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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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KatherinWinter said
"Be assured that your parents are aware of what has happened. They have all given their approval. Your weapons will be well cared fire. While you have trained most of your life others have not. You must all start on a level playing field. If what you say is true you will earn your weapons and powers back quickly. As for the name it is simply a name. You will learn the skills required to become an immortal being.

"Tch! Fine. Even fights are just that much more enjoyable anyway..." She says with a strange grin. Truth be told, Mayuri didn't care much for fights, though she knew a lot about how to deal with them. "So, what's our first lesson on godhood?" Asks Mayuri.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

Nodding his head at Luna Lucius quickly went to see if he could find some of the others, namely Akiko and Perry. He saw Perry already at the next class so Lucius figured that he'd get her last. Now he just needed to go get Akiko. Finding him was easy and Lucius simply called out to him. "Yo Akiko! Want to walk with us to the next class?" Lucius beckoned for the fox kid. Whether he followed or not, Lucius and Luna would have left to the life skill class. He wasn't to perturbed with the lost of his weapons or abilities; a true god knew how to handle things without their divine powers. And if push comes to shove, he'd rather rely on his wit than his weapons. Weapons made a person stupid; cocky. Don't let them have their weapons and they'd have to be smart.

Machina just sort of hang out within the group but somehow still very much alone. When it was told that they had lost their weapons, sure enough machine couldn't equip her regalia. Not that it was too much of a problem for her; she knew how to recreate her equipment. She'd need some time of course, but should trouble arise, she can quickly put together something to defender herself with. That aside, Machina was curious what type of Life Lesson she'd need to know as a machine god.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Exreal was bored, no one in this class was any fun or wanted to really gain any knowledge, he wished he could go to Egypt and explore the ancient tombs of the pharaohs, he wanted to figure out something big, but that was not going to happen in this school. Exreal sat in one of the desks staring at the board day dreaming.

Lee kicked in the vent that lead into the class room and jumped out onto a desk. He was hungry very hungry, so hungry that he could eat paper. He sat atop a desk criss cross apple sauce, closed his eyes and did every thing he could to not think about food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Akiko didn't have much weapons or powers that he knew of, so he was in the same boat as before. He just hoped that Life Skills wasn't just another way of saying "How not to get yourself killed when you can't fight back". Lucius called to Akiko and while the fox boy was wary of Lucius, if things did become troublesome there was always powers in numbers, right? Akiko went over to Lucius and noticed Luna, one of the other goddesses who seemed just as nervous and uncertain as he was. It brought him small comfort to know there was someone just as or maybe even worse than him when it came to using their godly powers. "H-hi. I'm Akiko... Um... I'm pretty sure you already know that though. Nice to meet you." Akiko bowed his head towards Luna and followed her and Lucius to the next class.

Isa hang out near the back of the group once they arrived to Clotho Life Skills class. Though from what Clotho said herself, it's more likely that they were going to have some race to find their lost weapons and less on taking lessons on how to live like a God. "Typical..." It irked her when she heard the other Death God complain about losing his weapons. Death Gods do more than just kill, they are suppose to be the wardens of the dead. They take care of the dead, not make more. That's what war gods are for. But she held her tongue nonetheless. If they wanted to do nothing but kill that as on them. She wasn't going to stoop to their level.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Zed set in a desk at the back of the room and felt a strange urge of power flow through him. "What the hell was that?" He asked no one in particular. Zed couldn't help but fell that something felt different about himself. As if his magical abilities has been stripped right off of him." Life skills my ass." He said in a low tone of voice kicking his feet on the desk in front of him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 32 min ago

"To prove that you are worthy of your weapons you must research them. Tell me why that weapon is the best weĆ pon for the god you wish to become. Remember you are weaving your god threads. Becauseful of the choices you make. We wouldn't want your story to unreavel." Clotho explained.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

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Alastair arrived at the new school he was going to attend he like around for a moment, "Huh this should be interesting." He said to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 18 days ago

"My I begin my research now. I know of a parliament in my father's library that tells us of the artifacts the gods left behind. Maybe there is a special weapon or armor that I could find, I could travel the world just to explore the ancient ruins of temple to find them, please Clotho."
"And any of the ladies who wants some help on finding them selves a weapon your welcome to join me" Exreal landed back and grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Perry felt the nullification of her power an sighed sounding a bit like a deflating balloon. It wasn't as if this was her first time to be so stripped for her mom used it as a form of punishment when Perry did something wrong.

Thinking back on it made Perry understand why Zeus overthrew great grandfather's rule, he too had tried to quash his children's power less they become more powerful that was he; he failed miserably.

