Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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He was their alpha and they were his family. In some recess of his mind, he had long lost memories of his true family but for multiple centuries he had not thought of them because he had not needed to. He would do anything for his family; he would do unthinkable deeds just to keep his family safe. Including agreeing to a marriage to a woman he had never met. In all of his centuries, Adam never thought of himself as the type of to get married. He was always too busy keeping peace within his pack or protecting them from outside threats. When his thoughts did wander towards a significant other, and “settling” down, he always thought it would have been for love. Yet, here he stood with his hand grasping that of another alpha’s, sealing the agreement.
“I am so glad you see things my say, Adam the Hunter. My daughter will make you a good wife and our packs will be at peace.” The other alpha, Paul, dropped Adam’s hand.
“I am sure she will.” Adam’s reply was short and to the point. He was ready to leave the steady ice-blue stare of the other alpha. Standing in the presence of another, less dominate, alpha made his wolf rear its ugly head. Adam the wolf wanted nothing more than to make the other wolf submit, but he could not. There were humans in the room who were hired to kill him if he made a move to pin the other man. Adam had to admit, the weaker alpha had been smart. He had managed to trap the most dominate werewolf in the world into a corner. It pissed Adam off to no end.
There was no time to dwell on the implications of the meeting however; he had a class he had to teach in thirty minutes at the local college. It was a simple job, not one that his pack really understood, but he loved molding such young minds. Really his teaching was not much different from taking care of his pack. Today was the first day of the spring semester, which meant a whole new lecture hall filled with brand new faces.
It was five minutes past the time class started when Adam walked in. While his heart raced from running across campus to make it to the classroom before his students would start to leave his face, stride, and confidence did not show it. Adam walked into the classroom with a confident stride that screamed leader. His built body, toned from centuries of werewolf fights, wars, and constant gym visits, was barley hidden under his 500 dollar navy suite. Strands of wavy down hair had escaped from his ponytail and framed his face.
“Good morning, class! I am glad you all decided to wake up early this morning and take my mythological class. It is going to be an interesting semester.” The double meaning in his words made his confident walk waver for just a moment before he continued towards the white board. He would be meeting his soon to be wife when he got home. He wondered how his pack was going to react to the news. He hoped he would be there before she was….
Adam pushed a strand of lose, shoulder-length, hair behind his shoulder. “My name is Dr. Hunter and we are about to embark on an adventure of spookiness and fun. Let’s get started!” He turned his back to the class and began to write on the board.

Avril sat in the lounge of her father’s den. Tight jeans covered her toned legs, showing off her powerful muscles, and a red t-shirt hung loosely from her shoulders. As the doors to her father’s office opened, Avril uncrossed her legs and stood up, her toes curling into the soft carpet.
“What in the name of hell are you wearing, girl?” Her father greeted coldly.
“Clothing, father, have you never heard of such things before?” came her bighting response.
“Go put on something appropriate, child. You will be leaving in an hour. You are going to go live with your fiancé and plan your wedding.” With that comment he walked out of the room, his humans following obediently.
Red-painted lips formed an “o” and bright blue eyes watched her father walk through the room. Fiancé? Marriage? What was he talking about? Before she could recover from her shock, two mains had come to her side, both of them werewolves, and began to lead the young girl to her room. About half way up the stairs the shock wore off and Avril push the other two girls off of her.
“Let go of me!” She yelled. Her father had just sold her off to some random stranger?! Anger swelled inside her.
“Avril, your father promised you to another alpha to help your pack grow stronger. You should be proud and grateful! You are to be married to the strongest and most famous Alpha! Oh, what I wouldn’t give to marry him! Imagine the life you will have. You will be able to have anything you could ever desire!” The maid put her hand over her heart and sighed.
“I don’t want to marry for power!” Avril growled in a dangerously low voice.
“Insolent girl.” The other maid said as she grabbed Avril’s arm and started to drag her up the stairs. Avril resisted, putting her heels into the floor and pulling back. She felt a prick in her neck and the world went black.
The world she woke up to was moving. It took her a few minutes to get a feel of what was happening around her. It came in pieces. First that she was in the back of a limousine. Second, she was wearing a pink ball gown dress that completely clashed with her bright red hair. Third, she was being shipped off to be married. “There is no way in hell.” She mumbled to herself.
She allowed the anger to bubble up inside her. Her bones began to pop, her skin stretched, and pain rolled in waves over her body. She welcomed the pain and the change with joy. The pink dress tore and fell around her as she changed until she stood up over it on four legs. The last wave of pain fell away leaving a red-furred wolf where the girl had once been. Leaning back on her hind legs, Avril let out a long growl then leapt.
The glass seemed to freeze midair around her while the car continued to move forward at lightning speed. Then gravity took over. The ground rushed at her, and she barely had time to get her feet under her before she meet the unforgiving pavement. A sharp pain shoot through her front right paw making her whimper and fall into a roll, her body still moving with the impact. Glass landed around her, a few pieces lodging into her skin in various places. She whimpered again but her keen eyes spotted her ride coming to a halt further down the road. Time to go. Getting up was a slow and painful process but once she found her footing she darted into the tall grass. She ran through the tall grass as fast as her hurt paw could carry her. With no direction and a hope to escape her father, Avril pushed on. Before she knew it she busted onto another highway, and right into the middle of the road where vehicles swerved all around her as they attempted to avoid her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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A few years back, she was nothing but a kid that was baby sat by a witch. Of course no matter how much the kids at her kindergarten or school tell her about the witch and her scary habits-- like eating children or turning them into cats, they were kids-- she kept going there willingly. When her parents had passed away, with no one to take her in, the witch did, she faked a will, and the kid was handed over to her in no time. Ever since then, Amanda Bennett had been the outcast, however, she met a bunch of other witches, and when she turned sixteen, she officially had learned a couple abilities. She made it through high-school with the bullying, and lessons back at home. She left high-school with only one good friend-- a vampire, she would like to think they were friends, even though she knew he was her friends for certain benefits, she had grown used to him. So they headed to college together. Who liked being an outcast and hanged out with the creep? Only Amanda. The young woman was nineteen years old, with long curly auburn hair, and gorgeous warm brown eyes, she was only five-foot-six, but she certainly had long legs, and a fit body with all the right curves.

