those who live within Skyhaven tend to be more culturally rich. They have a greater appreciation for magic, art, commerce, and spirituality. Royallanders are also known for the discipline and training of their citizen armies, and their respect for the rule of law.

Government: Each major city has its own Count(ess) who rules over the city (the county seat), and the surrounding county, which has the same name as the city. These counts are all loyal to the Protector of the Realm and the Phoenix Throne and are part of the outer council. Skyhaven City doesn't have a Count as it is ruled by the Phoenix King or Queen. Skyhaven City has no accompanying county, but the Royal Reserve is located to the west and the Tibenay Basin to the east. The Inner Council is the central government of the Greater Realm of Elyden, The Council convenes at its chambers in the center of the Royal Palace complex, within the Phoenix Tower. The Council chamber comprises a large circular table encircled by tall chairs. The Elydenic government is a unicameral and unelected body. It comprises the heads of each High House or their representatives, as well as aristocracy from the other Hold provinces lesser noble houses, the highest-ranking members of military and police forces, as well as appointments made by the head of state, the Phoenix King or Queen of Elyden. This government is in charge of the province as well the whole of Elyden.

Influence and relations: TBD

Military – 22,000
Each major City has its own city watch. City watch guards are stationed throughout their respective city, watching over city or castle gates, or patrolling the city streets. The guards are led by a captain, who reports to the local Count and/or Countess. Their duty is to uphold peace and order throughout the city and county, as well as ensuring justice is had in the event of a crime. Additionally, they are the last line of defence of their city in the event of assault or invasion. These forces are slightly better trained and equipped then the standard militia force, made up of volunteers. As serving in the watch is seen as a great privilege.

As Aglil is the seat of power for the Greater Realm of Elyden, it has all of the continent to which to pull forces from. The leaders of the Phoenix Throne in days of yore, found levying forces from across the Greater Realm to be time consuming, expensive, and largely ineffective when dealing with an immediate crisis. The solution was the Royal Army. A professional, well funded, well trained, well equipped organization that was over seen by the Thrones hand picked Lord Marshal, Firstsword of the Realm. The Firstsword is head of the army, the a next in the hierarchy are the Overswords who remain in command of roughly 5,000 mean each, while Knight Generals oversee 1000 men of their own, broken down further with Knight captains overseeing their own 500s. The Royal Army is thus among the most organized in the Greater Realm.

As the Royal Army is the main fighting force in and for Elyden. Its the supreme military power of the Royal province of Elyden; no other organized army in the known world is believed to match it in standard combat. The Army is primarily composed of Royallanders (who occupy most high-ranking positions) with the other races of men serving in its ranks. Each city guard is equipped with a chain mail hauberk and tabard, bearing the city's color and insignia. In addition they are clad in chain mail leggings, boots and gauntlets, and a unique light helmet. Skyhaven however, is an exception, where the guards wear steel rather than chain-mail. Most of the Royal forces wear armor that is a combination of leather and chain mail.

Royal Spearmen- The mainstay of the royal armies, spearmen serve the all important role of defending the armies flanks and center from cavalry. Often bedecked in chain mail or studded leather with a square shield. -7,500

Royal Infantry- The heart of the Army, well equipped in Aglil steel mined and forged from Skyhaven. Standard equipment is often a single short sword with a wooden reinforced kite shield, with men equipped in steel mail armor. -3,500

Royal crossbowmen- Royal Crossbowmen suffer a little when compared to Odeshian Sharpshooters as they are not as skilled - which renders them weak against prolonged exchanges. Their crossbows are also weaker compared to Odeshian counterparts and their proficiency lower as well. Though their smaller crossbows tend to be faster to reload, still, while the crossbow is relatively easy to use and powerful, it leaves the user quite vulnerable during the slow reload process. These Royal crossbowmen have thus taken up to wearing large pavise shields on their backs, which they turn to the enemy while they reload. 3,500

Jaghut- Influenced by Khitani light cavalry traditions, Jaghuts shun heavy armour and lances in favour of light armour and javelins. These well trained horsemen are fast and manoeuvrable, capable of employing a shooting circle tactic enabling riders to create a continuous cycle of firing. Jaghuts hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords. - 1,000

Tilrin Javelinmen- Tilrinic warfare has a long tradition of light mobile troops, both mounted and foot, fighting with the javelin since pre Valarien times. These troops are drawn from the Aglil peasantry, protected by light armour and fighting with javelins, in old Tilinric fashion, allowing them to hurl their weapons at their foes, while remaining mobile enough to stay clear of trouble. These are professional warriors are elite light infantry skirmishers armed with javelins and spears. Despite their light equipment, they have a fearsome reputation.- 2,000

Aglil Knights- Knights of Aglil who serve in the Royal Army are often third, forth or even fifth sons unlikely to inherent. These unwanted heirs often seek service in the Royal armies in order to acquire glory enough to be awarded titles of their own. While taught to be noble heroes in shining armor, in principle at least, these men espouse the noble ideals of chivalry and honor. In truth they are brutally bloodthirsty but effective warriors who practice their skills daily in royal tournaments and mock fights. On the battlefield, their steel plate protection makes them hard to kill though slower then light Calvary, something the Royal army is lacking. After the charging in with their lances, they engage in close combat with heavy maces that can knock a man senseless, when a sword blow would glance off his armour. 1,500

Dismounted Royal Knights- These distinctive looking knights are the Kingdoms Of Elyden's elite warriors. Encased in splendid tilrinic plate armour, including the distinctive visored winged helmet, these knights can take on anyone on the battlefield even when fighting dismounted. These very heavily armoured foot troops can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they encounter. This unit is deployed by the Phoenix Throne and often forms the vanguard when assaulting enemy battlelines - 2,000

Winged Riders -Aglil Winged Riders make a brave sight in any battle, their gold wings giving them an imposing and intimidating appearance much like the ancient Phoenix of old. These troops are usually members of the nobility, for only they can afford the expense involved in being a member of this prestigious force, and are often the bodyguard of the Crown. They are armed with long lances, and sabres for fighting at close quarters. Their armour and elaborate uniforms, complete with two towering, feathered wings, set them apart from other “Kumen”, and make them appear to be a kind of cuirassier to the uneducated eye. Their charge with levelled lances and fearsome appearance is enough to strike terror into many foot troops. - 1,000

Skysentinels -Haven skysentinels are the eyes in the sky for the Knights of the Burning Wing, scouting the landscape, looking for evidence of beastling activity. They employ trained dire hawks breed by House Paragon as swift aerial mounts and a variety of combat tactics that allow them to swoop in, strike enemies quickly, and race away again before reinforcements can arrive. Whether spying on a caravan flying the banner of the Black Network, delivering battle orders to a Knight raiding party, or hunting and duelling one of the hated wyvens gothica riders, a skysentinel is the light cavalry of the Royal Army forces. -53

Landscape: Much of Aglil is made up rolling hills that surround the capital city of Skyhaven, these make up the 'heartlands', the rest is mostly an expanse of forest and mountains. The land is full of sheep herds and other cattle, with the uneven landscape almost seeming idyllic with it's fields of flowers of all colors. Inner lands are almost considered a giant garden of wind swept hills with little flat ground to be had. The west forest, also known the silverwood, is made up primarily of oak, alders, elms, and yews trees. The forest is well patrolled and sees less of the beastlings then the Greenwood to the north. Many rivers flow through the south area, and as one ventures further down the rivers, they come upon more flat plains, these are the major farmlands of Aglil. The elevation of the region rises gradually to the east and sharply to the north around Skyhaven. The western part of the region is relatively dry forest. The central part of the region is relatively dry. The Velathi Mountains (Valar Mountains, as the Royallanders call them) that seats Skyhaven has many of the major roads, with most other travel in Aglil being dominated by rivers. Aglil is fairly diverse as a province in terms of geography and climate.


History: (Optional)

Seat of Power- Aglil greatest advantage comes from being the seat of the Phoenix Throne. The unifying seat of power allows it to levy from all the other holds of Elyden, something only down under great crises. It remains among one of the richer most protected and advanced regions in Elyden. Owing to it's relatively safe position and Royal Guard.
Unified-It also remains the most unified by the strong hereditary Phoenix Throne and bureaucracy, the rule of law, a professional army, and tolerance of disparate polytheistic cult worships.

Peaceful- Aglil has seen very little conflicts throughout most of it's history since the Greater Realm came into power. While it may boast the only true professional army of the time, it is also largely untested. None of the other holds are foolish enough to attack the Phoenix Throne directly, leaving for a rather unbloodied fighting force. Once more, they see the least raids from beastlings, with the Oak men of the Greenwoods being the only true threat, and a rare one at that. One might say peace has cost them their strength.

Seat of Power- While holding the Phoenix Throne is their greatest weapon, it is also a double edge sword. As many covet that very same throne, even within Aglil itself, hence the most resent conflict over succession. The greatest danger to the throne may not come from an outside power, but within. It should also be noted that the Crown possess little to no real navy, relying instead on other holds.

Export: Iron, armor, ale, arms, cloth, furnishings, leather goods, livsestock, pottery, refined metals, and all other sorts of finished goods
Import: Grain, jewelry, leather, ore, glass, and exotic goods from other lands
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Still work in progress I had to go before I could get more done.
House Name:Conrads

Head of House:James Conrad Age:39 A older man with graying blonde hair and light green eyes. He's always been a great administrator and in his youth was great on the field and on a boat. He can still command on a boat but his hand to hand combat has greatly decreased.

House Specialty: Excellent sailors considered the best and most disciplined of the lands and having been on the islands for so long with out the tech to advance have most metals and such intact.

House Ancestral Weapon:The Wave (Sword) Not much is known about it other then it has magical properties. Some say it can control the waves, others say it is a weapon that can raise a kraken from the depths of the sea. No one knows except for James.

Important members:
Wife: Orlane Vesper Daughter of Merchant King Ovelpe Vesper
Eldest Son:Luke Conrad Age: 23 married to Laurel Conrad Age:22 Luke Is a Great Warrior and is respected. He travels around a lot and tends to deal with guarding any large treasure fleet ships. While he may not be a great administrator he still has the knowledge of a good and bad deal. While Luke May not greatly love his wife he doesn't mind her. He knows he needs support should he one day want his family to be successful
2nd Son: James Conrad the 2nd Age married to Maurice Conrad: 18 James is a skilled warrior but he focused much more on administrative power and represents his house when attending royal affairs. Along with his Father's Advisor Duke Kenlen. James loves his new wife being rather orderly and living from the lap of luxury he always had an interest in banking and making ties with the bank couldn't hurt.
Eldest Daughter:Lucy Conrad Age:14 married to/betrothed to Harper Cragmore who lives with the conrads on the island was taken as part of a bet. Lucy likes finer things in life and prefers the island though she does travel trying to find a prince under fathers requests.
3rd Son: Zach Conrad Age:9 Twin Zach still being young does like being on the island and while a skilled fighter he is interested in the darker side of things such as the grave master and his way. He is defiantly smart but somewhat of an worrisome boy causing trouble. Will marry who ever the next merchant kings daughter is.
2nd Daughter: Mena Conrad Age:9 Twin Mena is a tomboy who likes using a sword and talking with the castle guards she does love what her money buys her like the weaponry and bodyguards. She hopes to one day lead a fleet to the dark island and colonize it in the name of House Conrad.

