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Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Once Darius and the others made it back to the college, he let the people of the caravan that took them back know of the bandit camp, and the supplies that were left there. When he was told that they couldn't take everything, he moved the perishables back into the cave. He asked that they find the Caravan Master and give him some of the supplies and a request to keep the details of the mission they had with him neutral. Hopefully, that would appease the Caravan Master enough to prevent him from giving the college a bad reputation. With that out of the way, Darius made his way towards the gym.

A lot of things went wrong with the mission and there was little that he could do about it. Granted, he could go find the half-elf and try to beat some sense into her. Not that it would change anything. Alaira seemed to be unable to learn. So instead of trying to teach the unteachable, Darius needed a different kind of catharsis. He needed to figure out how to use his abilities. Gaining strength and speed is useful, but being able to control the air without having to be angry to do it is even more-so. Now is as good a time as any.

”I'm telling you, I'm not a vampire!" Leith pleaded. The man behind him laughed. "As if we'd believe you. Ain't that right, Hughs? Of course it is." The man named Hughs mumbled something indiscernible to the left of Leith. ”But I'm walking outside in the sunlight and I'm not getting burned."

"You could've just fed." The man pushed Leith into a clearing, causing him to stumble and fall. With his hands bound behind his back, he fell face first into a puddle. The man pulled him up and led him to a lone stake in the center of the clearing with a pile of wood laying at its base. "Besides, you're not the first vampire we've dealt with." He gestured to the stake. "We spied you a while back, so we prepared for you." He tied Leith to the stake, backhanding him when he struggled.

"Have you got the torch ready yet?" The man called to his friend. Hughs walked into sight carrying a lit torch in his hand. Hughs looked from Leith to the torch, to the man, biting his cheek as he did so. "Well come on, give it here!" the man said before snatching the torch out of Hughs' hand.

”Please, you've got to believe me, I'm not a vampire."

"That's what they all say, kid. I didn't believe them, and I don't believe you. Besides, we're doing our bit for Eania. The only good vampire is a dead one, neh?"

Leith struggled against his bindings. There had to be a way that he could get out. Maybe he could manipulate water to douse the torch, but he couldn't see any. He could feel it, though. He tried reaching for it but he couldn't figure out what to do. He had exhausted all of his options, so he slumped against the ropes. He was going to die. It was plain and simple. He was going to die just like the others this man talked about.

The man chuckled "I see you've finally realized it. Do you have any last words?"

And just like that it clicked.

How many had these men killed? How many innocent lives were put to the flame. These men would continue to kill those they thought were vampires. They needed to be stopped. Anger bubbled inside Leith. They were so willing to kill another. He heard the men gasp in surprise. He looked around. It seemed the in a small circle around him, small droplets of water were hovering in the air. Leith looked at the man that was holding the torch. ”I do not because I am not going to die. You, however, are another matter. Do you have any last words."

The droplets of water fell to the ground and the man with the torch took a few steps backwards. "What the fu-" A red mist obscured Leith's vision as the man's voice stopped mid-sentence. There was the sound of a body falling to the ground, and Leith could feel himself losing consciousness.


Leith jerked awake. His heart was almost beating out of his chest and he was hyperventilating. He had had the nightmare again. This one, however, was different. Usually, the buzzing would wake him up before the end, but without the buzzing, the dream had finished. It was unsettling, but it was just a dream. He was certain of that. He frowned as he wondered what the loud crack was from. It wasn't until he looked at the table that he realized that he had ended up gripping the side of it and broke a piece off in his hand. He looked around and set the broken piece on the table before he stood up and left the dining hall.

He made it to his room, cleaned himself off, and changed into some clean clothes. He paused before he left the room. He placed his hand on the rune and a mirror popped up. He hesitated before walking into view. He whistled at the new scar that decorated his face. It was a jagged line that ran from his right cheek to his ear. With a sigh, Leith left his room and wandered around the college. It was nice to be back.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak nodded to Meirin, walking along with her. "Agreed." He began before turning his attention to Grey. "There is no need for hostility among friends. We have seen far too much of that over the last few days, and I personally prefer cooperation. Besides, we are meant to report to her, and we do have physical evidence that we should deliver to her sooner rather than later."

Despite Ssarak's explanation, Grey was still intent on trying to stop them from meeting with Lucilia, going as far as standing in front of the door in an attempt to block them from entering. At this point, Ssarak was beginning to feel some annoyance towards Grey. It was Lucilia who had given them this mission, and she would naturally want their report afterwards. It did not make sense to Ssarak why Grey felt it was appropriate to attempt to stop them from completing the assignment that Lucilia herself had given them. They could not just avoid meeting with Lucilia, but Ssarak wanted to avoid hostilities if at all possible. As such, he decided not to do anything that could be perceived as violent. Instead, he performed a quick, simple illusion. When he started to move, he made it seem as if his body was moving around Grey to the right, when he was actually starting to move to the left. The mirrored movement meant that, when Grey attempted to intercept him he actually ended up moving out of Ssarak's way, allowing him to reach the door. With Ssarak already past, there was no reason to try and block Meirin.

Unfortunately, when Ssarak attempted to open the door, he found it locked. Quickly, he knocked and announced who it was. "Lucilia, it is Ssarak and Meirin. We are here to deliver our report of the caravan escort." He said, keeping his tone polite. At this point, if Grey was still intent on stopping them from meeting with Lucilia, he would have to attempt to physically pull Ssarak away from the door, an act which he hoped Grey would consider to be a step too far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey nodded at Meirin's words... She was a nice enough woman, but he just couldn't shake this feeling that the two shouldn't be allowed to pass. There was something he wasn't being told, and if there was one thing he hated it was lies. "I'm afraid you'll just have to come back with a written report... And... yeah, I'd like that. I saw some... Less than pleasant things." He raised his eyebrow as they approached, stepping in front of the door with a sigh. "Look, this doesn't need to be diffi-Hey!" He shouted when he saw the illusion, stepping over to stop it... and watching as his hand went through... Goddamn psychomancer!

He turned back, finding that Ssarak had indeed tricked him. He fixed his shield to his arm, which is the one piece of equipment he insisted on carrying at all times. Something was definitely wrong. If this was just a report, they wouldn't have felt the need to try an illusion. He stepped forward, and shoved the Eysire to the side as he took up a position in front of the door. He kept his guard up, staring at the Eysire. "Back. Off." He growled... before turning his gaze to Meirin. As he did, his expression softened. "Friend or not after that stunt I cannot allow you to pass. Come back with a written report..." He said, sighing as he turned back to the Eysire. He would not harm either of them, but he would not let them pass without explicit orders to do so.

