Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

There was a click as she placed the communications unit down. Why, exactly, the SS Hametsu/Captain's Pride/Yuriko's Will/Lollipop/Can't Decide A Name had a personal communications unit in the style of one of the very, very old Earth wired telephones was lost on the Captain, but it wasn't something she was too focused on at the moment. The tiny pirate girl grinned widely, as the console in her room whirred and clicked. The captain's quarters featured a large, soft pink bed, no small amount of soft and plush toys, a desk with a galactic starmap, a personal computer(with quick access to all her favorite sites!), her personal communications unit, a bookshelf full of books as well as her favorite space-manga(just like Earth's manga, but in space) and an access point for her ship-wide comms. Grabbing the access unit, a cylinder with a round ball on one end, Yuriko brought it up to her mouth.

"HEY EVERYBODY!" she shouted into the communications unit, loud enough to likely explode the eardrums of anyone unlucky enough to be wearing headphones to tap into communications, "Guess what your awesome and fantastic captain just located! No takers?! Well, if you wanna find out, report to the bridge immediately! It's time-"

Even though no-one could see her, Yuriko twirled the access unit in her hand and pulled down the brim of her hat. It was completely without any audience, and yet somehow she felt it was totally necessary. "-For some space piracy!"

The access unit was slammed back into the comms unit, this time succeeding in not breaking anything important, and the tiny girl turned on her heel with a grin of triumph! That'd sure get them fired up! And just wait until they hear what she has in store for all of them...

With that thought, Yuriko confidently strode out of her room, the automatic door sliding open to accommodate her, and headed down the hall towards the bridge.

Oh yes, this was going to be awesome!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Find anythin' wrong with the engines?"


"What about the air supply?"


"Not even a scratch on a terminal?"


Allison sighed, falling onto her bed, feeling a tad bored. Not a single problem to fix, according to Rod's cursory examination of the ship's condition. Perhaps that was to be expected, given that she herself was in charge of keeping it perfect, but the lack of problems to deal with was starting to free up a lot of time. As dull as it was, it at least gave her something to do when the others weren't readily available. As things were, Allison might as well break a computer to fill in half an hour.

Suddenly, the little captain's voice blared throughout the ship, declaring her intent to pirate at something. Smiling slightly, the mechanic slowly rose to a seated position, as her spherical, silver droid floated above her. As the ship's mechanic, she didn't seem too important for this particular meeting, but hey - technically, she was a space pirate now, regardless of her role in the ship. If that little cutie wanted to send her out and grab some loot, then sure, why not? It's not like there was anything to tune up here, at the moment.

Leaping to her feet, Allison cheerfully strode towards the bridge, her trusty droid following dutifully beside her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The bridge was empty. At least, it seemed to be empty as far as he could remember. None of the chairs were occupied, no one could be seen standing around. One chair was swaying slightly near the front, placed in front of the radar display. A headphone cable stretched from its port to under the machine, where Red laid. Of course the radar's alert system was tied into Communications; the headphones were so thick that no one would hear messages if it wasn't. It was a setup of convenience and for the most part didn't cause problems.

Red slowly sat up, bumping his head under the machine as he did. It had hurt, but nothing serious, and once the shock had worn off, he had caught something about the bridge. Right. Get to the bridge. He pulled off the headphones, tossing them onto the top of the console, and pulled himself to his feet with the chair as support. Good ol' chairs, never let you down. So, which way was the bridge?

"....oh, no direction." Already there, doy. He dropped back into the chair, rubbing the back of his head. "No direction, go direction..." The headphones stayed off - his ears were getting a little sore anyhow, it wasn't like anything was going on out there, and he'd rather listen to what Captain Yuriko was going to say. He hadn't actually seen any 'space piracy' from this ship yet. "Though too new now." This would be interesting. Well, most things were more interesting than sweeping asteroid dust from walkways. So that didn't seem like a fair comparison. He turned around in the chair, one leg folded under him, left elbow resting on top of the chair's back while he rested his chin in his left hand, trying to figure out what would be a fair comparison with his vocabulary. If anyone else had slipped in at some point, he still wouldn't have noticed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ghost had just come back from doing some target practice in the cargo hold, he had set up little firing range in the corner and "borrowed" some of the captains plush toys to shoot at, leaving some candy in there place, she hadn't seemed to notice yet. In a ship full of mostly women and one idiot guy, he tended to need to do manly and impulsive things, such as shooting pink and frilly plush toys. He was still in his hard suit and had started to remove it when on full blast the captain yelled into his ears yelling something about space piracy, groaning he decided not to bother taking it off.