Brother:Jaime Conrad Age: 34 Lord of a southern isle Keep Jaime is a strong black haired man who is tough as nails and used to be a raider.
Sister: Carmine Conrad Age 29 married to Augustus Suttbray A Beautiful blonde haired women still ripe for children married to someone from house Suttbray
Closest Advisor/Friend: Julius Keplen Age 39 Duke of the southern isle. A middle aged man who has served James since his father died in all things finance and getting soldiers trained. He tends to write messages though James on larger issues will visit Julius.

Nation/Realms Name: The Young Islands of men

Sigil: http://gyazo.com/16cab751281ad878a3540f8dc335dc66

House Motto: We rise with the Tide

Region/color on map: Purple

Race name:The Sea Born

Racial appearance:The people of the isles are whiter then most others due to sunny shores and before the men brought technology with them the vast forests that kept them shaded. They around reasonable height among the other countries. The hair color of most isle men is black and brown. The weight all depends on your class.

Racial traits:Tend not to be honorable men with those not from the isle. Great Seaman. (Most known abilities associated with these people, these are often rather minor, such as one people being known for seamanship, another for their preference toward martial discipline, over brute force and maybe another for their love of crafting

Capital:Northern Island,Southwestern area, Castle Name: Krakenheart

Capital Population:17,203

Other Major Settlements:James Port,Hawkers Keep,Castle Shark,Sharkteeth Bay.


Culture: They follow a completely different religion The Sea God and Grave Master. They allow all religions including necromancy and tend to care little for the mainland less they make a shark tooth oath. A Shark tooth oath is when a house head personnally makes a trip to the island and cuts them self in a blood oath and says what deal he is proposing.

Type of Government:A monarchy. King Conrad as it's head.Through eldest child will inherit the throne.

Influence and relations: Alliance with House Whiteshorn, Alliance with House Sovanid. Relations with house Benedikt have always been at odds. With them being devote followers they even got into a few armed fights before. Marriage Sealed vow with The Merchant Lord and King Vesper.

Military -Each man from age's 12-20 is taught basic combat and how to man a ship on board a crew.
3,000 sailors/marines- These men are some of the best the isles has to offer they are skilled in melee,ranged combat and can even hold a ship together.
1,500 Longbowmen- These men have some skill when fighting in melee however they are meant for long range combat such as why they are used on ships to kill off enemy crewmen before the enemy get in range with crossbowmen.
1,500 swordsmen- These men are the backbone of the army/marines they are first ones off when boarding ships and tend to have some knowledge in the workings of a ship so they can capture enemy galleys and such and use them in a fight.
100 Elite Guardsmen- The personnel entourage and and crew men of King James Conrad each man has it's part each working like a cog in the machine to fulfill a role.
200 siege operators- These men know the workings of a ship and how to use catapults and are battlefield engineers when on land. While they are few they tend to be the largest and strongest of the islanders. Also some of the most loyal.
100 Longships- These are fast moving raiding ships they can hold 50 crew along with 30 or so soldiers. Only half are fully controlled by the conrads. The others are owned by merchants or sellswords however they do often join in battle with the Conrads for the safe Haven they provide.(100 longships owned by sellswords and mercenaries that would be more then likely to join the conrads in battle.)
50 Galleys- These ships are much larger and better for long combat. They also go into battle first. While these ship also aren't directly controlled by conrads they tend to have a conrad captain or first mate to help advise in battle. They also tend to have a siege weapon them them such as a catapult or ballistic.(100 mercenary ships are available and would more then likely join the conrads in battle.)
5 Personalized War Galleys- Aside from King's James personnel Vessel there is also Luke's own ship,Jaime's ship, Julius's ship and The Kraken It was House Kraken own ship before they were killed now it is kept at the capital as a reminder.These ships each have unique attachments to them that are used for the battles on the waves. These ships also tend to have a siege weapon on them from a ballistic to a catapult.
300 Trade Ships- While none of these are controlled by the conrads but instead lead by the merchant's and trade companies setup on the isle's they do pay tax to have a shipping license and if needed can always be turned into battleships. While they wouldn't be the best or fastest in war you sometimes need to make do.

Landscape:The Landscape on the northern and capital island from the coast is rather beautiful and almost removed from normal society. However the ports are always busy and some cities are republicly owned by rich men who do serve the Shark King (James). Inside the island is half and half some parts are untouched by man and used to hunt wild game. The other is heavily mined and built on to be secured by lords or rich men.

The Southern isle is far more untouched by man with one or 2 ports going directly to the northern isle. The inside of said island however is much more destroyed and mined over.

Wildlife:Northern Island:Many normal wild animals. Plenty of fish to catch for food and such. Southern Island:Some Deer and Boars remain with hawks and such able to fly over the towns,castles and ports.

History: The Isle of men was not always ruled by the conrads. They used to belong to the Kraken Horde. A large Band of raiders who pillaged and plundered the main land for long time.Year and years went by. Unlike much of the mainland the isles were almost untouched by dragons due to how small they were and useless. As stated before the Kraken Horde raided the mainland coast stealing women,children and any food they could get there hands onto. Years after the dragons were killed the men of mainland set sail to find the horde and came across the 2 island fortresses. Horde Conrad at the time saw they were outnumbered and out gunned. He and a few of the other hordes revolted and attacked Kraken Horde Hold. The capital of the nation. It took 6 months for the siege of the southern isle. The head of the horde died on the field however his family was at the small northern keep. Kelen Conrad knowing he didn't want his rule challenged sailed north. It was a 2 month journey and 4 month siege before the hold was taken and Horde Kraken killed. All except James Grand Mother Lily. The newly established House Conrad was awarded a sword named the Wave. The faithfully pledged allegiance to the Phoenix Lord but kept to there own ways. They followed the religion of Sea God and the Grave Master. The Sea God is worshipped so that they are given a safe journey over the water. The Grave Master watches over those fallen at sea. The Isles of men any religion as well as any religion practice is allowed up to and including necromancy. As immigrant arrived they brought new sources of technology and House Conrad being the holder of the metals greatly advanced in wealth and status. It wasn't until James's Father Nelo that they allowed merchants from other places to mine metals so long as they payed the mining fee and ship holders fee. While House Conrad is generous to it's citizens they tend to disregard those on the mainland.

Strengths:Great Seaman and honorable to their lords the Conrads. With the Island only being recently discover many ores are untouched so they can be mined and sold while most area on the mainland have gone somewhat dry. It's houses are loyal and respect the Conrads they always offer services whenever needed. Merchants tend to become if not out right nobels very close to the King so they get great benefits as such paying the army and navy isn't that hard. Most Lords tend to make there own personally designed ships to be as fast as the longships and yet as strong as a normal war galley. The isles have the most raw resources of the land.

Weaknesses:With the islands being mined and destroyed food is somewhat scarce and fishing can only go so far so they must trade with mainlanders for food and drinks and other basic necessities. Being long ships they aren't great for long combat at sea. With the island being recently discovered they are out teched in most ways and it took a year long war till they official joined the Kingdom. Being that the isles have different culture and allow all religions it's often at odds with other houses.

The Southern Isles are a somewhat fertile desert land known for it's trade and far different religion where they hope to get a grand winter rather then a Long Summer.Not much is known about them from mainlanders however in the days of yore when the KrakenHorde raided the coastline they needed someone to sell to and that is where they met the southern islanders. These people rule with a council of 23 For the 23 merchant cities each ruled by their own merchant lord and each with it's own specialty from magic,to clothes to materials such as wood or stone and gem. From those 23 one house is selected as Merchant King of Osis. Osis is the largest city at the center of the land it is also named after the god of winter. The Desertmen tend to ignore those on the mainland. They only ever dealed with the krakenhorde when the city states were first starting up and need the supplies. Now they remain in contact with House Conrad alone and will ignore outside less House Conrad Vouches for them. They even sealed this deal when the ruling merchant of Osis had his daughter married to James Conrad. The Merchants are honorable men and will uphold any deal they have between themselves and House Conrad. They tend to have first pick on things from the isles of men and is why so many merchants have arrived in Sea Born land.

Export: Gold,Iron,Copper,Silver,Gems,Coal,Luxury goods from southern isles.

Import: Food(Any Kind)

Also for now has possession of House Cragmore mores Sword
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

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House Name:Whiteshorn

Head of House: Elle Whiteshorn Age 26
She looks down on most who are weaker than her, or those that look down upon her. She is a natural fighter and is a crack shot with the crossbow. She also knows how to swing a sword.

House Specialty: The use of Elephants both in war and in work use, such as moving heavy objects.

House Ancestral Weapon:A bow, made of star metal, that fires magic that explodes in impact, instead of physical arrows..
Important members:
Flint Whiteshorn. Age 53 DECEASED
1 son-
Gading Whiteshorn Age 14 DECEASED
4 daughters-
Eden Whiteshorn Age 16
A girl beyond her time, she sketches amazing inventions and machines that seem from the future. A "Da Vinci" of the realm.
She is very sarcastic and speaks her mind, even if it may not be appropriate to do so.
Laurel Conrad Age:22 Married to Luke Conrad.
A smart but shy girl, she often stands on the roof of the castle and stares back to the mainland where she grew up. Day dreams a lot.
Ayana Suttbray Age 24 Married to Will Suttbray
Many members of the family died years ago to a deadly sickness. Some believe it is a curse set upon the family.

Nation/Realms Name: Odesh


House Motto: "Never Forgets, Never Forgives"

Region/color on map: Red

Race name: Odeshians

Racial appearance: Average size stands at a 5'7", most are of a strong build due to working or training. Their skin is tanned and the most common hair colours are black and brown. Rarely a child may be born with Red hair, they are deemed "Lucky" and sometimes given special treatment over others and used as somewhat as a status symbol, they are sought after as the most beautiful men and women in all of the kingdom.

