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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira was nowhere to be found... She had been scouting the perimeter, picking through the corpses for yet more valuables... Not things like money, or weapons... No, she had sought something far more grisly:


Yes, there was nothing quite like a memento to remind oneself of triumph, so she picked through the corpses to find something worth taking back. The axe would normally count, but she might have to sell it or use it, so it was out of the question. She would also normally take a bodypart from the most impressive thing she'd killed, but any target of hers that had any real value had been disintegrated. She picked through for at least ten minutes, before happening upon the location where she'd killed that ghoul. It was ash, obviously, but there was something odd about the pile... She brushed some of it away, finding, to her wonder, that a skeletal hand hadn't burned up in the sunlight... That was a pretty interesting trinket she thought, so she shrugged off her pack, and pulled out a jar she used for her 'collections', gently placing the hand into it as she donned her pack and headed back for the camp.

She had returned, halfway through Ssarak's little speech... "Trust me, there ain't nothin' of any use to us out here on the surface..." She said simply, spitting off to the side... She didn't say anything else about Ssarak's plan, she had no gripes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The Guide glanced down at Mar, frowning, before looking at Grey. "Carry her to the carriage. Make her as comfortable as possible. We need to get back to the college, and don't have the time to wait for the venom to wear off. Althalus, follow him. We don't want her panicking and accidentally hurting whoever happens to be nearby." Dismissing both men, the guide turned towards Leith, giving an impressed whistle. "What have you done to your face. Don't answer that, I don't want to know." He made another bandage and put poultice on it, handing it to the injured Hydromancer. "Keep this pressed against your face and maybe you won't get a terrible infection and lose half your face. Also, go to the carriage with the guardsman." The guide stood up looking about for the missing member of the original group. "Where in he name of the inferno is that chatty plant..." He muttered. Answering his question, Coco stumbled out of the woods, and then promptly collapsed.

"Well. That answers that question." The guide picked up the unconscious Foreas, and dragged her back to carriage along with the rest of the group. As the remaining mages settled in the carriage and the guide sent the horses on the path to the College, a creature followed at a discreet distance, leaving the ruined village and the burning forest behind them.

Things moved quickly when they finally reached the College. Mar, Leith, Coco and Althalus (despite his protests that his hand was fine) were immediately taken to the infirmary. Grey was sent to give a report on all that had happened to the Herbamancy teacher. Leith was released after a brief moment with a Vitamancer, his wounds repaired. However, scars would forever remain. Althalus was similarly given permission to leave, but declined as Lidda was still working on flushing Mar's system clear of the lingering venom. Coco was healed as best she was able then put up in a bed to awaken.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak nodded to Alaira. She had been searching around the surface of the camp, so he supposed he could trust her assessment. "Very well. Perhaps you can...find a way to aid Darius in searching the underground portion. He could use a light source; perhaps you could ignite something with your magic, as long as it does not create too large of a flame. I cannot sense any more thoughts or wards other than ourselves, so the caves should be safe."

He found a reasonably open space before turning his head back to Alaira and Darius. "I shall fly back to the others. Try to have what you intend to salvage ready as soon as possible. We may need to move quickly."

With a running start, Ssarak leaped up, powering himself into the air until he could catch the wind above the trees. He glided wherever he could to conserve energy, but speed was his primary goal. He had paid enough attention to landmarks around the carriage that it would not be difficult to locate it once he was upon it. As expected, the direct flight to the carriage did not take long, though the return trip to the camp, with the carriage, would take considerably longer.

As he landed in the closest clear area to the carriage, Ssarak spotted the evidence of the battle that had taken place in the form of the bodies scattered around. At first, fear took hold of him, causing him to rush to the carriage, but his mind calmed as soon as he saw Meirin, Lyn, and the caravan master all apparently free from harm. It seemed their plan of hiding the carriage had failed, but at the very least, he now had an idea of why the bandit reinforcements had not arrived back at camp.

Ssarak looked at Meirin as he approached, his helmet hiding his smile. "Well, it seems you were correct in your worries; I am glad you convinced me of them. Are you and everyone else unharmed?" He asked, though looking at the caravan master, he guessed that he might be impatient for an update. "Our attack on the bandits' main camp was a success. We eliminated their leadership, and the rest scattered. No casualties on our side. We should be able to bring the carriage through now. There may also be some items of value we could load onto the carriage when we pass through, if we have time."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Darius watched as Ssarak left the camp. The fight was over, and this time, he felt like they had won. Of course, the only reason the other fight felt like a loss was because of Alaira. He glared at her while her back was turned before making his way towards what looked like a small storage shed. The shed had some sub-par weapons, foodstuffs, and torches. Darius grabbed one and left the shed. He walked over to Alaira and tossed the torch at her feet. "Can you light this without burning down the forest?"

Leith had been thinking during the entire trip back to the college and while he was getting healed. If anything was said to him, he never heard it. First he had set fire to the Eternal Hunger; he could still hear the screaming. Then there was the fight with his greedy copy. It was troubling to stare at his copy's body and think that that could have been him. The smell of food brought him out of his thoughts. He had wandered the halls and now he was at the entrance to the dining hall while he was thinking. He wasn't hungry, but he needed to sit down to gather his thoughts. He walked into the dining hall and sat at a table in the corner.

The most troubling thing that had happened during the mission was that the voice that spoke to him while he was fighting Greed. Leith looked at his right hand. The one that was slowly turning him into a demon. The voice meant that it was starting. It would continue to speak to him, begging to be used. Slowly tainting his soul until he became a demon. There was a choice he had to make very soon, and he was worried whether or not he would make the one he needed to make.

Leith's thoughts began to wander as his eyes grew heavy. He laid his head on his arms. He was just going to rest his eyes. Then he'd go to his room and change out of his clothes. With that thought in mind, he promptly fell asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira Hmphed as Ssarak took flight, fucking off back to the cart and his girlfriend, and leaving her stuck with the rather unpleasant Yarosmerian... and she was one to talk. She could feel his glare boring into her back the whole time, though she was shaken from her idle, negative thoughts by something landing near her feet. A torch, by the looks. Wha- He needed her to light it? Why? Did the bandits have no means of lighting their own damn torches?... She kicked it back, the torch sliding to his feet. "how about you light it, fuckhead? or did you forget you had the same damn blood I do?" she asked, harshly... Even a novice could make enough heat to light a torch... Or he could use the smoldering campfire... Whatever he did, she didn't care: She wasn't going to mommy him. Besides, he should've taken a flint and tinder, like she did.
Grey Onyx

Grey had kept silent the entire journey, not daring to look Athalus in the eye... Luckly, he managed to keep himself occupied as he wrote his report on the total disaster that had been their mission. his report was short, and to the point. Though it left no detail uncovered, he was very brief. However, he was sure to mention that each had fought bravely, doing all they could to succeed under certain... disturbing circumstances. As well, he was sure to stress that Leith had deserved some sort of honors, as without his contribution death was certain. He did not list his own name among them. When they arrived home, he had utilized his considerable strength in carrying Mar to the infirmary, though he left without a word... He was their bodyguard, and they were each stuck in the infirmary while he himself remained healthy... he had failed them. He sighed, it was time to give his report...