He began to walk towards the bridge spotting the the mechanic he ran up to her "Hey Allison, my hard suits stealth systems are on the fritz, can you can do a re-calibration once were done with whatever the Captains come up with?" He said as he disconnected the helmet shrugging it came off with a hiss, he clipped the helmet on to his belt. Bringing up a cigarette, lighter, and his glasses he opened the door to the bridge and entered lighting his smoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 17 min ago

The silver-haired Quartermaster sat at a desk in front of a vanity mirror on the opposite end of her room from her red, lavish bed. She had just finished applying the necessary makeup to match the sleek, black dress she was wearing and was just putting in her signature earring when Yuriko's voice shouted over the lone PA speaker above the door. The randomness combined with the volume made Kin jump, but the woman composed herself quickly and looked up at the speaker as she was instructed to head to the bridge. Though nobody was there to see it, she gave a polite nod toward the speaker to confirm her orders and stood up from her personal makeup station.

On the wall next to the door, her weapon was hung in its sheathe. While she picked up her datapad from a nightstand underneath the katana, Kin still couldn't help but admire the weapon. She hadn't drawn it in months. Perhaps it needed to be cleaned later? The woman sighed. As she clutched the datapad against her chest, Kin looked incredibly similar to a secretary stereotype. And like that she stepped out of her quarters and into the hallway. The clicks of her heels were the only sounds made as she walked across the ship toward the bridge. Though Kin wrote in her datapad a little reminder to clean Sekisetsu later.

As Kin arrived at the bridge, she saw Allison and Matthew just ahead. As the Quartermaster, Kin spends most of her time in the cargo hold. She'll see her co-workers daily, but not particularly often throughout the day. And since she hadn't seen these two in a little while, she picked up her pace slightly. While Kin is on the tall side, she generally keeps a short stride. So to move faster, her legs simply moved faster rather than actually increased in stride. The pace of clicks from her heels quickened accordingly. "Greetings," she spoke softly, stopping a brief moment to give Allison and Matthew a bow, before standing upright again and entering the bridge. Inside was the other man on board, Red. Though he seemed as if he just woke up. Nonetheless, Kin gave him a respectful bow as well. "Good morning."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

As she eagerly headed out from her room towards the Bridge, the captain was intercepted by another crew member: the chef had finished showering and, when the message came through, dressed appropriately for piratical adventures. Thus, a deep-blue facsimile of the captain's coat and a shiny black pirate hat dominated the magenta slime's figure--much as she dominated the corridor. Showering, of course, meant getting rather wet... and she'd blown up about as big as was safe, to a looming eight feet tall.

Yuriko was intercepted in a literal manner: grabbed under her arms, and seated instead on shoulders. It was a good thing that spaceship corridors were so roomy, otherwise the poor thing would've had her head bashed against the roof. Repeatedly, and possibly quite hard. "Oh, captain, watch your head on doors..."

At least this way she got to the bridge faster. Her legs were small, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Miyu Koizumi

The rather minute room was a hectic assortment of colors, each wall painted with some sort of funky pattern, a major departure from the insipid, monotone colors of most other parts of the ship. Inside the room was a young lady, herself sporting colorful attire, sitting on top of her bed. Her hands and fingers were occupied with the controller they had in their possession, so too were her eyes with the screen that sat parallel to her rather messy bed. The screen was a hectic array of colors and shapes, nigh unintelligible to one at a glance, however, she was used to this kind of video game, now bored of it. She had already exhausted most of her vast collection of 'Bullet Hell' games. She sighed as she ended the level in her video game and turned of the system. She thrust herself off of her bed and stored the game inside its case and filed it with the rest of her collection.

Miyu paused as she looked throughout her room for something to do. She could read a book, but that would require too much effort, and included the risk of reading something that would bore her even further. She looked at the drawer next to her bed, thinking of what she could do with the things within it, before abandoning that idea with a blush. She also figured her computer wouldn't have had anything interesting, figuring how she had been using it about ten minutes ago. Defeated by boredom, she went to lay on her bed. Perhaps I'll just lay down, like some sort of lame-o, she thought, taking a deep breath. However, the stillness of her room was broken by a familiar voice from the speaker above her. It was her captain, ordering her to come to the bridge, with promises of adventure to boot. Miyu grinned, this was just what she needed on a day like this.