Racial traits: Known as skilled engineers, crafting tools and weapons alike. The crossbow was invented within the lands of Odesh as the lords needed ways of killing elephants that had become irate. The weapon was soon banned from use in warfare as it was deemed "Too powerful" and an overkill. It also was so easy to use that someone untrained could kill an armoured noble with one, disrupting the class system. These laws where left in place for decades until they where lifted by a Head of House that realised how much potential they could have in combat. The bow was soon replaced with the far more powerful weapon.

Capital: Amplefort

Capital Population: 200,000

Other Major Settlements:

Population:4.6 Million

Racial demographics: Human

Very Traditionalist, preferring the old ways instead of the new. Believing in Monarchy, respect for elders, and conventional methods of doing things. For these reasons festivals and rituals are performed all over the lands for many different things, for the passing of the year, the birth of a child or a victory in battle.

Type of Government: Monarchy.

Influence and relations:
Laurel Conrad is married to Luke Conrad = House Whiteshorn ties with House Conrad in trade and friendly relations.
Ayana Suttbray is Married to Will Suttbray = House Whiteshorn ties with House Suttbray in trade and friendly relations.
Trading agreements with House Ashtoken
Trading Agreements with House Myrwyl

Military - 22,990

(330 misc men )
The tactics of the military are quite simple, a battlefield will usually involve large groups of soldiers pushing towards the enemy, attempting to blanket and overwhelm with larger numbers. Elephants are also used in this way.
However the crossbow is when Odesh shows off its tactics. The crack shots are able to hit men at long distances and so are used in smaller groups, flanking the enemy and finding advantage points to silently pick off the ranks. The main army distracting the enemy.

Mediterranean climate, during the Long summers they vary from hot, dry and cool, but during the spring and midwinter seasons, they see rain. The region is almost idyllic during the Long Summer.

Elephants, Goats, Sheep, Rabbits, jackals, lynx, snakes, bees, ants, beetles, spiders, scorpions,
Oak, Pine and Sycamore trees.
Olives, Figs, Citrus, Walnuts, Grapes
Rosemary, Thyme, and Lavender Herbs

History: (Optional)

Crossbowmen- Crossbowmen are trained extensively to be the most accurate and fastest reloaders in the land.
Skilled engineers - Every family within the land has some connection to craftsmanship, and most have at least one trade they know of. From tool making to artillery pieces.

Poorly trained foot soldiers - Despite the crossbowmen being well trained, the infantry is not so well trained. Preferring to use sheer mass over skill.
Poor Navy - Navy consists of transport ships and no combat ships are used.

Olives, Figs, Citrus, Walnuts, Grapes, Artillery, Grains, Silks, Siege weapons(Ballista, Catapult, Battering Ram) , Tools,
Ores/Metals(From House Conrad), Gems (From House Ashtoken], Coffee, Sugar, and tobacco (From House Suttbray), Lumber (From House Myrwyl)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

House Whitemane

Head of House: Algrim Whitemane

House Specialty:
"Sleep well and without fear, for when such a hound watches over you, care not for the dark." Algrim Whitemane, commenting on House Whitemane's Hounds.
Well bred War dogs. The dogs bred within the region are stronger and larger than most in the realm. Highly sought after for their ferocious abilities in combat, these large dogs are more suited as guard dogs or war dogs and are trained as such, taught to ignore the chaos of battle and to attack on command, these hounds of war are to be feared. The people of the region share a strong bond with their canine companions for they fight side by side. (Share a similar appearance to the now extinct Molossus breed of dog.)

House Ancestral Weapon: Reign - A short spear wielded by Lorem Whitemane, founder of House Whitemane during the Wyrm Wars. Currently wielded by Algrim Whitemane as tradition demands the spear be held by the current Head of House. Infused with the ability to summon a stone steed, a mighty, full-sized, roughly hewn statue of a warhorse, carved from some type of hard stone erupts from the ground, it's eyes gleaming an emerald green glow. Not hampered by the need for food, water or rest, makes a mighty stone steed.

Important members:

Nation/Realms Name: The Greenwood


House Motto: WIP

Region/color on map: Green

Race name: Known as Lorem's Folk to their own, but labelled as many names by others.

Racial appearance: Humans hailing from the region tend to be slightly taller than the average, featuring darker colours of hair and paler skin as well as more earthly coloured pupils. This relating to their life in the colder regions of the northern forests, just under the mountains.

Racial traits: WIP

Capital: Fyrestone - A grand city facing outwards from the mountains with it's back to it. A mere village in the times of Lorem Whitemane, has since flourished in the dark north under the guidance of House Whitemane. WIP

Capital Population: 34,389

Other Major Settlements:
High Tower - Originally built as a watch tower atop a raised cliff by the ocean to watch out for Beast men attacks from the neighbouring isles. High Tower has since grown into a rather successful trading village built around the original stone tower, due to it's position by the gap in the mountains, it sees constant traders passing through, but still it's original mission still stands.
Soldier's Port - A military and trading wharf. Set upon the coast, as guessed by it's name, is the largest military port within the Whitemane's land, responsible for maintaining a large portion of the navy and providing transport for the realm's soldiers, Soldier's Port is also the main port for trading by sea with other houses.
Apple Lane - A large village built along the river flowing through the region, it stands as the largest agricultural village, with irrigation channels dug around the village. Provides vast amounts of wheat and bailey during summer, less so during the winter months.
Wintervale - A fort built towards the south of the region, silently watches the southern border for threat of attack from the odd beast man raiding party, but more predominately the other houses south.
Easthaven - An obscure fort built on the western border of the region to watch over the rest of Greenwood and it's residents. two rumours swirl around the fort and it's naming as it is in the west of the Whitemane's realm. One says the fort was a gift from Valarien to the Whitemanes hence the name, Easthaven. The other is that a noble Cartographer, once drunk travelled west rather than his intended east, and ended up naming this piece of land Easthaven on his travels. The name has stuck.

Population: 3,301,200

Often labelled as barbarians to those uneducated in the large culture of the House Whitemane's lands or the past, a façade that is not all untrue but maintained by the house nevertheless, as it's reputation inspires fear among other things. The few that do travel within it's borders report an unexpected show of culture and civilisation unbecoming of their reputation, albeit not nearly as civilised as most of the houses of Eledyn. The people of the Greenwood are known for their honour, courage and strong, unbreaking traditions and oaths, this is clearly shown as House Whitemane have brought many a old tradition with them through the ages.

As their ancestors did before them, the people share a strong connection with the Sky Pantheon, more specifically with the one known as "The One who Sleeps". The father, who sacrificed himself to trap the void, a god who only knew darkness and destruction, intent on destroying the realm, jealous of the life it contained. Now, the father slumbers in dormant, keeping the Void trapped within himself below the crusts of the Earth. The people follow and worship the Slumbering One, as House Bennet follow Kammeth. He shall return and guide the people who remain loyal unto him, or so the belief goes. Primal magic is the most common form of magic to be found within the Greenwood, as it is the most in tune with nature and the one who slumbers, but with the passing of time, has become increasingly rarer.

Type of Government: (Succession Laws and form of Governing/Title used)

Influence and relations:

Military: 16,506
War Dogs and Handlers: 660
The infamous Hounds of House Whitemane, the size of these dogs is matched only by their ferociousness, both of which they have in abundance. Trained for war and to fight side by side with their handler, a warrior in their own right and normally known for their martial prowess for it is an honour to handle such a hound. Each trained to fight alongside their counterpart, make deadly opponents. The dog, clad in spiked lamellar around the chest and abdomen, and the handler also clad in a suit of lamellar rather than the usual chain shirt, this allowing for more movement to better move and coordinate with their canine companion and equipped with the equipment of a noble. Beware the Hounds of War.

Spear Band:

The backbone of the Whitemane's army. Clad in a standard issue Chain Shirt and Coppergate Helmet, as well as anymore armour they can afford, craft or loot and equipped with a large Kite Shield, Spear and javelins and often a dagger or Shortsword. These Spear Band's are the closest thing to guards in their cities and villagers when not at war, taking their armour and weapons with them, they take justice in their home towns into their own hands. When in times of war, these bands of warriors are pulled from the villages and join the army. They form the bulk of the army, and are known for forming Shield walls. Many a battle has been won for House Whitemane due to the Shield wall. Believed to have adopted this formation from the Phoenix Throne's army, House Whitemane's own Shield walls involve pushing with it, a wall of shields advancing across the field as those behind throw Javelins and axes.


Scout Riders:

Heroic Nobles:

These nobles, know that noble blood must be proven through the blood of others. As such, rather than dabbling in politics or land, they pledge themselves to the army, pursuing martial glory that can only be achieved on the battlefield. Buying the best in available armour and weapons, there only true pursuit is physical fitness and gaining glory for their families.

Landscape: WIP

Wildlife: WIP

History: WIP





Export: Timber, Iron, Gold, Leather goods and hides, Game meat, Wheat and barley (during summer)

House Suttbray:
Wheat, barley and other foods
House Ashtoken:
Spices, Glasswork
House Marrow:
Copper, Gems, Jewellery, Foods
House Paragon
Arms and Armour

Note: Huge WIP, thought I'd post it now and then edit it later during the weekend. Just so I don't have to keep a page open all the time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Milkman


Member Seen 1 yr ago

House Name: Khyriin

Head of House: Odegai Khyriin, Lord of the Endless plains, Khan of the Khitani tribes

House Specialty: House Khyriin adapted many aspects of the Khitani culture and customs. The house made sure that the Khitai heritage and their lifestyle remains preserved. This made sure that House Khyriin has access to the best horses and riders of the realm.
The Khitani tribes provide excellent horsearchers and lancers. These warriors are famous for their skills, fighting mentality and tactics but also infamous for their brutality as the Khitani warrior code is unforgiving. Khitani cavalry are much wanted mercenaries in any army across the realm.
Being a culture centered around horsebackriding it is only natural that the Khitani are master horse breeders. An ancient art that was already practiced during the time of the war of the Wyrms.

House Ancestral Weapon: Skypiercer, the legendary bow

Important members:

Nation/Realms Name: The Endless Plains


House Motto: Ride with the fury of the wind

Region/color on map: Dark Red

Race name: Human

Racial appearance: The Khitani are a distinctive ethnic minority. They are slightly below avarege in hight with a more slender build. Their skincolor has a slight touch of red. The people have mostly dark pupils and black hair. Their clothing is mostly made of animal furs and wool.

Racial traits: The Khitani are the nomadic people that live on the Endless plains. These people are best known for their superb horsemanship. All Khitani learn to ride horses from a young age and use those skills to heard cattle and hunt from horseback.