It wasn't so much the loss of all power that annoyed Perry but the loss of her wings. As an Air Goddess being grounded was tantamount to being condemned.

To not be able to spread her wings and fly or to know that if she needed to escape any terrestrial attack that she'd need to run like some frightened doe before the dogs of her hunter made her annoyance worse.

"To prove that you are worthy of your weapons you must research them. Tell me why that weapon is the best weapon for the god you wish to become. Remember you are weaving your god threads. Be careful of the choices you make, we wouldn't want your story to unravel." Said Clotho explaining the weapon quandary.

Perry stands and assumes her most perfect posture for speech and begins her explanation

My Bow Known as Arbitrator is a gift chosen for me by my Uncle Hephaestus God of the Forge and Artificer of the Gods of Olympus.
Arbitrator is special to me and a symbol of failure in my sphere of Divine power.

To fully understand what I mean by saying Arbitrator's use means failure first we must examine her name and it's meaning.

Arbitrator, her name means an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute. This describes a nonviolent method of resolution usually through discussion and debate not by force of arms.

As I will be the Goddess of Debate, Rhetoric, Persuasion, Seduction and attendant to Aphrodite I abhor violence and hope to never use Arbitrator in war still love her for her ability to remind me that in negotiation one must also have the power to support their argument.

Arbitrator is a bow because I am an Air Goddess and as such may take advantage of height and distance to engage my targets, if she were an edged weapon I'd not need nor long have my wings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Raze let out a low growl of annoyance as he felt his power to slip away slowly. "More of the gods' pointless rituals..." He mumbles to himself as he takes a seat. He half listens to what the new goddess has to say about what they will need to do in order to receive their powers back and Raze rolled his crimson eyes. "Forged weapons are flawed..." He mumbled to himself only loud enough for the Goddess sitting next to him to hear, Isa Raze remembered her name was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

Apparently not only did they lose their weapons, but also some of their power. Lucius didn't feel any different than he did before, though when he tried to sprout his wings nothing came out. He still didn't feel any different from before. It was than that Perry stood up and explained the reason behind her weapon, just as the teacher asked them to. Lucius listened to her, he understood why he was so attracted to her at first; she was a charmer, and manipulator, and person with a way with words, just like him. Of course she hasn't used her powers or skills like Lucius has, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be as good or even better than him. Once Perry was finished Lucius stood up and volunteered himself.

"My weapon is the Morning Star, both the name of the weapon and the type of weapon itself. Many would dismiss it as a crude and barbaric weapon, but I think there's a certain elegance that only it's brutal simplicity can convey. The Morning Star is a simple weapon to explain a simple fact of life; the most useful isn't always the fanciest. Many people would create majestic weapons for art and glory, but in the end my Morning Star is still just a tool, a means to an end. To dismiss it as crude for it's lack of complication just shows how unenlightened you can be; sometimes the gods aren't just 't some strange, convoluted behind beyond comprehension. Sometimes it's just a simple, albeit very pointed, person who has a job to do and needs to do it as quickly and efficiently as he can. It's a boring weapon that many people don't appreciate, but it gets the job done and doesn't require you taking years upon years of practice to use it effectively."
When Lucius was finished Machina decided to go next. Like the two before her she stood up and spoke with a mechanical monotone. "My weapons are firearms. Unlike some, they were not initially created to be better than others. They were, during it's birth, cumbersome and inferior compared to more traditional weapons, such as a bow or a sword. And yet despite it's initial flaws, guns have improved over the years. From their humble beginnings with matchlock, black powder, and ramrods, guns of the current modern age can break through the armor that once protected the knights of old. Now guns can be created to break through even the hardest of mortal armor, to destroy entire landscapes and others from afar. They have evolved from their simple and crude appearance and have become better and stronger, and show no signs of halting their advancement. There is no limit to how far a gun will improve. All there is, is what the next goal shall be, and whom shall reach this goal first. So long as I exist, I will ensure that my weapon continues to grow, and in turn it shall empower me as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

watches a battle between two warring countries and he looks at his watch, "time for school
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 32 min ago

LokiLeo789 said
"My I begin my research now. I know of a parliament in my father's library that tells us of the artifacts the gods left behind. Maybe there is a special weapon or armor that I could find, I could travel the world just to explore the ancient ruins of temple to find them, please Clotho.""And any of the ladies who wants some help on finding them selves a weapon your welcome to join me" Exreal landed back and grinned.