She jumped out of her bed and went to the bridge, eager to find out what the captain was planning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 28 min ago

HAMU - Medical Section, the Good Ship Can't-Decide-On-A-Name

It had been pretty slow lately, honestly. Maybe it was just a quiet area of space, but there hadn't really been much need for a medical robot recently, so HAMU was... It was strange to think that someone with a computer for a brain could get "bored", but there you go. Really, the most exciting thing she'd done lately was recharge, and that wasn't really exciting at all.

If she had a heart, it would probably have skipped a beat when she heard those shrill tones her sensors identified as the captain screaming about something. Oh well, at least it would hopefully provide a momentary distraction from the tedium.

"Greetings, everyone," she said with a smile and a bow as she entered the bridge. Thanks to having to finish her charge cycle, she was the last to arrive. "How are you all this fine day? Any injuries that need tending to? Broken bones, bruises, space flu, anything? I would be more than happy to treat any of you!" Really, she had been a little too unoccupied lately.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Yuriko let out a yelp of surprise as she was suddenly scooped into the air, hoisted up, and her backside seated on rather squishy shoulders. It didn't take her very long to realize what had happened. There was only one person on the ship who was squishy like that all over. The ship's cook. For a moment, the tiny pirate opened her mouth to protest... but then she slowly began to realize she quite loomed over everything perched on the alien girl's shoulders. Hmmm... she could tolerate this for the moment! Ducking as doorframes came worryingly close, it wasn't long until they arrived at the beeping, whirring place that was the bridge. It was full of a whole lot of gizmos and technology that, well, Yuriko didn't completely understand. It was why someone else was in charge of flying the ship. She knew it was all pretty important, though.

Putting on a confident grin, Yuriko folded her arms across her chest and surveyed her crew. Particularly the pretty girls, they got some extra surveying. Well, in HAMU's case, some disappointed looks, but that'd hopefully be sorted out eventually. For the moment, however, there were far, far more important things to attend to. Indeed, it was the entire purpose for which this crew had been assembled!

"Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why your brave, beautiful, and fabulous captain called you here!" she declared, raising one hand away to make a flourish. "Well, I'll tell you! A reliable source has just let me in on some wonderful information! A cargo carrier containing vast, massive amounts of Sakuraium is going to be passing by Bellos in the Miranda system! And guess. What. System. We're. In!"

Yuriko grinned as she looked around her crew, hoping they'd put two and two together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Red waved to Kin as she entered - she had said good morning after all. Was it morning? He hadn't checked any clocks and, well, it was hard to tell time in space. Felt like evening to him, though if it was morning, he'd have to wait for lunch then. Or maybe ask the cook if there was time? His previous dilemma was long banished from his mind as the other crew members entered. Not a lot of small talk, not that Red would know what to say anyhow. He knew what the ship looked like on its inside - not much about how it worked or anything like that. Everyone else already probably knew about all the nooks and crannies. He didn't need a lot. The navigation devices were in excellent condition, and while the manuals had been bothersome, he was still pressing on. About all he could say was-

"All's quiet on the starry front," he muttered, surveying the room. Finally, in came the cook - bit bigger than usual, or had Red missed something?

"Was she always that size?" It was hardly louder than his previous statement, and he didn't listen for any answer. That'd just be strange if he did get one, and besides, the cook was carrying the captain. He sat up straight, trying his best to remain utterly focused on her words. "Gotta be important."

"Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why your brave, beautiful, and fabulous captain called you here! Well, I'll tell you! A reliable source has just let me in on some wonderful information! A cargo carrier containing vast, massive amounts of Sakuraium is going to be passing by Bellos in the Miranda system! And guess. What. System. We're. In!"

Red blinked and then spoke up. "The Miranda System." That was all? So he was in charge of navigation, sure, but she could've just called if she didn't know that. Was there really any reason for a huge announcement and gathering everybody? He sagged in his seat a bit. So it wasn't as interesting as he had hoped. Well, he hadn't been pulled away from anything really so not like it was a waste of time. It was a chance to see everyone-

And then the penny dropped.

"Ohhhhh....we're in the same system as the carrier!" He beamed, though not for long as he then looked to the nearest crew member. "Erm, what about it?" Clearly, this was exciting for some reason, a reason good enough to call everyone. Red just couldn't quite connect it all. Hopefully, someone else understood it better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Turning her head upon her name, Allison smiled at Ghost and nodded at is question, "Sure thing, I'll see what I can do. Never got ta mess around with stealth parts, should be fun."

