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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Just as he finished speaking, Ssarak noticed someone leaving Lucilia's office, who, under closer inspection, ended up being none other than Satori. Were it not for the gravity of the situation, he might have chuckled. It would be foolish of him to think that something as serious as abuse of power by a member of the staff would remain hidden from her, of all people. One of her primary duties at the college was to maintain its security against threats from within. Of course, he could not be certain that Satori had been speaking to Lucilia about Lyn. All he really knew for certain was that she had been in a meeting with Lucilia, but given the timing of it, he had his suspicions.

"Hmm, I suspect she may already be aware. I suppose we shall see." Ssarak commented to Meirin. As Satori was walking through the hall, Ssarak made eye contact with her and approached, obviously intending to speak with her.

"Greetings." He said, though his expression quickly became notably severe as his head lowered somewhat. He did not bother to open with an explanation, since it was, in all likelihood, unecessary. He knew Satori was always scanning the minds of others, particularly those without wards, in the same of the college's security. She would know his question, if not from his thoughts, from Meirin's. "So, what is your opinion on this situation? Will you bring this to Khan, or one of the others?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

[Rtron and Vesuvius collab]

"Umm, wouldn't they break if you just pushed them down the hill? You could stand in front of them to slow them down and just roll them calmly, but you seem to be in a hurry too." E'nasha spoke, nervous around these people she didn't know, but wanting to help them all the same. She looked around the nest again, noticing the animals still roaming around calmly despite the screeches of the monster bird not too far away. "Maybe, you could tie some of these animals to the carts, and they could keep them going slow enough that they wouldn't break?"

Aramir nodded, glancing back towards the gigantic bird screeches. "We are in a bit of a hurry, as we don't know when the giant bird with a taste for walking, talking, meat will come back and try to kill us all. I don't know about you, but I personally like living. I think we can tie at least a few of them up to the carts, and have them take them down hill." She looked at the makeshift dirt and rock cage that held the animals in it. "Just as soon as we can figure out a way to get them out."

"We should probably just tie some rope around them and then lead them over here to tie to the carts." E'nasha said as she walked over to the edge of the cage. The nearest animals barely paid any attention to her as she started messing with some of the rocks making the wall of the cage. Some of the rocks came out easily, and soon E'nasha was able to dig a hole big enough to fit some animals through, one at a time. Getting them to stand still and tie a rope around them might be a problem, so E'nasha just stood at the opening to block any from leaving without a rope.

Aramir hurried over to the carts, along with Liam and Auriel, looking for enough rope to hitch what animals they could to the cart. It wasn't a quick process. Digging through the carts took time, especially when they didn't know where anything in the carts were. Soon enough though, urged on by the screeches of the Roc, they found rope. Aramir looked up at all the herbivores and then up at E'nasha before handing the rope she had found to her. "You lead them. I would try, but I suspect they'll just drag me away."

E'nasha nodded and took the rope from the elf, stepping into the cage with the animals. None of them charged at her or anything, but that just worried her that they might run away if she got too close. She slowly walked up to one of them, glad that instead of running away, it just stood there and looked at her. "Hey sweetie," She said calmly, "You wanna come with me?" As she asked the question, she made a loop in the rope and tied it around the creature's neck. The animal followed her with only a small tug on the rope, and E'nasha got three animals on the lead before she decided to take them out of the pen. She went over to the carts with them and attached them so they were ready to try and go down the plateau.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Colette bit her lip and looked at her bat wishing their was a way that she could help it and then she rememeber what she had been practicing in her private time away from class. She got onto the wagon quickly already planning what to do. "If I can find away to feed my bat my energy then I get it to become stronger." She thought getitng over to the ballisa. She then thought about what her teacher had said about the what she can do with her power. "I have to choice, merge with my bat or make it stronger...." She thought and with a moment of indeciveness, she felt a strong feeling of determination fill her as her eyes looked hard back towards the battle.

"I have made my choice... Hold on little buddy!" She said and her allowed her eyes to slide close thinking of her bat and how it needed her more. A red aura slowly seeped out of her and that red aura surrounded her demonic friend. When she felt it was enough she opened her eyes which was surrounded by the aura and she shouted.

"HYLLOS TAKE MY POWER, PROTECT ANNABETH WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH" She shouted and the bat screech as it grew a bigger than before and medium size horns appear on its head. Colette's eyes widened as she saw it and her jaw dropped as she heard.

"Yes Mistress Colette" A strong feminine voice rang out in her ears. The bat drove in and attacked the roc more feciously than before drivings it new horns into the roc's body. Once she saw the roc was completely distracted and turned her attention to the ballista.

"This battle has gone on far enough!" She said her voice no longer meek or shy as she took hold of the ballista and she pointed it towards the roc concentrating on her aim.

"EVERYONE OUT OF THE WAY" Colette shouted and she shot the ballista and was shocked it hit the roc straight on. She winced when she heard the roc's final screech before it fell to the ground and twitched only a little before going still for good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


He sighed as Tyrael left, rubbing his temple. "So, as usual, the talks with Tyrael ended on such a positive note." He stared at Alaira in blatant surprise as she spoke, and for a few moments afterwards. "By the Gods is that what you think? That I think you're a beast?" He stood up and hugged the half elf, speaking quietly in her ear. "If you ever call yourself a beast, monster, animal, or whatever insulting term you can think of again, I will slap you, with my stump no less, for letting yourself believe such complete and utter bullshit." He let Alaira go, then sat back down before giving her a half smile. "By the way, Mar and I aren't married. Isn't really important. You can talk to Lucilia, just don't try to kill her please? I think we've all had enough of violence for one day."

Althalus looked guiltily at Lyn as Lidda examined his hand. He felt terrible for not noticing her distress sooner, but it was either speak up or let Tyrael and Alaira go at each other's throats and he knew that would only make things worse. As soon as Lidda let go of his stump to get a herb of some sort, he gently picked Lyn up again and hugged tightly her. "I'm sorry you had to see that, my maniacal gardener."

He glanced at Mar, still silent, before looking between Lidda and Alaira. Reluctantly, he set Lyn down in front of Alaira and spoke with an only slightly forced cheerfulness. "So! You have a flower to deliver to Lucilia don't you? Can't leave her waiting, can we? Why don't you and Aunty Alaira go and deliver your flower to her? I'm sure she'll be very impressed." He looked pointedly at Alaira, jerking his head towards Mar. Hopefully the message of 'I need Lyn gone so I can talk to Mar' would be clear. Althalus looked at Lidda then. "Can we do the whole 'regrow my hand in a painful fashion' thing at a later date? I have other pressing matters to take care of. And no, they can't wait."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey had been... loitering outside of Lucilia's office. He had seen Satori, and for whatever reason something gave him the impression that something was wrong... while he wasn't trying to hide, he was mostly out of sight, leaning against the wall behind a decorative pillar. Of course, even if he had wanted to hide it would not work. There was no way Satori didn't know he was here. Ugh... damned psychomancy. Wait, no. He should be careful what he thinks, she'd hear.