He walked down the hall towards Lucilia's office, occasionally shouldering past a student... To see the man so upset was an unusual occurrence to say the least, and it had turned a few heads. Still, people left him alone. It wasn't like any of them knew him personally. He arrived without incident, greatly thankful that Zaad, or some other especially irritating person/thing hadn't appeared to make him even more miserable than he already was. He knocked on the door, slowly and heavily. "Ms. Roivas?... Are you available?..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Darius seethed at the way that the half-elf spoke to him. Small pops could be heard as motes of air were created and destroyed around him. Slowly, he picked up the torch and fought the urge to hit Alaira upside the head with it. The mission was almost over, Darius thought to himself. It wouldn't be worth it to kill each other. As he relatively calmed himself down, the popping stopped. He made his way towards the cave, walking past the firepit as he did so. He dragged the torch along dying embers, lighting the torch.

During his search of the cave, Darius found several items that the Caravan Master could profit from. Once the cursory search was over, he kicked the locked door down an searched the room, taking note of the more valuable items. Once that was done, he started moving everything they could take out of the cave. Hopefully, he'd be done by the time everyone got back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Caravan Escort

After Ssarak alerted the caravan master of safe passage, as well as Lyn's return, the wagon moved into the bandit camp. They couldn't take everything since there wasn't enough space on the wagon, so taking only what was most valuable the group loaded up and left the camp behind. The group would travel until nightfall, where they would have an uneventful night, before waking up and heading to Hysteria shortly after high noon.

Hysteria was a chaotic and colorful looking place. Unlike the generally drab and weary feel of Djarkel, Hysteria was charged with emotion and partial insanity. Street performers of all types of acts flooded the streets, playing their sings and preforming their dances. Occasionally a fight would break out, but the absurd of some of thee fights made it hard to discern what was a real brawl or an elaborate improv. Either way, the college students would not stay long. The caravan master arrived to his destination with new cargo, but with a sour feel for the college students. He made no comment on how he intended to judge them, but the look in his eyes certain said that the college left an impression on him. "You'd fit right in here." Was all he said on the matter.

In Hysteria the group would later be contacted by the members of a different caravan group known as the Scarlet Traveler; Lucilia's own personal caravan. They received word to be on the look out for the group and offered them a ride back to the college, since they too needed to report in with Lucilia on their business. And being a caravan that employed vampires, they were capable of making the trip back to the college in only one day, utilizing both beasts and drivers who required no rest.

Once at the college the guards let the group through the gates. One of the guardsmen, the newer ones, came up to the group and told them that Lucilia would like to meet with one of them to get a report of the mission, as well as any evidence found. Everyone else was free to go about their business, and will receive compensation for their mission after she receives the report.

Lucilia Riovas

All the while Lucilia had spent the last few days with business as usual. She been having her caravans work around the world trying to figure out the movements of Kudd as well as any other disasters which may be linked to him, or could be utilized by the college to build alliances. Though she was also mulling over various new information she was getting. One tidbit that was caught her attention was when the mage hunter group arrived. She understood the dangers of knew that the people she sent would be able to handle it, but to see nearly all of them in the infirmary... Perhaps next time she should send one of the more skilled mages to oversee them. As much as she is willing to throw their lives away, the ones she were sending were some of her best (And perhaps only) useful students she had. She didn't want to throw them away carelessly, or have them carelessly throw their lives away.

As she was reading over a report on Eania there was a knock and a familiar voice on the door. With a wave of her hand the door unsealed itself and opened for Grey. "Come in Grey. I trust you succeeded in stopping the mages in Eania?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey turned his head slightly when the door magically opened itself... "Huh... Neat..." He mumbled under his breath. He couldn't help but brighten slightly at the sight of her, regardless of the grim news he had. He sighed, stepping into her room as the door sealed itself behind him, finding a seat near her desk. He decided to answer her question as professionally as he could... "Not... Entirely. We managed to deal with one one of them for certain." He wavered slightly at the last sentence, the memory of that creature still fresh in his mind.

"There was a Pyromancer that we had managed to deal heavy wounds to. He fled to the forest, but I'm almost certain that he succumbed to his wounds. The last one escaped..." He placed the bundle of papers that was his report on the desk in a clean spot. "There's all the details there but... If I may speak plainly I would say the mission was a disaster..." He placed his elbow on the desk, leaning his face into his hand. He was quiet for a moment, deep in his own thoughts. "The costs were... avoidable. I made many mistakes." He said, his uncovered eye gazing off into the corner. "And then there were things that... Happened. Strange things..." He leaned back, looking down to his arms. He shook as he spoke, the matter seeming to disturb him greatly. "I was... I was capable of great feats of strength... I know I'm quite strong, but some of the things I did were... Unnatural, and I know I'm no mage. Whenever I got worked up I'd suddenly have the power to smash solid oak doors off their hinges and across the room, or I'd be strong enough to crush someones head to a fine paste..." He stopped speaking, simply looking up to meet her gaze. "If... If you know someone that can explain this... Please tell me where to find them."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Lyn’s eyes lit up at the sights while in Hysteria, her mind oogled at the street performers as they performed a wide assortment of acts from dancing to sword tossing. Tenderly she held the flower in her hand and leaned over the wagon edge, entranced by every movement while it played out. The streets were filled with so much activity she found it difficult to stay very still within the cart now that the mission’s danger was over. At the sight of a fire spitter, she squealed in excitement and pointed it out to Ssarak, Meirn, and Alaira with girlish enthusiasm. Her eyes brighter than day in her excitement, her mind trying so hard to behave, though part of her wished her parents could see it.

At the thought of mom and dad, her head slouched into her crossed over arms with a depressed look. She came to realize she missed them more and more over the days causing her to think often of them. Maybe leaving, she concluded, wasn’t the best idea anymore. Thankfully the trip home was much faster since the Scarlet Traveler offered the ride back.

It seemed since her first disappearance, most her companions, especially Mei, refused to let her escape their sight for very long. Each time she did, she was immediately called out for and discovered before she could explore very far. This happened several times until they traveled home, making the trip less fun in her mind, as she fell asleep to the cart’s rocking motions.