Khitan is the only permanent settlement found by the Khitani tribes. The settlement was found in ancient times and has grown out of a need to have a place where the different tribal leaders coul meet in order to discuss their affairs. Over the years the tribes continued to gather at this place and some families settled down. The riverbed provides some fertility to the lands around. When the Endless Plains where added to the realm of the Phoenix Queen the lords of the Endless Plains settled in the political centre of their domain. Initially the domain was given to house Nolan. It where the lords of this house that builded Castle Nolan on the outskirts of the city. When house Khyriin aquired the domain they renamed the castle to castle Khitani and use it as their main residence.
Under influence of the external lords Khitan became a multi cultural city. Not only does it houses descendants of the Khitani nomads but also people from the eastern forrests lands and the streamvally migrated to this city.
Khitan has avarage stone walls and towers surrounding the city for protection. There is a permanent city guard for keeping order and protecting the city in the case of a siege.

Capital Population: 70.000

Other Major Settlements: Crossroad Keep (26.000 population), Riverport (64.000 population), Rivertown (170.000 population), Rivers End (90.000 population)

Population: Around 3.4 million, Roughly 2.5 million Khitani still follow their nomadic lifestyle. Roughly 0.9 million people live in the cities and villages located allong the riverbanks. These people often do not belong to the ethnic group of the Khitani's.

Culture: (The Customs, Arts, Fashion, and beliefs unique to these people.)

Type of Government: The Endless plains where given to house Khyriin as their fief for their services during the second Khitani uprising by the Phoenix crown. Elevating the house into the high nobility and making them direct vassals of house Paragon. Right to rule the domain and title Lord of the Endless Plains is inherited by birthright.
In real life this title only means that the house rules the land but not the Khitani tribes. The autonomous Khitani follow their greatest warrior who claims the title of Khan through a duel to the death. Currently Odegai Khyriin holds both the title of Lord of the Endless Plains and Khan of the Khitani.
House Khyriin is aided in their rule by the lower nobility (bannermen) who in their turn where granted fiefs by the lord of the Endless Plains and the Khitani tribal council.

Influence and relations:

Khitani nobles: The Khitani nobles are heavily armed and armored cavalry men drawn from the higher and wealhier classes of the Khitani society. these men can afford expensive equipment and weaponry. Most nobles wear scale or or chainmail armor and carry a round shield. Their preferred weapons are the composite recurve shortbow, the Khitani cavalry sword and the lance. The Khitani nobles serve as the shock troops and are well known for their destructive charge.

Number of Khitani nobles that can be mobilized: 5.000

Khitani light cavalry: The light cavalry are drawn from the lower and poorer classes of the Khitani society, These men usually cannot affort expensive metal armor. Most light cavalrymen either wear leather armor or no armor at at all. They serve as highly mobile cavaly archers but can also engage in hand to hand combat using their swords. All light cavalrymen are equipped with composite recurveshortbows and the Khitani cavalry sword. Some others also carry axes or maces.

Number of Khitani light cavalry that can be mobilized: 10.000

Elyden knights. The Elyden knights are the lower nobles that have pleaged alligiance to house Khyriin. These are the nobility that have recieved their title from the Phoenix throne. They are generally not from Khitani decend. These estate owning nobles provide their own equipment and horses. They are generally more drawn to Skyhaven style armor and weaponry. The Elyden knights follow the code of chivalry wich differs greatly from the Khitani warrior code.

Number of knights: 250

Men at arms.The soldiers in service of the various lower nobility. They get paid, trained and equipped by their lords. Their equipment is mostly of lesser quality then that of the knights. The men at arms are mostly equipped with swords, shields, spears and bows. They serve as the city guard and protect the keeps of their lords.

Number of men at arms employed by the nobility: 1750

Relations with the other houses:

Landscape:(what does your land look like?)



Strengths: The Khitani nomadic livestyle produces the best cavalry in the realm. Their warriors are highly mobile and can cover great distances in a very short time due to having 4 to 7 horses per fighter. This makes them a highly capable fighting force in the open fields of the Endless Plains

Weaknesses: Being a nomadic people that perfected steppe warfare also comes with a huge downside. The all cavalry army of the Khitani is ill suited to fight in terrain that is hard to access on horseback such as dense forrests, small mountain passes and treacherous swamps and marshes. Another downside that comes from the nomadic lifestyle is the lack of contact with fortified cities and castles. Then never had much of a need to develop siege equipment and tactics.

Exports: Horses, mercenaries, animal hides and leather products
Imports: Metals, ore, weapons and armor, wood, stone and finished products
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

House Benedikt

Head of House: Roman Benedikt

House Specialty: House Benedikt has long held the title for the most pious of the houses in Elyden. The house can attribute its religious fervor to the strong faith of its founder, Ladislav Benedikt. It boasts some of the most impressive temple-fortresses in the kingdom; each garrisoned by knightly orderlies. Worship of Kammeth and the Phoenix Queen Valarien is prevalent throughout Karviná, and it is almost unheard of to find a nonbeliever in its cities. Because of its religious piety, House Benedikt enjoys amicable relations with the Church and produces more members of the ministry and militant orderlies than other Houses.

House Ancestral Weapon: House Benedikt favors the mace in the tradition of Ladislav Benedikt, who’s mace was gifted to him by Kammeth during the Wyrm Wars. The Makitherin weapon Shadowbreaker is regarded as a relic and sits on display in House Benedikt’s throne room. The head of the mace is rumored to have burned with a divine flame in Ladislav’s hand, from which a single strike could fell a wyrm. One such tale recounts Ladislav using Shadowbreaker to hurl torrents of flame down from the skies onto a wyrm herd.

Important members:
Roman Benedikt – Head of House, 48
Dragica Benedikt – Wife of Roman, 36
Edvard Benedikt – Son, 26 (Betrothed to Alysara Paragon)
Anastázie Benedikt – Daughter, 23
Olívia Benedikt – Daughter, 21

Nation/Realms Name: Karviná

House Motto: “Stalwart to the Sun”

Region/color on map:

Race name: Karváci

Racial appearance: Karváci aren’t exceptionally different from the rest of their Northern-Elyden counterparts – they are light in skin tone, though possess a greater affinity for colorful eyes than their neighbors in the Weald and the Greenwood. Blonde and brown hair is the norm, with red being a rarer sight.

Racial traits:

Capital: Prostějov is Karviná’s most formidable temple-fortress, set on a shallow hill and surrounded by tall ramparts. The imposing spires of Prostějov’s towers pierce the sky, topped with the sun-sigil of Kammeth. To the devout, it is the second most holy of places in Elyden, surpassed only by Skyhaven itself. Prostějov is believed to be built on the site of Valarien’s hamlet, where she escaped the fire and became Kammeth’s Chosen. The interior of Prostějov is more elaborate than the typical temple-fortress; meshing martial functionality with the aesthetic grandeur of Valarien’s domains. It is from this temple-fortress Roman Benedikt presides over Karviná and where the relic mace Shadowbreaker rests.

Capital Population:

Other Major Settlements:

Population: 4,126,500

Culture: Karviná’s culture has largely been influenced by House Benedikt’s promotion of the Kamthein faith and the tenets it outlines for its followers. Its denizens are characterized by strong national unity, a desire to help others and a tendency to honor their debts. Visitors commonly remark on the friendly, inviting attitude of its people, so long as said guests are also adherent of the Kamthein faith. Reflecting on Kammeth’s war aspect, many within Karviná see martial proficiency and participation in war as among the noblest endeavors one can take.

House Benedikt views the Kamthein faith as intrinsic to the tradition and history of Elyden. Because of the part the gods played in the reunification of the kingdom, members of House Benedikt cannot fathom why other houses would choose others as their patron deity. Indeed, to hold foreign gods in higher significance is akin to spitting on everything that they have worked so hard to build. This has been cause for tensions with other houses in the past, and undoubtedly continues to be a hindrance to cooperation with more exotic houses.

Karviná is a popular site for pilgrimages, as many folk throughout the continent undertake visits to Prostějov to pay respects to the Phoenix Queen, Valarien. This makes up a considerable sum of House Benedikt's income, aside from agriculture and trade. Major agriculture products include wheat, rye, oats, corn, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, hops, fruit, pigs, cattle, and poultry. Popular export goods are textiles, ceramics, glass, religious paraphernalia and metals.

Type of Government: WIP

Influence and relations:

((More to come))

Military: 20,632
The Druzhinas of Karviná have traditionally been independent standing armies led by its princes, who today govern distinct administrative regions from their fortress-monasteries. These Druzhinas could number as large as several hundred, or as few as 25 retainers and soldiers. Needless to say, they would be sufficient for local defense and the enforcement of law in princely regions, but they would not be sufficient for a major campaign. Prior to Valarien’s Conquest of Elyden, the Karváci princes led their Druzhinas semi-independently, never as a unified army with a central leadership.

On the upside, these were highly mobile forces, consisting of mounted men bound to their prince by oaths of loyalty. They were capable of maneuvering quickly and covering large distances in short spans of time. They were small, well-trained and well-equipped private armies. Further development of Karviná’s military was influenced to a large degree by the forays of the Druzhinas during Valarien’s Conquest of Elyden. Ladislav Benedikt was able to befriend and bind the Karváci princes to his authority, a precursor to the unified standing army raised for campaign.

The power of cavalry was exploited by the Druzhinas when the conquest reached the far east of Elyden. Fighting on the steppes and plains was dominated by mounted soldiers, and many influences were borrowed from the Khitani, including the use of mounted archers. However, the forests of northern and central Elyden favored less-cumbersome infantry, and the Druzhinas on their own were ill-prepared to lay siege to settlements.

Infantry was soon realized as a necessity, as parts of eastern and southern Karviná are thick with rivers and marshes, with forests towards its border with the Weald. Commoners were recruited to fill this role, pulled from the ranks of mercantile and peasant classes. Urban militias began to be commonplace in cities and fortresses, as princes realized their significance. Eventually, militias saw combat alongside mounted Druzhinas, and infantry contingents would be incorporated into these armies.

Post-Conquest, Ladislav had reformed the Karváci armies into a singular force, capable of mustering in times of war. The establishment of House Benedikt solidified his rule over Karviná, with his most trusted princes governing fiefdoms based on the old system of administrative territories. Each prince was oath-bound to lend his Druzhina to him when a call for campaign was issued. Owing to its Kamthein tradition, Karváci armies are commonly accompanied by bands of priests, who regularly preach to the soldiery and maintain spiritual welfare among the ranks.