Eventually, she stepped out, and that's when he noticed two others Meirin and... Eysire... guy... He had forgotten his name. He heard little of what they said, but he had heard the last bit. He approached the group, and pat the big dragon dude on the shoulder to get his attention. "Apologies, but what is this 'situation' you speak of?"
Alaira Taenn

Alaira looked down to Lyn. Poor girl... She knew that had hurt her, but as much as she didn't like it Lyn's opinion on this matter was of little consequence. Regardless of Lyn's opinion on him, Tyrael was a demon. A monster. And as bad as Alaira was, she was certainly the lesser of two evils. She pat Lyn on the head, looking apologetic when Athalus spoke up again... She froze up when he stood and... Hugged her. She was quiet as he spoke. As usual, his words made her feel stupid but... she didn't mind this time. She reached around, squeezing him closer for a moment before letting go. Such a simple gesture, but it was a lot from her.

"Y-yeah... Uh... sorry..." She said, mumbling quietly. She just watched him pull Lyn into his lap and give her a hug. She wanted her to be safe and happy, but what was she supposed to do when that came at Lyn's expense?... She tilted her head when Lyn was more or less handed to her, pulling the child into her lap. She nodded when he spoke... yeah, she got it. She looked to Mar, but then she almost wished she didn't. She was still just... staring at things. And Alaira didn't know how to fix her, since she wouldn't brighten up even when she handed Lyn to her. And as much as she wanted to shake her and yell 'Snap out of it', she knew that that would only make things worse. "Alright, c'mon..." She said, rising to her feet with Lyn in her arms. Come on, let's go give Lucilia that flower while she's not... busy." She said with a little smile, patting her on the head as she left the room...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Annabeth Gultch

Riding Samson as hard as she could, Annabeth switched between manuvering the horse and shooting arrows at the Roc's face. She was hoping to land a lucky shot and get him in the eye, but so far she'd be lucky if she could even get the arrows to sink into the bird's breast. Despite being a massive creature, Annabeth had a bit of a hard time hitting the Roc in full gallop, and less lucky doing any notable harm. Her arrows were just too small. Worse still, Samson wasn't going quite fast enough. Without him Annabeth would have surely been eaten by the roc, but even so as the roc was freed from it's bindings it could move faster and more nimbly, making Sampson look slow. "Faster! Come on, we got to go faster!"

But it seemed like only the roc was getting faster. Each step gave it more momentum to move forward, and Annabeth was certain that before long the Roc would be moving fast enough to simply take flight, and which case it would be all over for Annabeth. She fired her arrows blindly at the Roc, a few hitting it's chest but failing to do any serious harm. She would need to cast another blinding light at it in the hopes of dazing it, or maybe cast a stronger illusion. But she was getting tired from just trying to shoot from the back of Samson, and was uncertain she could cast too many spells before her body would give up. She needed to conserve her energy, but at this rate she might lose her life first.

That's when a miracle happened. From the darkness came Colette's bat, but it was... Different. It was bigger for one, and for the shot moment Annabeth saw it it had horns. The girl wasn't sure what happened, either Colette got a new demon or something else was attacking the roc, but it did distract the beast long enough for Annabeth and Samson to get more breathing room.


Annabeth turned her head just in time to see Eural and Colette burst out from the forest. There was a look in Colette's eye that screamed power and fury. Of course she also just screamed for Annabeth to get out of the way, so she pulled on Samson's reigns and gave Colette a clear shot. The Roc didn't know what hit it. The balista bolt, originally just something that Annabeth hoped would incapacitate the monster, was able to pierce through the beast's tough hide and kill it on the spot. It's death throes made Annabeth's hears hurt and nearly made Samson run off in a frenzy, but as quickly as it came the scream stopped. Annabeth looked at the dead roc.

"We did it! Colette! You did it!"

Riding up to the side of the wagon Annabeth smiled to her friend. Just moments before Colette was a meek and uncertain little girl. And now she just killed a roc.


Satori had a vague notion that Ssarak was near by. Her mind was on other things, but still she was able to respond to Ssarak after doing a bit of digging through Meirin's mind. It only affirmed Satori's worries about what Lucilia did, as well as made Satori aware of the girl's more... Intimate thoughts. "Hmm... It's certainly something that he needs to know. It... Would be unfair for me to stand trial against her. But even so I will speak out if I'm called on. I should report to him as soon as possible." As Satori was about to leave Grey arrived. Lucilia's favorite guardsmen. Satori smiled politely while sending two messages; a telepathic message to both Ssarak and Meirin, and a verbal one to Grey.

"They have concerns about one of the students who accompanied them on their mission, Alaira. She has been... Violent. It's not exactly new with her, but even so it's very worrisome for not only the college but to her fellow students as well. More so when they have to put their lives in her hands, whereas she's more interested in ending lives with her hands."

"I understand that you wish to see justice done, but keep what Lucilia has done a secret. We shall deal with her appropriately, and we do not need to create another disaster if word gets out. I promise you that she will be punished, and that she won't get away with this. But you must let us handle this."

Satori sighed sadly as she put her hands to her face, entering a standing state of deep thought. "I do hope we can do something to change her soon. At the rate she's going, I fear she may isolate herself with a bubble of hatred."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Luna Markiplier Fan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Colette stood there in shock of what she had managed to do and a small smile played across her lips as reality finally caught up with her and she looked at Annabeth, Hyllos flying by her head.

"Oh god, I did it. I really did it" she said as she turned her eyes back to the dead roc before turning her head to her newly formed bat, Hyllos wondering if she was imagining it when she thought she heard her talking and as if reading her thoughts Hyloos answered her.

"No you were not imagining it when you had heard me talk mistress" Hyllos said and Colette's eyes widened as she jumped behind Annabeth making Hyllos chuckle lightly at her actions."Yes I can talk now that you have made me your familiar"

"Fa-mil-iar" she said as if testing it on her tongue as she vaguely remember her teacher talking about the familiars in class one day and she looked at the bat.

"This is very interesting...wait say Annabeth wasn't there someone we were suppose to rescue on this mission" Colette asked her friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mar & Alhalus

Mar watched Lyn leave with Alaira, her eyes lifted only long enough to spy her child leave and returned to her lap. Her fingers wove between each other as she began to think. Lust words pierced her mind before fading fast, leaving her stinging at the source. She slipped back into silence and listened to the seven around her, mind lost in thought.

Lidda frowned at Althalus but bit her tongue, the look on his face stopped her. She seemed to understand as she nodded. Lidda retreated and began to check on the others now returning from a mission. Leaving the two alone to sort out whatever differences that had occurred between them, her head keeping an eye on the pair until they left.

Althalus gave a relieved sigh, worried for a second that he’d have to argue with the Vitamancy teacher, and stood up. He moved closer to Mar, speaking gently. “Mar, I think it’s time we went back to the Den hmm? It’s been a long day.”

When Althalus moved closer and spoke, her eyes looked at him before her head nodded. Gently she shifted from her bed and stood upright, most he wounds healed, as she followed his lead. Her eyes casually glanced around while avoiding the students coming and going, his figure kept in her line of sight during the trip.