As Rod began to closely follow Ghost and circle him for what was presumably a diagnostic scan, Allison entered the bridge with the rest of the crew, exchanging greetings with them as she did. She took a vacant seat and slumped slightly relaxed as she waited for the captain to arrive. She couldn't help but chuckle as she finally made her entrance - on top of a double-sized cook. The little captain looked so adorable perched up there!

Yuriko made her announcement, no doubt subtly hinting that they were go gonna go pirate the hell out of that carrier ship. In a rather helpful manner, she replied to Red, "well, from the looks of things, we're gonna go pick up that delivery fer ourselves... speaking of which," raising her hand as if seeking attention to speak directly to the captain, she continued, "yo, kiddo, about that. How many arms do ya need fer the operation?"

Her barely concealed grin indicated that she was hoping for a little reaction from her words. Captain Yuriko tended to look cuter when flustered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ghost smirked taking a long puff from his cigarette as he nodded to Alison and staring the bucket of bolts floating around him. Walking in he looked up at the Captain on the back of the cook "Captain I know your short but isn't that over compensating?" He grinned as he sat down in the pilots chair beside there navigator. "So what's the plan we rock up give them a warning shot and if they don't comply we take the ship by force? Or are we doing it my way?" As he said my way his suit engaged it's camouflage and all but his head and the burning end of cigarette dissipated from view. The camo system it's self was fine but it gave feed back when he moved while stealth-ed and it shocked him lightly, not a major issue but enough to warrant him asking Allison to take a look. After he got payed he'd see about investing in a newer model, his was two generations old.

He rolled his eyes when the Navigator had yet to figure out what they were going to do until Allison explained it to him, then he noticed he grin as she spoke to the captain, he could have sworn those two had the hots for each other. He took a look around, the quartermaster seemed polite enough and Miyu was here, he still needed to invite her down to his little range. Lastly he spotted the HAMU unit, he knew exactly what was coming in a moment it would walk over and begin to lecture him on the dangers of smoking, like the last time he had smoked near the thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

The captain was carefully removed from shoulders and deposited on the floor, whilst her previous mount looked around at the other crew. She felt sorry for the smoking guy, whatever his exact job was--she never really learned the roles of the non-ship-based crew, for ruining his ability to enjoy her food... but politely considered everything that the captain had said, before asking the most important question: "Can you eat Sakuraium?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 17 min ago

The quartermaster remained standing as everyone arrived on the bridge. Every time Kin thought about it, the crew she was in was a very odd one. There was even a size-variant cook aboard. Comparing it to her youth, where everyone acted mostly the same, it brought an amused grin to her face. But it seemed that Yuriko had identified a target to pillage. While Matthew, or Ghost as he called himself, immediately started strategizing for combat, Kin thought of something else. "We would not have enough space in our hold to take an entire load from a Class Two cargoship," Kin spoke up, bringing up her datapad. "Assuming it is Class Two or above, we need to calculate how much we can take so we can maximize the profit and minimize the time wasted trying to take more than we can carry."

After making a few scribbles across it, Kin looked back up to Yuriko. "Once we establish an intercept point, we need to find out how far away the nearest Navy post is so we can determine how much time we have left before the big guns arrive. Or perhaps the ship is already guarded by the Navy." The silver-haired woman took a breath now. "We're in the same system so we need to start preparing. If you don't mind, Captain, I can go and double-check the space we have in our hold to ensure the most accurate calculations." She gave a polite bow to the girl, waiting for the order.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zaresto
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Zaresto Can't Wake Up

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Miyu Koizumi

Miyu was ecstatic as she entered the bridge. The sight of the entire crew being there was enough to get her excited. On top of that, she knew what was going to happen, too, which made her even more enthusiastic about the entire event. Sure enough, the captain briefed the entire crew of the setup as soon as she got there. However, Miyu didn't care much about the details, she just wanted something to do.

She sat herself on a chair and waited for something to happen. She began to fantasize about what could happen during the raid, although the risk of any real injury floated away from her thought, as she focused more on brain-storming what needed to be done in order to successfully take over the ship. Just then, the quartermaster began to speak to the crew, laying out her plan, and although it was peppered with jargon, it was pretty straightforward. Although, Miyu realized there could also be another possibility to seize the goods from the cargo ship. Miyu allowed herself to speak out,

"Hey, why not just take control of the transport ship instead of having to mess around with transporting its freight onto our ship. I would assume it would save us some time."