The next time she woke, they were once more at the college and she was being carried by Alaira toward the infirmary. Her eyes shifted to look the half elf in the face and tilted her head, her face filled in curiosity over why she was being carried there. It wasn’t long before her question was answered when she spotted her mother, sleeping, within one of the medical beds farthest away from everyone. Her father looking upset at her side while slumped within a chair. Immediately the child wiggled and pulled to be let down, stopping only when Alaira put her there. At being free, she bolted for her father’s side to squeeze his strong body against hers, hoping to ease his pain some. Letting the hug last a bit longer, she pulled back to gesture at what was wrong with her mother. Her eyes stared at her father for the answer in held breath and hoped it wasn't anything serious.


Mar couldn’t move, the venom within her body freezing her ability much like her own. Only her mind was able to reach her beyond the senses of hearing, seeing, and touch. Something was wrong. Dead wrong and she couldn’t scream a warning to anyone, merely let it stew until she was able to move again. Emotions, stronger than they should’ve been, bubbled inside her heart and felt ready to burst into pieces at the slightest touch. Unlike the numerous other times, she was fully aware of her weakness and surroundings, unable to push aside the shame filling her when her pride started to crumble.

Though she wasn’t among Naga, the shame was still the same. It wasn’t until a few hours later that she could start to feel her limbs able to move again though she hadn’t uttered a word since her awakening. Merely stared down at her hands folded within her coils and seek words that eluded her for the longest time. Althalus likely expected her to shout, whack or something violent but those actions were often fueled in a strange way by love. A fact she cared too much to make her words punctuated by actions just to make sure he understand how angry she was at his carelessness. Not this time however. The naga’s words rippled through her at first like water but soon pain followed the longer she realized it to be truth.

You don’t lie to those you loved.

It was a haunting, decaying feeling to bare hearing them over and over in her head. She hadn’t even touched her meal, not that she needed it, while she fought over what to say. At Lyn’s arrival, she was momentarily spared from it and her head turned to see her daughter rush to her father’s side. It was in that moment, the similarities stood out. Lyn was certainly her father’s daughter.

Her eyes flickered to Alaira. She sized up the half elf’s body language, something she was good at, which concluded something was wrong. Her eyebrow raised to silently asked the biped what was wrong though it might’ve been easily missed. Alaira had been use to Lyn’s lacking speech ability but Mar’s could’ve been another matter, unlike Althalus who had learned to read her like a book.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lucilia Riovas

Taking Grey's report, she gave it a quick skim. She noted that it was quite... Sparse. She didn't exactly expect Grey to be much of a writing man, but she hoped that he at least had some names in this report she could use for following investigations. Something to either tell her what the cause of these attacks were, who started them, or some sort of confirmation to let her know they aren't going to be a problem any more. But that was a issue she'll have to deal with later, on top of everything else. "I see."

As Lucilia was about to dismiss him, Grey mentioned his part in the disaster of a mission and some feats that he found strange. Honestly, knocking a door across the room and crushing people's heads weren't too much of a surprise for Lucilia. After all she's seen, they were quite normal things most powerful creatures were capable of. Hell, Lucilia could do it herself depending on the circumstances. She certainly could crush a human head with her vampiric strength, though she doesn't suspect that Grey knew that. Nor would he know about the runes underneath his flesh, which likely played a part in his show of strength. Frankly Lucilia knew very little about them herself, as the last time she saw those runes were when Grey arrived to her room with a compound fracture. If only he was aware of the power he could hold...

"Hmm. Well, I have heard that some people, in the heat of a moment, are capable of super-human feats. People tearing their enemies limb-from-limb, or surviving being crushed underneath a ten ton boulder, or generally surviving the madness that happens here at the college." Lucilia tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but in the event that Grey's humor didn't pick it up she leaned forward and smiled at him. "I'll be sure to look into it Grey. But right now I'm sure you have a lot of other things on you mind. I understand that... Terrible things have happened. Later, when I'm not busy, perhaps we can meet and you can tell me the details. I know it must weigh heavily on your mind. I'll help you however I can."

A raven with a pink string and a small roll of paper tied to it's leg landed on Lucilia's desk. Taking the slip of paper Lucilia was informed that the Scarlet Traveler arrived, with the Caravan crew. That meant Alaira, Darius, Ssarak, Meirin, and hopefully Lyn. "It seems like the next group is due to arrive. I'm sorry to cut this short, but it seems like I'm going to have to get back to work. You're due for some rest Grey. Spend the rest of the day to relax and unwind. I'll also be sending your pay cut for the mission sometime this week. And... No matter what happened, you at least came back with the whole team. Mistakes were made that's true. But you're all alive, and now you have a chance to make things right. Don't throw that away because of doubts."


In the deep pits of the Inferno, Tyrael found himself in yet another bloody brawl between himself and demons. Business as usual; this wasn't even the enemy, but his own horde. He was still culling the lot of them with brutal deaths in order to assert dominance and figure out who amongst them holds loyalties to Kudd. Normally demons, while cunning, were also weak and cling to their stronger allies. Tyrael needed to make it clear to them that despite Kudd's godly powers, he was the one who could help and harm them right now. And to communicate this he was chopping off limbs and heads with his axe.

Though Tyrael himself wasn't really all that into it. By this point he wasn't even facing the strongest in his army, just a mass collection of imps, whelps, and the occasional quirky demon who no less feel under the heavy enchanted blade of his weapon. No, Tyrael's mind was back on the college, and specifically the family he had there. No one there was related to him by blood, but by bonds. But despite thinking like that, he started to wonder what his place amongst them was. Of all the people at the college, Mar was perhaps the only one who knew him best, and even she was largely unaware of Tyrael's life before meeting the Nagas in the Ravine. And sure, Khan is more informed about Tyrael's actions in the Inferno, and he was one of the few people who actually knew his true name. But even so their relationship was professional. And thinking back to Mar, Tyrael felt that he had been... Pushing her away, and yet expecting her to still latch onto him as the only source of familiarity. He didn't like to think about it, but he enjoyed that hold he had over her. It made him feel important.

And than Lyn came along, with that mortal Athalus. Initially Tyrael hated him, and currently he still does. But back than he hated him because Tyrael thought he had forced himself onto Mar and was going to kill him for it, only to be later told that the relationship is consensual. This brought a different rage within him, one that was all too familiar. Jealousy.

"Love is a powerful source, is it not?"

Tyrael swung his axe at the voice, only to have it stopped dead by Vorinclex's hand. "Just like Pylia, is it not? Driven by your love for you you embrace madness!" Though there was thousands of lesser demons around him, Tyrael ignored them to attack Vorinclex. The demon dodged and weaved, using the demons around him to shield himself from Tyrael's wrath. "Do not deny it Karnage. You are driven by the feeling of belonging. With Pylia you felt loved and accepted, and with Mar you felt needed and important. But now she has a man, someone who could care for her and love her in ways you cannot. Ways that you cannot achieve not matter what powers you gained!" Tyraek roared in fury, using his magic to force the demons around him to swarm Vorinclex. But Vorinclex countered using his own Demonomancy to force the imps to kill themselves. They fought amongst each other while ignoring Tyrael's command. Or rather, was conflicted between his and Vorcinlex's, for their power were equal.