On the other hand, we had Jason Parker, the three hundred old vampire, like any other vampire, he had pale-dead skin, and as cold as it could get, his eyes were a yellow golden color most of the time, when his desire for blood grew his eyes turned a little darker into a brown color with red hue. The only reason he was friends with Amanda was how she approached him back in high-school, she was full of life, and energy no one ever had around him. And one evening, she told him she knew he was a vampire, that was when he learned she was a witch in training, and ever since then they were known as the weird couple around high-school but both of them didn't mind-- to some extent, they had no one else but each other. Jason of course drank blood from Amanda, that was exactly why her wild auburn curls were always down. Miss Blanden-- the witch-- didn't like that idea, however she let them do what they do, for now.

It had been a semester in college, and rumors were already around, they knew she lived with a ''witch'', and although none of the students believed in witches, and magic, it was an excuse to pick on Amanda, and Jason, because he followed her around like a love sick puppy, and sometimes roles were reversed. Jason had to arrive earlier at school, to avoid the sunrise, and they spent most of their afternoon in the library to avoid the sun's blaze. That's probably why Amanda had fair skin tone, she was never really exposed to sun light.

It was their first day in the spring semester, and as always they picked the same classes once again. They walked in about ten minutes late, and the teacher was already in the mythological class. Amanda skipped inside, and stopped when she saw the teacher, Jason instantly scowled as he scanned the teacher. ''A dog, awesome.'' Jason mumbled, and stayed close to Amanda as she kept her eyes on the teacher. Her eyes climbed down his body, scanning him carefully. ''A strong one too.'' She mumbled back to Jason then smiled. ''We are sorry we are late, we got caught up in the middle of something.'' She said, with the same sweet smile directed towards the teacher. ''Creep, grab your boyfriend, and sit your ass down.'' Someone spoke from the back. Amanda snorted, and waved at the teacher, before walking to the back, with Jason's hand in hers. Jason shot another look at Dr. Hunter. ''I can't stay in the same room with a dog, Amanda, I will kill him.'' Jason mumbled, as the continued to walk to the back. ''Why? What did they ever do to you? Just be nice, you don't have to be friends with him or something.'' Amanda warned, which Jason snorted in reply. ''A whole semester? I mean, I bet he could detect my smell too, so I don't think we are getting along.'' Jason added quietly.