Althalus moved through the crowd of students at a quick pace, often checking behind him to make sure Mar was following. He didn’t know what was wrong with her, but he remembered the last time she hadn’t been entirely herself. And while Lyn had been the end result of that, she had tried to kill him. He didn’t want to know what would happen if she lost control in this crowded hall. Luckily for all involved, they made it to the Den without incident. As soon as Mar made it through door, he closed it behind them. He turned around, watching her.

“Mar. What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you like this and it’s scaring me.”

Mar inhaled as she slithered into the corner, her body turned to face him. Her brown eyes studied his for a moment and felt something store within. Bitterness a pain, her heart beating it through her body, causing her to speak. "Why didn't you tell me? And why are you sticking around still?"

Her head pulled high and looked harshly at him, studying for lies upon his face.

Althalus was quiet for a long moment. When he spoke he only hesitantly met her eyes, scared of what he might see. “I didn’t tell you because I was afraid. I was afraid that if you learned that I was really a bloodstained monster, you’d leave and you’d take Lyn with you. I’m sticking around still for the same reason I was afraid. I love you Mar. I love you and our child. But seeing as I’ve royally fucked up everything, I won’t, can’t, stop you if you choose to leave and never come back.” He stepped out of the way of the door, and waited.

“You don’t lie to those you love!” Mar hissed, her voice hurt and venomous. “You trust them. Not, pretend you know how they react and what’s best for them!”

Her tail lashed out but not at him. It collided at the nearest object, a desk, sending its surface splintering and dented from her impact. The large furnishing screeched when it fell upon its side where it toppled over. Her anger was clear in her actions though she didn’t intend to do it, her tail reacted to her emotions.

Althalus didn’t flinch as the tail splintered and knocked over the table. “I wasn’t thinking Mar. I want to say that when it comes to you and Lyn I have a bit of logic. But that’d be a lie. I was scared. If you and Lyn left me, because that’s what normally happens when you learn that the father of your child is a souless killer, I would…” He gave a helpless, shrug. “I wasn’t thinking. I only knew that I believed you would leave me. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”

“And you don’t think I have blood on my hands as well? I’ve killed Althalus since I was old enough to slither, have you? Can you say you grew up in a world that either kill or be killed? Mine’s an instinct, not a choice. Lyn is more likely to inherit that than turn you away!” Mar snapped, Her fury growing as her body shivered in pure, uncontrolled rage. She wanted to slap him but she wouldn’t let herself. Heat swept through her core, filling her soul and skin in hot waves which increased in temperature the more she talked. Yet she couldn’t stop herself. “You think you’re the only one that cares about her? Care about you? You’re a bigger fool than I expected you to be Althalus! Why do you have to be damn selfish?!?”

Her tail rose her higher, rearing in striking posture like a cobra ready to strike down a mouse. Her eyes glowed with heat, though if Althalus was looking closely, he would notice the strange pinkish hue they had taken within her eyes. She hated his selfishness so damn much. “Don’t you realize if you die, I lose the one I need the most?”

“You had no choice Mar. That makes you a survivor. Willingly murdering a child for money makes me a monster.” He was about to go on when her sudden explosion into fury. Althalus watched Mar carefully, growing more alarmed as he noted her body language and pinkish hue. He took a few steps towards her, getting into range of her hands. “Mar, we’ve been over this before. I don’t plan on dying any time soon, especially when you’re still trying to get ahold of your emotions. But if it comes down between me or you, Lyn or me, or me or the both of you, I’m choosing myself to die every time. Why don’t you calm down, and then we can get you back to Lidda to get the rest of the venom out of your system.”

Mar hissed louder, her lips curled back and fangs protruded forward. Her fingers curved to look like claws from her irritation at him, her body more agitated by the moment. She slapped out her tail to into his waist and sent him into the door where he made a thud, his figure crumbling from the impact. “YOU DON’T GET TO MAKE THAT CHOICE FOR US!”

Althalus saw the tail coming, after all Mar telegraphed what she was about to do,but all he did was brace for the impact, yelling in pain as he slammed against the door. Picking himself up with a groan and a curse, as she screamed at him, he moved back within arms reach. He was fairly certain at least one rib was cracked, but replied to her, as calmly as he was able. “I do though Mar. Otherwise you’ll make the choice for me. You think that I’ll just be perfectly fine if I could have saved you, but didn’t? If I could have died in your place but didn’t? You and Lyn are the most important things in my life and I will always put you over my own health and safety. I know it will hurt. And I know you’ll likely never forgive me for it. But you’ll still be alive and able to heal. If I live and you die I’ll have lost the one I need the most and I’ll never forgive myself for that.” He stared at her rage filled eyes, clearly in pain. “I love you Mar. It’s why I do all the damned foolish things I’ve done and will do.”

Mar hissed more, her heart painfully ripping into pieces within her, or it felt like it, while she glared at him. Sweat started to pour from her skin and dowsing it. Her heart rattled in her chest before she cried out. “Heal won’t matter if it’s alone. Have you forgotten, I can’t go back home. It’s gone! Destroyed and eliminated, which means I have no where to go. And what about Lyn? I can’t teach her to survive here! She needs her father more and you’ve overlooked what is most important, her.”

She stiffened at hearing say he loved her, causing a new wave of pissed energy to wash over her. Her tail clipped him on the legs causing him to fall but instead of retreating, the tip wrapped about the ankle. She ripped it to the side taking him with it, then sent him into the nearest wall. Mar wanted him to fight back. To make it clear he wasn’t willing to throw away what they had yet he merely took the beating. It hurt, deeply, to know he didn’t care. “Lies!”

Althalus slid across the floor and hit the wall back first, crying out again as he bounced off. He picked himself up again, slower than before. He spoke as he moved back towards her, finally losing his own calm.“This is your home Mar! I know it hurts to have everything and everyone you love killed, your home destroyed, and you were powerless to do anything about it. But home isn’t just where you were born, or where you live. It’s where your loved, with the people you love. I love you. Tyrael loves you. Alaira loves you. Lyn loves you. I didn’t over look her. You can teach her to survive here, and if you really needed help everyone in the College would be more than willing to help! For the last time I don’t plan on dying! But if it’s my death or your death, I’m the one who will die. Because I love you Mar and it’s not a gods damned lie! I love you and I won’t willingly hurt you, even if it means I have to let you beat me black and fucking blue.” He was closer than he had meant to get, looking up at her an inch between them.

"Then you don't find us worth fighting for." Mar cried and the tail lashed out, the pink hue in her eyes having brightened over the conversation's course. Her face crunched up into fury while she knocked him back again. She sent him flying into the door where it cracked, the wood caved into a dent. "You should just leave if we're not worth fighting for."

Althalus crashed into the door, the breath knocked out of him. He laid on the ground, gasping for breath for a few minutes before he picked himself up. “I would fight tooth and nail, I would die for you and Lyn! But I will not fight against you. I won’t willingly hurt you. I love you Mar, and I’ll keep saying that until you accept that I’m not lying! You may hate me for the rest of my life after this but that will not change anything! I’ll love you until the day I die and after that, while my soul is cast into the Pit. I’ll never abandon you, not if I can help it.” Once again, he was aggressively close to Mar, glaring up at her.