House Benedikt has a long and proud history, having played a pivotal role in the unification of Elyden. Prior to her ascendance, the tribes that would become House Benedikt occupied only a small region in the south of modern-day Karviná. Led to this region by Ladislav Benedikt following the Wyrm Wars, the tribes eked out a largely solitary existence, consolidating their strength to make up for lost manpower fighting the wyrms. United in faith by Ladislav, they slowly expanded towards the western coastline, setting the stage for Karviná as it is known today.

Around the same time, rumors of a “Saint Valarien” were reaching the ears of Ladislav’s followers. Motivated by a zealous curiosity, Ladislav led an entourage of trusted men southwards, to where this saint was said to have ascended. House Benedikt’s chroniclers write that Valarien met Ladislav and his men near the present-day city of Lipany. She told them her visions of a unified Elyden, held together by the might of Kammeth and the will of the faithful. It is rumored that a flaming halo radiated from Valarien’s head, and at this sign, Ladislav pledged his service to her on bent knees.

With Ladislav’s army forming the core of Valarien’s followers, the host moved east, gathering followers under the other Wyrmslayers. Some joined willingly; others were beaten into submission by the pious host, and offered their sword in defeat. Farther and farther Valarien’s armies marched, and larger they grew with each passing year. Within six years of warring, each kingdom had either joined or been subjugated by Valarien. The 'Oath of Springs Tide' bound them together by Kammeth’s power, and the Phoenix Throne was forged, cementing Valarien’s rule over Elyden.

At the end of the conquest, Ladislav took his men back to their homes, establishing the kingdom of Karviná and formally creating House Benedikt. Others flocked to Valarien’s side, setting the foundation for House Paragon. Both of these houses have consolidated their power in Elyden together, and remain brothers to present-day.

-Pious: House Benedikt's faith has served as its strongest asset, from its participation in Valarien's conquest to its relationship with the Church. It has endured hardship and come out stronger because of it, unwavering in the Kamthein faith. The morale of its people are seldom shaken.

-Founding Father: Thanks to Ladislav's loyalty to Valarien, House Benedikt's role in the unification of Elyden is a source of pride for the people of Karviná. This makes it one of the most historically significant houses and lends it a great deal of power in the Royal Court.

-Intolerant: Owing to the personal experiences of its forbearers, House Benedikt harbors a grudge towards houses that do not share its faith; particularly those in the far east. Elyden was founded on principles laid down by Valarien, the Phoenix Queen and Kammeth, who by all rights, is the legitimate patron of the kingdoms. House Benedikt cannot stand seeing kingdoms it has helped unite turn to lesser faiths.

-Dry Feet: House Benedikt has never needed a navy, and due to its location, does not rely on the water for trade. While Karviná sees regular visitations by pilgrims and traders, members of its populace venture outside its borders much less frequently. It has no way of holding off an invading fleet, save for repulsing its men as they land.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 29 days ago

- House Anselm -

Head of House: Lord Barad Anselm

House Specialty: Nothing in particular.

House Ancestral Weapon: Perdition - A short-sword named for being used to send three Wyrms to damnation. Two scales from the Wyrmlord Golborag have been woven into the hilt wrappings.

Important members:
Lord Barad Anselm (33) - One of the least powerful lords in all of Elyden. Barad "the Bitter" resents his impoverished house and wishes to see its glory expanded, even if he does not have the means to any such thing.
Marisa Anselm (31) - Wife of Barad Anselm. Serves around the keep and oversees many roles that would be done by servants in wealthier houses. A seemingly talented cook.
Thadeos Anselm (4) - The youngest of Barad's two children and heir to the Weald. Likes elephants.
Elise Anselm (14) - Barad's eldest child and older daughter. Often helps her mother and servants with the upkeep and chores of Gullstone and sees that little Thadeos minds the rules of his parents.
Sir Alfric (38) - Knight owing fealty to House Anselm and trusted friend to Barad. Bawdy demeanor and an apparent penchant for swearing.
Heldan (??) - A very elderly man of Eldfolk descent. His council is respected by all who hear it, even Barad who has little love of the Eldfolk. He advised Lord Hamel Anselm and every Anselm Lord since, making him at least 74 turns old. Was appointed Seeker of Secrets.
Lord Osweld Verne (44) - Lord of the (very) minor House Verne. Rules from his keep in the northern port town of Gliss. Owes fealty to Barad as a vassal to House Anselm. Somewhat overweight.

Nation/Realms Name: The Weald

Region/color on map:

Race name: Standard Humans, Eldfolk

Racial appearance (Eldfolk): No discernible height difference from men of the southern lands. Paler, ashier skin than other peoples. Emerald-green eyes are almost exclusive to the Eldfolk, though they will also possess blue or grey eyes. Their hair is often a ruddy brown or red color, and typically very wiry and curly. Their men have a proclivity to grow beards, the women are reknowned for their wide hips; they are not ashamed of the coarse hair on their forearms.

Racial traits: The Eldfolk are the hardy men of the deep woods. On the account of their affinity for a hard day's work, they have carved tiny, remote hamlets throughout the wilderness of the Weald. They are independently-minded, and those in the deep woods care little for Imperial politics and word from the lands abroad. The Eldfolk live predominantly in the forested interior and the Southerners tend to live along the more open fringes on the coasts and riverbanks. No census has ever been taken of the Weald, though it is thought that the Eldfolk outnumber the Southerners one and one and three-fifths to one.

Capital: Riddom

Capital Population: 5,220

Other Major Settlements:
- Mosskeep
- Brackish Ford
- Gliss
- Braveck (Brawyk)

Population: ~400,000

Culture: There are two distinct cultures present within the Weald: that of the Imperial South, and that of the Eldfolk of the deep forests. Since House Anselm was awarded the Weald on behalf of Yorick Anselm's valor against the terrible Wyrms centuries ago, the Anselm heirs and their southern countrymen have been at odds with the indigenous Eldfolk who had called the Weald their home for far longer. House Anselm blames the impoverished state of their lands on the unwillingness of the Eldfolk to assimilate to the feudal society of the wider Valerien Empire. At the same time, the Eldfolk understandably have little interest in being serfs to foreigners. The early lords of House Anselm tried to wrestle the unruly Eldfolk into submission by treating the people of the deep woods as one would with a peasant revolt. Military forays into the Weald proved utterly fruitless on the account of the unfavorable terrain, and served only to exacerbate Eldfolk raids on the villages. As generations passed, the Anselm Lords learned to leave the Eldfolk be, allowing mutual peace and cooperation to take hold between the two peoples.

Type of Government: Feudal aristocracy

Influence and relations: WIP

- 1,400 Bondsmen: Comparable to bannermen, though usually more-poorly equipped.
- 520 Yeomanry: Better armed and armored footsoldiers.
- 200 Foot Knights
- 114 Horsed Knights


The Weald is a ruggedly beautiful land that has seen remarkably little change over the centuries. The land is poorly suited for cultivation, stunting the development of the realm. Though the coasts and riverlands have been cleared for marginal farmland, the dominant environment in the interior is a dense forest of mixed hardwoods interstitiated with hemlock groves in the bottomlands. In the interior, rocky hills rise up from the forest, leaving exposed cliff faces and flat buttes to peer out of the canopy. Deep crags and caves abound in the deep woods. Standing stones carved with lichen-encrusted glyphs may be found atop the hills, indicating sites of importance to the Eldfolk that call the land home.

Wildlife: Deer, boar, and wood oxen provide ample game for those hunters in the forests of the Weald. Brown bears prowl the foothills and lowlands in search of berries or small game. Wolves too live in the northern reaches of the realm, though they are small and rarely seen by man. Of great cultural importance to the region is the great mountain wolverine that inhabits the hills of the Weald; Eldfolk legend state that their people were born from the she-wolverine Nisti. In homage to the iconic predator of the Weald, House Anselm adopted the mountain wolverine as their sigil.

History: WIP

- Dense forest with plenty of quality lumber to harvest.
- Mineral wealth in the hills.
- Rugged, defensible terrain that would prove difficult to invade.

- Very small population concentrated on the coasts and rivers.
- Poorest house in Elyden.
- Eldfolk refuse to assimilate.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Bill
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

House Cragmore

Head of House
Kenten Cragmore

House Specialty
Unlike most great houses, House Cragmore's specialty is not found in strength, wealth, knowledge, or any similar noble pursuit -- House Cragmore's specialty is goat breeding. Originally known as "Sraav Kodar" in their old tongue, meaning "Sheep Breeder", House Cragmore's founders made their fortune breeding what is now known as the "Diregoat", a horse-sized goat capable of traversing the treacherous mountains. House Cragmore's use of their diregoats made them wealthy, as they could pull carts of gold and gems from their mines three times heavier than any horse could, they were sold to surrounding houses for exceptionally high prices, and yielded extremely thick pelts used for the foul Stormgully weather. Naturally, when House Cragmore created their sigil, they chose the very beast that gave them their riches.

House Ancestral Weapon
House Cragmore prides itself on one ancestral weapon, but two. Tempest and Rainclad (More commonly known as The Sword and Shield of Darmull Cragmore) were used by House Cragmore's founder in the Wyrm War. It is said that Darmull defeated a number of wyrms during the war by using Tempest and Rainclad to conjure great storms, that would then force the Wyrms from the sky. Although any Cragmore who wields both has this power, Kenten Cragmore lost the sword Tempest in a wager with Lord Conrad years ago.

Nation/Realms Name

House Motto
We Will Withstand

Region/color on map
Dark Blue

Capital: Stonereach City

Other Major Settlements:
House Hoyan of The Spire
House Espetal of Floodwall
House Morton of Redwing Pass
House Anthon of Cliffhurst

Population: 2,240,000

Culture: In a way, The Gullish resemble the very lands they live on -- Tough, simple, and dour. Most live in the same cycle of spending their days working in mines and their nights drinking at taverns, with very little time left for much else.

Influence and relations: TBD

Military: TBD

Landscape: Stormgully, as the name suggests, has foul weather year-round. Intense winds and storms are not uncommon, and an overcast drizzle is considered "Sunny". The area recieves a fair deal of fog and mist, and is one of the few areas to receive hail. It is notably hilly and mountainous, so while there is little farmland, Stormgully prides itself on their mines, yielding a variety of stones, gems, metals, gold, and even rare veins of Makitherin.

Wildlife: Aside from the usual forest animals, Stormgully has a large amount of goats, ram, and sheep.

History: TBD

Hard to Reach
Stonereach is named for the difficult mountain trek required to reach it, sometimes with travelers on foot literally having to reach for stones. Difficult to reach without diregoats and impossible to reach on horseback, House Cragmore's history features no battles lost to invasion, and for good reason. Aside from the steep climb, there is also the infamous Stormgully weather that keeps attackers at bay -- To climb the treacherously steep mountains is one thing, to do so in the midst of floods, thunder, lightning, hail, and fierce winds is another. Even so, House Cragmore has a third barricade in House Suttbray, their longtime allies. Just as Cragmore guards Suttbray from northern invasion from the mountains, Suttbray guards Cragmore from southern invasions from the sea.