"Yes." Clotho replied. "You have an hour before the next class. You will have more time this evening.
RumikoOhara said
Perry stands and assumes her most perfect posture for speech and begins her explanationMy Bow Known as Arbitrator is a gift chosen for me by my Uncle Hephaestus God of the Forge and Artificer of the Gods of Olympus.Arbitrator is special to me and a symbol of failure in my sphere of Divine power. To fully understand what I mean by saying Arbitrator's use means failure first we must examine her name and it's meaning.Arbitrator, her name means an independent person or body officially appointed to settle a dispute. This describes a nonviolent method of resolution usually through discussion and debate not by force of arms.As I will be the Goddess of Debate, Rhetoric, Persuasion, Seduction and attendant to Aphrodite I abhor violence and hope to never use Arbitrator in war still love her for her ability to remind me that in negotiation one must also have the power to support their argument.Arbitrator is a bow because I am an Air Goddess and as such may take advantage of height and distance to engage my targets, if she were an edged weapon I'd not need nor long have my wings.

"This is a good answer." Clotho told her. "But if you will not use them in war why do you need them?"

Lucius Cypher said
Apparently not only did they lose their weapons, but also some of their power. Lucius didn't feel any different than he did before, though when he tried to sprout his wings nothing came out. He still didn't feel any different from before. It was than that Perry stood up and explained the reason behind her weapon, just as the teacher asked them to. Lucius listened to her, he understood why he was so attracted to her at first; she was a charmer, and manipulator, and person with a way with words, just like him. Of course she hasn't used her powers or skills like Lucius has, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be as good or even better than him. Once Perry was finished Lucius stood up and volunteered himself.When Lucius was finished Machina decided to go next. Like the two before her she stood up and spoke with a mechanical monotone.

Lucius Cypher said
Apparently not only did they lose their weapons, but also some of their power. Lucius didn't feel any different than he did before, though when he tried to sprout his wings nothing came out. He still didn't feel any different from before. It was than that Perry stood up and explained the reason behind her weapon, just as the teacher asked them to. Lucius listened to her, he understood why he was so attracted to her at first; she was a charmer, and manipulator, and person with a way with words, just like him. Of course she hasn't used her powers or skills like Lucius has, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be as good or even better than him. Once Perry was finished Lucius stood up and volunteered himself.When Lucius was finished Machina decided to go next. Like the two before her she stood up and spoke with a mechanical monotone.

"That is a well thought out answer Lucius." Clotho stated. "You know what your what is and why you need it. You understand the purpose of your weapon. The question is do you know who you are without it?" Then she turned her attention the Machina. "You are a new breed of god. Your thread is stronger then most. However you do not understand your weapon. You understand the reason for the your weapons but not their purpose."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Perry blinks a little at the question
Perhaps my words were insufficient in explanation, as I said "I hope to never use her in War"
By that I didn't mean to convey the idea that I wouldn't use her ability if necessary.
We can hope for many things and never see those hopes fully realized and this is something we need accept as truth. But we should never stop hoping and to hope for peaceful resolution is what I shall always try for.
I am to be the Goddess of negotiation not one of the gods of conflict.
But I suppose more is needed as an answer
Arbitrator is my weapon, she is my gift from my beloved uncle and if these were the only reasons I need hold her then they should be enough.
As a weapon she is as I said the symbol of military power which I use not as threat but as asset to negotiation.
And if those negotiations should fail and the matter be settled by contest of arms I shall pluck her string as I would a lyre at my lady's feet and the song I sing shall be of death and fear.

Perry's eyes grow dark as her fine features take on a cast of familiarity giving credence that her unknown father might be Ares
"I am an Olympian and as such even though it is not my first choice be ever ready to give battle when needed.
Slow am I to anger but once so made am the storm of destruction.
Better my foes seek victory by tongue and wit than in force of arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 15 days ago

"My weapon doesn't define me. It might be symbolic to my methods or namesake, but nothing changes about me without it. Regardless if I have the Morning Star, I'm still Lucius Cypher, and all that it implies. As for what that means... Heh, well, as you've said, wouldn't want our story to unravel. But if it matters, I will tell you that I do not need the power of my Morning Star. The power of my Morning Star comes from me, myself. All you've done was take away a physical object, something that was destined to fade away one day. No, I don't need to be reliant on my weapon to be who I am. I don't need my weapon any more than I need my clothes. Honestly, the only reason I would have a weapon is to hide my true self using imagery and faux symbolism. If you really want to know how a person acts, how he thinks, or even just how he fights, don't give him a weapon. Let him fight using hit mind and body. That's who I am without my Morning Star." Lucius said confidently. Though his powers were supposedly taken away from him, his shirtless body still seemed to have a supernatural radiance.
Machina on the other hand didn't quite have as much to say about her weapons and Lucius. "What is the purpose for my weapon? Is it not to kill? To protect by taking the lives of those who threaten?" Machina pondered these thoughts. They were the simplest hawsers, but also in a sense not right... Not to her, anyways. There had to be another reason for her weapons. They weren't just things to use to kill her enemies or those who threatened her. Because when she has no enemies, when she is at peace, why would she need her guns? Why should Machina have them if there is no conflict? This was the question that Machina needed to think upon. Silently she sat back into her seat to reflect on the reasons why she would carry her weapons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 14 days ago