Alaira Taenn

Alaira smiled slightly as Lyn went around being her usual self. She took a seat, patting her on the head as Lyn drank her cocoa. She saw Lucilia look to her several times, usually looking away quite quickly. If she had to guess, the vampire was probably surprised that she wasn't trying to throttle her... Well, it appeared that this reasonable approach thing might not be so bad after all. She sighed, hoping that she could stop some bullshit down the line. "Look... Just don't do it again, alright?" She asked, fairly certain she would know what she was talking about.

She heard her say Ssarak and Meirin were at the door... Ugh, figures. She heard a knock on the door as well, followed by one of her least favorite voices. She stood up, and yelled to Ssarak right after he spoke. "Fuck off! The office is closed until further notice!" She then proceeded to drag a chair over and prop it against the handles. She raised her eyebrows at the sounds of a minor scuffle, but just shrugged as she walked back to her seat. "I'll just give you the damn report... they would tell you the same thing anyway." She said, leaning back as she began to recount the events of their mission in her usual blunt manner. She was fairly detailed, and she told her everything, even stuff that made her look less than ideal. The burning of the field, her misguided provocation of the guards, her intimidation of the caravan master, and their elimination of a sizable chunk of the bandit threat. "There weren't any demons, just Vampire mind-mages... I think it went pretty well, but the others'll probably whine to you to put me in 'time out' or something..." She said, grumbling as she turned back to Lyn, patting her again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


This was getting ridiculous. Something as simple as debriefing on their mission was being halted by someone who knew nothing about it, for reasons that were not apparent. He did not resist when Grey tried to shove him aside, though he was quite surprised that he would go that far. They had been through a good deal of stress on the mission, and now even college guards were giving them trouble. Ssarak could not help but to feel somewhat insulted. They had volunteered for the mission at considerable peril to themselves for the benefit of the College, and now they were being harassed for trying to complete it. Still, he retained his composure and avoided lashing out, even verbally, at Grey. Even more concerning was that, much to his surprise, Alaira's voice sounded from within the room. He had not seen her enter through the room's door, so he wondered how exactly she managed to get in there. Out of curiosity, he reached out with his mind to feel how many were inside the room, at which point he found a voice he did not expect: Lyn's. He looked to Meirin with a concerned expression as he sent her a telepathic message. He did not wish to do any more without consulting with her.

"This, I did not anticipate. What motive could he have for trying to keep us from Lucilia? I wonder if Lucilia instructed him to keep us away because of what she did to Lyn? This requirement of a 'written report' is something I feel Grey invented himself, as Lucilia did not mention it when she gave us this mission. I could attempt to read into his mind, but I do not wish to antagonize him any further. The last thing I want is to damage one of your friendships, and I do not particularly wish to make an enemy of Grey either. Though, I am more concerned about Alaira. If she is the only one to report to Lucilia, then she may downplay her own errors. I think we need to talk to Lucilia; if we say that we have these letters, journals, and maps for her, she will have no choice but to let us in. But...I can also feel Lyn's thoughts within that room. She is there, and I do not wish to put her under any more stress than she has already experienced. What do you think we should do?" Ssarak asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Trouble seemed to follow Meirin even back to the college. What she thought was just a quick chat with Grey quickly escalated into some sort of struggle. Grey stood in their way and demanded a written report of their mission. Then he armed himself with his shield as though he expected them to fight their way past him. "This is insane! Grey, what has gotten into you?" Meirin honestly could not believe what he was doing. What happened to him that he'd be so confrontational against Meirin and Ssarak?

Then she picked up Ssarak's message. Rubbing her temples Meirin was starting to get quite annoyed. Alaira did not even bother to tell them anything about what she saw or knew about the mission, and now she's decided that she was the only one who could report it? Taking a few deep breaths Meirin told Ssarak what was in her mind. "I'm not sure if telling Lucilia we have evidence would be enough to stop Grey. From what he's shown us so far, he'll probably tell us to give it to him too. Honestly I don't know what's gotten into his head, or Alaira's for that matter. And for Lyn... Well, Satori told us not to confront Lucilia about her. We don't need to tell her when could talk to Khan later, and if Grey or anyone tries to stop us than we could be certain that Lucilia convinced them to silence us." Meirin didn't really have anything to think about with Alaira. Once again it seemed like Alaira chose to act on her own and expected everyone else to accommodate her. Meirin felt she done that enough during the mission and had no desire to do so right now.

"Grey, aren't you the least bit concerned that Alaira somehow managed to sneak past you and got into Lucilia's office? I don't think she has a report either. I'm not sure what she's telling Lucilia, but if she can just give her a verbal report than we should be allowed to as well. Not only that, but we have sensitive information that Lucilia needs to see as soon as possible. I know she is busy, which is why she needs to get these sooner then later. The sooner she could make sense of them, the better."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Lucilia Riovas


Things were getting out of hand. It was one thing for Alaira to make a surprise visit with Lyn. That she could have handled and put aside quickly. But then she heard Ssarak try to enter, followed by Grey's voice telling them that they could not pass. There's a reason why Lucilia had a lock, both magical and mundane, on her door to dissuade unwanted guest. And hearing Alaira's report Lucilia could understand why she did not wanted to be with the others, but all the more reason why she needed to hear their input: To confirm or revise what Alaira had told her, and from what Meirin said, bring her important evidence. Because names and plans were more important to Lucilia than a headcount.

Lucilia's eyes glowed brightly for just a moment. When it did, the chair Alaira tried to use to prop her door closed moved on it own and out of the way of the door. The door itself was unsealed and opened, seeing Grey, Meirin, and Ssarak on the other side. Lucilia let out a tranquil fury that they chose here of all places to cause trouble. No doubt that it was inadvertently Lucilia's fault, however that didn't mean she was just going to let it happen without a say. "Grey... Thank you for your services. You may leave now." A phrase rift with double meanings. It could innocently just be a request for Grey to allow the others to past, or a veiled message that he was about to be fired from his job. For Lucilia the wording was intentional; Ultimately Grey needed to make the decision to do as she says, or he'll need to find a new employer.

"Thank you for your report Alaira. I'll have someone send you your pay within the week. Take Lyn and watch over her for now. You are dismissed." A much simpler phrase in the form of an order. Obviously whatever Ssarak and Meirin had to say involved Alaira, who may either try to defend or admit towards. Lucilia didn't care. She said everything the vampire wanted to hear, and there was little else she needed to know from her. She knew if she did stay it would only keep Ssarak and Meirin from saying what they wanted to, or at least cause them to get into another confrontation. And if they were going to try to fight in her office, Lucilia was going to put them all into the catacombs.

"Meirin, Ssarak, you may enter. Alaira has already given me her report on the mission, so I shall listen to yours. I also understand that you have evidence I need to see?"