"He can please her in ways you can't. She requires the touch of a man, not the love of a monster. Don't you see? This isn't about you any more. There is no story for you. You chose to seal yourself away, and this is what happens. You wanted to be aloof and distant, and now she left you! You're angry that you're alone, despite the fact that you chose this. You chose yourself over her. And now you hate him, you hate him and you can't even find it within yourself to admit you were wrong! You want to believe it was his fault, but the truth was that you were never there for her."

Vorinclex readied himself for Tyrael's attacks, but it never came. As the chaos around them raged on, Tyrael just glared at his inner demon. He tossed his axe onto the ground and turned his back against Vorinclex.

"That is true."

Tyrael left the battlefield. He let his demons cull the horde as an extension of his power. It was just another day at work, although Tyrael himself wasn't sure how long he's been here. Hours, days, weeks maybe? The flow of time in the Inferno was convoluted and inconsistent. He at least found himself on one of the more stable planes where he could return to the college after a few day's absences instead of longer. And to ensure that he did not dally too long he even had a demon who specific purpose was to keep track of time amongst the different planes. It's eyes could see the flow of time, allowing it to measure the dates and duration of Tyrael's time in the Inferno. He had been gone for a few days in Tiien, while he had been within the Inferno for about two weeks, specifically twenty days. It was about time that Tyrael returned.

"What will you do now, Karnage?"

Vorinclex appeared before Tyrael, sitting on top of his demon. He appeared to be eating the skull of a demon, who was still twitching and screaming. He jumped off the demon and landed in front of Tyrael. Tossing the head off to the side Vorinclex shrugged his shoulders and continued to speak. "You always with a simple answer like that and expect me to accept it. Explain yourself for once, instead of assuming everyone knows what you are thinking." Tyrael walked onward, followed by Vorinclex. The inner demon seemed much more casual than Tyrael, who kept a staunch and stiff posture while Vorinclex was more relaxed. Occasionally he even began to dance as he walked, moving to a music only he could hear. As the trip seemed to take some time, Tyrael spoke as soon as he was certain it was only him and Vorinclex.

"She is a strong woman. I did not feel the need to be around and care for her, despite how much I wanted to. She needed to be able to adapt to the college, even if it meant leaving her alone. I... I regret it. I cherish my time with her. But I knew that if I stayed, she would continue to cling onto me. She needed to leave me. To find him. And... And I did not want that. She is like a daughter to me. No matter how strong and mature she is, I feel that I must protect her. Teach her, show her how to live and survive. I know she can do it without me, but even so, I value the time we spend because they are the kindest moments of my life. And when he came, I felt that my purpose was over. I was always alone at the college, and being her with me made me feel not alone. But now she has him, and... I do not think she has any time left for me. Which is why... Which is why I want a second chance. To feel needed and wanted again. So yes. It is my fault that I feel this way. And I do not foresee that I will change my ways any time soon. But I am aware of these problems, and I do not need you to remind me!"

Suddenly Tyrael turned and grabbed Vorinclex by the neck, crushing his throat. Though he was a full demon, Vorinclex was still soffocating. He didn't really however, and simply gave a gurgling death chuckle as his body feel to the ground. As a full demon Vorinclex would heal before long, ready to come back and haunt Tyrael. But at least Tyrael was able to throttle the bastard.

Eventually Tyreal returned to the moral realm through one of the halls in the college catacombs. Here was not unlike the Ravine of Demons, however he took extra precaution to ensure that only he could move through here by empowering the Veil, as well as providing various rune-etched devices for identification. Once he passed these test he left the catacombs and headed back to the surface. He was going to head back to his forge and follow up with one of the orders he had, but before he arrived he heard talk of the students. Apparently some who were sent on missions had returned. The one sent to Eania, whom Mar was with, had also returned. But the other things he heard made Tyrael's eyes grow wide. He raced to the infirmary.

Not one for normal entries, Tyrael did not bother to take the halls and stairs and instead used his demonic strength to propel himself through the air and onto one of the balconies at the Infirmary. He entered and moved his way through the various patients and assistants until he found the beds were Mar and Athalus were being held. Alaira and Lyn was also there, which would make things a bit more difficult. But without hesitation, Tyrael walked towards Athalus. "Mort- Athalus." Tyrael had to remember to stop calling everyone a mortal, more so when there was more than one in the room. Shooting a glance between Athalus, Lyn, Mar, and Alaira, Tyrael shortly debated to himself if she should have Lyn moved away. He didn't want Lyn to see her father right now, not in this state, but Tyrael set his feelings aside. Perhaps she could help. Help the both of them.

"Show me your hands."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Mercifully, the journey back to the college had been quick and uneventful, but now they had to contend with giving their report of the mission. Alaira had gone to take Lyn to her parents, and Ssarak was not sure where Darius had gone, which left himself and Meirin to report to Lucilia on the events which had occurred. Ssarak had the evidence they had gathered in his pack, apart from the encrypted journal which he was holding in his hands. Some of it could be understood, but most of it was encrypted and would take time to decipher. Still, there was a good chance it contained evidence, and he was certain the college could make use of it.

For the moment, Ssarak and Meirin were down the hall from Lucilia's office. Since they were giving the report, and it was not entirely good news, they needed to make sure they were in agreement on what to say. "I do not imagine this meeting will be...comfortable. The mission, I would not call it a failure. The evidence we have recovered sheds some light onto the nature of these attacks, and this encrypted journal may contain yet more information. We did reach Hysteria safely with the caravan master, and more cargo than we started with, but we both know the mission did not go nearly as well as those facts would imply. I do not like to do anything that would cast blame upon an ally as opposed to myself, but in this case, it could be dangerous not to warn her about Alaira. Her actions put us in danger on multiple occasions, and she may well cause someone's death in the future. Perhaps there is hope for her; perhaps she can be taught judgment, but in her current state, I would not desire to be placed on a mission with her again. What do you think? How...harsh should we be?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira had never let Lyn out of her sight... Though that didn't mean she never let her wander. She could have stopped her, but she didn't. If she felt she needed too, or she got too far from her, she'd be ready to go out and grab her in an instant. Of course, unlike her, her companions had other things aside from Lyn to focus on, so any time when one of them turned around, they'd shout after her and bring her back before she felt she needed too. She'd have to help teach her to listen a little better... Or at least wait until she could protect herself before wandering off alone like that. But for now she could let the child have her fun.

