Fiona Solrock
Magic User Type:
Earth Mage

Fiona is a shy and quite girl who is meek at first appearance. She doesn't like being in the center of attention and hates being in large crowd of people because she always hates giving out speeches. she would always if possible avoid those situation which calls upon confrontation of big groups. In littler groups which might consist of her friends she acts very differently which other people may expect of her. In her friends presence she is usually a creative and spastic person who is unpredictable at best. Her randomness is what brings the fun and awkwardness to conversation that will be laughed upon latter in life when its thought back upon. Her creativity is comes from her being a sculptor of stone making statues of various things for people which was her family's business. Always being creative was part of the work that was required for her job and made her quite unique kind of thinker always wondering if there was different ways to do things.
To society Fiona is best described as a well mannered girl, who is knowledgeable in various areas mostly around the artistic subjects, like basket-weaving, painting, drawing and pottery. All interesting skillx for a girl like her to know at a young age, but she constantly pursues them whenever she can which isnt much time but she tries to find time whenever. In 'school' or what ever you would consider schooling for girls at the age, she is a good student always keeping up with the majority of the work that is given to her. But behind the scenes she is quite a procrastinator, always doing things at the very last moment winging it most of the time. In matter of business on the other hand, Fiona is a hard and dedicated worker always trying to complete those projects that are given to her and finishing them as diligently as she can without making much mistakes as well.
Fiona is a skilled crafter of stone and is accustomed to the other artistic crafts like pottery, painting, drawing, and other things. But she herself is from a family who makes a living off stone. Everyone in her family are either making sculptors, dealing with jewelry or something something related to the earth and some kind of product of stone. Making her family quite knowledgeable about all the stones that are available from common to even the rarest, but at times some of this information may slip her mind. Besides from the stones and minerals her family has studied about they also have their own archives of metals and other theory of Earth Magic which is taught to the newer Earth Mages. Her appraisal in jewelry and minerals can be scaled between someone who has studied them for a while but isn't a expert in them yet but very close to.
Her skills in making sculptures are quite amazing as they are well detailed and at the same time sturdy as if they were the real things. Her ability in forging these stone creation are very proficient and can alter the properties of her creation by a average amount if she wanted to. For example she could make a thin slab of stone as hard as if you were trying to break a solid brick in half. She could also make solid stone be turned into tiny grains of rock to point of it becoming sand if she wanted to. Or on the other hand reassemble broken rock together that had been broken off by collision. Another possibility is reforming corroded rocks which had turned into sand back into solid stone which could be useful but time-consuming. Although her work mostly specializes in stone, her study in metallurgy has allowed her to extend some of her knowledge of manipulation stone into a similar form of manipulating the properties of metal to a very basic degree. She can metal the metal slightly more malleable, or make them slightly more conductive or electricity maybe. She could even make the metal slightly more vulnerable with hot and cold temperatures. But her skill in Metal Manipulation is best as basic and cannot preform anything massive or even remotely a considerable size to cause much of a gigantic effect.
Besides from her stone sculpting, her manipulation of Earth and Stone outside of it are quite meager, not being able to do much with it. With her offensiveness of her earth manipulation lacking quite severely she makes it up from the wide use of earth that she has provided to her and is able to make her stone very malleable. She could condense the earth around the area she might want and create a stable tunnel for travel or burrowing if she had to. Or travel through large area of stone, as long as they have a open area on the other side. So you could say that Fiona's ability are mostly supportive to utility.
Mystical Mallet- A special Mallet which is enchanted obviously from a enchanter, it is made from a sturdy metal. This enchantment to the Mallet grants a bonus to forging stone creation as well as metal ones. Making it easier and less time consuming to build them with the hammer having a magical force aid with the hammering process. Although this Mallet is meant for forging weapons and armor it has a second mode which Fiona may only use with her skill of being a Earth Mage, and having studied metallurgy. It has allowed her to partially suppress an object's magical ability for a certain amount. The sealing is then set to a 2 minute period which the ability of that object not being usable, but the seal can last up to a maximum of 4 minutes by letting the seal first make the objects's effect non-usable at first before it slowly returning its strength to full at the end of 4 minutes. The mallet also must strike the object with the full blunt side of the hammer for this effect to work. The sealed object as well cannot be re-target again in a 10 minute period, and after using it the first time it takes the mallet 5 minutes to use it again on another target. The mallet's third effect is that the control of this mallet is limited to Fiona and anyone that she give consent to.
Gloves of the Forge- These Gloves also too enchanted by a enchanter which grants a immunity from fire and resistance to heat as well. Although it doesnt apply to her whole body, just her hand which are a very important part of her body. Since smithing requires close contact to the forge, she often used this gloves and is accustumed to the grip that the gloves provide. Thats all. No one wants to get burned right? Also these gloves are good for baking as well if used for that purpose.
Pulsating Earth- A charm given to the Earth Mage closest during the creation of this charm, and it allows the Earth Mage to be aware of her surroundings if she is underground. This ability does not require light as the mage 'sees' around the area through the earth meaning that the earth is like her eyes. Above land this is a useless charm and it cannot be worn by someone who isnt a Earth Mage.