But the last thing Lucilia did was stand up and go to one of her closets. Inside she took out a bag full of brown powder. Coco powder. She put it inside a woven basket that she made on the spot with various vines, and then put in a three ceramic mugs she had. She gave these to Lyn, for her and her family. She gave the little girl a polite smile and a pat on the head before returning to her seat and resuming her stern look at the others.

"No fighting."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Lyn’s hands took a moment to accept the mug’s heat, her skin feeling rather uncomfortable and her nose enjoying the rich scent wafting into her memory. She held her face close to the bubbling liquid as she listened to the two converse, her mouth blowing on the steam to cool it. It was still too hot to drink yet which made her look at Alaira, patiently and partly exactingly. The girl had taken seat right on her Aunt’s lap, the most comfortable perch in her mind, then turned back to gingerly test the liquid’s temperature. Her face crunched feeling the liquid scorch her tongue slightly though in her mind it was certainly exaggerated.

She placed it upon the desk to cool some while she folded against Alaira. Lyn had just began to relax when her ear caught the harsh knock of the door, followed by a familiar voice belonging to Ssarak stating both he and Meirin were at the door. Her head had snapped up in surprise and looked at the door. Not sure if she should answer it and looked at Lucilia, feeling her Aunt remove her before pushing the other chair against the door. Lyn was confused immediately by the action and words. 'Fuck off?' Lyn repeated in her head. The cuss words sounded like something her dad used and her mind reflected on some of the swear words said the day she left. Her curious nature gnawed at what they meant and why someone used them, her heart flinch at the sound of most of them.

Lyn’s attention was taken when she heard her Aunt’s tone become sour. Her eyes looked hard and tilted, unsure how to make this better. Attention shifted to her mug, her feet stepping toward when Alaira concluded her story and scooped it up to pass it to her Aunt. She gestured for her to drink while she was patted on the head. Then, she turned about to reach for the other still left untouched.

Things sounded like they were getting heated when sounds, muffled and firm, were coming from the other of the door. A bad, icky feeling stirred that seemed to warn her something really bad was about to happen.

She noted Alaira wasn’t happy and tension filled the room, just like when her two most favorite people clashed. For a dreadful moment, Lyn was starting to wonder if she was the one responsible for this. Both times, she had been present and it couldn’t be a chance happening. Lucilia’s command seemed to have decided enough was enough, her voice turning to the man guarding the door as Lyn turned to watch the chair wobble out of the door. Her eyes blinked in surprise when she could see the three at the door then twisted to the teacher, still sitting motionlessly.

After watching Lucilia speak, firmly, to each group, the vampire pulled up from her chair and stood long enough to put three mugs and a large bag into a woven basket. Lyn held out her arms to receive the gifts and smirked at being patted on the head. Shifting the basket to one side, she gestured to Lucilia that she was sorry by passing her hand from her mouth to the teacher. It was a common a gesture that she asked Satori, or one of her students, to explain the meaning of to those she interacted with most. Including the teachers who spread the meaning further, adding gifts for praise in using it. Lyn then turned to Mei to wave her hand while to Ssarak she mentally spoke to.


Her eyes shifted a bit and recalled her earlier curiosity. ’What does ‘fuck off’ mean? Both dad and Alaira have used it a few times, but I never knew what it meant. Do you?’
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


At this point, Ssarak was honestly not expecting the situation to actually improve when Lucilia suddenly opened the door. Much to his relief, however, she ordered Grey to stand down, then invited himself and Meirin inside. Hopefully, the entire meeting would remain civil from start to finish. Lucilia’s treatment of Lyn was of course an issue that Ssarak did not intend to abandon, but the situation with Alaira was an entirely separate matter that they could address more immediately. And of course, the college, and even Djarkel, could benefit from acting on the information they were carrying quickly.

”Thank you. Rest assured, we are here only to give our report on the events which transpired on our mission. We uncovered information regarding the problems plaguing that area of Djarkel.” Ssarak said, slightly bowing his head to Lucilia as Grey finally allowed them to pass. As Lucilia was walking to her closet, Ssarak walked over to one of the chairs in her room and regarded it for a few moments before deciding that it was likely too small to accommodate him. He witnessed Lucilia weave a basket with her magic and give it, along with a few other items, to Lyn. None of the items he could see seemed particularly strange, and Lyn was certainly happy to receive it, so he elected to say nothing about it. Instead, he read into Lyn’s mind, something he had developed a habit of doing while in her presence. He heard both her greeting, and the quite…interesting question she asked.

Ssarak did not hesitate nor flinch in his response to Lyn. Having raised three children himself, he had gone through pretty much every uncomfortable question a child could ask. smiled at Lyn as he sent her a telepathic message. ”Hello, Lyn. Yes, I do know what it means. It is…insulting. It is an expression of emotion, something to show anger and to say that you want someone to leave. It is also impolite, rude, and inappropriate. Usually, saying it to someone will make them very mad. When you learn how to speak out loud, you should make sure not to say it, alright? But, aside from that, it is good to be home, is it not? Have you seen your mother or father since you got back?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Lyn watched Mei and Ssarak enter the room, still holding the basket, she stood where she was. She was aware how dangerous and delicate the scene seemed, feeling if she moved then they would all be crushed by the anger seeping into the room. At least, she thought it was anger. She didn’t get long to examine the emotions stirring in the air when Ssarak answered her question. Naturally the child frowned, her eyebrow raised in disbelief that her Aunt would use such type of words to be hurtful or mean. Her Aunt was a great person after and no one could convince her otherwise.

’I don’t understand. Dad and my aunt are good people so why would they use words to hurt others? Why would they want to? They aren’t bad people... are they?’

She looked at Ssarak with curiosity for a moment before moving onto the next topic Ssarak had asked. ’I’m just happy everyone’s alive. And yes, I did see my parents though Dad’s hand was nothing but a stump. He got seriously hurt and I couldn’t protect him or make it better. I’ve not tested out my herbamancy since I got back which I’m a little scared it might never work again. Part of me wishes I could use it to help mom. Something’s wrong with, I can feel it but I don’t know how to fix it. It’s like she very, very sad and my gestures, actions and usual stuff isn’t enough. I can’t really say anything because I can’t put my thoughts into words. It’s why I like you, Satori and the other psychomancers. I can say fully what I feel without worrying about something getting misunderstood. As good as those who love are at understanding my gestures, they don’t say everything. Does that make sense?’
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Everything." Was Althalus' simple reply to Tyrael. He eyed the gauntlet suspiciously before putting it to the side. He would have Khan look at it later. Just because Tyrael said he didn't make it or mess with it didn't mean Althalus believed him. Besides, he didn't even have his main hand painfully regrown yet. He smirked at Tyrael's comment about a hand. Whether it was an intentional joke or not, it was still amusing. Even more so with Tyrael's obvious comment about their liking of each other. "You don't say Tyrael? And here I thought we were going to become best friends."