Just as their name states, the Cragmores can do nothing else if not withstand. They pay little mind to the inhospitable weather that surrounds them, and are able to make the trek up their Stormgully mountains swiftly. While not exceptionally strong or well-trained, they have perseverance and tenacity that few know. There are no accounts of a Cragmore succumbing to torture, very few are ever ill, and their ancestral war-stories usually involve fighting for days on end.


Poor Reputation
House Cragmore is more commonly known as "The Once-Great House Cragmore", due to the careless ruling of Kenten Cragmore. Many now see Stormgully as a haven for bandits, smugglers, and raiders, while seeing Cragmore as a fallen house ruled by a kinslaying bastard with little claim to the throne. If it wasn't for their extensive trade routes, it is likely that House Cragmore would've been excommunicated for Kenten's numerous actions.

Reliance on Trade
Stormgully, while having ample mines for metals and gems, has very little farmland. Almost all foods native to Stormgully are sparse root vegetables and meat, so they receive almost all food from Suttbray, and some from Paragon and Whitemane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by voteforpandaa


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Head of House:
Belano Ashwill

House Specialty:
-House Ashwill are known for having some of the most well trained Infantry of all the houses in Elyden. Every person who resides under the house of Ashwill are trained to be warriors from very young ages. At the age of seven a young lad would be pulled from his home and forced into one of the many training camps spread around the main land. There minds are formed to only think about war and combat and are trained to protect there lord and there homeland. Warriors from this house are known to be great mercenaries because they have a great amount of discipline.

House Ancestral Weapon:
-Medgar: A large bastard sword which is fabled to have cut through entire mountains in one strike. It's current owner is now the head of the Ashwill house Belano Ashwill, who keeps it by his side everywhere he goes.

Important members:
-Belano Ashwill(38)
-Sarah Ashwill(25)(Wife)
-Ashton Ashwill(18)(1st Son-Heir)
-Liam Ashwill(16)(Second son)
-Craig Ashwill(17)(Adopted Son)

Nation/Realms Name: Yonia

House Motto: N/A

Region/color on map: White- the most north eastern island

Race name: Yonian

Racial appearance: (Should incl

Racial traits: (Most known abilities associated with these people, these are often rather minor, such as one people being known for seamanship, another for their preference toward martial discipline, over brute force and maybe another for their love of crafting

Capital:(Your Houses Seat of Power, this is the land your House has a De jure claim to)

Capital Population: (Keep it reasonable)

Other Major Settlements: (These will often be the capital of those Barons, or Dukes who answer to you.)

Population: (Again keep it reasonable)

Culture:(The Customs, Arts, Fashion, and beliefs unique to these people.)

Type of Government: (Succession Laws and form of Governing/Title used)

Influence and relations: (Any alliances or military pacts with another family? Perhaps born of marriage ties? Work with other players if you seek one ahead of the RP if you so desire.)

Military -
(Details on the amount and types of men available. Any war vessels from navies, go here as well, it would be important to note as this is a Middle age Setting that relies largely one levies, no one has the funds for a standing army, aside from the Phoenix Throne.)

Landscape:(what does your land look like?)


History: (At least the past couple generations, include conflicts, major upheavals, wars, etc.)

Strengths: (Similar to House specialty, but often larger in scope)

Weaknesses: (At least two, and they have to be real disadvantages, you can't really say you have a terrible navy if you're landlocked.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crabmeat


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ethanjory The Mary-Sue Master

Member Seen 14 days ago

Still a WIP

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arcvalons


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

]House Name: House of Balgrant

Head of House: Beren III Balgrantos

House Speciality: The House of Balgrant specializes in commerce, to be more precise, they collect a tax from the goods going through the essential mountain pass upon which the city of Balgrantos was built.

House Ancestral Weapon: The Crystal Key of Balgrantos, a key made from a pristine crystal-like material, nobody remains who knows exactly what it does, just a legend that tells that it 'opens the gates'. Has been passed down in the House of balgrant for generations as an important heirloom.

Important members:
Beren, Third of His Name, of the House of Balgrant, Potentate in the Freehold of Balgrantos.
Elinnet Roseflower, his wife, a woman from local minor nobility.
Tellen Balgrant, their son, heir to the Freehold of Balgrantos
Galden Balgrant, their son.

Nation/Realms Name: Freehold of Balgrantos


Region/color on map: Silver

Race name: Balgrantian

Racial appearance: As Balgrantos is located in a very transited road, it's become a very multicultural city. The physical appareance of the population varies greatly, taking a bit from each and all of the peoples settled in the neighboring provinces.

Racial traits: If there is something that has attracted many different peoples to Balgrantos, it's the opportunities that arise in the fields of commerce, as well as in the arts and science environment that develop from the natural exchange of ideas.

Population: 300,000

Culture: Balgrantos is located in a very transited road, so it's become a very multicultural city. If there is anything that has attracted many different peoples to within its walls, it's probably the opportunities in the fields of commerce, the arts, and the sciences - the avarage citizen comes from an educated middle-class background, in contrast with other regions of the continent where most of a lords' subjects are uneducated peasantry.

Type of Government: The ruler of the Freehold of Balgrantos is known as the Potentate, the succesion laws establish that the oldest of his sons inherits upon his death, and failing that, his brothers and then his cousins.

Influence and relations: Neutral.

Military :
The Balgrantos City Guard, commonly known as the Silverguard for the colour of their capes, numbers around two thousand (2000) men. In case of war, the city employs mercenaries, as it lacks peasantry to raise a proper levy.

Landscape: Just a single city located in the middle of a mountain pass.

History: (At least the past couple generations, include conflicts, major upheavals, wars, etc.)

Strengths: The population, mostly from an educated middle-class background, could prove to be an important asset in the city. Also we have a high income thanks to our control of one of the most important crossroads in the continent.

Weaknesses: We're a single city so we lack territorial depth, just take the city and we lose. Additionally we rely on transit through the mountain pass, and have almost no natural resources of our own - this includes manpower, as we have no peasantry to levy, so we are forced to hire mercenaries to fight for us.

Export: Almost nothing.

Import: Pretty much everything.
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

House Name:

Head of House:
Sebastian Finisterre

House Specialty:
House Finisterre is known for their highly prominent Windsingers, in combiniation with their archers.

House Ancestral Weapon:
Wyrmspine- An ancient longbow said to have been made from the spine of one of the great Wyrms. It channels wind through the hollow center of the spine, which a skilled Windsinger (which the head of house Finsterre always is) can manipulate in order to guide their arrow to always hit it's mark. Wyrmspine is always the first attow to fly against the enemies of Finisterre.

Important members:
Sebastian Finisterre, head of house FInisterre. Accomplished Windsinger, and current holder of Wyrmspine.
Ansel Finisterre, brother of Sebastian, and commander of the melee troupe. Also a very skilled WIndsinger and tactician.
Flore Finisterre, wife of Sebastian, and secretkeeper of the realm.
Emeric Finisterre, heir apparent. Is an accomplished archer in the ranged troupe, but seems to be a far weaker Windsinger than his younger brother.
Leon FInisterre, youngest son of Sebastian. Highly acclaimed Windsinger for his age.
Maevis Finisterre, only daughter of Sabastian, and older sister of Leon. Was born "sickly", meaning she does not posess the abilities of a WIndsinger, the first of her bloodline in centuries to lack it.

Nation/Realms Name:
The Windfall Hills, or simply Windfall- Titled for the near constant "waterfalls" of wind that pour over the area from the mountains.

A golden arrow pointing down, with a tempest of silver wind swirling around it on a black background. Has a wavy silver border around it. When at war, the sigil used has the silver and gold parts flipped, as well as the direction the arrow is facing.

House Motto:
From the hills, we rain/reign. The meaning of the last word changes depending on whether the country is at peace, or at war.

Region/color on map:
Dark purple, in the bottom right of the map.

Race name:
WIndsingers. Due to the amount of proficcient Windsingers born in the area, they have considered themselves a seperate race entirely, taking the name Windsinger as their own.

Racial appearance:
No difference.

Racial traits:
The only difference is as the name states. People born Windsingers are born proficcient in the magic.

The Silver City/Whitefort

Capital Population:

Other Major Settlements:
Tempest Lake/The Marble Tower. Located at the lake in the far North-West of the territory, this area serves as a school for many young Windsingers to train and master the art. Almost religious in institution.

Maelstrom Bay. The only place in all of Windfall with enough access to the sea to house ships.

Songshire. The largest mining village, and source of much of the regions SIlver. It is names for the sounds made when the winds blow through the caves.

Greenfield. The only area in all of WIndfall capable of supporting a healthy farming community. Sits on the border of Windfall and The Endless Plains.

Whitewall. Houses the marble quarries of WIndfall, and the lage community of people who gather it for the nation.


Very independent people, even while still serving under the Phoenix Throne. They don't truly get along with others, and expect outsiders to speak their language and adapt to their culture when visiting WIndfall. They are very proud, and will become aggressive towards anyone who suggests they were forced to submit to the Phoenix throne, instead insisting that after years of fighting, they agreed to the peace for the benefits being part of the empire would provide.

They are very proud of their sculptors and buildings made of the marble and silver which are all produced locally. They also pride themselves in their army, which they see as far superior to any other on the continent.

Type of Government:

Influence and relations:

Military -
(Waiting for pop to get this done)

The majority is made of hills and mountains, with only a small amount of arable flatland along the border of the Endless Plains. Light forests are abundant, as are stone and marble quarries. Fresh water runs down from the mountains, and rain is very common.

The forests and hills of Windfall are abundant with deer, boar, sheep and rabbits, providing the area in meat what they lack in grain. Ibex are also common further up toward the mountains, as are birds of prey. Large mountain lions also roam the landscape, and are a threat to both the hunters and the game.


Extremely defendable land between the thick forests and high hills.
Highly skilled Windsinger-archers.
Plenty of valuable ore and stone.
Plenty of game and sheep to make up for what they lack in farmland.

The only arable land sits on the border, on flatlands.
The Marble Tower is far away from the rest of the nation, across a mountain range.
Absolutely no cavalry, and a weak melee force.
Extremely easy to blockade, and a very small navy.
Keeps distant from other nations, maintaining the bare minimum in alliances and trade.
Arrogance and pride keep them from fully integrating with everyone else.

Lumber, marble, raw ore, archietects and mercenaries.