Alaira had slept most of the way home, with Lyn in her arms... She knew it was silly, but she couldn't help that worry that one of the vampires would get peckish or something. She kept her arms wrapped protectively around her the whole trip, and she probably wouldn't have spoke even if she was awake. She was awoken when the cart came to a stop, something that hadn't happened once since they stepped onto it... She pulled Lyn close, slowly shuffling out of the cart with the girl, unhooking her pack from the outside and slipping it on.

She'd heard some talking, evidently one of the other groups had returned, Lyn's parents' group. Some more talking, and it was clear it hadn't seemed to have gone very well, and they were all stuck in the infirmary. She quickened her pace then... It was unlikely either of them were dead, someone would've mentioned it... But she didn't know how hurt they might have been. She had to take Lyn back to see them, hopefully that would make them feel better... Lyn looked up at her when it was clear that's where they were headed, an inquisitive look on her face.


Alaira simply smiled, tousling her hair a bit as she walked.

Don't worry about it...

When they went through the door, Lyn seemed to know the reason when she saw her mother off to the side, with Athalus sitting beside her in a chair... Well, from the looks of things it was probably too serious for a joke of any sort, so she let Lyn down when she began to squirm for her mother. She couldn't help but smile when she dashed over to her father. Adorable... She turned to Mar, surprised to find she was awake, and looking straight at her. She seemed... well, she'd learned a lot about body language these past months, but she couldn't do it as well with people other than Lyn, since people all had their own unique tells and such. Still, it didn't take a genius to see that she was worried, and one could only assume she was worried about... Her? Huh... She didn't really know Mar very well. She'd assumed she didn't like her on the grounds that most people didn't.

Alaira could tell she was upset too, and she turned her head back to Lyn... Rather than answering her question, she took a step forward, lifting Lyn up again. "It's alright..." She said softly, patting her on the head. "Lidda'll fix her no matter what it is... Why don't you say hi to Mama too?" She asked, placing her on the bed beside her mother. She probably hadn't meant to ignore her mother, she just must've just been worried is all.

Truth be told, she didn't really care what exactly was wrong with her, so long as she could be fixed up... She sat across from Athalus, and was about to open her mouth to speak, when she looked down... She reached forward, grabbing him by the wrist and pulling up to get a good look at his stump-hand. She twitched slightly, anger boiling under her surface... She wasn't quite willing to start screaming so near to Lyn however. "If whatever did this is still breathing I want a name and a face..." She said, low. She was already planning all sorts of horrible acts of vengeance...

Yet again, that would have to wait as something she didn't expect as there was a whoosh and a thud over from the balcony... She twitched some at the sight of Tyrael. That creature always showed up at the very worst of times. She stood when he arrived, and when he pushed his way to them and asked about Athalus, she shoves him, which might move him about a foot on the grounds he probably didn't see that coming... "Why? So you can eat the other one?" She growled, stepping in front of the others.

She knew she couldn't fight Tyrael. There was no chance, even without magic. All he'd have to do was simply toss her aside... But she wouldn't move willingly. Her suffering these past few months, Lyn's, Athalus' and Mar's near-deaths, as well as so many others, all his fault. Anything Tyrael touched turned to shit eventually, and she wouldn't just let him destroy them too, intentional or otherwise. "Why don't you just climb back into your hole or something, monster?"
Grey Onyx

Grey sighed as she spoke. These things may have been easy to dismiss, but... He was just human, right? He was no wizard, all of these things happening were quite strange, and they worried him... That... Monster, especially. Her head was mush, mush. Now, he didn't know many people, but he'd never heard of a normal person that could do that. He nodded as she spoke, sure he could trust her to do that. He sighed. "Thank you... That means a lot." He said, finally looking her in the eyes again.

He nodded as she continued on, rising to his feet. He felt... better. He supposed that beating himself up over it was pointless... He couldn't really help it himself, but she could always snap him out of it. "Thanks again..." He said, crossing his fist over his heart, the guard's salute. He turned to leave, though he stopped by the door, suddenly remembering something. "Oh... And divide my cut and give it to the others." He said, exiting before she had a chance to argue. He didn't feel like he had to, this was generosity rather than appeasement. He had a salary, after all... And they didn't.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Truth be told Mei has never been to Hysteria. She's never taken anyone actually into the city, as the monks typically leave the group once the city was within sight. But it was a colorful place, it seemed so exciting and new. It doesn't even look familiar, and yet Meirin knew it well enough to recognize it. She was almost as enthralled by the sights and sound as Lyn was, and was half-tempted to spend some time looking around the sights. However the mission at hand was more important. One day perhaps she'll come back to Hysteria and enjoy the scenery.

She hoped that the caravan master wasn't too angry at the college still. She tried to cheer him up, but frankly those bandits ruined the mood. She was surprised to meet with the Scarlet Travelers, as she had once provided security for them in the past. She never knew they were aligned with the college, Lucilia is particular. "Learn something everyday." The trip back was uneventful and shorter than the trip going to the college. She wondered if their efforts of stopping the bandits actually helped make the roads safer. She remembered back at the monastery where even if the school was asked to disperse a clan of raiders on behalf of the local villages, it always seemed like a new gang would replace them the next day. It felt odd seeing how... Peaceful Djarkel was. She's only known conflicts and fights here. Maybe it'll do them all some good to get away from that.

Meirin was happy to be back at the college. It was a familiar place to her even though she's been there for less than a year. Alaira took Lyn off, probably to go see the parents. But as she was watching them leave Ssarak came up and asked her how they were going to inform Lucilia about what happened during the mission. Ssarak was concerned about the dangers Alaira posed and Meirin's own face darken at the idea of participating with her again. While she wasn't one to abandon others, Meirin was seriously considering if Alaira wanted or was worth help. On one hand, she was noting but trouble ever since they first arrived to the bridge. Then again, would she really be any better if they just left her alone? Meirin wanted to have nothing to do with her and let someone else sort out Alaira. But deep down Meirin felt that someone needed to help her, to tell her that she's wrong and that she needs to change. Because Meirin doesn't want to feel responsible for Alaira hurting herself or anyone else because no one was ever there for her.

"We should be honest. We tell her that Alaira started a wild fire on a hunch, that she attacked guardsmen under the impression that they were vampires in the middle of the day, and that she holds very little respect about us or the caravan master. She doesn't work well with others and is prone to violence without consulting any of us. Then we can let Lucilia decide what to do with Alaira. However..."