He answered for Lidda. "She's fine Tyrael, healed except for a few bruises. She's in our room, resting." He paused, wondering briefly if telling Tyrael about Mesa Gaan in this manner would end well at all. Still. Lidda was right about Tyrael. "She needs your help Tyrael. Mesa Gaan has been wiped out by the Yarosmerians. It's hit her hard."


Uicle walked into the room shared by Mar and Althalus, glancing around at the remains of the fight. "You know, most couples just scream at each other for a bit, then one of them leaves before it gets really violent. It seems your lover isn't that smart." He commented, heading over to the Naga. He examined Mar, and then tsked impatiently. "Lidda, you could have at least mentioned that I would need a knife." After a brief moment of silence, there was soon a whistling sound. The door opened before the knife could thunk into it, and the blade flew into Uicle's hand. "I'm not going to kill you so please try to remain calm. I don't want to make you hold still. Tyrael might be upset." He carefully made a small cut in Mar's arm.

He began drawing out the venom, while continuing to talk to Mar. "It's a unique feeling, isn't it? Self-loathing. Not quite like any emotion out there. You keep trying to hate yourself, convinced that you're not worth the time of day. But there's always that person or group of person who sticks around, who insists you are worth it. Insists that no matter what you've done, they'll never leave you. And despite your best efforts they do stick around. Rather annoying isn't it? Almost throws you into a rage. Sometimes it does, but they still stick around. It eventually passes Mar. You'll recover. Althalus is too stubborn and annoying to let you not."

"Regardless, don't worry about banishment. Lidda won't say anything, I won't say anything, and Tyrael won't say anything. You won't be banished for a long while yet if we can help it." He gathered the venom in his palm before turning to leave. "I suspect Tyrael will be on his way soon. Might want to prepare yourself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak gave a very slight chuckle, which would likely be missed by those not paying close attention to him. "Bad people? No, not that I am aware. They are not bad, but...they make mistakes. They are not perfect, no one is. Your parents, Alaira, myself, and even you will all make mistakes, but that is okay. A good person is not someone who never makes mistakes. A good person is someone who wants to do the right thing; someone to tries to do good. Personally, I think you are a good person." He answered, though he was concerned about what she said about her parents. Althalaus' injury was of course serious, but the college possessed some of the most powerful vitamancers in all of Tien, so it was not that much of a concern. What was more worrying was what Lyn said about her mother. Ssarak had seen people fall into saddness, into a depression from which was difficult to escape. He could not know for certain if that was the case with Mar, but the amount of worry Lyn seemed to have for her mother did suggest that it was more than simple sadness. Ssarak was hardly an expert on such matters, but he did wonder if, perhaps with Lyn's help, they could assist her. If nothing else, Lyn would certainly enjoy speaking to her parents with the words she truly intends to say.

"I would not worry about your father." Ssarak continued. "Lidda is probably one of the best vitamancers in the world. She understands how the body works better than anyone in the college, and I would be willing to wager that she can grow his hand back as if it had never been hurt. As for your mother...maybe you would like to talk to her? Really talk to her. I could come visit you and say the words you want to say, so you could talk to her through me. How would you like that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aramir, Auriel, E'nasha and Hyllos

Aramir glanced over from where she was herding the last animal to Liam’s cart to be hitched, being too short to properly hitch...anything, seeing Auriel heading towards the back of the carts. Why do I get the feeling something bad is about to happen? She asked herself, taking a few steps towards the Forest Elf as Liam began working on hitching the animal to the cart. Because it’s Auriel. The little snow elf sighed, and headed quickly towards where she had seen Auriel disappear behind the carts, glancing out over the edge of the plateau to where the Roc had flown. She couldn’t see anything, which was probably a good thing. Probably.

As she rounded the carts to spot Auriel, she called out to the Forest Elf. “What are you doing?”

Auriel suppressed her surprise quickly at the sound of Aramir’s voice behind her. The sight of all that gleaming metal in the carts was just too much for her to resist, and she had gone around the other side of the cart to get a better look at them. Of course, while getting a better look, one of the particularly nice gold and ruby rings had disappeared down her top. Another one had made it onto her finger, and she was just about to pull it off when she was discovered. She turned around slowly, keeping her hand behind her while trying to look natural. “Aramir… I’m uh… just checking on the cart. Making sure it’s secure.” Her voice got more confident as she went, sorting her story out in her mind even as she spoke.

Aramir sighed, running a hand through her hair. She knew exactly what Auriel had just been doing, and no amount of skilled lying was going to change that. “You know, we’re supposed to be returning all of this stuff. Not stealing it. Put back whatever’s in your hand, and down your shirt. I know you Auriel, don’t try to continue lying.” She eyed Auriel with an exasperated look on her face.

“You do realize that whoever owns these carts is going to check their inventory, eventually find out that whatever you have that it wasn’t left here, and they’re gonna check Lucilia’s records to see who was on the mission and start asking questions and searching, right? So please, put everything down your top and in your finger back? I’d rather not have to deal with guardsmen questioning me and we both know I’d give you away in a heartbeat, terrible liar as I am.” She shifted uneasily, somehow feeling that the Forest Elf wasn’t going to put anything back.

E’nasha finished double-checking all the ropes holding the animals before starting to wonder where the two Elves had gone off to. She walked around the carts to see them having a conversation, though she was far enough away to not know what they were saying. She yelled over to them. “Hey, all the carts are tied up! Time to go.”

Aramir cursed in her native language, glancing back at E’nasha and yelling back “We just need a minute!” She glared back up at Auriel. “Put them back, quickly, before we all end up as giant bird chow or she comes over here and finds out that you’re stealing from the carts. I might be willing to put up with your almost obsessive need to steal, but I doubt she will. And I don’t want to fight someone we just saved.” She jerked her thumb at E’nasha.

E’nasha walked over to them as they spoke, pretty much sneaking up on the Snow elf. “You wouldn’t have to fight me, you’d just have to tolerate my preaching for a while.” She smiled at the two, showing the joke. “Put whatever it is back, and let’s get going, ok?”

“Humph.” Auriel stamped her foot and looked terribly injured, mortified even, as though asking her to put back the jewelry was the worst thing anyone had asked her to do. For a moment she just glared at Aramir, then sulkily held out her hand to Aramir. “But it’s so pretty…” She whined. “And I was gonna put it back... eventually…” She continued in the same hurt tone.

Aramir rolled her eyes as she took the ring off of Auriel’s finger. “Sure you were. And I can turn into a dragon!” She put the ring back on the wagon, narrowing her eyes at the forest elf. “All of them Auriel. Even the ones you stuck down your top.” Aramir held out her hand, hoping she would make things easy for once.