Jason, and Amanda sat down, and Amanda shot another smile to Dr. Hunter. ''Sorry once again! We are super excited about your class, so please go on.'' She said, mentioning for him to go on. Jason smacked Amanda on the back of her head, causing her hair to move away from her neck, exposing her bite mark. However, Amanda didn't do any effort to cover it once again, staring right ahead at their professor, almost daring him to say anything. Jason ran his hand through his short brown hair, taking an unnecessary deep breath in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Adam had barely gotten into explaining the basic of the course when the door opened and interrupted the whole class. The small of rotting flesh stabbed at his nose making his guts twist but, he didn't let his face show his disgust. Instead he turned to the newcomers and crossed his arms as if he was annoyed. In reality he was hiding his flaws that were slowly growing from his fingernails. His wolf felt the presence of the vampire and was trying to respond to the threat. Even after all these centuries, he still had trouble controlling his wolf when he is surprised. Any wolf with less experience would have been trying to fully transform, it was saying something about his self-control that his skin was not rippling in change. His ears picked up their whispers as they first stepped into the classroom and it just made him raise an eye brow. Surely the blood sucker knew that he was a wolf by know, and thus knew about his ability to hear their whispered conversation.

“First off, to whoever spoke up in the back, we will not react to our classmates! I know your parental figure taught you better manners then that. Second, to my new comers, please find a seat. I trust that you will be on time to our next meeting, despite whatever it is that you get caught up in.” He secretly hopped they would sit as far in the back as they could. The farther away the vampire sat, the easier he would be able to control his wolf. Just as he was about to turn back around he noticed the bite marks on the girl’s neck and a small, almost inaudible, growl resonated at the back of his throat. With effort, he turned his back to the class, and the blood sucker, and continued what he was saying. Only 80 more minutes to finish this class period….

Cars flew past her, blurring her vision. She heard ruffling in the grass that indicated her pursuers were getting closer. With her paw still awkwardly held up, Avril continued across the highway. Once safely on the other side, she continues to run. This time she was more cautious about where she was head. She climbed to the top of a small hill and saw what looked to be a college campus. She could use the humans to cover her! With new energy, she pushed forward towards the campus.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Jason smirked, as he noticed how annoyed the professor was with his presence. Jason sank deeper into his chair, and whispered to Amanda. ''He hates my presence as much as I hate his.'' He said, the same smirk never leaving his pale face. Amanda glanced at Dr. Hunter, and let out a soft giggle. ''Don't bother him too much, we don't want to get F or something, we need this class to pass.'' She whispered back, still her eyes scanning him, she instantly bit down on her bottom lip. ''God, Amanda stop thinking about how hot he is!'' He yelled out, which caused people to turn to them. Amanda blinked. ''You stop thinking about how hot she is!'' She yelled back, pointing at a girl by their side. Jason blinked, and pretended to play with her hair, to bring it forward again, hiding her bite mark. ''I wasn't thinking about how hot she is! No offence, darlin' but I got a good one in my hands.'' He said, throwing a smirk at the girl, that was dumbfounded. ''Oh really?! Then I wasn't thinking about how hot he is.'' She exclaimed, and looked away, crossing her arms.

Jason shook his head, holding back a laugh. ''Sorry do-- Dr. Hunter. I will try to keep her under some supervision, please go on.'' He added, with a smirk. Amanda let out a muffled giggle, and slapped her hand with his chest. ''Now stay silent, or you'll get us in trouble.'' Amanda mumbled, and threw a sheepish smile at Dr. Hunter once again. ''I am sorry, he just can't control his anger issues. I will make sure he takes his meds.'' She added, quite surprised they weren't kicked out already.

''See what I mean, professor? They're creeps. Just ignore them or better yet-- throw them out.'' A guy commented, causing Amanda to snort, rather loudly. ''See?!'' He added, pointing back at Amanda. ''Don't point babe, it isn't polite, and we are no longer in middle school.'' She added, all the signs of friendliness falling off her face, as she crossed her legs, grabbing her notebook.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Adam let out a deep breath. He had no patience today. First agreeing to an arranged marriage, and now having to deal with a blood sucker who could not keep his flap shut. It was wearing on his last nerve. Though he wasn't sure if he was angry at the vampire or at how he couldn't seem to control his life today. With an air of calm he did know he still possessed, he dragged a stool to the middle of the front and sat down. His eyes followed the conversation, however the rest of him was as still as a statue. A few students noticed this and began to cough into their hands in attempts to call their class. After a few moments the class quieted down and yet Adam still did not move. Ruffling of paper,the sounds of people fidgeting, and a few scattered coughs were all that could be heard.

"I did not know," Adam reached up and pulled his hair out of its ponytail and began to run his fingers through it as if he was getting comfortable. "I should probably get a hair trip soon." He commented as he looked at the ends of his hair. "So many split ends..." His brown eyes snapped back to the class with a flash of gold. "I did not know," he started again, this time his voice was deep, an almost growl, that had students moving back in their chairs. "That I was teaching JUNIOR high. I did not realize that I was here to teach a bunch of 5 year-olds!"