Meirin suddenly began to look angry and marched towards Lucilia's office. "I honestly don't care about her right now. She's alive, and I'm more concerned that Lyn was smuggled onto the wagon. While there's a lot of things Alaira is wrong about, I'm certain that she's right that Lucilia played a part in endangering Lyn. And as mad as I am with Alaira what Lucilia did... That's unforgivable." There was a certain fire in Meirin's eyes. A deep, burning flash that Ssarak would have seen during the brief moments when Meirin fought against the demons. Hatred, anger, and a desire to protect, even if it meant killing others. Meirin took that emotion and controlled it. Instead of letting it loose and control her, she's taken that anger and honed it into a fine blade. A blade that she wouldn't hesitate to aim at Lucilia, more so since Meirin was still carrying her weapon with her, with the intent of getting into a fight. Both verbal and physical.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak gave a slight huff as he nodded in agreement. Alaira's actions had been foolish, and close to deadly to them, but she was not, nor had she ever been to his knowledge, in a position of power or leadership. It made sense to him how she could lack judgment, but for Lucilia, she was in a position of authority at the college. She was meant to be a leader, and he could not fathom how she could have such authority and still be willing to send a toddler on a dangerous mission for seemingly no purpose.

"I could not agree more. Alaira lacks judgment when working with a team, but Lucilia, she is meant to be a leader here. Her motivation for hiding Lyn in that carriage must have either been terribly foolish or...even intentionally malicious. I am not certain which would be worse, given her position here. But..." Ssarak began as he took a few steps in front of her and placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping them in the middle of the hall. Now that they were in the college, he no longer needed to wear his helmet, leaving his concerned expression plainly visible. "I know you Meirin. I can hear it in your voice; see it in your eyes. You are angry. Righteously angry. But as much as I hate to say it, we have to accept our limitations. Lucilia, as foolish as her past decisions might have been, is a master of herbamancy. That is not a power to be taken lightly. She could kill both of us. Easily. Not to mention the college's rules against violence. We will not let her get away with this, but we have to find another way to do it. Certainly, we should still confront her about it, but please, stay your blade. I do not wish to see you harmed."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Feeling Ssarak's hand on her shoulder Meirin knew that she had to let go of her anger. It wouldn't do her any good to flip out against Lucilia, partly because she is a teacher of the college, as well as the fact that even if they were to fight in a strait melee, Meirin knew that Lucilia's vampire strength could overcome Meirin's techniques. Perhaps when she was stronger in both magic and combat, Meirin could challenge Lucilia. But for now she'd need to let cooler heads prevail.

"I'm still going to give her a piece of my mind! At least with Alaira we're more than capable of surviving the messes she gets herself into. But for her to endanger Lyn, I can't even begin to imagine what she was thinking! She always seemed like a reasonable woman. I don't know what got into her mind to let Lyn tag along on such a mission." Meirin fumed with anger and was still holding onto her weapon, but she was calming down step-by-step. She wanted to confront Lucilia about this, maybe not fight her, but to let her know that this is unacceptable. Though Meirin would need to think of a better way to prevent this from happening. "I don't want Lucilia to think that she could try pulling something like this off again. I never really thought about it until recently, but Lucilia does seem like the type of person who'd easily abuse or at least use her powers, both magical and authoritative, to get away with these things. And I want to make it clear to her that is not the case!"

Meirin had her fill of corrupt government official in Djarkel. Lucilia would certainly fit there, but Meirin wasn't going to allow the worse of Djarkel seep into the College. She came here not only to learn about her magic, but to get away from all that. The manipulation and cold-hearted treatment of others. It was easy to abuse power and Meirin fought often not to do it herself. She didn't want to live under the rule of someone who would so easily misuse her skills to cause trouble for others. "Perhaps we could tell one of the other teachers first? We don't need to see Lucilia right now. We... We could go to Khan! I'm sure he'd listen, and he's the headmaster. I... I know it's our word against hers, but we have Alaira and Darius to back us up too. And as difficult as Alaira is, I'm sure even she could work with us to make sure that Lucilia get's a proper punishment. And maybe even Satori? She's a master Psychomancer, so I'm sure that she could use her magic to prove that we're telling the truth!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak nodded, relieved that Meirin was starting to abandon the idea of violence. They were novices in magic, and though both of them had considerable martial training, the sheer power of magic could easily overshadow even the most skilled weapon master. But, even as novices, in both skill and authority in the college, they were not powerless. The right words to the right people could bring down some form of attention onto Lucilia.

"Hmm, you may have a point. I do not think she could do anything to stop us from implicating her if we confronted her first, but it may be safer to speak to another on the matter beforehand. You are correct that Satori could prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we are not lying. We might be able to convince her to go to Khan with that proof, and from there, well, it would be up to him on how to respond. I do not know what punishment they will give to her, especially during these times. Even if they just start to watch Lucilia more closely and be more critical of her choices...it will have to be enough. As long as she can do nothing like this again, that is all that matters." He responded, though after a few moments, he let out a sigh and looked in the direction of Lucilia's office.

"But...we still need to give this report. The knowledge we gained on this mission could save lives, and Lucilia is the person to give it to. We do not have to say anything about Lyn right now. I know it will be...frustrating to speak to her at the moment, but the information we have is for the benefit of the college, not Lucilia." Ssarak added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Things had been...hectic since he returned to the College, with an injured Mar in tow. After being held up at the infirmary, as Lidda and Sam insisted upon healing the wound he had, he tried to leave to find Alaira and thus Lyn. Much to his consternation, he learned that Alaira had been sent on a mission as well and Lyn hadn't been seen since. Leaving Mar to recover, since she was unconscious, Althalus began searching the College for his daughter. Luckily for the College, Uicle got to him before the assassin could begin panicking and doing something stupid like demanding Khan mobilize the entire population of the College to find Lyn. The Necromancer explained that Lyn was fine, currently sleeping in Alaria's arms, and yes she was on the mission with the elf, she had been left in Lucilia's care, and maybe the vampire had given her experimental elixirs before smuggling her on the trip with Ssarak, Meirin and all the rest and several very bad things had happened. Needless to say Althalus was, too put it lightly, pissed. Rather than letting Althalus go and try to kill Lucilia, Uicle managed to convince him to stay with Mar for when she awoke.

So Althalus was left sitting with Mar, worried about Lyn and his worries only increased when Mar awoke and did...nothing. His attempts to get her to speak were met with silence.

That was how Alaira and Lyn found them, Althalus merely waiting for something to happen. His eyes glanced up at the sound of running feet coming towards him, and a pathetically relieved grin crossed his face as he saw Lyn moments before she collided into him. He hugged her tightly. "Oh by the Gods I'm so glad you're okay, you maniacal gardener." It took a few moments before he let go of her enough to let her gesture towards Mar.

After Alaira answered he added a, what he hoped was soothing, small lie. "She's just tired. We had a very...trying past few days. She'll be okay in a bit, I promise." He let go of Lyn only reluctantly as Alaira put her beside Mar. The elf sat down and seemed to be getting ready to speak, when she saw his hand. Before could make a sheepish excuse, she had grabbed it and was examining it. "Ow, still tender, still tender!" Althalus said, managing to free his stump from the Alaria's grasp. "I can't give you either. I never got the first, and Grey reduced the latter into a fine paste." Althalus shuddered, both at the memory of Hunger's face and what Grey had done to her. Then of course, things got even worse.