At that Auriel’s sulking expression shifted suddenly and drastically to a sly grin, and instead of retrieving the ring, she knelt down on the ground so the much shorter elf would be able to reach it herself. It was too much fun to force her to get it herself if she really wanted Auriel to stop this particular theft. She had, however, entirely forgotten that there was a second ring there too, the one given to her during the strange incident in the forest beforehand. One that she had wanted to keep away from Aramir until she’d had time to think.

Aramir’s hopes were dashed as she saw the expression on Auriel’s face change abruptly. Gods help me. She thought, dismay crossing her face as she saw Auriel get on her knees. She knew exactly what the Forest elf wanted, and was already turning red at the thought. For a moment, her morals wrestled with the very tempting prospect of just letting Auriel have the damn ring. Unfortunately, her morals won out and she gritted her teeth and walked forward. By the time she was within arms reach she was bright red. “I’m going to get you back for this.” She whispered to her roommate, finally just shoving her hand down Auriel’s top.

Much to her surprise, she found not one ring, but two. The ring she knew was in Auriel’s top she managed to grab, but the ring she hadn’t expected had somehow gotten onto her finger. As she pulled her hand out she could feel something changing. Things were being removed. It was a very odd feeling. She could feel herself returning to her normal blue color, and gave Auriel her own grin.

Before the Forest Elf could react, Aramir placed the hand with the ring on it on the back of Auriel’s neck and kissed her for a long moment. When she was done she leaned forward and whispered in the Forest Elf’s ear. “Just wait till we get back to the College….”

Auriel’s grin persisted as Aramir gave into her morals over her embarrassment, her skin changing to a shade not unlike Auriel’s fiery hair. However, when Aramir’s hand came out, there was another ring, this one already on her finger. The moment Auriel saw it, her expression changed to one of pure shock, for she remembered exactly what it was, and what it was supposed to do. Before she could reach for Aramir’s hand to get it off, the small, now blue again, elf was kissing her, a surprising and unpleasant, for a change, turn of events. She pulled back, but was left speechless. She didn’t have the slightest idea what to do now, and numbly nodded as Aramir spoke.

E’nasha watched the event in mild horror and confusion until she forced herself to look away. “Umm, we should be going down the plateau now right? Don’t- um, don’t make me have to separate you.”

Aramir frowned in mock disappointment at Auriel’s silence. “What, nothing to say? Don’t worry, we’ll fix that when we get back.” She gave a suggestive smile towards her roommate, before turning towards E’nasha, an innocent look on her face. “Separate us? Whatever for? We weren’t doing anything wrong. I was just expressing my relief at Auriel not choosing to steal the items we came to recover.” She suddenly gave a sly grin at the human. “Unless, of course, you were feeling left out?”

“What?! Uh, no I think I’m going to, uh leave and-” E’nasha started panicking to the point where she couldn’t speak coherently anymore, so she mumbled something and went back to the front of the carts to start them down the plateau.

“Aww. I guess not.” Aramir commented before shrugging and looking over her shoulder at Auriel. “Well, come on. I can’t drive a cart, and the sooner we get to the College the sooner I get to pay you back.” She gave Auriel a smile that implied all sorts of things would happen when they got back to their room.

Hyllos continued to fly looking for the people her mistress told her about and spotted them.In was in the sunlight so she couldn’t be really seen and she flew down lower until she was flying in front of Aramir and Auriel and asked. “Are you the ones Colette told me to find?”

“Um…” Auriel began, starting to slowly recover from the shock of the radical change to Aramir’s demeanour brought on by the magic ring. “I think so?” She said to address the bat.

Aramir jumped only slightly as Hyllos landed in front of them. “Colette, the cute girl who went with her cute friend Annabeth to fight the Roc? I assume that since you’re here, you won the fight against the Roc? Did everyone survive? Is it coming back here?”

“We are fine,Colette surprisingly made a choice to make me a familiar and then she killed the roc herself protecting Annabeth” Hyllos said

“Ok then…” Auriel said somewhat skeptically. She didn’t really know about this talking bat, but neither did she care. She was still processing the change in Aramir. “Lets just get going shall we?” She said, leaping up onto a cart.

“That’s great!” Aramir said, clapping her hands together. “Tell Colette we’ll be on our way shortly, provided we don’t crash on the way down the mountain.” With that, she clambered aboard the cart with Auriel, and they headed off to regroup.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Lyn loved making people chuckle though she wasn’t sure what she had said to make Ssarak chuckle. She was massively relieved to know the people she loved weren’t bad people as she shifted the basket, putting it down for a moment to let her arms to rest. Her head tilted when she noted a worrisome flicker in his body language and narrowed her eyes, studying him closer and resembling her own mother for the brief moment. Though she lacked the sober expression, even the hardness in the features that screamed distance, blinking once then listen to his next words.

’Dad’s pretty strong, isn’t he?’ Lyn said thoughtfully in her mind. She paused to absorb his words and then nodded, voicing in her mind to accept his offer. ’I would like that. Thank you Mr. Mom’s not a violent or monster like I’ve heard many of the others students whisper about her when they don’t think I understand. She’s just having a hard time. More so since she can’t…’

For a moment Lyn struggled with the right terms, confusing and feeling the wiggling worms start in her middle again. She has trouble showing her feelings at all. Something about being a Naga and it’s bad to. I don’t think she knows how or something. It’s hurting her. I know it is, but I don’t how to fix it and inside, I’m scared. She won’t ask for help because of her pride even when she needs it the most...

Lyn was starting to feel depressed at how dark the conversation turned. She wanted to be held and told everything would be alright, though she knew asking it would’ve made her sound rather spoiled. Her feet shifted over the floor while wondering if there anything she could do.


Mar’s head moved a small bit to spot who was the source of movement outside the corner of her eye. She didn’t react beyond a small inhale and turned back to face the wall, never a word escaping her lips. It wasn’t hard to see she had been crying more in Althalus’ absence and her eyes had taken on a reddish hue, stinging slightly. He commented but barely any drew a action from her save his first, her coil tightening and pulled shamefully under her. It hurt to know she couldn’t stop herself as her arm was gently taken then sliced open, the sting the only thing peeling away the dead numbness within her. She felt the blood pool at the cut’s entrance but it never poured out. Instead vivid pink leaked out and stained her flesh.

She had moved upright so Uicle could work, though she doubted the effort was well spent on her. It wasn’t worth it. All she had done was lash out and caused Althalus enough pain, unable to calm the chaotic storm when it reached its peak within her. Sealing them away had been much easier in Mesa Gaan. Not enough unexpected events to poison her and crack her bottle inside. Days blended well together that was nearly impossible to tell one from another, the change so little that very few elements could provoke a reaction like the one she was sinking into. At the last of his word she sighed and spoke.