He got up and walked to the door and opened it. "If you do not know how to behave in my class without me having to give you direct instructions in mannerisms, then here is the damn door. See yourself out of my course!" The class stared blankly at him, some out of fear, some out of awe. No one moved.

A red wolf bound through the open door and skid to a stop. Avril's bright blue eyes scanned the room before landing on Adam. Where the hell was she? Something she could not describe pulled her to this room, yet once she was inside she forgot why she decided to come in. The rows of people around and above her began to panic and scream, Some went as far as to pull their feet up off the floor. As if that would save them if she decided to attack, she huffed.

Adam stared at her for a few moments them mumbled under his breath, "Fuck..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda pressed her lips together, and her hand gripped on her notebook, as she watched the man before her, sit down. As he let his hair down, she calmed down a little, thinking he was calm, and was just going to give them some lame speech about manners, and respect. As soon as Jason felt like he was about to lose it, knowing werewolves had a short temper, he was cautious, and ready to stand up, and defend or attack-- depending on what was following next. However as he started speaking--rather loudly once again, Amanda flinched; She didn't mean to provoke him, or make him angry in anyway, however Jason had a smug smirk on his face, slightly proud he was able to anger the werewolf standing before him.

When the class was silent, Amanda raised a shaky hand, which caused Jason to narrow his eyes at her. ''I can cut your hair, Dr. Hunter. I cut my hair, Jason's hair, Miss Blanden's hair. And we all have amazing hair.'' She said, with a smile. Jason face-palmed, knowing Amanda, he knew her intentions were good, and only to lighten up the mood, but knowing any sane person, they would lose it. Like-- really lose it, at her stupid offer. Before anyone could react to what Amanda had just said, a red wolf came to a stop inside their class at their door. Amanda's eyes widened, and looked at Jason, Jason's clenched jaw, as he jumped to his feet told her the wolf didn't just escape out of the zoo--if they even had wolves in the zoos-- and came into their class. In a matter of seconds, Jason had grabbed Amanda's hand, and pulled her down the stairs towards the top of the class once again. ''Unless you have a plan by inviting your little friend over to your class, or somehow shrugging this off casually, just back off, and call animal rights or something to take her back to the woods.'' Jason warned, almost as if he was advising him. Amanda's small figure slowly approached the red wolf. ''She is hurt though.'' Amanda added, although her shaky figure, and shaky tone proved she was scared, the way she walked over to the wolf proved something else.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Avril back away as Amanda approached her. A growl pulled her lips away from her teeth, revealing her sharp fangs. There was no where for her to run, a wall was beside her and to her left, and another werewolf blocked her exit. Without thinking about it, she put weight on her hurt paw and let out a whimper.

"Everyone out!" Adam let a little bit of alpha slip into his tone. A command that the humans in the class began to obey before they even knew the command. "Quickly." He hissed. Despite his last command, the class still took longer to leave then he wanted. Still, the room cleared within a minute. Once the last human had left, he shut the door and pulled the blind down.

Avril had dark spots around her eyes, indicating that she had been crying. Her human mind was slowly coming back now that she was no longer in a flight mode. A bushy hair girl still crept towards her slowly, the vampire in the middle of the room made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and the other wolf was a pressing force that made her want to roll onto her back.

"You will calm down! You will allow this girl pull the glass out of your hide." Adam said in full alpha mode. His eyes glowed a bright gold and his teeth sharpened.

Avril whimpered but obediently laid on her stomach and laid her head in between her paws.

"Go ahead." Adam told Avril before turning to the vampire. "You... You need to go to the back of the room. She is young and you make her wolf want to take over. The further away you can stay, the less likely she will be to take a bite out of your human blood bag." He hissed the last bit with venom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Avril back away as Amanda approached her. A growl pulled her lips away from her teeth, revealing her sharp fangs. There was no where for her to run, a wall was beside her and to her left, and another werewolf blocked her exit. Without thinking about it, she put weight on her hurt paw and let out a whimper.

"Everyone out!" Adam let a little bit of alpha slip into his tone. A command that the humans in the class began to obey before they even knew the command. "Quickly." He hissed. Despite his last command, the class still took longer to leave then he wanted. Still, the room cleared within a minute. Once the last human had left, he shut the door and pulled the blind down.

Avril had dark spots around her eyes, indicating that she had been crying. Her human mind was slowly coming back now that she was no longer in a flight mode. A bushy hair girl still crept towards her slowly, the vampire in the middle of the room made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, and the other wolf was a pressing force that made her want to roll onto her back.

"You will calm down! You will allow this girl pull the glass out of your hide." Adam said in full alpha mode. His eyes glowed a bright gold and his teeth sharpened.