"You can't fight to keep us together so why should it matter? You think you're disposable and I won't risk living through that pain." Mar was screaming, her arms raised at her side, staring with bitter tears in her eyes. She couldn't understand what was happening in her body but was driving her. Anger. Pain. Sorrow. It all swirled within her head causing her to grip it and jerk upright to note Althalus' position. He was the cause of this from the hurt to sorrow, unable to stand the war raging within her core. "You should just leave. Just leave before I make you."

“I’m fighting right now to keep us together. I don’t think I’m disposable over all, just when it comes to your life or mine, or Lyn’s or mine!” Althalus shouted back. That’s when he noticed the tears in her eyes, before she suddenly gripped her head and whipped back up to stare at him. In an instant his own anger dissipated and he sighed. His next words were spoken gently."I'm not going anywhere. Not while you're in this state."

Mar wanted to curl into a ball as the talk continued, her eyes intense and blurry. "Yes you are or I'll make you."

He just shook his head, refusing. She didn't want him around if he would just die for her daughter and her, his words seeming to be hollow lies. The poison missed by Lidda was still doing its work. It coursed through her veins, stirring emotions otherwise locked away, as she narrowed her eyes. "Then I'll make you."

Her hips twisted and her tail coiling about Althalus' waist, pulling him close to her. She wrapped tightly about him and her muscles started to crush him. He should've fought to survive. It was what she wanted or she thought she did. When he refused to lash out, her strength crumbled. Her tail became limp while her hand slammed against his chest, each hit weaker than the last. She leaned into his neck and dampened it, soaking it with tears. "I can't let you waste your life on me.Love isn't real."

Althalus managed to keep her from trapping his arms, but was too beat up to avoid the attack, despite him seeing the coil attempt coming. He could feel her tail tightening, crushing him. Despite the fact that death was rapidly approaching he didn’t hit her. He just smiled at her, it only being slightly strained by the crushing grip around his legs. “Haven’t we been in this situation before?”

As she broke down he took the weakening blows, feeling a pain far worse than when he lost his hand at seeing her brought this low. He hugged her tightly as she sobbed into his neck. “I’m not wasting my life on you. I’ve been wasting my life before I met you. And love is real. If it isn’t, why am I still here and why didn’t you just kill me?” She gave no response, continuing to sob. Althalus held her until her sobs quieted and she passed out.

With some difficulty, given his numerous fresh injuries, he managed to put her in the bed in the Den. Time to get Lidda...I think I might prefer fighting with Mar again.. He passed two golems standing outside the Den door, staring at them as they promptly left when he came out.r. “Well, that means at least one person heard us..” he muttered before heading towards the Infirmary. He made as fast a beeline as he was able to Lidda, raising a hand to forestall her obvious questions. “Mar still has venom in her system, she’s resting in our room, and it’d be easier if you just came to there. Please.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Shortly before arriving to Lucilia's door Meirin noticed Grey lingering around. Trying to remember her facts, she thinks that Grey was also sent on a mission and had just returned. How coincidental that they both finished on the same day, or at least returned on the same day. He seemed down however. Meirin would make a point to find and talk to him later, after everything else had been sorted out. But shortly after Grey left Satori entered Lucilia's room. Meirin gulped and wondered why they met. She started thinking and worrying. "I wonder... Is Satori going to side with Lucilia? I always knew they were close friends, and so... If she doesn't testify, or even defend Lucilia... Surely she wouldn't, but I didn't think Lucilia would do this either. I really don't know these people that well." Meirin thought, knowing that both Ssarak and Satori could easily pick up her feelings. She never really bothered to practice making wards, instead focusing on her own magics and other classes that caught her interest.

Wasn't long before Satori left the room and walked over. Ssarak got straight to the point and Meirin was about to add her thoughts when Grey walked up. A tinge of worry hit Meirin. Grey was a friend, but she also knew that Grey worked for Lucilia. His sense of justice was honorable, but his loyalty might also make him side with Lucilia if he knew what she did. Grey was just a man after all, and for all his honor he had his faults. Fortunately for Meirin she didn't need to say anything as Satori covered for the both of them. And she wasn't lying entirely either; Alaira was certainly something that she and Ssarak were going to bring up with Lucilia. Maybe not bring up to Khan, but Meirin wasn't certain. She was also a bit confused about what Satori said. While she spoke about Khan, Meirin could feel Satori send a telepathic message to her about Lucilia. Her finally words also seemed rather vague if she was talking about Alaira or Lucilia. Admittedly Meirin had low opinions about both, but at least she was willing to work something out with Alaira. It would take a bit longer before Meirin would try to forgive Lucilia.

"Mistakes have been made. I'm hoping we can go to Lucilia and try to figure out some sort of solution, since frankly... I don't want to work with her anymore. But she's not really the type of person you can ignore either. I'd rather deal with it now than pretend everything will be fine if I just forget about it. Like it or not we'll be seeing a lot of each other, so I want to try to make things right. But, what about you Grey? How did your mission go?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak gave no visual or verbal response to Satori's request, but his thoughts would show that he understood. As long as Lucilia experienced some sort of discipline for her actions, something that would prevent her from doing something like it again, he could be satisfied. Though, he could understand why Satori might not want word of her transgressions to spread. The students of the college needed to trust its staff as much as possible, especially since there had been many events, even just since his arrival, which had tainted that trust.

Ssarak sent a telepathic message to Meirin, though he made sure his body language did not give away that he was speaking to her. "I suppose this will do. As long as Lucilia's crime is dealt with, I care not if I am involved in the process. Though, I will certainly be willing to speak against her, if they require our help. For now...perhaps we should just deliver our report to Lucilia and warn her about Alaira. After we placate the curiosity of...Grey, is it?"

Normally, Ssarak did not like to read Meirin's mind without permission, out of respect, but as he needed to listen for a response, he did pick up that Meirin knew Grey, and that he was an employee of Lucilia. But, as long as they gave him no reason to suspect anything was wrong with Lucilia, there would not be a problem. "Our mission...well, it was not a failure, not in the objectives we set out to accomplish. Our caravan arrived safely. But, Alaira took actions that may cause problems for the college in the future. We, especially Meirin, might have been able to mitigate the damage Alaira caused, but we cannot be sure. We want Lucilia to understand that it would be a danger to send Alaira on further missions." Ssarak added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lidda and Althalus

Lidda looked frustrated as she hovered over to Althalus.Her wings buzzed and hummed, her eyes spotting the numerous bruises, wounds and worse. She had just gotten done fixing this man up and now he went and let that bitch Naga beat him the hell up! What the hell did he see in her to let her do this to him? Part of Lidda wanted to lock him up despite knowing the Naga was likely in just as bad shape, or he would’ve have came back. She started with a venom in her words and cut the air rather sharply. “I take it your lover did this? Didn’t she?”

Althalus winced as he gave a slight nod. It was no use trying to hide it, the Vitamancy teacher wasn’t an idiot. “I’ll explain in our room. Just help her. Please.” He pleaded, worried that she would refuse because of something Mar did that wasn’t really her fault.