Miyu stood up, awaiting a reply from any one of them. She felt content having spoken her mind about the matter. She glanced at the rest of the crew, a unique crowd, no doubt about that, but Miyu felt safe with them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderwall


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ted McKenzie - Private Quarters - SS-Name-Unknown

The noise from the crowd was deafening, people were screaming and chanting his name as Ted ascended the podium. He couldn't contain himself and a huge grin split his face as he looked around. Soon the announcer would call his name and then he'd receive the trophy, in fact, the elderly gentleman put the microphone to his lips and took a deep breath...


Wait, that didn't seem right...

"Guess what your awesome and fantastic captain just located!"

Reality slowly dawned on Ted as he recognised the source of the voice. Not quite in his head, but from the wall mounted speaker a few feet away. And no-one had a more... distinctive voice.

Groaning as he heard the instructions, Ted lifted himself to a seating position, before clutching his pounding head. Spotting a few empty bottles of space rum lying on the floor brought scenes of last night's antics to mind. He could almost remember it clearly, well he was pretty sure he and the more fun-loving members of the crew had enjoyed some drunken card games and maybe a movie or two. Ted took a deep breath and puffed out his cheeks. Could he be bothered to go the meeting? he wondered. Lying back down in bed did seem a much more inviting proposition...

Several minutes later Ted laboured down the corridor towards the bridge. He'd dunked his head in some cold water to try and wake up and had pulled on some casual clothes to look semi-respectable for the time of morning. He'd also grabbed himself a chilled drink of water to help stave off the downsides of the emerging hangover. Perhaps he'd see if HAMU had anything this time, although it seemed as if humans (and indeed robots made by humans), no matter how advanced they now where, had still not found a cure for 'the hangover'. In the end Ted had reasoned that it was best to attend the meeting so he could hear the plans first-hand (and Captain Yuriko did not like it when people were absent from anything she organised, even when it was something like a stupid highly enjoyable Karaoke Night). Plus, it was rare for the whole crew to be in one place at the same time so there was a certain novelty factor involved.

The bridge had multiple entrances depending on how it was approached from different parts of the ship. Ted entered seemingly from the opposite side to the rest of the occupants and the room was already in conversation. He exchanged knowing glances with some of the crew as he traipsed in, before stopping mid-stride, staring blankly across the room. There was Ghost, sitting in the pilot's seat.
His seat.
After a moment Ted decided it wasn't worth reclaiming his comfy seat and draw more attention to his lateness. Though in reality, he didn't think he could stomach the smell of smoke from whatever it was the scout was smoking. Not at this hour. Instead he ambled up to the nearby railings that encircled the main platform area and propped himself against them, paying attention to the conversation for the first time.

"...If you don't mind, Captain, I can go and double-check the space we have in our hold to ensure the most accurate calculations."

Ted smiled to himself, If he had a gram of Sakuraium every time the Quartermaster Kin said the phrase "Double-check", he wouldn't need to rob a cargoship ever again.

"Hey, why not just take control of the transport ship instead of having to mess around with transporting its freight onto our ship. I would assume it would save us some time."

The gunner Miyu was one of the crew members Ted liked most aboard the ship. She was easy to have fun with, particularly as she, like him, enjoyed playing video games in periods of dullness on the ship, although she did play a little too many shooting games and too few racing games.
Taking control of the cargo ship would probably not be too difficult, depending on how well defended it was. Piloting it was another matter entirely. Cargo ships were incredibly bulky and difficult to manoeuvre - they were designed and built to go in one direction at a consistent speed after all. The vast majority had their top speeds limited as part of the UEGSC's commitment to safer space travel and owning companies invested in hidden tracking devices aboard the ship to minimise losses in notorious space pirate zones. Also, one couldn't very well hide a great big cargo ship without drawing attention to oneself. No, Ted reckoned they'd have to take what cargo they could, or, divert the cargo ship to a very local space port, make a quick profit on anything they could sell quickly, dump the ship and abandon the area before people came looking for it.

As he opened his mouth to speak, a wave of nausea swept over him and instead he quietly sipped his water. He was pretty sure Captain Yuriko had a plan in mind and would reveal it shortly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Clint/Crew Quarters

Clint paused in aligning the print on the wall, certain that he was forgetting something. Well, never mind that, he had something else to focus on. Looking at the image of blue aquatic planet they had passed recently, he moved it a few feet to the right in order to balance out the red gas giant on that wall.

"Right, the bridge..."

He had been so intent on the task that he had nearly ignored the announcement, his mind filing it away as unimportant. He made a last adjustment and pressed the tape home, securing the picture to the wall. Smiling, he whistled a tune as he left his cabin and leisurely walked to the bridge. He picked up the pace, his mind at last relinquishing the last bits of the captains message.