Avril whimpered but obediently laid on her stomach and laid her head in between her paws.

"Go ahead." Adam told Avril before turning to the vampire. "You... You need to go to the back of the room. She is young and you make her wolf want to take over. The further away you can stay, the less likely she will be to take a bite out of your human blood bag." He hissed the last bit with venom.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda jumped back, her small figure shaking even more uncontrollably, as the wolf growled at her. Jason however knew if he got any closer to the wolf, she would attack him or Amanda, and he couldn't afford the chance. He watched as the class filled out, surprised that Adam's alpha voice even worked on humans, as they hurried out the room. He watched as Amanda stood in her place, trying to take small steps towards the wolf once again. As Adam spoke once again, she felt the shivers run down her spine, as he ordered, and the wolf so willingly laid on her stomach. Jason looked at Adam, and narrowed his eyes. ''Don't say that ab--'' and before he could continue, Amanda turned angrily towards Adam. ''Look buddy, calm the f**k down, I am no body's blood bag.'' She said, with anger and a hint of-- hatred laced her voice. Jason started walking to the back of the room, silently.

Amanda watched Jason for a few moments, before approaching the wolf, with much more confidence after she knew that somehow Adam had control over her. She leaned down, and examined her hide softly. Her hands were shaking, and she kept looking up at the wolf quite nervously. Amanda breathed in deeply. ''Okay look, I have never tried this on-- something other than humans, so, I need you to just-- stay calm, I won't hurt you.'' She said, almost as if she was begging the wolf to understand. She slowly started picking out the glass out of her hurt paw, and when she was done. She breathed in deeply, and put her hand softly on the wolf's hide, closing her eyes softly. She began chanting, some language that might have not been recognizable to the wolves. In a matter of seconds, she fluttered her eyes open, and looked down at the wolf's hide that was completely healed then. She jumped up, and patted the wolf's head.

''See? We are all done now!'' She exclaimed, almost as if she was proud of herself. ''Stay away from the dog, Amanda.'' Jason warned, as he stayed at the back of the class. ''Why? She won't hurt me-- now at least that I helped her.'' She stated, shrugging.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Adam's lip pulled up slightly in a smirk. This girl had a little fire behind that tiny frame. "That is what you are dear, a blood bag." He told her calmly. "And I am calm. If I panicked, I would be standing on two legs right now talking to you." With that comment be moved to stand beside the wolf, keeping his eyes locked with her in order to keep her pinned to the ground. Once Amanda stepped away, he regarded her with a cool expression."A witch." he stated simply. This day just kept getting better and better...

Avril looked up at the alpha after the witch had healed her begging to be let up. "Change back to human." Came his command, one that she could not ignore if she wanted to.

Adam walked up to Amanda and pushed her hair from her neck to reveal her bites. A shiver of disgust went down his spine. "Stand still." He told her in a soothing tone. His lips met his arm and the sound of skin breaking echoed in the silent room and bright red blood flowed down his arm. First he dipped his fingers into his blood then brought them to her neck and wiped the blood over the teeth marks. His blood sank into the imperfect skin and after a few moments her skin began to heal itself. "A favor for a favor. Now you don't have the bite marks to constantly hide. That is until the next time he decides to use you for his own needs." He turned away from her and went to wipe his blood off with a paper towel.

Meanwhile, Avril was still trying to change back into human form. After such pain and panic it was hard to pull her human skin back on. To do so she needed to be calm and she was far from calm. The word Marriage kept running through her mind thus keeping her wolf solidly in control. At this point she would have given up on changing back but the alpha command hung on her shoulders like a heavy blanket. She couldn't stop until she succeeded. A pained wine escaped her lips as her bones cracked out of place then back into place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda's head shot back to Adam as he repeated she was a blood bag, but instead of attacking him like she would have. She stayed calm, and glanced at Jason, before looking away from both of them. She watched as the wolf was ordered yet again, and looked like she was trying really hard to resist the order, or trying really hard to follow it. Either way, Amanda stepped away from her, knowing she might be uncontrollable at any moment, and she didn't want to get hurt or let a wolf hurt her either.

Amanda looked up at Adam, and as soon as he went to push her hair off her neck, she almost pushed him away, until he told her to stand still. She blinked, she wasn't supposed to let him touch her, she wasn't supposed to let a dog-- a wolf, help her heal, Jason obviously had something against them. She gasped, as he walked away from her. ''Look! Stop saying that, I am not a blood bag, if you needed something from me, I would have helped you too. I helped your girlfriend here or whoever! I would help anyone, alright?'' She said, crossing her arms. Jason hissed, and almost instantly he was by her side. ''Let's just go, Amanda.'' He said, and tugged on her arm softly. Amanda turned her eyes towards Jason, and jerked her arm away from his grip. ''Leave me alone Jason.'' She said, and walked past the wolf, that was still struggling. The sound of her bones cracking made Amanda cringe slightly.