Tyrael arrived and the human only smiled tiredly at his words. "Hand. I only have one." He held up his stump for example, just as Alaira got defensive. Before things could get any worse, Althalus intervened. "Enough." He spoke sharply, his tone brooking no argument despite the fact that the both of them could easily kill him, especially now.

"Alaira, I know you don't like Tyrael. I'm sure the feeling's mutual. But, you have to accept that Lyn loves him as much as she loves all of us. Like it or not, she considers him an Uncle and you getting in a fight with her Uncle would not have a good effect on her. Mar is sure that Tyrael cares about her, and that is good enough for me. While he may not give a single fu-," Althalus hastily corrected his language before Lyn could pickup on the word, "-care about my well being he cared enough about Mar to prevent her from being killed in her village, brought her here to the College, and then kept her from being banished. Tyrael, yes my hand is gone, no you can't do anything involving demons to get it back. Be nice to Alaira, she's just as protective of you are but it's directed at everything outside of her and us rather than everything outside of you and us." He smiled slightly at the berserker, before continuing.

"Now. Both of you will respect each other's protectiveness of Mar and Lyn, both of you will not get in a fight in front of my daughter, and both of you will play nice with each other. Besides, you have better targets than each other to take your anger out on." He shifted his gaze solely to Alaira. "I know that you left Lyn with Lucilia. I know that she was smuggled onto your caravan mission with Lucilia's help. I know what happened on the mission. I don't blame you for anything that happened or nearly happened to Lyn Alaira. I know you would rather kill yourself than harm her, so don't start with anything approaching an apology or whatever you were planning before you saw my stump." Althalus continued, not giving the elf time to interject.

"I suspect Lyn wants to deliver her flower," He smiled at his daughter, the flower still held tightly by her, "to Lucilia as promised. I can't leave Mar and I don't trust myself not to do something stupid when if I meet Lucilia in the next several years or so, so I would like you both to escort Lyn too Lucilia's office. Have Lyn give Lucilia her flower, and then inform Mrs. Rovias that if she ever goes near my daughter again, I will kill her. Likely with both of you helping. I want both of you to go because Tyrael has enough power to ensure Lucilia doesn't try anything, and I think you would like to have a few choice words with her yourself Alaira. On the way there, you can both start working on how you're going to play nice when you hate each other's guts."

He looked up expectantly at the both of them. "Any questions?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael simply took a step to the side when Alaira tried to push him over. He didn't really care for it; she had all rights to be angry at him, and right now he wasn't here for her anyways. Athalus revealed his stump hand, proof of his injury. In his mind, Tyrael raced with thoughts of how to help him. Granted, if he was just any other human Tyrael would have done nothing unless Khan had asked him to, but this was different. Athalus was Lyn's father, and he had responsibilities to uphold. Not being in this sorry state was one of them, and Tyrael wasn't going to let him just live like this. Despite his protests.

But there was a lot more going on. The demon's eyes narrowed when Athalus informed him that Lucilia had sent Lyn on a mission with Alaira. The caravan mission, which if Tyrael remembered correctly, took them through Djarkel. He didn't know how that mission turned out but even he heard tales of a massive wild fire that occurred sometime after the group left. It destroyed fifty acres of farm land and a forest, and Lyn was there for it. A mixture of emotions began to boil and bubble from Tyrael, so much that it actually fueled Vorinclex's resurrection. His voice echoed in Tyrael's head, taunting him. He shut him up quickly with a declared statement.

"We both know we hate each other. But I love Mar and Lyn more than I hate you. I refuse to allow you to live... Like this." Tyrael motioned towards Athalus's stump hand. "I do not care if you want my help or not. That injury is not a scar you can flaunt with pride. That is a wound that weakens you. I will provide whatever resources necessary to make sure you recover, demonic or otherwise. If nothing else, I will be forging you a fake hand... Until we can heal your hand."

Tyrael than gave a quick glance around the room, towards Alaira, Lyn, and then to Mar. Mar... Something was off with her. No doubt something else that Athalus is to be blamed for. But her injuries would prevent Tyrael from taking her out from this room. And he knew he could not stay. If only because he knew Alaira would challenge him if he did, despite his position as the Master of Demonomancy. Normally he would not back away from a fight, but this one was pointless. Alaira was just another protective beast like he was. Though at least Tyrael tries to think better than that. "There is too much going on right now. As much as I would want to see her head roll, there is a time and place to deliver justice to her. Alaira. Take care of Lyn. Do not bring her to Lucilia... Not by yourself. I am going to begin forging Athalus's hand. As for you mortal." Tyrael looked back to Athalus. "I do not know what had happened on the mission. But you are not the only one who suffers a crippling injury. If I was not wanted here, I would treat this wound myself. However..." Looking back between everyone the demon sighed and walked towards the door.

"I will return within one hour."

Tyrael walked back to his forge with a mental map of Athalus's new hand in his head. It was going to be a simple thing, just something to cover his stump and give it protection from further wounds. Assuming Lidda can't use her magic to restore damage, Tyrael was going to have to look over his journals and tomes to figure out a way to get a new hand for Athalus. Maybe through the help of demons, maybe through human sacrifice. He didn't master Demonomancy just to have everyone deny him the chance to use it.

Lucilia Riovas

When Grey exited the room Lucilia simply leaned back and closed her eyes. She sighed lightly and allowed herself a few minutes of respite. It has been nothing but looking over papers, reading reports, writing letters, with the occasional drink of coffee or her Marrow Draught. She has had very little time to experiment with it ever since the war with Kudd began in earnest. It was a minor thing, all things considered. Just a alternative to the blood that vampires naturally drink. But if she could some how perfect it, than vampires all over the world wouldn't have to become monsters. Not by their hunger at least.

There was a twitch in her mind and a knock on her door. "Come in." With another wave of her hand Lucilia's door opened. And the one who came inside was Satori. She too has been working around the clock trying to do work for the college, even after delegating most of her tasks to her advance students. Lucilia wasn't sure why Satori was visiting her but she made it clear herself. "Just so you know, I cannot defend you for what's to come."

"Oh? I take it you mean... Lyn."

Lucilia closed the door behind Satori and made the two of them a cup of coffee. Satori never left her spot in front of the door however. Her tired eyes pierced into Lucilia's soul. "We are both horrible people, you and I, but even so I will not stand in your defense. I've abused my powers for petty reasons and I accept my mistakes, and I hope that you will too." Lucilia took a seat and a sip from her coffee and looked at her pink-haired friend. "I am no mind reader, but even I knew that she simply wanted to-"

Satori raised her hand towards Lucilia, and used her magic to dissolve her cup, coffee and all. She was being serious. "No. No excuses. You are my friend so I will be honest with you. What you did was stupid and unlike you. You sickens me. I am ashamed that I only learned this until now. I thought you were better than that." Satori turned around facing the door. Lucilia allowed her to leave, looking at the second cup of coffee she had set out for Satori. Taking it into her hands Lucilia took a sip.