“Reassuring since there is no longer a Naga city for me to return to, the college is the only place I have left.” It was painful to admit it, it was easily heard in her tone. “Living in Yarsomere is a death sentence for my family now.”


Lidda had been about to answer when Althalus jumped in, mentioning the detail of Mesa Gaan being wiped out by the Yarsomerians. Her eyebrow raised in surprise. She turned to Tyrael and seemed rather thoughtful about the matter, before adding what Althalus forgot. “Like Althalus said, she’s resting. Uicle is filtering out the poison as we’re speaking. Though only you, Uicle and me, thought soon to be Sam as well, will know about this little incident currently. Sadly, as much as I hate it, it might be best to keep this incident from Khan. He might view it best to keep her under Den arrest and I get the feeling it won’t help her in the least. However, Khan has a whole school to think about before a single Naga and her family which puts him in a difficult position. It seems something is going on with her, that much is clear but it’s nothing physical that I’ve found. Which means it’s either mental or emotional. None that I can help with.”

She gestured they walk while they talked, trying to get Althalus back to the infirmary and taken care so she could retire for the day. Regrowing his hand was going to be a full time job, one she wanted over as soon as possible. Too bad her Earl Grey tea leaves had ran out earlier that day and she was too stubborn to talk to Lucilia about restocking her supply. “Right now, we’re lucky. Khan is up talking to Ovak. He’s been acting a bit… odd lately. So it seems to be spreading and Ovak is the most understanding of any of us. So if Khan learns of this and tries to banish Mar, we can try to go over Khan’s head and talk to Ovak. Though keep in mind he’s ill, so we’ll have to approach this gently. I really hate doing to this Khan but I rather have a spare move to play should we need it.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Ssarak Dyreackthanose


Ssarak could feel more than just the words that Lyn was trying to convey. Within her mind, he could also feel her emotions, which were mixed between sadness and fear. She wanted to be held, to be comforted. Honestly, he did not even need his magic to determine that, as he could recognize when a child needed support. Ssarak knelt down onto one knee to bring himself down at least somewhat close to Lyn's level, then gave her the hug she wanted. "Do not worry, Lyn, we will talk to her. We will help her. I am sure that, out of anyone in the world, she would love to talk to you the most. I just have to speak with Lucilia first." He said reassuringly, this time aloud. To the others, who did not possess the context of the conversation, this action would likely seem entirely random. Although, the knowledge that he was a psychomancer would likely provide a strong hint as to what transpired.

As Ssarak stood back up, he looked to Alaira. All of the frustration that had built up as a result of the encounter with Grey seemed to have dissipated through his conversation with Lyn. "Perhaps you should take her to Mar or Althalus; let her be with her family." He recommended. As soon as Alaria and Lyn left, they would be able to commence with the debriefing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Grey Onyx

Grey stood there, simply staring to each of the other two... Ugh. It was obvious that he had just made that up... Not that she didn't appreciate written reports. Easier to review, assuming the damn things were accurate. However, it was the only convenient excuse he had at the time. These two were up to something, he knew it, and he wouldn't just let them pass... The funny thing is, he likely would have let them through if they had been totally open, or at least told him more. In his mind, whatever they were keeping from him could be anything, since it had been awfully hard to go with rational assumptions lately, and he had made quite a few mistakes... Not that this wasn't one.

He shook his head. "You're hiding something! Why the hell would you lie to me? And then you just try to shove past me anyway, it's ridiculous!" He shouted, shifting his position slightly to cover an opening he had just spotted. "And no, I'm not. If this woman was really as bad as you say, I would have heard some kind of damn struggle. Since I can't be sure what the hell it is I'm not being told, I'm assuming it isn't good. Now-" He was interrupted as, to his surprise, Lucilia opened the door. He seemed nervous when he turned to face her... He knew that expression, and it wasn't a happy one. "L-luci-" He started, but she interrupted him. "I-I was just-" he started, trying to explain, warn her, anything. However, that stare of hers couldn't be ignored. He relaxed, shield-arm dropping to his side. "Yes Ma'am. I understand Ma'am." He said with a sigh, nodding slowly.

He left without a word, attempting to deal with his emotions internally while he tried to calm himself... It seemed that any plan to relax had been basically invalidated, given that now that he's thought about it Meirin and Lucilia were the only two people he knew he was on good terms with and he'd just made himself look like some sort of crazy person in front of them... Well, there were Khan's two demons he let roam around, but he hadn't seen them... Who knows where they could be? He doubt that they'd be roaming around, given the dinner fiasco a while back... Which was a shame, since they were basically all he had left to talk to. He hadn't seen Coco anywhere, he didn't feel like he'd have anything to say to Leith... Not that he was on bad terms with him, he just didn't feel like they'd have anything to talk about.

Athalus and Mar were also out of the question, and he didn't know how the elf would react if she found out his injury was caused by his own stupid mistake. once again, he was hit with crippling indecision... Just what was he supposed to do now? He groaned, sitting in a bench after wandering off a ways... He tugged at the belts keeping his shield in place, tossing it beside him as he looked up... Huh, that window was familiar. He took a look down both ends of the hall. Huh. This was where he chased Zaad that one time.

Alaira Taenn

Alaira was silent as she watched the apparently confused guard leave. Ssarak just seemed to have that effect on people it seemed. He just seemed to have this special talent to inspire people all around him to make complete asses of themselves. She just stayed quiet while watching the two... He also seemed to have a habit of getting what he wanted, no matter what. Maybe one of these days she could take him down a peg? And his high-and-mighty bitch too. Regardless, all of that bullshit was for later. For now, she just had to keep an eye on Lyn, and to be honest that was all she really cared about doing at the moment.

She was somewhat relieved when Lucilia asked her to leave... Less so when Ssarak did. She stepped close, giving him a light shove. Not really enough to move him at all, just as a sign of general disrespect. "Do not talk to me..." She growled, scooping up Lyn as she walked out the door... Now what? She wasn't going to head to her parents quite yet... She wanted to wait as long as possible and hope that whatever was going on with them would have cleared up, at least slightly. "What do you wanna do?" She asked Lyn, holding her out a bit so she could look her in the eyes. "We can go visit the gardens if you want?" She asked... She knew she quite liked the gardens, even if she herself never understood the appeal of flowers. She always thought plants were kinda boring, but whatever. That's how she thought about most things you couldn't hit people with.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Khan was furious as expected.