“I’m tempted to just tell the Head Master, and let him deal with her. This is her what, third offense in a short time? How much more? You’re not helping her or yourself.” Lidda accused, her hand curled into a fist and jabbed a single finger into Althalus’ chest twice. Her other hand crossed over her waist while she refused to move.

Althalus would have laughed at the situation if it wasn’t for the fact that he needed the Vitamancer to help Mar. “She’s only had one real offense, with that bastard Xyden,” raw hatred infused his tone before he brought himself back under control, “and the other two have been out of her control, and she hasn’t been herself either time. The second time she was dealing with a bad infection and this time she has venom from a demon copy of herself still inside her.”

“And you can go to the Headmaster, yes, but you know exactly what he’ll do. He’ll banish Mar. She has no where to go Lidda. Her home has been eradicated by the Yarosmerians. Her family has been killed, as far as she knows. What’s more, Lyn and I will leave with her. So what will you do then Lidda? You won’t be able to follow us. All you’ll have done in your attempt to help us is force Mar out of the one place that won’t view her as a monster, not to mention Lyn.” He sighed. He was incredibly weary. “So what will it be Lidda? Shall I go to Mar and tell her to pack her bags, we’ve been banished, or will you trust me and help her?”

“Those bruises, even with my vitamancy won’t go away. Their memory will be there and you know your daughter. Lyn won’t be obvious to this, she’s smart for a kid though she grows like one of Lucilia’s weeds.” The vitamancer teacher commented and relaxed her arm about her waist, her hand pulled up to rub her neck. In truth the mention reminded her how worrisome the child grew, unlike the average ones or even shorter lived races, that she suspected Lyn wouldn’t live longer than a few years at best. And there was nothing any of them could do about it.

“What emotional or whatever shit she is dealing with, it needs some type of outlet is my point. Something more healthy than this else she will be banished because she might edge away from hurting you to others.” Lidda gestured to his broken body. “I don’t even care if I have to spar with the damn Naga on her own terms if that would solve anything. Mar, as a student, when she arrived wasn’t like this. Granted she was distant and withdrawl Currently from the looks of you, if getting close to a Naga means being broken several times then I can understand why she won’t let anyone in.”

Lidda still didn’t move, instead shot another comment. “As for helping her, first tell me what you intend on doing about this.”

Althalus nodded wearily. Lyn would notice these things, he knew. He could create some excuses now, but if it wasn’t solved quickly excuses wouldn’t be enough and she’d figure out what was going on soon enough. “It’s not her fault.” He repeated. “She’s getting used to finally not locking away her emotions, and it is...difficult. Add on the fact that the both times she’s lashed out there has been something in her body making her not herself. Infection. Demon venom. As for what I’ll do about this…” He paused, considering for a moment, and then grinned at the Vitamancy teacher.

"Sounds rough but that's not an excuse. Students get poisoned, hacked and worse but none of them ever lash out in a violent way." Lidda countered before she stopped, noting the smart cheeky grin on the man's face. "What the hell are you thinking?"

“Alaira likes to fight, and you suggest sparring as an outlet. I’m sure I’ll have no problem convincing her to spar Mar. She’s more durable than I am anyways. Are you happy now? Can we go help Mar now?” He pointedly ignored her comments about Mar.

"I'll go but there's still more issues to discuss as that's not the only thing that worries me!" Lidda snapped, knowing this somehow was going to bit her in the ass but she saw little way out of it. If she can't stop the problem then she might as help solve it, her wings buzzing in Althalus' wake. "If she so having trouble dealing with it, what about getting Satori to help or one of her students? Despite of what you think she did end up handling that one incident before you got a chance to assassinate the bastard."

Althalus gave her a relieved, almost pathetically so, smile and turned heading towards the Den again. “The last time Satori got in my head she decided to make me relive the worst memory of my life, only twisting it until it was a horrible nightmare that only barely left me on my feet and definitely not in control of my actions. A majority of the people in the Dining hall were reduced to gibbering wrecks, and most of those left the College. Mar isn’t going to let her, or one of her students, inside her head and I’m not going to suggest it.”

His face darkened at the mention of Lyn’s nightmares. A student of Satori’s had decided it would be fun to give Lyn terrible nightmares. Althalus had found out only after Satori had, and when he had gone to kill the bastard, he had found him in a terrible state, brought about by Satori. Althalus had left him to his fate.

He paused and turned to face Lidda again.. “It wasn’t an assassination. Just murder for hurting my daughter. After all, I’d have to be an assassin to do that and we both know I’m too loud, lazy, and cheerful for that line of work.”

"Don't treat me like an idiot. I'm not one and I can still quietly someone who got into my way or hurt those I love which was what you tried to do. That's still an assassination attempt despite your definition. Military training from Eania has taught me that much." Lidda commented, looking annoyed.

She sighed a bit when she thought back to Althalus' dislike if psychomancers and though she could understand, his caution was unwarranted. Satori might have messed up at the feast, a matter she was still paying for, but she still had a soft spot for children. "I understand you hate Satori, which questions why you let Lyn around her, but not all her students are bad. If Mar is suffering from emotional problems, plain sparring isn't be enough." She hadn't stopped in her tracks but instead washed around past Althalus, like a river averted a rock in it's path. Her feet now on the ground while she started to duck inside the Den.

"She needs someone that can relate or understand her confusion. At least learn the root so we can fix it."

“Even if I was willing to to suggest that she go to a Psychomancer for help, Mar wouldn’t. Her pride wouldn’t let her admit she has a problem. I had to fight her to let me patch her up after a fight. The sparing is the best I can get her to do, as much as I love being beat like a drum. Unless you have any other ideas?” He closed the cracked door behind them, shrugging a bit sheepishly at the damage in the room. The desk still toppled over and it could be clearly seen where he had been drug across the floor and slammed into the wall.

"Not off the top of my head but maybe someone that knows her can help. Tyrael might be able to come up with some answers?" Lidda asked though she doubted the fallen demon would've much help. When she stepped through the door, her eyes widen and expression scowled when she darted a look at Althalus for an explanation.

“As I said she was a bit..upset. She passed out though, so you should be able to work on her easily.” he gestured to where Mar was still unconscious. He put the desk back on it’s feet, leaning against the wall as he watched Lidda.

Lidda wasn't worried about herself, begrudgingly accepting his answer for the moment, because she knew she could protect herself easily. Tenderly leaning down, she examined Mar's unconscious form and looked over the wounds. She wasn't too badly damaged other than several scratches and bruises, all easily fixed. Placing her hand on Mar she focused on mending the student.

"Most people forget the worse wounds are never on the surface where you can see them. I only hope you know what you are doing Althalus."

“Just as soon as Tyrael stops assuming I raped Mar to get Lyn and stops wanting to impale me on a spike, I’ll probably go to him for help and return unscathed. As it is, you might have to see me a third time after that meeting.” He slid down to the ground as Lidda began to heal Mar, finally relaxing as best he was able given his injuries. He couldn’t deny the truth of Lidda’s words, especially with his own past.

“So do I Lidda. So do I.”