''What the hell did you do that for? Why did you keep repeating she was just a blood bag? She obviously has good intentions, okay?'' Jason said, and finally the worry was obvious on his emotionless face. ''What am I gonna do now.'' He mumbled mostly to himself, as he glanced at the wolf that now was a full human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Dropping the bloody towel into the thrash, Adam turned back to the kids still standing in the room. "First off, that is not my girlfriend. I do not even know who she is. She was some lone wolf who got too close to me and was pulled to an alpha. There was no way she could have kept running. Second, I keep-"

"My name is Avril. I would prefer if you would stop calling me she." Avril, now in human form and completely naked cut Adam off. "Also, would you be so kind, Marrok, to lend me your jacket since it is you that make me change back." She crossed her arms and glared at Adam with defiance despite the high title she called him.

Adam shrugged off his jacket and draped over her shoulders. "As I was saying before Avril interrupted," he continued, "wait... Avril? Paul's daughter?" The woman he just promised to marry?

"Yes." Came her curt reply as she pulled the jacket closer around her body to hide it. "He calls you blood bag because you allow a blood sucker to feed off of you whenever he wants. It is a term we werewolves use to describe humans that vampires keep around to feed from so that they don't have to go find new prey every night. You are a walking blood bag." Avril directed at Amanda then turned to Adam. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Nothing." Adam looked away, deciding that if he told her who he was that she would run again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda stood there, blinking as the woman stood naked in front of all three of them. She cleared her throat, and looked away, blushing softly. Jason bit back a chuckle as he watched Amanda's reaction. Once Avril was covered, Amanda turned her gaze back to her, and narrowed her eyes. ''He doesn't keep me around for that! Stop saying that you two!'' She exclaimed, stomping her feet to the floor, much like a kid would. Jason glared at Avril, then walked over to Amanda. ''Let's just go, Amanda.'' He said, and she jerked herself away from him. ''Stop touching me!'' She yelled again, then looked back at Avril, and Adam for a second. ''They're right though, right?'' She asked, quietly, as her gaze fell to the ground. ''No come on Amanda, we have been friends since high school.'' He said, trying to reason with her.

''But ever since High school you have been using me too!'' She exclaimed, the tears warming up her eyes. ''God, I hope you feel good, dog, you made my f**king day.'' She said, her eyes traveling in between Avril, and Adam. She pushed past Jason, and walked away from the room, slamming the door behind her. Jason hissed again, looking at Adam. ''Why did you do that?! You were purposely pushing her buttons, like you knew it would provoke her!'' He said, narrowing his eyes once again. Both their thoughts about the forced marriage, confused him slightly, but that didn't interest him-- yet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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The door slammed behind the human and it was all he could do not to rip the vampire's throat out. "I told her because she deserves to know who and what she is. If you touch Avril, I will kill you in the slowest way possible." He glanced at Avril "Stay here." With that he headed out the door after Amanda. It didn't take much time to catch up to her. "Wait." He grabbed her arm and slowed to a stop. "I only told you because I thought it was fair for you to know." He let his hand from fall from her arm. "Also, thank you for healing Avril, it was brave and I appreciate it."

"Really? Does he always have to go alpha on me?" Avril sat on the top of the desk and crossed her legs. "I would have stayed here anyway..." she mumbled. She growled at the door for added measure then turned to Jason. "It's Jason, right?" She crossed her arms and glared at him. "You know I cannot believe you kept a human for 4 years! That is a long duration for a blood bag!" she said with a tone of disgust.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda's mascara was already running down her face, she looked back at Adam, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "Did you think I don't know? I knew, I have always knew that and I also know I am a project to the witches, but don't keep shoving it in my face, I know it!" She said, and more of the warm tears slid down her cheeks. " Just stay away from me, just-- if you need my help again, tell me. And my offer still stands I can cut your hair" she said in attempt to lighten up the mood a little. She lowered her head slightly and turned one again to walk away.