Of course, James, who was all about freedom, said, "I don't really need my weapon. The only reason I had it was because my father insisted I choose a weapon, I'm actually much deadlier without it. I find weapons useless. There are many things you can never defeat with a weapon, but all you need is your hands and feet. There's much more freedom with it. A weapon only restricts the ways I can fight, which is annoying. So you 'original' gods can keep my damn weapon."

Ad, on the other hand, said, "I do not need to research, because I have read every piece of writing ever written. Even though I really shouldn't be admitting this, I did spend a lot of time in the forbidden library hidden under Hephaestus's forge in Olympus, and the only one who ever caught me was Dionysus, but he's probably too drunk to remember. I don't really care for killing other living things, but I do enjoy hunting, which is what a bow was originally created for. It is a weapon used for hunting and sport, but the foolish mortals have turned it into a weapon used for the killing of other mortals." He actually seemed very serious while saying that, in contrast to when he first showed up in the school, where he seemed like he would be cheerful about anything. Apparently the fact that mortals have changed the use of a bow is something he does not enjoy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 32 min ago

Roxy understood the reason for them to everyone weapons. But that didn't mean that she had to like it. She leaned against the wall at the back of the classroom. She had never thought about why her knives were the perfect weapon for her. They just felt right. They gave her a freedom that she had never had before. She doubted that the Fate would accept that as an answer. Which meant she had no answer.
Saarebas said
Raze let out a low growl of annoyance as he felt his power to slip away slowly. "More of the gods' pointless rituals..." He mumbles to himself as he takes a seat. He half listens to what the new goddess has to say about what they will need to do in order to receive their powers back and Raze rolled his crimson eyes. "Forged weapons are flawed..." He mumbled to himself only loud enough for the Goddess sitting next to him to hear, Isa Raze remembered her name was.

"This is true Raze. Forged weapons are flawed. Unfortunately all weapons are flowed in one way or another. What weapon have you chosen Raze?" Clotho asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mayuri just shakes her head in annoyance. "The pointlessness of this test is unreal..." She states, putting her hands on her hips. "You don't need to go into detail about the answer. If it feels right and suits you, then you don't need an understanding on why you should or shouldn't use it. It's as simple as that. My blades work well with me because they were once my mother's. Not only are they extremely capable things but also mean a lot to me. My magic is no different. Chaos is one of the few main magic types that can also be categorised under the Magic Circles, and is otherwise described as Demonic. I use it for the sake of upholding the third circle, and it bodes well with Hades." She looks at Clotho with narrowed eyes, as though surveying her. "Asking us to research something we've had our entire lives is like asking us to remember our birthday..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 32 min ago

Delta44 said
Mayuri just shakes her head in annoyance. "The pointlessness of this test is unreal..." She states, putting her hands on her hips. "You don't need to go into detail about the answer. If it feels right and suits you, then you don't need an understanding on why you should or shouldn't use it. It's as simple as that. My blades work well with me because they were once my mother's. Not only are they extremely capable things but also mean a lot to me. My magic is no different. Chaos is one of the few main magic types that can also be categorised under the Magic Circles, and is otherwise described as Demonic. I use it for the sake of upholding the third circle, and it bodes well with Hades." She looks at Clotho with narrowed eyes, as though surveying her. "Asking us to research something we've had our entire lives is like asking us to remember our birthday..."

Clotho laughed. "Well said Mayuri. You should already know why you have chosen the weapons your weld. However because they belong to your mother isn't a good answer. You are not your mother. Your thread is not hers it is yours. Your weapons and magic might not be the same as hers. You are unique and must find your own path."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"My weapon is just a regular whip infused with my ...........negative magic." Zed said standing from his seat. "Its only use for me is to keep the animals on this planet from slaughtering each other. The whip was a gift from my mother and if keeping it makes her happy then I'll have it in my grasp for the rest of my life." He looks down at his desk with a wicked grin."Plus ripping peoples heads of with your bear hands is better than using a tool."
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