He sat there a few moments, waiting for her to get finished. “So! Do you want to start horrifically and agonizingly regrowing my hand when we get back to the infirmary?”
Lidda sighed, feeling a bit weak headed, then reached into her pocket. She had been healing student for several hours with injuries minor as scratches to missing limbs, making blood sickness settle in against her will. Even master mages had their limits. Popping the wooden cork, she downed the liquid in a few swallows before turning to Althalus with a nod. “Give me your stump so I can see what new damage you might’ve gotten.”

He held out his stump, looking slightly concerned. “Are you sure you okay? You’ve had to have been at this for several hours. I can wait.”

“Althalus… you’re not a picnic to have a fight with, especially when Mar’s the subject. I just took an elixir and when we get back to the infirmary, it would’ve have kicked in. Stop worrying about a fully grown mage who still has enough magic strength to turn you into a tiny rodent and carry your ass back to the medical wing, you have bigger issues to deal with after all. Those Golems after all likely belong to Uicle and you better hope he keeps his helmet shut.” With that the vitamancer rose and gestured back toward the infirmary. hoping the man would follow her back.

Althalus smirked. “It’s nice to hear that from you, especially considering you’ve argued Khan and Uicle into submission. And it’s best to work with Issues as they come up and currently, you were looking tired. ” He stood up and followed Lidda back to the infirmary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey looked thoughtful as he looked up toward the ceiling, considering their words... It wasn't that he didn't trust them, necessarily, but there was something... odd. Alaira... the name was somewhat familiar. Ah, yes. Now he remembered. The guard had a list of several... troublesome students. Ones that needed a closer watch than others. It wasn't a long list, and the reasons were quite varied. Alaira apparently had anger management issues and a violent streak, but others were there too. A psychomancy student with a pranking streak, a fairly... perverse vitamancer, most of the demonomancers... so on. But when Meirin spoke, he got the idea she wasn't talking about the elf... "So, you feel this... Alaira is dangerous, then?" He asked, summarizing what they had all told him.

He didn't know her, but he felt that something was... unfair about this whole mess. If this Alaira was such a problem, why would Lucilia send her on the mission at all? There had to be some underlying reason that such an apparently explosively violent person was sent on an escort mission... He nearly sighed when he remembered that he might as well be saying all of this out loud, since he had huge doubts that Satori would leave his mind alone when he was busy looking so deep in thought. "Well, I trust you are all very frustrated, but perhaps you are overreacting? Tell me, what does complaining about her behind her back accomplish?" He asked, idly scratching the back of his neck. "Are you sure your intentions are totally pure? Are you doing this because you are legitimately concerned, or are you doing this because you feel bitter about her reckless actions? Let me tell you, there are a fair amount of truly revolting people here, yet we accept them and give them a place to live. Are you absolutely sure you cannot just forgive her and move on?" of course, he knew that they might have trouble with something like that... After all, most weren't quite as... merciful as he was.

Alaira Taenn

Alaira sighed quietly as she carried Lyn along... She wasn't sure what she would say to Lucilia or what she would do... But for once, she didn't think she could really bring herself to be violent. Tyrael was one thing, but Lucilia... There were more good reasons to leave her be than to punch her in the face. For one thing, Lyn was pretty fond of her, and after she saw how she looked when she yelled at Tyrael, she didn't want Lyn to see her angry again today. Another was that she was SURE that Lucilia wouldn't just send her along for no reason, or out of spite. She didn't have a high opinion of her, but she knew that the vampire didn't engage in pointless cruelty. And then there was that gnawing guilt, that little voice telling her that if lyn hadn't been there to fix the bridge Meirin would've died...

She said little, simply thinking about how to get there... She didn't want to run into anyone, and she didn't want anyone to know where she was going. There was Ssarak and Meirin, who were plenty upset about this whole mess and the half-elf was fairly certain that it would be a mistake to try passing them... Then there was Tyrael, and she didn't know how he would react to her doing exactly what he had told her not to do... But... there was one way. She was standing outside, looking up to the window of Lucilia's office... It was four stories up and she was carrying a child, but she could get up there. "Alright, Lyn... Hold on tight, okay? Auntie's gonna jump up there..." She said softly, gently running her hand through her hair as she showed her the window... She took a deep breath as she shifted her grip on her, holding Lyn in one arm, tight as she could without crushing her...

And then, she jumped. A burst of aeromancy carried her up to a small platform on the stonework a story up, the remains of a statue on the ground the only clue to the platform's prior occupant. Another leap took her another story up, where she landed on a small balcony. The next jump was a bit tricky, to another platform that actually had a statue... However, she made the jump well enough, the thought of what would happen if she dropped Lyn ample motivation... There was just enough room on the platform to stand, and it was only one more jump to the office... She leapt again, landing squarely on a stone platform in front of her window... Probably intended for a planter, but forever reason there wasn't one... She sat, panting with exhaustion as she hugged Lyn close... "See? Easy..." She said, nuzzling close... She sat like that for a moment, before knocking on Lucilia's window. "Let us in! Lyn has a present for ya!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Annabeth Gulch

Smiling at Colette and her new Familiar Hyllos, the brawny girl was almost tempted to reach out and pet it. But Colette's question caught her attention first, and a look of worry was on her face. "I don't know about saving anyone, but I do know that we needed to find those wagons. I don't know what's taking the others so long... With the roc dealt with I suppose they have more time to deal with it now, but still we should go find them." Annabeth dismounted from Samson and gave him a loving pat on his snout. "Great job out there."

Annabeth helped Samson back into his harness to help haul the wagon. She than got onto the back of the wagon and looked over at the roc's nest. No fire, no flashes, Annabeth has no idea how things are going over there. She feared the worse. "We need to head over to the roc's nest. Colette, could you try to use your familiar to scout ahead? See what happened to Aramir and the others? Erual, I know it's been a long day for you, but could you also get this wagon moving as close to the roc nest as you can? Worse comes to worse, we might have to go up there ourselves if the horses can't find a way down."

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia read over Grey's report while drinking her sixth cup of coffee. If she was a normal human she would have quite a caffeine buzz, but as a vampire she barely registered the taste. As she read she thought about the possible culprits of this attack. She initially thought someone with access to demons; no child no matter who his lineage should be able to turn an entire village into his undead army. Not unless he was channeling a demon of considerable power. But then the report mentioned something the boy said... The wilds were returning, along with the name Narok. Lucilia was unfamiliar with the name. Was it a demon? A mage?

Then there was a knock on her window. Looking at it she saw Alaira with... Lyn. Sighing, the vampire could imagine what she wanted. But surely Alaira wouldn't try anything with Lyn here, and surely she didn't intend to leave Lyn outside the window. With a wave of her hand Lucilia unlocked and opened her window for Alaira and Lyn, setting out two cups of hot chocolate for them while Lucilia sipped her coffee. "Hello. To what do I owe the pleasure?"


Satori simply shrugged her shoulders at the words of the others. "It is truly not my say in the matter, despite how much I could gleam. We all have our problems, and fortunately many of us try to improve ourselves despite that. All I can say, and hope for, is that she makes the effort to change for the better." There was a glint in Satori's eyes as she turned her head sharply away from her office. She picked up something peculiar from her mind reading, something that was worth investigating. "Hmm... Grey, are you free at the moment? I believe a creature has just entered the college. I could deal with it myself, but I would appreciate it if you could take care of it for me while I handle other matters."