Food of all kinds, linen and other fibers for clothes and bowstrings, glass, livestock and work animals, armor and weapons
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by naxhi


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House Name: Karacid

Head of House: Temir Karacid

House Specialty: Sailing. The Karacids are known to be some of the greatest sailors on the continent, boasting a large navy. This navy is used to fish for fish and crabs, as well as being used to raid enemies for loot and gold. The Taurician Raiders are fiercely known throughout the world as fearful pillagers and raiders.

House Ancestral Weapon: Ocean's Bane. An ax made from the bones and teeth of the legendary sea-wyrm, Ashara. The ax is said to become charged when doused with sea-water, giving it deadly accuracy, damage, and durability. The ax holder is known as "The Scourge of the Seas", and rightfully so.

Important members:
Temir Karacid - Leader of Tauricia, Temir Karacid is the Warchief of the islands. Inheriting it from his older brother Baitzas in a bloody duel for the throne, Temir is considered harsh and cruel to his enemies, yet just and kind to his people. Young warchief, yet has the strength to rule his realm. Current holder of Ocean's Bane, and The Scourge of the Seas.
Katal Karacid - Wife of Temir, and mother to his son, Katal was once a captive of the Tauricians from a raid on a Coastal Riverfront Town. She was spared for her Beauty, and married the then General Temir.
Etyum Karacid - Son of Temir and Katal Karacid. Heir to Taurica, and only an infant.
Jo-Gal Karacid- Teenage son of Baitzas Karacid. His father was brutally slain in a duel by Temir Karacid, and Jo-Gal was forced to flee the islands in order to stay alive. Current Location unknown. Considered weak for a Taurician.
Larha Karacid - Young daughter of Baitzas Karacid. Strong willed woman. Fled Tauricia with her brother Jo-Gal after her father's death.
Guryt Karacid - Youngest Son of Tymun Karacid, and younger brother to Temir. Weak for a Taurician, but has the mind of a genius. Spymaster for the horde, and well-educated scholar and adviser to the warchief.
Hzell Karacid - Uncle to Temir, and brother of late warchief Tymun Karacid. General of the Taurician Fleet, and once of the most skilled warriors in the realm, and leader of the "Taurician Horde".
Jejin Karacid - Older Sister to Temir, younger sister to Baitzas. Powerful diplomat for the Tauricians, and bachelor-ate.

Nation/Realms Name: Tauricia


House Motto: Conquest and Might

Region/color on map: Southern Isles (Blue color)

Race name: Human

Racial appearance: For a Regular Adult Male Taurician: Average height is 5 feet 8 inches. Average weight is 150lb. Skin color is white.

Racial traits: Excellent Seamen and skilled Martial Warriors. Known to be good fishermen as well.

Capital: The City of Civola

Capital Population: 40000 people

Other Major Settlements:
Jade Point - A strategic Castle on the closest point to the mainland on the Taurician main island
Ugaria Island - Prime Fishing Location, known for fish and fishermen.
Harramatz Island - Crab Island. Home to plenty of crabs and lobsters.
Rock Gutxi - The military deployment point for the mainland. This is where most of the raiders and ships meet to plan, coordinate, and execute raids.
Rock Handi - The Trade point for Tauricia. For the nations that are either too far away to raid, or friends of the Tauricians, this is where they meet for trade and diplomatic agreements. Most of the embassies and trade outposts are here.
Zorrotzak Puntua - The Prison Island. Home to captives caught during raids and sparred. All that is known is that once they enter, the captives' fates are sealed.

Population: 1,886,400 people across all islands (except Zorrotzak Puntua, calculations there are a bit off).

Culture: The biggest difference between Tauricia and the rest of Elyden is the religion. Tauricians do not worship Kammeth, but instead worship Akop, the Taurician God of the Sea. Akop controls Tauricia, since Tauricia is dependent on the waves. Priests of Akop are called "Sea-Shamans". Akop also has an evil side, Bkot, the God of the Depths. So who sink far beneath the waves enter the realm of Bkot. When a Taurician dies a warrior's death, or dies having lived a good and honorable life, he is buried at sea. Mermaids of Akop help the soul float up from the body and help guide it to Akop's Cove to feast for all eternity. Those who were cowards or evil do not receive help, and sink to the bottom of the waves, where Bkot chains them to the bottom of the ocean for all eternity, and to linger in darkness forever. The culture also is very coastal. Most of the products from the sea, and so the culture shows in fisher-garbs, water-proof clothing, and heavy furs. Seafood is the main diet, though farms of Limes and Oranges are found in warmer waters to help prevent scurvy.

Type of Government: Primogeniture Succession of Strength - Eldest Son (or Daughter if no sons exist) inherits, but may be overthrown by anyone who has the strength to beat the Warchief in a duel to the death. This rarely happens, but it makes the Warchief train to become the strongest of the people in case of a challenge.

Influence and relations: Tauricia is pretty isolated from the rest of the world, yet its neighbors know too well the Tauricians. The Endless Plains, The Stormgully, and The Windfall Hills have experienced Taurician raids in the past. Many have been on Coastal villages, but raiders have managed to sack the city of Maelstrom Bay in Windfall Hills in one of the bloodiest sieges fought by the Tauricians.

Military: The navy contains over 200 ships consisting of 150 triremes and 50 galleys. During war time, that number is boosted to 400 ships with 300 triremes and 100 galleys (War does not include raids). 9400 raiders use these ships, and contain hardy adventurers and warriors raised by the warchief when a raid is ordered, or in times of war. Less then 20 catapults are used, for major cities and walled locations are rarely attacked. Horsemen are non-existent in Tauricia. The raiders are a combination of warriors and archers, with the warriors being split into heavy, medium, and light warriors. This force strikes fast and hard, and leaves a bloody trail in its wake. The military is called the "Taurician Horde". The leader is assigned by the Warchief.

Landscape: Most of the islands are sandy and rocky, except the main island, which contains some mountains and forests within it.

Wildlife: Crabs, lobsters, trout, perch, tuna, salmon, shrimp, crayfish, boor, bears, deer, falcons, and whales are the most noticeable animals.

History: Long long ago, during what the Tauricians call "The Age of the Depths", the evil God of the Depths, Bkot, possessed a mighty sea dragon near the coast of the main island. Her name was Ashara, and like most dragons, she would rule over the humans with a cruel iron fist. Her reign lasted for hundreds of years. Then came the last war of the dragons. Ashara held on to the Southern Islands while her brethren died on the mainland. The people were forced to work in the sea for her, or be drowned/burned. Then came a nameless man, who the Tauricians called "Akop's Savior". It is said that this man challenged Ashara to a duel for the islands. The fighting was fierce, yet the man fought on with burns and gashes. He knew that only certain materials could pierce dragon flesh, so he improvised. Leading Ashara to an island in the sea, he lured her inside. He then used a magic spell and caused the island cave to collapse on the dragon. The dragon was crushed by the mountain, one of the few times a dragon was killed without the aide of a Makitherin weapon. Before the dragon's corpse sank, the hero plunged into the water after her. He caught up to the dead dragon, and made Ocean's Bane out of the bones and tooth, and was considered a great warrior. He vanished soon afterwords, never to return again. Some say he was Akop in flesh, others say he only managed to defeat Ashara due to powers given to him by Akop. Regardless, he left them to found a kingdom for themselves.

The Isles were divided, and soon caught the eye of the Phoenix Throne. A group of soldiers was dispatched to get these islands into the empire, but died in the process of negotiations. An army then invaded Tauricia. While the Tauricians were skilled fighter, they were not united, and fell easily. The Southern Islands were given to a Governor from Skyhaven to manage.

Karaca Karacid was a powerful warrior from Civola, the largest of the Taurician states. During the time under Tauricia was under the Phoenix Throne, he managed to strike deals, or flat out invaded, all of the major Taurician warlords, forming what is known as the Taurician Kingdom. Karaca managed to kick the Governor out of power, but his diplomatic skills were enough to ensure that Phoenix Throne soldiers would not be sent to restore order to the islands. He also managed to get Ocean's Bane, though how he got it died with him. Karaca Karacid is considered the first Warchief of the Tauricians. He fought against the spread of the Religion of Kammeth, and fought to keep the worship of Akop alive. He passed on, leaving his son Tymun to lead the Kingdom. Tymun saw his chance to split away from the empire during the coronation assassination. He declared Tauricia an independent realm, but was killed by Phoenix Soldiers before seeing his dream of independence come alive. Baitzas Karacid inherited, and shocking his brethren, he asked for peace from the Phoenix Throne, and swore fealty to the boy king. His younger brother Temir would not have it, and challenged Baitzas to a duel, and killed him. Temir was declared Warchief of Tauricia, and scored victory for Tauricia from the Phoenix throne. Time will not tell if Tauricia will fully be independent.

I. Masters of the Waves: The Tauricians are masters of sailing. Their ships are some of the best in the world, and they are known to be deadly in naval combat, as well as landings and invasions.
II. Bloody Reputation: The Taurician Horde murders without compromise or mercy. They are feared throughout the continent as savaged warriors, bent on loot, blood, and glory. These men will gladly throw themselves into deadly situations, and fight like lions until death.

I. Lack of other forces: Few catapults, no horses, this means that the Taurican Horde is not really diverse in terms of what is in it. With the lack of siege equipment, attacking any stone walled fortifications would be very hard and deadly for the Tauricians. As such, raiders tend to stick to the coast.
II. Lack of Intelligence: Brave, yet dumb. Taurician Intellect is below average compared to the other nations. While they can read and write, things like math, science, and tactics are difficult to some Tauricians. This means attacks are not well coordinated, an as such, often scrambles into villages for loot and getting out as quickly as possible.

Export: Seafood found only in Tauricia, whale oil for lamps, goods from raids.

Import: Iron for weapons, wood due to lack of forests for ships and buildings,stone for castles and forts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bridgeburner


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House Name: House Jaegar

Head of House:

'First Flame' Sigfryd Jaegar:

Light red hair, 6'4, slim build.

Sigfryd, at the young age of 27, ascended to First Flame after the death of his father, Ivar, just six years ago. He is now 33. Every descendant of the Jaegar family has the unusual light red hair color. Sigfryd, after repulsing, and destroying the source of raiding and pillaging of their northern border towns by outside tribes, was anointed as a Knight when he was only sixteen, by the High Knight of every region in Karthia in the main Kamthein temple of Sungard. His piety, courage, and his sense of justice could never be questioned - as his personality seemed to mimic the Jaegars of old. Even before becoming the First Flame, Sigfryd gained renown and popularity with the people of Karthia. When Sigfryd's father died, it was expected that he would follow in the recent First Flame's foot steps, taking a less active approach on the field and instead learning the guile and diplomatic skills that nearly every head of house in Elyden had. The new First Flame, however, proved them wrong as he continued to take to the field himself when problems arose, as well as deal with the problems of commoners and showed his presence whenever it was even slightly needed. Sigfryd led a Crusade of his knights to war with the Gothian threat that put his whole realm in danger, and came out a victorious, celebrated hero. There is sentiment in the realm is that this old, traditional way of ruling is cause for worry - as a First Flame should alienate himself from common problems, as well as warfare for reasons of safety and continuation of the ancient lineage.