"We have work to do."

He smiled with a glee barely held in check but the eyes above it hardened as Clint reached the doorway. He stepped through and took a single step to the side, lingering just inside of the doorway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Yuriko grinned. Oh, not everyone got it, but a lot of people were getting it! She rubbed her hands together eagerly, and... wait wait wait what did Allison just say. Did she just call her... her...

"KIDDO?!" Yuriko's finger snapped up to point at the mechanic as she made her outburst. "Why are you saying that kind of thing!? I'm not a kid! I'm not! I'm seventeen! High school age! I'm not some little elementary schooler, got it?!"

She folded her arms and huffed, even as Rose lifted her off her shoulders and placed her squarely back on the ground. She turned up her nose at the offending crewmates(Ghost had made his own comment, but that wasn't even worthy of attention!) and stood their for a moment. She was their captain! How dare they say things like that?! How was she supposed to be all illustrious when people were going to try and make fun on her like that?! Hmph! ... However, as members of her crew began to ask about her plan for the ship, Yuriko remembered that it might be a somewhat good idea to explain that.

"Well, no, Lime-san, you can't eat Sakuraium," she started. That was a good thing to open with. After all, Sakuraium's value lay not in it being edible or anything like that, but what the metal did. All laser-based weapons were made with Sakuraium, the unique metal's incredible energy-channeling and magnification abilities single-handedly making lasers a fully viable form of weaponry! Or would it be single metal-platedly? Regardless, Sakuraium fetched quite a lot of credits whenever it was sold, and a load like this, well... Yuriko was practically shaking with excitement just thinking about it! "And that's a great idea, Quartermaster! But first, I've gotta tell you all about my plan for this ship!"

Yuriko pointed directly Miyu. "We're not gonna do that, Koizumi-san! Do you know how clunky those cargo ships are? I mean jeez, they maneuver like rocks! But that's to our advantage! Bellos' has a pretty big asteroid field around it, no cargo ship is gonna wanna go into that, there's no way they'd ever maneuver out of it. Sure, it could try and go over or below it, but I don't think they're gonna wanna chance it... not when we've got them pinned down!"

Yuriko's grin grew. Oh, it'd be some pretty hardcore space piracy this time! "We're gonna get that ship stuck between us and the asteroid field! There's no room to escape and if we make them think we're willing to shoot them down they're not gonna try anything funny! Then it's pretty simple, we get in, get as much cargo as we can carry, and then get out before the UEGSC can even realize we're there!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Right well if the that's the plan then you don't need me for this..." Ghost got up from the chair pressing the cigarette against the one of the metal plates of his suit. "Unless the plan goes wrong or the captain wants me to sneak aboard the damn cargo ship as a back up plan. I'm heading down to the cargo bay, Miku you are welcome to meet me down there, I got a new game set up if you want to try it out." With that Ghost pulled on his helmet and his entire body became invisible, walking past the crew his footsteps sounded as if he left the room when he now actually stood only slightly behind the Captain. He was trying to decide whether or not he should grab her hat and make a run for it... It would certainly be entertaining, of course he did want to here the rest of the crew opinions on the matter so he stayed, he just didn't want the rest of them to know he cared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderwall


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ted McKenzie - The Bridge - SS-Name-Unknown

Ted immediately liked the plan, a good old fashioned spaceship stand-off. Followed by a hit-and-run quick getaway. Secretly, he hoped that the cargo ship would try some funny business and he'd get to chase them down through the asteroid field. That sounded like fun.

Ghost obviously didn't like the plan; Ted watched as he said something about not being wanted unless things went wrong and then promptly disappeared from view. For the short time that Ghost had been aboard the ship Ted had on the whole appreciated his company, though he didn't half get cranky if he wasn't shooting something. It had been a bit quiet recently, to be fair...

Returning to the present, Ted turned to Iwakawa before speaking. "That's a fine plan Cap'n. I just have one question...when do we intercept the cargo ship?" Knowing Iwakawa as he did, it could very well be mere hours away, the urgency with which everyone had been called together seemed to indicate that. Regardless, knowing when the mission was likely to occur would allow Ted get himself properly focused. Also, if there was time to burn, he figured he'd join Ghost and possibly Miyu down at the unofficial shooting range - exploding fluffy toys with guns was as fun as it sounded.

Suddenly the smell of smoke reached him and Ted coughed slightly. What did that guy smoke? Ted had thought the smell would have gone when Ghost left the room.
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