Indeed, deeper into the college a student just accidentally released a pack of feral rats. Barely sentient due to the experiments on them, but they were also quite large. The students ran in fear as the rats began to attack them, and currently they were left to roam the lower levels of the college. Certainly something a guardsmen with a spear could handle, or for Satori to deal with herself, but she had more important matters to take care of than vermin control.

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael returned to his forge and was considering what to make for Athalus. Or why he'd do such a thing. It was true that the demon didn't like him very much. In fact he was rather hopeful that Mar would make him leave, or kill him. Tyrael would do everything in his power to protect her, as he always did. He'd do it himself if people didn't assume he would anyways. However Tyrael was not that chaotic. He was not like the Karnage he knew he once could have been. As much as emotions drive him, like demons he had to keep a firm grip, to be able to kill them when they get out of hand. But that didn't mean he could always shut down those feelings, just like how you cannot always kill demons. Before Vorinclex would come back to taught him Tyrael found what he was looking for. He left his forge shortly after and headed back to the Infirmary. It hasn't quite been an hour yet, but assuming that Athalus and Mar weren't too foolish hopefully they haven't left yet.

He was quite disappointed when he found Athalus and Mar's bed empty. It wasn't hard for him to figure out where they went; back to their den, as if they weren't hurt at all. It angered him in many ways. For one, they were ignoring the healing for the sake of privacy. But he also felt they were avoiding him. Like they didn't want his help, which hurt him more than stabbing him in the guts. Emotions boiled inside of Tyrael as self-loathing and sadness became to creep onto him. "Why? Why won't they let me help them? Why can't just accept my feelings?" He said to himself. He heard the door open and turned to see Lidda and Athalus, but no Mar. Athalus was also more beaten than before, so Tyrael could imagine that Mar didn't leave without a fight. Good for her.

"You you enjoy flirting with death, Marik?" Tyrael hissed. He generally referred people by their last name (If given) when he's trying to be professional. First names were left for personal reasons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Luna
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Colette nodded in agreement with her friend and looked at her new familar who watched her intently for instructions. "Hyllos I want you to scout for Aramir and the others for us. Can you do that" she asked and Hyllos nodded with no hesitation. 'Of course mistress I will be back as soon as possible' she was about to fly off when Colette stopped her.

"And can you just call me Colette, I haven't been called mistress in years and it kinda feels uncomfortable now' she said and Hyllos nodded before flying off aware that Colette watched her go until she was out of site
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak gave something of an amused grunt. "The reason we are telling you about this is because you asked." He commented, giving another glance in the direction of Lucilia's office. "We wish to speak with Lucilia about this because she is in a position to prevent Alaira from being sent on more missions and endangering more lives. I can understand your skepticism, but you were not present for the mission, so you were not witness to her actions. On two separate occasions, her recklessness endangered all of our lives, and the mission itself. When faced with two individuals on a bridge ahead of us that were potentially bandits, she promptly, and without consulting anyone else, ignited a field of grass off to our right. It sparked a forest fire, choked the air with smoke, panicked our horses, and forced us to be trapped on the bridge, which the bandits quickly cut. It was an action that did not harm the bandits in the slightest, but brought us to the brink of death. That is not someone to whom you want to trust your life. Perhaps she can be helped; be taught better judgment, but until then, be wary of her if you are required to work with her." He warned.

There was not much purpose in continuing to voice their grievances with Grey. If he still disagreed, then there likely would be no swaying him. They had already likely said enough to convince him that their issue was with Alaira, instead of Lucilia herself, so they could go ahead and give their report to her. "We should probably go speak to her now." Ssarak suggested, glancing to Meirin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey sighed, shaking his head some as he looked up to the ceiling for a moment. "I'm not saying it isn't true... Ugh, look. Lucilia's a smart woman. Probably the smartest person I know. She took a calculated risk in sending her along, and it didn't quite work out. The only thing she needs to see is an official report, which I will deliver to her whenever I receive it. You... did write a report, right?" He asked, idly cracking his knuckles. Not as a gesture of intimidation, just as a habit. "I'm certain that not only is she quite aware of any issues she has or would cause, but that there was a very good reason for sending her with you. What she doesn't need is to be bothered right now. She is very, very busy with the paperwork for my mission alone, then she has to do yours, and then the as-yet unresolved one. On top of all the logistics she normally has to do."

He sighed, tapping his finger over his eye-patch twice. "Listen... Just bring me a report and I'll make sure to bring this issue to her attention..." He scratched the back of his neck as he looked down... "It's just... she's already got a lot to deal with right now, and I'd appreciate it if we could all just relax for a bit and let her work."

He looked off to Satori, sighing again. "Great... Find another guard then." He said, loosening his arm. "Look... I'm sure you've already pulled everything out of my head, but..." He seemed bitter. "...My own mission was less than happy for me. And I was told to relax and take the day off, and nothing short of Gaurot coming for my soul is gonna stop me." In truth, it was because he was more or less ordered to. And Grey could not willingly disobey an order from her in most circumstances. "And can't you just... I dunno, fry its brain from here?"

Alaira Taenn

Alaira quickly set Lyn down as the window opened, climbing in after her. She looked down to the drink offered, and sighed. She didn't really trust her cup... It probably had something in it, considering the vampire's side profession. But that was likely just to keep the Half-Elf from trying to hurt her. that is, if the cup wasn't innocent. She raised her hand a little bit, non-verbally declining as she flopped into a chair, watching Lyn... "I know you know why I'm here... I'm not mad." She said, surprisingly calm. "I ain't gonna hurt ya... I ain't gonna scream at ya... Just don't do it again, alright?" She asked, looking up to her. from her expression, she just looked... tired. No barely contained rage, no quiet disapproval, nothing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Meirin Kurenai

Meirin nodded her head at Ssarak. Regardless of their thoughts about Alaira, they still needed to tell Lucilia everything else they found out. Grey asked them if they written a report and admittedly, Meirin did not. Ssarak might have, but Meirin intended to simply report what she knew about the mission in person. Not only that but they also had sensitive evidence to turn over as well. "The sooner we give her our report the better. As you said, Lucilia is a smart woman. Not only that but we have things we need to give her that she'll need to look at." She didn't want to burden Lucilia any more than she already was... But frankly Meirin didn't really care, and the sooner she was finished with this the sooner Meirin could go deal with other things, like Alaira, or resuming her studies. Or going to sleep.