Rathel knew it whenever he tapped into the connection they both shared. He also acknowledge exactly where his demonomancer, currently talking with Ovak and it seemed to make his fury at his demon fade. Something that made the demon become relieved that the archmage could temper such anger, deciding it was best to avoid the pair for the present time. Just because he was marked and enslaved to another mage, didn’t mean he had to check on Khan when he didn’t need it. It was one of the few negative things about being a demon as he had no free will after he willingly bound himself to Khan. His mind flickered back to when the Eysire was so young and foolish during the time, enough to risk dying just gain his power to help his brother. A misguided notion that caused him to feel pity for the road Khan was traveling down. The guilt was the biggest factor driving Rathel to create a loyalty and hope to prevent his mage from swirling down the very same path.

It was a full time job and well done until recent events when Rathel allowed his own passions and pride wash over his responsibilities. A terrible and regretful thing that was bound to happen some day. He only wished it was sooner rather than now, mind filled with Kudd’s little, dark gift and fratting slightly over the repercussions of it. Most the students and teacher body was left in the dark about the matter but was that really best? Rathel’s heart felt it wasn’t his place to decide that.

His feet sensed movement as Grey’s body shifted upon the bench, his weight unsettling the normal stillness and giving the demon a vague notion of size. A large human, likely the most recent guardsman, Grey Onyx. He tapped into the feelers on his face to scent the hormones lingering in the air. The man’s current mood was easy to determine, depression, as the diagnosis surface to Rathel’s mind. Well, that won’t do. he thought and shifted closer to the gaurd.

”Reminiscing over your run with Zaad? I thought Lucilia would’ve fixed that window by now, don’t you?” Rathel spoke, gently, to stir casual chatter. Getting to the problem’s root always needed a gentle and firm touch, though never a hurried one.


Lyn held onto Ssarak tightly, her little arms wrapped in much needed comfort and drawing what warmth she could from him. His hug helped melt away the anxiety, pain and worry for a brief moment. It made her realize that above everything she could ask for, she just wanted things to be alright. That was most important to her because nothing seemed to be. Right now, tension and hurt feelings threatened to drown her and there was nothing she could do to fix it. The realization was painful to her most of all. That she had caused this misery, something she regretted the moment she asked Lucilia to put her into that cart.

She left go when Ssarak stood upright again, his words requested Alaira to take her back to her parents. It was met with aggression toward the Esyire as Alaira stepped forward and shoved him light, making Lyn’s eyes widen in surprise and shock. Did she do something to make her Aunt angry at Ssarak? Was it because she hugged him? Unsure what had caused the hatred toward the male, she watched Alaira growl causing Lyn’s arms wrap about herself to keep from touching anyone. Without much warning or time to grab her basket, she felt herself scooped and held in Alaira’s arms on the way through the door.

Lyn looked back at the gift basket left behind until it vanished, their exit made quickly. Her mind reached with sorrow and confusion in her head, speaking a single phase that she hoped out make everything better towards Ssarak. I’m sorry for getting you in trouble with Alaira…

In moments they were gone, walking outside the hallway a distance before she was held out enough to look Alaira in the face. When her aunt asked her where she wanted to go, she didn’t think it was wise to tell she wanted to get her basket and instead looked at her with worry. It was clear she was worried, blaming herself for what happened back in Lucilia’s office, then gestured yes. The idea of making shapes in the clouds might put her aunt into a better mood and apologize for what she did wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Leith ran his left hand along the wall as he walked. His mind was a lot clearer than it had been since he got back to the college. He wondered whether or not he should let Lucilia know about the ring that had affixed itself to his finger and the information that came with it. He decided he would, but not right this moment. Maybe a bit later in the day. When it was a bit more quieter. He continued his aimless walk until he spotted Lyn and Alaira.

It was crazy to think that it had only been two months since Lyn was born. She had grown so fast, quite literally. Leith still needed to get a gift for her, but with how fast she had grown, he had no clue what to get her. He'd figure it out sooner or later. With a smile, he approached two.

”Hey, kiddo," he said to Lyn before nodding at Alaira. ”Alaira" He looked between the two of them. Lyn looked worried, but that must have been because of Mar and Althalus having been taken to the infirmary. ”What are you two up to today?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin Kurenai

Meirin was a bit releived when Lucilia opened the door herself. She really didn't want to have to fight with Grey just to talk to Lucilia. It wasn't as if she wanted to trick Grey, but some things were best left on a need-to-know basis, and Grey didn't need to know what Lucilia did. Not yet anyways. Things were only less tense however when Alaira showed up. Or rather they walked in on Alaira. Seeing an open window Meirin could guess how Alaira arrived but wasn't sure why she was here. Was she trying to cover her mistakes preemptively? Somehow, that didn't seem in character for Alaira. Sure she may not care to take responsibilities for her actions, but she also didn't seem like the type who'd actively try to hide what she did. Which only made Meirin even more curios to know what Alaira was doing here. She even brought Lyn, which must mean something.

Ssarak knelt down to Lyn and hugged her seemingly at random, but then Meirin remembered that he was a Psychomancer. He was probably talking to her and figured out something from her. Or just knew Lyn wanted a hug. Meirin quietly stood off to the side as the scene unfolded, only for the moment to be ruined when Alaira rudely shoved Ssarak as they were leaving. "Really now?" Meirin really didn't know what Alaira's problem was. She was starting to get the feeling that she was just being a bitch for the sake of it now, which really irked Meirin. Did she even have a reason to be so angry? But at least the red-haired woman had the self-control to let it pass. Now that Grey, Alaira, and Lyn were gone Ssarak and Meirin could give their report.

"I'm not sure what Alaira has told you so far, but we managed to procure some documents from the mission. I think they'll be very important, though some of them seem encrypted. We also met with a guard captain who was under the effects of a psychomancer's spell. His name was Gran Soren, captain of the Tide Tower barony." Meirin carefully placed the various pieces of evidence she had on her, such as the map, journal, rings, and even some of the weapons from the robed mages.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Roc Mission

Aramir, Auriel, and E’nasha managed to ride the wagon down the plateau and come to to a complete halt at the bottom, the axles and wheels intact amazingly. However some contents had been broken and damaged while they descended, revealing precious cargo from rings to a few pygm phoenix eggs snuggled safely within the hay in the smallest crate. Not wasting much time, Sir, the large raven, immediately spotted them as he swoop downward to ruffle his feather head against E’nasha. His hard beak crackling out a caw of joy with each movement, his claws digging into the soft flesh and minding not to pierce it. Eyes lifted to the skies just in time to spot something.

A winged, oversize bat fluttered in the blue skies with horns and screeched out her sonar, gaining an idea of her surroundings. She was looking for the people her mistress indicated as she let out another subsonic cry and located her prey immediately. She mentally spoke to her demonomancer relaying her victory then swept downward, landing upon the nearest herbivore, a small goat, before chirping for their attention. When all eyes flipped to her, she then spoke guiding them back to Eural, Annabeth, Colette, and crew. It was a short reunion as they ambled their way back to the college, using the combination of Samson, the mare and various other small grazers to arrive.