"I got a feeling that I'll be hearing that a lot today..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alaira Taenn

Alaira seethed as Athalus spoke... How dare he talk to him like some sort of person, and how dare he ignore her?! She was trying to protect him! He continued on, and she was clear he just didn't get it... And he continued further... No, she didn't have to apologize for shit. Lyn was unharmed, totally unharmed, and if it weren't for her... She waited for him to finish, and she simply shook her head, rolling her eyes. Even though it reminded her of a petulant child, she would not go. Ever.

She scoffed at Tyrael's words, letting him bugger off without much issue... She sighed, turning to Athalus... "I bet you think I'm the same, huh? Just some beast that cares for your wife and daughter..." She said, clenching her fist. "But you know what the difference is?... This beast cares about you, too... and I won't let him turn you into another monster." She said, even... She slumped back into her chair, gently reaching over to pat at Lyn... "And... Let me talk to Lucilia..." She said, quietly... "If... If Lyn wasn't there... Mei would have died... and it would have been all my fault..." She almost whispered. She didn't know if he knew her, but still... She thought of her as a friend, sort of.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 1 hr ago


It felt wonderful in Lyn’s mind to have her father’s arms wrapped about her. His warmth, touch, scent and sound brought her the greatest comfort as she tried to crush him back. Though hug seemed odd since he only had one hand, his other tapered off into a stump, making her curious about what happened. She resisted the temptation to hold it close to her face and examine it, her curiosity still nagging at her even when the hug ended.

Lyn gave a sheepish grin as she pulled from her father’s embrace, her eyes brightened at the gentle nickname. She was happy to see her parents both alright, though not in one piece. However, something nagged at her. She noted something wasn’t right with her mother, there no sight of her usual strength and slowly a dark and weary feeling spread from her core. A foreboding of sorts. She didn’t like it in the least, though her thoughts were interrupted when she felt herself picked suddenly by Alaira. Reflexively her hands rested on the half elf’s shoulder followed by the comforting pat on her head and soothing words. Though how true those words were, Lyn had doubts. Something had hurt her mother but the way to fix it was something strange to her and likely beyond her knowledge, at least the child thought.

Being placed on her mother’s bed, Lyn’s hand touched Mar’s to give a comforting touch. What happened next was something that only shocked the child causing her face to pale with worry and concern. Mother’s hand shifted away from under hers and merely folded onto the other. Naturally she looked to the only two people that might realize how important that small, mild gesture was. Tyrael and her dad, the later flinching in pain from Alaira’s hand gripping his stump.

He couldn’t help her and she didn’t know how to fix it. Not when her mom was drawing inward into a depression and pain, preventing her from healing it.

It didn’t matter. The moment her Uncle arrived, his figure leapt onto the balcony and strolled toward them, Alaira became tensed. She twitched at Uncle Tyrael as she stood, pushing to block his way. When her hand pushed him back, Lyn gave a confused and panicked squeal. In the background, she noted Sam and Lidda, the latter trying to keep patch up literally half a student before he bled out and became a corpse, tense up. Their eyes watched the scene occurring between the pair and seemed ready to leap in should a blood bath happen.

Normally it was her mother that would’ve stopped the fighting but instead it was her father.

He was sharp which made Lyn jump, never having heard him like that before. Her fingers tightened upon the flower she had been holding this whole time and squeezed it, drawing precious comfort from it. She hated seeing her family bickering as she tried to keep small, salty tears out of her eyes. The plant painfully slowly started to brush her hand gently as if sensing her fretting and wanted to mend it. Even when her father tried to mend things, it seemed to be worse. Her eyes were blurry with tears while her heart felt close to breaking, her mind confused and unsure what to do. Part of her wanted to dart from the infirmary to find a hiding place their hatred couldn’t reach.

For two people who cared so much for her, it seemed her own feelings didn’t matter much. She was only a child after all. Her face softened when her father, still chiding the two adults, smiled at her and the flower. She nodded to answer her dad’s suspicions, quickly hopping off the bed without wasting much time then moved carefully to the pair. It was a mistake to. Lyn recoiled at the anger wafting over the scene as if physically burned her. Her head turned to watch her Uncle leave and turned to Alaira, finally back to her mother know she couldn’t do anything.


At Tyrael’s mention, Lidda had just finished up her work and was hovering closer. Her back had delicate little wings, dragonfly from the look of them, that buzzed loudly. She wafted close before landing right in wake of his exit route, putting her hands on her hips. So much for her next request she thought, bitterly. Knowing he was going be distracted for a while, she noted Lyn’s miserable state and her heart melted. Immediately she shank down to Lyn’s level, taking several minutes, during her attempt to sooth the girl. “I know something you’ll like, a sweet toffee.”

Without wasting much time, she pulled one out and handed to her. “Eat that, it will make you feel better.”

Alaira sat down, relaxing after she put words in Althalus’ mouth, and petted Lyn’s head. The little girl turned to the half elf with teary eyes while she clenched the flower and candy. It was clear the girl wasn’t sure what to do since the fight as she hadn’t even touched the candy.

Lidda sighed, her yellow cat eyes lingered on the child for a moment, then continued. “When you two are done putting words in each other’s mouths, I can start to work on Althalus. At least unless you want Lyn checked first. If Lucilia has been using experimental elixirs, there could be side effects with that and longer term consequences since she’s a hybrid. Far as we know, she could’ve blocked her mageblood completely.”

The teacher didn’t bother to chide Alaira on how cruel both them were being to Lyn, mainly since it wouldn’t do anything. Instead she let the child’s appearance speak for itself and mindful of where Alaira sat, she moved over to Althalus and gently gesture for his hand. When he lifted it up she looked it over more carefully than Alaira had handled it. “I might suggest, Alaira, and this is more a request, not to manhandle any future mangled limbs. You ended up accidentally tearing the flesh around the edges. Makes it a bit more work for me but at least you didn’t hurt a tendon end, else his fingers might’ve been affected. Vitamancy is amazing but even it has its limitations I’m afraid.”

She let go for a moment, hovering to gain a herb from the shelf. “I can regrow Althalus’ hand. It’s much easier than the last guy’s hips and legs after all which took a few days. It will take a few hours rather than a full day, and painful. I rather not have Lyn sticking around for the process because I don’t think she would let Althalus hold her again, let alone touch her, out of fear. Not a child friendly sight really.”
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