Turning her head slightly to Satori, she wondered about what sort of creature could get inside the college. Maybe something that was already here? At least the college hasn't changed too much since they left. Always something going on to get wrapped up in. All the more reason to get these minor things out of the way. "And I'm sorry to hear how your mission turned out Grey. Maybe once we're all done we could find time to get together and do something? I certainly wouldn't mind getting my mind off recent events." Meirin suggested as she began to walk towards Lucilia's door.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

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Lyn nodded and wrapped her arms tightly about Alaira’s neck, bracing herself for the climb up. Her eyes, however, stood wide open to watch the ground slowly grow more distance. She loved heights after all and often, she would climb trees to get that wonderful sense of vertigo that made her giggle and smile. Hanging upside down was rather fun most days she thought idly while Alaira reached the top. Lyn spotted Lucilia within the window, still attached to Alaira like a leech, while waving a small hand with the flower at the vampire sitting at her desk. At Alaira’s shout and tapping on the window, the window was gestured open allowing the pair in.

Crawling off Alaira as she flopped her feet on the wooden floor, her tongue flickered out to scent the sweet, robust scent she knew was coco. It made her think of one of the students while she moved toward the steaming mug, looking at it than gesturing with her finger to ask if that was for her. She had learned it was better to ask than assume, having gotten into trouble enough times over misunderstandings.

At seeing the flower held in her fingers, she smiled and remembered why she had come in the first place. The flower was a bit withered from the child’s rough touch but still pretty intact, at least enough to tell Lyn had tried to be gentle with it.

For you. Lyn gestured from the flower to the teacher, setting it on the desk. Her eyes quickly returned to the hot coco and proceeded to attack it with excitement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Althalus groaned as he saw Tyrael, knowing trouble was coming. As Tyrael spoke he closed his eyes and rubbed them, preparing for another argument. He really didn't want to argue with Tyrael the same argument he had just spent the last while arguing with Mar and getting beaten with her tail while arguing about it. He somehow doubted Tyrael would be any different.

"No Tyrael, I don't like flirting with death. Death is terrifying. Death is that dark abyss that everyone, be they elf, demon, human or naga, eventually meets and succumbs to. Death is the last stop on the road for everyone. Afterwards you either stay dead forever, you become a demon, or your soul is summoned by a Necromancer and shoved into a body. Death scares me Tyrael. But I will throw myself into that abyss if it means I keep Mar or Lyn from going into it. Now I suppose you're going to tell me how wrong I am, how I don't get to make that choice for them, so if you don't mind I'm going to sit down for that talk. Because standing and repeating myself to someone who doesn't give a damn about my health or my opinion is exhausting and a pain in the ass."

Althalus moved towards a nearby seat and sat down, looking up a the half-demon. He looked at what Tyrael held in his hands, raising an eyebrow at Tyrael. "If that's my new hand, don't worry about it. Lidda says she can regrow my hand, no demon magic required!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael rolled his eyes at Athalus's soliloquy. Though he was starting to get pissed that Athalus seemed intent in throwing every attempt he was trying to make to help right back at his face. No wonder why Mar keeps edging towards killing Athalus. "Enough of your sophistry. So willing to die for her, but what can you do to live for her?" Tyrael walked up to Athalus, standing over him. Athalus looked more pathetic than usual, though that was likely due to a mixed combination of being a human, losing his hand, and being whipped by Mar just moments ago. "This is not a gauntlet of my creation. I do not expect you to like me, mortal. The feeling is mutual. But that does not mean I am not... Willing to lend a hand." Tyrael then dropped the gauntlet into Athalus's lap. It looked to be a leather gauntlet, but with rune-inscribed stone going up and down the arm. Tyrael left Athalus behind without another word and instead went up to Lidda.

"I apologize for any trouble I have caused. But what of Mar? Has her injuries healed?"

Lucilia Riovas

Admittedly Lucilia was surprised to see Alaira so... Calm. Normally she was a being of unrestricted fury, and even in her sleep she caused chaos in her bed. Not that Lucilia watches Alaira sleep... Recently. It did put Lucilia on edge as she had expected Alaira of all people to be quite angry at her for what she did. Lucilia was almost betting on it, but fortunately she made no wager or else she'd lose. Still it was odd to see Alaira simply accept what she did. Perhaps it was because in the end Alaira and Lyn were still alive. Callous, but even the vampire would agree that despite the risks she put Lyn through, she ultimately came out alive and well, perhaps even stronger from the encounters. Nothing like a bit of misery to build character after all.

Lucilia's eyes went off from Alaira to Lyn. The girl seemed chipper as usual, and not even at all mentally scarred at whatever may have happened on the mission. Perhaps it went so well that Lyn's presence was never in any true danger? Though Lucilia doubted that. One of the reasons she sent Lyn, not only to experiment on the elixirs, but also to keep Alaira from doing anything suicidal. After all if she died, than Lyn would have died with her. In theory anyways. The vampire's thoughts were drawn away when Lyn produced a flower for Lucilia. When she saw it, it made Lucilia chuckle and smile.

"A Lucilia for Lucilia."

She remembered the properties of a Lucilia flower, it's minor restorative abilities as well as luminescent qualities. But as she mused on the irony of the flower, it slowly dawned to Lucilia what Lyn had to go through to get it. Lucilia blossoms grew near Death Blooms, highly toxic plants that could release a paralytic pollen. For Lyn, being caught in a cloud of the pollen would have evoked a sever allergic reaction, one that would shut down her body. First she would go numb, than her lungs were stop, shortly after her heart. Even someone like Alaira would not be immune to the pollen's effects, and if she had taken the full brunt there would be almost nothing she could do to stop it. And yet Lyn was willing to risk herself, perhaps unwittingly, to get her a Lucilia flower. One of the only plants capable of surviving the territorial flora.

"Lucilia grows were Death Blooms."

As the saying goes. Indeed, Lucilia did much of her growth here at the college, were things come to live and die. And Lyn was one of those people. A tinge of guilt resonated with Lucilia as she felt a message from Satori enter her mind. Letting out a sigh Lucilia smiled at Lyn and Alaira, picking up the Lucilia blossom. In her hands it began to revitalize itself and was able to retain it's glowing radiance. "It seems like Ssarak and Meirin have arrived to give me their report. I'm assuming that since you chose to come through the window instead of knocking on my door, you'd rather avoid them?" Wiht a wave of her hand Lucilia made sure to lock her door to ensure that whoever wishes to enter should at least knock. That aught to give Alaira time to give Lucilia an answer without worry of interruption.


"Oh ho ho ho. If only it was that easy, Sir Onyx." Satori chuckled at the idea that she could "Fry its brains from here". Though now that she taught about it, it certainly was something she could do... She chose not to answer him however seeing that this little meeting was soon over. However Grey was right about one thing: She did pull essentially everything he witnessed during his mission in the short time they were together. Curios. But she also picked up on other, more vague feelings. Feelings for Lucilia, but also intent to stand in the way of Ssarak and Meirin. Though this was much more vague like errant thoughts. Perhaps it was really nothing, much like the random musings of sexual fantasies or bloody murder she often picks up from students. Still... Satori was at least knowledgeable enough to shoot Lucilia a warning.

"Ssarak and Meirin will be arriving soon. Grey seems to have chosen to linger outside your office. Do you want him to justify your actions?"

Leaving with a subtle jab to Lucilia's ego Satori left the hall to attend her other business. At some point later today, if that creature wasn't slain, she was going to see if she could combine elements of Scrying and Pathokinesis to make the creature suicidal. It'd certainly be an interesting experiment.
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