At the gate’s opening, Rurik was there, the redhead and bearded dwarf looked relieved to see his cart back in one piece. While smiling at the motley, he stomped up closer with a jolly look on his face. As a thank you for helping with his task, he gave each a choice of prize from his current goods: Either one pygmy phoenix egg or a magical ring.

The egg was key component in creating elixirs to fight off blood sickness and restore magic, a very valuable item as a mage and novice. A ring option had three choices, each with their own color and runes carved for a unique ability per day. A ring with a red gem allowed the user to absorb one magical attack up to three times. Green casted a silence spell for an hour. Finally, the yellow could cast a soft glow that was able to locate lost items, illuminate darkness and blind foes with a flash spell sending them stumbling up to an hour before needing a day to recharge. When a choice was made or given, the students were sent their merry way to report to Lucilia or relax.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lucilia Riovas

Lucilia could only sigh at the attitude that Alaira made as soon as Ssarak and Meirin entered. Obviously there was some bad blood between the three of them, no doubt having something to do with the events Alaira told them. Honestly Lucilia wasn't surprised and in a sense would have approved of them, but only because after the fact they turned out to be useful. Still Lucilia would have to carefully consider who she sends Alaira with next time. She'd need to send her with someone who is more... Adaptable. Alaira quickly left with Lyn leaving behind the gift basket. Lucilia wondered if she did it on purpose but devised a way to get the basket back, and maybe ruffle some feathers while she was at it. "I need to stop causing trouble... But it's so tempting."

Putting those thoughts aside for a moment Lucilia turned to Meirin who brought some evidence forward, as well as telling her about the guard captain. She's never heard of him but made sure to keep a note on him. He may become a useful contact in the future. She examined the evidence with interest, even recognizing the ring. She seemed to visibly become angry upon seeing the design, but this was replaced by a slight joy. She at least knew who one of her enemies were. She also skimmed through the journal noting the cyphers on it. She was certain she could break the code with time, but that was going to have to go into her To-Do list.

"Very impressive. And what of the caravan master? I'm hoping his disposition was content by the end of your mission."

Tyrael Marchosias

Tyrael stood silently as Lidda and Athalus informed him of what happened. But what hit him hardest was the news that Mar's home, Mesa Gaan, was gone. He couldn't believe it. While he always knew there were forces in the Ravine which could have certainly overpowered the Nagas if they organized themselves, to hear that the Yarosmere were the ones who did it was unfathomable to Tyrael. What got into their heads that they'd attack one of the largest (Relatively speaking) population of the Naga? And if they were gone, who would keep track of the Ravine beasts near Yarosmere? It just didn't make sense to Tyrael. If anything it was best for the Naga to have lived there, as they ensured that no Ravine beast would have roamed to the surface. Something sinister must be happening if those in Yarosmere were willing to risk their borders to wipe out the Naga, either that or they found something in the Ravine. Tyrael was going to need to look into this thoroughly. And see if he could find survivors... Another day. Right now he already had one survivor he needed to go see.

Leaving without another word Tyrael walked over to Mar's room. Normally he stayed away from there, mostly because he's too busy to visit, but also because he knew that Mar liked her privacy. It's not like Tyrael needed to baby her all the time... Though from what Lidda had told him, perhaps he should. As he was walking on over he debated to himself how he should approach Mar. Normally they don't exchange words. Normally if there was a "Problem", his solution was to take Mar out and find something to kill, like a cyclops or something. Do something to get all those raw emotions out of the system. But obviously this has proven to be a bad idea since Mar has been expressing her emotions through violence. Tyrael's been doing his part in ensuring that Mar doesn't get expelled, and as much as he doesn't care if she kills Athalus, but now he decided that it was time that they had a talk. At the very least he wouldn't be as beaten and bloodied as the puny mortal was.

Tyrael arrived just soon enough to see Uicle leave. Knowing that his work was done Tyrael soon made his appearance. He saw Mar coiled against a wall, the wound were the poison was extracted still fresh. It would heal of course, but Tyrael saw it and knew that it wasn't the only wound Mar had. He looked around and took a chair from a near by desk, likely Athalus since no one here made chairs for Nagas. Tyrael sat down a bit away from mar, close enough that she could see his face. Despite being a demonic orc, concern was easily noticeable.

"Marya you need to learn how to express your emotions so you do not hurt yourself and others."

Philosophies and speeches were great with others, but between Mar and Tyrael, he was going to go strait to the point. He didn't just stop there either.

"Mesa Gaan is no more. But it was gone to you when you came with me to the college. Gone for you. I tried to make you feel at home here, at the college, but I have spoiled you. I chose to protect and justify your actions. But I can do that no longer. The college is your home now. You must adapt to living here. You will to learn how to communicate with others using words. They cannot understand your actions. So you must explain to them, express with emotions. It is new to you I know. But here at the college you will learn."

Tyrael then moved a bit closer to Mar, bringing her one of the bed cushions for her to make comfortable, to crush, or maybe throw at Tyrael in anger since he'd rather not have her throw the chair at him. Whatever she'd need it for. Tyrael sat back in the chair and laced his fingers over each other, looking directly at Mar's eyes. "Tell me what happened during your mission. Everything."

Annabeth Gulch

After the hectic event which was bringing the horses down from the roc's nest, they all managed to return from their mission alive and well. Annabeth was quite surprised to see Colette's growth in power, and was a bit curious as to what happened between Auriel and Aramir. Annabeth couldn't say she knew Aramir very much, but she seemed much more... Lively. Perhaps something excited happened and she was simply high off the energy? That's how Annabeth explained it to herself anyways. Regardless they arrived back to the college later that night. Rurik was delighted at their arrival and rewarded them. A choice of magic eggs or magic rings. It was quite a selection, and as tempting as it was to take more than one Annabeth settled for the pretty green one, the Ring of Silence. She had a few ideas how to utilize this ring with her own magic. Not only that but with this ring she could sneak a few naps or two during classes without snoring! Not that Annabeth sleeps in class, but now it was an option.

But now that they have arrived to the college, Annabeth was quite tired. She didn't realize it now, but she was also rather sore from all the things she did today. Running after a horse, tackling a runaway wagon, fighting the roc, and using her magic. She started to notice the bruises on her body and while they were only just sore, she figured that now would be a good time to get some well-deserved rest. But before she would leave she looked to the others. "I think one of us needs to report the mission to Lucilia. I suggest one person from the Extraction Crew and the Bait Team. Any volunteers?"
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