House Specialty: House Jaegar is a nation which zealously worships Kammeth, the Lord of the Sacred Flame, and is vowed to protect the descendants of Valarien Paragon. The martial nature of their upbringing, as well as the lineage of the royal line, led House Jaegar to become one of the most militarily powerful, but also noble and loyal houses of Elyden. Unlike other houses that worship the Kamthein religion, House Jaegar focuses solely on the war-like aspect of the Sun God. Individuals are given rankings of ‘High Knights’ and allowed to govern cities, regions, or fortresses not by their political expertise, or charisma, but rather are valued by their piety, honesty, nobility, and courage.

House Ancestral Weapon: House Jaegar posseses two weapons from the War of the Wyrms:

The Radiant Dawn is the first relic, a magic banner which consists of a gilded pole, with a glowing golden sun standard on top. This relic dates back to when the original hero of House Jaegar, Arne Jaegar, gathered a force around him which confronted the Wyrms. In a battle which will be known as the Two Day Stand, the warriors fought for fourty eight hours against the mighty dragons. The story goes, that as the first night ended, and morale of the warriors gathered by Arne began to dissipate, the Sun came up. As the sun's rays shone brightly, the troops felt a massive increase in spirit and morale, and the only standard intact absorbed the power that came from the sun. The banner was able to continue giving the troops the inspiration and hope to battle no through the night of the next day, where they finally slayed the last Wyrm on the battlefield. This standard is carried, during times of war, by the chosen of the Dawnguard – the First Flame’s personal, hand-picked, body guards. The banner, even know, expels a powerful stream of morale, inspiration, and courage to allies in a large radius.

Darkbreaker was the sword used by Arne Jaegar. Imbued with the essence of the sun, the long hilted sword emits a light glow when the user is under no danger, but magnifies the gleam when in battle. This sword is always carried with the head of the house.

Important members:

Herlek Kalltsrom - Captain of the Dawnguard. The Dawnguard are the First Flame's premier bodyguards in tradition, yet they have become much more throughout the years. Since any person of political import in Karthia are knights, these are the most skilled and most trusted individuals that Sigfryd knows. It is common for members of the Dawnguard to be sent to certain cities or other realms as diplomats, or representatives of the First Flame's will. Herlek is Sigfryd's right hand, a child hood friend he grew up with who he will sometimes refer to for advice or assistance.

Arya Jaegar -Mother of Sigfryd, Arya has a heavy influence on him

Nation/Realms Name: Karthia

House Motto:Through Fire and Flame

Region/color on map:

Race name: Karthian

Racial appearance: The Karthian people are extremely light skinned people, similar to the Swedish/Norwegian ethnicity in our world, and of blue/green eye color. They usually have light, blonde hair, and in some cases the astounding red of the Jaegar family. They tend to be lithe, narrow of shoulders, but taller then most other ethnicity.

Racial traits: The Karthian main trait is of loyalty and discipline - these people are so stoic in their religious beliefs that they will stand against a tide of enemies until death.

Capital: Sungard, the ancient fortress built into the largest mountain of the western range, is a gleaming white castle built of alabaster.

Capital Population: 40,000. Fairly low population compared to some other cities of Karthia, as Sungard is a castle which has nearly no trade importance.

Other Major Settlements:
Riverall - The bustling city of Karthia which remains it's heart. The branches of the Lion's Tail River all come down to Lake Sol, and so Riverall is constantly the end point for countless barges and ferries which are bringing in minerals and precious rocks from The Wall of Elyden, as well as the agricultural produce from the farms located around the riverbeds.

The Alabaster City - One of the wonders of Karthian culture, The Alabaster City is a large, you guessed it, city that is built entirely of white alabaster. The quarries in those mountain ranges are loaded with the mineral, and the city is the checkpoint through which most of the rock leaves.

Greenbank - The major Karthian city which is based in the forest, there is an extensive amount of trade here as most goods that come from the Wall and Lion's Tail go through here before leaving to be exported into other countries. Lumber is also cut down and traded here in large quantities, a long with hides for leather.

Arcliffe Keep, Queen's Fort, Summerswind Castle. - These are the three heavily fortified fortresses on the eastern Karthian front. These are well supplied and repaired at all times, a long with communication and outriders between them which monitor the borders. Arcliffe Keep sees the most action, as the barbaric tribes from the north constantly attempt to pillage and sack villages on the border.

Population: 4,716,000

Culture: Karthians are known throughout the continent for their religious fervor, combined with the militaristic order that their hierarchy and religion are built on. There is an abundance of Kamthein temples all around Karthia - every such temple is ruled by a High Knight of Flame. The role of 'priest' does not exist in Karthian society, as the requirement of being able to hold a position in a Kammuth temple is to be a knight. Martial practice is set in Karthian blood, but what sets them apart is their unwillingness to draw blood or start conflict. Content with their realm, as well as resources they possess, Karthian's have close ties with both the Paragan and Benedikt families. The fact that they are bordered to the west by mountains, and have the Royal lands to their east, Karthia does not frequently find itself in engagements with other humans - unless it is the wild tribes to the north. However, there have been many times in the history of Karthia were beastlings would descend upon the realm from the mountains. The Gothians and Karthians are anathema to each other - each one wanting to obliterate the other from the face of the continent. There have been few times in the history of Elyden, when while the realm was safe, the Holy Covenant of Fire was convened, and help was organized and sent to a nation requiring it. These, fore mostly, include threats of beastlings even outside of Karthia. Tournaments, both melee, archery, and jousting are often held in the realm, in tribute to the Sun God.

Type of Government: The government of Karthia is a hierarchy which completely consists of Knights of the Sacred Flame - a paladin and knight organization which worships Kammeth's courage and strength through his war traits. Karthians believe that through the training of the body and war-readiness, a clearness and alacrity of the mind will come. In order to become a priest who can preach the gospel of Kemmeth, one has to first be anointed as a knight by the Covenant of the Sacred Flame. The code of the Knights is listed in an ancient book, the Karthian's main religious relic, called the "Tenants of Dawn" - which lists the requirements and philosophy for Kammeth's holy Knight order. The book upholds nobility, honesty, and loyalty above all else. It is possible, although not exactly common, for some individuals to be blessed as Knights without showing exemplary military skills - but instead showing the spiritual characteristics required.

The First Flame is the head ruler of the realm - a title which has been passed out since the creation of Karthia. All the holders of this title were of Jaegar blood.

Second to The First Flame are the Dawnguard. These are the Knights of the Sacred Flame which are handpicked by The First Flame. They are the cream of the crop. Their main, traditional duty is as the First Flame's most trusted body guards, but they have evolved to a greater versatility, where they can be used as Chancellor's, Master of Coins, or Diplomatic Heralds.

After the Dawnguard are the High Knights of the Sacred Flame. These are appointed or reappointed every fifteen years by the Holy Covenant of Fire - a meeting of all Knights in the realm. High Knights are the ones that are the rulers of their city, keep, or fortress. They are also the head of the Temples in their jurisdiction.

Influence and relations: WIP

Military - 23,580

Knights of the Sacred Flame, Heavy Plated Infantry: 6,000 - This is the core of Karthia. These knights are all spread throughout the realm in temples, forts, and cities as men of influence. When a crusade is called, each one of these knights vacates his position and leaves it to one of his aides before taking the field.

Knights of the Sacred Flame, Heavy Cavalry: 2,900 - Same as above, except these knights are able to take the field as heavy cavalry.

Paladins of the Sacred Flame, Heavy Plated Infantry: 100 - These are the Knights of the Sacred Flame which also have a varying aptitude to Kamthein magic.

Medium Infantry: 7,000 - Very versatile Karthian military unit, these men go to battle in chain and leather armor - with a long sword, a shield, and a crossbow. Each medium infantryman is taught how to use the crossbow effectively, as they will lay down covering or supporting fire with their quarrels when needed.

Bowmen: 2,000 - These are Karthian units equipped with short swords and long bows.

Light Infantry: 4,580 - The quickest, most light footed military unit, wearing leather armor and having a small buckler. They are usually employed to cover the Bowmen.

Light Cavalry: 1,000 - Horsed skirmishers that are used to both harry the opponent army's flank, and protect their own army's flank.

Landscape: Karthis has a very diverse landscape due to the fact that it consists of mountain ranges, meadows, a lake, rivers, and lush green forests.The Wall of Elyden is an area of Karthia where the temperatures are much cooler. The biggest part of Karthia, however, is cradled by the mountain range and is protected from any violent starms or winds that may come from the east. The temperatures are warm, with a calm breeze descending from the mountains.


History: (At least the past couple generations, include conflicts, major upheavals, wars, etc.)


Piety and Nobility - The people of Karthia are fervent believers of the Sun God, and believe in the Jaegars' vows of protecting the throne. Due to this, Karthia posseses a loyalty and undoubting confidence in their leadership and the decisions of the House as long as they fit within its deep rooted tenets.

Military Hierarchy - Due to being governed by an order of knights, the Karthian people have a very close relationship with military practices. The realm is always ready for another crusade, be it against pagans or beastlings.

Weaknesses: (At least two, and they have to be real disadvantages, you can't really say you have a terrible navy if you're landlocked.)
Lack of Guile: The House of Jaegar, especially with the straight-forward Sigfryd now the head, does not have a talent for politics and diplomacy. While other houses may use their wit and guile in order to reach better positions in the Kingdom, House Jaegar has always been very down to earth and simple. Although this might appeal to the commoners and may be good during times of war, the house lacks the diplomatic creativity needed for furthering the house politically.

Inflexibility: It is due to the previous factor, and also the tenets and religious believes they hold to, concerning being the Protectorates of the Throne, that makes House Jaegar's decisions sometimes very limited and restricted. The whole realm will descend into chaos if it has a crisis of faith, meaning House Jaegar may go to extreme, suicidal measures to protect the throne, as well as defending the Kamthein faith.

Export: Alabaster, Tin, Copper, Iron, Stone, Lumber, Crops.

Import: (No realm is totally self sufficient, you surely need something ^^)
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