Jason scowled at Adam, however didn't make an effort to argue with him. He turned his gaze to Avril, and his eyes dropped to her body for a split second, the jacket didn't do the best job to cover her up. "Yes it's Jason" he mumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets, moving his gaze to the closed blinds. "Amanda is like--- a cat, or even a puppy that will follow you around once she likes you." He started out "It's annoying to be honest but-- cute I got used to it." He said sounding quite amused. "Plus she is willing and she still tastes as the first time, so why not? " He added casually shrugging.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Part of Adam wanted to let her go, but part of him couldn't let her slip through his fingers. His affection for humans is one of his greatest asset and greatest downfall. "Wait..." he mumbled as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Can you do it now? Cut my hair, I mean. I don't have another class for an hour. Would that be enough time?" He cursed himself out in his head. He should just let her go. He shouldn't care. He shouldn't care if her feelings were hurt. He had opened her eyes. Yet there was a pull inside of him that told him he could not let her go. "What do you need to cut my hair?" People walked by, giving them weird looks. Adam put his back down by his side, stood up straighter, and tried to put back on the persona of a professor. He didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea, right?

"Did you just check me out?" Avril asked in disbelief. "You are such an a**!" She pulled the jacket closer around her as if that would help. "This is why I cannot stand blood suckers like you. All you care about is blood. You don't care who you took it from or how you take it. If it is taking advantage of a poor innocent girl then who cares! You are so disgusting!" She slid off the desk and headed for the door with the intent to follow after Adam. However, once she reached the door she found she couldn't make her hand turn the door knob. "Dang it!" she mumbled as she walked back to the center of the room.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda turned back, wiping her face slightly. She looked up at him, blinking. ''Are you-- serious?'' She asked, and when she noticed he was, she gasped, and almost instantly a huge smile spread across her tear stained face. She wanted to throw her arms around him, but she was pretty much sure he wouldn't like a student clinging to him in the middle of the hallway. She smiled widely, and looked at him for a few seconds, before shaking her head. ''Aren't you supposed to hate me or something? I am a human-- and a blood bag to a blood sucker, and all that.'' She asked, as she pressed her lips together for a second. ''I need good scissors, a brush, and water.'' She added, and smiled again, looking like a kid receiving a gift for the first time since last Christmas.

Jason chuckled. ''Calm down, you're standing there, wearing nothing but a jacket, that isn't doing a great job to cover you up either. What do you want me to do? Blush, and look away?'' He asked, as he leaned back on the desk. ''Sorry to break it down for you honey, but I don't really have blood to blush, and I am-- shameless.'' He added, with a casual shrug. ''Plus, your blood is probably disgusting, werewolf blood? No thanks.'' He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. ''Awww, the little puppy is stuck with me till her owner is back, don't worry. I will keep you company.'' He said with a smug grin. He walked over to her, and scanned her again. ''So, why did you exactly come into campus? You could have been shot dead, you know.'' He said, as he began unbuckling his belt. He walked over to her, and pushed her arms away. ''Just relax, I am not going to suck the life out of you, or-- do anything if that matters.'' He mumbled, as he pulled the jacket over her body, then wrapped the belt around her waist, buckling it back up.

He smiled, as if he was proud he did something. ''I should totally become a fashion designer or something.'' He said, and stepped away from her, but not enough to keep the distance. ''Now you owe me, A- for saving your naked butt, B- for making me lose my only blood bag.'' He added, pulling his washed out jeans up slightly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Was he sure? Not really, but something in him could not let her go. "You are a witch, not human." he reminded her gently, but made no comment about her blood bag status. "I have scissors and a brush in my office. I am sure I can find a bowl of water for you." Before he could change his mind, he turned his back to her and headed to his office. His fiance was in the classroom, his pack not quite out of danger, and he was letting some witch cut his hair. What was wrong with him? He shook his head as he opened the door to his office. "If you stay here I will go grab a bucket of water." he told her in a whisper. He was more preoccupied in his own mind to really think about what he was doing. Before he knew it, he was back in his office with a big bowl full of water. Kat would not be happy about someone cutting his hair, she had been cutting it for him since she jointed the pack a hundred years ago. "How do you want to do this?" he asked, trying to shake off his thoughts.

"I shouldn't even expect anything from a blood sucker. You are all filthy creatures anyway." Avril said with a shake of her head. She put her hands on her hips, letting the jacket slip open some. "I don't particularly care if I am naked and not. I just don't want a disgusting creature like you getting a cheap thrill." She stated with sass. She took a nervous step back as he approached her, mistrust and slight fear radiated from her thoughts as he wrapped his arms around her. Even his words of "comfort" did ease her thoughts. "I am not telling you why I came to campus. Its none of your business, vampire." she hissed in his ear as he slipped his belt around her waist. Flashes of her dads voice 'you are to go live with your fiance' flashed through her mind along with memories of waking up in that awful prom dress and the feeling of having to get away. I don't want to get married.... She shook her head to get rid of the thoughts, she will deal with her predicament later. For now she had tot survive being stuck in a room with a vampire. Her hands went to the belt that was now tied around her waist, it really was sweet gesture even if it was from a vampire.

She looked up at him, surprised to find him less than a foot away. "I wouldn't say this is fashionable. A brown belt with a black jacket? Doesn't really go. And if I remember correctly, it was the witch that pulled the glass out while you stayed in the back of the room. Also, I didn't make you lose anything, I was helping her gain an understanding of who she truly was. It was the least I could for the person who saved me." She turned away from him and started to walk around aimlessly. Their closeness was making her uncomfortable in more way then just one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Louise Helm

Louise Helm

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Amanda smiled widely, and followed behind him, even if he didn't tell her to follow, she did. In a matter of minutes they were in his office, she stepped inside, and looked up at him, as he whispered. Amanda nodded. ''Sure.'' She said, and smiled slightly, a little nervous about being alone in the same room with that man. No doubt he was hot, and 'till then -- except the blood bag comments-- he proved to be really nice, and had this gentle, soft aura around him. She looked around his office, and ended up leaning over the desk waiting for him. When he was finally back, another huge smile spread across her face. She threw her arms around him, once he had put the water bowl aside. ''Thank you.'' She mumbled, she had a hard time pulling away, but she did. ''You're so hot'' She stated, blinking slightly. ''No, no! I mean like your body is-- hot, like the temperature, you're like the sun in comparison to Jason, god-- Your temperature.'' She corrected quickly, a soft blush coloring her cheeks. ''Okay, I want you to sit on the floor, there.'' She said, pointing at the area beside his chair.

She sat on the chair, pulling it closer, so she had full view of his head. She smiled widely. ''Thank you again.'' She said, as she wet the brush slightly, and ran it through his hair.

Jason chuckled. ''Brown, and black together-- uhm, I admit that is not good enough, but I mean, I can help during all fashion disasters, even ask Amanda.'' He said, shrugging. ''You know-- I know you think it was sweet of me, so stop walking away from me, you obviously trust me enough.'' He added, rolling his eyes. ''You didn't do her a favor, you hurt her feelings, it is like someone coming up to you, and telling you you're nothing but a piece of meat, that is getting forced to marry some other dog, but don't worry! It is just how it goes, you'll live, they're using you, but it's okay, you allowed it to happen.'' He said, with another casual shrug. ''If you don't like something, you don't run away, Avril. You stand up for yourself.'' He added, sitting up on the desk, letting her walk away from him, He liked her attitude, it was-- feisty, and even though she was submissive to Adam, she sure had her own thing going on without him around.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ravenhuffle
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Adam could count the number of people who have given him hugs on one hand. So when Amanda threw her arms around his neck he wasn't really sure what to do. In his moment of confusion, Adam ended up standing there as stiff as a statue. "Um.. Thanks." He mumbled as he brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. His eyebrow lifted as she continued to ramble on. Hot? Wasn't that the new slang for attraction? Because he wasn't really sure how to respond to that he was glad when she changed the subject. Silently he obeyed and sat on the floor, marveling at how easily his wolf was responding to this human giving him commands. As she came up behind him, he lifted his head and gave her a small smile. "You are welcome. Please keep the length as best you can." Again the thought ran through his mind, his normal hair dresser was gonna kill him. "My name is Adam, by the way. I do not think I have ever caught your name." He moved his head back forward so that she could start her work.

She pulled the brush through his hair and an involuntary rumble sounded at the back of his throat. It felt good to have a brush ran so gently through his hair. Inside him, his wolf settled down inside him, more at ease then it had been in many, many years.

"So you think it is a fair exchange?" Avril continued to walk around the room. "She becomes your blood bag, you don't have to worry about your next meal, and she gets fashion advice? That doesn't exactly come out equal." She paused his his comment sank in. "I never said anything about thinking it was nice of you..." Her comment faded off as she stared at him. "You're a bloody mind reader!" Anger began to swell up inside her. She moved towards him swiftly until she was only six inches away from him. "I don't have a choice. If you were a proper mind reader you would know! I am an Omega, my wolf is more obedient to alpha then a regular wolf. I can't stand up for myself around my father or Adam, my wolf is way to submissive. If I could I would ignore my fathers wishes and do my own thing. But I cannot! I also cannot live without a pack. If I leave my pack to become a lone wolf I would die. So forgive me for choosing to run away because it was my only option for standing up for myself!" Her breath came in puffs as her anger simmered down slightly. As her anger simmered, she realized how close she was to him. "Whatever." She turned on her heel and began to walk away.
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